File #41483: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1863-1867 27 Diary.pdf"


Saugeen January 16th. 1865. Nathaniel Edward Leeders Day Book and Memoranda. 16th. Paid to the Postmaster at Southampton the sum of Sixty Seven Dollrs. and received a post office Order for the same payable to J H Mason Secretary & Treasurer of the Canada permanent Building & Savings Society Toronto, Paid Four Dolrs. due on Freds gun to the gunsmith and Twenty five cents for a new nipple which it badly wanted then brought the gun home. 17th. Posted and registered a letter to J,. H. Mason S. & T. C.P. B. & S. Society containing my pass book and P. O. Order for the sum of Sixty seven Dolrs. Received the first number of the Canada Farmer which I had ordered sometime previous. Bought a pair of Shie packs One Dolr. 23rd. Bought Peas for seed which makes my portion to the general stock 5 Bushls 19 lbs against Roberts 5 Bushls. Chopped 5 B. 22 lbs. Took three bags of wheat to Mill and had 2.69 lbs of Flour therefrom. 24th. Commenced using the Flour. Bought the Bull and steer from Robert for the sum of Twenty Dolrs. the two. Bought wheat of Robert at Sixty Six cents Forty. One Bushls. Forty lbs and paid him for the same Twenty Seven Dolrs and Fifty cts. Bought a pig of Robert for One Dolr. and a half. 31st. Began to split Rails for Robert. Split 215
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