Dec snow |
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drew wood from Armstrongs woods in the forenoon snowed in the afternoon the snow is very light |
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Ad took the sow to John Cooks this morning he went to Caintown to a teameeting with a load at night |
snow |
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began to snow about midnight last night & snowed about fifteen inches before morning the snow is very deep went to the funeral of Captain Earel he had a paralictick fit & only lived about four & a half hours after it he was buried at the Union Church Revd Mr Pearson preached |
snow |
21 |
Ad got 29 bushel of oats from John Johnston paid $35 per bushel I got a rod for to hang a lamp in the church & poker for the stove snowing & stormy to night |
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the Revd Mr Taplin preached in the schoolhouse & the Revd Mr Carrol in the church |
snow |
23 |
stormy all day there is no travel on the roads |
the road is drifted full |
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the road is brock through our field they came in at at John Johnstons gate & down his field till they came to Ad's road then across our field & out at the gate at the house |
very cold |
25 |
the Revd Mr Carrol preached in the church David and Vive came here to night Albert & Ida came also Mr Dean & Mrs Dean Mr Bilton & Mrs Bilton & daughter & Mrs Calhoun {illegible} |
26 |
very cold day no work done |
the road is very bad |
27 |
David & Vive Albert & Ida Ad Billie Ellen Jennet & Jennie went all to Young this afternoon the weather is a little moderate cold yet |
28 |
I took care of the cattle cold day |
29 |
the Revd Mr Ash preached in the church this morning he is the {illegible} minister the is getting subscription for Victoria College the Revd Mr Robinson in the Schoolhouse in the evening |
30 |
Ad bought bushel of oats from {illegible} |
31 |
Ad went to Gananoque with the {illegible} Billie {illegible} with a cutter & Mrs Bilton |
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