File #7901: "Carver Simpson Diary Transcripts, 1881-1882.pdf"


Carver Simpson (1859-1949)
1881-1882 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive Volunteers

C.W. Simpson's diary AD1881
January 1st 1881. (Pleasant day. Berry, Gatie and I went to Minnies. We had dinner and
then went out to hunt, we did not get a shot at anything, had an excellant supper, talked a
while and then went home.
2 (cold) I went to S S and to Church, Sam and Minnie came and spent the day with us.
3 (cold) Berry went to Sams to draw hay, I went to the knoll and filled levelled the road. I saw
two partridges and shot a big black woodpecker, cap is the best partridge dog I have had yet!
4 (Pleasant) We are claying the road to day we have Sam R. W. J. and S Hunter, and A
Ingrum helping us We finished it about 4 oclock. Berry and I drew the horse power around
and set it in the barnyard
5 (Cold) I started to School, Berry went to Sams to draw hay, it was a bout 8 oclock when
they got their loads off. there was 10 loads in a head of them.
6 (Pleasant) I went to School, Berry went to Sams to draw hay down to town.
7 (Stormy) I went to School) Berry and Gatie went to Hextalls.
8 (Pleasant) We had a young calf came last night. I put red flannel around the doors, Berry
and Gatie came home this morning, I went out to Coins bush I shot a rabbit and a squirrel,
Cap ran the rabbit far about one hour steady. Sam and Minnie came over this evening. Pa
bought 4 sheep from Ezrah for {figure scratched out} $14.75 Berry brought them home to
9 (Pleasant) I went to S S and to Church in the afternoon Sam and Minnie came and spent
the day with us
{10} I went to School. We sold our sheep 20 for 100 dollars cash to Mr W Murphy. Berry and
I took them to Marsville, traded two of them to with Sam for two bad ones. We went to the
Orange Supper, it was only a mideling affair, I enjoyed my self considerably well

11 (fine) We had another calf this morning. I went to school. Mr. Griffeth and Mr. Rophe are
starting knots. {protractive?} meetings tonight, Berry went to it.
12 (Cold) I went to school.
13 (Cold) I went to school, and to church in the evening.
14 (Pleasant) I went to school, Berry and Sam went to the fair to trade off old Hicks, they
traded for two calves. I got a loging chain to boot. Minnie and Gatie went to Stevens. I went
to the debate in the evening.
15 (Cold) I went to school. Saw Sam he says old Hicks came home, he his afraid he will
have to take the calves back.
16 (Cold) We are cutting out sheves. Andie Heecyse's helping us. Sam recieved a note
warning him to take the calves or he would be put into further costs, so he tied their legs and
put them in the sleigh and took them. he called {Mamary?} a few names and told him his
{opinion?}. The Srangers met here today to straighten up the accounts and to balance their
17 (Foggie) I staid at home in the morning. Went to Church in the afternoon and evening Mr
Rolfe preached. Same and Minnie came down and spent the day. There was a funeral at the
church today. One of Tom Thomas Mideltons girls aged 12 years died of heart {disease?} I
had a big rat in the trap this morning and one yester.
18 (Cold) I went to school. Cap got caught in the fox {illegible} he roared like a bull in a bog,
he was not much {wor-?} went to church this evening, Rev Joe preached.
19 (Cold) I went to school. I caught another big rat
19 (Cold) I went to school Sam and and Minnie came down. Mr Griffeth and Mr Rolf were at
our place {cut off} they got Norman, Earnest Harrold Reid Christen when to church in the
evening. Robert, Prterfield, Kenneth Poriellp and William Tisdale went up to the peneton
bench, Mrs Rolf preached.
20 (Tokens of a thaw] I went to school, caught another rat the forth, I went to Church, Mr.
Griffeth preached.

21(Snowing) I caught another rat. Went to school, about one fut of snow fell today.
22 (Snowing) Berry and I helped Uncles to break in their two year old calf it went pretty I
killed a cat, mended Pas felt boots, and other chores, Sam Reid sold old Hicks for $15
dollars to Mooday the pump maker Albert Simpson had a son on the 20th
23 (Cold) I went to S Sand to Luarttar meeting in the afternoon, Sam and Minnie came today.
I saw the track of a mink it crossed from Blacks over to Uncles it was a good sized one.
24 (Stormy) I went to school and to church in evening.
25 (Stormy)I went to R. Hlins to get him to help us to skid sawlogs we skidded 22 logs. Sam
and Minnie came for tea went to church.
26 (Very Stormy) We were skidding logs skided 24. Berry and I went to church
27 ( stormy) I went to school and to church in the evening Mr. Griffeth closed the
meetings for the present. I caught another large rat. Sam and Minnie came down, Sam and
Berry yoked up a pair of steers, they went well.
28 (Stormy) I went to school caught one big rat. There was a man got on the road opposite
our place so he came to stay all night, he had 10 bushels of {cut off} and 16 of oats he had a
boy, and a cow also. He seems to be a pretty nice chap. He came from near Barrie and is
agoing to Eramosa.
29 (Pleasant) Berry Sam and I skidded sawlogs we got don about 3 oclock. Berry and I
yoked up the steers it wnet well. They ran over the seilgh and broke the box. Berry got some
heavy falls.
30 (Pleasant) I went to S S and to church in the afternoon. Sam and Minnie came and spent
the day.
{31} Uncle J {20?} Pleasant I went to school
Feburary 1st Cold) I went to school Hextall and Pricilla came down with come oats to be
chopped Sam and Minnie came also.

Mr Thomas came back today. He was six cattle with him he is going to stay all night. He
thought he would never get here the cattle were so bad to drive. He brought us a bag of
apples. He said if ever we went near his place we were to call in and he would do his very
best for us. He seems to be quite a Gentleman in his manners.
2 (The coldest day there has been for 10 years) Thomas started on his journey again tis
morning Berry and I helped him start with the cattle. Hextall started for home, I went to
3 (Cold) I went to school. The man that bought the oxen came and took them away today.
We sold them for $95 dollars. Berry went to Hextall's {HP?} to get a girl he is going to try to
traid Jess for cattle to fat. Ma is sick sent for Dr. Dr Barbet he says it is a slow fever not
dangerous the weather has been too severe for her.
4 (Pleasant) I went to the village for medicine for Ma. I churned two churnings, killed a dozen
mice, Sam and Minnie came down today Minnie staid all day.
4 (Pleasant) I went to Sams and to [intelligble] for bags to get damaged grain. Sam , Berry
Pa and I went to town we got 45 cut of wheat for a $1 cut very litle worse for the fire
5 (Pleasant) I came down from Sams went to Church in the afternoon Sam and minnie and
{6} (Pleasant) I went to school Sam Berry and Pa went to town and bought 12 cut of 60 cent
for wheat and oats very little worse.
{7} (Thawing) I went to school, and from there to Sams staid all night.
{8} (Thawing) Sam and I went to brothers and to D. Rights and then to W. Hardons, for some
black ash to make baskets I made two.
{9} (Thawing) I came home, went to school.
5 {sketch of a fox? At the top of the page}
Sam, Berry, and Pa went to the fare R. Allin called in this evening, got a letter from Walker
and another from Mr. Thomas. I went home with Sam.

{10} (Thawing) I went to school and to Sams after school I made another basket it is a very
good one.
11 (Thawing) I helped Sam fix his cattle shade with wet straw and drew in two jags of hay.
Went to the Post office and then home I went back with Sam.
12 (Very Stormy) Sam and I came home. I was sick and staid at home and washed my feet.
13 (Pleasant) We are crushing and cutting straw today. A Ingram drove for us I saw a lark
today, it was singing as merry as if it was May. They are the first spring birds that we have
seen. Minnie went home with Sam she has been here over a week. Ma is able to be up
14 (Pleasant) Berry and I loaded the horse power and set it in Potillos bush Berry is going to
saw for G. Drumming. Sam Reid is going to help him. We had a hard time setting it the snow
is frozen near as hard as ice.
15 (Pleasant) I went to school in the morning and to the sawing in the afternoon I drove the
horses in Sams place he went to a sail to buy a cow he got me for $22 a very good one for
the price.
16 (Pleasant) I went to school
17 (Pleasant) I went to school
18 (Pleasant) Chored a round in the morning and went to the knoll in the afternoon I cut two
birch sawlogs. Hextall came this evening be staid.
19 (Fine) I went to S.S. Hextall went to town and brought up the {Iveson?} family, old his a
very sensible talker. Hextall went 20 home this eveing, Sam and Minnie were here. Norman
H.R. Reid has got two teeth.
21 (Pleasant) I went to School J. C. Reid gave Sam Bucannon a thrashing for disobeying
22 (Pleasant) I went to School

