David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1867


David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1867


David Allan


Courtesy of Guelph Civic Museum and Archives of the University of Guelph


19th Century, Wellington South County, Guelph Township

Date Created


Is Part Of

David Allan Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


February. Monday, 11. 1867.

The weather is cold and windy to day but not so cold as yesterday which was very bitter, the wind being so Keen Went out to the Rocks and drove all round and find a considerable quantity of parts of piles of dry wood yet left, hardly any wheat in the market to day

Tuesday, 12.

Mild weather to day, but no increase of water yet but have plenty for 2 run Saw 14 hogs weighed to day in the market fed by Griffeth {could be Griffith} of Eramosa, and after deducting 2 ibs for each hog they amounted to 5780 Ibs at $5,50 = $317,,90

Wednesday, 13.

Mild weather to day, and raining hard during the whole of the foremoon and most of the afternoon

February. Thursday, 14. 1867.

Friday, 15.

Very fine winter weather, Went down to Fishers Mills to day, Higinbotham's wife and Mrs {illegible} and Mrs {illegible}, the sleighing was good considering the washing it got from the rain on Wednesday they had plenty of water running over the dam there

Saturday, 16.

This is a very rainey and stormy morning but cleared up by noon

There is a great clear of water flowing over the apron to night, but think there is no need to lift the gates as it is freezing now. Began to on the rafters for roof of Shed at the furnance door of Distillery

February. Monday, 18. 1867.

This has been a fine mild day, and the snow melting away pretty fast on the roads, a considerable quantitty of water is flowing over the dam. Have resolved to day to set up the Cronometer Steam Guage to test the little Boiler in the distillery Have begun to put on the sheeting for the roof of the shed in front of the furnance doors

Tuesday, 19.

The New Woolen Factory to be built on the old Tanner lot (Jacksons) is to be 81 feet long & 34 feet wide & 2 1/2 stories high, the lower 10 feet the next to be 9 feet high

Wednesday, 20.

Went down to Hamilton this morning & found that they had a greater fall of snow than we had last night This being the day of meeting of the Corn Exchange, the attendance was very poor, and sales made, the trade in general is very dull

February. Thursday, 21. 1867.

This is a cold day, and clear yet not very hard frost It appears that the Wollen factory contracts are taken The Mason work is to be completed for $1770,,00 & the Carpenter work for $1050,,00

Friday, 22.

This has been another coldish day, but quite clear Some snow fell last night and through the forenoon but all of it did not amount to much. nor make sleighing, Have made preparations, by way of attaching the little Boiler to the old one, so as to give it a fair trial tomorrow We are also now grinding No 2 wheat with a 2d {illegible} quality of flour, it would have been much better had the wheat been dried on a Kiln

Saturday, 23.

I made a fair trial of the boilder this morning and after several hours hard firing got the steam up to 12 Ibs but when ever it was turned on to the Still it went down at once, and after working on tile after 10 oclock could only run one charge and had hard work to blow of that, we pulled out the fire and put it into the old furnance and started it, and had the steam up in a very short time

February. Monday, 25. 1867.

This has been rather a coldish day, the wind sharp Mrs. Stewart of Montreal and little Duncan left for home at 3 o,clock Very few loads of wheat came into town to day and some sold as high as $1.50

Tuesday, 26.

Fine winter weather but hardly any sleighing on the main roads There was a good deal of wheat in town to day, but all very high, some loads commanding $1.52 in silver and not {unfrequently?} 1,50 in bills, poor fall wheat $1,71 Pork heavy from $5.30 to $5,40

Wednesday, 27.

This has been a very fine day, I went down to Hespeler to enquire about square timber and flour Barrels and agreed for 1000 from Krlbs at 30 cents there at the shop He could not furnnish the timber himself but have heard from since that a party will deilver it rough hewn at $8.68 or counter hewed at $8.80 per 100 feet in Guelph

February. Thursday, 28. 1867.

Cold to day by what it was yesterday and looked like rain in the afternoon The team brought up a load of Barrels from Hespeler, also a load from Evertown and one from Kelly This has been our Fast day in the Church and was very well attended both morning & evening

March. Friday, 1.

Very mild to day, team took another load of Barrels from Waterloo But have set about making a new large Rack to hold a hundred Brls {short for barrels?} at least Atteneded a General meeting of Directors of Insurance Company Also set about taking out the boiler put into the distillary on trial, It began to rain this evening and likely to continue all night

Saturday, 2.

March 1867

Wednesday, 6.

