File #43228: "Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 26.pdf"



would come down and play at Billy Thompson's funeral tomorrow after noon. It will be in the church and they wanted the choir out. This afternoon noon Dad. walked down to Bob. Law's funeral and was gone all the after noon I walked down to see Olga Ryerse as Mrs. Bell suggested and when I got back Frank and I polished harness for a little while. Lloyd Ryerse was in for awhile to-night to see what to do for an old ewe that lambed early and has a caked udder. {Surname's} cow had a pair of twin calves this morning which has caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood. When Dad. went down this after noon they had them in Jack Martin's wash-house where it was hot. The latest news is that Jack Payne has bought Wess Boughner's farm and is putting Lilly {surname} husband on it to raise short horns and Wess Boughner has bought Mrs. Duncan's place. Froze very hard last night. Fine sunny day. Tuesday February 19th It started to rain during the night and has rained most of the day so we didn't do any thing much but chores. Dad. and Frank put the pig in pickle this morning. This after noon Dad. and Enah went down to Billy Thompson's funeral as Enah had to play. It was a masonic funeral but Dad. had got no notice so wasn't with the Masons. Frank drove them down in the bob-sleigh although there were some very icy spots on the road. They got home about half past three and brought with them the geese that Enah bargained with Al. Faulkner for before Christmas. I spent most of the after noon reading "Queen Zixi of Ix" to Tid. I finished a good book to night. "The Double Four" by Phillips Oppenheim. Wednesday February 20th It turned very cold during the night and has been down to zero with a strong west wind all day. We haven't down any thing much but chores as it has been too cold to work out side with comfort. I wrote a letter to Mr. Bent this morning promising him our best ram lamb next fall as I had a letter from him yesterday day say ing he would be willing to pay $55.00 for it. Tupper was in for a few minutes before noon on his way home from town and Charlie Munroe walked through on his way to the mill. He told Dad. his horse was better but not well yet. This after noon Dad. walked over to John Wesses and took him one of the calendars we got from the Department of Agriculture. He found
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