William (Henry) Watson Diary & Transcription, 1881-1911


William (Henry) Watson Diary & Transcription, 1881-1911


William (Henry) Watson


Courtesy of Private Collection


19th & 20th Century, Kent County, Orford Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William (Henry) Watson Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

William (Henry) Watson (1838-1918)
1881-1911 Diary
Transcribed by Rural Diary Archive volunteers
Henry Watson’s Diary
Young ladies allow gentlemen privileges in dancing, when taken under any other circumstances
would be considered as improper. It requires neither brains nor good muscles to be a good dancer.
As the love of the one increases, the love of the men & women in skilful dancing. In ancient times
the sexes danced separately.
Alcohol is the spirit of beverages, so sex is the spirit of the dance, take it away & let the sexes dance
separately & dancing would go out of fashion very soon.
Parlour dancing is dangerous. Tippling leads to drunkenness and Parlour dancing leads to ungodly
Tippling & parlour dancing sow the wind & both reap the whirlwind.
Put dancing in the crucible, apply the acids, weight it, and the verdict of reason morality & religion is
“weighted in the balance and found wanting.”
The Chief of Police of New Your city says, “That the families of the abandoned girls in the city were
ruined by dancing.”
Page 2.
Were I so tall to reach the pole,
And meet the oceans with my span,
I must be measured by my soul,
The mind is the standard of the man
Page 3
News papers
A good newspaper is the grandest temporal blessing that God has given to the people of any
country. Opinions sometimes are, that anybody can make a newspaper with the aid of capital.
The facts are that fortunes are swallowed up every year in the vain effort to establish newspapers. It
is time, in my opinion, that it was understood that unless genius & ability are the basis of the
undertaking, that the most successful way to sink a fortune & keep it sunk, is to start a newspaper.
To publish a newspaper requires the skill, precision, vigilance, strategy and boldness of a
Commander in Chief.
To edit a newspaper one needs to be a statesman, a geographer, a statistician and so far as all
acquisitions a concise encyclopaedia.
Page 4
There are some women who are unbearable. No love or tenderness can subdue their bickerings. If
every want be not instantly gratified they accuse their husbands of not caring for them, and either
vent their dissatisfaction in angry words, or worse lapse into sulky silence. Can you wonder that the
husbands of such women seek refuge in places of evil resort. A prison is more compassionate than
domestic unhappiness.
“A fretful temper
Will divide
The closest knot
That can be tied.”
Page 5
Clearville Dec 19/82
This day has revealed to me, by sentiments expressed in confidence by an aged Father. One who
has struggled through life’s journey to rear and comfort a home for his aged wife & children of small
sons & daughters that life is a pilgrimage. One may struggle & fight for our children, they grow up to
dishonour their parents, seemingly do everything to destroy the comforts of age, & bring grey hairs &
a premature grave, such is the case related; domestic discomfiture instead of domestic happiness,
seems to prevail.
Remember sons & daughters, your convictions will realize you are slowly but surely murdering your
aged & respected Father.
Page 6
Never swerve in your conduct from your honest convictions decide, because you see reason for
decisions, and then act because you have decided. Let your actions follow the guidance of your
judgment & if between them both you go down, go down. It is the only course worth of a man.
Page 7
Met at the dedication of the Universalist Church in Detroit in the fall of 1881. The following persons
were present:
Role Woods Esq
Nixon {P. Q.?} Ont
R.W. Cobb Esq.
Smithville, Ont.
JT Middleton Esq.
Hamilton, Ont.
R. {Bumar?} ESq. & daughter
Olinda, Ont
Rev. {C.F.} Dodge  Apr 2/80 – wrote me regarding a location
Branchport N.Y.
Yates Co.
Page 8
West Lyone Prov. Of Manitoba
Apr. 15/ 1882
Myself Louisa & Clayton crossed over the Red River on the ice, just before it broke up. The River
was supposed to be 4 ft. above its natural level & shortly after crossing, the ice broke up & showed
plainly the danger we were in crossing. Brother Theodore & Mrs. George Cummings were with us.
Got my luggage across in a small boat. Was taken ill that afternoon & had Dr. Cameron to see me.
