File #43215: "Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 13.pdf"



Monday January 28th Frank has been at school all day but I didn't go down, I stayed home this morning to help Dad take one of our young sows down to {surname?} and then at noon I decided I wouldn't bother going down. I went down to-night and Marj. and I went to the picture show to see "The Whip" and it was very good. It was a very rough morning with an east wind and sleet but got milder this afternoon noon and almost rained although it didn't go above zero. Trains are all late again. Tuesday January 29th Frank and I stayed home this morning intending to haul ice but when we went down, we found that they weren't cutting as the water had backed up on the creek so we came home and told Dad. and he thought we had better go down and get a load of coke, as they have a car of it in and don't know when they will have any coal in. We got a load but could only put on 1300 lbs as it is light stuff. It burns quicker than coal and makes a hot fire. Dad. went down with us to see Jim Bannister's old mare and Jim brought him back. Jim was going around with yester day's mail as he didn't get any farther than Evan's yester day and there was no mail in on the Hamilton road to-day. This after noon Frank and I went down to the class but they all came over to Martin's to pick and judge chickens. so I shovelled Aunty Alice's snow and came right back. Milder this afternoon noon & cloudy. Wednesday January 30th Frank and I went down to haul ice this morning and we got one load but they told us not to come after any more till to-morrow as Val. was filling cars and was afraid he wouldn't have enough, so this after noon we went down to the class. We had a little work on fruit growing and then formed a club to be known as the Junior Farmer's Improvement Association which is quite a large organization through out the province. They put me in as president and Frank secretary-treasurer. I stayed down to tea at Aunty Alice's and to-night Marj. and I went up to Simcoe for a skate. There was a big crowd at the rink as it was a special event put on by the Presbyterians. We had a good time as there were several up there we knew Belle Symington and Bill {surname?} went up from here and we saw Clara Hoag, Neff, Martin, and others up there I have a brute of a cold. 10° below zero this morning. Nice day.
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