23 (Pretty cold) I went to Schoool. Berry took 3 sawlogs to D. Rights to get sawed. Sam Reid
called in this evening on his way from Town. Berry went to Hextalls this evening to get a set
pair of bobsleighs made. It is terrible cold this evening.
24 (Very Cold) I went to School. made a turnip basket
25 (Pleasant) I went to School.
26 (Pleasant) I made a mouse {drawing of a mouse over top of the word mouse} trap this
morning. Went out into Coins bush in the afternoon I saw a {drawing of rabbit on grass}
rabbit, chored around the rest of the day.
27 (Thawing) I went to SS. rained too hard to go to Church. Sam and Minnie came down.
28 (Pleasant) Sam and I struck out to buy a {drawing of a cow on grass} but could not get
one to suit our notions, so he got one from L Ezrah a little black one for $3 cash. We cleaned
up barley for seed. Berry came home from Hextalls, he took his sleighs up to Stringers to get
them ironed off. Sam and Minnie came this afternoon. David W Midelton {B. FOX written on
top of these stroked out words} D FOX and {drawing of a root or bouquet, maybe name
"Harry"} Hunter were put in gaol for stealing {drawing of a fish} they stole two half barrels.
1 March Very Cold and stormy) I went to school. {drawing of "Harry" root or bouquet} and
{drawing of a fox on grass} stood their trial to day. They were sentenced too one month's
hard leighbor
2 (Pleasant) Berry and I killed a fat {drawing of a cow} cleaned up barley. I cut some wood.
Sam called in today, he was coming from Orangeville, drawing hay down. I saw a {drawing of
black bird} to day it was the first I saw since fall.
3 (Very stormy) I went to school. Jessie Walker came and spent the afternoon and evening
with us.
4 (Stormy) I went to school and put in one miserable day. I took Jessie Walker home on
horse back, she fell off once and lit on her feet, the next time she lit on her head and
shoulders. I thought all was over, with her but she soon start to started kackle as usual

Sam and Minnie came and spent the afternoon. Berry got his bobsleighs home today they
are a very comicle too king sleigh the talk of the neighbourhood.
5 (Stormy) I made an {drawing of an axe} and put a hande in a {drawing of a pitchfork} Berry
and I measured out our sprin seed barley measured out ten bushels for J Corbet.
6 (Warm) I went to SS TG Marshall came home with us I went to church in the afternoon
Sam and Minnie came today. There was tow more men put in jaol.
7 (Warm) I made an hand spike and helped Berry to put bunks on the bobsleighs, went to
swamp in the afternoon chew in 16 logs, hemlock sawlogs
8 (Warm) Berry and I was drawing in logs again today we took in 32 logs today, Hextall came
today he brought a load of barley and oats to get crushed he staid all night.
9 (Hot) We got badly sunburnt today. Berry and I were drawing logs today we put in 20. I saw
a {drawing of a chipmunk} chipmunk today. They say {drawing of a carrot} and {drawing of a
fox} scaled the wall of the gaol yard and got out, they were caught and put back again.
10 (Hot) Berry and I went to the village and got two tons of salt $6 a ton. S Reid went and got
1/2 a ton, Hextall got 22 {cwt?}. We went down in the afternoon I got an axe, left my watch at
Foxe's to get regulated. Dr Washington was called up for bad conduct to Mrs Homes so we
staid to her the trial. They put us out till the woman had given her evidence, so we heard little
or nothing. John Hamilton gave J Perry a thrashing Perry stabbed at Hamilton but did little
harm he cut two of his fingers it was Perries fault he was bound to fight with someone. We
went to the gale and saw the four gale {drawing of a chicken}
11 (Cold) I unloaded a load of salt I made and axe handle, Berry and I drew saw logs in the
12 (Cold) I made rigged {uping?} {drawing of an axe} went home for a roller.
13 (Pleasant) I went to SS and to church S and M came and spent the day.
Berry and I went to the knoll and finished drawing the saw logs
15 (Warm) I went to the knoll and cut cord wood I cut cord and three sawlogs tamerack I saw
a partridge {drawing of a partridge} The bush is full of squirrels red,

16 (Pleasant) Berry and I cleaned up eleven bags of wheat I mended Berries boots, I made a
handsome pike put hinges on the bin lid, Berry got 21 bushels of Missigan {hamar?} wheat
for seed paid $125 a bushel for it. Sam and Minnie came this evening.
17 (Pleasant) I went to Drummings sawing we cut about 30 cords I saw a robin {drawing of a
robin} it was chirping like as if it was summer
18 (Stormy Pleasant) I choped wood cut a cord in the afternoon
19(Stormy) Berry and I went to Dummings sawing we saw till five oclock in the evening and
then brought the machine home
20 (Thawing) I went to SS and to Church Keech preached
21 (Cold) I helped Barry to set the machine to crush went to knoll to chop in the afternoon A
Ingram helped to crush we hired Fredrick Peavoy for the summer he came today.
22 (Cold) I went to town bought 30 cents worth of wire and a watch chain for 10 cents, paid
$1.50 for getting my watch fixed Berry and I chopped cord wood in the afternoon.
23 (Cold) I chopped cord wood cut about a cord and a 1/4. Berry went to Sams and set the
sawing machine
24 (Pleasant) Berry and I went to Sams sawing
25 (Pleasant) Sold our old bobsleighs to a fllow that got stuck on the road, he had two
buggies and he pulled the tongue out of one, we got $3 for them. Berry took down a load of
potatoes got 50 cents a bag. Berry Gatie and I went to Minnies. I, Reid, F. Marshall J. and J.
W walker, Mary, Grace and Billie Farnell came and Elizabeth Reid, this made up the surprise
party we had a very good time.
We got home about 3 oclock in the morning
26 (Pleasant) Berry a took 30 bags of chopped {stowgh?} to Hextall J Comar went with him I
went to the chopping I saw a bald headed Eagle {drawing of an eagle}
27 (Pleasant) I went to SS and to church

28 (Pleasant) I started to school again. Sam came down this evening, Norman is sick with
his teeth he is some better today.
29 (Cold) I went to school I learnt considerable
30 (Cold) I went to school we had some heavy game at the foot ball, Berry came home
tonight he could not get a girl.
31 (Cold) I tracked a raccoon through Johnstons and Porter's fields through S Potullos and
then it turned and took the fields the snow drifted over its tracks and I had to give up the
chase after about 2 miles of a tramp I went to school in the afternoon.
April 1 Very Stormy. I went to school. Sam and Minnie came down, Minnie staid all night, I
went home with Sam
2 (Very Cold) Sam and I went to Berry's lang for a {sceh?} made timber we got 4 pieces, we
got two pieces of hash to make baskets of. We saw 3 partridges. Berry went home with Sam
3 (Cold) I went to SS and to church S and M came down.
4 (Cold) I went to Coins bush to hunt coons there was too many tracks to be able to follow
one all the time, so that I had to give up the chase again without my coon. I shot a {drawing
of a squirrel} it was the first shot I had fired this year.
5 (Very Stormy) Berry and I went to the swamp we cut 25 poles I cut 40 posts for the garden
and about 30 poles it is the stormiest day we have had this winter.
6 (V. Stormy) I made a {drawing of a basket} Basket cut out sheaves in the afternoon. S and
M came down this afternoon we kille about 40 {drawing of a mouse} mice {drawing of a dog}
7 (Warm) Berry and I took a load of potatoes over to the roote house, went to swamp got a
load of posts and a load of poles. I was cutting poles got enough to make a fence from the
orchard to the road.
8 (Warm) I helped Sam Reid to get out spout timber I cut a load of poles and about half a
cord of wood, we took in 5- tamerack sawlogs.

9 (warm) Went to swamp cut a load of poles and a load of small ones I saw an {drawing of
an owl} and a large butterfly the roads are getting very bad
10 (Warm) I went to the swamp for Cap he staid all night watching the trap went to Church in
the afternoon, went to Minnies in the evening got my me nuckles badly skinned on the gravel
11 (Warm) Choring around in the morning went to swamp in the afternoon I caught a skunk
in the box trap {drawing of a skunk} I am afriad it spolit my trap I drowned it, We got a seeder
and drill combined.
12 (Cool) I went to swamp there is a foot of water on the road from Reids turn up to near
Heayses hill, we are crushing this afternoon.
13 (Warm) I made an handspike and helped to crush Sam helped us, I went home with Sam.
14 (Warm) Came down with Sam, cut some wood and went to the examination in the
afternoon, we had a great time they gave J Reid two oil paintings and a bracket they had a
bag of apples and about a gallon of sweats and they distributed them amongst the audience.
We had some very good music and some good speaches and some {sesitations?} It was the
best examination ever I was at it was after seven when it broak up. Our hired girl came today
Pollie Erwin.
15 (Warm) Berry and I went to the knoll the road was flooded for about half a mile about a
foot deep and half an inch of ice, it was the worst travelling I ever saw.
We cut wood in the afternoon
16 (Pleasant) I cut wood in the morning and mended a bed sted. Cut wood in afternoon I saw
about 10 robins.
17 (Warm) I went to SS and church in the afternoon
18 (Warm) I went to the bush and cut about a cord and a half of wood
19 (Pleasant) drawing out potatoes Sam and I cut the log for a roller, I set out the bees in the
afternoon one of my patent hives was ded and one of Walkers. I shot a groundhog in the
evening, went to Sam’s

20 (Pleasant) I hollowed out a trough 30 feet long and put it up Sam and I went to Smiths
lake in the evening I shot a wind {drawing of a duck} and a red winged blackbird it was a very
pretty duck. I never saw one like it before, I think it is a wood duck.
21 (Pleasant) I started to make a little gate for Sam. little D Ones died this morning she was
only sick about 12 hours they did not know what was the matter with her, I came home in the
afternoon, carried up a load of potatoes and helped to load them. We had a hatch of
chickens came off today. I stuffed the blackbird, I saw a SN {drawing of a snake}
22 (Warm) We drew in 6 loads of hay and cut one with the cutting box for the fatting cattle, I
stuffed the duck this evening Fred started to cultivate yesterday the ground this his quite dry
off the top.
23 (Warm) We finished crushing and pit the horse-power away in the shade {drawing of an
eye and a plough meaning “I ploughed’} the rest of the day. Sam and Minnie came and had
dinner got a letter from Hextall. The frogs are croking tonight very loud {drawing of a frog} B.
24 (Warm) I went to SS and to church it was very warm today. Jessie and Jim Walker came
and spent the evening with us, I found a hens nest in a poplar tree at the bottom of the
garden she was on the nest and had two eggs laid in is in between 3 large tree limbs. Andie
Heeys came today with Sams horses to change work.
The swallows have comeback {drawing of two swallows}
25 (Warm) I took bolts and gugeons out of old roller. Made a whipeltree. cut over 30 stumps
off level with the ground and ploughed the rest of the day.
26 (Rainey) I finished ploughing the stumpy field I stuck out half a dozen ridges for Andy to
gang-plough. I started to plough the sod in the fallow where never a man hath ploughed
27 (Warm) I ploughed sod again, rained in the evening Sam came this evening his old cow
had twins a bull and heifer they are both alive and doing well. We had a sheep had 3 lambs
this evening all died. Our old turkey laid away in the bush fance.
28 (Pleasant) I ploughed dos finished at dark. We started to sow in heat of day