Met W. J. Gosnell & Wm. English on the banks of the Red River west side. In such trying times how
cheering it is to find old acquaintances & true friends.
Page 9
Theodore T. Watson
Nelsonville, Manitoba
May 6/1882
Eugene Watson
Nelsonville, Man.
May 6/1882
Page 10
Clearville July 11/82
This night brings forth sad remembrances. Two months ago this a.m. my dearest of all earthly
treasures was taken from me. Death claimed her as heaven’s own. Sad is such realities but only a
matter of time with all beings. Our reunion is sure when my time comes.
Page 11
Sabbath Evening Sept 3/82
This day has been spent under severe trials of sustaining a despondent spirit. Memories of my
precious {look} lurk through the mind and imagination says they are with me only to vanish upon
reflection of sad reality. They are visionary plain the only consoling comfort. Ida and Linius went
home & to the fairchilds
Suffered nearly all day with headache at home with Clayton Mary & Becca.
Page 12
Mix first hope & then despair, how sad is life in such a mood.
How said it is to convene around the grave of the dead to see the tears & hear the sobs of the
survivors stricken & mourning friends. Only “A little while” Job xvi-18. Death is the great conqueror.
Life’s activity is only a little while. The sun goes down and death transforms all.
Page 13
The spirit departeth
How calm the repose
The pale lily bloometh
Whence fadeth the rose;
But there is no death
Only transfiguration
The yielding of breath
For the glorification
OH God, to that faith
To the heart’s consolation.
Not dead not dead,
Only gone to the giver
Awaiting the weepers
Just over the river
Only gone by the path
That the blesses have trod
To walk with the saints
In the city of God.
Page 14
At Nelsonville, Prov. of Manitoba. My dear companion –wife- Louisa on the morning of May 6th
at 1a.m. The mind is incompetent to express the Heart’s feeling under most trying times, I have the
confidence to feel
There is another loving
To heaven’s harp strings given
Another gentle seraph’s voice,
Another star in heaven.
Page 15
Nov 18th
1882 A.D.
My birthday Sat. A lovely day all sunshine no shadow. Sad is the remembrance & position from one
yr ago but life’s cross we must bear and fight our destinies with fortitude. I was home all day with Ida,
Lucy, Mary & Becca McDougal & my precious little boy Clayton. Linnius was at the Eau boating. A
peculiar day as telegraphing was intercepted by magnetic aerial interception. Messages were heard
without the aid of batteries etc. Northern lights were bright.
Page 16
Memorandum of Photographs sent to various parties.
George Angolosis, Self & Louisa
Walter & Mary Garreth “
R. Constable - “
Anson Tucker Family
Wesley & Leva – self & Louisa
T. E. Rennic – “ “
T. Harvey – “ “
Eugene – Family with Clayton
Theodore – Louisa & Clayton
Henry Adams self & Louisa
John {AE} - Clayton
Elizabeth – “
Dr. Ras{illegible} - Louisa & Clayton
Jennie {or prob. Tennie, who was Henry’s sister Hortense} – Clayton
3 De Longs – Clayton
Mrs. Frances self Louisa & Clayton
Rebecca DeLong Clayton & Louisa
Clarke Watson – Clayton
Page 17
Guard well they life
One never can know
What evil from thy tongue
can flow
What guilt, what grief may
be incurred
By one incautious hasty word
He who receives a good turn
Should never forget it.
He who does one
Should never remember it.
Page 18
A word, a look, which at one time makes no impression, at another time wounds the heart, & like a
shaft flying with the wind pierces deep, which with its own natural force would scarce reach the
object aimed at.
Page 19
A solid statement embodying much political reasoning illustrating genius, capital, money, skill,
business, foolishness & labour.
Tennayson can take a worthless sheet of paper & by writing a poem on it making it worth $5000 &
that’s genius.
Vanderbilt can write a few words on a sheet of paper & make it worth $5,000,000 & that’s capital.
The United States can take an ounce & a quarter of gold & stamp upon it an “Eagle Bird” & “Twenty
dollars” & that’s money.
