Jean "Jennie" Fleming Diary & Transcription, 1869-1872


Jean "Jennie" Fleming Diary & Transcription, 1869-1872

Date Created

January 1, 1869

Is Part Of

Jennie Fleming Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 2
Diary of Jennie Fleming
From Ruth Larmour Collection of records pertaining to the Fleming family of Derby Township
Jennie Fleming (1843-1942)
Miss Jennie Fleming was a long term resident of Owen Sound, active in the temperance movement and
in the good work of the Church of the Disciples of Christ .
Her parents, Alexander Fleming and Jean Stewart, had emigrated from Perthshire in 1843. They settled
first in Vaughan Township, and in 1850 moved to Derby Township to take up virgin Crown Land in the
area that became Kilsyth.
Jennie was born in 1843 in Vaughan Township and lived in good health and determined spirit until her
last few years. She died in her 100th
year in Owen Sound in 1942.
Her younger years were spent in the harsh conditions of pioneer life - clearing land, raising livestock, and
growing crops. She never lost sight of agriculture, in her later years cultivating an orchard and vineyard
on four acres of the family farm.
Her parents valued education and, notwithstanding the heavy demands of the farm, she received a solid
education from the local schools, from her parents, and through the Church of the Disciples of Christ –
becoming a Sunday school teacher for that church for many years.
Shrewd and practical, Jennie co-managed a general store for several years in Kilsyth with her brothers
William and Charles. Her particular skill was in bookkeeping. She lived in Kilsyth on her widowed
Charles’ farm until her two nieces were of an age to attend high school in Owen Sound. Determined
that they should be safe and well looked after, she bought a house at 87 Boyd Street (later 852 Fifth
Avenue East), and moved with the two girls to the city in 1894. Her nephew C.A. Fleming and his family
were already well established in the city.
Hard working and resourceful, Jennie was never idle. She contributed to the Canadian Women’s
Christian Temperance Union as treasurer for many years and as national secretary, and held the office of
treasurer of the provincial Missionary Board of the Church of Christ for nearly fifty years. As well she was
keenly interested in cultural affairs, being a member of the Browning Reading Circle, the Women’s Art
Association, and the Owen Sound Horticultural Society. Her nephew Roy noted that “she voted at
elections … and advocated the advance of women in politics, business, industry, and social work”.
She had extraordinary energy. In 1903, she travelled with her nephew Roy, her brother James, and his
daughter Minerva to Europe and the United Kingdom for several weeks of touring ending with time in
the Highland homeland of her parents and siblings in Perthshire. Soon after she and Roy built a
substantial cottage in the Fishing Islands in Bruce County where, until the 1930s, she spent many
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 3
During Jennie’s lifetime, social and economic conditions in Grey County were in rapid flux. In a mere two
decades the pioneer farms that a provided subsistence living were turned into more prosperous and
varied farms. Population grew. Nearly overnight, railways and steamships opened up travel and
transformed Owen Sound and other ports on Georgian Bay into busy commercial centres. Jennie
experienced all of this. From 1869 onwards she availed herself of the opportunities to travel to Toronto ,
parts of the Great Lakes, and Europe.
Her diary for 1869-1872 had a record of two trips - one to Toronto by train in 1869, and the second to
and from Marquette, Michigan by steamer in 1871.
In the Toronto trip, she gives the reader a sense of the countryside – still heavily wooded, and the
features of the large urban centres. Jennie seemed inexhaustibly interested in the large public buildings
and gardens and made it a point to take in the art gallery and library at the Normal School in Toronto.
The second part of her Toronto trip was a pilgrimage to attend the annual convention of the Disciples of
Christ in Bowmanville, east of Toronto on the Grand Trunk line – an event that attracted hundreds to
hear evangelical speakers and receive baptism. Jennie seemed to know the ministers and speakers.
In her account of travel by steamer from Marquette, Michigan she takes in the scenery of the shoreline
and the entertainment aboard ship. She and her companions were very fortunate to not encounter
rough seas.
