Mary Green Diary, 1889-1900


Mary Green Diary, 1889-1900

Date Created

January 1, 1889

Is Part Of

The Mary Green Diary Collection


Typed Transcription

Extracted Text

Mary Longmore Green
Dunlop, P.O.
Year 1899
John 3.16..17 ver
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life
17 God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the
world through him might be saved. He hath showed thee, what is
good: and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, & to love
mercey, and to walk humbly with thy God. ( God is Love ).
January …1
New Years day…Church. Walked…very frosty M…Lockhart preached taking for his
text “God is Light.” Mifs Wilson was here all night Uncle Johnnie was over at Mr. Bob
Bean’s in after-noon
January 2nd
At home all day Mifs Wilson was here all night went up to see Mrs Campbell Uncle Jm
and Jas was at the Hill and Leeburn voting. Mr Ashfield Hugh Chambers ^ and Mr Holt
of Goderich were elected…misoners for Ashfield Colborne & Goderich town Joe.
Goldthrop and Alex…ung were defeated. Jas. Taylor Alex Robertson Richard Jewell Cpt.
Wm Young were elected conclers and Kernigau was deveated.
January 3rd
I was down home. Jsa was up for uncle Jm. To go down and see a sick cow. Miss Wilson
returned from visiting Misses Campbell & McHardy with a sprained wrist. Uncle Jim
was up at Charles McHardies Mifs Dale started to teach at S.S. No. one Jessie and Jim
January 4th
At home all d…And rained all af…oon Mifs Wilson was h…ing carpet whags.
January 5th
At home all day fine clear frosty day J…(?)2
was up with the amil Uncle Jas went to
* the* 3
Dunlop, at night
…indicates that the text was missing (i.e. pages torn, decayed) or writing illegible.
(?) following a word indicates that the word may be as written although accuracy is in question.
* * words enclosed with asterisks indicate that the word has been crossed out
January 6th
Was down home in the evening intended to go to litaurary at the Hill but go disappointed
Harold Linfield was over in after-noon & stayed for tea Hugh Girving was here & bought
7 lambs.
January 7th
At home all day Uncle Jm was in town with …us. Very stormy &…rosty Jm Linfield
got…o ride with him from Dunlop.
January 8th
Went down home to go to church with them but owing to the bad roads they took the cart
Jsa. Jessie & Jimmie went and there was not room for me. So I stayed home and read a
letter from Annie who arrived in Detroit on the 2nd
of Jan. She went to Port Huron to
visite Jm. Wife & Child on Christmas day and stayed one week in P. He wrote a letter to
her. When they can…said Rev Robt. He… preached a very good…which I trust they…be
the better of having listened to Uncle Henry was down to McPhees for Epsom salts for
the sick cow Allan went up with him
January 9th
At home all day sewing carpet rags. Fine day Mrs Wilson went to town from down home
January 10th
Washed. Fine day Went down home in evening Allan at Zion was buried to day Uncle
John is not well with bad cold or La…
January 11th
At home all day fine day baking bread and ironing Uncle Jm is not better but is able to go
January 12th
In town got new vail, Rubbers oxford shoes stockings. Sold 8 doz of 1898 Eggs to M.
Nickolson for 16¢. part cash & part trade~ 4
Fine day started to thaw towards evening got
a letter from Annie
Note written sideways on page in left margin reads “Rec. From J.A…5.00”.
January 13th
Uncle Jm. Is not so well to day was in bed most of the day I was down home in the
evening for M…star to put a blister on him. Very Fogie and, thawing *raining* all day
preparitary (?) s…at Smith’s Hill Mr.Fairbairn J…d Mr. Burns. Joine…th certifacat &
Je…ie Green joined also.
January 14th
Raining mostly all day uncle Jm is some better. Jimmy Green was here helping Uncle Jim
to do the work at the barn Robt Glonn (?) was down in the evening *trading* with a hen
to trade for a rooster Uncle Jim went to Dunlop for the Mail.
January 15th
At Church. Very bad roads pa had the light…aggon we had to get out and walk through
the snow drifts in…laces. Jas. Lallows (?) and Mrs Anderson was there for their last time
before going away Communion Sunday Rev R. Henderson preached taking for his text
January 16th
At Church with Jsa & Jennie nice day. *Business* Yearly Business Meeting After
Church service Rev Mr Hamilton of Lonsbourg preached taking for his text fourteenth
verce of the eight chapter of…Luke. for every o…f exalteth him se…all be abased: And
…t humbleth himself shall be exalted.
January 17th
Fine day at home all day down home in evening wrote letter to Annie.
January 18th
Fine day down home with boots to be returned had Robt Bean for dinner & tea also Jno
Linfield for tea Social at Point Farm given by Mr & Mrs Wright in aid of Leeburn at
which /2¢ was realized
January 19th
At home all day baked 10 loaves of bread and cleaned three chickens McNovin (?) was
here in…ning & Jsa was up in the after-noon asking for Uncle Jno.
January 20th
Went down hom in evening to go to hear the debate at Carlow. But when I got down I
was informed that there was a Meeting of the Farmers institute & the debate had been
pospond until Monday 23rd
. We got a card from Annie saying that there is a great deal of
sickness in Detroit.
January 21st
At home all day not feeling stro…snowing and…fore-noon clear…in after-noon…and
little Son was here.
January 22nd
At Church, nice day sleighing, Mrs. Robt. Bucharman (?) from the N.W.T. was there.
Rev R Henderson preached taking his text from first Timothy fourth chap 8, 9 and 10
verces. And having food and raiment Let us be there with content 9 but they that will be
rich fall into temptation and a snare. …nd into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which
drown men in… struction and perdition 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil:
which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows.
January 23rd
At home all day Uncle Jas was up at the other farm in the evening for a load of wood.
Uncle Jno is much better to-day. thawing all day, Mr. Archibald of Seaforth & Mr Mc
Clusky of Goderich…was here buying hor…and offered $130.00 fo…Debate at Sm…
Milton Tyndal argued bout (?) stirling Ellenor Watson and Mr Rod. Young acted as
judges and decided in favor of the Queen’s.
January 24th
I was down home in fore-noon Uncle Jas went to the mill in town with a load of chop. In
after noon. Robt. Bean was over in…he evening and got two…oosters nice day Find day
was down home in evening helping *with* to quilt a shaker (?) Hammel (?) quilt Pa was
up here in the evening McClusky was here again this evening trying to buy Tom Stay’d
down home all Night.
January 26th
Thawing a little in fore-noon, stormy in after noon. At home all day cutting carpet rags
and cleaned two roosters. Mrs Young was over home in after noon got my flowers frose
*last* to night
January 27th
Stormy At Home all day Brother Jas. Was up… evening with mail… letter from
Annie…lcolm Taylor was here all night
January 28th
Storming some in after-noon I was down home in the evening. Allan was at the P.O. and
got a letter from Annie Sewing carpet rags
January 29th
I was at Church. there was a very good attendance considering the cold frosty day Rev R.
Henderson preached taking for his text the whole of the thirteenth psalm. It is a year ago
to day that the late Clare Robertson was buried…ite stormy and frosty
January 30th
…t home all day doing house work and sewing carpet rags. Hugh Girvin Died this
morning suddenly.
January 31st
At home all day doing house work and sewing carpet rags frosty day. Jimmy (bro) was
up in evening and helped uncle Jas to clean a load of wheat in evening
February 1st
Frosty day and snowing a little. Uncle Jno was in town to get V.S. Joe. Hamilton to come
out to see George Morris Black steer that got paris green on Monday I was down
hom…all…The late Mr Hugh Girvin was buried to day.
February 2nd
At home all day washing and scrubbing Uncle Jas was up to bush for a load of wood in
after noon. Dr Joe Hamilton was here seeing sick steer nice day Canamils day clear and
February 3rd
Uncle Jno was in town (walked) Seeing the Dr Shannon I was down home in the evening
Liturary contest at Hill between boy’s and girls Capt’s Yound Dr Telly Stirling. Telly
side won there was a very large attendance Judges were Ed. Fischer Jno Lawson and
Miss Dale. Jennie took part in a Dialogue and in three Chorosus also gave s Resitation. I
baked eleven loaves of bread was sewing carpet rags ect,
February 4th
I was at home all day Jas was up in after noon helping uncle Jm to do chores. Snowing in
fore-noon. Sunshine in after-noon & very frosty at night. Will came home from
God…sick with the…
February 5th
nice day I went down home to go to church but was too late. They had gone about half an
hour. helping uncle Jno to give sick steer groul delayed me.
February 6th
Nice day I was down home in the evening for oat-meal to make groul for the sick steer
got a ride up with pa & ma who were going up to Chas McHardy to spend the evening pa
& Jennie were in town in after noon…he was consulting…J.R. Shannon about her eye &
got ointment to remove the growth.
February 7th
Nice clear frost day Uncle Jas was in town after noon with a grist of chop stuff I was at
home all day
February 8th
Cold day, I was down home in fore-noon. Will went back to town last night. pa Jessie and
Jennie are in bed sick with the gripp. Allan is able to sit up. at the store…
Wrote on the morning the 16th
February 9th
At home all day… and storming some Mr Samn’s Linfield was over and got some papers
February 10th
I was in bed sick with the gripp all day moved in the parlor on the sofa with great
difficulty in evening this is uncle johns birthday 2 years ago to day the little grey filly
died Terrible frosty
February 11th
In bed all day Very frosty – 18 and 20 % below zero uncle Jas was down to Dunlop
for…read and coal oil
February 12th
In bed all day very frosty. *Uncle* twenty two years ago to day since Grandma died
Allan was up to day with a letter from Annie
February 13th
Uncle Jas was in town with a load of live hogs very cold & Frosty storming a little I go
up & got washed and got them some potatoes ready to boil found everything frose in the
cellar. Chas McHardy called us to see how the steer was who was getting…
February 14th
In bed all day pa(?) was up in the morning and Jessie in after noon a little warmers today
& sun is shining Mathew Foley was up in after noon
February 15th
I was up sitting at the stove in room a little white in after noon Old Dr Shannon was in to
see uncle jno He was over at Linfields Sam. has the grip & inflmation on lungs Jas was
up in evening with the mail
February 16th
Nice day Jessie was…ck mostly all day J. McClusky & Mr Archibald was here this
morning and brought Chestnut Tom of the sun of one hundred ane forty-five Dollars
Uncle jas. was up for a load of wood. I got up after-dinner and was able to get the supper.
February 17th
Thawing all day uncle jno was in town at the Doctor and getting medicine for the steer.
Debate at the hill to night Jennie spoke on the side that was…by one point it was decided
that steam had done more for the good of the country than the press. I was a good deal
better and was able to go round all day.
February 18th
Nice day thawing all day Jessie was up all day. Colquhoun Stewart was over visiting in
after-noon Uncle Jas. was down to Dunlop in evening for Bread & powders for steer and
got home some time Sunday morning. Chas Mcphees daughter who died yesterday was
buried today. Annie arrived home from a six weeks stay in Detroit Port Huron in Clinton.
February 19th
Nice day I did not feel well enough to go to church and went down home in After noon
Annie came up with me and Robt Bean was here for tea Rev R. Henderson was in the
sick list to day & was not able to come to church So Mr Wilson ca…down from Aburn
and held a prayer metting. they told me that there was quite a good attendance
considering the disagreeable state if the roads our people down home took the sleigh. The
new choir that was organized last sang in it for first time after returning from her visit
February 20th
Nice day was down home in the evening Jsa was not feeling well at all nor Allan. Uncle
Jno was up at McNevins Paying John for some work he had done last summer Sephen
Andrews was here this evening and bought some sheep
February 21st
Very nice day. Annie was up in after-noon and helped me to church Bye-election for the
commons was held to day. Robt Holmes editor of Clinto ran as liberal cand. & Robt
Mclean Conservtive can. Mclean was defeat by Robt Bean cam…over with “pony” for
Uncle Jno and took him up to Smith’s Hill. Uncle Jas was also up (all in after-noon) Billy
Jones and Jno McNavin call in this morning for McNS Crobar Robt. Mclean jr better
known as Bull dog Mclean was here this morning inquiring about Uncle Jno’s health ( or
February 22nd
Snowing and Thawing Annie called in this morning on her way Up to see Uncle Henry
who has the grip
February 23rd
Nice day clear and frosty Allan and bob Bean was hear helping to kill *pigs* three pigs.
Annie was hear in after-noon helping me ( who is in very poor health ) to get Tea for the
February 24th
At home all day not feeling well. Annie came up & she and I white washed the kitchen
which was smoked black. Annie took la grip and had to go home before the scrubing was
done I also took ill and had to go to bed. Jessie came up and got their Tea a stayed all
night and slept with me on the sofa
February 25th
I was sick in bed all day Jessie stayed till after noon and scrubed the kitchen floor. C.
Stewert was here5
this after-noon to invite me to a quilting bee at his sister in laws Mrs
Percy Stewert and also a party in the evening I was sick and did not see him Jno Linfield
was here in eving and had Tea which Uncle Jno prepared.
Note written sideways on page -- “Mrs Bunk McPhee was buried today”
February 26th
In bed all day. There was a thunder storm in the evening. Jsa ans Jas were up to church
on the cart Mr. Henderson from Hensle preached Will and N.S was at home for dinner.
Jas came up to see how I was in evening
February 27th
In bed all day but feel a little better Ma came up in fore-noon & stayed till evening Jessie
came up after school and stayed all night
February 28th
In bed all day not feeling quite so well Ma came up in after noon and stayed till Jessie
came from school snowing and blowing in after-noon old Mrs Duncan…Phee Funeral
took place this after-noon Jessie stayed all night with me
March 1st
Nice sunshiny day. heard crows for first time this year to day Uncle Jas. went to town
with the sheep Stephen Andrews bought. Jessie was hear doing the work alld ay I was in
bed all day Ma was up in evening asking for Mrs Clark
March 2nd
Jessie went to school this morning. Ma came up in fore-noon and got dinner and stayed
till after dark. Uncle Jas was in town for shop Nelly & Mary Young were over home
visiting this after-noon. Alex McCloud and family moved from Jas. Watsons house on
the Morrow Farm down to Geo. Clark’s on 8 con. Jessie and Jas came up after school and
went home with ma
March 3rd
Dull & thawing in fore-noon. Raining after-noon. Able to sit up Jessie came up after
school ma, pa, & Jennie were in town Dr J.R. Shannon performed an operation on
Jennie’s eye.
March 4th
Nice day Jessie was hear all day. Uncle Jim was up to the Hill with Tom getting him shod
Uncle Jno was down home & had Tea
March 5th
Very stormy & Very high wind at home a…Jas was up in the evening & says the roads
are drifted. No one from here or down home went to church to day
March 6th
Nice day Jessie did not go to school Young McCluskey was here *before* at day light
Uncle Jim took Tom down to Dunlop & got him weighed (1720 lbs) I got home about
sunset well load with intoxicants Bros. Jas was here all day helping Uncle Jno to do the
work at the barn.
March 7th
Nice day Jessie went down home to go to school this morning but heard down home the
Mifs Dale is in town sick and is not able to Teach Jessie and mother came up this after-
noon and did some baking for us I was out in Kitchen for breakfast for first time for over
a week
March 8th
Sitting up mostly all day I got supper ready to night Jessie went down home this evening
March 9th
I was up mostly all day to day Uncle Jas went to town to get a grist chop also had 11 doz.
Eggs @ 14¢ good sleighing
March 10th
Up all day Very Nice day thawing sleighing nearly gone Stephan Andrews was here and
bought the Grey cow for the sum of 38$ Jack Tiffin and his uncle Rubin was here try to
buy Lord Lenton Offered 75$ 80 being asked. Jessie came up after school to night
March 11th
Fine day Uncle Jno went to town this after-noon & brought Home a new cooking stove
Allen went in with him & was here for Tea. Jessie went home this after-noon Uncle Jno
brought her a new pair of buttoned boots I finished rendering the Lard to day
March 12th
Snowing and blowing some nearly all day Jessie came up this mornin & stayed till
evening I was in bed most of the day
March 13th
At home all day feeling Better. They set up the new cooking stove this afternoon. Jessie
Came up with a box of pills (?) she got for me at McPhees as she came from school Jno
Linfield was over in the evening& had Tea Annie called in on her way home with a bowl
of jelly from Mrs Watson
March 14th
Nice sunshiny day Annie came up and helped me to wash in fore noon
March 15th
Raining & very high east wind last night Jno Linfield was over helping to ring pigs &
stayed for dinner S. Andrews sent out two boys for the grey cow and sent a ch for
$ ¢
March 16th
Clear and frosty I was cleaning & boiling pigs heads and feet Allan was up with the mail
and helped uncle jno to move over the old stove to Barn. Jessie was up with a message
from Geo. Bissett about corn
March 17th
Annie was up this morning helping me to cup up meat for potted head Uncle Jas went to
a liturary contest at the Hill this evening the capt’s were Mrssrs Jas 6
Glenn Ja & O.
