File #38767: "OlivePhilp_1921_095.pdf"


== October 1921 == THURSDAY 20 Brock ploughing all day on other place. Dirly day. Scuds of rain forenoon. Snow felll during night. FRIDAY 21 Brock ploughing on other place in forenoon. Then mother and I helping him take up mangelo in afternoon. Got in 4 loads. mr Shaupeau came up this evening. I to Palmerston with Mr. Hnederson, Janet, Grace and Rotta Cuagg. Scuds of rain and snow in morning but hill afternoon. SATURDAY 22 Jacking up mangelo and finished them 11 laods also harrawed potatoe round and picked up potatoes. Mr. Shaupaeu helping all day also Herb Shepenoon. Brock gave him $5.00. Fine but very windy.
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