This is our monthly fair day and a considerable number of cattle came in and all that were fit - sold quick. at much better prices than last fair day

I sold 4 steer for $160 in bills, at least $5 a head more than could have been got for them last fair.

Friday, 8.

Went down to Hamilton this morning by train to attend meeting of steam ship company Much more snow had fallen then yesterday and during last night, than in guelph for I went up to town in a sleigh which could not have been done in our town, the city seemed dull

Saturday, 9.

Read a letter this morning from my sister in Illinois.

No transcription

Friday, 15.

This has been a clear bracing day, blowing a cold wind drom the N West Got up 6 of the long pine beams from Morriston today. In the afternoon I went down there myself with another order for timber, which I have to pay $8 deld {delivered} in town, Little said that the large timber was far too cheap at $9 and that he would make no more at less than $12.

Saturday, 16.

This is another cold blusteing day freezing very hard. Wheat has taken quite a start today in price $1.45 yesterday & $1.52 in bills today and $1.55 in silver

I bot 1200 bush from John Stewart at $1.45 bills.

Richard Greet Esqr died this forenoon about 10am, from a very severe attack of paralises, he had a light one last year then aged 52 years but I think he was more, came here 1835 aged 22. Robert Swan of Acton died also today aged 63, he formerly was a farmer in the Elora road Pilkington then a few years a flour & grain dealer in Toronto and lately of Acton.

March. Monday, 18. 1867

A considerable fall of snow yesterday and this morning from 3 to 4 inches, we have hard frost.

Mr Rucherford of Stratford came here and paid in $5000 on acc {account} of flour and was desirous of purchasing another lot of flour, but did not feel disposed to sell any more at present

One of the name of Todd has suddenly left Seaforth having previously sold warehouse reciepts to 4 or 5 different parties for the same wheat.

The Assizes began today

Tuesday, 19.

This is a fine clear day but froze very hard last night the mercury was downa t zero this morning at about 7. It appears today that the Royal Canadian Bank Branch at Stratford has a claim of $8000 on Todd estate

I attended Greets funeral & was one of the paul bearers his son Alex { shor for Alexander) arrived from the States while the coffin was in the church.

Wednesday, 20.

This is a fine day but little wheat coming into market

$1.62 paid for Spring and $1.90 for Fall

Began to grind over the middlings as noon today.

March. Thursday, 21. 1867

Went down to Toronto this morning, weather was pleasnt though looking like a change

Bot of Geo Michele & Co 1 pure scotch whisky 162 galls a 1.87/1/2 each $303.75

Made enquiry about flooring for Wms {Williams} house and found corn season 1/2 inch $30 face measure and 1 1/4 at $24

It was very stormy in returning the snow fell very fast and drifting heavy but it was not dry rather soft


This has been a fearful morning a great deal of snow has fallen through the night and still continues but is gradually fallen off. we have not had such a heavy fall as this for years. the meeting of the Elmira road co. took place today and 5 directors when nos by ballot fel on Goldie, Massie, P Winger, Thomson & Gow were elected as the first director of the road. There was a very good attendance of stockholders

the Band of the 17th Regt {short for Regiment) came up from Toronto for the Concer in the drill shed about people were assembled to hear the music which was splendid (it was in aid of the Baud fund of the 30th Welington Battillion)

The Band consists of men

Saturday, 23.

This is a splendid morning quite mild and if it continues the snow will soon go away, The Baud of the 17th Regt left by the 10 oclock train.

Bot of H. Fraser & Co. of Montreal 1 Pun Jamaican Rum

No9 = 117 gall 33 4/10 the OP a 8/6d for gall at 16 OP $228.73 25% off for cash $223.00 The strength was found to agree correctly

Tuesday, 26.

This has turned out to be a very fine day for this time of the year so Mrs A & T went up in the cutter to Fergus & with the exception of a few bare places in the middle of the road on this side of Blyth Tavern the sleighing was very fair so that the late snow must have fallen very generously to the north of us

It got pretty cold on our way home.

Wednesday, 27.

Singular enough this has turned out a course morning with occasional showers of snow.

March. Thursday, 28. 1867.

This is a very pleasant day went down to Galt to attend the Introduction of Revd {short for Reverand} Muir as Minister of St Andrews Church there Mr McDonell of Fergus preached the sermon. Mr Hogg addressed the Minister and Mr Thom the people, the presbytery were invited to dine with the Trusters &c

The price of wheat is going up still more and flour must rise again

Friday, 29.

Very good weather busey getting the new Brace Duster (taken on trial) fitted up

Saturday, 30.

