File #35407: "Frank McMillan 1923 & 1924 54.pdf"


large orchards of, pears, peaches etc. from there on to Perris the road runs down Valleys between hills and was all farming country leaving Perris we go straight West 16 miles of farming country. (were it is not rocks and hills) till within a mile of Hemet. arrived about noon. left our coats at a drug store & started down the main street. we came to a nice shady cross street called Santa Fe street we had our lunch under some pepper trees. on the other side was Olive trees. we picked a few branches of them with Olives hanging on yet. saw a man ploughing an apricot orchard with a disk plow. (three large discs and a wheel to pack it over) drawn by a tractor. took a snap of it also a snap of the orchard the apricots were in blossom, they sure trim the trees back, one reason the man said was that the trees all shot out shoots and they shaded the fruit and kept it from sun scalding. he said they have been very cheap. some old as low as $10 00 per ton should have $30 00 to a ton to make anything, very dry here this winter has been irrigating his orchard for 6 days. and it looked dry to me. now, he says they are all sold to the Canning Factories have two in the town, also said they
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