A mechanic can take material worth $5 & make it into a watch worth $100 & that’s skill. The
merchant can take an article worth 50c & sell it to you for $1.00 that’s business.
Page 20
A lady can purchase a very comfortable bench for $10 but prefers to pay $100 that’s foolishness.
The ditch digger works 10 hrs a day & shovels out 3 or 4 tons of earth for $1.00 that’s labour.
At Ridydom on Friday morning {here?} 8th
at 5 am, Little only old, smallest child I ever saw. Weighed
wo pounds when Born. Why should such a little innocent Babi suffer as it did for days before death.
Page 21
All over the world there are women who endeavour to satisfy the hunger of their own hearts with the
devotion of man who inspires them with reverence & tenderness perhaps, but who fail utterly to
rouse in them the deep strong love of which they are by nature capable.
Sometimes before it burst over their heads then feel the cold dark shadow of the storm clouds which
is to wreck their dearest hopes & flood their souls with misery.
Page 22 {signatures}
Richard DeLong
Rosannah Delong
Traverse City, Mich.
Page 23
Zelotes B. Delong
Elgin Ill.
Sept 13/83 16 yrs
Bertha Delong
Eligin Ill.
Written by herself Nov 20/83
Page 24
Maud Delong Elgin Ill.
1882 – 10 years old
Page 25
Frances C. Delong
Traverse City Mich.
Nov 20/1883
Died 1886
Page 26
C.E. Delong – Traverse City
Nov 26/1883 Mich
Page 27
J.C. DeLong, Elgin Ill.
Nov 20/83
Page 28
Detroit Nov 15\83
Was married to Ida K. Handy by Rev C.W. Knickerbocker in the Parlor of Antisdale Hotel in the
presence of Anson Tucker wife & daughter & a few others. Passed a pleasant evening in
conversation in Parlor. A very blustery disagreeable day with snow squalls. Went through the City
Page 29
Started for Chicago at 9.15 on the morning of 16th
arrived at 9P.M. & stopped at Commercial Hotel
until 19th
. Went from there to Elgin Ill. Arrived at 11:30 am. found residence of Uncle Zelates & Aunt
Harriet, on Walnut str. West Elgin. Family – Cecilia Apr 26/83 30 yrs, Delbert – Aug 26 – 25 yrs old
Alives Mar 16 – 32 yrs Julia Nov 16 - 21 “ Burton – Sept 13 – 16 yrs
Page 30
Maud Jan 25 – 10 yrs
Zelates – 60 yrs, Harriet – 51
George killed on railway July 20/83 25 years old –
which constitutes the family of Derick Delong May 13 1883 – 56
Rosannah Feb 25 “” 53
Chas. Edgar Jan 4/83 “ 30
Frances 20 yrs age
– Edgar’s wife maiden name Amelia Minerva Hade,
Page 31
has one child born Oct 8/82
Phinneus Baldwin
Julius Baldwin
Birthday Apr 16/83 – 51 yrs age
Clair McLaughlin – Ap 17 – 48
Charles Baldwin – Jan 4 – 26
Clinton “” - June 4 - 25
Lloyd “” - Aug 11 – 23
Minnie “ - May 18 – 20
Neva “ - Feb 18 – 18
Saya “ - Apr 20 – 10
Daisy {-Apr 20 – 10?}
Page 32
Mrs. C.E. Delong
Traverse City, Mich
Page 33
Colin Ross
Fulton, Ill. Whiteside Co.
Page 34
Anson Baldwin
July 11/1883 – 47 yrs
{Eliner?} Baldwin (Sawin) Oct 10 – 47 yrs
Lewellyn “ Oct 10 – 20
Zala Sawin “ Mar 3 – 16
Jennie Alla “ Feb 10/83 – 13
Burdet Jay “ Nov 16/83 – 7
Myrtie May “ Apr 2/83 – 3
Page 35
Celia DeLong – Elgin Ill.
Page 36
Albert Delong “ “
Page 37
A Baldwin – Union Rock Co.