This has been a most charming winter day, but the snow is melting away fast from the heat of the sun

Got the Brace Duster started this forenoon

Had a telegram from Montreal this morning that the No2 flour sent had been sold today on cars at $8.00

April. Monday, 1. 1867.

This has been a very rough morning snowing heavy and driving with the wind quite thick at times but was all over and melted away by noon

The Duster appears to blow out along with the Brace a considerable lot of fine dust

Mr Joseph Garrard Wright son of Mr Samuel Wright the baker died here today, aged 36.

Tuesday, 2.

This has been a better day but the roads are getting very bad

Ryan wants to leave the stone cottage on Norfolk Street and Mr Joseph Hobson the surveyor is to have it at $9 a month payable quaterly

Friday, 5.

The River is rising fast and have ordered the flood gates to be raised this afternooon or tomorrow, the weather is very wet and slushey

Saturday, 6.

Mrs. A and & I went down to Hamilton to see Mrs Helen Stewart our niece who is very ill, also to see Mrs Tacose who is there for a few days.

The weather open and mild, trade but moderate, and flour & wheat dear

April. Monday, 8. 1867.

Strong frost this morning, the gates are open and the water has fallen very much but as soon the day was advanced the water hose and the ground became quite soft again.

Wednesday, 10.


Mrs George Palmer of a son this day

Friday, 12.

Dry weather, Have been working for some days thoroughly reparing the sepparator.

Saturday, 13.

The weather is very mild and dry and the roads dried in some parts and dusty

The water is rising considerably

April. Monday, 15. 1867.

This is a very wet day, there was no rain yesterday, yet in the morning before going to Church had to raise the carding mill gates to prevent a place in the dam from cutting away untill i could stop it today

Mr & Mrs Lambie of Detroit come off here this afternoon on their way to England

Tuesday, 16.

This has been a better day than yesterday and dry walking

Mr & Mrs Lambie started at 1/2 past 3 this afternoon for the old country

Saturday, 20.

This has been a very fine day though somewhat colder than yesterday.

Mr Boult has got so far recovered as to go out today a little

Pat Davidson has made a fair begining of the foundation of the Independent Church also Kennedy & Pike made great progress in taking out the cellar for basement of the Mercury printing Office

April. Monday, 22. 1867.

A considerable shower of snow came on during last night and continued the most of the forenoon but melting very fast on the road or where there is gravel

It is freezing this evening

Tuesday, 23.

This is a much drier morning & frosty and began this day at noon to stripe the earth of in front of the jarvis lot to make a road down and at the same time test the quality of the stone, before fully opening out the quarry

This is St Georges day, dinner in Town Hall

Wednesday, 24.

The roads were hard and dry this morning & there had been hardish frost during the night and this afternoon it is quite wet with snow & sleet,

Friday, 26.

It blew very hard this evening

Saturday, 27.

This is a cold windy morning and there has been rain during the night and frost this morning.

I notice the death of Jane Relict of the late John Ewart Esqr Toronto, in her 79 year, she died yesterday.

Crester Johnston of the Plains Puslinch died this morning.

{newspaper clippings}

May. Wednesday, 1. 1867.

This is our Spring fair day and a considerable number of cattle, but the price was not so good as last market day. The weather is cold and backward

Engaged George Cole for a month on trial at $9.00 a month & Board

May. Thursday, 2. 1897.

John Goggan asked an advance of wages and I agreed to give him $10 next month.

Friday, 3.

This is a finer day than we have had for some time.

I engaged John Gore and he begins this morning to quarry stone infront of lot on the Wateroo road so as to open a road into my own ground, his wages $1.25 as wages and an allowane for taking charge of the work of 25c extra per day.

Went down to Toronto today to see that Mrs Campbell got her luggage that was left behind and found that flour had been sold freely at $8.50 for No1 Spring.

{newspaper clipings}

May. Monday, 6. 1867.

This was a wet morning yet the men began and worked.

Tuesday, 7.

This has been a dry day but cold

Wednesday, 8.

The court of Chancery began its sitting today the weather is coldish yet

I attended the Presbyter today, also meeting of Directors of Mutual Insurance Co regarding applictaion from Fraser for insurance on the New Mill at Elora now nearly ready.

May. Thursday, 9. 1867.

This has been a very fine day and not so cold quite as for some days past. The court of Chancery had the case of Ontario Bamk and Hackins on hand all day and left of at 6 and begin tomorrow.

Friday, 10.

This has been a very fine day, the court is still sitting, went out to the rocks thus afternoon and also down at the quarry on the waterloo road which is turning out very blocks of stone,

Saturday, 11.

