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Mr James Cameron Island
4th of May 1892 Fine very windy The Fishermen went to with a Load of Fish The Cultivator came up First Trip The Terebone came up Monday Finished Planting the Peice of Potatoes above the house The Massena into Salmon River her First Trip putting Manure on the Lower Peice of Potatoes cutting Potato seeds and Fixing the Rest of the Potatoes in the cellar high high Wind cannot say if the Granada came out today
5th Fine Moved the cook-stove to the cookhouse put out the Double stove putting out manure on the Lower Peice Began to Plough the Piece for the Potatoes Cultivator went Down a Raft Towing Down 1 of the sheep a Lamb had to take it in the house as it is cold Dick went to Montreal yesterday a Fox on Alexis Island Stanley and I for a Load of Drift Wood
6th Ploughing the Garden Taken stones to the River Fine cool and Windy
7th Windy cool Leander crofsed Bought of Mr Ward Soap salt Fishermen to Butter 25 Lots of Touring
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Mr James Cameron Island
8 of May 1892 Randolph and Willie Rose here Narcisse here Fine The Girls and Stanley to Jo Lemays and Lewis's
9th Fine Day warm Planted and Drilled the Lower Potatoes Narcisse started for Montreal Drew some Rails to the Garden Fence Working at the Fence cut some Brush for the Fence Painting the White Boat Took a very Bad Pain in my Right Breast to night and its awful sore Took Radways RRR
10th Fine in Bed very Bad with this Pain eat hearty E Wind not working to Day
11th E Wind Commenced to Rain cold Fixing the Fence in spots a Lamb to Day the Leeck a Running Lye Making Leander a pair of Pants not well this Pain I have it yet and my Tooth is Bad
12th E Wind Cool Rained Found a Fine Large Pickerel at the shore on Land Drove up with the Wind a Mock Sun as the sun was near Down Narcisse Fixing Leanders saw Mrs Ward Departed Mr Hills Daughter Rebbeca