William Jeremiah Shreve Diary & Transcription, 1907


William Jeremiah Shreve Diary & Transcription, 1907


William Jeremiah Shreve


Dufferin County Museum & Archives


20th Century, Kent County, Raleigh Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

William Jeremiah Shreve Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


[blank cover]

[front cover]





CANADA [in maple leaf]


TORONTO published by THE BROWN BROTHERS, LIMITED Manufacturing Stationers 51 and 53 Wellington Street West

[handwritten notes]

Mon July 1, 1907 Rev Edison hired

Mon June 10, 1907 funeral of Rev. Drake

May 19th 1907 closing of Union Rev. T J Henderson

May 26, 1907 Rev. Penick Baptizing at Jeanette Creek Bridge



{mathematical calculations scribbled on the page with pencil}



{Scirbbled words and number on the page, written with pencil}

== MEMORANDUM FROM 1906 == {Journal page header}

284 Blocks Main part 130 front 414 Total


I went to Chatham

SUNDAY 6 (6-359)

Roads very muddy I went to Sunday school & church fairly good turnout Late

January MONDAY 7 (7-358) 1907

Election day After voting I went to Bloomfield for the day Very muddy & rainy I did not go to Town hall.

Edgar Votes first time

TUESDAY 8 (8-857)

January FRIDAY 11 (11-354) 1907

I took Ada to Chatham too late fr her lesson

Bought this Diary & memo

Roads frozen & rough.

Brought out 300 lbs coal in Democrat

3 mo note at Standad {1.50?}

SATURDAY 12 (12-353)

At hme forenoon went to Fletchers in Afternoon with Chas. Shreve,

Roads in bad condition for hauling or travel

January SUNDAY 13 (13-352) 1907

I went as usual to Sunday School & church.

MONDAY 14 (14-351)

I went to meet council at statutary meeting, nice session for the start with J. R. Irving Reeve

I went by M. A. Drew's & paid my taxes

works referred to Comr of Div 2

{illegible} of Wm. Khalaw, see Friday {illegible} weather mild

January TUESDAY 15 (15-350) 1907

I took Ada to Chatham for her music got Minie shod behind. Paid S Stephenson for "Family herald" A. & Jm Park $75.00 on interest. To get gas pipe not more than 3 3/4 c per ft. Met Mr. Coster he told me line was ready any time. I had my pipe

WEDNESDAY 16 (16-349)

The boys & myself gathered corn from lower place while Lizzie went to her father's for geese I went to N Buston in evening to church

JANUARY THURSDAY 17 (17-348) 1907

Weather milder. Snow fall last night I went to Fletcher to see Mr {Mearn?} gas, D {B armstong?} re "{Deary dr"?} & other matters of miner importence

FRIDAY 18 (18-347)

Remember & meet comittee in Chatham I went to Chatham & met Cam & A Biard re {Chunich?} drain report at J G Kerr's office. Reeve got advice on other matters, Reeve, Clerk & myself went to Harrison hall, I got my 1906 statutis {status} from H D Smith C.P. Edgar got some coal 490 lbs & Cinders for walk but could not get Pipe from Park Bros for gas, I saw Mr Woodruff who is to send word to me to deliver pipe

JANUARY SATURDAY 19 (19-346) 1907

Weather very soft, frost nearly out I was home cleaning around barn got ready some chop for Monday cow we call Spot calved today Mr Moore came by on his road to chat now, I let Charlie Moore have Jack to take Mattie to Chatham Edgar on sick list today

SUNDAY 20 * (20-345)

Clarence & I walked to Church Crust frozen & a cold wind blowing

JANUARY MONDAY 21 (21-344) 1907

weather Cold, Road frozen & rough Edgar & Clarence brought up some wood while I bagged up some Corn for Chop, Edgar took chop to Rhodes - mild in afternoon I went up on 7th Con

TUESDAY 22 (22-343)

weather very cold & stormy coldest this winter we brought some fodder from lower place & did the chores was about all, Edgar & Clarence went to church at night, Thermometer 10 below Zero & evening clear

JANUARY WEDNESDAY 23 (23-342) 1907

Very Cold but Clear Edgar & I hauled balance of fodder from behind the barn & working about home all day John came in evening for the night

THURSDAY 24 (24-341)

Very Stormy and cold I took Ada to N Buxton & was over the Vilage {Village} re side walk Put away {festurning?} of Sunday school returned via Drake road to see bridge Con 8 Cooper drain & {Kersey?} dr The boys went to church tonight