29 (Cool) I helped to pick stones off the new ground and cut boards for the top of the roller
and mixed paint for it went to school in the evening. I shot at two hawks but did not kill them.
I saw 8 ducks but could not get near them, Saw a partridge and a rabbit and a couple of
groundhogs, sowed 6 acors of peas and 14 of wheat
30 (Cool) I put the roller together and painted it. Sam and I went to Coins and dug trees to
plant we got some Maple, Birch, Helm, White Ash, Baswood, Hawthorn, Plum, Butternut,
they were the finest lot of trees I ever saw
1st May (Cool) I took Ma down to Wilcoxes, went to Church and from there too Minnies and
had tea with them.
2 (Pleasant) I am planting trees along the lane, I saw two loons fly over the farm this morning
very fine birds. I killed a red squirrel {drawing of a squirrel} and a {drawing of a groundhog} I
planted 33 trees and carried over 20 form Coins on my back. I got 5 Butternuts and 6
Basswoods one Hawthorn and 7 ash and the rest Maples got 10 more this evening. Killed
another {drawing of a groundhog}
3 (Pleasant) I planted 10 trees and then started to pull down the picket fence and put in new
posts and straigheten it out with the wire fence.
I found the {drawing of a hen?} nest in the brush fence she had {drawing of three eggs} in it
I saw a nest of young crows they were squalking and near ready to fly it is in Coins bush in a
big Maple tree
4 (Pleasant) Working at garden fence cultivated some {cut off} in the morning worked at
fence in afternoon and harrowed after tea with Jess and the eight bulled {harrow h-?}
5 (Warm) I put up 24 feet of fence and cultivated the rest of the day. Berry drilled in 10 ac of
wheat white russia and Missigan hamber
6 (Hot) I ploughed all day, ploughed about 2 acors
7 (Hot) I ploughed in the morning and went to Reids and grafted in the afternon, I put in
about 45 grafts came home and ploughed a {hed?} land. Joseph Banks came and got a load
of turnips W. Ingemam came and got another load and some hay.

8 (Hot) I went to town and grafted 5 trees for Aunt. Gang ploughed in the afternoon, there
came on a heavy rain storm about 4 oclock and our wheat is quite green.
10 (Hot) I grafted for Albert Simpson all his plum trees are de only one. I put in about 30
grafts. Gang ploughed some and grafted some at home.
11 (Hot and showery) I dug in the garden and ploughed after teas. Sold a hive of bees to F.J.
Marshall for $6 each.
12 (Hot) I ploughed the new orchard and gang some for barley, I sowed barley all day along
with the roes of trees and harrowed about an acors and 1/2 of oats.
13 (Hot) Berry and I took 5 cattle up to the knoll to pasture, we saw two rabbits and a
partidge came home and gang ploughed helped mother in the garden and pruned six large
apple trees
14 (Rainie) I trees are out in {drawing of a leaf} the bushes are green. I
I was digging {self portrait of Carver with a shovel} in the garden and planting {drawing of an
onion} onions. I drilled in about an acre of turnips and 1/2 of {mangleworsels?} and fixed the
eve spoughts on the barn.
15 (Cool) I went to SS and to Church rained in the evening
16 (Pleasant) I ploughed in the morning and cultivated about 3 acors in the afternoon, went
to town in the evening, got a pair of shoes and barrols $2.75 hand made and hand soled.
17 (Cool) I planted 2 roes of corn dug in garden and planted onions made a spout for the
barn pump ploughed a hed land in the turnip field dug some more in garden. Mr and Mrs
Griffeth called and had tea.
18 (Wet) I put a handle in a dung fork and gang ploughed. Sowed salt on the wheat in the
afternoon Sam and Minnie came down.
19 (Wet) We started to draw out manure for barley. Drew out manure all afternoon.
20 (Cool) Drew out manure till tea time finished manur-ing 8 acors I started to gang plough

21 (Pleasant) I gang ploughed all day. Walker and Birdie Wilcoxe came out this afternoon
going to stay over night
22 (Warm) I went out to Coins for a walk Sam and Minnie came down I went to church in
23 (Hot) I finished ploughing for barley I and Fred took the sheep to wash I washed them we
have 15. I caught over a dozen {drawing of a fish} I saw a muskrat swimming up the creek so
I armed myself with stones and wendt boldly the first throw I struck him on the back so I got it
all right came home, Hextall and Priscilla were there had a good old chat with them, skined
my rat and went to bed
24 (Hot) I went with J and J Walker and W. Black to {drawing of a fish} We caught over a
hundred good trout. I shot one groundhog I had a good sail on Caledon Lake on an old raft.
We had some very good fun, and a good swim.
25 (Hot) I went up to Minnies and put a floor in the cook house and a partition half way
across came home and ploughed over a 1/4 of an acors with the jointer killed a red {drawing
of a squirrel on a branch}
26 (Hot) I finished ploughing the orchard and dug some in the garden helped Berry to make a
stone boat and pruned the dead limbs out of the plumb trees
27 (Hot) Berry and I picked the meadow I started to rolle took the young cattle to the swamp I
caught a young woodcock {drawing of a woodcock}
28 (Wet) I finished rolling wheat and rolled one piece of barley picked stones off barley
groung {ground} and scattered manure. Stuffed the young woodcock and dug in the garden
29 (Pleasant) I went to SS and to Church Sam and family came up and spent the day. I went
to Uncles for tea had a very pleasant {drawing of a man and dog bleeding through the page}
30 (Warm) I put on some sirplus {boxeses?} Ra and I sowed about 15 acors with {plaster?}
and salt, cleaned up the house and yard and put up 12 feet of a fence, took 12 1/2 dozen
eggs over to W Carrots Minnie came down and staid all day, over clover is out in flower.
31 (Cool) I walked down from Sams Walker came home last night, I sheared sheep.

1st June (Pleasant) I finished shearing the sheep put on some {sirplus boxeses?} cleaned
out the spouts cut some large limbs off the Cebelia tree and gang ploughed about an acre
and a half took another groundhog {drawing of a groundhog}
2 (Pleasant) I finished gang ploughing sowed the last piece of barley went to town for Berry
he went to Toronto on an excursion to buy harness
3 (Wet) I mended two pairs of braces, but potatoes and drew out three loads of manure shot
two {drawing of a crow} for stealing {drawing of a chick} chicks Sam and Minnie came up and
went too town
4 (Pleasant) I scattered manure made the frame for a gate, rolled the barley in the orchard.
We sowed the buckwheat today the last of the seeding
5 (Pleasant) I went to SS and to Church went for a walk in the evening. Sam and Minnie
came today
6 (A sharp frost last night) Minnie, {Gatie?} Walker and I went to Hextalls we took down one
hive of bees and 8 hens. We took the black teeth out of his pigs he had 19 of them, went out
to {drawing of a fish} I caught about two dozen trout.
7 (Pleasant) Finished the little gate and hung it sowed about 3 acors with salt and plaster Mr.
Tayor the M.E. Minister came and paid us a visit seems to be a very nice man.
8 (Warm) I went to Johnstons and borrowed his turned drill, it is the best I ever saw, I drilled
in over four acors.
9 (Warm) We planted potatoes, Sam and Minnie came and spent the day. Pa, Berry & Sam
went to the fare. I staid at home and cut potatoes {Sickles?} dog bit Sam Reid on the leg
{drawing of Sam being bit by a dog}
10 (Hot) Planted potatoes in the morning. Sold our 8 year old colt for $80 cash to
R.J.Sturgeon, I took a bag of flower to W. Stringers, got Charlie shod on front feet, Went and
drew out D. Rights steem engine, he had it in a terrible place we had to cross bad bogs it
was dark when we got to Heeyses. Went to a party at Carrots had a middling time, got home
at one oclock one {drawing of bee hive} of bees swarmed today the first.

