File #38601: "OlivePhilp_1920_093.pdf"


== August 1920 == TUESDAY 31 Put off a load of oats and lifted back windmill, put in a new rod and started it to pump. Drew in 5 loads of oat in afternoon. Mr. Shaferof Arthur and Jim Johnolon here with an Edison phonograph. $275 quite a little shower in early morning and misty but cleared up in afternoon but still dull. Mr. Lu Raecker died this morning. == September 1920 == WEDNESDAY 1 Drew in 8 loads of oat from behind barn. A girl boat agent here for dinner. Beautiful day cool breeze. THURSDAY 2 Drew in 8 loads of oats from back by ditch. Mother and I down to Lu Raecker in afternoon. Beautiful day. Quite a frost last evening.
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