== July 1920 ==
Working rape ground in mornign and sowing ich. Brock to town for more seed. Da sowing little patch at road to rape in afternoon. Brock cut a piece of hay in field below little orchard in afternoon. Lue to town at night. Brock 27 yrs old. Da gone him a gold watch. Warm and looking like rain. Got quite dull about six o' clock.
Brock to town at night. Very heavy rain in forenoon and again in the night. Cloudy all day and sultry.
Very dull in morning but turned out fine. Robt and Brock putting regulation on the Lord windmill forenoon. Olive and I washed bug washing for the afternoon. Brock put the back and fork on thebarn in soorking orden. I went to the bush to pick berries. Brock went with one to show one where to pick and Robt come back later. Robt sweeping and dusting up stairs and door. Plus went down to garden for Betty in the evening.