File #5118: "Deborah Bowerman 35.pdf"


horse & buggy. ____
_15th Abby Ellsworth here & her daughter, & Maria
Ellsworth with her daughter Sarah Maria,
_19th Catharine [Jmpey?] & Amie Mullett came
L evi met them at Picton, 20th they went to
M onthly-meeting, 21st Went to the Sand-banks,
22n took the boat for Bellville [sic], 24th took the Cars to Niagra
S ailed for England the 29th 1878 _
[pg 62]
1878. 7m 1st Father Lydia & m yself went
o ver to see Amos Hubbs, & family a very
warm d ay. ____
_7m 7th Went to meeting a very hot day, Levi
& his family came back with us, also
Isabela Peterson.
_7m 3r 1821. We landed in Quebec, after a
passage of seven weeks, My father & Mother
w ith eleven Children, the youngest two years
old. a little boy called Benjamin.
_11th father Lydia & myself went to meeting then
d own to Levis, Came home & found Daly had
been here& left 15lb o f tea at 55ct a pound, _
25th Mary weaving out a peice [sic] of Cotten [sic] [ware??]
Six years ago to day poor dear Edith died,
great changes since then, it does not seem
[pg 63]
much like home any more, strangers comeing [sic]
and goin g. ____
28th Amy & Sarah here for a v isit, ____
21st Thomas Waring buried at our meeting-house
8mo 5th Consider died 40 years ago this evening

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