Her style of observation and general outlook are economical and very much geared to the practical and
to industry. She is observant of surroundings, and dismissive of those she deems “of no account”. These
qualities were probably true of her throughout her life.
The Diary
Trip from Kilsyth to Toronto, Whitby, Bowmanville
June 7, 1869
June 9th 1
- sailed on propeller Champion2
. Water was quite rough. Scenery along the Georgian Bay is
beautiful – high banks covered with the sweetest foliage – with here and there a clear farm. About half
past six o’clock pm the high hills which surround Collingwood came in view – and in a few minutes we
were landed in the small town of that name – put up for the night at Cameron’s Hotel, which is a
comfortable house – weather quite cold – had to wear gloves and shawls for comfort.
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 4
1 Map of Northern and expansions circa 1877 - Source: Wikipedia
June 11 – Got on board3
the train for Toronto at 5 o’clock am. Batteaux in the first station but of no
note – country rather poor all along the track to Stayner. Stayner is a beautiful little village – all new
buildings and well finished, numbering say 100. New Lowell is the next station. It is a small place but
quite nice. - ___ the country commences to be partly cultivated and Scenery nice. Angus not much of a
place – situated on a stream of water not particularly attractive – now we reach Harrison –no place at
all , hardly no stop. Country between Angus and Harrison ____ nice but very low, As we move onward
to(?) land(?) the woods are composed of rich evergreen and larch, which appear to the lover of nature
beyond ___ beautiful . County still(?) contains low and swampy and uncultivated by man until we
reach Allendale which is a delightful place interspersed (?) with beautiful gardens and one beautiful
water fountain. Now we move backward to Barrie with the Stub (?) of water ___ ___ called lake
Simcoe. Now we breathe the invigorating air of the water. Now we pass the Small Wharf. Now we are at
the Barrie station. There are a large number of beautiful buildings with trees and gardens of the richest
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 5
and rarest. The Lake is surrounded with sloping banks and the richest green foliage. Trees are
exceedingly thick and not at all ___ grown. Now we leave Lake and Scenery and make our way onward.
There are some high ____ along the tracks which are nice, and a few cultivated farms between (?)
farther _______ of note. Now we reach thick evergreen forests which are the rarest(?) I have seen so
far on the south. Now we reach Craigville, a place of no note.
Next comes Lefroy but of no note. Country neither fertile(?) or beautiful. Gilford next on our Travel but
of no particular dimensions as we move onward. We pass Cedar groves (?) inter__ with other delightful
Scanlon station next. – aia? not stop.
Bradford is a nice village. Situated on the west side of the tracks on an elevated situation, and a deep
stream of water running East = do not know the name of it. Soon we reach Holland Landing – a smaller
place but richly planted with trees and shrubbery in general. There is one large Church house situated
on the hill on the east side of the track there are quite a number of rich gardens – the lilac trees are in
full bloom which makes the whole appear most sweet.
Here we met with a few really cultivated farms and some good farm residences also groves and orchards
and woods of the richest and rarest. NewMarket is quite a business place situated on the river. It is the
largest on the Northern Track – ___ ___ with trees and interspersed with beautiful gardens.
Now 34 miles of the city. This is a Splendid agricultural country - highly cultivated . [30]4
Now we reach
Aurora – there is one beautiful fountain of water – has very pretty groves as we near King. And splendid
orchards. As we see(? ) near Richmond Hill there are rich(?) pine groves and the brooks ____
beyond(?) the ____ ____ the mills I have ever seen. Some of the most beautiful groves as Richmond Hill
I have ever seen. [16 ] Now we reach Thornhill – not much of a place [2 pm]
The country continues to be a splendidly cultivated and a good agricultural place. Now we are fast
nearing _______ 5
as the Sun is commencing to shine and the day is getting nice. It has been raining all
morning heavily. Now we see(?) Weston Station [8] and now Davenport [4] – only a station, no
business The country is clear and level(?) and surpasses all we have come past. Now we come to the
Chrystal Palace 6
on the Exhibition Grounds - are large and nice planted with trees.
