File #5131: "Deborah Bowerman 48.pdf"


1881 7m 1st Maria Ellsworth here for a short
v isit, We took her up to Levi Varneys [sic] in
the afternoon, myself going along, ____
_2n Lydia washing, Stephen Hubbs
c ame over for her in the afternoon
_3r Sixty years ago this morning my father
& M other landed in Quebec with eleven
c hildren,____
_9th Elizabeth Comstock paid us a visit
spent part of three days with us.
9mo 3r William Barker called on me, had a
g ood visit with him, had not seen him for 50
y ears, __
gmo 24* §aiije Mallory & Mary Jones here
for a short v isit, ____
[pg 87]
1881 10m 18th No frost worth speaking of yet, Lydia
& Carrie up in the Village geting [sic] a dress fixed,
I have not been as well as usual for the last
two weeks, Altho [sic] I have finished this day a day-cap for myself now most 77, most likely it will
be the last I shall ever try to make.
1 l_ 4 th Paid Sarah Levens 50cts for makeing [sic] four
d ay-caps._ Made myself three Shimeys, Lydia got
h erself 6 yards of Cashmeer for a dress & flannel
for two shimeys, a pair boots,_ Mary & Rachel
gone to Lredericksburgh.____
_28th My Sister Rachel Died about ten
in the morning, buried the 30th she
7 5 years old, took her remains back to Mariposa
_ 29th My Birth day 77, shall I ever see
another, if not Oh that I may be ready.
Our folks very busy cleaning house Amy
helping Lydia. I got a Card from

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