File #37847: "EllamandaMaurer_1928-29_071.pdf"


September, 1928. 20 Thursday, Drizzly dreary day. Walter & Ella went to Kitchener this afternoon and did some shopping. They had their supper at Lincoln Weaver's and went to the Elmira Mennonite churh where Rev. Heiser preached. 21 Friday. Fair. Rain & windstorm this evening. The men plowed this a.m. Walter took a load of chopping to Floradale this afternoon. Louis Miller called. 22 Saturday. Fair. The men plowed this forenoon. Our company for tea - Mr. & Mrs. Colson Jefferson, Roy and Lois. Colson fixed up a gasoline engine for the men this afternoon. 23 Sunday. Fair and cool. Rain showers tonight. We went to {Woolwich?} Sunday School this morning and went up to Grandpa Krauter's for dinner. Tonight Walter & Ella went to the Mennonite church where Rev. Heiser and Rev.C.F.Derstine spoke. Vernon went over to see Harvey Reist.
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