JANUARY FRIDAY 25 (25-340) 1907

I was laid {asterisk above} up with {La?} gripp last night feel smart this morning & took Ada to Chatham, Got Edgar rubbers Mackinans, an interview with S Stephenson re Card of thanks & {cot?} put in papers though paid for money returned Went to church tonight preaching Rev Bradly II Chron 7c, 14v (If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves & pray & seek my face, & turn from their wicked way, {then?} will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land) weather cold, roads rough, cloudy

SATURDAY 26 (26-339)

I was home Sent Edgar Fletcher to get Nell shod in front I went to Williams farm in after noon got a sample of, salt from 1300 ft down in Williams well I heard of the death of Mr R Allen today bright but cool

JANUARY SUNDAY 27 (27-338) 1907

I went to sunday school in Morn went to funeral of Richard Allen con 4 in afternoon weather cold but clear a nice winter day

MONDAY 28 (28-337)

about home in forenoon In afternoon went to Church meeting via Bell drain bridge Con 6 stayed to church at night Edgar took a load of fodder to A G Prince

JANUARY TUESDAY 29 (29-336) 1907

I was about home all day doing Chores, Clarence took Ada to Chatham while Edgar went to get a load of wood for the Church at Mr {Randlin?} con 12 weather stormy I took a run to the Williams well which is said to be a dry hole

WEDNESDAY 30 (30-335)

I sent Edgar to help Mr Roszel to mover house from 10th con I helped Abie kill his beefs Geo Blackburn, brought out our piano today, I went in evening to Fletcher for medicine for Charlie & Levant who are sick with Grip John went with me

JANUARY THURSDAY 31 (31-334) 1907

I was about home all day sent Edgar to North Buxton with a load of fodder to Alf Prince he then helped Mr Roszel to move his house home Clarence took John to {Segui's?} Corner Weather warmer


I went to Chatham with Ada Met Mr R. J. Morrison & had conversation re Pike scheme, Sowdon road, & other township matters

FEBRUARY SATURDAY 2 (33-332) 1907

I went to Chatham with C, W, Moore on township Matters Weather mild in morning & cloudy in afternoon clearer & colder

SUNDAY 3 (34-331)

Went to Church this morning No Sunday school Weather very cold, severe wind

FEBRUARY MONDAY 4 (35-330) 1907

I was about home laid up with {Sugreifs?} Myself & Boys were getting wood from lower place forenoon Geo Bailey came in afternoon re 3rd con bridge

TUESDAY 5 (36-329)

I went to Chatham with Ada

FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY 6 (37-328) 1907

Edgar & I were getting up corn in forenoon, took a load of fodder to Dr Young in afternoon weather cold in morning to pleasant winter in afternoon

THURSDAY 7 (38-327)

A visit from H Nelson this morning {&..?} {& gas?} I also sold him some corn (small crib) Edgar took over two loads come today weather mild

FEBRUARY FRIDAY 8 (39-326) 1907

{at top of page - Note 4 hrs WEM?} I took Ada to Chatham while Edgar took over to Ringold three loads corn weather mild roads good

SATURDAY 9 (40-325)

Edgar & I were gathering corn from lower place Mr Henry's raising in forenoon Edgar took last load of corn to station 175 bu & brought back cobs I got Mr Henry's wagon from Jebb's

FEBRUARY SUNDAY 10 (41-324) 1907

Ada & I went to Sunday school & Church nice school this morning about 25 present

MONDAY 11 (42-323)

A regular meeting of Council at which I was present Bradley present asking damages to crops referred to Reeve & Com (see Feb 19 Letter from Martin re Williams bridge & Deputation re townhall, Edgar made his first trip to lake for gravel beach frozen over with ice he had to get sand from pit roads are hard & good to day very severe although bright

FEBRUARY TUESDAY 12 (43-322) 1907

weather a little milder today I took Ada to Chatham paid 20.00 Memo I went to see J M Pike re Syms & cost by law as stated by Clerk but I failed He gave me a copy of the W.L. Morton by-law & agreement Edgar & George got in late with heavy loads sand, At the Standard bank I had a talk with Manager Shannon re due debentures to be brought up at next Council (of interest)

WEDNESDAY 13 (44-321)

I was about home Chorring & Clarence started to school I got a load fodder from lower place E H Broadbent the Assessor was here Edgar went for sand