I went down this morning to Hamilton, and found business but moderate the extream prices are hardly obtained here

In returning fell in with Mr Ross of WhiteHead & Ross who is to stay over till monday

May. Monday, 13. 1867.

This morning is somewhat wet & cold. but faired up during the forenoon and drove Mr Ross up to Goldies Mills

I agreed to advance the wages of William Taylor ( now 2 mashman) to $16 per month to begin after the present month is out.

Wednesday, 15.


At St Fort cottage Brantford captain Jas {James} A. Stewart in his 28th year son-in-law of Captain Drake

May. Thursday, 16. 1867.

This was a fine morning though a little cold

John & I went up to Berlin {now known as Kitchener} and also to Waterloo and examined the piggeries there belonging to G Randall formerly Hespeler & Randall which the latter bought out this Spring, and Hespeller sailed for Europe this present week, they are now distilling 65 Bushels

I did not think their pig stiyes fit for feeding in cold weather

Friday, 17.

This has been a very fine day

My old aquaintance James Beachall Contractor of Toronto died there today aged 57

Saturday, 18.

It was cold this morning for this season of the year but was pleasant through the day but windy There has been a good deal of Wheat sold in town today

I agreed with Robert Ward to contine for a year at $15.00 per month to begin when his present month ends.

Mr John Ross our old townsman was here today

{newspaper clipping}

May. Monday, 20. 1867

This is a very pleasant day but dry weather, there was a little fine rain yesterday evening but nothing to speak of

Robertson the Mill owner of Fergus left here this afternoon for the old country & the worlds fair

Tuesday, 21

This has been a cool forenoon, and the middle part of the day was very windy & dust flying at a great rate, when on came the rain about 3 oclock and continued till after 7pm and cold

I have been trying to hunt up all the evidence I can in the McAntee case, & intend going to Toronto in the morning to see McMichael about it.

Wednesday, 22.

This was a tolerable fine morning but not at all warm, I went down to Toronto to see Mr Fitzgerald about the McAntee case, the train was late in getting in to the city and not being able to find Mr F. when I first called and after he came the consultation continued till after the train had left, and made up mind to stay all night

May. Thursday, 23. 1967

This was another coldish morning for this time of the year, and a shower of rain came before we got to Georgetown, when it got fair, we were detained here for about an hour, on account of a great smash up just at the station of no less than 5 cars being smashed to pieces and the flour & Pork barrels strewed on the road, the locomotive and one car became detached from the rest and ran on for over a 1/4 of a mile ere the could stop it although the car was dragged with only one axel and a pair of wheels, and one would have thought from the manner in which the tiies were cut up that such of itself would have stopped it, we got around the wreck by the track at the back of the station house.

Had a meeting in the Church & decided to build the Gallery.

Friday, 24.

This had the appearance of being a very fine day for celebrating the Birth day of our Gracious Queen and turned out to be so for the earlier part of the day, but storm of wind rain & thunder broke up the sports for the afternoon but in the evening it became fair and a large number of people gathered together to witness the setting off of the fireworks.

Saturday, 25.

This morning was fair but about 1/2 past 10 it began to rain and continued showerey for the most of the afternoon

Mr Alexander & I bargained with S. Boult to put up the Gallery & make front door open out for the sum of $500.00 and have it finished by the 25th of July,

May. Monday, 27. 1867.

This is a fine morning, but the planks on the sidewalk was covered with frost at 1/2 past 5 but the day continued throughout dry and fine, I began today to put up the large two chamber still in the corner of the distillery & rectifying house so as to get all the hoops, manholes pipes valvesetc. and cause as little delay as possible in putting it in its proper position, and will do the mash run in the same manner shortly I wrote to Dr Fairbairn at Hamilton this evening inviting him to pay us a visit, with his wife.

I sent our cow this morning to Stones Hereford Bull

Tuesday, 28.

This morning is dark and gloomy and began to rain about 9 oclock am. Our Clerk Alexnr {short for Alexander} Mckenzie left for New York on a visit this morning.

Wednesday, 29.

This has been a dry day

May. THURSDAY, 30. 1867.

This morning looks dull and somewhat like rain. the stonecutter began this morning the wages to be $2.25 per day.


This is a very fine morning, and all through the day has been fine and warm. Mr Boulby from Berlin was here and have signed the various papers appointing the 18th June for the Arbitration of Unger vs Wilhelm

{Newspaper cutting}

Saturday, 1.

This is the finest morning we have had

June. MONDAY, 3. 1867.