Barknell The Judges were Mrssrs Munroe, Seymore of Aburn & Wm. Stoddart of
Goderich Barknell’s side won by eleven marks there was a good program me and quite a
large attendance A.M. Pollys sale to place to day
March 18th
I stayed down home all last night Jessie came up with me and helped me to scrub and do
the rest of the work. Uncle Jas was at Dunlop in evening
March 19th
Jessie and I went down home to go to church but was to late so we staid home & got Tea
William Long of Benmiller was buried yesterday, he Bob Bean was over in evening 7
only ill 4 days
March 20th
Snowing and blowing in fore noon Reuen Tiffin of Lucknow came of or Lenton the bull
with a sleigh this fore-noon he bought him for $75.00. Jessie came up after school with
an invitation to cousin Bella McFarlan wedding on the fifth of April I went down home
with J. and stayed all night Bob Bean was to get possession of Wm Howells Farm to day.
Note sideways on page – “I got a Callander from Annie in P huron.”
Sentence inserted in smaller writing between lines.
March 21st
Very cold & Storming from the east very few sleighs on the road mending & fixing my
cloths all day & doing house work
March 22nd
Fogy & thawing Wild thunder storm with close lighting after dark Uncle Jno snowing &
thundering & lightning was in town after noon Jas went up to bush for a load of wood.
Bro Jas Came up in evening with my S.R.8
. I stay alone all after-noon 7 felt very lonely
March 23rd
Stormy & Bblowing in fore-noon Bright sunshine in after-noon Jno Linfield came over in
morning to say that he would bring down a load of wood as he came from the
blacksmith’s uncle Jas also went up in after noon J.L. was here for Tea Uncle Jas went to
Dunlop with a basket of eggs. mending my clothe & baked scons & Biscuits for Tea
March 24th
Nice sunshiny Day fairly good sleighing Uncle Jas went up for two loads of wood. I was
down home in the evening & stayed all night
March 25th
Started to snow in fore noon very stormy at night Uncle Jas went up for 2 loads of wood.
I was mending my clothes mostly all day
March 26th
Mothers Birthday She is fifty four years old I was at church today for the first time since I
took the grippe sat facing the audence in the choir for the first time in my life at Smith’s
Hill Rev Robt. Henderson preached taking his text from Romans Sam. Bissett had a horse
paralized on the way coming to church.
March 27th
Nice day Annie came up & helped me to bake & do some work Jas Watson came in on
his way home from town Uncle Jas was up for a load of wood in fore-noon went to
Varcoes with the grey Heifer in after noon & went to Dunlop in evening for bread
The word “cording” (?) is wriiten inside the top part of the letter R.
March 28th
Snowing some mostly all day Uncle Jas was up for wood in fore-noon Mr and Mrs Chas
McHardy came down in the evening & had tea and stayed till half past eleven we had a
good time J.T. Dickson sale of farm stock & implements took place at Seaforth to day
March 29th
Stormy & drifting Mr Saml Linfield was over after dinner with some papers Uncle Jas
went up in evening for a load of wood Bro Jas was up in evening for the loan of a cant
hook to bring down Logs from up above for wood
March 30th
Nice sunshiny day the road past here is pretty badly drifted. Jas Linklater & Hillary
Horton was here this morning breaking in a colt & paying for wook bro Jas was up in the
evening with the paper. Jar. McBride & Maud Sallows & Will & Lilly Ferguson were
visiting down home this evening
March 31st
Good Friday Nice day good sleighing but the sun is pretty hard on it. Ma came up this
morning to see how Uncle Jas was he was in bed yesterday after noon with la grip is
better to day & went up for a load of wood to the bush. I went down home in evening &
stayed all night. Wm Jones Jr. was there inviting them to a ball at summersals on Monday
April 1st
frosty & snowing at times Jessie came up in fore-noon. And helped me to make apple
butter Uncle Jno was in town with wheat and got a load of corn. very good sleighing
April 2nd
Nice day. was at chuch Rev R. Henderson preached Bob Bean was here for tea there was
a very good attendance we had the sleigh was up at C.E at night Annie led the meeting
there was a fair attendance with good order Maud Sallows sang a solo Clara Tewslay
played the accompament
April 3rd
I went down home in Afternoon ma. Jennie & Jas were in town with the sleigh Je was
getting her eye operated upon. Uncle Jno was back at Duncan McNees sewing (?) seed
peas Jno McNevin was here in evening
April 4th
Nice day thawing the sleighing is done I was down home in evening percy Stewart was
there looking for a girl. failed in getting same
April 5th
Nice warm day snow went away a good deal cousin Bell. McFarlane is to be married in
Mar. toba (?) to day Uncle Jas was in town getting his boots mended got home between
eleven and twelve o’clock Annie was up in after-noon
April 6th
Nice day I was down home in after-noon sewing on the machine Allan was with Jno
Clark shingling Reeds barn. Roads are very bad condition Uncle Jas was over asking
for…five years ago today Uncle Sandy died Mrs Sam’l Linfield who had a slight stroke
on Friday Last Jessie had a letter from Bro. Jno in Port Huron
April 7th
Dull all day misting rain at times Bros Jas came up in evening to change a couple settings
of eggs Uncle Jas went to Dunlop with a basket of eggs I went down home & stayed all
April 8th
Nice day with cold wind Bro Jas came up for uncle Jno to go down & fix a calf Maud
Sallows was there making a Black luster (?) skirt for Jennie
April 9th
At church nice day but very bad roads Mr R Henderson preached a good sermon & we
had good Singing Mrs Jas Glenn got a ride down with us. Five years ago to day sinc
uncle Sandys funeral took place.
April 10th
Nice spring like day I heard a Baltmoral Oril for the first time this spring this morning I
stayed down home all last night to bid Jennie good Bye this morning before she left home
for Stratford Where she intends taking a three months course in the Business Collage of
that city. Allan went down with her uncle Jas went to town this after-noon I went down
home and stayed all night.
April 11th
At home all day cutting rags for a mat thawing a good deal very heavy rain with thunder
in after noon flooded the creeks & carried away fences Annie came up in evening &
stayed all night. Allan came to Goderich last night & stayed all night with Will and ca,e
out this morning
April 12th
Nice sunshiny day with warm wind the snow is getting a clearing out to day Mother told
me that it is 39 thirty nine years ago to day since her grandfather Capt. Jno Annand (?)
died. he was 93 years old I went down home and stayed all night the two Miss
Summerralls were over home for tea & walked up to prayer meeting with Annie.
April 13th
Nice day John Oak (?) of Dunlop was here all day thrashing peas I started to peg a mat
for the door this after0noon Uncle Jas went down to Dunlop with a basket of eggs I went
down home and stayed all night. *the*…
April 14th
Nice day the snow is all gone to day, but the road s are very mudy. Tenny the red cow
had a nice little calf this evening it is just the color of Lenton Uncle Jas went up to
Duncan McNees this afternoon for seed peas. I went down home in the evening and
stayed all night. Kate Clark was over in afternoon and said. That they had a foal, Calf and
four cows down at old Clarks this morning
April 15th
Nice day uncle Jno was in town with the Wagon Allan was in too, and got a ride out with
him Rehd (?) Morrow of Nile was here in afternoon. Annie was up in the evening to see
if she could get a rooster The organ factory in town was on fire this evening abott 7:30p
but did very little damage. I finished my mat that I started last thursday to night Ma and
Jessie had a letter from Jean to night she is well & doing well.
April 16th
The ground was white with about two inches of snow this morning But the sun came out
& it soon disapeared. I was at Church in after noon our own minister preached R.H. had
tea donw home got a ride up here with Wm he had a livery horse and buggy was on his
was to the Nile we met Mrs and Mr Jas Watson going down home & went down after
getting supper ready & milked the cow & fed the Calf
April 17th
Nice day Uncle Jno started to plough the sod field in front of the door Jno Oke (?) was
here thrashing peas he finished about three o’clock in after-noon I was down home in
evening and stayed all I started to peg a little mat Jessie wast at school and witnessed a
fist fight between H. Tyndall who is teaching at S.S. no. one during Miss Dales illness
and Lennie Walters son Jno Wattern (?) he tore her apron off and hit her with his hands
he was expelled from the school to night By trustee Frank McDounah to-night Mrs S.
Linfield is much worse mentally Dr. Shannon out way
April 18th
Nice day quite warm uncle Jno. Went up to varcoes with a heifer this evening Jas was
over at Bill Youngs. I went down home Annie was up at sallows and Campells for rubarb
roots their Rachel cow calved down home last night
April 19th
Nice day Goerge Bean (Bobs) was here for seed oats this fore-noon Rained quite a
shower last nigh lots of mud to day I went down home to go to prayer meeting but Annie
was away and I did not go. Alex Young led the meeting Rev Robt. Henderson was
detained from being presant. He was performing the marriage ceremony of Miss Godfray
of Kingston to a Mr. Sproal of Dungannon. Bro Jas was up here in the evening
April 20th
Nice warm day. uncle Jas went up above to fix the fances. I went over to over to ask for
Mrs Linfield and was away for a couple of hours came home Baked fife pies & little
cakes Wm Young was here after dark inquiring for a hore to buy Uncle Jno ploughing
April 21st
Nic day. I finished peging the little mat I started on Monday this afternoon The gradd is
beginning to look a little green to day. I went down home after dark and stayed all night.
Allan came up for Uncle Jno to go down Fancy had a little foal about about twelve
o’clock. She shou not have foaled for a month Uncle Jno stayed all night And slept in the
stable from 3 till six. Rained a couple of showers through the night.
April 22nd
Nice day Uncle Jno went to town in after noon for choped stuff to in 31doz and 4 eggs @
9¢ he brought home a new copper stove boiler from G.N. Davis. I was down home in the
evening and up again got my supper dishes washed just at 12. o’clock. Their Spto (?) cow
had a nice calf down home this fore-noon9
directly above the word fore-noon, the word “steer” is written in small letters.
April 23rd
Nice day I had a bad cold and did not go to church in bed all after noon went down home
in evening and stayed all night pa staid out with the litte foal all night
April 24th
Nice day I did a big washing to day in my new boiler Annie was up in the evening and
said that Fancy’s little foal died at noon Wm Burrows the Sheppardton store keeper was
here for first time with his peddling wagon this after noon
April 25th
Nice day I was down home in after noon and started to make Mothers black sateen waist
Jno McNevins Jr. Wife was buried in Wingham yesterday.
April 26th
Nice day I went down home in the evening to go to prayer meeting but Annie was away
up at uncle Henrys and I did not go Jsa and Jas was away for tile and got a letter from
Jean saying that she had been sick with a sore throat and missed two days from collage.
April 27th
Nice day Bella Green from Sheppardton came her this morning before I had the cows all
milked she went down home for dinner and call in on her way home Old Sam. Linfield
was over after dinner and Jno in the evening and went to Watson’s with a Grey heifer.
Uncle Jno was down home seeing a sick cow Robt Bean was there and performed an
operation I was down home in evening came up Near mid night and washed supper
dishes. I white washed the milk house this after noon.
April 28th
Nice day very high wind in fore noon Jm Linfield was here at noon for grain. I was serv.
ing at ma’s sateen waist I was down home in the evening. Rod. Young was their to see
about taking the hawling(?) of the milk and looking for seed barley Annie and the two
summersals were up at Sallows (Tom) sewing carpet rags.
April 29th
Nice day very warm summer heat. 80%. I…old up the doo…this afternoon Watson Jas
was hear for tea and got seed. Took on old gun home with him to repair Allan was up and
hired with Uncle Jno. He went to town after wards and came home with a new bicycle.
April 30th
Very warm with thunder a little rain at night I was at church and wore my green dress &
white sailor for the first time this spring Rev Mr Hamilton of Londsboura preached a
good Serman from Acts 27 chap. 27 (?) Ver. there was a very good attendance Mr
Henderson exchanged pulpit with Mr Hamilton
May 1st
Nice day. Allan started to work here this morning They started to plough behind the
house where they left off last fall. I was down home in the after noon Kate Clark was
over for lime to White wash Wm Burrows Peddlar was but I did not see him
May 2nd
Nice day I washed some blankets in fore noon bake The first Rubarb pies of the season in
the after-noon Geo. McPhee was here in after-noon and for all eggs Allan went to town
on his wheel to the forsters meeting this evening Jessie came up and staid all night with
May 3rd
Nice day much cooler Rev Robt. Henderson was here this fore noon visiting Uncle Jas
and Jno were both in. he read the fifth chapt of the general apistle of James and gave a
nice prayer he was to go to T Sallows for dinner. And Howells for tea Mrs Henderson
was not with him she is in Woodstock attending a missionary meeting. The little red cow
that I call mine had a nice red Bull calf to day Annie was up fo the white wash brush and
I made arrangements to go to prayer meetings but when I got down home she was away
so I did not go But stayed down home all night.
May 4th
Nice day Allan and uncle Jno sowe the first grain this spring to day. Mrs Tom’s Sallows
and Blanche was down home this after noon. I dug my flower bed this after noon
May 5th
Nice day working around did my saturday’s baking this after noon Jessie was up in the
evening with her navy blue skirt for me to mend. I went down with her and stayed all
night pa was in town and heard that poor Ruby Robertson died to day Her funeral is to be
on Sunday after noon at two o’clock. Jessie got a photo of Johnnie’s oldest son to-night.
It is a good picture
May 6th
Nice day Uncle Jno went to town in fore noon. I was intending to go but did not get.
Scrubbed and did some baking Allan and Uncle Jas sowed the root ground next Linfields
May 7th
Very nice. There was no church at the Hill to day owing to the Funeral of the late Ruby
Robertson I went down home to go but Mother Annie and Jas was away I was very much
disapointed but could not help it. Jessie came up with me and had a tea and stayed all
May 8th
Nice day very high wind from the north. I washed in fore noon – Wm. Burrows was here
after dinner with peddling wagon. Uncle Jas and Allan took the cattle away to pasture this
after-noon. And fenced till after dark I was down home in the after-noon. Colin Campbell
the fish peddler was here this after noon for the first time this season Uncle Jno got two
trout for which he paid 40¢
May 9th
Very nice day I did a big washing of bed clothes in fore-noon. Went down home in the
after-noon. G. McPhee was here with peddling rig when I was away. Uncle Jno and Allan
are sowing the peas in the field in front of the house to day. Jno McNevin was here this
evening also Jas Glenn with a bag of potatoes Jessie went up to Sallows from school to
stay all night Mother is house cleaning in her bed room
May 10th
Nice day with high south wind I sowed my flower seed in bed at the bed of the house this
after noon Mr. Barknell saw Allan in the field at corner and told him there was strange
cattle in “up above” uncle’s Jas & Jno went up after with Lucy & Buggy to fix the fence
& remove cattle Allan finished harrowing peas in afternoon. Jno McNevin was here in
the evening bidding us good bye before leaving Brindley’s place at corner for Wingham.
May 11th
Very nice day. There was a big rain last night or this morning before day light Heard that
Sam’l Mathis Barn at the Nile was burnt with lightning Uncle Jno and Allan are
preparing the field at the corner of Barley Jas is “up above” sowing grass seed. Young
McLean the Butcher was here this after-noon uncle Jno got 50¢ worth of beef. We seen
Hiram Brindley leaving this morning with john McNevin and family and a load of
baggage. I baked eleven loaves of bread today
May 12th
Nice day. I white washed my bed room to day went down home in evening and stayed all
night. Allan & Uncle Jm were sowing Barley in the field at the corner. It is five months
ago today since I was in town There was…
May 13th
Wind went round this morning and it go very cold Mother and I went town this after-
noon with Fancy and buggs I got a New White walking hat $1.40. Pair black cashmer
stockings .25 vail 10¢ (white) salt cellar with top 5¢. Allan and Uncle Jm finished
seeding to day
May 14th
Nice Day but Cold There was frost last night ice as thick as glass water. Mother Jas & I
went to church Rev Mr… preached a good serman to a very good congr. In the typ.hall.
In Memory He said he firmly believed that we would take our memory with us when we
departed this life Robt Bean of Carlow was here for tea. Allan Jarvis McBride. Harry
Gallagar wheeled to Lucknow this fore-noon. Annie was up at Watsons.
May 15th
Nice day uncle Jno was in Goderich with 4 barn (?) pigs Andrews Bros & Co purched. I
was down home in fore-noon, Annie was getting ready to go to Clinton to Jas Grames
rasin of a Bank (?) barn. I was digging in garden in afternoon Jessie came up in evening
and stayed all night Allan went home
May 16th
Started to rain about 6 o’clock this morning and was showery all day Jessie stayed home
from school she and I Baked seven pies bisc. & scons. In fore-noon Went down home in
after noon Jas took Annie in to the Train this morning. McPhee was here and got 36 Doz
eggs. I did not see him
May 17th
Showery mostly all day Jas came up in evening with mail. The cows were out in the
summer fallow to pasture for the first this year to day Uncle Jno and Allan started to
pough the summer fallow to day
May 18th
Rather nice day. I went down home this fore noon washing and baking Bisc’s in after
noon Allan & uncle Jno ploughing, Uncle Jas diging around trees in the orchard. I was
down Home in fore-noon. Mother was washing Mrs Chas McHardy was down and Mrs
Jad Watson called in on her way up to the *Hill* Carlow
May 19th
Cold north wind I was down home in fore-noon *Allan and* helped Mother to rinse out
her clothes Uncle Jas went up above the salt the cattle and fix fences Joa. Was in town for
chop for pigs Jas (Bro) Jas went into meet Jennie at the Station she has come up from
C.B. Collage Stratford for a week and two days. Allan and I went down home after dark
to see Jean & we both stayed all night.
