File #5105: "Deborah Bowerman 22.pdf"


the Sand-banks.
4th Robert & Elizabeth left us for home.
[pg 37]
after spending three days with u s ____
7th Meeting day Father & Levi went, a fine day
A lice Sivetman here to spend her 14 Birth­
day [sic], Lydia doing a large wash,
10th First day Rachel’s Birth-day [sic] 9 years old, a very
w indy day it blew down the vine off the house,
S Hubbs wife & daughter here for dinner also
Thomas [Hasard?] wife & three Children, & Willie
M ullett, Carrie & myself went to meeting found
W ing Rogers there. ____
_13thWing Rogers made us a visit in company
w ith Johnson Brewer, ____
_17th First day I did not go to meeting, our folks
w ent over to Hubbs [sic], in the evening,

[pg 38]
1877. 6m 19th Reuben & Mary Elizabeth
Garrett came here stoped [sic] one night
w ith u s , ____
_20th Elizabeth Dorland died aged 33,
buried the 22n our folks went to the funarel [sic]
_23r Thomas Clark’s Son & daughter came
stoped [sic] all night with us, _24th first day
B arkley Jones from Iowa at meeting,
A woman friend from England there
in the afternoon by the name of Satherwait.

7m 1st First day Mary & the Children went to

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