File #41490: "Nathaniel_Leeder_Sr_1863-1867 34 Diary.pdf"


May T. 16th. Robert paid Uncle Iden Sixty One Dolrs this is for Interest last year and this year till the first of July on the Mortgage held by Iden against him. Splitting wood and draging. Excessively hot thermometer 83 o in shade. W. 17th splitting wood, fencing grindstone, draging and chopping. Paid John Mackintosh the Dolr this is a quarter in [[excess?]], the work done by him putting hooks on a loging chain and mending common chain. Paid Gordon Three Dolrs. Two for loging chain and on that was left unpaid on the things we puchased the other day. Paid James George wife Two Dolrs fifty cents for shoes he not being at home, the shoes were one pair for Father the other for me. Paid Ruby Four Dolrs. and Two cents; for spade $1.121/2. Grind Stone $2.00 Timothy seed 621/2 cts. Tobacco 22 cts. Th. 18th. Loging & draging. F. 19th. Salters Cattke draging all day. Sowed wheat. S. 20th. Draging in the wheat on the new land that I sowed yesterday sowed Clover seed on the orchard 111/2 lbs of Clover and four pints of Timothy on the [[pease?]]. Robert bought 1 Rake 60 cts. Pair of sheep shears 621/2 cts. Pair of Shoes for himself $1.50. Mr. 22nd. 12 Yds of Trousers stuff - $3.84. Hat 1.25 Broom 35 cts. flannel .75 Do. 40, 2 yds cotton [[lining?]].50. Pins 10. Net 20, 2 yds of Woll stuff for [[Ed?]] $1.60 Building fence. Robert pulling out stumps. T. 23rd. Draging. Robert commenced plowing that part of the Oat field which was not plowed through to Schwendkers. W. 24th. Sowed rather better than two acres of oats put on six Bushls. draging. Th. 25th. Draging. Cap for Fred 41 cts. Necktie ad handkerchief 45 cts. Dress and fixings for Maria $3.28. Bottle of oil 25 cts. C F S. altered old Billy by cording him. F. 26th. Draging doing outer fixing to fences. S. 27th. Sowed Timothy seed on part of the field above the Barn at the rate of 71/2 lbs per acre. Making fence
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