Mr James Cameron Island
17th of April 1891 John H and Stanley in the Bush at Boiling Frost Last night Sold Eggs and Butter to Fishermen 70 cents cranes yellow hammers Pheabys and Bitterns or Mare-Drums came
18th Uncle Duncans B Day Raining West Wind Grenada First Trip Yesterday Friday Boys Fishing EEls Got 20 and 4 cat Fish Boiled some to Day Made 2 Gallons to Da the Last Boiling taking some of the Dishes out of the Bush
19th Fine Gordon here John H went to Hamiltons for the Papers the 2 Girls went to Lewis's Island
20th Fishermen to Lancaster with Fish Trimming all the apple-trees Boys Getting EEls Tapt 8 Trees for Vinegar run well
21 Taking away the Banking Fine Randolph to Lancaster Leander to Summerstown Yesterday Got a Plough Point from Mr Ward 40 cent 1/2 lb Tea 20 Mr Kelly here with Licence to Fishermen Got a ______ from Fishermen Digging the Garden Leander Got 15 EEls set the Leech took Potatoes out of cellar cutting seed Randolph got a P Point
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Mr James Cameron Island
22nd of April 1891 Fine W Wind Leander for a P Point took Mr Wards home Ploughed some For the First Drew some Logs of Pine and cedar Stanley and I on the Pitt Pitt Point setting Fires Lewis child in for Milk and syrup thought the Ferry Boat came in to Lancaster to night Picking stones cut all the Potatoe seed and Left some Big ones for eating
23rd St George's Day Rain Thunder E Wind Phillip got Matches and 1/2 Gal of syrup Working at the cookhouse Planted Onions
24th Hugh Ann and Livinia to Dundee For nails 5 lb shingle nails 20 10 lb of nails 30 put up the Rafters Blue 7 cotton 40 onions 10 Boards on the {illegible} Ploughing
25th St Marks DAy snowed Through the night and snowed to Day some hail and cold John H set his Line Fishermen to 2 lb of Butter Randolph went for the Papers Blustering all Kinds of Weather
26th Lewis here for Flour Tobacco and Matches the Girls went to Mr Craigs Randolph to church Lewis got syrup Randolph Broke oar Narcisse got syrup 25 Butter 25 a Tug went Down up
27th at Cook House Ploughed and Planted Potatoes took some Banking from the north side of the house
28th Windy Tow Boat with a Raft at anchor opposite here The Alexandra went Down some Grains of snow Big Wind Ploughed some on the hill below the house