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{April 17 cont'd...}
chores. Mark was in for a few minutes on his way downtown and we had quite a heated discussion on prohibition. Tomorrow, Ontario is to decide whether or not she will allow the importation of liquor and we all have our own ideas about it. Mark and I stick up for the rights of the individual on principle while the others are more practical and think the welfare of the state should be considered first. I'm no friend of booze but I feel that prohibition is more of a Prussian ideal than it is British but as most people think the other {way?} don't care. Dad went down to night to see Aunt Ida who has been quite sick. Has been a miserable day, Snowed three or four inces that night and has been raw & rotten today.
Monday April 18th
Frank went down to Pickford's this morning and they finished building the cellar. I took some eggs over to Jack Martin and Dad took kids to school and brought Jack Martin back with him. Jack is canvassing the congregation to increase the revenue of the Church and is doing very well. This afernoon Marj and Enah drove down town and Marj stayed down to tea and went to the Girl's auxillary
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to night. I went down to band practice to night and we came home together. Aunt Ida was sitting up to night but looks very sick. {illegibile name} dropped a roan heifer sometime during the night. Dad is going to try to milk her but she is pretty wild I have to stand and scratch her all the time Dad is working at her with great force and no warning. Lovely day, sunny & mild but windy.
Tuesday, April 19th
We bagged up some oats first thing this morning and Frank took them to the mill. Marj. and I pruned raspberry bushes till noon. This afternoon Frank & I went down and got a load of sawdust to put in the ice house. Frank also got a couple of boards to make a little closet in our room. I saw Aunty down town and she says Aunt Ida is worse again. Dad went down to see her to-night and Enah went over to Uncle Ward's to see Ada who is improving. Dad had a letter from Dick to-day saying that he has been ordered to report at Montreal, but doesn't know what they intend doing with him there. The returns of the polling are not all in yet but so far there is over 100,000 majority for non-importation so I guess the {illegible} have it. Dover went 150 maj. for it