Wisconsin Ill. Dec 7/83
{July 11/83 – 47 yr?}
Page 38
Eleanor M. Baldwin
{Willie Baldwin
Zola S. Baldwin
Evansville Wisconsin
Dec 7/83?}
Page 39
Jennie E. Baldwin
Burdette Joy Baldwin
Myrtie May Baldwin
Dec 7/83
Page 40
Clara B. Baldwin
Brooklyn, Wisconsin
Page 41
Julius Baldwin, Brooklyn Wisconsin
Page 42
C.S. Baldwin Oregon, Wisconsin Dec 9/83
Page 43
Clinton J. Baldwin Oregon Wisconsin
Dawe Co. Dec 9/83
Page 44
Lloyd M. Baldwin, Brooklyn Wisc.
married Mary Graham
Page 45
Alvin Bryant Randolph Wisconsin
Page 46
Minnie Baldwin, Brooklyn Wis.
married Palmer A Naymes
Page 47
Mira J. Baldwin Brookly Wis.
Page 48
Daisy Baldwin Brooklyn Wis.
17 yrs old 1890
Page 49
23 yrs
Boyd M. Baldwin Oregon Wis
Page 50
Emerson Bryant Randolph Wis.
Page 51
Lucy C. Bryant Randolph Wis. 1883
Page 52
Hale Handy, Fox Lake Wis
Page 53
Larry M. Handy Fox Lake Wis
Page 54
Fannie K. John Fox Lake Wis Dec 18/83
Page 55
D.W. John Fox Lake Wis 12/18/83
Page 56
Hale Handy – Born in York state
Apr 1 – 1883 – 46 yrs
Laura (Wood Handy Feb 24/83 – 59 yrs
Archy M. Handy Dec 6/83 – 37
Fanny (Handy) John July 24/83 – 31
DW John Oct 25/83 – 34
(Born 3 children)
Morton H John – 5
Allan W “ Oct 19/83 – 4
“ sept 1/83 – Babe -
Page 57
Feb 17/86
Appointed & elected as District Deputy Grand Master of AOUW Lodge for St. Claire district –
comprising of Elgin, Kent & Essex. Got election through energy of John Lee, Colin Rathorne, {TLT
Lewis} & Bob {Prosser}
Page 58
Wm McLaren, Mapleton, Dakota
Clarke A. Watson – Scammon Cove
Drummond Island, Mich
Miss Baxter – 31 Roland Str
Detroit Mich
Page 59
Brother Masons who assisted me in Man. May 1882 (death of Louisa)
Nathan Logan – Westlynn
Alex Stuarant – “
Joseph Grant – “
JW Guthersey – “
Geo McDonald – “
Mr. Bromish – “
Joseph Leport
Rick Quail
ET Yenta
NE Wilson
CE Jackson
LE Scurbnor
JB Turnbull
Geo Gaffney
{Indley} Moon
Page 60
March 5/86
John Raycroft & Wm McLaren spent part of day with us from 11-4p.m. How pleasant it is to have
valued & honourable friends call upon you & revive old acquaintances two of whom I value highly.
Page 61
Ages etc of Pa Handy’s family
Collins Handy Sr Born Apr 7 – 1811
New Haven Conn.
Rebecca Baldwin – Sept 18 1814
Children 11
David Henry Handy – Dec 20/35
Collins Handy (jr) - Aug 18/38
Louisa Handy - Apr 12/41
Julia Ellen “ – Apr 21/43
Julius “ – Feb 17/45
George William “ – May 4/52
Franklin M. “ - Apr 20/50
Norman Wesley “ – May 4 52
Ida K. “ – Jun 14 54
Clara Lucy “ – Oct 17 56
Anson Fred “ - Mar 25 57
Page 62
A very good world to live in
To lend, spend or to give in
to beg or to borrow or to get a
man’s own
The very worst world that ever
was known
T.F. Watson – married [T.F is Theodore Frederick, Henry’s brother]
Maggie Murray – died Jan 16/1885
Arlow was born
Married Sarah Louise
Born Aug 31 1858
Charles Frederick – Jan 13/85
Louisa Ruth – June 13/94
Dec 87 - sent L.E Toronto & Globe
Page 63
Dec 4/1902
The Canada Temperance Act submitted to the voters for Ont. Result as follows
Had to get 212,725 votes to pass. Got.
