File #44078: "James Cameron 1891 Diary 28.pdf"



Mr James Cameron Island 17th October 1891 Some W Wind and E Wind Dishaw and {illegible} Drawing Wood cutting stove wood Leander for the Mail split a Hicory 18th St Luke {illegible} Fine E Wind John S Summers and George {illegible} Water very Low got a Letter from Dan wanted Butternuts 19th E Wind Fine Banking the House Mr Genie here going to Cornwall high Wind Brought me a Bag of Apples and a Bag to the Fishermen Filling 2 BAgs with Butternuts Leander shot 2 Ducks 20th E Wind High high Wind Rained Fixing some of the stable Floores Fixing strings on Decoys not many Ducks Alexandra went Down Make Apple Juice Vinegar 21st Windy Fine W Wind Drew some Wood Took in all the apples of the Trees Mr Genie came From Dundee a Great many went up and Down cutting Wood Pealing apples 22nd Windy West W Drew some Wood to Charlie Parishas this afternoon went to night at 6 o clock some Wild Geese to Day going East a Few Grains of snow 23rd Our Hugh's B Day W Wind cool a {illegible} came From Lancaster with Fisherman {illegible} name is Senecal Charles Craig and Boys here Taking the Banking {illegible} the North side of the house Fixing {illegible} the cook house 23rd Livinia's B{illegible} Windy Fixing the Bags a Tent in {illegible} 25th My Birth Day 1825 St {illegible} Day all Shoemakers Day Girls {illegible} Hamiltons for the Papers Heard Death of Caty McDougall {second page} Mr James Cameron Island 1891
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