May 20th
At home all day scrubbing & cleaning up I put lace on my white petty coat to night Took
a bath and went to bed
May 21st
Nice day Went to church in typ hall. Rev Mr. Henderson preached to a very good
attendance Stayed down home and had tea Had a hot discussion with Annie about who
did the most work.
May 22nd
Started to walk to town Got a ride from down home with Mr Owen Jones. We got in to
Goderich a little after 11 o’clock I took my black Silk Waist in to see if I could get it
made over I took it to Mrs Peter Fox. I had to rip 10
the waist apart it took me till two
o’clock I then went up and bought lining ect a Robinsons and had it sent down. Went up
Chas Nairns & bought 3 oranges for which I paid 10¢ went down to the harbor park and
ate them for dinner. I then went to Mrs Fox & she took my measure & told me that she
would not have it ready to 1st
fit*ed* till Thursday. I walked all the*y* way home and felt
very tired and had very sore feet Jessie came up with me and got…while I milked and fed
May 23rd
Riping my silk skirt apart went down home in after-noon. Mother and Jean were in town
with Fancy. J. got a new White skirt & and pink & white muslin waist
Note Written sideways on page, “Rec from J A McH 10$ ten”.
May 24th
Nice day Uncle Jas went to Blyth to meet Mcbeen with Jewel got home between 12 &
one o’clock. I was sponging & pressed my silk skirt in fore noon cut out linings & basted
it up in after noon. Allan went to the Nile to a Teameeting on this wheel. The crowd was
so large they ate(?) all the provisions they had collected. Jessie came up on her way home
from Uncle Henry’s & I went down with her And sewed the seams of my skirt and run
the Velvet findings on the bottom. Uncle Jno & Allan finished sowing marigolds &
carrots and Allan took the drill home to Harry Morris & got a bag of seed potatoes
May 25th
Nice day Allan & Uncle Jno are hauling out manure for corn in field at Back of house
beside the…ad. I got ready after dinner and started to walk to town called in down home.
Annie went out and hitched Fancy up for me to drive her in but I did not want to take her.
So pa said Annie could take one of the colt. I looked very like rain but we got home with
out getting any rain. Mrs. Fox fitted the lining of my waist I took my skirt in & she fitted
it I got three quarters of a yard of pink silk to make a yolk which is to be covered with
lace I had the misfortune to drop 6$ six dollars in peddaro (?) store & could not find it for
sometime at last I got it lying under a table in the center of the floor Jack Brown… only
clerk in the store at the time
May 26th
Nice day Jas came up in the morning when we were at breakfast for Uncle Jno to go
down and see Fancy who was very sick when mother got up in the morning. he could do
nothing for so pa sent Jas. to town for Wm Clark V. S. when he came out he said she had
inflmation of the bowls & he could do nothing for her she died about 12 o’clock noon
Clark stayed with her till she died & after-wards had dinner. I was working at my skirt
went down home in evening to go to practice Annie was not ready…d it Looked like rain
Miss Made(?) summersal came over for butter milk & stayed the evening and we did not
go I stayed all night
May 27th
Rained I was working at my skirt Uncle Jno & Allan are hauling out manure. An went to
town in evening on Bike Uncle Jas went to the corner for bread. I went down home 7
finished my skirt. Nell Stewert & Sara McKnight were there on Bikes Will was also there
they had left just before I went in.
May 28th
Very warm. went down home & went to church with them to the church re-opening our
fam was all there but John. Father & Mother took the little buggy & one of the colts &
the rest of us the light wag…church was full & there were some out side that did not get
in. Rev Mr. Alex McMillan ex pastor preached a good sermon. Taking h…Text from
Denteronon (?)… 32 Chap. 7 Ver. Rember the…days of old, consider the years of many
generations ask thy father, and he will show thee: They elders & they will tell the. The
choir was on the new platofrm and sand Showers of blessing while the collection was
being taken up. There was a terrible thunder storm just after we came home from church
our barn at home was…uck by lightning on the north west corner I got down here just as
the rain started in a very short time the fields were nearly covered with water *I* Uncle
Jno & were in the house Jas was at the barn Jno & went to… till the worst of it was over
Annie was up at Uncles Henry’s & call in here & I went down home with her & stayed
all night
May 29th
Rained a showe very early in morning. Jean went down to Stratford to Business collage
Pa took her in to depot they washed the sheep here in after-noon. I went down home to go
up to the Hill with them to hear Mr… Lecture but they were a… was very much
dissapointed but could not help it Uncle Henry was down & Mrs Wat…call in on her
way from to…
May 30th
Nice warm day Allan… Jno spreading manure went down hom in after noon & churne a
little cream I had gathered got some from ma to churn with it. Annie went to town to the
C.Ec Conservation Nell Clark read a paper. there was a small attendance. Annie gave the
report from Smith Hill C.E. society
May *31st
Uncle Jno went to Dunlop for bread…cle Jno went to Carlow to meet …the Lord of the
Mannor with Liz…went down home Just before dinner with a letter to mother that Uncle
Jno got at P.O. last night. I was from Alex Birnie asking her to go in and see his Mother
who was been in bed since the 15th
of April I rained a heavy shower While I was there it
did not last long Uncle Jno & Allan are hawling out manure *Nice day white frost last
June 1st
Nice day I wash a big washing. Harry Hayden was here with his peddling Waggon Uncle
Jm & Allan hawling out manureI was down home…
June 2nd
There was white …Father & Mother…town Mother we…Mrs Bernie who is…weak but
she know (?)…quite well her daughters…Watson from Detroit…staying with…er & one
of her grand daughters a Miss Williamson. they got a letter for me from Arthur North
Dakota they said they were not sure about the address and opened it and Annie read it. I
do not intend to ans it. Uncle Jno & Allan finished hawling out manure for Roots Jack &
Geo.C Clark
June 3rd
…Jno Barker were…raping out the dishes…the road machine and…ug up the gate way
opp. …te here. …ice day. Uncle Jno & Allan were digging post holes down south along
the ditch between peas and pasture I scrubbed after supper went down home in evening
Uncle Jno went to town fore bread & got a piece of beef at McLean’s Sam Linfield was
iver looking for a job for Hawrold (?)
June 4th
Very warm. I went to church wore my organdie muslin for first time this spring Rev…
preached le E…service. Took… Philippiauns… first clause of th… “That I may kn… the
C.E. Choir sang Mra W Howell played the organ.
June 5th
Very warm day there was s thinder shower after it did not rain very much Uncle Jno &
Allan are ploughing gor corn the road scrapers are at work. Wm McWhinney and men
were repairing the Barn down home the lightning damaged… mending my shooes to …
went down home in…g ucle Jas went down…t Mr Oak to sheer the… heep. Harold
Linfield Brought up a batch from Jearp (?)…ery warm. Mother came up to help me to
white wash the Kitchen but I was sick could not go on with the white washing Father was
up at Tea time & said that he had sold Bennie to Antony Allan for 95$ Uncle Jas & Allan
went to Billy Jones with the sow. I went down home in evening
June 7th
Warm day. I dug… of Rubarb & sowed… took down the… for washing a… they were
sowing to… the road side to day… putting up my bedroom… & it slipped & my hand
wen… through & I cut my fing… Ann… came up Just before dinner & we whitewashed
the kitchen in the after noon to help pa to run a line to build a New line fence on went to
Dunlop after Yea for bread. … nice cool day Uncle… Allan went to the… shore for a
load of…osts Uncle Jno st. … ted to p…ough the summer fallow. I went down home…
the evening.
June 8th
Nice day I white-washed the lobby in fore-noon & scrubbed in after dinner Also planted
37 tomatoe plants. Uncle Jno went to town in evening for beef & Bread Allan & Uncle
Jas ploughing in summer fallow A went to Dunlop on his wheel Mother was up at Tom
Sallows at a rag bee
June 10th
Nice day. Jno…here shearing s…day till Tea ti… Jno & Allan…ploughing the…down
home in the ev…trying to learn to ride on Allans Wheel with Jessies assistance. W le
Potter had a big bee helping him to hawl pressed hay to town Father was at it.
June 11th
Nice cool*d*day. I had the head ache and did not go to church. Annie came up for tea.
And I went down home with…after I milked…cows. Allan and…Gallagar were in…at
Knox Church…s was up at the Hill…to C.E. And as he was coming home at Robt
Williams gate he seen Some one cross the road and crawl in through the Geo McPhees
fence with the pasture field. He though it was Geo. Clark and we after wards learnt that it
was him. He went Leeburn with Nell his sister and after they came home he took his
satchel and too the road for unknown…it was not kn…away till next…I did not l…of
coming up the…when I new that th… some one struggling…it so stayed down h…all
June 12th
Nice warm day Campbel…fish peddlar was here Uncle J. got 3 Trout from him. I was
down home after tea to see if any of them was going on the exurson to the O.A.C. Guelph
and they told me that they were. I came home and got every thing ready…getting an
early…kfast in the morning. …Just got nicely to…when Allan came…and told me that
they…changed there minds and they had decided not to go. I felt very much disapointed
but I did not want to travel alone so had to content my self…home. Queen the little grey
heifer calved this morning the cal…is black with a few white hairs though it & is a
June 13th
Very warm. Uncle Jno & Allan are working at the fence Levy started to put the wire on
the line fence f…noon. Jessie broug…my muslin dress…& said they were…Tea-meeting
at Lee…got all ready but…not come in in time…Annie walke up here but it was too late
to go & looked very much like a big storm and it came. It was a terrible rain with very
close lightning. Allan went to the T-meeting said there was small attance
June 14th
Sun was shing very warm & bright this morning but there was storms of rain. …very
close thunder and…ning. Annie and I went to …Hill to the Missionary…ng. The Nile.
Leebrun, Goderich…union Goderich Twp. They were all represented but Leeburn Mrs.
Rod. Young the president led the meeting. Mrs Duff of Goderich gave a very good
address…as a lady from union read a paper but we could not under stand her and an other
from Aburn which was not much better. Refreshments were served after the close of the
programme. There was a thunder storm while were at Tea but it did not last long. The sun
was shining w…were coming home
June 15th
Nice day wind w…it got much colder that Alex G…m ha…killed by lightning…I went
down home af…dinner. Miss. Summersal wa…over for their hats that Anni…was
cleaning. But they were not done. Allan and Uncle Jno found one of the best lams lying
on the road sick last night And this morning it was dead. Uncle Jas went to Benmiller
with a grist this after-noon. Allan and Uncle Jno were working at the fence south
June 16th
Nice day. I baked 8 loves…with the new BM. Flour…le Jno & Allan were…fence Jas
scraping…e yard. I planted some…bbage plants after dinner…ice day I scrubbed cleaned
stove Baked. Took a bath after rest went to bed Allan went to town I went down home
last night and stayed all night I finished papering the cup-board this fore-noon Uncle Jno
was over at Linfields before breakfast fixing some little pigs Geo Rice went away today.
June 18th
Mice day. I went to church Rev R. Henderson went down to Hamilton to be present at a
meeting of…He stayed over…Mr Wilson came down &…class and led the…He read one
of…sermons. The text…taken from Mathew…19 ver. there was not a la…attandance I
went down h…in evening. Heard that Geo Clark had returned after a weeks absance in
unknown regons.
June 19th
Very nice day. I done a big washing. went down home in after-noon. Uncle Jno went to
town after for turnip seed. Allan went to town on wheel and wen out…e excursion on the
Toledo…nted to go very much…ncle Jno did not ask…I with him in the buggy. …ent
down home to see…other would go to Detroit. But she had to get Jessies clothes ready
for her ak (?). She is going to town to try the enterence So I had to stay at home though I
am very much dissapointed and feel very malachony over it. Jno Linfield started to do
their statue labor to day. Uncle Jas made arrangments to go on the excursion to Detroit to
morrow morning Rate $1.00 moth light exc 254
June 20th
Nice day I was up this morning befor…and had break…about six. H…drove the two…to
the dock in…light wagon. …I went down home in eve…and was trying to laar…ride on
Allans bicycle mo…was over having Tea with Kate Clark They got a letter from Jean to
June 21st
Nice day. Annie came up with me last night and stayed all night – Helped me to milk &
go breakfast for me this morning. Allan and uncle Jm started to sow turnips this…spoiled
the seed by…ing it with rape seed…mistake was discover-…ter two row had been…d.
Allan than started…ion on his wheel for…nore. He got in just a Mr S. Sloan and A.
Cooper were starting to Donaly Johnston & Miss Em Currans wedding. He got back
where we were at dinner they finishe sowing in after-noon. They went to Carlow after tea
with Liz & stayed till the wee small hours. I was here all alone milking & doing up the
June 22nd
I was up first this morning got breakfast ready and called up the…but only one r…they
felt very…their last night…Mance. In for …Jno was almost…ely Knocked out…noon
But moved round…little in after noon
June 23rd
Nice day Uncle Jas go…home this morning about four o’clock from Detroit There was a
large crowd at the harbor to receive the excursion. I was down home in fore-noon and
Mother asked me to stay down and help her in after noon to make Jessies waist.
Annie…up and got the meals…ne boys. She also part…tourist’s report…ame up in
evening and…ked the cows. Uncle…and Allan were fixing…fence down south.
June 24th
Nice day. Annie came up in fore to let me know she was going to town in after noon she
took on eof the colts & she & I went in in after-noon. I got $5.00 11
from Uncle Jno A
McH (?) got a new pair of summer corsets 3 shirt waists at 5¢ per yd 1 vest 8¢ set of
waist pins & chains 20¢ Mrs Fox fixed the toke of my Black silk waist…made for
me…Blue cream Jug…Fulford coming…uncle Jno went to…the evening.
June 25th
Very nice cool day…to church Rev R He…erson gave a report o…the work being
done…the presybterian church through out the prov. as it was given at Hamilton Miss H.
Tyndal…(?) was sent as a del. By the Sunday school read her report which was a very
good one. Jean McHardy has returned home from Brentford…as down in Goderich
typ…s College was at church…day Sam Linfield…e over with Harold…started to hoe
mang-(?)…Sam l went home again…an and Uncle Jas went up “above” with a load of
rails to fix the fence with. I went down home after dinner to help me with Jessie’s Shirt
waist Kate and Alice was over Annie came up & got Tea Harold & uncle Jno
Written in left hand margin “$5.00”
June 27th
Nice day Harold was over before breakfast. Allan went up to help Jas Watson to jack up
his barn Uncle J and J were hawling out man…down home after…made a collar…who is
going…enterence in the…
June 28th
Very heavy rain…S.Linfield was he…marigolds. I was down in evening seen a
very…streak of light across…sky it Semed (?) to start where the sun set & went right
across to the east. I stayed down home all night baked eight loaves of bread
June 29th
Nice day churned for the first time this year to-day H (?) Haydon was here with peddling
& brought the paint…d last week washing…went down home for the…rush painted
chairs…Tea Uncle Jno & Harold…up for the sheep after…t down home in…rning and
staid all night Uncle Jos. asked Allan at breakfast this morning if he had read the West
Huron election protest the objects he had in View was I believe to hurt our feelings as
Harold L. was here (but he farted)
June 30th
Nice day. Annie went into town this morning to beet (?) Miss Emma Grame who was
coming up on the 11 train from Clinton Jas P.G went in…the evening to meet…is coming
h…from C Busin…Stratford. Also…Jessie out from…entrance. I went…home in
evening to 3 new comers. But Mir…and Annie had went…to Uncle Tom. Sallows
a…stayed all night. There was a family of Gypsies camped down on the road beside R.
Williams fence.
July 1st
Nice day. At home here all Harold L. was here hoeing in fore noon. Went home to go to
town in after noon. …Mr Hall of the Mile…buried in Dungannon…noon. The
remaing…en to the church where…neral Sermon was…ached. Uncle Jno & Allan went
to town in the evening There was a little girl dround in sewer ditch this after-noon
July 2nd
Nice day. Annie & Miss Grams & Allan went to Leeburn. I went to the Hill. Rev R12
Henderson preached a very good sermon I did not go in the choir as annie asked me to sit
down in the pew with her friend Miss. Grame. Will. Was out.
The word “And” is written over top of the R.
July 3rd
The First of…celebrated in G…today. Childe…horse racing…works at nigh…principle
at…stayed at home…day as usual. Ba…loaves of bread. Ann…Emma Grame came…the
fore noon & had…Allan went to town Harold L. was here hoe-ing all day till Tea time
We then went home to go to town with Jm & Grace L. There was Thunder showers in
evening and fore noon. Annie & Jessie took Miss Gin to town to meet the 4 o’clock train
July 4th
…warm day Annie came…in morning to let us…that Mrs. Birnie funer…this after noon.
Uncle…ent in to attend it…th Lnce (?). H. L was thining…arrots Uncle Jno
ploughing…Summer fallow Mrs McDrurie of Detroit & her husband of Lucknow was
down home for dinner & detained father and mother from going to the funeral I was
down home in the evening.