Arrived at the Albion Hotel Toronto . 7
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 6
2 Albion Hotel, Jarvis St., Toronto, c 1873 - Source: Toronto Public Library
10 o’clock 30 minutes8
– had dinner and then walked to Geo Michens (9
) and Co and purchased an order
of goods from them.
We took the streetcar to the Asylum Grounds 10
passing Osgoode Hall which is a very large building with
a beautiful fence and garden. Thence we moved forward to Trinity College which is large and
surrounded by trees, flowers and shrubbery. Soon the Asylum walls became visible and in a few minutes
we entered the gate at the entrance. The ground is planted with trees of every description. A splendid
orchard and shrubbery of the richest and rarest. There the walnut grows and the rich snowball plant
loaded with its white blossoms. The snow drop hedges and flower beds, walks of fine gravel, and hot
house with its ___ plants. There the sweet fusia11
and elegant geraniums flourish. We plucked a few
flowers to remind us another day of our visit to the asylum.
There is a large chain of substantial buildings to hold the insane, and in front a beautiful fountain but at
present it is dry.
At ½ past 5 o’clock we go on board for the GTR for Whitby. Shortly we were gliding along pleasantly by
the lake Ontario – here the land is undulating, high hills and deep ravines covered with the most
beautiful ____ _____ a splendid ___ agricultural country with the grandest groves I have ever beheld.
Scarboro is the first station we reach but of no note.
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 7
Now we pass ravines and now we pass hills. Port Union of no note. Now we glide along the water side –
looks very beautiful – now we pass a stream of water – don’t know its name.
Duffins Creek Station
Whitby is the next station – a place of considerable importance. Will give a description on other page.
Oshawa is the next on the Grand Trunk a place of much business. Reached Bowmanville to Bro
Visited Whitby – it is a very beautiful little town planted with trees and shrubbery in general. We visited
Trafalgar Castle 13
or the residence of Sherriff Reynolds. It is a magnificent building: its halls and its
parlors are beyond everything I have seen in a private residence.
We also visited Oshawa. It is quite a business place. We went through Halls large foundry and
There are over 200 men employed daily. We also visited the Methodist Church. 15
It is a
grand building - cushioned and carpeted and has a splendid organ.
Places to visit:
 Mechanics Institute and School
 James Parochial School Toronto
 University College Museum
 Commercial College Toronto
 Normal School Toronto
June 11, Whitby
[note on separate page ] – Instant (?) friendship dedicated to dear Jennie.
June 13 Sunday Morning
Attended meeting last night.16
The large chapel was crowded. Moses E Lard17
spoke ably when one
confession was made. Baptism took(?) place. This M mar_ did not ated(?) was raining. Morning
meeting was held in the Duke Street about 600 present. Bro Moses E Lard spoke from the text – “I have
finished the work thou didst give me to do”. Spoke ably and very affecting. Meeting was dismissed and
___ if – was raining which caused the congregation to be not more than one third what was expected.
Lodged at Mr Munsons(?) who was very kind to us. In the afternoon Bro Moses and ___ spoke on Philip
the Eunack going to the water. Meeting was much longer than in the morning. In the evening M E Lard
spoke again – he spoke on the character of Jesus healing the sick and – one came forward. Attended the
Baptism in the morning. Lady (?) was much excited – almost fainted. Attending morning meeting
Monday. Bro Lard spoke with great energy. Spoke again in the evening(?)
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 8
Left Bowmanville Tuesday morning [June 15] after having a very pleasant time visiting the principal
places which were Ontario Bank (?)and at Bro Thompsons had some very nice music to hear.(?)