FEBRUARY THURSDAY 14 (45-320) 1907

Very stormy in morning cold all day Boys did not go for sand Edgar & I went for a load of corn at lower place Henry's raising I went to Fletchers in afternoon with Abie to see Robertson re pipe I went to school house to Church at night

FRIDAY 15 (46-319)

I took Ada to Chatham saw J White re gas line to his house He asked me name of Council 1906 Weather milder with appearance of soft Edgar brought 4th load sand

FEBRUARY SATURDAY 16 (47-318) 1907

I was about home boys & self gathering corn from lower place & work in general day fine & warm

SUNDAY 17 (48-317)

Ada & I went to sunday school & Church Arthur Garh & Andrew Enos joined Church, good school weather mild

FEBRUARY MONDAY 18 (49-316) 1907

I went to Chatham for coal 1920 lbs Sent {Kime?} out to Nell Roads softer on top good bottom Gave F Williams beet contract 3 A {acres} to be blocked & thined {thinned} @ $6.00 per A {acre} Went in Evening to see Jule Crow re clover thrashing

TUESDAY 19 (50-315)

Remember to go with sieve to Bradleys to day Edgar & I went to lower place for fodder in morning, Mr Irving Reeve came & we had to go to Chatham re overflow of the Thames River "met county committee the decision was for Com & representatives from each township go to Toronto at a date furnished I went to N Buxton in evening after my return from Chatham got checq {cheque?} for oil lease $15.00 / mo weather mild

FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY 20 (51-314) 1907

I was about home in forenoon, weather clear started to snow about noon, In after noon Mr Irving & I went to Pike scheme to see Bradley's beets for which he claims damage field covered with ice so you could see no beets south of G.T.R but north of {Ry?} about 5 rows or abut {about} 10 loads for a team, Reeve & I went to Pump house to await the Com's Pump at work, water low, Bradley agrees to accept $75 in full of claim. many other farms damaged equal to Bradley came home via Townline to con 5 afternoon very stormy & rough I did not get to N Buxton to lodge at night as intended would not answer {Rune?} why he did not take off beets at home first

THURSDAY 21 (52-313)

I went to school house with Abie in morning then home at the chores & in after noon I took Ada to N Buxton Geo Robbins showed me the new petition for townhall site Edgar Hauling manure from stable door Weather fine all day stormy in evening

FEBRUARY FRIDAY 22 (53-312) 1907

very cold last night I took Ada to Chatham got insurance on Piano. from R C Murphy?}

SATURDAY 23 (54-311)

Lizzie & I went to Chatham after finding Reeve in Harrison hall we met J J Bradley on Market, Retired to office of McCoig & Horny {had?} Mr T Brady sit behind me Bradley would listen to nothing but $75.00 in settlement Bradley still claims sugar Co would not allow him to draw his beets while roads were good & field hard & dry, Told us the Co would not let hime haul beets from home first even made him unload 1 load in field

FEBRUARY SUNDAY 24 (55-310) 1907

Ada & I went to sunday school & Church. Ada is not well appearance of measles weather mild

MONDAY 25 (56-309)

I went to Fletcher for medicine for Ada & Clarence in forenoon went to Church meeting in after noon C H Sharpe presented a bill for spikes for side walk since {1903?} * met Jas Ross who accost me re townhall & petition re not building or at Buxton

FEBRUARY TUESDAY 26 (57-308) 1907

Edgar & I were about home all day got up load of fodder for horses & a load for the cattle other chore work weather mild with East wind

WEDNESDAY 27 (58-307)

I was about home all day went to N Buxton at night was at lodge meeting

FEBRUARY THURSDAY 28 (59-306) 1907

I was about home all day choring Mrs Robbins brought {taxes? page torn} of Jas & Wm Robbins I was repairing corn sheller to shell corn for chop & other Chores In evening I went to C A Williams re Bradley vs Raleigh to get address of Mr Woodrick weather mild {...ary?} soft

MARCH FRIDAY 1 (60-305)

weather mild still I was at home myself & boys working in barn & at chores prepared chop for Monday {illegible?}

MARCH SATURDAY 2 61-304) 1907

I went to Chatham Sylvia went with me it was a busy day with much talk re Mud, Indian Creek & Chinnick drain also townhall site, Bradley vs Raleigh & other matters

SUNDAY 3 (62-303)