July 5th
Raining mostly all after-noon. Allan hiched the colt up for the first time this after noon
He finished…manure in S.M. Harold Jas how…a small churn…noon Riped the…my
organdy muslin…to was it this afte…
July 6th
Nice day washed a…washing Hy H…was here with…in after noon. He…they had a
grand time at Port Albert on the 1st
of July. I went down home in evening and stayed all
night Will and Nell stuart were the before I went down on wheels will came…ly
July 7th
…his way to town &…ayed all night It…tarted to rain just…was leaving rained…all day
Harold was hoeing…Jm & Allan were ploughing…am Linfield was over to see if he
could borrow 3 tree bags of wheat to take to the mill to get flower Rained light showers
in fore-noon uncle Jno & Allan were ploughing harold howing I picked cherries & Baked
7 pies in fore noon went down home to go t preparitory service at the hill but they were
away before I got down & stayed there & spent the afternoon…the two young Clar…up
here at ha…clock and lunc…tea ready. We…a thunder show… tea with terrible lig…
July 8th
Rained mostly al…all day Uncle Jas, & Harold L. went u…for the cattle in fore noon left,
red heifer & Jone Heifer who is about calving down H. & Jas took the rest up above
again Jack And. rews was here & purchased the four remaining tain- (?) worth pigs at
$4.60 per cwt (?) Jno Linfield was here…3 bags of wheat on…way to the millin
town…ed 9 loaves of bread &…s of buns & a spice cake…ubbed & ironed to day
July 9th
…y nice cool day. went…church. Rev R Henderson preached taking his text from
Romaus the eighth chap…rst clause of the thirty fith ver. who shall separate us from the
love of Christ there was a very good allandance. with two new members namely
Christena John*s* kJohnston. Annie led the C.E. meeting in the evening Will was out
and walked up & down.
July 10th
Nice day Unc…to town this m…the 4 pigs. I…home in fore-…were out picking…& the
house was… Jsa was there making…rack. He was over ask…Harry Morris who is…up
with a soar th…Allan & Uncle Jas went up above to pull week out of the hay fields I
went down home in after noon Annie came up in after noon & helped me to pick & stone
some cherries I went down home in evening for the Balance…ly
July 11th
…o started to now hay…gh the cherries…day pieserving…s in fore noon picke…more to
make pies…noon baked pies went…n home after milking…go to church but they…were
goine as usual mother was at home finishing milking Kate Clark came over in the
evening and her three children
July 12th
Nice day I churned in fore noon Allan & Harld howing Uncle Jno moving Uncle Jm &
Harld went to the Hill with Jewel Liz. The little Jones heifer had a little red heifer calf to
night I went down hom…Harld L stayed h…
July 13th
Nice day they…howing & c…hay. Harry Ha…here with…was down home in eve…I
Baked seventeen…of bread. was down…after dark
July 14th
Nice day picked & pitted…three gall crock of cherriesthey were hawling in hay. *I we*
July 15th
I was preserving cherries aur (?) baked seven pies & two pairs of o.meal cakes. It rained
in after-noon A & thawed a little I was puting…wet on my o. muslin…st & ironed same
but did…t finished…fogy in fore-noon…nt down home to go…urch but the was 3…the
going in the little…buggie & pa would had to…walked if I had went so I did not go. I got
a ride up with pa & Jerrie who were going to see Harry Morris who is very ill with a soar
July 16th
Nice day. I painted the churn after dinner uncle Jno was cutting next our bush I pulled the
weeds out of the onions & cucumbers
July 17th
was down home…A. load of men pa…way to Ottawa…that they voted…Beau.-----
July 18th
Nice day Uncle J…down to Dunlop to…part of the mower re…brought home 1 lb o
h…went to town with g…he sold yesterday to…Johns for wich he got… .60 per cot. (?)
he was up here fore the waggon box Mrs Jas Watson was here in after noon & for tea I
baked nine loaves of bread & two pans of buns & a jelly cake.
July 19th
I churched in fore noon…cherries enough in…noon to make seven pies…pies after
supper…e howling & coiling up…wawled some in after…I was very tired but…ent down
home in after…ark Uncle J&J worked at hay…ill 12 o’clock. …hey hawled in one load
July 20th
…ay this morning a shower of rain prevented any more Jno Linfield starte to cut wheat
after dinner & finished before sunset. Harld was hoeing Uncle Jno started to cut the hay
in field at Potters I was down home in evening scrubbed in afternoon. Mrs & Mary
Robertson were visiting down home
July 21st
Nice day I d…ing. They wer…at the hay. I…home in evenin…Received her entr…marks
last after…them up she found…had failed to mar…the total. Nettie Y…who tried with
July 22nd
Nice day very warm after noon. I baked 9 loaves of bread also 8 cherry pies Uncle Jas
went up to the other place after tea Jno Linfield went with him Jas called in to Chas Mett
and it was two o’clock…e got home. John’s…Son (my nephew is…old to-day. It is…go
to night since I got…with the hay fork…he leg. A year ago to day mother got a telegram
to go to Port Huron as Annie was ill.
July 23rd
Very warm went to chur… …Rev R. H. preached a good sermon there was very few
there the choir sang very good. When I got back they were at supper here and Robt Bean
of Carlow was with them as a guest. Tait & Bessie Clark went up to church with us i…
first appearan…S.S. super’d g…cards & they w…sed with their f…at church.
Father…mother went down…for Wm Jones sr who…been ill all summe…a soar Knee
his do…Aggie arrived home…urday from Dakota…
July 24th
Very warm Uncle Jno finished cutting the hay down here at tea time they halled in some
after tea we had green peas and new potatoes for the first this season for dinner…Harold
L. helped…dig them the butcher…d and Jas got a…cee of beef from…at the road. I
was…home last night after…rk and as I was going to meet…ncle Henry G. he told
me…hat he had cut thistles…Sunday till Billy Bogie came across to him and told him.
He said that he could not yet believe that it was Sunday.
July 25th
Rained a small shower this morning prevented working at the day. Uncle Jno furred (?)
received January 5 from uncle Jno McHard…“May *13* nd… “ 22nd
… “June
Some green butter beau…cutting hay on ditches after…back Jas p.g potatoes
July 26th
Nice day Uncle Jno was up at the other place cutting hay Harod was helping old Sam. L.
with hay up at the other place Allan & Uncle Jas was up at Watsons with the little red
cow. Mrs. W.L sent down up the pota…Jas Allan& Harld…till Tea time. All…started to
w…hay. I went dow…after tea for y…set bread. There w… Mr Peddar there fro…Port
Huron on a w…he had breakfast…Alexanders in Cl…and dinner at ou…& returning to
Port Huron to n…
July 27th
Allan was down hom…cutting wheat & Rye. Jas…up here working in h…Uncle Jno,
Harold Bro J…I hawled in hay
July 29th
Light shower in m…they took dinner early & w…rake & coil up hay. Harold…over for
his Tea when they same…I churned, pull weed out of… .9 …seven pies & some scons,
Message in bold was written between 2 bolded lines at the top of the page.
cleaned…stove & scrubbed kitchen & milk…got Tea washed dishes read a…washed my
head & took a be…went to bed about half …one-o’clock Sunday morn…completly tired
out. Mary…e horse on the hay…also baked 8 loaves…& buns Uncle Jas was…there
place cradling…d the wheat…Linfield was cutting wheat…at the other place Uncle Jm
drove *Jas(Unc)* & Allan up…morning with Luce & went…ook he went back for them
in…he evening. Uncle Jno Harld…I finished haying down here to day. nice cool day.
Diary 2
Mary Longmore Green
July 30th
, 1899.
Very warm day. went down home & went to church with our people Rev Mr. McLean of
Blyth preach a very good sermon Taking for his text John third chap. sixteenth Ver. For
God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who ever believeth in
Him Should not perish but have everlasting life. The choir sang “Showers of Blessing”
While the colection was being taken up.
Nice day Uncle Jno Jas & Allan were up above working at the hay. Uncle Jno finished
cutting Harold Linfield and I were at home Harold went down to McPhees in morning for
machine oil yeast cake & tea I went down home in after-noon & Jessie came up & had
tea with Harold & after tea we picked a pail of green peas & a dish of cherries. When
Allan came down from the other place Jessie went with him.
August 1st
Nice day Uncle Jno Allan & Harold were hawling in wheat Uncle Jas was shingling on
Barn. Went up above to coil up some hay after tea Uncle Jno went up for him with Luce
after Dark I was baking bread. 9 loaves & 2 bars of buns They finished hawling in all
wheat after tea
Nice day I done a big washing Uncle Jas and Harld were carting away the dirt the Clarks
dug up at the gate Uncle Jno and Allan were hawling down wheat from the other place I
was down home in the evening *it* Uncle Jno sent down 2:25 to pay for his
Nice day as I was going out for the potatoes to the field north of the house & seen Jno
Linfield coming with a load of wheat & Uncle Jas with him. That was the first I know of
having his honor Jno P. Linfield for dinner I got a hustle on & made pudding & had
dinner a little after eleven o’clock they got down four loads of wheat & two of hay Jas
brought J.P. Lin after the loads were off to get refreshments but I had not got any orders
to have them ready so they immedately went out a gain out at 15 m. after 9 o’clock
nice day Jno Linfield & our *g…g* men have led down two loads of hay each before Tea
it was late when they got them off & got tea it also threatened rain. So Mr. L. went up &
got a small load of hay Jessie brought the Mail. In on her way up to Uncle Henry’s on
Allan’s Wheel. She came in on her way home & Allan & Her was trying to learn me to
Very nice day Allan & Uncle Jas were hawling down hay till Tea time Harold has not
been here for three day’s. Jean McHardy Jr. Came down after dinner & we had a good
time I scrubbed and, cleaned the Stove. She helped me to get tea ready and wash the
dishes we had some Music on the Jews *h* harp I was Chief Musican We were in the
parlor for a little while looking at old relicks & near sun set we went out & caught a little
black kitten for her I went over to Linfields bars with her
Sunday, August 6th
nice day with very cold wind went down home & went to church with them. A. Mr
Lockhart preached a very good sermon on “Prayer” His sister Nina was there with him
Mrs Andrew Johnston took them home With her to have Tea. There was a large
congregation presant. The choir sang for a voluntary “God is Love” I stayed down home
for Tea Margaret Buchaunan came over & we went up stairs & played & sang Hymn’s
till about 10 o’clock. *and* I came home & Milked three cows and fed one calf got the
stove ready to light in the Morning Uncle Jas walked down to the other place at the lake.
After supper and got home about 11 o’clock.
Nice day Uncle Jas. went up to the other place with (John Bill) to horse rake. Allan &
Uncle Jno went up in the evening for *the* with the wagon to bring down the raking’s
allan went out to the Mill (Carlow) Jessie was up in the after-noon & helped me to bake
three rubarb pies & for apple ones.
Nice day Jno Linfield was here cutting barley at Brindley’s corner, he had his own horses
in fore noon & Jno & Jewel in after noon till tea Time he finished cutting before sun set.
Allan & Uncle Jno were stoking Harold & Jas were howing.
nice day till after tea time it rained quite a shower that with some thunder & lightning
uncle Jno went down to Dunlop with the old mower & pea puller to get Hillary Horton
the black smith to repair them. Harold Linfield stayed all night
Nice day. Jessie was up for Tea I was down home in the after noon & she came up with
me. Jean McHardy is twenty years old today there is an ice cream social at Poitn Farm
this afternoon & evening we could not get a horse to go so had to stay home. Allan went
down after dark on his Wheel. Uncle Jas went down to Dunlop for Vinegar on with Luce
& the Buggy Jessie came up with the Mail & stayed all night.
nice day Rained a little shower in after noon uncle Jno was harrowin in Summer fallow
Jas Harold & Allan are all cleaning out the creek in front the yard up near Linfields fence.
Old Jean got her leg caught in the sleighs in the sled this after noon Uncle Jm happened
to see her I heard him yelling & ran out & called the men who came& she was soon
released Allan went down home in after noon to get the…of a spale Said Mrs Jno Clark
was ill & that Dr. Taylor was there I was down hoem in the evening and they told me that
Kate Clark had another daughter this is one son and three daughters & the eldest is four
years old only.
Nice day they were (Allan & uncle Jas) were working at the ditch in fore noon Allan
went to Linfields thrashing in after noon Jas went to town uncle Jno was working in
summer fallow till Tea time He then went to Dunlop for the Mower Allan went to town
on his wheel some one was mean enough to puncture the tire of the front wheel with a
pin. Jessie is fifteen years old today she had the tree young Carks over for tea Mrs ex
Reeve Hex(?) Young gave her a vase for a birthday present
Nice day but very cold wind fore the season of the year I went down home and went to
church with them. Mr. Harry Lockhart preached a good sermon. Jane McHardy (Chas
sister) was there she is up on a visit from Toronto When we came home they said Mrs Jas
Watson was down & said that Jas was here & Annie who did not go to church came
down here with her I came down as soon as we came home from church & got tea when
we were at our Tea Robt Bean of Carlow came in he came down to ask a hand to his
thrashing tomorrow. Allan went up to the his on his wheel to open the church. Dr Alex
Taylor’s son is thirteen years old today
Nice day I washed a big washing to-day Uncle Jas & Jno started to cut a swath around the
peas Allan and Harold were cleaning out the ditch Father sent Jas up to see if he could
stay & work here In Allan’s place & let him (Allan) go down & cut there own oats Jas
went to Robt Bean thrashing after dinner uncle Jno Harold & Jas [Bro] hawled in barley.
McLean Butcher was here uncle Jm got a piece of beef from him
Tuesday [1870-1899]
Nice day. this is my 29 birthday. Jessie came up in the afternoon. And she & I made a
cream pie for the birthday Tea. uncles Jno & Jas, Allan Jessie Harold Linfield and my
self took tea. They were hawling in barley in fore noon. & cutting peas in after noon.
Annie came up after supper and Said that Dr. Taylor had been out at Jack Clarks & told
them that Sandy Burnies funeral was to be *Berr* at 2 o’clock in the after noon Dr
Taylor said he was called in on Sunday evening & found Sandy in bed his skin was cold
& clamy & his pulse was almost inperceptable and he was not thoroughly Sensible at that
time he vomited a great deal & was very thirsty Dr asked him if he had taken anything
but he could not get a strait answer. He suffered great pain Dr went up to the Drug store
to get some medicine about 9 o’clock and he was back before 10 o’clock and when he
came back he was dead. There was a P.M. examination held Monday night the stomach
& intestines were found to contain a great deal of green liquid which they thought to be
paris green on Wednesday evening there was an inquest held & the jury found that that he
had ended his own life by taking paris green the Drs though that he had taken enough to
kill two or three men.
Nice day. Allan went to potters thrashing this morning they got done about two o’clock.
After he cam home he was stocking oats. Jno Linfield was here all day cutting oats.
Harold went down to Dunlop in the morning for four loaves of bread. They finished
cutting the east half of the peas in the field south of the orchard. They were all stocking
oats in the after noon. 5 men to… to day. Lilly the red heifer had a nice big black and
white bull calf tonight Jas Watson’s breed. I was down home after dark Margaret
Bachaunan was there Jas, Jane, Jessie were up at the Hill at the prayer meeting Harold.L.
stayed all night.
nice warm day. They finished hawling in the Barley rakening this morning & starte to
hawl in peas. Jean McHardy passed through this morning on her way down to see her
younge cousin miss Clark Maggy Buchaunan went up to her sister… today with Annie. I
was down home after dark H. L. stayed all night.
Very Warm day they were hawling in peas all day finished all that is cut. I was down
home after dark. Harold stayed all night- 4 churned had
good butter.14
Very Warm day. Uncle Jno went to town Just before dinner with luce & Buggy they were
busy hawling in oats all day. Allan built the loads, and Harold pitched on the sheeves Jas
helped them to unload in the barn. I cleaned stove scrubbed 7 did other chores went down
home in the evening & found mother sick in bed. Will was up at Fallows. He got a ride
out of town with uncle Jno
Very warm day the warmest we had this year I think Uncle Jas got up at 3 o’clock this
morning and went up above to the other place to salt the cattle was back before I was up.
Annie came up here in the morning with the “Star” with contains the account of the Late
Alex burnies death. I did not feel very well and did not go to church. was in bed all
Sunday afternoon. got up & got tea & milked fed calves & went down home in evening
& laid in the hammock till nearly 12 o’clock came home & got the stove ready to light in
the morning & went to bed. There was a light shower of rain through the with some
thunder and lightning
Nice day wind went round north & it got cooler in evening Jno Linfield was here cutting
the last of the oats for this year in the field at the back of the stable (east) uncle Jno was
ploughing in the summer fallow. Harold was working in the ditch in the fore-noon &
stocking in after-noon. Allan came up this fore-noon to get his money. He quit working
here on Saturday night. Is going to town this after noon to get ready to start for Manitoba
tomorrow. Morning. I went down home in evening To stay all night and bid My Brother
Allan good bye in the morning When I got down Allan was packing in valice.
*Monday* Tuesday
Nice morning Father took Allan in to go away on the seven o’clock train this morning.
He (Allan) was in town yesterday and bought his ticket for Napinka. Manitoba. I sayed
down home all night to bid him good bye this morning Came up here as soon as Allan &
Father left and brought the cows and horses home with me. Uncle Jno was ploughing in
fallow Harold & Jas were hawling away earth that had been dug out of the creek. I went
down home in the evening. Frank McDonagh had been down in the fore-noon with the
assessment roll to get Jean to make it out. Nell, Stuart & Alice Morris had been there in
“good butter” was inserted on the lower line.
the evening on there wheels Uncle Jno went up to Watson’s to see when he would be
done with the pea harvester.