This has been another wet day, of & on short showers, it rained the most of yesterday forenoon. Mrs W Allan JunR & 2 children & Mrs Hogg started for Montreal this morning, some heavy showers fell late in the afternoon

{2 newspaper cutting scraps, one on a death}


This is a very fine morning, and has the appearance of settled weather, finished my letter to my Sister this morning, Mr John A Wood & wife, also David Dickson started for the Old country this morning



{Two Blank Pages}



The weather is now very warm & almost too much so to work out of doors. I will have to begin at once to put up the scaffold for the masons to finish the granary. I cannot get Davidson this year to superintend the men. Dobie is a very good workman & may get him he has just finished the new woolen works House for McCrea & Co which is the day agreed on after that a penalty of $10 per day, Kennedy & Pike have also completed the Mercury Office to day



This is a very fine morning, and hurrying on other work to enable me to be in attendance at Martins Office before 10 Oclock to begin the Arbitration between, Christian Yuger Plaintiff Anthony Wilhelm and Valentine Guilder defendants. My old friend Kenneth Robertson of Galt died there to day aged 67 years


This is another fine morning, begin the Arbitration at 9.30

June. THURSDAY, 20, 1867.

This is another very dry morning. Could not get away to attend Kenneth Robertson's funeral to day


June. MONDAY, 24. 1867.

This is another very warm day, Maggie & her Husband are about to travel to Rochester &c. and start this afternoon


Warm and dry weather. Miss Helen Hewatt left for Scotland to day


This morning opened dark & gloomy and the long expected rain began to fall at 10 Oclock and continued till 1 P.M. with little intermission

June. THURSDAY, 27. 1867.

This has been a warm and sultry day, with little or no rain. F. W. Stone left here to day on his way to England


This has been a very fine day, Mr Ja{s} Massie {James Massie} & Mrs Robt Armstrong {Robert Armstrong} left this morning for New York & Mrs A on her way to San Fransisco, & my daughter Mrs Higimbotham will meet them beyond Rochester & accompany them to N. York. {New York} I signed my award to day as arbitrator in favour of Defendants, and charged for my fees $40. William left this morning for Montreal to join his wife & children. A large party came up from Hamilton in a special car to assist or witness the breaking ground of the


July. MONDAY, 1. 1867.

This is a very fine morning, I went up to the Drill Shed to see the Riffle and Artillary Companies go through their evolutions, and marched out into the Square and fired 3 rounds and three cheers for the Queen, the day was spent in great quietness a Meeting of Ministers in the Town Hall where Prayers were said and addresses, and "God save the Queen Sung" , in the Evening the Town Hall was beautifully illuminated


This has been another warm day. A Bill of Exchange was presented from Chicago for 8,000 Bushels of Corn. Recd {received} a letter to night from William dated Montreal the 1st

July. THURSDAY, 4. 1867.

This is a wet morning to all appearance but about 9 a.m. it faired up, I had to go down to Toronto for someone to put in the new apparatus in the distillery and cannot get my licence untill that is finished I am therefor prevented from mashing, I am to get Booth on Monday. This is the Horticultural show day.


We had a fine shower this morning, and cool at times and then very sultry, the men are busey lathing Williams house and Stephens building in the grate, I also began to build up the front of the granery {grainery}, John Armstrong the miller arrived this afternoon from Scotland, he was only a month there


Heavy rain this morning from 6 to 8, and dried up afterwards, going on with building of granary

July. MONDAY, 8. 1867.

Fine morning. Mr Davis the detective came up this morning and the younger Mr Booth the copper smith and plumber, came up with him as I had arranged when down, he at once instructed him as to how it was to be done


July. THURSDAY, 11. 1867.

This is another fine day and Mr Booth had just got done last night, when it was found that one of the points had cracked which he had to stop to repair, and left in the afternoon for Waterloo


This has been a splended day warm & with cooling breeses at times, have got on very well with the granary. Mrs Higinbotham came home this afternoon from New York.

July. MONDAY, 15. 1867.

This is a fine morning though a little cloudy. Peter Idington here to see about the mowing of his lot & Mr Tawse. It began to rain about 1/2 past one, and some fine heavy showers fell during the afternoon


This is a fine morning. Began this afternoon to take of the roof of the granary on the N East side.


This is another fine morning. The Masons are not working to me to day, they are all at Barclays. The stone cutters are working. The carpenters are removing the roof all over. The large {n}orm {norm or worm} was leaking to day & had to stop untill it was wraped up at about 12 noon. The inside diameter of it is 6 feet 1 inch and the upper round or bend is 5 inches in diameter

July. THURSDAY, 18. 1867.

