April 1921
== SUNDAY, 10 ==
Home all day.
Melville went home in afternoon.
Flurries of snow and real cold wind but bright-.
== MONDAY, 11 ==
Brock done chores. Chopping and threw out the manure. Then was covering the drains in afternoon.
Mr. Woodman out and read Da's will in evening.
Fine and bright- but cold north wind.
== TUESDAY, 12 ==
Done chores. Jack warren a reluctant soldier came to work. Finished. Draining out manure to {illegible}. Ploughing in afternoon on the 8 {ae?}. below maple tree.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe {illegible} then Dr. Gillie called. Mr. Henderson called in evg for
Rather dull like rain.
== WEDNESDAY, 13 ==
Jack Warren come to work this morning. DOne chores and finished morning corn ground. Then drew a load of {slong?} from of the {sae?}. on other {flace?} Clara went to see Mrs. {Heo?} walters. She died yesterday. Brock to down at night.
Bright and warm. Nothing like rain.