Harry Hayden was here with Peddling Waggon… I went down home in after noon and
had Tea Tait & Bessie Clark were there for tea two Young McLean’s passed with Chas.
McHardy’s cattle 4 in no. I came home and baked scon & biscuits for tea they told me
not to get tea till night after Tea Jas & Harold went down to try and get Ab. Morris to go
to stirling’s thrashing Alex. Was here in the morning asking a hand. Jno was ploughing in
S. F. Jno & Harold hawling away earth from creek.
Warm day. Jno went to Stirlings thrashing Harold was spreading earth at creek *uncle
Jno* in fore noon fixed up some oat stooks after dinner & went to town with Luce &
buggy for bread, plough points & Uncle Jno’s boots Willie Watson came down with the
pea puller after-dinner & Some tomatoes Bro. Jas came up in the evening, and they
engaged him to come up tomorrow & work.
Nice day. Jas came up in morning & had a breakfast and went to Percy Stewerts
thrashing Thomas Richardson thrashed for him & stirlings he had the misfortune to break
one of his fingers at Stewerts. I done a big washing today. They started to Hawl the oats
in today the barn is full so they are stacking them. Jas helped to bring in one load after he
came from thrashing
Nice day they finished the oat stack, and started to cut peas after tea. a big load of
drunken gypsies passed this after noon. I cleaned stove & Baked 5 pies & sour cookies…
scrubbed after milking I washed my head and took a bath. Harold Linfield stayed here all
night it was the first Saturday Night.
Nice day sun warm with cool breezes. Went down home and went to church with them
Mr Harry Lockhart preached a good sermon. Alex Young our choir leader asked the choir
to remain a few minutes after the service He said he had a few words to us before
leaving. for 8 or 10 weeks in a visit to friends in Dakota & Manitoba. left Mr Wm.
Walters as leader. When we came home Nell Stuart and Alice Morris were there on there
wheels. They stayed till sun set I came up this far with them (Will) also accomp. Miss S.
as for as Clarks gate Kate Clark & Bessie came over Just before we left
Mice day they finished cutting the peas about 4:30 this after noon & then started to
hawl into a stack Uncle Jno went down to Dunlop for bread & vinegar I got a ride
down as far as home the first ride I had in the carrage this year. Mother got a ride up
with uncle Tom in the fore noon she was going to cisite Miss Jane McHardy Sr.
Uncle Tom made he gp in & have dinner with them Maud Sallows & Jims Baby went
over to Charlie’s with her. Father and Jessie drove up for he in the evening. & got lots
of good Musie
Nice Warm day I was preserving plums that I picked last night, was down home in
the evening uncle Jno was ploughing in the summer fallow Jim & Harold were…the
stack & Choring round throwing earth Back from ditch
Nice day Uncle Jno is ploughing & Harold & Jim finished the stack in evening Jim
went up to chas McHardy’s to see Jane before she went away. I was down home in
the evening Annie Jean & Jessie were up at the Hill at the Prayer Meeting. They had
taken care of the church for a month their time was up tonight. And Johnston’s family
has it for the next month. Bill Young thrashed till after nine o’clock tonight. Jim was
down at Dunlop last night & got a card from Allan saying that he reached Winnipeg
Friday morning at 6 o’clock were to leave in 10 minutes. Jessie went home with
Maud sallows from the prayer meeting M. was driving alone
Very Warm they started to hawl out manure on to the pea ground. Annie & Maud
sallows went over to Visit stuarts & …Morris. Rained a good shower in the evening. I
preserved the yellow plums.
Nice day Harold & uncle Jim was hawling manure all day uncle Jno was ploughing
Annie came up in after noon. With the account of her visit yesterday. I baked some
pies and biscuits after dinner. Bro Jas came up in evening to tell us the James Tobin
sr. died yesterday & his funeral is to be to-morrow at 8:30 o’clock to R. le church
Goderich. I went down home with him after I washed the tea dishes. Harold had gone
to bed & Jas was laying on the floor of the lobby hawling and trying to sing failed in
the singing thou art but succeeded in the brawling
Uncle Jno went to the late Mr Jas Tobins funeral this morning. Jas and Harold were
hawling out manure all day uncle Jno got home from town & funeral about 4 o’clock
we had Tea at five. I scrubbed and cleaned the stove after tea & wash a few things
went down home to read a letter Uncle Jno got at the office from Allan. he reached
Stocton Friday Night the 29th
of August 1899. and a man came on to the car &
offered him 2$ per day as long as the harvest lasts and 40$ a month thrash after that.
he considered that good wages so he decided to take it. So he got off & did not go to
Napinga the place he took his ticket for. Jas Walker is the mans name for whom he is
working there are two bros & their sister keeps house for them ole E started to work
Saturday the day after he landed working with this Sunday painting…
Nice cool day I went down home and went to church with them. Will was out home
with a wheel McCarthey’s came along from Goderich twp. He got in with them and
rode up to Chas Stuarts: Nile Uncle Jno went up to see the cattle & had I with Bob
Bean. Bean accompanied him down as far as Rob Roy.
Nice day. Jim was ploughing in summer fallow the other two were hawling out
manure on to the pea ground Uncle Jno finished ploughing the summer fallows. I was
down home in the after-noon
Nice day Harold & Jim went up above for the sheep in evening Harold & Him started
to spread manure on the pea ground after dinner I picked some crab-apples
They Sowed fall wheat in the summer fallow. And separated the… from the ewes it
noon. Harry Hayden was here with P.D waggon I went down home to do some
sewing on my mothers sewing machine Father went to town with a load of wheat
Jessie came up with me and stayed all night. Father took Jean in to the station to go
away back to collage at Stratford. It opened on Monday but she did not get ready till
this morning
Uncle Jas went up to the other place at six o’clock with the sheep there was a thunder
shower just after he got back Uncle Jno was harrowing Harold breaking cods in
Summer fallow till rain came on ploughing in pea groud
nice cool day. there were two men here wanting to get pictures to enlarge Uncle Jas
and Harold went to town with the laws I was sweeping out the parlor & making apple
jelly. I sprained My shoulder yesterday watering the calves It had been very soar to-
day but I have had to work just the same. I went down home after I got all my work
done. Jessie was up staying with F.W McDonagh all night last night.
Nice cool day. Jessie came up to help me this after noon about 3 o’clock as my
shoulder is pretty sore I washed out a few dirty clothes & J & I abked 4 four cream
pies & same tarts Blanche Sallows came in just as we had finish the baking, and she
till Jessie helped me to go scrub after I got the tea and J. & Blanch brought the cows.
For me. I had promised blanch to go down home after I got through if I could but I
was too tired so combed my heir read a chap & went to bed. Jessie told me when she
cam up that Mrs.Gorden ( Nee Lizzie Smith) died yesterday her funeral is to take
place on Monday after-noon
Nice cool day I got up this morning about 6 o’clock and thought it two early to stay
up as it was Sunday morning, so, went back to bed & sleeped till half-past 9 o’clock. I
got Harold to put on the fire for me I skimed the mild fed calves, milked four cows
came in & got breakfast straightened up the housetook a bath went down home, and,
when I got down they had all gone to church but Father & Mother they took the little
buggy & I went with them. Blanch Sallows rode down with them. Nell Stuart was at
the Hill church on her wheel & Invited Will up he came down from church with us
and started for the Nile as soon as he arrived. I cam up here just before dark. When I
arrived they had their tea & Uncle Jas was up at the other place & Uncle Jm & Bob
Bean of Carlow were out viewing the corn and roots. I milked fed the calves washed
the dishes read for a short time & went to bed left bean still bragging & boasting
Nice day. Uncle Jno went to Mrs Gordon Youngs funeral it was largely attended her 3
sons & 3 son-in-laws were pall barers. He went up town after the funeral & got 6
loaves bread 7 two pieces of meat. And stayed at Billy Glaziers & had refreshment
with Bob Bean & Antony Allan got home for supper about ten o’clock. I got work
done & got ready for bed about 11 o’clock Father was up after dark to see if he could
get some oats
They finished ploughing *in* pea field to day. There was a hail storm with very high
wind & rain about noon it did not last very long was very severe *wet* for the time.
Blew a great many apples *off the* down Sid Smith Jno McHardy son-in-law came
in here after dinner & uncle Jno went up and seen the cattle & sold him four. They
noticed that one of them was sick & that it had something in like a chip in his mouth
He came down here & got Jas & Harold Linfield to go up to caught him & threw him,
down & pulled a big piece of tin out of his mouth with a pair of pinshers. I went down
home after I got the dishes washed Harold & Jim were in bed before I left here. They
had a letter from Jean Jim bro came up in the morning & helped them to clean up the
oats the are getting he afterwards came up with a cold & light waggon for them.
Nice cold day. I stayed down home all night came up this morning before they were
up. Harold & Uncle Jas went to Bill Young’s with the two grey cow’s I churned in
after noon & baked 4 cream pies Le Tousel was here leaving for them to pick the
King apples for Tue. Or Wed. next. I went down home when I was getting the cows
& brought up a pail of cucumbers Bob Bean came in just as we were sitting down to
our supper & stayed 2 or 3 hours he came to see if any of them were going to the
show at London and Uncle Jno decided to go. They were sowing all wheat in the pea
ground got it sowed over as far as the corner of the orchard.
Nice day with cold wind we have been howing the equnoral gales since Tuesday I
was up about five o’clock this morning & the rest were up before that. Uncle Jm
started to Goderich at 6 o’clock this morning to take the train for London he drove in
with Luce & the Buggy Bob Bean was to meet him at Rob. Roy & goin with him.
They got down to London about 10 o’clock 7 left about 6 in the evening. R.Bean had
the headache all day & did not enjoy himself very well on that account. The train they
came on came around by Stratford & did not get to Goderich till about 12 o’clock
Uncle Jim got home about ½ past one in the morning he drove Bean up the eight con.
I was down home in after & Mrs Wm Bogie was there. Jessie went for the cows on
Allans Wheel. & afterward came up here & stayed with me all night, Richard Jewells
house was burned yesterday the fire caught from a stove pipe which went out through
the roof it was insured last week but he has not got his policy home yet. it is at the
house of one of the directors, Harold went home tonight & took the crad apples. he
picked on Sat.
Nice day, Uncle Jim went up to see the steer & the cattle before breakfast Harold was
breaking lumps in fall wheat in fore noon & digging out the ditches after noon Uncle
Jm finished sowing the fall wheat. Jim harrowed after he cane back from dinner time
went to Maskell thrashing after dinner on Elliots old place I was down home in the
Nice cool day in fore noon. Uncle Jm was harrowing the fall wheat Jim was at
Maskells thrashing in fore-noon Harold & him were ditching in the little ditch north
of the Barn up at McRackines fence. I intended going to town to-day. Jessie came up
in the fore-noon to help me to get ready & get work done But it got too hot & dusty
with high wind, so I decided not to go. Jessie & I went down home after we got our
work done. I helped her clean their house mother was making catsup, burnie had been
in town & delivered 6 hens that she sold to the Hatcll Keeper in Martin’s old stand at
Bidge got 20 ¢ each for them live she also took some roosters in & sold them to Mrs
Camrons Gardiner for 25¢ a piece.
warm looks like rain when I started away to go to church there was a very light
shower, at the Hill & there was a little hail at the Nile. Annie went to Geo Beans for
Tea. Mrs Jas Glenn got a ride down with us from church. Uncle Jas was over at Hugh
Chisolems in evening
Rained mostly all day. The butcher came (McLean) standing up in his rig so that the
rain would run off his clothes, Harry morris is thrashing today. Uncle Jno and Harold
went up for a load of wood for thrashing in the evening Jim was Talking to the
thrashers on their way down to Joe Morris in the evening & they agreed to come to
thrash after S. Linfield I was down home in evening
Uncle Jno& Harold went up for a load of wheat in afternoon Jno Linfield was over
asking hands for to thrash tomorrow after noon. I had headache all after noon went
down home in evening before I got the cows. Annie & pa were away to town. When
Uncle Jno came home tonight he said that he met Chas McHardy on the foad down at
our place, and, he told him that two women were going to town & there horse
dropped dead down in slab town, and before they got get anyone to hawl it away.
Annie Lawson & her cousin were driving to town, as soon as the horse they were
driving saw the dead horse lying on the road. It turned suddenly around up setting the
buggy & throwing both girls out A.L Landed on her head & was unconscious for
about an hour The scoth Ladies ankle was badly sprained. They were taken to Peter
McGenans, and were removed to their home at Dunlop nezt day.
nice day. Jassie came up to help me get ready to thrash uncle Jno went to town with a
load of wheat & got meat & Bread, 6 plates & 6 cups & saucers at Mrs suttans, he
went up to R. Beans after he came home with Juce & Buggie thrashers clock. Uncle
Jas & Harold went to the thrashing the both came home & moved away some of the
old stray stack Jessie & I cleaned out cupboard & … Boiled a ham & baked. went to
bed & got up before day light
nice day. Jim and Harold went to Linfields thrashing Uncle Jno was getting the barn
ready here & went over at ask a hand at Maskells in fore-noon. Jessie went down
home for dishes… after she came up she & I put some straw in straw tick they got
through at Linfields about half past 10 o’clock & had their dinners there. Got over
here about half past eleven got started to thrash about twelve. I did some baking &
mother baked two jelly cakes after she came up.
Nice day Thrashing all day Uncle Tom Sallows & aunt Jean came in on their way to
town & gave us some grapes to see the thrashers. Dick Echlin came down with the
attachments for thrashing clover in fore noon & stayed all day & thrashed, they
finished the grain about 5 o’clock after which all the men had Tea & wet home but
the thrashers. They thrashed clover till dark. *Jessie* Mother went home after tea. to
prepare for their thrashing to morrow. Jessie & I went down home with some dishes
that I would not need and got the mail. Annie & Kate Clark were down to Jones to
see Mr. & Mrs who are very ill Will come in on his way for Nile to Town When Jess.
& I got back the thrashers had all retired.
There was heavy white frost this morning. I… potatoe tops & injured th corn
considerable also marigolds tomatoes, grapes & other things thrashers got through
thrashing clover here about 9 o’clock Jess, & I went into the barn for a few minutes
Just as they were finishing to see them Mr. Jno Echin was very kind & showed us the
machine They went down home from here & thrashed a little over an hour before
dinner. Uncle Jno & Harold went down to the thrashing & I went down & took a
basket of dishes after I got the cows milked & dishes washed up after I got down
Annie was ready to go up to Alex youngs to get Maggie Buchaunan to fit her brown
Serge dress with the white satin Yoke. I went out helped her to hitch up the horse.
Mother, Jess & I got dinner. After dinner dishes was washed I came up here to get
some things that they needed. When I came up Uncle Jim was at his dinner. I went
down to the mild house to get the things ready that I was to take down when there I
heard Uncle Jno coming moaning as he walked I looked out & he was at the pump
talking to Jim & his face all bruised & black. he said that he was up on a scaffold
puling up the ladder to the straw stack for the rest of the men to come down as it was
finished. Just as he had the ladder up the scaffold gave way & fell. … ground
throwing him with great violence to the ground every one wondered that he was not
killed. Uncle Jim told him to get ready & go to Dr. Jim got the buggy 7 I got Lucy &
cleaned & Harnessed & hitched Jim got ready & went with him Mother came up Just
before they went away with carnphor & white oil but he did not use them after They
went away we both went down home. They got done thrashing about five o’clock
they had Tea father payed the, & they took the machine up to P. Bogies. Harold had
the cows in when I came up & Uncle Jno & Jim were home from town Uncle Jno was
in bed. Dr. Shannon Sr bandaged up his chest & said that he had one or two ribs
broke Jessie & Jim came up with a basket of dishes Jessie stayed all night. Harold
slept with Uncle Jim as Uncle Jno was hurt.
warm in fore noon with thunder after breakfast I went out to milk & Harold went
home to Sam Linfields. When I came in from milking cows Chas McHardy was
here… a few minutes Mr & Mrs Watson & Allans came. Chas McH. Brought uncle
Jno some nice grapes & treated, mother came up Just after I came in from milking &
Hugh Chisolm was in for a few minutes they all went home before dinner. It rained
mostly all after noon & there was no one here Jimmy bro came up in evening to see
how uncle Jno was
Jimmy came up in the morning with some tomatoes. Harold & uncle Jas was cleaning
up a grist & choring around till noon The Jas went to Chisholm’s Thrashing. Jas (Bro)
came up in after noon & helped Harold to clean out the little ditch up north. The
butcher was here McLean I churned in after noon. Annie came up for some vanilla to
but in their Show Cake Sara Linfield came over to ask for uncle Jno Just before dark
Harold & Jim… the cows in fore me.
First day of Goderich show. I done a big washing to day. Uncle Jas went to
Chisholm’s thrashing they got through about half past 10. o’clock it is very cold
today Jim went to town with a Barl of King apples & some wheat did not get home
will late. Father called in on his way home from Sallow’s thrashing on Geo Morris
Farm Uncle Jas brought home a new spade tonight. I ran out to the road & opened the
gate & went out to the stable & …th light till he took off the harness off of the horses.
Nice day Jim & Harold starte to…posts to put up a wire fence to keep the cattle off
the roots & corn Sam Linfield came over to ask for Uncle Jno. And Mother came in at
the same time, She told me that I could get a ride into the show with them but Uncle
Jno is in the house most of the time & is lonely so I stayed home and did not go.
