File #38582: "OlivePhilp_1920_074.pdf"


== July 1920 == MONDAY 5 Ploughing summer fallow. Fine and quite breezy. TUESDAY 6 Finished ploughing summer fallow at noon. Da ploughing in little patch on other place. Brock cut lawn after he finished on summer fallow. Fine but got dull to wards evening and raining a little. Brock to Gilmet for 4 bafe berries. WEDNESDAY 7 Da cutting weeds in orchard and choring in forenoon. Brock helped clean pipe and chimmnery. Making door for partition in pig pen and banking round trough and brought up the boards from low well. Misting and raining all day. Heavy fog at night and colder. Put young cattle on other place. Aleda Farrow and Stanley By hrarried.
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