Fine morning but very warm. Mrs A & I went out to Nassagaweya {Halton Township} to Cargills Saw Mill, Willie & Davie with us. A McKenzie for office use to cheque $100.00. as do silver - - - $200.00


This is a very fine morning, and likely to be fine weather for the Hay


This has been a splended day for getting in the Hay and the crop has turned out very fair. The great meeting for hearing the sentiments of those comming forward as candidates to represent the South & Ridings of our County.

am now trying to get a person to run the Engine for some time as the water is getting very scarce

July. MONDAY, 22. 1867. Fine dry morning, the appearance of rain yesterday has gone off

July. MONDAY, 22. 1867.

Fine dry morning, the appearance of rain yesterday has gone off

Ordered from Gowdy. 65 joists 8 X 3 65 do 8 X 21/2 130 all 15 feet long

50 peices 10 X 3. 50 do of any breadth above 10 inches & 3 inches thick 20 do 6 x 6 all 12 feet long

wrote to William this morning.


This is a very hot day. I again wrote to William and am preparing to leave for Toronto by the evening train.

The Masons have begun to day the foundation of Mr John Hoggs corner store. of which the Branch of the Bank of Commerce is to have a portion


I engaged Riddel to drive the Steam Engine 15 hours a day, and his wages to be {scratched out illegible} 1 1/4 dollars a day {month} and board, and when there is no need for the Engine, {illegible scratched out} he is to do any other jobing work out or in doors, the wages to be twenty dollars a month & Board, he is to begin work on Monday first


The weather is extreamly dry and warm have been working the Engine since but have often to stop her creating a great delay and loss of wood

August. MONDAY, 5. 1867.

This is a warm and close morning. Ingles sent down a man to put the Engine in line


This has been a warm forenoon and very dry, but this afternoon we were visited by a thunder storm and two very heavy showers of rain, which gave us a good deal of trouble owing to the grannery being without a roof, the water ran down through the different floors and wetting some fall wheat in the lower {illegible} flat. We got the Engine started again this evening and seems to work some easier but heats yet

{Large break in entries from David Allan}






August. THURSDAY, 29. 1867.

The weather is getting a little changeable a little rain now & then but nothing to effect the river which is very low, The steam Engine going every day


Quite cold this morning & had to have a fire in the room at breakfast, but the day turned out fine after all. I went up to {C}hipchases for 3 loads of light coloured sand for pointing the walls of new building & we are now prepared to put up the rafters


The weather was cold this morning again, but the forenoon was fine, attended at the Masters Chambers (Mr Hall) to answer as to whether Boulby had any conversation with me previous to signing my award in the case of Unger & Wilhelm & Guildner. Mr Hancock of Toronto attended on behalf of Plaintiff. Mr McKlennan was sworn as to what became of my written instructions to him for making out the award and as to the words contained in it, and if it ordered the plaintiff to pay all the costs of the suit, Arbitration, & the Award, he said that my instruction after the award was signed was destroyed. but was fully ordered to pay all costs, Mr McCoig, as witness swore that he came in to McLennans office & heard Boulby say to me that I had not mentioned costs of Arbitration. but that failed in its worth to disturb the award. It rains close this afternoon. Masons stopt {stopped} work


This was a very fine day. Went down this evening to Toronto to hurry on the acending worm


Returned from Toronto this afternoon


The Elections for South Wellington begins to day. The news this evening is not so good, we appear to be far behind in Puslinch


We go on with the Election again to day. The worm has arrived and brought home

September. MONDAY, 9. 1867.

This morning opened fine after a very light shower had fallen during the night. The forenoon was clear but the afternoon became cloudy and heavy showers fell that drove the men from their work. The carpenters were fitting and securing the rafters of the grannery. The towers are nearly finished. The mason work of the building is about done, they have been pointing these two days.


Fine weather all day. Got great alarm from fire in Armstrong McCrea & Co Factory taking fire about the Picker room, & flames broke through the roof but was greatly retarded by the mortar below the shingles

September. THURSDAY, 12. 1867.

This morning opened fine, and heard that we had another fire during the night or early this morning. Viz Dyson’s waggon shop, a frame, lath & plaster walls, nothing was saved, and no Insurance whatever on it. Met as directors to enquire into cause of the fire in Armstrong, McCreas woolen mill & c, but defered till tomorrow, damage laid at $2,000. had a light shower this afternoon, got done with most all but one stone cutter. getting on well with the roof of granary, and slating begun


This has been a broken day, for rain fell both forenoon and afternoon.

Had a meeting of Directors to see if we could agree about a sum for loss & let him go on with his work, & resolved that it be refered to full board on Friday 20th next.

September. MONDAY, 16. 1867.