Page 64
Family Record
Page 65
Gone Home
Departed this life Apr 22/86
Hale Handy age 16 with Influenza
Son of Collins & Elisabeth Handy
In peace in heaven. How glorious such hope though sad to separate on earth’s [missing] with so
promising a young man. In life respected by all who knew him. In death reunited.
Page 66
1886 May 11th
I as District Dep. Of A.O.U.W. for the Claire District worked up & got petition to organize a degree of
Select Knights of the Order in Morpeth & Ridgetown. Sent petition to Grand Council B.J Friendship
of St. Catherines, & he instituted Morpeth May 11/86 in evening with following chair members No 60.
H. Watson Dr. Shaw, Collins Handy, J.R. Smith, Frank Guyott, AD Page, Geo White, D McFarlane,
J. Truman, AR McDonald, J. Ridley & E. Monnom. AE Page in Supreme. Ad lunch at the Eno House
Page 67
May 12/86
Instituted Howard Laguire No. 61 in evening with following members,
W {Smewith} D.O. Loane
W. Prosser J. Ian
B.A. Thorpe D. {Costernues}
N.J. Willson W. Latimer
W. J. Grant John Lea
I was appointed G.C. & a delegate to Grand Lodge in Guelph. W. Prossner same
Wm Howard Leguiere
Page 68
Clearville Mar 20/87
All alone with Clayton & Father Collins. They have gone to bed at 10P.M. Sunday evening Linny, Ida
& Babe at Adamsons or Winefarlanes. I go to West Home in morning & Rodney Lodge in eve or
expect to. A very fine day. Done all the house work etc today
Page 69
Clearville Mar 27/88
To-day has been one of a Historical event in my life, showing the trials & natural destinies of paternal
care. Linny & Mary also Wilfred took mail train this a.m. for Manitoba. Mr Greeneway went yesterday
with car of effects. How little such separations are thought of unless realised. Such is destiny.
Such is life. May God protect & assist them.
Page 70
Eternal Truth, Justice, Honesty & Mutual Aid
Wisdom penetrates many mysteries. Let prudence rule your mind & govern your temper. Justice
demands protection but not abuse. Let not thy tongue offend they neighbour.
Page 71
Excursion Sept 7/89
On Sept 4 @ 8a.m. the Steamer “Lake Side” Capt N.J. Wright & A Cowan purser. Left the docks
{Edgecombs}, Moores, Clearville & Morpeth. Left Morpeth nearly 10am for Cleveland. 168 tickets
sold. Mr Isaac Gardner & self chartered boat & ran excursion at a loss of about 1.25 each. The
weather so rough could not go on Aug 21st
or would have made well as there was about 1000 on
shore to go.
Page 72
So rough when we landed at the Eau on the 5th
could not get to lower decks. Had to get down to foot
of Eau in small boats & get home best we could. The schooner Lewis Ross of Port Hope went
ashore, helped take the crew off. The Tug Maytham of Cleveland Ohio attempted to rescue but
could not. Capt High & Capt & crew of Tug are deserving credit for noble effort & rescuing the men
off vessel.
Upon the whole, good excitable time.
Page 73
Clearville Jan 9 1890
To-day has been one of sad experience. Departed this life David W. {Gresner} resident of Orford &
Warden of Kent. A true & tried friend, a man of sterling material that embodies all that makes up true
manhood. Departed this life at age of 55 yr 10 months & 24 days. Mourned by all & despised by
Page 74
Buried June 11/90 by Masonic Fraternity & aided by Select Knights (He was initiated into Masonry
by myself) about 100 of the Brethren present from all parts, and over 100 conveyances in all.
Memorial cards sent to
J John – successor as Warden
J Flemming
J T Arnold
J McMichael
J Duich
David Wilson
Page 75
P Spence
Julius Murray
T Warrington Council
Colin Lietch
AJ McMurdo
Page 76
{checkmarks in pencil go down the left of this page next to each name}
John Mcham
John Fon
John Hurry
W. J. {Buckm?}
Wm Ridley
Hank Ridley
{Malln?} Badens
{F.7.?} Allen
{Thrs} F. Ronllidy
Alex McLanish
L. S. Censhy
John Lee
A. J. C. {Anderson?}
L. {Cenpudin?}
Mr. Royne
{Las?} Reycraph
L. D. {Cennier?}
{Webinder?} {Emydt?}
John Carry
John {Cradon?}
{Lindyr?} Nood
D. McFarlane
Page 77
Chas S. Pratt Large Man
596 West Av
Buffalo N.Y.