On returning to Toronto we spent a very pleasant time visiting the Normal School picture gallery18
. Here
are the pictures of all the departed w___. Many busts – Henry 8 with his knight dress and sword, and
another whose name I do not remember. Demosthenes(?) and as ___ a shooting his ______.
The building itself is most magnificent. Also the garden. It has so many different varieties of flowers,
shrubs and trees and its grassy parts are so nice. The grand walks are perfectly beautiful. We next
walked up the Avenue to Queen’s Park which was quite a long walk. Queen’s Park is nicely laid out and
has in about its centre two large pieces of artillery taken by the English at Sebastopol. And to the east is
situated the hospital. We still move on west - here is University Pond 19
– soon we reach the massive
building of University College. It really surpasses all the rest I have seen. Its architecture is so strange yet
grand. Soon we enter the capacious building. Here we find a splendid museum although not so
extensive or as beautiful as that at Niagara Falls. Next we enter the extensive library. The large room is
full of books of every variety. Now we walk down College Avenue which is at least one mile in length
and as we now turn East and we come to Osgoode Hall which is massive and beautifully fenced with
iron fencing. We now wend our way toward our lodging. Now we reach and there is a concert in the
adjoining building St Patrick Hall by the Toronto Band. It is most sweet to hear.
June 19, 1869
Now we wend our way homeward. It is a pleasant day. Now we leave the train and enter on our Frances
Smoothly it glides over the sea green waters of Georgian Bay. There is hardly a ripple or brim on
the water.
Shopping List in Toronto
[This appears to be a list of goods – clothing, cloths, sewing, umbrellas, gloves, paper – likely for sale in
the store in Kilsyth that she ran with her brother William Fleming. The Ys probably mark the items she
was able to procur. She also noted names of retail shops.]
 Boys rubber boots(?) Y
 Roll black lining Y
 Felt skirts large size plain Y
 ½ doz umbrellas Y
 Gents paper collars
 Gents paper fronts
 Ladies paper collars and cuffs
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 9
 Piece silk ___ - 2 pieces Canada cloth – stripe if possible Y
 24 yds overcoating (shorts) Y
 12 yds black batting
 Gents winter comforters (2 kinds)
 Some ladies C___ - nice
 Some pieces edging
 Piece water proof cloth Y
 Some pieces velvet trim
 Blue and black
 Ribbons narrow and wide black
 Ribbons narrow blue
 Skirt braid blue and black
 3 or 4 pieces brown prints Y
 Some buttons for 7 shirts Y
 Alpacka braid (narrow)
 1 doz best sets
 Coal buttons common sequins
 Carsts all out(?)
 Shawl for mother Y
 Women’s winter gloves and mitts
 J White Noblen (?)[name of shop]21
 12 doz pieces Indian S. cloth
 6 cotton yarn Dundoss No 9
 3 doz cotton boys Dunders (?)
 Linen short pants
 1 piece ____ in place of the one to be returned
 Some best velvet for over skirt
 Gillespie and Co22
 1 doz hats (large size)
 1 german mink muff 8:00
 Childrens wool hats (caps)
 Babies cape or cloak with hood one blue and white
 Ladies Clowds knit mittens (?)
 Set fans(?) for myself
 Berlin wool yarn Red
 Felt skirts large size
 No 64 Yonge St
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 10
 Mopping paper all sizes
 Spelling books
 Other(?) arithmetic(?)
 See about Otes (?) 9.00
 Thomson and Burns – Front St23
 Sachel for ladies
 Childs and Hamilton – Wellington St East.24
[Itinerary to Lake Superior]25
 Griffith Island [in Colpoy’s Bay]
 Lonely Island [30 km SE of Manitoulin]
 Killarney (Fishing station)
 Manitoulin
 Little Current – Saclash (?) [On Manitoulin Island]
 Spanish River
 Algoma Mills
 ___ Island one of the nicest on the trip26
 And Snake Island ports(?)
 Raspberry jam
 Churches standing
 Garden River
 Sault Canada side
 Sault American
 Trip on steamer Chicora 27
from Owen Sound and M___ and Jas Pilram (?)