Harold & I went down home for a basket of tomatoes. We went up stairs & looked at
the pictures & has some music By Jessie & I we came up here a little after 11 o’clock
& uncle Jno was sitting up waiting for Harold to go out with him & see the old sow.
She has 9 little … pig one of the is not right & one is dead. Mother told us that she
had got first prize for her 10th
crock of salt butter Mrs T Hamilton got 2nd
& her
daughter Mrs. Goldthrop 3rd
Jean got 1st
each for plain & ornamental penmenship
Jim & Harold finished the fence & went up to the other place for the cattle to put
them on the clover on the north end of his place I went down home & waited there till
Annie came home from town. She drove Wm Lee’s horse & got 1st
prize Jessie was
home all alone & one of the young Clarks was with her (Alice) Father & Mother was
up at Uncle Henrys thrashing as soon as Annie came home she went up to the
Watson’s Thrashing but the thrasher was leaving just as we got there. She stayed all
night & came home the next day.
Jno Oak came up this morning to go to W.C. Potters thrashing he had his breakfast
here. They thrashed at the old man & about 3 o’clock moved over to Sammy’s place
They broke some part of the machine about 4 o’clock & had to stop thrashing & got
get it fixed oak left ward with them that he could not come back tomorrow Harold &
the two Jimmie’s started the corn but it was raining & snowing in the after-noon &
could not work very steady it Jessie came up & stayed all night… went home, she had
an… to an Autumn Picnic from her Sunday school teacher Tilly Stirling.
Last of Sept.
very cold with showers of snow & hale there was an inch of snow in Stratford this
morning & 6 in London. (ont) it has done a great deal of damage to apple trees
breaking the limbs down. Uncle Jas & Harold was in the barn cleaning up a grist in
fore noon & in the ditch in the after noon Harolds Cousin Jno Linfield came over in
the evening and had tea with us Harold time is in to night he has been here 3 months
& was very kind & Obliging while here Uncle Jno pud him he got $30.00 for tree
months. Jas Bro came up this morning & went to Potters thrashing the got through &
he went home to go to summer Salls. thrashing they thrashed there for 2 to 3 hours.
Jess was up …noon to let me know pa wagon to town
October 1899
…nice day with cold wind. When I was getting ready for church Sam Potter came in
Uncle Jno was in bed & Jas was out side so I had to stay here & talk to him till Uncle
Jno got up & when I got down home they had all gone to church so I had to stay
home. Jessie stayed all Saturday night with Jill & Mr. stirling & came home with
them from church Harold Linfield walked up to the Hill from the corner at the cheese
factory & came round home by the school house they said it was very cold in the
church they had not got the stoves up so Mr. Henderson held a short prayer. Meeting
& they are to have on C.E. Annie went to Sumersalls for T & then went to the Nile
There was heavy white frost last night Jno Linfield is here cutting corn. Harold went
to town with Sam Liza to get some clothes Uncle Jno went to town to see the Dr he
took off the bandages & got the hired men to help them put them on again tighter then
before I got the horse ready & went down home with him the first ride I had with
Luce & the buggy this year. Jack Clark is thrashing & Annie is over helping Kate
Mother was washing & I churned & washed the butter for her & Jessie came up here
& helped me & stayed all night. I was talking to sam Linfield for a minute at the
pump on his way home from J. Clark’s thrashing.
Very Nice day Uncle Jim is working at the corn alone this fore-noon. Harold came
across this way to bid us good-bye on his way to Woodstock where is to attend
Young Men’s Collage. He Met the thrashing Machine coming up from Jack’s to old
Clark at noon out here at the gate. Jimmy came up here in after noon Uncle Jno &
him put the … in the ends of the stables where the hay fork worked it is the first uncle
J. has done since he got hurt & he feels very tired at night.
Jno Linfield is here working at the corn with the two Jas. There was light showers in
fore-noon There was a missionary metting held at Sam Linfield’s this after noon
Misses H. Bean & Nety Tyndal also came there from school & stayed all night. There
was a returned missionary from India Miss Duncan I think her name was a Leeburn &
the … at Leeburn in velet the Carlow one down some of them went Jewlia Johston
sang a solo
Nice day Jno. Linfield & the two Jimmie’s are at the corn they finished it & cut some
of the hill corn Jno quit early to take grace L. to Benmillar to an extertainment of
some kind he did not say what it was. I went down home in evening Uncle Jas started
to go to the post O. for the mail but Father had brought it & he got it at there gate
Mother & Jessie was over at Bill Young’s getting grapes Mrs Y. gave them a nice
basket & I got all I could eat & mother gave me some for Uncle Jno
Nice day, the corn & started to take up the potatoes at noon. I made 4 pts of apple
Jelly also made catsup tomatoe. Mrs Jas Clark & Mrs Jask were down home this after
noon & for Peas
I was making catsup & green tomatoes. also cleaned up the house & Scrubbed
pumped water for cattle. There was a few here in evening & Uncle Jno & I bought
15¢ worth, needles 5¢ pins 5¢ Buttons 5¢. Uncle Jim was at the potatoes alone
nice day I went down home & went to church with them Mother came up with me &
had tea Robt Bean was here when we came Mother came … & helped me to milk it
had started to rain I went down to the line fence with her with the lantern.
I was going to watson’s for tomatoes but Uncle Jm did not get the horse ready for me
& I had not time to get it & get ready too so I did not go & went down home Jessie
came up with me. and stayed all night Uncle Jas was pulling apples
Nice day. Jas came up again this morning & Jno oak from Dunlop & they finished the
taking up of the potatoes Uncle Jno helped Oke & …Jas to put a load of Potatoe in
the cellar before supper … walked down to Dunlop after tea Bro Jas hired with Uncle
Jno for a month tonight. The was a big fire started in A. Goldthrops last to night it
looks like rain but did not. I baked seven pies & Bot of cookies & two pans of tarts
this afternoon
Nice day after I got my work done & … made I went down home with Jas & stayed
all night I went down to see if Annie was going to Dungannon show to-morrow.
got up before day light got up here a little after seven it was fogy & raining Annie
was to put the mat out at the window if she was going to the show when I was
milking I seen it come in & hurrie up the bread baked before I left here Anie had to
wait a few minutes & was very anxious to away. Uncle Jno gave 60¢ annie 25¢ to get
her ticket & mine was… & spent 10¢ in grapes & peanuts. We drove in Miss
symaington (?) was in the buggy with me part of the time & Mrs. J. M. O’Conner, a
young man by the name of Moring was there with Jas Davisons horse & got her to
drive & she got first prize. They were not members but we went & entered & got her
a ticket & she came out all right I drove Bessie home & she came with him Uncle Jno
went to town & the Dr took the bandage off & gave him a bottle of liniment to rub on.
Very nice day Uncle Jas went to Benmiller with the wool & a grist to get chop &
*wheat* flour I done a big washing. Malcom Taylor the agent came in when we were
at our dinner, he then went away & came back just before dark he brought the cows
from the field for me, had tea, with us & stayed all night & had breakfast. There was
a heavy rain Just after he left there. Jessie came in on her way down from Uncle
Henry’s with a letter from allan, for me to read. & some apples she got from U. H. to
send to Jean
Uncle Jas went up to McBrides with gray heifer this afternoon Uncle Jno started to …
the first he has done since (?) he got hurt, I baked & (?) scrubbed this after-noon
Nice day went down home & *had* went to church with them Mr. Henderson
preached a very good sermon There was not very large congreation I stayed down
home & had Tea Jean came up here & stayed all night Uncle J. & J. were at their T.
where we came up Mattie Sallows told me in church that Mrs. Goldthrope Baby got
badly burnt yesterday & died this morning from the effects of the burns. Deceast
uncle & aunt Tommy Hamilton & Lena came to church & had not heard about it. Mrs
Wm Ferguson told them & they both left church again.
Nice day I mended my shoes this fore noon & went down home *with* & Mother,
Fathe, & Annie were out pulling Marigolds so I stayed out & helped them till Jessie
came home from school, Then she cam up with me, to get some painkiller for her
gum bile(?) Then went for the cows, while were on the road
Rained nearly all day. Then we were sitting around the house & choring around all
day. Jas Jones Wm Brother at Rob. Roy who has been away for 13 years came up
here this morning & stayed at the barn talking to Uncle Jas & Jno, for a while then
went away.
Nice day: the two Jimmies were working in the ditch in after noon Uncle Jas went
down to Dunlop for the mail before supper time but did not get any. Jas Watson went
to town with a big load of peas & hay & came in here to get Tom. Stirdy’s Mower
that they had this last two years cutting peas. Jno Linfield came over also to spend the
evening & had tea after tea I got my work done up I went down home with jimmy &
stayed all night Uncle Jno told me Linfield stayed till after one o’clock
Very nice day. National(?) Thanksgiving day. Sid. Smith ( Nelli McHardy’s
Husband) & Steve. Andrews was here & decided to take six of the steers to morrow I
went down home & went to church with them I did not go up in the choir but Annie
did she & Maud Sallows were the only two in it. Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Auburn
preached a very good sermon I stayed down home & had tea they had chicken it
started to rain just after we got home. There was a great many people who went to
town today to see a race between Jonathan Millers horse & a horse of McDevils of
Lucknow McDevils horse won the race.
Nice day with frost in the morning. The two Jimmies went down to Dunlop with the
apple packers were here and packed 10 Bls of apples… 6, steers, & were… up
marigolds after they came back. Uncle Jno was ploughing
Nice day Uncle Jno went to town in the fore-noon & had his dinner at Sauts. And
went to Andrews Bros & Co sale of cattle in the Agr grounds in after-noon but did
not buy anything brought home some beef & Bread
Rained & was showery all day, Annie came up in fore-noon & stayed till after dark,
uncle Jno went up to the other place to salt the cattle & we had a cup of Tea before
we went & when we were at it I noticed a rig pass the window & this was Mr Will
Morning from Benmiller to see Annie she got up from her dinner and went out &
talked to him for a while & drove off
Nice day garnet Sallow was taking Miss Wiggins in to town this morning & he told
Mother to be ready to go up with him when he came back. It was there Wedding day,
32 years today since… were married Tom & Jean when Mother went up she told her
that she wanted her to paper… Mrs. S. & Mrs. G. dug in & papered the big room up
stayers all but to strips of the ceiling & they had not paper to that Father & Jessie
went up roots & ploughing Billy Bean was here this fore noon asking a hand to their
thrashing this after noon. Uncle Jas went.
Nice day Uncle Jim went to Beans thrashing up at Carlow I got up & got breakfast
before day light Uncle Jno was ploughing I was down home in the fore noon They
finished a little after dinner & came down to Maskells. Uncle Jim came home &
*worked* took up marigolds.
Nice day Wednesday Jas got up & lightened the stove I had it all ready, I got up &
got the breakfast about six. Uncle Jas went to Maskells thrashing and Poro Jas went
for Father in the after noon Jean McHardy. came in here in the fore noon on her way
down to see her aunt Kate Clark she only stayed a few minutes. I was mix up the
Bread when she came in she said she might go over home I went down after & got…
ten loaves baked took a bath when I went down Mother… & Father were out in the
field taking the potatoes in they had finished the marigolds. Jean seen them out & Sid
not come over
I started to wash this forenoon Harry Hayden was here with his wagon & uncle Jno
brought pretty little dish with a hen sitting on a nest for a lid & as I was setting it on
the table When I was bringing it in a can of mustard rolled against it & broke the dish
part in several pieces I was very sorry but could not help it I stuck it together with
Melled Alum & sent it down home with Annie who came up to let me know she was
going to town tomorrow Uncle Jas went in to town with the apples this afternoon. It
started to rain after dinner. I *started* to washed today but did not put the clothes out
as it was wet.
Raining in the fore-noon some & put out the clothes on the, & got ready to got to
town & when I got down home Annie was away so …did not go. stayed down there
rest of the after noon
Rained mostly all day. I brought in clothes off of the line & dried them around the
stove. Young McLean came here in after noon collecting for the beef that was got
when he was round with the waggon I cleaned the stove & scrubbed in after noon.
The men rung the old Sow.
Nice day. I got ready & went down home to get to church when I went in wother told
me that poor Wm Rhynas was drowned last night in the harbor beside the check
water. I was so sorry & much surprise to hear of Mr. R. Sad & sudden death and just
after they had told me of poor Billy’s death my bro. Allan came stepping out of the
pantry 7 I need hardly say that I got another great surprise we were not expecting him
& I could hardly believe my eyes. He looked well & was dressed in a new suit of
clothes he bought in Toronto he came Stratford on… night & went to an… & stayed
all night. and went & see Jean in the morning & they bought Jessie a plad dress. And
he brought it up & gave it to her. When he was at the station he met Matty sallows on
her way to Brition to see Mrs. McKonkey (nee Miss Boyd) Allan went up & got Jean
to come down & see her. He came up on the afternoon train & came out with Father
who chanced & Allan went with us. Will was out & went up at Bob Beans in the after
Nice day. Allan came up in after noon & stayed for a little while & went down
through the fields & allan went with me. Uncle Jno finished ploughing fall wheat
stubble. today the two jimmies were hauling in mangolds when I was down home
Kenny morris was going home from town & Annie went out to see when late Wm
Rynas funeral is to be he told he that it to take place to-morrow at 2 oclock.
Tuesday Halloween
Nice day I was down home im fore noon & asked mother to bring me a pair of shoes
home from town with her. She
Went down home & went to church with them Wm was out & went up with us. Sarah
Jane bell & Gord. Young were not there chas. McHardy & Mr Burns took up the
collection Joe. Bell was at church & asked Rev R. Henderson to go down on
Thursday & Mary Sara & Gord Young.
nice day I was down home in morning they were taking in potatoes out of the field &
putting them ma Annie & Allan. I stayed & helped them till eleven o’clock. Then
went home & got dinner & went down home in after noon for Jeans old hat to trim up
for Jess. With some trimming I have Liz Buchan an came out to Kates & called in to
our place & Annie agreed to drive her in and I got her to get my hat & Smiths R. B.
Miss Wilson came down from her visit & came up woth me & stayed all night. Jas
had a good talk to her.
Started to rain this morning Miss Wilson went down home round the road & I went
down through the fields Allan heard a boat blow & went in to town to see if it was the
St Andrews the boat he was to go on & it was & is to leave at 5 o’clock. he is out in
the barn helping to clean up a grist he said he would come up & bid us good bye but
did not get I went about ½ past 3 & mother said he had went away about ½ an hour
before he walked in & carried his lucheen in a tin box I got some ribbon & braid to
trim Jess. Hat. Miss Wilson went up to Watson’s & Annie is going in the evening &
Miss Wilson came down with her she is fixing Jessie’s dress sleeves.
Nice day they are ploughing the roots ground I finished trimming Jessie’s hat & it
looks very nice I went down home in evening & took it with me. Miss Wilson was
there. it was foggy and cloudy all day
Sara Jane Bell wedding day & the sun came out & shone all day. Miss Wilson went to
town & got a ride in with Mrs Harry Morris the me were ploughing.
Nice day this is social Night at Carlow C.E I fixing up my clothes this after noon. Got
the cows early & milked them got supper all ready for them & when I was in my bed
roon getting ready. The dog got out with a bark & a rap came to the door & some one
rushed in & I heard the tin box rattling someone walked across the floor & I
wondered what he was to do next I was very frightened So I ventured to look out of
the bedroom door & I seen it was Sam Bisset the typ collecter. Uncle Jim came in just
as he was leaving & the elder exclaimed good Lord man I have taken possession of
the house I got ready & went down home & Jessie, Jas, Annie I went in Wm & Hill
Stewert were sitting at the table we had a very good long tea was godo & the
programme was also very good. Jno Linfield was over here. When I was away A1015
A10 Means this page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary.
Nice day Uncle Jno went up to the other place to start to plough the finished here last
night uncle Jim went to town & little Jim was covering pits I baked & scrubbed
cleaned the stove went down home Blanch sellows was here.
Nice day I went down home & went to church with them Blanch Sallows also went
with us the Bride & Groom were there we the offering was being taken up the bride
and groom elder held down his head like a sheep & Sammy biset got up & gave one
plate to chas McH & took the other him self.
Nice day Uncle Jim went up to the other place to plough. I churned Uncle Jno went
up to shepherds with the devin(?) heifer I tied in all the cattle. Went home they got a
card from allan.
Nice day Uncle Jno drove the team up to the other place & ploughed till after noon
Jim took the sheep up was down home in after noon for some sugar. Uncle Jno did
not some home to his dinner till between 3 & 4 o’clock I baked pies apple & 2 lemons
& cookies for men tomorrow A1116
nice day rained slight shower last night I got up & we had breakfast before day light
& I had dinner party ready to go up for 4 men Bob Beans & 2 sons Geo. Wm with 3
teams were up ploughing uncle Jno took there dinner up with Luce & buggy I went
down home to see why they were going to the Hill to the farmers institute came home
done my work up & got tea go ready & went down home & walked up with annie &
the two Summersalls caught up to up *up* at Varcoes. Miss roso from Guelph gave
an address entitled one. Eye in the field & the other in the town it was very
entertaining & instructive the speaking was good by the singing was poor
Nice day. Jim went up to plough he did not get home from the F.S. till this morning
Sam. Bisset an elder in our church & some others were playing cards * drinking in
the Hotel till 3 or 4 o’clock this morning Jim got a ride down with Sam Bisset. A bad
example for a … before the people survey. Bob Bean was not able to get up to go to
plough from the effect of Sammy Bisset spree Geo. & Wm Bean & two … went
uncle Jno took their dinner up with the buggy I went down home they got a letter
A11 This page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary
from Allan last night it said that he was up Fibre one more & had got work in a saw
mill there & is getting 30$ a month. he is working for a Mr Peterson
Nice day I washed uncle Jno went up to plough. Jim put somme apples in to the cellar
it rained a little after dark Jessie & Blanch Sallows went it to town from our place
after school to have their pictures taken to morrow with there SS class & teacher they
attended the musical & literacy entertainment in the Temperance hall.