I went to sunday school alone this day

MARCH MONDAY 4 (63-302) 1907

Council meeting. Full house & much discussion re Indian & Mud creeks and Chinnick drn {drain} & townhall both laid over got from clerk agreement re gas, also bill of county clerk re House of Refuge to report on, I was appointed by council to go to Toronto on this 13th {..ish?} with Re River Thames cut-off weather fine but cool

TUESDAY 5 (64-301)

I went to Chatham with Abie got Gas pipe at Park Bro's (891 ft of inch 72 ft - 3/4)

MARCH WEDNESDAY 6 (65-300) 1907

About home all day doing chores Boys not well, weather raw

THURSDAY 7 (66-299)

Home all forenoon choring Edgar is quite unwell, Clarence {Just?} holding out I went to N Buxton in afternoon, Weather very stormy a regular Blizzard Lizzie went as far as Albert Scotts wheel (R. Hind) came off 3 times the {buggy?} purchase of Gray & sons chat

MARCH FRIDAY 8 (67-298) 1907

weather cold Boys are all bound in I have all chores to do

SATURDAY 9 (68-297)

I went to Chatham got overcoat, shoes & {cash?} for trip to Toronto, left old buggy at Gray's & got any jumpseat I went to Fletcher for doctor Young Got medicine for Edgar

MARCH SUNDAY 10 (69-296) 1907

I did not get off to Sunday-school this morning, because of sickness in family

children all down with Measles {underline is in brown pencil, not ink}

MONDAY 11 (70-295)

I was about home all day getting wood & other chores. day bright & warm, very spring like

{Large asterisk in brown pencil}

MARCH TUESDAY 12 (71-294) 1907

{Portions of the following entry underlined in brown pencil}

I went to Chatham with Charlie Shreve, got Charlie Moore to do chores for me while off to Toronto. Roads muddy on top but good bottom.

We left Chatham for Toronto at 3:32 P.M. arriving in Toronto at 10 P.M. Took supper on train.

Registered & took room at the R{osan?} house Toronto

WEDNESDAY 13 (72-293)

In Toronto had breakfast about 9 & went to Parliament buildling but did not get a hearing until after noon Met H.S. Clements & after deputation heard had dinner with H. S. C. Mp. in building saw parliament open at 3 P.M. after which I went to 250 Richmond at W. residence of F Simpson. Met Jms Montgomery Thurs. Met H. S. C. at the Palmer House by appointment & spent pleasant evening with him & his frineds when he left for Ottawa at 10 P.M.

MARCH THURSDAY 14 (73-292) 1907

{brown pencil square after MARCH I was in Toronto After going to Parliament building to see {A W?} Campbell re road making I went to Osgood hall to see J Montgomery thence my hotel Mr Simpsons came about 1 P.M. we went to City hall & Eton's {Eaton's} store thence to see W P Hubbard & back to see Mr Lewis 138 Duke st & the family of Ben Armstrong 132 Duke there met a young man from Jamaca {Jamaica} & a prince from Capetown

south Africa I returned 2 home

on the 4:15 P.M. train arrived at Chatham about 10 P.M. after an enjoyable time

FRIDAY (74-291)

I went to church in Chatham last night Went out to Mr Kerseys to see John this morning Had my breakfast there, Started home about noon, walked to Bell drain where Charlie met me found children better except Levant who is sill {still} very sick weather very spring like with spring birds here

MARCH SATURDAY 16 (75-290) 1907

About home all day streightinning {straightening} up, went to Fletcher for medicine for Levant found Dr Young in bed

SUNDAY 17 (76-289)

I went to Church too late for sunday school the day beautiful & warm for st Patrick with wind in north

MARCH MONDAY 18 (77-288) 1907

this morning bright & cool I went to Chatham to see Dr Bray got some medicine for the baby weather very spring like

== TUESDAY 19 (78-287) I was about home all forenoon went to Fletcher to phone Dr Bray & get something, went Horseback Old white sow had 11 pigs last night

MARCH WEDNESDAY 20 (79-286) 1907

I was about home all day weather warm & spring like Helped Abie kill Pigs for his own use I got one from him 115 lbs {calculations below} 115 @ $8.25 825 115 4125 825 825 948.75

THURSDAY 21 (80-285)

About home

MARCH SUNDAY 24 (83-282) 1907

I went to Sunday school & Church with Ada roads drying up but spongey

MONDAY 25 (84-281)

Myself & boys working at lower place letting off water& {c?} Edgar was {plowing?} a little at lower farm weather warm & dry roads getting quite dry on top

