File #43258: "Theobald Toby Barrett 1918 Diary 56.pdf"



Friday May 3rd Dad and I cleaned up what few oats we had in the bin this morning and Dad. finished drililng the field before dinner but it took him till night to get it all harrowed and furrowed out. We are now through seeding. I sent the morning fixing up a coop to put my little chickens in and clearing up the back yard. Frant went out and pulled all the posts out around the cornerfield cleaned out his bee hives and put them away (as the bees are all dead.) and worked some more on the wool box. when Dad. was ready he went out and helped him run the ditches. Neff was in the after noon with some of the potatoes for the J.R.I.A. plot and I went with him over to Lorne Myer's Lorne wasn't home but we left the potatoes there and had a look at the land. Neff said it was alright. To-night I rode Queen up to Ham Thompson's to see about spraying. Dess was over after tea to-night. She and Dad. each got a letter from Dick who expects to be home in a couple of weeks. He wants to get in the Navy but Head Office ordered him to report for accountant at Imperial. Sask, but the manager told him it wasn't worth his while. Fine day. Saturday May 4th We expected to start in first thing this morning and shear the sheep, but when we went to take the horse clipping attachment off to put the sheep shearers on we couldn't do it. The directions with the machine said to put a screw driver between the cogs and jerk the handle back ward and we tried that several times but were afraid of breaking the little cogs in fact we did chip a couple of them. Art Quanbury came in and tried it but couldn't do any better so at last Frank took it down to Mr. James. He worked at it for an hour than advised Frank to take it up to the garage. The fellow up there and old Hamaker couldn't take it off but when George Gamble came in and did according to directions aparently the same as the rest had tried it came off in a minute. He seems to be a regular wizzard with machinery. Frank didn't get home till after noon so it was late when we got started and Rus Lampkins was in for quite awhile so we only got the white ewe and the old ram sheared. This morning Dad. and I cleaned out the worst ditch in the oat field across the gully
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