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 11
Marquette, September 4, 1871
Left Marquette 28
at 5 pm bound for home via steamer Meteor. Marquette is a city of about 5000
inhabitants. It is beautifully situated on Marquette Bay, Lake Superior, on a hill at least 20 feet above the
level of the lake – is noted particularly for the iron works. The country is entirely a mining district. Here
we visited the ___ which is wild but beautiful. The light house which is situated on a rocky peninsula. We
spent several hours around the rocks, which are of a reddish hue . __ we sought cut iron stone. Also
visited the water works and break water which extends out a great distance in the lake.
Sunday morning we had a very pleasant drive to a little village Chocolay, a little village about five miles
from town. This little village an iron manufacturing place but is now a desolate place uninhabited save
by a .. foreman. The stone around here is most beautiful – winding river and grassy banks with here and
there an Indian canoe or row boat. The surface of the ground here is covered with blue berries of which
we partook very fully. After which we drove homeward by the lake side with the mountainous banks
beyond.. Most beautiful mountain background all the way. Now we have reached the city. I would say
then that city is without a doubt the nicest I have ever visited ______ planted so nicely trees … trees
and groves that make up the place. Second growth pine with a little ___ of spruce, balsam and maple
are the ornamental trees used. They are also very .. with the gardens and residences, quite a number
have small fountains and trout ponds. The North Western is the principal hotel of the place – so situated
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 12
up close to the lake and has a front ground of trees and in the midst of which is a beautiful fish pond
and fountain.
But now we have to bid the fair land we have loved farewell. We stand on deck until the eye can no
longer discern the mountain grandeur. The probability that the eye can never again catch a glimpse of
the spot makes the heart sad.
Now we are out on the deep green water of Superior swiftly sailing – it is so calm that there is scarcely a
ripple. The shades of evening are now closing on us and we must go within – then ____ beautiful – but
the boat is crowded.
Now the piano is open and music is on the ____. Sweet song by sweet players – now a waltz, than a song
of home and again a march ___ but now we must retire, as of later in the evening – 3 o’clock am and we
are awakened by the low hollow sound of the boat ___ us that we are near some place of interest.
“White Fish Point” by name . There is a light house at this place. The best fish in North America is
caught here – got a quantity on board. Soon after the dawn we woke from our slumbers and found
ourselves nearing Sault St Marie. Now the Sault Rapids appear in the distance and soon found ourselves
going down the canal. This is a splendid piece of workmanship. It is blasted out of solid rock and built up
of huge cut stones. Has three locks. Soon we pass the rapids and now we are fast sailing down the Sault
River. The scenery along the banks of this river is really grand. Low down at the river’s edge grows
evergreen thick as they can stand with a mountainous background. High and rocky apparently of iron
stone. This sight alone is worth a trip from France. There are several islands in the river and rapids which
are covered with the most beautiful foliage. Now we glide down the channels, island after island. Spots
appear and then pass from our sight. (St Josephs is the most p____) all of which are covered with the
most beautiful shrubbery. Now we glide down close to the banks which are all rock on one side and the
other thick grown wood. The river St Marie here is from ¼ to 1 mile in width. Now it widens and now it
narrows – now a few Indian huts and Indian dock and now rocky banks and towering rocks in the
distance and now passing through island of larger dimensions.
Still down the river we glide through dozens of islands playing hide and seek among. Now we arrive at a
small Port De Tour 29
called Point De Tour where they took in coal and wood.
Now we enter the broad Lake Huron. We see four schooners in the distance. They look beautiful in the
distance. Downward we glide, pass Thunder Bay 30
in the night. In the morning in Saginaw Bay – no land
to be seen as yet. The stars and stripes still wave over and have been for 10 days. The propeller
“Meteor” is a very nice boat and is crowded there being about 150 on board. We have quite
considerable musical f_____ s – have a concert every evening and in day time also. It is really delightful.
