File #43241: "Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 40.pdf"



when they got there the cow was alright. Dad. says Art. was standing in front of her with a broom stick and Colin behind her with a corn stalk. and it was hard to say which was the wildest Art or the cow. This after noon Dad. and Frank cleared up a lot of the old fence bottom around the corner field and burnt over nearly the whole field. To-night Dad. went down to put Aunty's parlor carpet down and didn't get back till after twelve as they had a visit from Edgar Cantelon the artist and Huby was there to talk to him. Another great big lamb came to-night, the property of No. 6. It looks as if it was a week old. Pickford was over this morning to borrow our cyclone seeder to so his Spring wheat and he did this after noon, but those who saw him disking and harrowing say it was a very muddy operation It has been even warmer to-day than yesterday & no wind. Friday March 22nd Lloyd Ryerse came in again this morning while we were at break fast to get Dad. to go down to see the pure bred cow as she had another spell the same as yester day. Dad decided it was from drinking too much cold water. I went out this morning to catch Dad's ewe and hold her for the two lambs to suck and was very surprised to see her licking a new lamb. In about an hour another one arrived. Both of them were fine big strong lambs a ram and ewe. and it was a week ago yester day that she dropped the first one. At eleven o'clock I went up to Simcoe to take in Yeager's sale. I thought may be I could get a cheap saddle but they didn't start the sale till half past one and I left at four so I didn't see any thing but horses sold. The bidding was very slow on them and there were no big prices paid. They brought in a big bunch of Clydes which averaged about $350 a team and the highest price paid for hackneys at the sale was $700. for a team. I came down on the five o'clock car with Louise who has come up for over Easter. Another fine day but cool north wind. Saturday March 23rd I went over to Jack's again this morning and helped Billy get out two more loads of straw on the straw berries. It got pretty soft when the sun got up well and we got stuck with the second load and had to put part of it off. This after noon I put
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