File #38742: "OlivePhilp_1921_070.pdf"


== July 1921 == SATURDAY 24 Uncle Will and Mr. Gaeb here for tea. Lizzie here in evening and had an Sade. Home at Gommeie's in afternoon, home abotu eight. Fine and warm. MONDAY 25 Brock raking and home cuttign back of barn in afternoon. Earl hearted helping draw in after noon and Brcok cutting, some more back by ditch. Fien and breezy in afternoon. TUESDAY 26 Home finished putting strip back around the ditch. Earl here all day and all drawing in. Very close that. Thunder storms went around all night and 11 laods to day and 32 in all to date. WEDNESDAY 27 Drawing in and raking from back by ditch. Earl here all day. I to town in afternoon. Brock dawn at night. Warm and very high wind all day. Thunder showers came around.
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