saw another old resident of here. says this place will be dead this summer on account of no rain this winter. the farmers will not want any farm help. as they have no crops of hay or grain. eight or ten years ago orange groves sold as low as $300 to $500 an acre. and that the boom started about 4 years ago Received letters from Ham. and Mr Smith. Mrs Smith is getting better.
March 7. Charlotte & Doris sneezed and coughed all night Charlotte in bed this morning with a beatufil rash over her face. weather is fine & warm and bright it sure is wonderful winter weather my arm getting sore today what will it be like when I get twenty injections. Charlotte very sick has the measles proper I guess.
March 8th. Charlotte very sick yet. and Doris coughing and sneezing guess she is getting them too. got second dose in my arm this mormning. The Dr. thinks Banning is alright says it does not get as hot there in summer as here but I guess cooler in winter.