The piano and violin go together very nicely.
Cost of trip total including set of croquet $34 – made $2.00 on set of dishes taken up making net $32
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 13
[Various Notes]
November 6 1879
Mailed to Toronto organ company in fill a/c for organ $65 in Molson Bank fine ___ or ___
March 15, 1880
Mailed at Owen Sound today letter addressed to Rev John Brown containing cheque for $132 big
instalment on mortgage for S.W ___. Jenny F
Music Lessons
[Jennie may have paid for music lessons for her these three girls: Jesse Fleming, her niece and daughter
of James and Grace Fleming,; Florence, a niece, daughter of Ester and Donald Fleming; and Susan
Kinchen, probably the 13 year old Susannah Elizabeth Kinchen (b Jan 30, 1863) who later married
Alexander Fleming, Jennie’s brother.]
 S. Kinchen music lessons Nov 22 to Feb 17, 1879
 Florence Fleming music lessons Dec 19 to Feb 19
 Jesse Fleming Dec 2 to Feb 10
 Susan Kinchen Feb 24 to Mar 16 (total 23)
 Florence Fleming Feb 27 to Mar 26 (total 23)
Last Page
Mrs Hautson (?) Bruce Mines went to Mrs Reads S___
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 14
End Notes
Jennie may have started out from Kilsyth on June 7, 1869, and stayed a day or two in Owen Sound before
embarking on the ship. June 9, 1869 was a Wednesday. She returned on Saturday June 19.
Champion was a propeller boat that operated out of Owen Sound at this time. Screw-driven propeller boats
were introduced to the Great Lakes in 1840. For a description of Champion, see Great lakes Maritime Collection,
Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library .
Jennie was travelling on the Northern Railway. Originally named the Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railroad Union
Company, this line reached Collingwood in 1855. In 1858 it became the Northern Railway Company of Canada and
the Northern was purchased by Grand Trunk Railway in 1888. The Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway did not get
built to Owen Sound until 1874. These trains were most important for transporting grain, dairy, farm produce,
firewood and timber. See
Stations on the line from Collingwood to Toronto are identified in Jim Fergusson's Railway and Tramway Station
Lists. From this we learn that distance from Collingwood to Allandale is 31.4 mile , and from Allandale to Toronto
63 miles.
Numbers inside brackets were probably mile markers.
Would be Thornhill, but Jennie wrote something else.
Crystal Palace – Toronto, emulating London’s Palace built for the 1851 Exhbition, built a Crystal Palace of glass
and iron in 1858 as showcase for agriculture and industry. See Crystal Razed by Fire in Toronto in Time,
Albion Hotel was on East Market Square – 35 and 33 E Market. For photo see
Was listed in the directories of the day; eg. The Province of Ontario Gazetteer and Directory, Robertson and Cook
Publishers: Toronto. 1869.
Dinner at 10:30 must have been the morning of the next day, June 12, since they would not have had dinner at
10:30 pm the night before and then walked the city. It was the custom then to have the large meal at noon, and a
smaller supper at night.
Can’t findGeo Michens in the city directory, but did locate a George Noble and Co at 214. Yonge.
Jennie and her companions (unknown) were stout workers. The Toronto Asylum for the Insane on Queen Street,
2.5 miles from City Hall in the city centre.
Fuchsia – Jennie was usually careful in her spelling but some words defied her.
Edmund Sheppard had emigrated from England in 1843. For several years he was a teacher but was also active
as a preacher for the disciples of Christ.
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 15
13 “The castle was built by Nelson Gilbert Reynolds, Sheriff of Ontario County, as a private residence in 1859.