MARCH TUESDAY 26 (85-280) 1907

I took Ada to Chatham roads dry to Lee's then on sand quite soft & very bad day bright & spring like I went to Shad's in evening to see Wellwod re Clover thrashing threatening rain at night store !, {in brown pencil}

== WEDNESDAY 27 (86-279) Morning somewhat cloudy light rain last night Told Frank Kearns 7 bu Spring wheat {5.20 ?} went to school meeting at 10 A. M. Geo McFadden elected to replace G.F. Suter W.A. Shadd brought clover huller, Healey raise in Evening went to Abies to see about the gas

March Saturday 30 (89-276) 1907

The boys and I finished siding house in morning they got busy in afternoon into eve boys went fishing. Joe {last name}came to mend {item} Weather clear and warm today

March Sunday 31 (90-275) 1907

Weather changed to cold I went to church in morning prayer { } Had dinner at my mothers Easter services in afternoon were very good. Nice crowd collection $7.00

April Easter Monday (Dominion) Monday 1 (91-274) 1907

I went to council very long council Did not get home until 3 o'clock am Settled on Toronto city $15.00 expense

April Tuesday 2 (92-773) 1907

I went to Chatam with Adam I know { } found C. Shreve setting clover mild im sure. Misses {last name} had gas line complete with meters regulation in place and gas turned on

April Wednesday 3 (93-272) 1907

Thrashed clover in aftternoon only about 1 1/4 {amount} As Shreve thrashed his at same time boys to work with Edgar to McFaddens after dinner & we were letting off water at lower place Edgar running furrows in cornfield

April Thursday 4 (94-271) 1907

We, Myself and boys were clearing wheat seeds in afternoon Edgar got drill & tractor to sow spring wheat tomorrow. Blake came about before noon to lay gas pipe {name} helped in afternoon our first seeding today weather fair in forenoon cloudy afternoon

April Friday 5 (95-270) 1907

I was about home all day Blake came in afternoon and we finished piping house andv turned on gas Edgar & {name} sow wheat

April Saturday 6 (96-269) 1907

I went to Chatam with Clarke Shreve about noon. Came out with Preston Rolls. Paid Blake for piping house $15.00. Revisited from Mr John Heston on seel of cattle $3.07

April Sunday 7 (97-268) 1907

Ada and I went to Sunday school & I gave over school to Mr Hatchet who was appointed at church meeting Rev Peary has not yet resumed

April Monday 8 (98-267) 1907

I was husking corn in barn nearly all day

April Tuesday 9 (99-266) 1907

I went to Chatham Weather cold for time of year

April Wednesday 10 (100-265) 1907

I was about home forenoon Cleaned 20 hays wheat somewhat stormy and cold. I went to sale of Mrs Suter in afternoon.

April Thursday 11 (101-264) 1907

About home husking corn &choring all day Boys working at lower place clearing all water for oats Edgar plowing for wh

April Friday 12 (102-263) 1907

I went to Chatham to we get barley got some for Peavy another garden seeds {name}

April Saturday 13 (103-262) 1907

I went to Chatham for medicine for "Jess". Reserved note at standard 2 mo.

April Saturday 14 (104-261)

  • standard

Went to Sunday school & church. Preaching by Rev Peavy morning and evening. Shreve & I went at night. I gave over the school to Bro Hatchet who was chosen superior intendant at last church meeting

Weather very cool for time of year

April Monday 15 (105-260) 1907

Last night very cold, a hard freezae I took spring wheat to Jo Scott 43 for the 50 bought back whe for Chas Moore and myself more to go in ditches of lower place John came out with me stargazed Sold Jack (horse) cart & harness $60.00 Meoe Cromawel got 1 bag spring wheat

April Tuesday 16 (106-259) 1907

I was about home all day went in evening to Mr Burton to teachers meeting at church Very cold wind from N.W.