This is a dullish morning. The rain began to fall about 9 o’clock and the masons had to quit work. We have no mashing to day in the Distillery but only running of the beer preparatory for repairs


This morning opened fine, but became very sultry and warm and clear and the rain kept off. This is the day of our Horticultural Exhibition. Mr Flemming, Mr Gray, & Mr{left blank} from Toronto are here as Judges. I am Vice President this year.


Rather cloudy to day and warm with considerable appearance of rain, but none fell, I am getting on well with the roofing and slating.

Have begun to day to take the old mash tun to pieces and is as rotten as muck

September. THURSDAY, 19. 1867.

Fine morning, Mr Tawse started by this mornings train for Stratford.

Have been taking sundry both the old stills after being in about years the oldest is the upper one and is remarkably sound & could have run for several years yet, were it not for the pipes passing through burning the staves


Very fine day, had a general meeting of Directors of the Wellington Mutual Assurance Co to day to consider the claims for loss by fire in Armstrong McCrea & Co woolen works, and other matters.

Had family dinner to day Mr Tawse came but I was absent at meeting of directors


This seems to turn out a fine day. All the old beams are & c that can well be removed are now out, and are now digging for proper foundations for new posts for the new mash tun and the still & doubler, and have them so disconected that at a future period beams & joists can be put in without disturbing them.

Local directors met and settled the waterworks claim for $2,015.00

September. MONDAY, 23. 1867.

Fine morning and very dry, the water in the dam appears hardly to have risen anything since Saturday when we shut down


The weather quite dry yet, are now building the stone foundation for the new chamber still


Fine morning but dry, and have begun to take down and fit up the staves of the new still. And fitting up the posts and beams for the Mash tun

September. THURSDAY, 26. 1867.

This is another dry morning.

I went down by train to Galt purchase a pump log rimer 3 1/2 in diam {diameter} & bought also one of 2 1/4 inch. H.H. Date the tool maker has out all his tilt hammars & refixing their foundations some 6 feet deep under ground & overhauling shafting drums & c


This is another fine day, and the masons are about as close with the pointing of the building and the masons taking home their tools. Hard at work driving on the hoops on still


Another dry and warm day & a great deal of wheat bought in to day also.{illegible place to day?} got the new mash tub put in its place to day, and the shaft and rake put in.

On examination to day found that the new Gallery in Church is to high in front & too low at back & have stopt {stopped} the work, & propose to lower front & raise the back 18 inches

{newspaper cutting pasted over entry}

September. MONDAY, 30. 1867.

Still very dry weather. We raised the large worm tub to day fully 18 inches

October. TUESDAY, 1.

This another dry day, and hear that there has been a great fire in Galt which began at 1.40 this morning & have not learned the number of houses burnt nor the exact amt. {amount} And hear also that Buchanan, Hope & Co has failed. I leave this evening at 7 for Toronto


In Toronto last night and to day sketched out the form of the coppar pipes required. And also bought some iron ones.

John Cameron Esqr late of the Commercial Bank at Toronto died yesterday morning, aged 57.


Warm dry weather


There was a good deal of rain fall during the night, & the water got in through the unfinished portion of the roof between the two Mills but got it all secured during the day.

Some coppar pipes came up by Express from Toronto to night, but find they are not right and will return them on Monday

October. MONDAY, 7. 1867.

Yesterday was fine weather but cold from what we have had for some time back. Weather to day is dry but the frost was on the ground this {last} morning.

We have got the doubler & c in its place, pipes in inside of still set, and going to work till 9 o’clock to night to hurry on better.

The rain on Saturday night must have been very considerable up the country, as we have had ample water for two run at a good rate all day


This has been a fine day, but the water has not been so abundant as yesterday, that we could only run one pair of stones.

My Sister Mrs Cuningham came this afternoon


This has been rather a heavy and dull day and began to rain after 2 o’clock but not heavy still pushing on with the distillery but it takes much longer time than I expected

October. THURSDAY, 10. 1867.

This has been a wet day yet no great quantity of rain fell here, yet it may improve the water in the river, we could only drive one run by water and two by steam. The various pipes in the distillery consumes a great deal of time in screwing & fitting them. Mr Morrison brought up The new horse {illegible} from near Montreal


The weather is moist and roads getting very muddy


This has been a drizzling rainy day, but has not as yet given us a supply of water, but from appearances to night there is every likelihood of there plenty on monday morning. Have got well on with the pipes of the distillery this week.

Mr Morrison left this afternoon for Toronto going home

October. MONDAY, 14. 1867.