11 (Hot) Finished planting potatoes, I cut off some blacknots planted cukembers and hoed in
the garden, sowed a bed of lettise and finished one of the to long flower beds. I cut W.Y.
Carrots hair, had a good swim in Ingrams, {drawing of groundhog bleeding through page}
12 (Warm) I staid at home did not feel very well, Minnie came down, I watched the bees in
the afternoon, went to here Rev. Taylor preach in the evening.
13 (Hot) I took young cattle to swamp, hived a swarm of bees and took honey out of two
hives, cleaned two others, Came on a very heavy wind storm blew the dust in clouds
followed by a storm of hail and rain.
14 (Cool) Berry and I took young cattle back and fired the slash we had a good fire. Cap
killed a rabbit. Minnie came.
15 (Cool) I hoed in the garden in the morning and made a gate for Minnie in afternoon, cut
thistles after tea.
16 (Cold and rainie) I made a bird case 30 by 40 inches for the crane Walker and I dug in the
garden after tea, and pruned trees.
17(Cool) I cut thistles
18 (Cool) Cut thistles out os about 13 acors went to Town bought a glass for bird case 70 c
and one box umber 20 cents
19 (cool) Hextall came last night. I went to S.S. and to Church twise, S. and Minnie came.
20 (cool) Hextall went home. I made a plumbbob. went to Sams and built a chimney on
Stringers house. he gave me 50 cents for building it.
21 (Warm) I struck out for Niagara falls at 10 minutes to five, the trains left Orangeville at 20
ms to 6. I ran about a mile and a half. I got to the station about 5 minutes before the train
started. We got into Toronto before 8 oclock, got on the Chicora steamer and sailed to the
Town of Niagara, where we wated about 3/4 of a hour for the train, we saw the soldiers all
out at camp. there was about 4000 thousand on drill, took the train from Niagara Town to the
falls, saw Sir Isaac Brocks Monument. it stands at the top of a hight between Niagara Town

and the falls. The falls are the best sight I ever saw, as soon as we got to the falls we were
paluted with cab drivers calling out to us to have a ride. Went up in the tower at the
suspension bridge, we were about 300 feet from the water, it was a grand sight to look down,
crossed the suspension bridge over to the American side, every store is a museam {drawing
bleeding through the page} stuffed birds and animals, started from Niagara about 2 past I got
to Toronto at 9, had to walk a mile, and wait one hour for the train, got to Orangeville at 1/2
past 12, got home at 2 oclock in the morning, I paid 50 cents for my dinner 40 to cross
suspension bridge 10 ct for straw berries, 10 for figs, and 50 for to Indian pincussions
pincussions, and 200 for my ticket, and ten to go up in Me elevators making a totle of $3.70
22 (cool) got up just in time for dinner, went to swamp and brought home a cow, cut thistles
rest of day.
23 (cool) drilled in about 2 acors of turnips, made a hand spike, and put a handle in a axe,
pulled wild mustard out of the fitches and oats the field was full of it every yard or so there
was a yellow flower. dug iin
24 (Warm) I pealed tanbark at Rights mill.
25 (Warm) I was pealing tanbark
26 (Warm) I staid at home and hived beas. we had four hives swarmed, three of them went
together we separated them and searched for queens for about three hours and could only
find one queen. Sam and Minnie came. Uncle and John Smith came and had dinner with us
this was mr Mr Griffeths last sunday on this Circuit, the church was crowded full. I went out
for a walk in the evening.
27 (cool) I put the 3 swarms in one of the big patent hives the common hive was full to the
bottom, I went and pealed tan bark, came on a heavy rain storm, sheltered in {Kugses?}
house I made two good whip stalks. pealed bark after the storm of rain was over, B. Bradley
called to buy some scantelings 100 pieces of 2 by 4 and 100 pieces 1 x 2 raining very heavy
now, a man wanted to trade me a bace fiddle for some stuffed birds, but I thought a bace
fiddle would be out of my line.

28 (Warm) I pealed tanbark, came on a very heavy rain storm I took shelter in Marshalls old
house. W. Marshall and I went out for a strole after the rain. I killed a large {drawing of a
muskrat} muskrat, got some blaberries.
29 (Pleasant I am pealing tanbark again.
30 (I hived beas and drew lumber.
1 July Pleasant) I finished pealing logs, Walker and I went to Smeltzers Lake and got a good
feed of straw berries.
2 (Hot) I was making hives and hiving bees.
3 (Hot) I hived beas in morning and went to Church in the afternoon the Rev. Reid preached
his first sermond, Sam and Minnie came from Church with us.
4 (Hot) I went and piled the tanbark there will be over three cords of it, came home and cut
thistles out of the late barley.
5 (Hot) finished the thistles and started to cut hay. I mowed fence corners and around
6 (Hot) I was fixing up the sulky rake, putting in a new piece
to raise the teeth, went to Glovers got two teeth for rake, shortened, two hay forks fixted, and
four rods mended to pull the hay off the teeth, took Reids hay fork home, rigged up the rake
and started to work.
7 (tokens of rain) We drew in two loads of hay, and cocked up about an acor, and then it
came on rain. I am doing little chores around the house.
8 (Hot) I made 4 hives and hived 3 swarms, drilled in turnips in the afternoon, took some
work to Glovers, and
9 (Hot) I went to S.S. and to Church, rained in the evening Sam and Minnie came down.
10 (Hot) I made 2 hives, hived a swarm of beas in the top of the big labelia, went to R.
Collins to get Dave to hoe turnips, took off a load of hay.

12 day of Ireland hot) I scattered hay out of the cocks, & drew in 3 loads of hay, and cocked
about {blot} acors. Sam and Minnie came today. Sam went to town.
13 (Hot) We drew in 5 loads of hay I pitched on, mowed fence corners in the meadow field,
James Walker and I took the cattle up to the swamp, went up to the lake and had a good
feed of strawberries
14 (Plasant) threw of a load of th hay. Walker and I went to to the swamp took out two
sawlogs hemlock and one cedar log 14 feet long, got a splendid crook for a rack. I raked up
hay and helped of with the loads. Walker and I got a splendid feed of black currants in
Haeeyses garden.
15 (Hot) I went to Dav Rights, got sills sawed for rack and boards for the sides, got a black
ash stick sawed for a pea rake, and strips for the har summer house, started to draw in hay
drew in 3 loads of hay the last at M present we have got 16 acors in, think we will cut some
more of the pasture field, got a good feed of rasberries, went home with Minnie to help Sam
with ha
16 (cool) Sam and I went to W Cooks and cocked 3 acors of hay came back and raked till
supper time, and I mowed with the sithe till night, walked home, Walker and {Keu-?} have
gon down to Hextalls with his new wagon.
17 (I went to S.S. and to church, Sam & Minnie came.
18 (Very windy) I went to Sams and helped him to cock hay, and draw in we took in 6 loads
of clover.
19 (Windy) Cocking hay, and finished, drawing in the clover.
20 (Wet) Straightened of cocks, rained. I came home, and helped W. T Carrol off with two
loads of hay, dug a post hole and put in a poast.
21 (Pleasant) I molded up the potatoes, fixed up a gate, and mowed aroune the new orchard,
and a strip in the old one, Minnie came to get us to help Sam draw in hay.
22 (Fine) Pa, Berry and I went to Sams, drew in about 15 ac of first class timothy hay. W.
Cook and I pitched on in the field, We covered the stack with boards.

23 (Fine) drew in two jags of hay, Berry went to Monomills to get the tiars set on the wagon. I
went to Coins and picked 15 quarts of raspberries and mowed the fence corners in the
hollow field.
24 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to Church. W. Milllner came to stay a week or two. Sam and
Minnie came.
25 (cool) I went to pick berries got ten quarts of black berries, hoed turnips in the afternoon.
16 (Cold I was nearly frozen hoing turnips. I took off serptusboxes and put on about a dozen,
and hoed the rest of the day.
27 (Cool) I drove the bees out of the the hive, Berry Walker Will Milner and I yoked up a pair
of 3 year old steers, we had a very rough time for a while, one of then laid down and we
could not get it up, so we left him think over it he laid there all afternoon, and got up in the
evening. I hoed turnips, and cradled around in the orchard.
28 (Pleasant) I cradled barley in the orchard and bound some, got the orchard cut and
shocked up. I cradled around the 9 ac piece, ground the reaper sickle.
29 (Pleasant) I started Pa off to Hextells, went to Coins and picked 6 qts of berries, started to
bind barley in the afternoon. W. T. Carrol helped us after tea, he his a good man.
30 (Hot) We finished binding the barley and shocked it up.
31 (Hot) I staid at home in the morning, went to Church in
August 1st
the afternoon and to Orangeville in the evening.
1st July AUG Hot) drew in barley, came on a very heavy rain storm about 1 oclock, pitched
back some hay, and made a handle for a horse rake. Robert Stevenson came this evening
and settled him self down for a visit.
2 (Hot) I made a pair of handles for horse rake and put in the teeth, and made wood for the
ends. Berry and I went to get crooks for a rack, we got two very good one at the back of
Tisdales spring. we went to Burnt hill and picked half a patent pail of berries.

3 (Hot) I went to Coins and picked 14 quarts of berries, came home and sulky raked about 2
ac, and finished drawing in the barley, all but the rakings.
4 (Hot) Pointed the rake teeth and put on the feet, started out to pull peas they would not pull
with the rake, so we took the sithes two of us to our great sorrow.
5 (hot) I pulled peas all day. Pa gave up at noon.
6 (Wet) I fixed up a cace of birds, Berry and I partly made a wagon rack, I barbered Walker
and he returned the compliment, I had a grand wash this evening.
7 (Hot) I went to S.S and to Church, went to Coins in evening.
8 (Pleasant) Sam Reid, A. Ingrum, Berry and I pulled 5 acors of peas with the sithes, finished
9 (Pleasant started to cut spring wheat & finished the rack, and drew in 3 loads of barley. Will
Milner went home this evening.
10 (Hot) pulled peas with horse rake, and drew in barley finished pulling peas for this
year. we ha
11 (Cool) Cutting wheat in afternoon wet in the morning.
12 (Pleasant) threw off a couple of loads barley, and turned, nine ac peas and 4 of us cut
wheat, and shocked it up.
13 (Pleasant) Ware cutting wheat, and finished the field 14 ac, it is michiganhamber wheat
and very good. We have 30 ac to cut yet, and about 44 cut. {Drawings here of a bird and a
four-footed animal bleeding through the page}
14 (pleasant) Staid at home in the morning and went to Church in afternoon. Sam and Minnie
came, We went to Coins in the evening and got a good feed of berries.
15 (Warm) We drew in 22 loads of peas. I pitched on in field
16 (Hot) drew in 4 5 loads of peas. Cut 8 acors of wheat in the afternoon and bound it, was
done before dark.

