File #5086: "Deborah Bowerman 3.pdf"


4 _9th Edith would have been 18, to day had she lived,
5™°?* Lydia birth-day 37, went back to the
w oods with the children, to gather flowers,
_17th A young Colt, Uncle John came here
from Belleville a foot, stoped [sic] two nights with us.
_22, Anna Sophia & Fanny came here for a
v isit. __
_21st Fathers birth-day [sic] 84, Andrew Wycot
& Sarah here for a v isit. ____
_26. Silvanus Mullett & his daughter Victoria
here for a visit, returned home the 28. _
29th Nelson & Rachel came up on the
boat, _
[pg 4]
6mo 16th Our folks gone to the Sand-banks
a lso Anna Fanny E. Cadman & a Methodist
M inister from W hitby, ____
_21st Quarterly meeting over, Rufes King &
Margaret Newsome here, seven of our friends
here from Huntingdon,____
_23 ,r Anna & Fanny started for home,
_24 Elizabeth went home, Carrie took her
to the boat ____
7_3r 54 years ago to day [sic] my father & mother landed
Q uebec with 11 Children, 6 boys & 5 girls, _
_8th father & myself went to meeting, after dinner
w ent to see [Liphet?] Levens. Lydia went with us.
_9 Lydia father & myself went to see C. G. Bowerman
and his fam ily, ____

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