File #5128: "Deborah Bowerman 45.pdf"


w ith us,
_19th Edward [Harard?] & wife here for a visit
Nathaniel Swetman, M Levens, Amey Leer
Robert & Elizabeth, & our folks from
B loom field. ____
_24th Lydia & Amey gone down to Reuben
Burlinghams for a v isit. ____
lOmo 24th Three inches of snow fell, Icicles
hanging on the window frames,
_26th Makeing [sic] father a couple of new flannel
Shirts, myself two night gow n s, ____
[pg 81]
lOmo 31st The Aneversary [sic] of my father last day. _
1 lm o 1st E [Liphet?] Levens died about three in the
afternoon, father & myself went down the next
day to see his remains, Mary driveing [sic] us down
in the buggy, & then called on Reuben Burlingham
4th Frederick Richardson here also Sarah Foster,
_22n Our fingers sticking to the door latch, so cold,
_24 Crossed the Ferry at Bellville [sic] on the ice,
w ith the horse and the Cutter,____
29th My birth-day [sic] 76, Levi Mary & the Children
c ame out in the evening bringing a roast duck
w ith them, Thomas quite sick , ____

[pg 82]
12m 5th 1880, We went out to Bloomfield
as Thomas was no better but worse, 7th
V incent & Lydia went out took the birds
& locked up the house, for three months,
Thomas not getting much better, _

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