Course there being about 18 {?}, and all showed a good interest in the lectures Neff gave us on Soils & Fertilizers and Insect Pests. We got home in plenty of time to do up the night chores. Enah was rather upset by news she got from Courtright today saying that Jean James was married having done the trick on the sly. Colder.
Wednesday January 9th
Frank and I went down to the Course this morning and we had a young fellow from Cayuga up to give us a talk on Cultivation but he wasn't much account. Neff also took up Fruit Growing. The fellow from Cayuga said they were to have started a Short Course down there yester day but all the boys were afraid to leave the farm for fear of being drafted so he said. The tribunals exempted them on condition that they would not go off the farm for more than three days. This after noon the class went up to Ham Thompson's to judge poultry but as I found out from Huby that Jack Ivey had a car of coal in and that we could get a ton if we came after it right away I came home and Dad and I went down and got a ton. We were very lucky to get it as the car was nearly empty and there is no betting when there will be any more in and we were just out. To-night Frank and I went down to Aunty's for tea where Win, {Lilu?}, Dess and Marj. were also assembled so we had a very pleasant evening. Not so cold but rather blustery to-day.
Thursday January 10th
Frank and I were down at the Short Course all day. This after noon we tested whole milk for butter fat. I took down a Sample of Elgitha's milk and it tested 3.3% which Neff said wasn't bad. I only took the milk from her front quarters and didn't get to the strippings which would make it go higher. I got my film from Billy Gordon to-day and to-night Enah and I printed pictures. The ones I took of the ice covered trees were pretty good. Not cold rather windy. Dad sepurated the new calf from his mother today.
Friday January 11th
Frank and I went down to school this morning and had Feeds & Feeding and Bacteriology and this after noon most of the class came over here to judge our sheep. Tupper's & {Stau?} Lowrie's law suit came off this after noon and Frank heard when he was down to-night that Tupper lost his suit and {Stau?} got $6.00. Frank went down to the Red Cross dance to-night