Showery in morning but cleared off in fore-noon Jim went up to Hullett with Liz. this
morning he did not get back till about 12 o’clock at night I baked cleaned stove &
scrubbed Uncle Jno went to plough in afternoon & got coil at Hill A1217
nice day I went down home & went to church with them there was not many to
church the minister made them sit in the center seats there was a Miss Mitchel buried
this afternoon from Zion church. They say it was a very large funeral. Jessie came out
from town when we were at tea when I came up here Sammy Potter & Jno McNevin
of Wingham were here I had to get supper & milk & fed cows
Nice day I went down home in fore noon. Jno went up to plough in after noon Jim
went to Joe Bells sale
Jno went up to plough I went down home to sew on machine. Jessie came home from
school sick
Uncle Jno went up to plough … Linfields gossr. … I went down home … night gown
on machine… Chas McHardy came in on her way to see Kate Clark Jessie was not
able to go to school
Very nice day with bright sunshine Uncle Jno went up to plough after noon Jim went
to town I churned. I put in cattle cattle milked got T & went down home to see Jean
who is coming up from Stratford B Collage she had just got home & were at Tea I
had my 2nd
Tea with them came up here with the Lantern about 12 o’clock.
A12 This page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary.
December 1899
Showery Father came up this fore noon to see if he could get uncle Jno to go down &
help him to kill 4 pigs but he is not well & did not go. Jim went up to plough after-
noon & I went down home to sow *some* at my… night gown on machine they were
expecting Alex & …Stirling & Tilly fown from Carlow They came about seven
o’clock & had tea left at 12
Showerly mostly all day I baked 5 pies in fore noon & made soup & baked 8 loaves
of bread they did not go up to plough Jim lost his cap last night up at Tiffins hill &
went up this morning to get it. I scrubbed & cleaned.
I got ready after doing my work & went down home to got to church But when I got
down they told me they were only going to take the cart & pa & Annie were ready to
go Jean was sick in bed but got up before tea I stayed till dark will was out & a Mr.
Cevar called for him to go to Mile or Dungannon Annie was expecting her young
man to take her to church I write to go too but he did not come until after I left. They
went Hill Annie came up this morning to tell me the Willian McClinchy was buried
yesterday he died of fever his daughter Marjory was buried the 20 of Oct.
December 4th
Cold & Snowing & blowing I was sowing & cut to skirt lining, mende …18
man was
corring pits choring round
Very cold very high wind & drifting I went down home in the after noon through the
fields the snow was drifted along the fences some of the school children got faces
frose going to school this morning and Jas brought the cattle & sheep home tonight
Very cold & stormy Uncle Jas took sick at stomach when he was at breakfast & went
to bed for a while but was all right at dinner time I was working at my night dress &
under skirt
… indicates that the text was missing (i.e. pages torn, decayed) or writing illegible
Not quite as cold the men are choring around, I was working at under skirt & night gown
went down home in after-noon to sew on sewing machine Tait Clark & Anger
Summersall was there Annie & Jas were at a dance at Summersals last night it started to
rain & snow the wind went round north & it got colder Jess and Jas were at their tea
when I … up Jas went to Dunlop for the mail. A219
… day I churned & baked potatoes scons. Robt Beau came down with a grey drake to
trade it for a white duck After tea & went down home to go up to the Hill to the Leturary
meeting but they were away when I got down & I did not go. Annie spoke for her first
time in her life on a debate Rod young was capt on the neg. & W. Gleir on the …Rod got
I scrubbed & cleaned stove did up Saturdays work men were choring around the barn.
Threatning rain. Annie came in on her way up to Watsons to tell me that they were only
to take the cart to church. I was anxious to go & got ready & went down home & when I
got down pa was in bed with a bad cold & Jas was feeding the cattle the two young
Clarks were there Jess brought them over & took them hoem again. I stayed till after dark
& came up & got tea for Uncle Jas & Jess
It started to rain in morning & rained nearly all day. They decided the patrons cheese at
the factory to day. Jack Clark was up & got 84 lbs. from five milking he said I went down
home in the evening & mother & father & Jean was over spending the evening. it started
to rain again & I stayed all night. A320
Very nice morning but it started to blow a terrible gale. from south Chgs McHardy was in
with a load of … it was reported that british lost heavy in South Africa today.
Nice day with North wind freezing some Jno Linfield came over in evening & had tea &
spent evening.
A2 This page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary .
A3 This page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary.
I done a big washing it was nice in morning but go a little Stormy in evening Annie came
up in evening with some mail uncle Jas went to Dunlop for grocery’s & mail.
Rather cold & windy got warmer in evening. 30 years ago to day My father & mother
were married here in this old log house. I went down home & finished *put* 21
the frills
on my petty coat & finished it Jean got word from Stratford that she had passed her exam
taking the highest marks for writing that ever was taken in the collage she also received
cong. From … Teachers.
Nice day- I brought in the last of my washing & baked pies & cookies & scrubbed &
cleaned stove I finished fooling (?)22
a pair of socks I started Wednesday night. A623
Nice day I went Down home & went to church with them Mrs. McPhee & Olive got a
ride up & down with us Annie went to Jno Gallagero for tea. there was quite a no there.
Nice day high wind I churned & started to knit a pair of socks. I knit the leg of one it cma
eon very heavy rain in evening Br Jas came up with a catalogue to me from the Western
Dairy school. Uncle Jno gave him a rooster.
Very nice day for time of year I finished the sock I started last night. & Knit 1 ½ finger
length of the other & went down home in the evening. Annie was up in after noon & said
they were going to town to morrow I went dow to see when they were going but got no
satisfaction. Uncle Jno was fixong the sucker of the pump
Very nice day men doing chores & finished the sock
* * words enclosed with asterisks indicate that that word has been crossed out.
(?) following a word indicates that the word may be as written although accuracy is in question.
A6 This page and previous page are equal to one page in the diary.
Diary 3
Mary Longmore Green
January 1st
Monday 1900
I went down home in fore-noon to get some of them to bring up my trunk. The snow was
deep but there was a pretty good track on the road. I had dinner down home. Annie came
up with me. The wind went round north + the road was starting to shift. Will came in on
his was to town from the Nile. Uncle Jas. went down to Dunlop in fore noon + got home
before us. Annie + I got uncle Jas + Jim dinner after we camp up bro Jas brought My
trunk up in the cutter just before night I packed My trunk to be ready to start for Guelph
in the morning. And did some mending. Annie stayed all night it was so stormy.
January 2nd
I got up this morning to start for Guelph Dairy Collage A.W.C. but it was so starmy I
thought we could not get through the roads so I went back to bed. Again Annie helped me
to do the work + I done some sewing + baked some potatoes cons the road are badly
drifted + it is very stormy we saw Wm Clark + Dr. Taylor coming to Clarks from the
north. They had hard job to get through Bro Jas came up in the morning with my black
spool silk
I was fixing up my clothes + getting ready Joe Gold thropes five teams came through on
their way to Ashfield + broke the road, + a number of other cutters + sleighs went
through Annie went down home + told Bro Jas to come up for me. I got tea ready + Jas
waited till I washed the dishes. Uncle Jim – him carry out my trunk. And I went down
home with him + stayed all night. when we got down Maude Will + Blanch Sallows
were there + stayed till about on in the morning Father was down seeing Jas. Clark who
is very poorly. he got worse about three o’clock abd between one_ two Father came down
for Jack Clark they thought he was dying Pa went back with Jack + Geo had the horse
ready + pa went in for Dr. Taylor + Wm Clark. Bro Jas took me into meet the train we
were 3 quarters of an hour early it is my first time riding on a train. We left Goderich
about 15” after seven + got into Guelph about 15” after 10 o’clock I asked a man on the
train where I could get the car that went out to the O.A.E + he told me to go over + stayed
on the market + I went into a shoe store + they were very kind + the man told me to set
down + when the car came he ran out + stopped it + I got on + we got out in a few
minutes. I got out + went over to the collage building + could not find the dairy building.
So I went in to the presidents door and wad directed away over across the road. I went in
+ to Prof. Deen offies + registered We then took me into the home dairy Dpt + sent his
wife with a team of ponies + cutter to with me to look for a boarding place. I got board at
the third house called at a Mrs Young Prof Deen sent a team up for my trunk – I got it
before dark. I felt very tired so I did not go to the collage but went to bed fore a while +
wrote a letter home + went up to the Depo to see the soldiers off. There was to terrible
crowed of people for six went from the collage.
My first Day at collage got along all right but the lectures seemed very hard. Very nice
day I went down to Mrs. Marshels to let her know that I had boarding place.
Nice day went to collage + finished the hard churning we started yesterday got home +
had dinner a little after two o’clock felt very tired + lay down for a while I than went up
to the city + bought 3 not books pen + ink + ceiling ware apron two cap spool I came
home + made the apron + caps on Mrs. Youngs Sewing machine
I went to church in the morning with Lizzy Young we went to Paisly Met. Church the
minister was very nice preach a good sermon. It was raining when we came out of church
rained all the way home. I got my feet wet + did not go out anymore all day. So thus my
first Sunday in Guelph was spent
Went to collage When I came home Mrs. Young told me she had go two new borders.
two men a Mr. McGregor + a Mr. Deen. I went up town with Miss Simmerman + bought
a New pair of buttoned shoes + a pair of Rubber Shoes cost 1.25 + rubb 45 when I got
back Mr. Deen + Mc G were at tea
Went to collage was on seprators yesterday + today. The Lact + Test Bottles seem very
hard to understand. But in time I hope to master it Prof. Deen Went away this after noon
to attend a commson in State of Vermont + will not be back till Sat, Mr. Begsteadd took
up mathmatics + took deemils for first for first lesson. It is a great help to me + seems to
be to others too.
Nice day see a little more akaret Lact + B.C.T.
Nice day went to collage we got a New Lady Student today a Miss Heane from near port
Perry she came in for discussion in after noon. Mr. Shone house to up butter Testing. we
each got a sample of butter + I was asked to read my score
Nice day at Collage we were on churns to day Miss Rose wen to Farmers institute
meeting + we had to make out our own reports, We had a lecture on eggs by Mr. Graham.
He had preserved eggs + poched eggs: and gave a very inst, address.
Very Nice day. We got through churning + got our reports Made out about two o’clock, I
got home + got dinner about half past two I then went up to city + got a new apron two
handkerchiefs + pair of stockings + corset lace came home + made my apron by hand.
Most of it Bad to stitch on Mon. Morning went into Geo. B Morris + got a catalog.
Sunday Guelph
Snowing quite thick I was not going to church But Miss Musslemau called for me + I
went with her to Knox Presbyterian Mr Ross preached a very good sermon. on having
our heart right + if our heart is right then all will be right.
At collage I got up Early this morning + finished My apron before going to school The
snow + slush is frose up + the roads are good.
Mice day at school Mr WYenchKo our separator instructor Went to Stratford Mr
Chadsed of British Columbia is to be in the home dairy till Mr Wuencko + Miss Laura
Rose comes back we got an invitation to day from Mrs Dr. Mill to dinner with her to
morrow at their
January 17 Wednesday
Home Main buildings O.A.C. Guelph we were very sorry our instructress Miss. L. Rose
could not be with no But her sister Miss Daniels was acquainted with Dr. Mills Family +
she chaperoned for us. I might say it was my first banquet + I enjoyed it very much
indeed. We had two turkeys + four chickens we had 6 or 7 courses in all Dr. + Mrs. Mills
+ Daughters were very kind to us It was snowing + drifting some. We had Dr Reed V.S.
over from O.A.C. giving us a verenary lecture this morning it was very good + all will be
Benifical thing
Prof. H. He. Deen did not get home from Stratford + Dr. Reed took the lecture this
morning again we had poultry lecture after noon.
Reed Letter day a Diary School. Prof. H. H. D got home + gave a report of convention
that he had been attending + we had Prof Farrington from Uncle Laura’s Damain + Prof
Derbyshire Farrington gave a short address + told us to work for our selves. + not always
work by rules by learn to think out for our selves Derbyshire preserved his remarks for
after noon. When the Lituary was held + it was unusually good. Mr. Baskerville was in
the chair + Miss A. Rose actes, sec.
Nice day we got through at collage about 2o’clock I came home + had dinner + done
some washing + ironing went to B.A.C. lituary it was very good but not a good as our at
diary school.
Very Nice sunshiny day went to Chalmers Presb church with Mr. McDonald from
Kinloss + heard a good sermon from Rev 1 Chap 10 ver. Came home + had a headache +
went to bed for most of after noon. got up + took tea + went to church Metha church with
Mr. Dean. + heard a very good sermon we waited for prayer meeting after church.
Nice day I an feeling some better to day went to collage started on separators again.
Examination at Diary coll. It was not as hard all I Expected we had an hour + 10 m to
write. We were all (Ladies) invited to home of Miss Rose to practice for ladies
I went to school but had a headache + when I got to school during prof Deams Lectures it
got much worse + after lecture I had to retire to the sofa in ladies room + remained there
all day It was my first sick day in collage + Misses Roses + all students were very kind
to me Miss Rose gave me some of her dinner + covered me up with her fur cape.
Instructor Mr Spraque wanted to send over for the Dr to O.A.C. collage but I would not
let him. When I got home Mrs. Young gave me a dose of salts + I went to bed Mrs
Young was very Kind.
January Guelph 1900
I did not feel any better this morning + did not get up. Mrs. Young gave me another dose
of caster oil + made stay in bed. At dinner time Miss Grace Mitchell + Martha Hunter
came up to see me + after a while Miss Annie Rose came in they were very kind indeed I
got up about 3 o’clock + sat up till bed time + felt a good deal better Miss Lou.
Musselman + Miss Dixon came in to see me after they came home from school Miss
Dixon handed me a box saying it was very from diary school + Mr Spraque + when I
opened it found it contained Most beautiful bunch of flowers. I was very much surprised
it was indeed very kind + thoughtful of them. Mr Spraque sent for them. I shall never for
get their kindness.
Got up feeling some better. Got ready + went to school. But did not do very Much took
my dinner up with me Miss L Rose treated me to home made bread there was very nice I
got on street car + had my second ride + it was a free one the conductor would not take
and fair from me.
Nice day but frosty. I took my dinner up with me to D. S There were a number of O.A.C.
students over. And when we made to up our butter found that we were all short + it is
supposed that the students took it Miss Rose was very angry but could do nothing so I
came home + finished repairing my silk waist. Studied + went to bed Mr Den went to the
O.A.C. lituary with Miss Musselman Mr McGregor + I stayed.
Sunday 28th
My Sister Jean is 20 years old today. I went up to Moores to get some of girls to go to
church with me Misses Mitchell + McAllister went. We went to Chalmers + listened to a
food sermon by Dr He took his text from 1 cor. 16 +19. It was snowing + Stormy coming
home + I did not go out anymore. As I got my skirts wet + my health is not very good.
Went to collage Prof Dean + Miss Rose + other instructors had a talk about butter +
Cream by O.A.C. Students + they were reported to Dr Mill President of O.A.C. + it is
reported that they got a very severe lecture from the president.
Very Frosty + stormy at times I took my dinner up to collage. Prof Dean took Lecture
Nice day but very frosty Prof day farm sup at O.A.C. gave a lecture on swine it was both
*instructing* 24
Entertaining + instructive And in after-noon we had a lecture by Mr
Wyane Wko sep. instructor. Mr Spraque Prof Dean Shatton Morrison went to Ingersole
to convention.
February 1st
Frosty at collage on churns to day Butter reports as diff as ever.
Feb 2nd
Nice day a little Milder than *usual* 25
it has been last few day’s Candleman’s day. at
D.S. our literary was held this after noon There was O.A.C. but they did not bring back
our butter. There was a debate Mr Stonehouse, Mr. Whitt was on the butter side + Mr
Morrison + Mr Baskerville for cheese Mrs. Stonehouse Whitt + Scott *Carried*26
most points. Miss M Ham acted as sanctuary for first time + was very nervous. Miss
Zimmerman acted as critic in very good style. Photograph commity were nominated Mr
WynchKo + Mr Pannell were chosen to get prices + C.
Took lunch up to collage when got through went up to city walked down + got a ride part
of way up on milk sleigh there was two Miss Mills + a young man on it going to the rink.
I brought a new pair of corsets which cost 85¢ + ribbon 5 book 5 cho 5 I took my book
up to post office to *order* draw the money I had in PO he said it would be on Tuesday.
It was snowing in Morning + continued to snow all day. I did not go to church Mr
McDonall called down for Mr McGregor + they went to church in evening
Went to school snow was deep But the car track was ploughed out + walking was good in
it. We had live stock lecture in after noon *We* by prof Dean We had two Jersey cows in
class room. Miss Mitchel + I were on Seperators.
