== July 1920 ==
Robt horing, and scuffing and Paris grumming potatoes forenoon, and jort of afternoon. Them scuffing corn. Brock cutting down hay for, raking in the afternoon and finished cutting. Cool breezy day. We jroned forenoon. Olive and Betty went up to Roy off.
Robt and Brock getting ready to drow hay from other place drawing all day. Fine day. Leu she off Georgie came down with the car and took Betty over to W. Mitchell and I went along for the ride. Brock, Olive and Betty went to town at night.
Robt mooning till eleven on the other place and Brock raking. Then both drawing in afternoon. Olive went to the bush to pick berries for and a little better full. Betty and Olive down to Mossers for berries very fine day.