File #5094: "Deborah Bowerman 11.pdf"


[pg IB]
6m 15th 1876 Monthly meeting Levi Thomas
V incent & myself went, the rest stoping [sic] at
home by the stuff, things not going quite
p leasant,____
_16thWilliam Cronk buried at Grasse-point
V incent Levi Mary & Carrie going to the
f uneral,____
_19th Julia Ann Waters buried at Picton,
Levi Mary & Carrie went & the Children
E liza Brewer & Rachel Cronkite returned
from England.____
_20th Two weeks wash Nelson & Rachel
c ame up on the boat, ____
_22n Levi Nelson Rachel & Lydia went too [sic]
B elleville, back to the same day, found Mary quite
unwell with the [Janduers?],____
[pg 19]
6m 23r they went home Levi took them to
the boat, * ____
_25th All hands went to meeting except
L ydia & myself I having a bad sick head-ache
* Vincent Mary & myself went to A Derbyshire’s
to see E Brewer, the Steemer they
returned in was called the Britanick
on the ocean seven days & 16 hours, she was
470 feet long, drew 24 feet of water, 700 pasengers [sic]
the Crew 100, used 200 Coal a day, eleven
boilers drove the Enjine [sic], 24 firemen, they
baked four barrels of flower [sic] a day. _
_28th Levi Mary Carrie & Walter Levens, started
in the waggon [sic] for Yearly-meeting ____

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