April Wednesday 17 (107-258) 1907

At home nearly all day went to Hatcher & back before noon

Very cold yet with wind N. west

April Thursdsay 18 (108-257) 1907

I was home all day. Weather a little milder and calmer & sprinkled about 12 acres (spring wheat field) at lower place also took some measurement L. place (wants land 7 1/2 acres) width west of land gate 50 {measurement} "east"""36" 1 {measurement} total width 87 {measurement}

Same suitor came for 1 bag of wheat 2 1/2 for $1.90. Finsihed sowing oats today also sowed the "odessa" barley got from the experimental farm Ottawa

April Friday 19 (109-256) 1907

Went to Chatham with Ada

Went to see Edgar took a load

of corn {spring?} wheat to S.O Scott

weather cold

Saturday 20 (110-255)

I was home all day at work at

lower place in forenoon & about home

after noon

April Sunday 21 (111-254) 1907

I went to Church Sunday school

good school & a good sermon by

Rev Percy

Monday 22 (112-253)

I went to mill in morning & in evening

went for barly & out to {J.P Iving's} in

township matters left withholden the

agreement with sums and cost {illegible} gas &

other bill of Crown Guthridge

Passed along corn {&?} to see Jebb's bridge


warmer today & spring like

April Tuesday 23 (113-252) 1907

I went to Chatham & sent away the

interest on home place $65.00 to HPE Loan Co

{illegible} draft on standard draft order for

side walk N. Buyton at {Pigott's?}

Edgar went for barly & began sowing

{Scip} is helped kill 2 {jays} for own {illegible}

Weather cloudy but no rain cold towards

evening with north wind

Wednesday 24 (114-251)

We finished sowing barly & Edgar

plowing on 3 acres in front of orchard

while clarence & I are working in

garden warmer & spring like

with cool wind

I went to give {Juno Travis?} an order

for {hinges?} & plank bridge

in evening

April Thursday 25 (115-250) 1907

About home in forenoon planked 4

rows of early sunrise potatoes for the first

in between barly rows & other work in garden

Friday 26 (116-249)

I was home all day Edgar & I

furrowed barly & Edgar plowing in

front of orchard but ground

Misses J. Morris E.H. Broadbent & Miss Hill

to see me re townhall

{Jaisman?} Williams here with "Sabor

Contract" for pay as {illegible}

April {hand-drawn asterisk} Saturday 27 (117-218) 1907

I went to Chatham with Lizzie

did little of importance as I did

not get to see desired parties

Sunday 28 (118-247)

I was to Sunday school & Church

in forenoon

Song-service & {Library?} exercises

in afternoon & general rally

In evening Lizzie & I went to

church to hear the farewell of

Rev A Peary which was able & instructive

{and?} raised about $34.00 all day

April Monday 20 (119-246) 1907

I went to Council meeting busy

day & to my surprise council rescinded

resolution to build hall this year &

decided to vote or allow a vote in January

1908 at the election

Rainy this morning & all day off & on

Except about noon when sky seemed quite


Tuesday 30 (120-245)

I was about home all

day weather damp & rainy, in afternoon

{Mr Kas?} came to read meter and {borrowed?}


Edgar took team to help {Lehasli}

Shreve set Engine & press at Suter's

straw stack

May Wednesday 1 (121-244) 1907

This day fine over head ground wet

Clarence & I placed tile in ditches in lane

lower place in forenoon about home

in afternoon at chores & odd jobs

Edgar helping Clarence press straw {3/4?}

in evening Edgar & Clarence went to Buxton

I was not feeling well & could not go

Thursday 2 (122-243)

Clarence & I were planting potatoes

in front of old house (S+P) varity

Early sunrise I went to S. Suitors

bridge in morning & evening to {inspect?}

Edgar helping Charlie {water?} about

{2.30?) {hr?} then started to plow next Williams

The boys put load of hay in the

stall in morning

May Friday 3 (123-242) 1907

This day also fine with appearance

of rain I was {letting?} off water & brought

home load of fodder in forenoon

Edgar helping Charlie finish straw

about 2 oclock he was here sowing

barley in wheat while Clarence & I

were in garden sowing Onion seed

peas & radish

Saturday 4 (124-241)

I went to Chatham to meet the

Council at Pike's office re gas franchise

which was granted on either meter system at

15c per M. or flat-rate $1.50 for cook & 2.50 for heater

stove per month

Sig. 5

May Sunday 5 {handwritten X} (125-240) 1907

Ada and I went to Sunday school &

Church J.S. officers started to

replace teachers, {asses?}, secretary, & home

treasurer who had gone away

Those elected were Mary Jarl, Lottie

Shreve, Bernie Harding & Mrs Robins


Bro Laurence McDowel spoken

for us today

Monday 6 (126-239)

I was about home all day

& in evening went to church

meeting in evening

May Tuesday 7 (127-238) 1907

I went to Chatham with Ada

went to see Pike re gas by law but

could get no satisfaction

weather rainy in morning & afternoon

cleared up afternoon

Wednesday 8 (128-237)