17 (Warm) We covered the peas stack and the hay stack. Walker h is reaping wheat for W
Ingram today. Drew in 10 ac of wheat in the afternoon.
18 (hot) Cut the late barley 5 acors, and drew in 3 ac of wheat and two loads of peas, and
shocked 8 acors of wheat.
19 (Very hot) Finished cutting wheat {drawing of wheat} and drew in about 7 acors, and put 3
loads of peas in a {drawing of trap or barn?} for the {drawing of a pig?}
20 (Hot) We drew in wheat and about 5 ac of barley. Sold the 3 year old steers for $90 cash.
21 (Hot) I went to S.S. and to Church and to Sams and spent the evening, Sams crops are
first rate this year.
22 (Pleasant) I cradled around the hollow field oats, threw off two loads of barley and drew in
two loads of rakings finished the barley of for this year, drew in a load of w wheat {drawing of
a rake} ins, I cradled around the stumpy field oats.
23 (Hot) I cradled oats in the stumpy field, finished cutting the oats, and finished drawing in
24 (Very Hot) threw off two loads of wheat and got in a load of rakings, and drew in the
Vetches and oats 6 loads.
25 (V.H.) Bound oats, put up a scaffold, and drew in oats.
26 (V. Hot) I pitched on oats, and covered the stack, drew in a load of rakings the last of the
harvest, only the buck wheat, We are the first I have heard of yet, 76 ac of harvest.
27 (Hot) We went to Sams and drew in oats, I pitched on in the field he had about 16 acors
or more.
28 (Very hot) I went to Coins bush and had a good feed of berries. Went to Church in the
29 (Hot) I shot a hen H. {drawing of a hen} burnt out stumps, We killed a {drawing of a
weasel} WEASEL and patched up the brush fence
30 (Hot) I ploughed in the new ground. I trapped a large polecat {drawing of a skunk}

31 (Very hot) I am ploughing, there is some terrible fires in the swamp one can scarcely see
a lot off for smoke.
I trapped {drawing of a groundhog} a groundhog. Walker made the draft of the animal
1 September, cleaned out the cistern and started to plaster, came on a heavy rain storm,
terrible smoke {drawings of two birds and an animal bleed through the page}
2 (Hot and close) I was sick in the morning. Went to shoot I shot 12 pigeons and one hen
hawk. I lost my shot flask and had to come home, grately gieved to leave the sport, picked
the pigeons and saved the feathers for a pillow.
3 (Hot) W. Carrol and I plastered the cistern in the morning, and {drawing of an eye} went to
shoot pigeons Walker went too I shot 5 and Walker shot one, he shot 3 others but could not
find them.
4 (Hot) I went to ch S.S. and to Church.
5 (Hot) W. Carrol and I plastered the cistern once and a half. got A darkness came on about
4 oclock, so dark that we had to get the lantern to see to plaster, about 5 oclock you could
not see one rod a head of you the sky was all as red as fire, one hour before the sun set, and
totle darkness all around, lamplight looked to be a greenish white, some men are frightened
near out of there whits wits. T. Farnell for instance he would run away if any one spoke to
him about the darkness, men were going down to town to see what was the cause of it, it is
not fire alone they said. {drawing of a bird bleeding through the page}
{Note: The atmospheric phenomenon reported here may be due to the great forest fire in
6 (Hot) A great many people thought it was the last of the world, quite a few did not milk their
cows, and some did not eat. We finished plastering the cistern and drew out manure the rest
of the day.
7 (Hot) I put the floor over the cistern and drew out manure. The thrasher came this evening,
Wiggons machine.

8 (Warm) We thrashed oats and wheat the spring wheat is the best the thrashers have seen
this yeas by a long way
9 (Warm) thrashed barley we have about 4,50 bushels.
10 Hot) Finished thrashing about 1 oclock. Went to W Ingram in the afternoon.
11 (Hot) I went to S.S. and to Mrs. Pattersons funeral in the afternoon {drawing of an animal
bleeds through the page}
12 Pleasant) I went out to hunt the year old cattle, took the {drawings of a rifle, a pointing
hand, a dog, an eye, {shot?}, TWO, two birds, a pointing hand, a small rifle, and another bird
meaning “gun and the dog I shot two hens and one pigeon”} PIGEON, came home and
smothered 4 hives of beas. Berry found the cattle on the 4th line up about 7 lots.
13 (Cool) I went to Farnells thrashing, had a heavy day's pitching sheaves, finished before
sun down.
14 (Cool) Cleaned up the barn floor, and cleaned out a cistern and plastered part of it.
15 (Cool) I took up bea hives, and took the 3 two year old cattle up to the swamp, took a
plough up to Glovers to get mended, got Jess shod on the front feet.
16 (Cool) I struck out half a dozen ridges for Fred, started to plough pea ground, in the new
ground, plastered the cistern.
17 (Wet) I ploughed in the morning, and cleaned up wheat in the afternoon. Berry took down
a load of wheat 22 bags got $1.20 a bushel
18 (Cool) I went to S.S. and to Town in the afternoon, saw Hextall and family, went to Church
in the evening
19 (Hot) Cleaned up a load of wheat, I went to give the cattle salt, took the gun and shot two
p {drawing of bird} came home and made a pair of whipletrees
20 (Pleasant) cleaned up a load of wheat, and set up the buckwheat, made a whipletree for
the buggie.

21 (Pleasant) I ploughed and helped to clean up a load of barley, Potatoes are a dollar a bag
in Orangeville
22 (Pleasant) I cleaning up barley, Went to J. Johnstons thrashing in the afternoon, went to
the teachers meeting in the evening, the anniversary is to be on the 29 October.
23 (Cool) I went to Johnstons thrashing.
24 (Hot) I took the 2 year old cattle up the swamp, cleaned up a load of barley and went to
here McCormich trial.
25 (Pleasant) I went to SS and to Church.
26 (Fine) We thrashed the buckwheat and cleaned it we have 10 1/2 bags off of one acor, or
more, trapped a GH {drawing of a groundhog}
27 (Warm) I ploughed about 2 acors.
28 (Warm) I ploughed, finished the buck wheat ground and started to plough in, the pea
29 (Damp) I ploughed a couple of hours and went too the agricultural shoe, the shoe itself
was very poor.
30 (Windy) I hunted eggs I found one nest with 30 and another with 22 and --16--and 11-and 9 all over the horse stable, ploughed, made a pair of whiple trees, and double tree.
1 October) I and Pa went to Alton to buy sheep and cattle. We did not deal, came home and
skinned a sheep, the secon best one we had, she died of Inflamation of the longues, so
Walker said he and I held a postmortem, chored around
2 (Wet) I went to SS and kept house in the afternoon.
3 (Fine and Warm) Walker went away this morning to college. I ploughed we had a swarm of
beas this morning, they settled on a sirplus box and are there yet.
4 (Cold) I ploughed, went to Sams in the afternoon, killed the swarm of beas that came off
yesterday, found the turkeys nest she had three eggs.

5 (Pleasant) I ploughed about two acors and a ha 1/4
6 (Warm) I ploughed all day. Went out to hunt coons after nine oclock, moon light, I shot a
{drawing of a skunk} skunk it was all black only the top of the head an part of the tail.
7 (Pleasant) I ploughed, went out coon hunting but got nothing
8 (Wet) Cleaned up a load of barley. I ploughed abut 3 on hours. Got L 85 for the barley, took
down another load, 131 in bushels in the two loads, came to $1,11;35
9 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to church.
10 (Very cold snowed,) I ploughed finished ploughing the 20 ac field and ploughed about one
acor in the field behind the barn
11 (Cold) I ploughed all day.
12 (Wet) I ploughed about one hour finished the field behind the barn, and chored around in
the wet.
13 (Pleasant) I ploughed the new orchard, and start another piece, Pa, bought a cow at the
fare and he and Berry were bringing it home about dark and
she jumped the fence at McKenneys Berry followed her, he spraned his ancle and had to
give up the chase Pa gave up also, I went out about 8 oclock with the two dogs, and Charley,
I found her in the McKenneys barnyard, with great running I got her home, Watch tackled a
skunk, I went to help with a harm full of stones and put an end to the stinking fight, Watch
smells very bad.
14 (Cold) I ploughed, finished ploughing the first time.
15 (Wet) I puttied windows on the dry side of the house, Bery started to cross plough in the
new ground, 11ca piece.
16 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to Church, and to practise.
17 (Wet) I ploughed
18 (Wet) I ploughed all day went to practise

19 (Warm) We started to dig potatoes dug half of them.
20 (Pleasant) I puttied the windows, finished the potatoes, they were a very good crop.
21 (Fine) We drew in 3 acors of strapleaf turnips.
22 (Pleasant) I topped turnips, drew in 4 loads of sweades. I butchered a sheep.
23 (Fine) I went to SS and to Church, and to practise in evening.
24 (Wet) I ploughed all day, went to practise
25)(Damp) I helped to finish topping turnips, started to drew.
26 (Pleasant) We drew in turnips.
27 (Very fine) Finished the turnips, {drawing of a turnip} nine acors of them.
28 (Fine) I ploughed finished the cross ploughing in the new ground Pa and S. Clingan drew
in the mangles
29 (Wet) in the morning painted the bobsleighs, ploughed about 1/4 of an ac. I helped to put
up a platform at church. Went to W. J Carrols, and spend the evening.
30 (Pleasant) Anniversary 14 teenth I went to practise and to Church afternoon and evening.
Mr. Crompton preached
31 (Warm) We started to build our hog pen, diging and drawing stones, Went to tea meeting,
had a very good one. Mr Crompton The speakers were Mr Crompton, Mr Taylor, and Mr
Reid. Mr Berry of Orangeville was chairman, very good one.
1st November, Fine we are working at the pen. I built one side 26 ft long and over 3 high to
day, went to Social had a very
nice time. W. Carrol gave us some misic with the fiddle. had Made over $33 dollars all
together, trapped a large rat {drawing of a rat}
2 (Pleasant) I built the a side of the pen 3 ft high and 26 long