Rather a raw day but yet no rain. Went up to day Hodgert and Smiths oil Refinery to see Parafin or the refuse of the Coal oil applied firing up the furnace of the Engine, and saw myself that with only 1 jet of oil burning it produced sufficient {hands or flames} to raise the Steam from 40° to 60° in four minutes


This has been a very fine day, and looks as if it were the begining of the Indian Summer. The rain has not as yet produced any lasting benifits for we had to down the water mill about 8, Oclock and continued Steam till about 9.

October, THURSDAY, 17. 1867.

Fine weather and the water is holding out better than could be expected considering this dry weather, bought a large new fine horse to day for the Farm


This has been a very fine day, and have got the highest {slop} cistern nearly lowered to its proper place and have got the steam pipe fixed into the lower chamber of New Still and the hop tub attached to it again. Traded away the horse “Barney” for a larger one to mate the one bt {bought} yesterday

{newspaper cutting pasted over}

{newspaper cutting pasted over from Tuesday the 14th}


FRIDAY, October 25, 1867

Fine weather this morning, the Court of Chancery began its Sittings here to day about 11 Oclock – {illegible} Preciding. I have a case and have been in attendance, but the one that is now on will take all day.

Have not made so much progress with the distillery to day being much in want of pipes from Toronto.

great excitement yet about the Commercial Bank


This is another fine day.

No pipes from Toronto yet.

The case begun in Court this morning lasted to night

{funeral notice and newspaper cuttings pasted over page}

October. MONDAY, 28. 1867.

This has been rather a dull day and has some signs of rain. The pipes came up this morning from Toronto & hope to get them on by tomorrow evening.

Chancellor Mowat opened the Court & This afternoon Eldridge made proposals to settle the suit I had against him I tried to get $350..00 but he would only agree to give $300..00 & pay his {own} costs, so I accepted the offer payable in 3 years in equal annual installments with interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum on each payment


Fine weather still continuing, have got a man that was jobbing here for harding of Toronto to connect the pipes for the receivers Doubler &c to day he began at 8 and finished at 5 Oclock P.M.


Another charming day, Wm {William, possibly his son} Wife & Son went to Toronto this morning, the day was very fine they returned in the evening with Mrs Morrison

October. THURSDAY, 31. 1867.

This is a fine day, the masons are building a brick chimney for Nat instead of the stone one which was very defective in the construction of the {flues}.

Mr Robt {Robert} Wallace got married to Miss Abby Higinbotham at noon to day

November. FRIDAY, 1.

This is a dry and very dusty day the wind blowing a strong westerly breeze {possibly spelt breese as in previous times}, went out to the farm at noon where they are taking up the turnips & producing a very good crop even considering the long continued drought this season, water all over is extreamly scarse, the Grand River at Elora is very low. The Thames at London & at Stratford was never known to be so low.

We got the Distillery started this afternoon and offers well, the Mash can be cooled off in half the time that it formerly could be done in with copper sides only in the Mash tun. The bottom lining is a great improvement, made new agreement with John Stewart to buy grain


This is another windy day, and the fire is now running on both sides of the Railway, it began yesterday in Robt {Robert} White's swamp & also beyond the Shanties and through into my swamp. Burning a good many pannels of rails there & at Whites also

November. MONDAY, 4. 1867.

This has been a cold raw day after the rain that fell yesterday and during last night, which was very stormy, one or two slight showers of snow fell during the afternoon but what fell after dark is laying on the ground. The water in the Dam is not much improved by the rain as yet.

Carpenters repairing the feeding Byres, stakes, floors &c which were much worn and broken through.

My Sister took ill during the night with a pleurisy in her ^right chest


Cold this morning the snow laying on the side walks, but melted away during the day.

The water has improved to day and we have 2 pair of stones going by water. Robertson & Sons has a boiler plate reservoir made and all the cocks burners retort & fitted up and goes off with Mr John McCrea to England tomorrow, where he is to take out a Patent to protect their Invention for using Coal Oil as Fuel for Steam Engines. They will then push on mine to completion.

My sister Mrs Cuningham is a little easier to day, after having applied a large mustard blister & then called the Doctor


This morning looked very wintry like with a general covering of snow on the ground but as the day advanced it melted away and became sloppy. This being the Fair day a great many people were in town & a number of cattle and horses

John McCrea Esqr left here this morning by G. Trunk for Quebec, then {thence} to London to take out a Patent for the Oil Burner

Transcription Progress



David Allan Diary, 1867.pdf
David Allan Diary Transcription, 1867.pdf


David Allan, “David Allan Diary & Transcription, 1867,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/159.
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