File #38692: "OlivePhilp_1921_020.pdf"


Brock to town at night. Billie up to Sam's in afternoon. Bright and colder. Brock done chores, sifted ashes and chopping in afternoon. Down to meet the {illegible} train. Mother & father came home from Chatsworth.. Quite bright and much colder. N.E. x 3/4 N. Done chores and drawing out manure Billie & I to town in afternoon and at the picture shows at night.. Brock up to Harry's to see sick norse. Dull and mild. Done chores, choppong % cleanind hen pens. I took BIllie to morning train. Brock at Chas Shneider'd sale in afternoon. I over to Nod's for tea. Brock over in evening. Snowy and cold wind
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