File #44085: "James Cameron 1892 Diary 2.pdf"



{page one} Mr James Cameron Island 12th of Jany 1892 some Rain crofsed the ice to Hamiltons ice not very Good got in coming Back took Dinner at Hamiltons got apples Heard Mary Ann McLeod Departed or Robert MacDonald's Widow A Quere Kind of a Man called at Hamiltons and took the ice there acrofs to Hopkins Point Like a Man that did something Bad On the Day of the Month Our Mary Departed in Williamstown a year ago to Day 13th E W Snowed Randolph Came and went Back a Man here from Lewis was there all night stopt here all Day went of his name is _______________ gave him Boots and so 4th the colt not well 14th Election Randolph came for me to got Gave me three Dollars from McLeods Farmer we went up to Hamiltons and John Gordon Randolph and I went to Lancaster voted for RR McLennan A McArthur against him 350 Majority 15th cold Leander Bad with his Leg ----------------------------------------------------------- Turn Back 3 1/2 Leaves for Jany 16th {page two} Mr James Cameron Island 16th of Jany 1892 Very Fine Day EW Went to Hamiltons for the Papers 17th Fine Lewis's 2 Boys here and Dany Spink 18th Began to snow W Wind cutting stove wood seen cutters crofsing Summers Road cutting hay Lots Fishing EEls 19th WW snowing Drifting cutting hay put the sheep in with the calves a very Frosty night 20th very Frosty Fine at stove wood seen one of those Big White Backed Eagles he is Looking for Ducks and Muskrats aroudn the air-holes a Lot of air-holes smoking 21st St Agnefs Day W Wind Drifting stormy turned Fine Drew 2 Loads of Wood Grinding the axes 22nd W Wind Turned to snowing Drifting Drew some Wood From the Beech Tree in the upper Bay some water Raising 23rd The Chine New Year W Wind snowing Blustering made a Whippletree cutting stove wood Fixing a stall in the stable 24th Charles Tuppers B Day Windy cold 25th Robie Burns B Day Cold Windy Leander Crofsed to Summerstown Bought of Mr Ward Tea soap soda 54 Frank Laplante Bushing the Road on the ice cold Frosty 27th Frosty Frosty W Wind Broke on another Marsh hay stack 28th {missing} wind snowing not so cold Fine cutting {missing} Breaking Roads water Raising on the {missing} 29t Leander Bought of Ward pepper 10 piles {missing} 25 30 Friday 30 - 31 Randolph here {missing} went to Lewis got Sleigh over
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