File #43232: "Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 30.pdf"



morning, then Dad and I took Pommers out on the rein. he went just as well as ever. About noon a peddler came in and asked if he could have his dinner and put his horse in, so he did and turned out to be an old acquaintance of Dad's by the name of "Chinny" Klause, one-time farmer, milk dealer and carpenter on the Round Plains and at present travelling all over the country in the interests of the famous Rundel. Pain King Medicine Co. leaving bottles of None Such Liniments salve "to be paid for next year and collecting money for what was left last year. He seemed to honestly believe that it would do all that the Company claimed for it which was that it would cure any ailment that affects man or beast and can be applied either externally or internally. He and Dad. had quite a visit and he proved to be very entertaining telling of his experiences on the road. and others. He used to be a great pal of Jeff. Langs and told Dad quite a lot of news about them. This after noon Frank went down to Corbetts to get Leigh to telephone all the boys of the J.R.I.A. and tell them about the meeting the Woman's Institute are having and in vited us to. I went down town to-night and came home with Enah who had gone down to tea and church. I was too late for church. We had to walk around by the mill. Thursday February 28th We put on a load of hay this morning and took it over to the barn for the cows, but didn't unload it. This after noon Dad. and I drove down town and had Joe shod and Dad also negotiated with old Walker for a loan of another fifty dollars to pay for our supplies from the Norfolk Co-Operative Association. Huby was here when we got home, he had walked over to have Dad. look at his dog, he didn't stay to tea. Frank cleaned out the shop this afternoon. Art & Charlie Quanbury stopped in on their way home from Henry Misner's sale which they said went well and where Art bought Hay rope & slings, to tell us that Tupper was going to thrash in the morning & wanted a man from here. Mild but cloudy & rainy all day. Friday March 1st Dad. went thrashing over to Tupper's this morning and was gone all day. They didn't get started till after noon so didn't finish by night. Neither Henry Misner was there with the machine nor Tupper, he had to go to Simcoe. Frank went to the mill this morning and got some chaf. We also went up to the old cherry tree and to some sand to plant seeds in. Mrs. McPherson
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