3 (Pleasant) We burried a stone over 7 ft across it was in the corner of the building. I built
part of the end, caught large rat {drawing of a rat}
4 (Cold and snowed 3 inches) covered the pen with rails and straw I killed several chickens
and one rat.
5 (Snowed) I built some in the morning, drew poles to fence the straw stack, and other
6 (Fine) I staid at home my head ached, went to Church.
7 (Fine) I finished building the pig sty, Gatie found a {drawing of a duck} ducks nest she was
sittting on 8 eggs, more wonders the end of the world is nigs, she so had her nest under
some board
8 (Beautiful weather) I drew two loads of lumber to the pigsty and ploughed the rest of the
day, in the turnip ground
9 (Fine) I ploughed
10 (Cold) I ploughed potato ground and Andie Heeys picked them.
11 (Cold and snowing) We tied up the milch cows. I went to Minnie ploughed in the afternoon
finished one field of turnip ground and summer fallow, drew the short wood into the
wood sh shade,
12 ( I ploughed and chored around.
13 (Cold snowing) I went to S.S. and to Church. {animal drawing bleeding through the page}
14 (Fine) I fixed the pump, and shot a large hawk, it had a chicken eating the chicken was
alive and about 1/4 of it was eat. {drawing of a hawk with a chicken }
15 (Very cold, heavy snow storm, drifts 4 ft snowed about 8 in, on the level and drifts 3 and 4
ft deep. I killed some chickens, went to the swamp to get timber for the sheeppen, saw a owl
and 4 partridges.
16 (Thawing) Went to swamp and finished getting poles, rigged up old jumper and started to
draw manure, broak it the first load, started to make a new one.

17 (Wet) We worked at the sheeppen, got one plate on.
18 (Fine) Berry, A.Heeys, and I raised the sheeppen it was heavy work, 54 x 20 and 6 high
19 (Cold) We boarded in the sheeppen. I went to Town and
bought two pairs of boots one pair $3 and the other $4.
20 (Cold) Went to S.S. and to Church.
21 (Cold) Finished drawing manure out of the big shade.
Berry 22 (Fine) drawing manure out of the barnyard. Berry and I went to Hextalls after dark
when we left Orangeville.
23 (Fine) We struck out to hunt a yoke of steers {animal drawing bleeds through the page},
could not get any to suit us, so we came home in the afternoon.
24 (Stormy) We drew out manure to h the 20 ac field.
25 (Very cold) I went to W Cooks and bought three turkeys, the large king, gave 7c per lb.
hens weighed 11 lbs. Drew out manure the rest of the day, killed turkeys at night we had 17
to kill.
26 (Fine) I put a new shaft in the churn dash, took down the beas in to cellar, about 36 hives,
drew out seven loads of manure.
27 (Pleasant) Went to Church
28 (Cold) Drew out manure all day, went to a teameeting in the north Erin church. We had a
very good time.
29 (Fine) Finished the manure, and put rails on the sheep pen and covered about 1/3 with
straw, I went to Sam to trap a mink, it did not come out
30 (Warm the snow is all gone, only the big drifts.) I came home and started to work at sheep
pen, built a chimney in the afternoon went to Sam's. Set traps for mink.

Dec 1st)(Cold) Caught the {drawing of a mink}. Finishe putting rails on the sheep pen and
covered it with straw, skinned the mink and stretched the hide a very fine one. finished the
chimney, and finished covering sheep pen.
2 (Warm) We went to the bush and leveled the road and made fresh new ones.
3 (Warm) I went to Town, took the turkeys down sold for seven cents per lb, bought a fox
trap 60c. Went to bush in the afternoon and worked at road.
4 (Warm no frost in the ground yet) I went to S.S. and to Church afternoon and evening.
5 (Cold snowed 4 in) We went to bush got the road levelled, and started to cut saw logs. I
measure and cut away brush, Berry and Andy saw, we cut 31 in the afternoon. I went to a
tea meeting in the E.P.M. Church, had a good time.
29 {Fold-over at the left edge of this page covers the dates and some text.}
{6} Warm) We cut 40 saw logs to day, went to see Grandmama she is very ill not expected
till morning. Uncle Richard Uncle Parker and Aund Rabecca came down.
{7} (Cold) we have 116 logs cut, we were cutting to day. We built a wigwam. Went to E. P. M.
social, had a good time.
{8} (Cold) Grandma died last night at 8 oclock. Chored around all day. Berry bought yoke of
white oxen paid $86 for them they are 6 year old.
{9} (Cold) Went to Grandma's funeral, Mr Reid preached {fu}neral sermond, Mr. Reid, Mr.
Simpson, Mr. Stevenson, Mrs. S. & Mr. Keetch came for dinner Uncle Richard, Un. Parker,
and Aunt rabeccah, and Aunt Sarah came also.
{10} (Cold) Killed the ducks, made a axe handle, cobbled my boote, and a lot of other chores.
{drawing of ainimal bleeds through the page}
{11} (Cold) Went to S.S and Church, and again in evenind to {O}rangeville. Mr. Millner
preached, lots of anecdotes.
{12} (Wwet) We cut saw, Went to a tea meeting in P. M. Church {beginning of word
covered}anceville Mr Millmer and Mr Griffeth were the speakers {M}r Griffeth spoke on the
Oecomenical council. We {h}ad a very good time. Mr Reid was chair man.

{13} (Warm) Killed 13 geese and 28 hens, and 6 ducks.
{14} (Cold) Cutting logs cut all that were down we have one over two hundred cut. I shot a
PARTRI {drawing of a partridge}
{15} (Cold) Started to skid saw logs we onld got 25 skided {it} is a hard job clearing the brush
away. Walker came {ho}me yesterday. he looks well. ha as a big beard all over the face.
{16} (Cold) We are skidding logs, skidded about 25 or 30. I shot partridge {drawing} it was
the seventh one I shot this fall
{17} (Fine) I went to Town with the geese and old hens, took 10 lbs turnips to Clark, went to
swamp and cut fire wood.
{18} (Very fine) I went to SS and to Church.
{19} (Fine and warm) I made an axe handle, u put in half of the peas tack in to the barn,
killed a sheep.
{20} (Warm) Went to skidding logs. I killed a mosqueto, shot another partridge {drawing of a
{21} (Warm) We were skidding logs, skidded 30 and made about one hundred yds of a road.
22 (Rained all day) I made a willow basket and went into Coins to hunt, carried gun in one
hand and a stick in the other to knock the wet off the trees. I got some ferns and bramble
bushes, they were as green as they were in July. I shot a fine big {drawing of a partridge}
partridge, Cap treed it he ran a couple of rabbits but they did not come near me.
23 (Cold) We skidded logs, Went to W. Carrols Concert in the evening had a very good time
24 (Fine) We were cutting wood to day.
25 (Fine & Warm) Hextell and Pricilla came to spend Christmas with us. I went to Church,
Rev J. Simpson preached

26 (Thawing) Berry and I, John and Jim Walker went out to hunt I shot one {drawing of a
rabbit} I saw 6 partridges and 5 rabbits I never had as bad luck as I remember of. Spent a
very pleasant Christmas all together.
27 (Warm) We skidded sawlogs about 26 logs today.
28 (Warm) We went to the Schoolmeeting, went and skidded logs in the afternoon, weighed
out a bag of four for D. Right.
29 (Warm) Skidded logs and sacked Andy Keeys.
30 (Cold) I cut logs for sawing for fire wood. Berry went to a sawing bee, cutting wood for
Emerson Gylespie, our saw cut the fastest of any saw at the bee.
31 (Snowstorm) I cut wood and other chores, went out to Coins bush I shot a partridge, the
ninth one this season {drawing of partridge}
January 1st 1882 Very cold I went to S.S. and to Church, got two fresh eggs to day.
2 (V. Cold) We cut logs for sawing. Berry and I took 30 sheep to Marsville We got $5 dollars
a piece for them
3 (Very Cold) We cut logs for sawing, I went to Town in the afternoon and got the rewards for
the S.S. scollars. This is the coldest night that there as been for 14 years
4 (V. Cold) Berry and I cut some logs, I went to Minnies in even
5 (Cold) We put in the rest of the peas, went to swamp and got two Christmas trees for the
social, went to the social had a very good one made $10.40 at it, I got three presents off the
gift tree one was a silk handkerchies worth one dollar, a led pensol 25 and a new years card.
6 (Cold) Berry and I loaded the horsepower and sawing machine, took them to swamp and
partly set them.
7 (Cold) Cut logs for sawing. Went to Minnies in the evening, and had a very good time.
8 (Thawing Very fast) I went to Church.