Earnest Wende Buffalo N.Y.
Heath Couns
F Knoll 45 Niagara Str. Buffalo N.Y. – old man
L.H. Smith 663 Main Str.
Buffalo N.Y.
Page 78
Aug 14/15 – 1890
Julius Baldwin visited us in Canada. Was here & visit for 2 wks & over. Had a picnic at Eau & Pa
Handy’s on Aug 26. I had to go to Chatham county audit & could not go. Ida & I went to Julie
Handy’s on Sat. Eve. 30th
& came home Monday – bid Uncle Julie good bye & at Collins Handy on
Sund 31st
. He went or started for home on Sept 1st
Page 79
Mr. Marcus died at Ridgetown was buried at Ridgetown on Sat. 30 Aug. I was Pall bearer.
Page 80
Born Oct 14/1874 Preston Coffey
Page 81
Mary Geldon wife of Wm. Watson born in Yorkshire Eng Oct 15/1794 came to Canada 1819 died at
the Eau point May 5/1885 Buried at Morpeth
Robt Watson
Born Aug 8 1819 died in Harwich Nov29 1880 Buried at Morpeth
Page 82
A. Traunweiser
requests the presence of ----- at the marriage Miss Cora Lapier to Eugene Watson on Wed. eve.
May 11/1892 at the Methodist church Calgary at 9PM. Reception at 9.30 at Mr. Watson’s residence
McTavish str. Calgary.
Page 83
Sent Photos of buildings & family to Eugene & Fred Watson, Lin Watson & Miss Alvin Bryant & of
family only to Duncan McFarlane Johnson & Soper.
Page 84
RE Gosnell
Legislative Library
Victoria BC
JC MacDonald, 182 Vict Ave Ridgetown Aug 29/95
Minnie Smith, Cedar Springs
J.A. House, Stoney Creek
Page 85
1898 Feb 18
Edden Turner was in office & on 19th
took tea with me sold his farm to Mr. Williamson
Francis {Ferno?}
Solicitor in co. with Richard Luddium, {Roode?} District Registry Office
Wakefield Yorkshire England
Page 86
G.W. Tape of Sumpten Oregon
Father died July 23rd
1887, was buried at Morpeth aged 72 yrs. Mother died Sept 29 1900. Buried at
Morpeth Oct 1 1900.
Rev. L.S. McCollister preached service
Page 87
1901 Sept
I was appointed Post Master of Highgate – took possession of office – Aug 3rd
1901 Opened new
office Oct 9th
1901 on corner of Main & King str. Highgate.
Molsons Bank opened an office in Highgate.
Page 88
Sund Apr 5 1903
A cool dull day, some sunshine. Morden & I all alone. Leona was at Ridetown at Oliver & Julia & ma
in Wisconsin. We went to church in forenoon. Done cooking & put in day as best we could. Reading
& writing letters etc. When alone the mind has many themes to ponder over & the past will crop up &
cause the thoughts of “man’s vicissitudes of life”.
Page 89
1903 Aug 12th
Started on a trip via San Francisco , Portland, Victoria & Vancouver to see Fred & Eugene, returned
by Manitoba, St. Paul & we got home Oct 2nd
Melford Selden only grandchild came with me.
Dec 21/03 – Melford took sick – developed into Scarlet Fever
Page 90
a very bad type & uncertain of recovery. Telegraphed Father & Mother (Lin & Mary) to come (Dec
). They got here on 30th
in eve. Boy changed for the better & gradually improved. Quarantine
lifted on Jan 28th
Malcolm McArthur died Jan 1904 & buried at [unreadable looks like ‘Surrel’]Cemetery in Aldborough
Page 91
Alex McTavish died Dec 26/03 buried at Ridgetown Cemetery on Saturday. Service by the Masons.
