File #42309: " Franklin McMillan Diary 1928 22.pdf"


Weather fine & resumed hoeing & cultivating strawberries. Some heavy, but still spraying 6 tanks more on. Seems to be a fair crop of cherries, got a few plums but bullocks look light, and no pears at all. June 13th: Finished spraying 16 tanks in all. Would take about 20 tanks if a crop of pears. No pears so only gave them a sprinkle & slight blunder; shower in the afternoon. June 14th: Cloudy, looks more rain. Heavy & cultivating. June 15th & 16th: Heavy hoeing & cultivating, warm in daytime but cool nights, nearly frost. June 17th: Sunday, fair but cool east wind. Had supper (picnic) near Arcade, called on T. McWilliams on the way home. June 18th: Started to weed carrots, small rain after dinner and all night. June 19th: Rained some more this morning. Cleaned up muck and cleaned tiles & drains after dinner. Everything flooded. June 20th: Hoeing corn, tomatoes & strawberries. Pretty wet yet.
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