9 (Freezing) We went to Knolls Sam Reid and I cut logs. Walker shot a cat and a weasel, the
weasel was as white as snow and a black tip on its tail. We had a little party this evening we
had Sam and Minnie, John, Jim, & Jessie Walker, and Mary Farnell. We had a fine time.
10 (Fine and warm) I drew logs for sawing in the morning. and took Walker to the station in
the afternoon, cut some fire wood and chored around the rest of day
11 (the Three inches of snow last night) We drew in logs and set the horse power.
12 (Cold) I made an axe handle, Went to bush and got saw in going order cut a little wood.
{drawing of animal}
13 (Cold & snowing) We started to saw cut about 25 cords of good green maple. {drawing of
animal bleeding through the page}
14 (Cold) Berry and I started to draw sawlogs, drew 21 today I mortased a bunk for sleigh,
and cut down 5 hemlock for drags, Miss Willson sent a canary for me to stuff.
15 (Cold) I went to S.S. and to Church afternoon and evening to English Church Orangeville.
16 (Cold) Drawing sawlogs
17 (Cold -----------------------------18 ------------------------------------- trapped a couple of big rats.
19 ------------------------------------- Went to a Missionary meeting, good time
20 ------------------------------------- Sam and Minnie came and brought Mr. Wabb a cousin of
Sams, very nice chap.
21 (Snowed all day) We drew sawlogs, we have 166 logs in now.
22 (Very cold and stormy) I went to S.S. in morning, very stormy
23 (-----------------------------) We took a cow down to Ezrahs and traded for a mooley, came
home and chinked up sheep pens.
24 (Went to Swamp, we broak the switzer road, and drew one load of wood to the
school hoase house.

25 (Cold) I am splitting wood at school house, can split and pile about 6 cords a day {illegible
word scratched out}
26 (Thawing) Mr. J. Hunters house caught fire and burnt down on tuesday, they saved near
everything. Berry went to their bee to day drawing lumber, I went to Schoolhouse and split a
load of wood and piled it, came home and chored around. Raining the snow is going very
27 (Cold) I went to Hunters bee, to put up the house, we raised in the morning, got the sides
and ends boarded up and stuffed with tanbark. I dressed rafters and nailed most of the day.
28 (Cold) I went to Hunters again, we boarded up the gables and put on the sheeting in
morning. I shingled in the afternoon, got about half of it shingled
29 (Cold) I went to S.S. and to Church
30 (cold) I went to School, split about 3 cords of wood and piled it, went to Uncles pond at
night great skating going on now.
31 (Cold) I split wood and went to school in the afternoon
February 1st I went to School it got very dull.
2 (Cold) I went to knoll and drew logs for sawing. I saw a {drawing of a fox?} Cap was
running it he fetched it out of Gylespies and ran it into Reids field, I snared a rabbit {drawing
of a rabbit}
3 (cold) We sawed cut about 40 cords of hemlock.
4 I am a day too far ahead of the time
5 (Cold) I went to S.S. and to Church,
6 (Cold) We killed pigs 9 four would of them would weigh about 2 cut apiece, and the others
a bout one 1 cut there was only one of them squeeled after it was struck,
7 (Thawing) I went to School, had a very dull day, snared a rabbit and stuffed a weasel.
8 (Warm and sunny) I went to School

9 (Pleasant) I went to School, Hextall and family came.
10 (Pleasant) I split about two cords of wood, went to swamp and cut 40 ca posts, saw a
large owl and three partridges, there is game yet.
11 (Cold) I went to Town, bot a pair of skates $165, and deposited $50 dollars in the savings
bank, went to the swamp in afternoon cut about 90 posts.
12 (Rained some) I went to SS and from there to Minnies the girl is doing well, I walked
home through the mud and darkness.
13 (Thawing) I went to School, a hard spot for boys.
14 (Very fine I Went to School
15 --------) I went to School, went to Minnies in the evening.
16 (Fine) I went to School, started to rain in the afternoon. I went to Swamp for the dogs,
they were there from 2 oclock yesterday till 5 this evening, snared another {drawing of a
rabbit} rabbit set traps for an owl
17 (Very cold) George Moote and I went out to hunt rabbits, we did not get a shot. I went to
Minnies, she said Sam is greatly in the notion of going to Manitobah.
18 (V.C.) I went to swamp to under brush. I was walking up the and all at once the ice gave
way and I went down to the knees, my bots were frozen stiff before I had gone 30 yds. I
struck for the shanty and got dried of in one hour and 1/2 Berry came along and we struck for
the swamp came back in one hour and a half and found our coats burnt to a crisp I got two
buttons off mine and Berry got the buckle of is holster. I had a new pair of mits burnt, and a
good Indian basket also, loss estimated at 7 dollars no insurance, came home and nailed up
the old log stable to keep out storm and other chores
19 (Cold) I went to S.S. and to Church. Went from church to Minnies. Sam seems to be
recovering very nicely from the Manitoba fever
20 (Thawing) I went to school

21 (Snowed about 3 in) I went to school, haf soled one of my boots. Berry sold the tanbark,
got $8.40 for it, got $3.00 per cord. I bot a porcupines head and tail, gave 5c for
22 (Cold) I cut poles for fence 16 feet long I cut 140 or thereabout.
23 (Cold) Cutting poles cut about 140. Berry drawn them home.
24 (Pleasant) I and Berry went to swamp and cut a load of poles, drew one load home, Went
to McKinvens salte, Berry bot an old cradle for 1.25.
25 (Pleasant) Went to swamp I had a fine mink in the trap, this mornin {drawing of a mink} I
cut 36 poles, and 8 cedars 20 and 8,30 feet long for strawpen and enough cedar to make 30
posts, skinned the mink and stretched the hide, it is a very good hide.
26 (Thawing) I went to S.S. and to Church and from church to Minnies and spent the evening
there, Sam said he is going to Manitoba he is going to rent and start so he
sais mimmediately.
27 (Thawing) I went out to hunt. I got two rabbits, tracked a coon over a mile and lost the
track in a slash, the snow as nearly all gon in the bushes, were the sun can get a blink
28 (Thawing) Berry and I cut cord wood and underbrushed in the beaver meadow. {Animal
drawing bleeds through the page} We cut about 2 cords.
1st March (Warm) I went to swamp and got some ash and made a basked, trapped a
weasel, and stuffed it.
2 (very warm) Berry and I made a gate, and chored around.
3 (Cool) I made a couple of wedges, went to the swamp and cut rail cuts Berry & I split over
one hundred this afternoon.
4 (Warm) We went to swamp and took out rails got out about ninty and drew two loads
home. They say the frogs are croaking up about frogtown.
5 (damp day) I went to S.S. and to Church.

6 (Cold) I went to school to day. Snowed about one inch to night Sam and family came down
to day Minnie is going to stay a day or two, I think tomorrow will be a goodday to hunt coons.
7 (Cold) I went to School
8 (Cold and sunny) I went to hunt I shot a spruce partridge it is the finest one I ever shot. I
stuffed it, came home and split wood, in
9 (Snowing) We sold a two year old heifer for $35 dollars I took her down to fare ground,
came home and I got ready for crushing. Hextall came to get a load of oats crushed he gave
39 cents a bushel for them.
10 (cold) We crushed to day. Berry and I went to swamp and got a load of logs for strawpen,
Cap ran a fox through the swamp alnd across Reids he was about one hundrd yds behind
11 (Cold) I went to swamp and split and piled about two cords of wood, came home and split
wood in the wood shade.
12 (Snowed some) I went to S.S. and to Church. Hextall and family came this evening
{Animal drawing bleeds through the page}
14 (Cold) I helped Hextall to clean up seed wheat and seed peas, wheat is worth $123 per
bushel, and peas 75c per bushel. I split wood the rest of the day. Minnie went home tonight.
15 (Cold) I went to School, had some good fun at the football.
16 (----) ---------------------------------------------------------35
17 (Cold) Went to School. Paul Couse came to buy bees. he wanted to get 25 hives, we
offered him 12 at $8 each to be delivered at C.V.R. Station Orangeville on the 1st May.
18 (Warm) I went to School.
19 (Pleasant) Berry and I went to swamp and cut 19 saw logs, three of them were fine, the
but cut would be about 20 inches.
20 (I went to S.S and to Church. 19th I am one day ahead of time

21 20 (Warm) I went to Hextalls, took the turning lathe and aenough of other stuff to make
out a load
21 (Cold) Hextall and I went seaken for rails.
22 (Cold stormy) We drew out some rail cuts and split 90 rails
23 (Thawing) We cut some seader, think we have enough cut to make 1500 rails, we split 90
in the afternoon. I came home after dark, came in less than 3 hours. Hextall gave me half a
bushel of potatoes, they are a new sort.
24 (Very Cold.) I put a window in the sheep pen, and chored around. Berry went to J.
Ringrose and got 50 bushels of sead oats 38 cents per bushel. {Animal drawing bleeds
through the page}
25 (I went to Town and got lumber for bee hives. I paid $16.50 a thousand got enough to
make part of 30 hives, we had somebot a hand saw gave $1.75, the price was $200, came
home and started to cut lumber for hives, I went home with Minnie
26 (Thawing) I came down to S.s. and went to Church in afternoon. Mr. Crompton preached.
The black birds have come back.
27 (Rained all day) I cut lumber the most of the day, the water in the hollow is higher than I
ever saw it bel
28 (Pleasant) We crushed all day. I cut some lumber. Gatie went to the Sunday School
Convention in Orangeville today
29 (Pleasant rained in evening) Berry and I sawed stuff for patent hives, with the circular
saw, Pa went to Ringroses & and bot a mooley bull, gave $25 for him, he is three year old
30 (Cold) We finished ripping lumber for hives,it takes 1890 pieces to make 30 hives.
31 (Pleasant) Berry and I went to W. H. Hunters too look at a yoke of steers. I nailed racks
together for hives.
1 April Pleasant) I nailed sides and ends of hives together, of 28 hives.

