File #44102: "James Cameron 1892 Diary 19.pdf"



{page one} Mr James Cameron Island 8th of July 1892 Fine Mowing commenced Rain Thunder Lightning heavy Rain to night 9th Raining Gordon and D Spinks here Mercell her for Potatoes paid 25 cents for a 1/2 Bushell put a Few shingles on the Barn Thunder and Lightning 10th Leander and Hugh Ann and Livinia went to Dundee Fine Narcisse to Salt and Butter 11th Putting in Hay for the First put in the Grove hay put the calves in the Grove {illegible}ed the 2 of Them English cherries getting Ripe the Corinthan went Down Young Ducks out 3 of them Warm Fine W Wind 12th of July Orangeman's Day Fine W Wind put in 3 Loads of Hay very Warm Corinthian went up Dick and one of the men went to Fish at Lancaster very Warm Fine Leander crofsed Heard Fraser & Howard Had a Fight 13th Mowing 14th Warm Fine Mowing 15th Fine very warm putting in Hay Mowed some Rained to night Thunder and Lightning and Wind St Swithens Day Narcisse to Butter & oil {page two} Mr James Cameron Island 1892
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