* * word enclosed with astericks indicates the word has been crossed out.
* * word enclosed with astericks indicates the word has been crossed out.
* * word enclosed with astericks indicates the word has been crosses out.
Nice day I got notice up in collage at noon telling me that My money had been forwarded
to Guelph. + If not called for within fifteen days it would be returned So I went up Town
with MissHam + Mr Devins and got my money saw Mr. Stewart a neighbor of Mr Dews
who is attending the O.A.C. Met Mr W. Y. McDonald a friend of Mr McGregors on the
street. When I was coming home Mr Byers Dairy student from Germany caught up to me
+ we walked home together
Colborne Twp April 7th
I regret very much that it is just two months + one day since last wrote in this diary for
the year 1900 I must say the said two months were very pleasant + profitably Spent. My
time seemed to be entirely taken up with my studies + work. I regret now that I have not
it recorded in my Diary. But I will go back + recall what I can of what is past + gone. We
had three term Examination at the collage I came out 1st
in second class honors each time
on the first I got 68% and on the second I got 68.3% on the third only 65.8% I thought I
would have got a better Mark than I did on the last, but did not get as good. 30% of the
marks is to be counted on our final exam. The 3rd
year students that are taking a special
course in dairy were over + wrote with us we did not hear how they came out. We each
had two practical examinations in milk testing. Separating + two in pasteurizing +
ripening cream + churning one churning was salted on the worker + the other in the
churn. We had to make out our butter reports I got 9 marks on each. We had a literary
every Friday after-noon after discussion. They were very beneficial as they got
accustomed to the platform + to hearing their own voice The dairy class went over to the
Bacteriological Laboratory in evening to see the different kinds of bactaria under a
powerful microscope + Miss Maddoch + my self took over some separator mud to have it
analized Dr Hammomd invited us over the next night to see him dissect a rabbit it was
under the influence of eather the Dr said it did not feel any pain we cut it open + we saw
its heart beating + its intestines working. It was hard to watch him at first but WL got so
interested that we could look at him when he touched its heart it died. He also showed us
the muscle in its thigh that is effected with siatic. Dawson Harling was to be up in the
gymnasium with lime light views of the ship canal Co. but it snowed so much that the
train could not get through we went up about half way + met some of the students coming
back. They told us they were not there Mr Herbert Corbett came down + had tea with me
at my boarding house. Miss Laura Rose Gave the Dairy maids + instructors our at home
on Saturday the tenth of March we had a very nice time I had tea with Mr H Corbett. He
got a ticket with Mr Noah + I got one with Mrs Noah he had to round + find his Mrs but
had not far to go as each one came down stairs they had a ticket pinned on their back with
a name on it + they had to go down stairs + find out by guessing who they were or where
they lived or what they were Mr McFeeters walked home with Misses Mitchel +
Musselman + Mr Stonehouse with Miss McAllister + I. I got home at 12:30. Mr Dew
went out to Ermosa this after noon + Mr McGregor went out to Aberfoil with Mr
McPhee. I had breakfast all alone Mr McDonald came down + we went to St Andrews
church we heard a good sermon Mrs Youngs two sons Allan + Charley wen tout to the
country to see some friends before Allan goes away to Halifax and they invited me to go
out + have + tea with them in the kitchen Just as we were getting up from the table we
saw Mr McD coming in + we both went to St Andrews Church again when we come
home Mr McGregor had got back Mrs Young who has been ill for a week is feeling some
better Mr Den got home Monday Morning from Eremosa. We are to have two lectures
from Prof. Reynolds on Physics we are down to real hard study getting ready for our
exam on the 22nd
+ 23rd
of March St Patrick day went of quietly at the collage I did not
see any one with one bit of shamrock the Annual indoor sports were held up in the gym
last. Nigh there was a very large crowd of people there but neither Mr Den or McGregor
or myself went we all thought we could not spair the time from our studies about 9
o’clock Jennie Young + I went on Mr Den + McGregors over coat + went over + calle
don Mrs Whitesides Den wanted me to go up to the sports but I would not go they had no
Lituary at the O.A.C. on Saturday. On Saturday 10th
of March 30 of the teachers from the
Central school come out to visit the Dairy Collage + brought lunch with them. They
invited prof. Dean + the instructors to have lunch with them Miss Rose invited Mr
Chadsey to go to + play the piano but he did not go, he took Misses Musselman, Dixon
Mc Allister + Mitchel. I went to the Roman Catholic Hospital there was a Mr McDonagh
there who was being treated for rheumatism with Whoim Missess Mitchel + Mc Allister
was acquainted one of the sisters took them up to his Ward + they had a long talk with
him Miss Hollingworth + Myself also went + Mr Daskervall + Rudd. We went all
through the catholic church before we went out + it is a very fine building. We walked
out all the way + went the wrong road + feet very tired when we was coming back we
took the car as soon as we could get it. The sisters were very nice one of them took us all
through the hospital when we got home we had tea + prepared for Miss Roses party. Prof
Dean + the instructors are to give the dairy students an at home on Monday 19th
Sunday 18th
My last Sunday in the Royal City of Guelph. It was snowy + I did not go to church in the
morning Mr. McD dcame down + went with Mr McGregor Mr Den went to Sunday
school + I stayed home + read a sermon of Talmages out of Mr McDonalds Paper. After
tea Mr McD came down + we went to Chalmers pres church the Minister wore a bunch
of shamrock + preached a patriotic sermon which was very good when the organist was
playing the prelude to one of the hymns the electric light went out the church is also
lighted with gas the Minister told them to remain seated for a minute till they would light
the gas. And agter a while the *gas* electric light came on again when we came out of
church it had started to snow + the walk home was miserable + our clothes were all
covered with wet snow Mr McD came in for a few while this was my last Sunday in
Guelph. Monday we the ladies were excused from lecture + Mr Spraque + I put up the
bunting + decorators in the dairy school Mr Neilson + Miss Rose made the ice cream it
rained quite heavy in the after-noon + we felt some what disappointed but it cleared up in
the evening + it was clear but then walking was miserable I felt very tired when I got
home + lay down for a while before I got ready Mr McGregor waited + went with me.
We came home on the car. A Number of the O.A.C. students came over + yelled +
hollered out side + rattled at the door trying to get in prof Dean went out + invited them
in after luncheon some of them came in + Miss Rose treated them to ice cream + cake
when they were going out they cheered the dairy Maids Mr Ianglehart took several flash
light views. After the last one all joined hands + sang aloud Lang sign after which Mr
Den asked them to give Prof Dean + instructors three cheers this brought our “at home”
to a close. The Gentlemen we got an invitation to bring their Lady friends but the lady
students did not get the privilege
We had a lecture from Prof Dean this morning on *che* the different kinds of cheese
now + Where they were made. The decorations still remained in our lecture room + it
looked very nice indeed. They took our piano away to day the corner in the lecture rioon
looks very bare + lonely without it Mr Spraque took down the hunting + flags I was on
separators today + milk testing we scoured + cleaned each of our separators with Sapolia.
I was on the National Separator it is a very nice day. the frost dried up most of the water.
Wed. March
Prof Dean had the lecture this morning at the close of which he made a few parting
remarks thanked us for our attention and saw he was glad that we had all got along so
well together + hoped we would try + practice what we had been taught + to honest in all
that we would do. When he had concluded the students gave him a harty clapp. Prof Dean
seemed sorry to say good-bye. after lecture we separated + churned + scrubbed + cleaned
the walls + floors Mr Wiancko + Misses Corbett + Chadsey Cleaned the scales + the milk
that girls scrubbed the wall + windows we did not do any milk testing to day Mr Spraque
had the discussion the after noon an power. Separator bowls. after which each of the
instructors + Prof Dean gave a few parting remarks + advice to the students after which
each was heartily applauded Mr Wiancko our home dairy separator inst was called out
during discussion + did not come in, so after discussion we saw that he was in the office
+ the Home dairy went in a body + demanded a speech after some coaking he got up
removed his dairy cap + proceeded. He merely thanked us for our attention + hoped he
had made plain to us our lessons + that we would get along alright at our exam which is
to take place today + to morrow. Mr Den went up town to get our group. but could only
get one Mr McGregor invited Miss Musselman to come down + study to night + she she
came after tea Mr. W.Y. McDonald, also came down from the collage for a little while he
said the boys were having an auction sail of old clothes and boots + skates up in his room
+ he could not study Mr Den Mr McGregor Miss Musselman + I studied a little till after
ten Mr Den then went home with Miss Musselman.
Our first examination day at the O.A. Collage Mr Den went up to start to write on his
cheese exam at 8:30 Mr McGregor + I studied till about ten I then got ready + went up to
Moors to go with the girls that boarded there Miss Barber called from the city + Miss
Musselman also called + went up to gether The cheese class. Was first finishing their
paper when we went into the gym the first paper we had was on separators it was it was a
very nice paper I expect to get a pass on it and after dinner from two to four we Miss
Roses paper on butter making I was not quite as easy as the sep. paper but I think I will
get along on it. After four Miss Rose Miss Zimmerman + I sat up in the dressing room of
the gym. Reading + talking for a while we then walked home together. as far as the
corner we studied together for our last night a least for 1900 Mr. Den McGregor + I.
Went up to the gym to do our exam at 8:30 this morning We had for our first paper Milk
testing it was a nice paper. Next came Prof Deans paper on the forty lectures that we had
received from him on dairying building Cheeseries + creameries + silos + cheese
making + dairy cows + swine it was very hard + I do not know weather I will get a pass
on it or not but I dotrust that I may. And after dinner we had a paper on the out side
lectures we had received from the professors over at the collage. Most of them were easy.
After the exam was over the instructors + students all joined hands + sang aloud Lang
sigh after which we bid each other good bye, we all felt very sorry at parting for it is not
likely that we will ever neet again at one time Miss McAllister + I went over to the Dairy.
I got a lb of our Dairy butter to bring home + Mr Dew got Cheese he took 1-4 and I took
1-4 + Miss Mitchel took a piece lbs. Mr Den 1-4 + I 9 the photographer sent our large
group out to the dairy + we seen it is the best roop in the collage. When I came home I
went over to bid Mrs Whiteseds good bye + baby George. after when we were at tea Mr
McPhee came in + Mr McGregor + him went over to the O.A.C. Lituary I walked over
with Mr Den. The students had there oritorial contest there were 4 or 5 speeches on was
by a minninoite he got 4th
prize he done very well. I walked home with Mr McDonald + a
Mr Robertson came down with mr McGregor they stayed for a while + looked at some
pictures + went up to the O.A.C.
Nice day I got up + finished packing my trunks up to the station. I forgot to pay Mr Den
My share of the Dray I am very sorry to say Mr. Stewart a friend of Mr Dews came down
from the collage to bid us good-bye Mrs Young seemed sorry at us going away she had
been very kind to me. The girls from Moores came out + road up on the car with us Miss
McAllister paid me 10¢ she borrowed yesterday to give to Mr Ingleheart for on of the
photos he took of dairy class in the gym yesterday at noon there was a large number of
the students met at the station the instructors were also there I was very pleased to meet
Mr + Mrs Henderson our minister from Carlow they were on their way to visit Mrs.
Henderson’s brother John Young in Hamilton. In the morning I could not get a 5$ bill
changed to pay Mrs Young so Mr McGregor was kind enough to give it to me he said he
was coming up on the train with me to Stratford Clinton + I intended to give it to him on
the car + he found out at that station he could not come by Clinton with out paying 50¢
more so I forgot to give him his 75¢ at the station when I left I bid him good bye on the
platform + he came into the car + shook hands again he had been looking for his money +
I did not mind anything about it + he did not like to ask it. I did not think about it until I
was away up at doubling. I was horrified to think that I had forgot to pay them but could
do nothing so on Monday I wrote a letter to Mr Den + asked him to let me Know how
much it was and also wrote to Mr McGregor + sent him his 75¢ in a registered letter in
trust that he has got it before this time. When I got up to Goderich my father + Annie met
me at the station we came out in the sleigh + had dinner + Annie + I came up here I felt
quite lonesome after I got home. TO think that our dairy class was scattered all over the
province + even further But I trust that God will bless + prosper each + every one + we
may meet in heaven if not in this world. Mr Robertson a friend of Mr McDonalds came
up in the car with me to Berlin + Mr Pannel from Stratford.
Went to church Mr Anderson From S. Africa preached on
Went down home in fore noon Mrs Chas McHardy came down + intended to stay + have
dinner on her way over to Clarks but I was not here + she went on over to Clarks + called
here on her way going home. I gave her a piece of our own dairy butter + a piece of
Jm McNevin came in first before dinner Annie was going to town I went down + went in
with her + Jimmy I left my letters to have them posted with Mr Todd at the star office
Jessie came up + got tea for them + stayed all night
Nice day I washed
Baked Jessie came up + stayed all night
I was busy cleaning up all day + baking pies + cakes
Very cold and Backward spring. Heard from Mr McGregor he received his money all ok
and I was very glad to hear that he did so I received a combination letter from the
fragments of the dairy class of 1900. They Mt in the office of Mr. Wincko in the home
dairy. They were Misses Maude Barber, Lou Musselman, Misses Geo. W. Scott and
Arhtur Rudd. They each wrote a piece and sent pieces of poetry and a sheet of butter
paper. I was feeling rather lonely and home sick and was glad to get and appreciated it
very much.
May 1900
Julie foaled on the 13th
and on Sunday Morning. The next night Uncle Jas told John when
he came home from the other place that she did not appear to be well. About twelve
o’clock after Jm had his stable work done he went to town to get a Vet. He went to Mr
Hamilton’s and he was not at home so he went out to Mr Kinnon’s and found him out on
the road and he came on here. He was here several times but Julie died one week after
she foaled she died on the 20th
and left the little helpless foal with weak front feet. We
called him Tommy and we all to raise him on cows milk. He is Very Delicate and is a
good deal of trouble.
Finished house cleaning Jessie came up + helped me with the Kitchen I done the rest
Got ready and went down to Guelph on the farmers Institute Excursion Annie Mrs
Watson Father and I went Mrs “ was in poor health + was sick and had a miserable time I
met Mr Baskerville Misses Musselman + Barber and we went round together all day
Miss Rose invited me down for Tea. She gave me some Strawberry plants also some
flowers + a geranium slip which lived. Harold Linfield came up from Stratford business
collage the last of June and started is word here Johnnies wife came up on the Excursion
on the City of Teledo. And Jean went down with her to Port Huron , to try and get a
position. Which she did about six weeks after. She helped Annie in the Bake shop until
then. Johnnie and Annie, has sold the bake shop to a man from London Ont. And they
have rented a house in Port Huron. Have been dept quite busy with taking care of
Tommy he some times comes into the house and plays mischief with the dishes and other
things also gets into milk house and helps himself to milk bread etc. but Uncle Jno Put an
End to such work by putting an extra hook on the door. Harold Linfield went down to
Toronto fair to try and get work which he did after some time Johnnie, Annie and Mervin
came up and stayed for a few days on a visit. Mervin is a dear little fellow. Father took
them to town and they took the train for Clinton there was an institute meeting held the
of December at Carlow, Miss Rose of Guelph and Mr Fritz of Woodstock spoke in
after noon and Mr Fritz Miss Rose and Mr Grant of Goderich, in the evening Miss Rose,
came down and had tea with us. She started a women’s institute. I was Elected President.
And Next day in Goderich Mrs Colin Campbell was elected Vice President Miss McPhee
of Porters Hill sec Treasurer. I was intending to take the factory course at the Dairy Dpt
of O.A.C. and would be consequently be away for 3 months. So I arranged with Mrs
Campbell to act as president while I was away. She called a meeting in February + Mrs
Elford of Homesville rose and stated that that was there organization metting and she was
elected pres. + Mrs Campbell sec. Treas. Mr again elects to these offices at the and I have
been busy knitting socks and mitts + Knit two pairs of double mitts and several pairs of
socks and then got ready to go to Guelph.
January 1901
Busy Preparing to go to Guelph
James (Bro) took me into the station we were half an hour late for the train so I went
down to Buxtons and stayed for a while and then went over and stayed with Lizz
Buchanan and had dinner. I walked up to the station and met Miss McKensie and she
accompanied me down to Stratford. I arrived in Guelph a little before six Met Prof Dean
on the street car, going out to the O.A.C. He kindly instructed me to go and stay all night
with them it I did not find a boarding place at the O.A.C. I went to Mrs Youngs and she
could not keep me as he was full I then had Two Misses McAllister Hewson. So I
arranged to stay with her for $2.25 per week. And so I did.
Went up to the dairy but did not work as I had not got my trunk down from the depot Mr
McFeeters brought it in the evening. When I arrived home I found the trunk in the parlor
also Miss Hewson and Mr Craig Miss McAllister is not very favorable impressed with
the boys but Mr Scott is coming the 1st
of February and she will be there be more content
Dunlop. Oct. 6th
Mr. Wm Rennie
Dear Sir:
Would you please mail me a catalogue of the sale of pure bred stock to be held at
the agricultural Collage and Oblige
Yours Truly
Jno. A. McHardy
P.O. Ont

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Mary Green Diary, 1889-1900.pdf


“Mary Green Diary, 1889-1900,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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