File #5119: "Deborah Bowerman 36.pdf"


about eleven oclock [sic]. ____
_10th S Richardson & Lydia went down
to [W oossoos?]-Island,____
19th I went down to see the Doctor, got
m yself some muslin for Caps ribbon,
Envelops [sic] books for Thomas. $ 1.90,
_21st Andrew Whycot Sarah & daughter,
Sarah 64 years old, & Lydia Hubbs 50 the 22n

[pg 64]
gmo 23rd pather Lydia & myself went out to
Levis stoped [sic] two days with them, it seems rather
lonesome to come back without the children.
_30th Sallie Taylor fell down stairs lived
about two hours after, was buried the first
o f 9m —

8m 3 1st Henry Mullett came from Whitby on
his way to the States, spent first & Second
day with us, then Nelson took him
to the boat. ____
1878 10/7 Stephen Hubbs brought my Sister
Maria here haveing [sic] come down with his sister
Hannah from Pickering. _
9th Arnold & Rachel Haight & Maria Niles
here stoped [sic] all night, ____

[pg 65]
10th Aunt Maria father & myself went over
to Levi’s stoped [sic] all night with them, went
to our preparative [sic] m eeting. ____
_13th Our General meeting begun, Did not
last but a week

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