File #5109: "Deborah Bowerman 26.pdf"


16th First day I did not got to meeting, a fine day,
about six in the evening Uncle Benjamin
brought Rachel Clendenan & her daughter
M ary, E Cadman & R Sills, Benjamin returned
home on third day also Elizabeth & Rachel
18th Gidion H Bowerman buried, Aunt Rachel
& Mary went to Nathaniel’s , ____
19thWent to Select meeting, Aunt Rachel &
[pg 45]
Mary went to Thomas Waring’s, _
20th Monthly meeting-I did not go, _
21st R Clendenan’s Birth day [sic] 71, went to William
V alentine’s for a v isit, ____
22n Started for Huntingdon Levi Mary and
the Children takeing [sic] them in the waggon [sic],
24th Our folks returned home about Vi past nine
leaveing [sic] Aunt Rachel & her daughter May at
U ncle Arthur’s . ____
29th Our folks went to the boat for Maggie [Stewary?]
o4lh Consider & Mary started for home
Deborah went with them, after being with
us more than six w eek s, ____

[pg 46]
lOmo 10th 1877, Levi took Carrie & Maggie Stewart
to the Boat, thrashing Buck-weat [sic] in the field
got near two hundred bushel, ____
_13th Carrie came home on the boat R Sills
c ame with her to dry some apples, returned
home the 2 0 , ____

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