A very cold day. Was quarantined. Could not go.
Page 92
1905 Oct 27
Rosannah Delong died. Buried in Travis City Mich.
She was 75 yrs 8 months 2 days old. Her maiden name was Rhuma Ross. A zealous Christian
Lady, respected by everyone who knew her. Uncle Richard Delong died Oct 26 1889 & was buried
in Travis city.
Page 93
Her Brother is E.E. Ross, Chicago & sister was Mrs. C. W. Locke, Bellvue, Kansas USA.
There has been no records made in about 2 yrs in this book. Pressure of work & poor health the
Page 94
The township of Orford saw fit to sue me to recover what Falls said I owed. Tried in Chatham county
courts before Judge Dowlan & case dismissed with costs against the Township in full. The suit
created considerable excitement & I received numerous congratulations from the best men in the
Page 95
The following congratulated me strongly on winning the suit & expressed deep indignation at the
council in the course they adopted. Sheriff Germinell, Dept. Sherriff, County Clerk Gosnell Clerk of
the County Holmes, County Treasurer Flemmings; Judges Chambers. {Comity?} Constable –
{Loupan?} – J. G. Walker. City {Solictor-?}; Rob Black. Will Blue, Chas Ashton, some juryman
strangers – Joseph Kemel, L. J. Raycraft, my {Solictor?} – J. S. Foster,
At Home – Geo W Moody, Dr Mcphace, {Wooh?} Hardy Geo {Melster?}, {Dam Lagan?} & family,
Sam {Gosmell?} & Floyd. W. C. Sifton, R. G. Spruce, Rev McLong, John {Baiby?}, Barker,
McConder; L. D. {Ellis?}, Geo Reycraft, A. J. Stone Rev {Cerichton?}; John Scott, {Kimmy?}
{Shurch?}, John Lee
Page 96
James of Rember Narmer’s family of Harwich.
Emma – maid – Sarah Rice
Mary Neads – Annie Handy
{Summan?} Bachelor – Leslie
Hallie Mallory, Frank
Edith Bruce
Page 97
April 7th
1909 – Grandpa Handy birth day 98 yrs old. I wrote a {skelni?} journal of his life, Hutty,
journal {wanted?} {Cuh?}, {soh?} one and was published in journal & monitor Sad papers with it in as
follows: Fine & Supene Watson, Ina & Mabel Muse, Sherman, {Munden?}, Jule – Baldum, Lucy
Bryarch, Hale Handy Jas, {Baldiom?}, W R Watson, & Gordon Haily, Archy Campbell, Toronto,
{Wr?} Roome, D. A. Gordon, Olio Handy, Geo Fisher, Ed Stewart_ Continued
Page 98
Frank, Geo & {Ino?} Handy, Oliver Ransome, Leis & Clayton & {Sworal?} others;
Morden started out in life, went to Toronto, to work for the Ontario Paving Buck Co, west Toronto, at
8 am {me?} week, Wm pears, manager, commenced Monday 22nd
, March 1908 – Continued & liked
it well
Page 99
April 3rd
1909, Uncle Zelotis {We?} Long, dud at his sons residence. {Aleeins?} {Dilong?} near
Delton. {Wise?} I & e was born in Clark Township {comity?} {ac?} Durham in 8 yrs 3.1823 after 85
yrs x 7 m.
Page 100
J. Morse Hardy Oct 10/09 Born Nov. 30/1877
Page 101
1910 John White born March 2 1846
Sarah A white born Sept 2nd
Samuel {mariner?} White born Dec 3 1875
Mary A Dodds {written above} White born April 18th 1880
Alice Wash White (wife of A White)
Peter John Dodds (husband of Mary White)
Page 102
{Photograph of two men and a woman glued to page} H. W. M., alley, Bloomfield {Hunny?} & Ida
Watson Highgate 1911
Page 103
Hale Handy {died?}
Feb 23 – 1910 - {Banquet?} in one behalf
Feb 23 – 1912 - , Gave Gladys Barley {mice Biddles?} Mrs Hanndy, Merlis Crusade By Rosan