2 (Warm) I went to S.S. and to Church,
3 (Pleasant) I went to J. Lambs and ordered one lawn mower, and 5 lbs white paint & 10 lbs
green, to paint bee hives, nailed some racks for hives, went to Town and got 5 lbs nails and
one lb brads,
4 (Wet) Berry and I cleaned up a grist in morning, I worked at hives some, I heard hounds
making great running in Coins bush, so I went to see the fun there was three big hounds
running two foxes I got up in a leaning maple out of all danger an in a good place to see all
that was going on below. Presently I saw a big fox cross in front of me and abut 40 yds off, I
fired and dropped him, he gave one terrible squall and limped off I followed & up and gave
him another shot and downed him again he is a very large one. I saw another one but he
was to far off to shoot
5 (Pleasant Berry and I finished clearning up wheat, I worked at hives, in I skinned the
{drawing of a fox} FOX. Went to Smeltzers lake to shoot ducks, saw over a dozen but could
not ged near them, one was all white, as near as I could tell.
6 (Wet) I am working at hives made over one 166 racks to day. Went out to look for ducks on
the ponds, saw a crane was about 60 yds off it when it flew, did not see any ducks.
7 (Warm) We crushed and cut the oat sheaves and some straw. Berry and I went up to the
lake to shoot ducks, but failed.
8 (Warm) We drew in the stack of hay, and set out the bees, about 30 hives, I ploughed in
afternoon, went to Town in evenin, got sheet iron strips for hives, and a package brads
9 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to Church, Minnie drove down. I went back with her as far as
R. Bradleys.
10 (Very cold ground is hard froze) I nailed racks for hives. We were intending to sow peas
today, the ground was quite dry
11 (V. Cold) I went to shoot ducks, the lake is all froze over and white with snow. I saw about
8 black ducks and one crane, and a gull I think it was a large bird and white, came home and
picked some potatoes, and finished the racks there is 385 I think. Cleaned y my 1 genn.

12 (Very cold) I helped pick potatoes about one hour, and worked at hives, cut out the
enterance and put on bottom boards on 28 hives, and helped Pa pertition off sheeppen.
13 (Cold) Berry took a load of potatoes to Town they would only give him 95 cents per bag,
so he drew them back and took them to Hillsburge and got $1.05c for then he made over $3
by his driving, I worked at the hives,
14 (Cold) I started to make tops for hives made nine. Found gooses nest in orchard she had
7 egg not frozen.
15 (Pleasant) I cut black knots out of cherry trees, Berry and I went out to buy a steer to mate
our bindle we could not meet with a man that had one to sell. We put away the horsepower
and sleighs in the shed. {Drawing of a mouse?}
16 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to Church. J Walker came home with us from church,
17 (Warm and spring like) I started to gangplough with the oxen it takes a long time to get in
a day with them
18 (Warm) I ploughed with the oxen. Went to T Reids and bought a three year old steer,
gave $40 cash for him brought him home, Sold R. Jotullo 5 bushels wheat $130 per bushel,
Berry started to drill in peas on the 17, finished them this evening about 12 acors.
19 (Wet) I made tops for hives, finished 4, and ploughed the rest of the day. O Rerry and I
broak in the Reid steer Rerry ploughed about 1/4 acor with him and one of old oxen he set
out the ridge and ploughed without any help,
20 (Cold) I went to Town and got appletrees and other articles, started to plough in the gore,
very rough.
21 (Cold) I ploughed all day, Aunt Sarah and family came to day, I killed a sky lark with a
stone, stuffed it.
22 (Pleasant Hard frost last night.) My pet lamb died it was a very fine lamb, weighed 15 lbs,
I ploughed today Trapped a very large rat, Bery finished ralling the peas.
23 (Pleasant) {Animal drawing bleeding through the page} I staid at home in morning and
went to Church.

24 (The ground is frozen to hard to ploug. before 9 oclock. I ploughed in the gore. We hired
R. Allin for a week.
25 (Cold mornings) I ploughed in gore
26 (/ / / / / ) Ploughed, Lizzie Ingrum died to day, she started to walk from Town on monday.
27 (Pleasant) I ploughed in morning and sowed with seeder. Bery and Pa went to funeral, I
saw 4 snow birds to day
28 (Cold) I ploughed in morning, and was sick in afternoon. I trimmed off the roots of apple
trees, Bery & Pa went to schoolmeeting
29 (Pleasant) I ploughed in the morning & sowed oats in the afternoon with seeder.
30 (Pleasant) Went to Church in afternoon.
31 (Cold) I rolled wheat and finished sowing the oats we have about 34 acors of oats in,
heavy rain storm this evening
May th 2nd Very cold this morning, the ground is froze to hard to cultivate or harrow till noon.
Bery and I drew of it stones with the oxen and little horses. I took the oxen to Town, we sold
them for $125 to J Besmet. We bot a three year old steer gave $42 for him. I drove him
3 (Pleasant) Bery and I yoked up the steers and drove them around. I picked stones with
them in the afternoon. Planted some trees in the evening.
4 (Warm) I planted the rest of the trees, put a bull in a harrow, and harrowed the rest of the
5 (Pleasant) I sowed barley in the newground about 9 acors.
6 (Hard frost last night did not thaw out till 10 oclock. I cultivated about 8 acors,
7 (Pleasant) I took Gatie to Minnies, W. T. Carrols were there, went to Church, and back to

8 (Pleasant) I sowed 9 acors of barley, we will sow about 3 ac more I think instead of so
many turnips.
9 (Very warm) I dug up a mapple tree about 4 in thick and planted it in new orchard,
gardened the rest of the day. Jewels colt died this evening, it was never able to suck or get
up alone.
10 (Very Cold) I finished rolling the barley, and started to cultivate in the new ground, came
on rain. I trapped a {drawing of a groundhog} G.H.G. made tops for two hives. Our servant
girl came to day.
11 (Raining yet) I chored around, took the hives in the barn for fear the of the old stable
falling and smashing them.
Three of my hives have kicked the bucket, and one in the winter they have enough honey left
to do them a couple of months or so.
12 (Raining yet snowed for about one hour) Bery and I took the young cattle to the knoll, very
little grass. I made eight tops for hives, and sat around the rest of the day. We had a pet
lamb and two goslins & 3 chickens kicked the bucket. We had three pet lambs a month ago,
but they have all past from the stage
13 (Warm) Bery and I dug about 40 trees. I planted them.
14 (Warm) I went to Church in afternoon, went for a drive with John and Jessie Walker.
15 (Pleasant) I went to Town and got 146 eggs white leghorns, from Jams Carson paid $100
for the setting. gang ploughed in the afternoon. Killed a ground hog {drawing of a groundhog}
16 (Warm) Bery an I, J and J Walker fenced across the knoll. Bery and I made a pen for the
cattle to lie in.
17 (Warm) I sowed 2 1/4 of barley in stead of so many turnips, gardened the rest of the day.
18 (Pleasant) I rolled oats in the gore.
19 (Warm) I dug some trees 4 butter nut and 5 black birch and baswood and white ash. Bery
finished rolling this morning. I killed a large rat. Berry and I took two cattle to swamp We

brought home the sowing machine. I went to {drawing of a fish} and caught about a dozen,
killed 5 ground hogs one old one and 4 young ones
20 (Pleasant) Bery and I cleaned up the lane. I went to W. Carrols in the afternoon, eggs are
14 cents per doz.
21 (Warm) I went to S.S. and to Church, Miss Stevenson and Miss Webs{ter?} walked up,
this morning.
22 (Pleasant) I gangploughed, started to rain at noon.
23 (Cold) I white washed the kitcheon in morning went to Town and bot a pair shoes $200.
Hextall and Pricilla came this evening
24 (Pleasant) I went to fish with John Jim and George Walker, an W. Black, to Melville. We
had great fun and caught a good lot of fish. I caught two that weighed 2 1/2 lbs 1 1/4 lb each,
I had over 7 lbs of good fish home with me. There was over one hundred people fishing in
the pond I would think, it was nearly like a fare. There was a very heard frost last night the
ground was froze quite hard and ice on all mut holes, did no harm here.
25 (Pleasant) I fixed up the fence in front of the bees, and other chores went to swamp in
afternoon brought home two loads of rails. I patched up the brush fence,
26 (Warm) I gardened some and started to drill in the turnips, finished the turnips.
27 (Pleasant) I gardened in morning) Came on rain) J. and Jim Walker and Bery and I went
out to hunt foxes. We killed a ground hog, and got very wet.
28 (Warm) I went to S.S. and to Church, went to Uncles and spent the evening.
29 (Pleasant) I gardened all day.
30 (Pleasant) We cut potatoes. We have G. Clingan helping us
31 (Wet) Finished cutting the seed potatoes, and washed the buggie ready for painting, Sold
two three year old steers for $95 to J.M. Smith, planted some potatoes this evening

(Cold) Chored around in morning and planted potatoes in afternoon we have about two acors
in. Killed a ground hog.
June 2nd ()Pleasant) Planted potatoes
3 (Wet) I painted bea hives 17, painte them green. pottered around the rest of it
4 (Pleasant) I went to S.S. and to Church.
5 (Warm) We finished planting potatoes, and split posts, for pole fence.
6 (Pleasant) We sowed plaster in morning, and washed the sheep in afternoon, We were
offered $70 for our big cow, gave $35 for her in January.
7 (Warm & windy) We sowed 24 acors with plaster, started to build the pole fence about 4
8 (Warm) G. Clingan and I fenced, 2 heavy rainstorms. Bery helped us after tea we finished
the fence, it is about 35 rods long, Walker went to Convocation to day to get his degree B.A.
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