Reynolds was named after Lord Nelson and named his castle Trafalgar in honour of the Battle of Trafalgar.” Source:
Joseph Hall Works -
Might have been Metcalfe Street Church in Oshawa, built in 1863. Photo at Oshawa Public Libraries Heritage
Jennie had gone to a Disciples of Christ meeting in Bowmanville, a town ten miles east of Oshawa. The Disciples
of Christ had been gathering a following in the late 1840s and 1850s, One was Charles J. Lister, who became a
preacher and whom Jennie would have known in Owen Sound. See The Disciples of Christ of Bowmanville by
Geoffrey Ellis, 2011
Moses E Lard was a preacher and editor from Kentucky who was in Canada during the American Civil War.
During his stay he often preached east of Toronto in Bowmanville, Oshawa, Pickering. He was an effective and
moving preacher, described by Geoffrey Ellis in The Disciples of Christ of Bowmanville quotes Joseph Ash – ““His
talents are well known and were of the highest order, and commanded a large and attentive hearing.”
Normal School was the school for training teachers that Egerton Ryerson had created. It was located on St James
Square. In addition to classrooms it had gardens, a museum, and Toronto’s only art gallery. Source:
Photo of art gallery 1907 -
University Pond (or McCaul’s Pond) was part of Taddle Cree that flowed through the campus of the University of
Toronto along where Philosopher’s Walk is today. The pond would have been near Hart House Circle. It was buried
in the late 1800s and directed into sewer lines. See A brief history of Taddle Creek, Toronto's lost treasure by
Chris Bateman, blogTO (Mar 31. 2012)
Frances Smith was the first steam passenger ship built in Owen Sound in1867. Scott Cameron in his book, The
Frances Smith: Palace Steamer of the Upper Great Lakes, 1867-1896 described it as a “gleaming white, oak
framed, wooden sidewheel steamer ” See
Frances Smith had just arrived back in Owen Sound on June 17, 1869 after being extensively repaired in Detroit. It
had run into a shoal of rocks in November at Key Harbour and had to be left over the winter. William Smith, the
captain and owner, was able to salvage it in April and have it back in operation in time for Jennie’s return.
J.White Noblen might have been G and W Noble, dry goods, on 214 Yonge St
Gillespie and Co were hatters and furriers 64 Yonge
Thomson and Burns were Importers of hardware, stationery, crockery – 10 & 12 Front W
Childs and Hamilton: wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers . 7 Wellington East
Jennie noted the places she passed on a steamer to Lake Superior on her trip to Marquette in 1871.
Diary of Jennie Fleming 1869-1872
Transcribed by Ruth Larmour and Gwen Harris (July 2016) 16
Can’t identify the island or confirm existence of Snake Islands. However, they must have been in the North
Jennie’s word looks like Chiloro, but it must have been Chicora (aka Let Her Be)an iron steamer built in 1864. It
ran as a Canadian mail boat Georgian Bay and Lake Superior in 1868, then carried troops in 1870. It had a
reputation of being a fast ship. More information at Alpena County George N Fletcher Public Library , and at Maritime History of the Great Lakes,
Marquette in in Upper Michigan, on Lake Superior. The town grew to serve iron mining interests in the 1800s
and in the later part of the century became a summer haven for tourists. Jennie’s sister-in-law Lyda Warren had a
sister Annie who lived in Marquette. Jennie might have been travelling with Lyda and Charles.
The Meteor was a propeller steamer for passengers and freight. On the travel back they pass Saginaw Bay which is
on the US side of Lake Huron. There is no indication of where they disembarked but it could have been Detroit, and
Jennie would have returned home by train.
The History of the Great Lakes tells the story of Meteor colliding into and sinking the Pewabic in 1865.
There was a village of De Tour on the upper Michigan peninsula at the mouth of the St Mary’s river as it entered
Lake Huron. It was not a port but did have a light house to mark the De Tour reef.
This is Thunder Bay Island which had a light house. Saginaw is on the American side of South Lake Huron.

Transcription Progress



Jennie Fleming Diary, 1869-1872.pdf
Jennie Fleming 1869-1872 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“Jean "Jennie" Fleming Diary & Transcription, 1869-1872,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025,
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