Carney {Ho?} Little Came {pinch?} Mrs Midie
Page 104
April 1911
{Such?} Easter {Candy?}
{T?} – {Lemmus?} Watson family
Mr Mrs 7 am {Mcbenneds?}
M 7 Room & hady
Mr Mrs Meil Rathorn
Mrs Harriett {Leelong?}
5827 {Duducann?} are cheap
Mr Mrs C. A. Watson
Mrs Z. G. {Linkbart?}
Page 105
At Cass City. Much
Sat. see 9 to. 1893
Mrs Alice Leelong
Wife of Reuben Belong
Ages 60 years & 3 m
{Interence?} in {Mavesta?}
Cemetary see 12 – 1893
Page 106
Wm. R. Meyer
126 Hallas Rd. Victoria B. C.
Charles F. Watson
Vancouver B.C. 1209 Thurow St.
Toronto 26 Gloucester St. Ont.
Page 107
Burons Steel
Rond Eau Ontario
Page 108
To Remember she of the happiest days. The one 2 {speut?} at this dear old home.
Elyse C. Lericelius
6/21/14 1110 Dillon Sh.
Page 109
For the sake of old sakes sake year address Harris Teachers College sh Louis {Missoure?} Summer
Lyle, Washington (Laura J Soper 4288 Brighton {Aoe?} M.K. Loper Los Angeles Cal.)
Page 110
Thursday Oct 3/1911
My Dear Dauphlia
The coulds are gradually lifting over on Home and beautiful sunshine in dispelling our gloom.
How thankful and pleased we all full over from recovery and our gratitude to our Heavenly Father
who rules all things. For His kindom Cheer up my Dear Girl, let nothing worry you, You have a happy
life before you yet. Be patient and exercise your best judgement and all will be again at home.
Happy and prosperous your Pa
Page 111
John W Bailey
Nov 1- 45 year Jemma a Bailey Aug 8th
37. Last Frank G. Oct 17 – 13 yrs Gladys J. – 11 – Jany 30th
{Hafbett?} Hewitt R. July 30 – 10 yrs Emma {Jeane?} 8, March 30th
Grace M. Sep 6th
1911 Ellen A.
Dece 23 1911 4 yrs
Page 112
Page 113
Blenheim March 21st
Dear Uncle
When you are far away from me, I will always think of thee, as always good and kind to me,
and wherever you are on land or see sea May God’s blessing follow thee.
Your niece,
Minda Handy
Page 114
Leva M. T. Handy at Dew ducy July 3rd
, 1914
J.J. McAlice, North Vauce, Aug 19th
Floruse E. McAlice, Aug, 19th
, 1915
Leona Watson born 1884 Dec 7. Died Feb/1974 1974
Page 115
William Henry Watson. This is my Christian home but commonly through life. I have {wont?} by
name or Henry Watson, I am well {kurm?} though {the G--?} of Kent, and {Eaux?}, was
Henry Watson suffered a stroke about 1914 in {Dewdncy?}. She tried to continue writing but most of
it was illegible. Died 1918, born 1838-79
{Loose, unnumbered pages}
Tuesday Oct 3 – 1911
My Dear Daughter,
The clouds are gradually lifting over our Home and beautiful Sunshine is dispelling our
gloom. How thankfull and pleased we all feel over your becoming and our gratitude to our Heavenly
Father who rules all things for His kingdom. Cheer up my Dear Girl, let nothing worry you. You have
a happy life before you yet, Be patient and exercise your best judgement and all will be again at
Home, Happy and Prospurous Your Pa
{stamp that reads “S. K. C. Education Industry Union”} Henry Watson, Clearville, Ont.
P.G.S. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M.
P. D. D. Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W.
D. G. C. Select Knights of Canada
Harriet Delong
Elgine Ells
For more information on William (Henry) Watson, check out the “Meet the Diarists” page
under “Discover” on our website: ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca

Transcription Progress



William (Henry) Watson Diary, 1881-1911.pdf
William (Henry) Watson Diary Transcripts, 1881-1911.pdf


William (Henry) Watson, “William (Henry) Watson Diary & Transcription, 1881-1911,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/172.
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