I went to Fletcher in morning then to

Praire Siding & River road, got my {buck seed?}

& home for dinner sowing barley in

wheat afternoon & got a bag potatoes

from {W See?} while inspecting

R.P drain {train?} bridge 120/3 side road in



Edgar finished planting barley today I was plowing for corn at {lower?} place weather very fine & spring like

FRIDAY 10 (130-235)

About home all forenoon Mrs {Austore?} came at noon for his {6?} cattle Edgar & I were ditching along some lower place until about 5pm weather cool in forenoon (north wind) combed to snow about 4 o’clock which continued until ground was covered

MAY SATURDAY 11 (131-234) 1807

I went to Chatham to meet the {Rolcannes} oil & gas core pipeline met in office of Ward stanworth with {B.J.?} Dowd.

SUNDAY 12 (132-233)

Went to Sunday school {Thener?} to see Jas {Welliugod?} & back in afternoon to B.M. church & meet S.A.O. OF O.T

MAY MONDAY 13 (133-232) 1907

TUESDAY 14 (134-231)

about home all day

{uda?} went to Chatham with C Moore

MAY WEDNESDAY 15 (135-230) 1907

Home all day, showery all day especially in afternoon I had sale in evening at Iron bridge 12 & 13 side road

THURSDAY 15 (136-229)

About home all day finished plowing for corn lower place while Edgar was setting anchor ports for {them?} around pasture

May Friday 17 (137-228) 1907

I went to Chatham in morning and on business {multiple crossed out words}

I left Edgar at work on beet ground with dise

Weather fine and warm

Saturday 18 (138-227)

Rain last night (heavy showers)

I was about home all day

Showery and warm

Went to church with Charlie (Moores?)

May {star in brown pencil} Sunday 19 (139-226) 1907

Ada & I urgent to sunday school

preaching RVN Gordon {underline in brown pencil}at 11 AM

preaching RSN R. S Bradley {underline in brown pencil} 3:30 PM

Closing of Union {double underline in brown pencil}Riv T.J. Hrndisspr {underline in brown pencil}{intelligble}8 PM

Monday 20 (140-225)

about home preparing for corn {intelligble}

May Tuesday 21 (141-223) 1907

I went to hatham with Ada

Went to barn raising in Ferguson in after noon

Weather cool heavy frost last night

Wednesday 22 (142-223)

about home all day

except a few minutes I went to Lee

W Rhine re {unsure about these 3 words} lumber for legs R.P. Dr.

12th 3 Rider Road

Weather a little warmer in {page folded over}evening

May 1st planting Thurday 23 (143-222) 1907

I was home all day planting

Corn about 9 acres or 10 acre

West side next - Williams

weather warming threatening in

Monrning but no rain

Victoria Day (Dominion) Friday 24 (144-221)

I was at home all day boy were

working on lush {intelligble}ground

at home

weather warm springlike today

May {star in brown pencil} Saturday 25 (145-220) 1907

was home got read for Chatham

about noon but rain came

on + I did not go I went to N. Buflor

for groceries

{cold + damp weather)

Sunday 26 (146-219)

Ada & I went to sunday service {word blotted out with ink}

+ Church Preaching by Rev. Penick {underline in brown pencil} also

Baptizing at Janeth Creek bridge {underline in brown pencil}

Drake roast {unintelliglbe}

May Monday 27 (147-218) 1907

I went to council meeting court of revision assess must {unintelligible} roll we got through in good time (early close) weather cool + damp

Tuesday 28 (148-217)

I went to Chatham in Uregon Got about 600 lbs wrice {rice?} + 20 robes woven Juice of Drewt the Callums for bowls + ac {line is untelligible} Clarence finished plowing for corn In evening I went to get M. Williams back planter but he wanted to use it next day (29th)

May Wednesday 29 (149-216) 1907

Edgar planted corn for Mr. Hirng

in East corner of 70 acre place

I was working at lower place

setting posts + other work

weather {next 2 words are unintelligible}

Thursday 30 (150-215)

Lovent for but planter early

+ planter bats in front two filled about

7 1/2 acres Ground in fair


Edgar finished planting corn next

Thecker lower placed yellow corn

{corner folded over} {unintelligible word} came in Eve to attend Cr

in calf

weather warm + dry

May Friday 21 (151-214) 1907

I was about home all day

Edgar working ground in garden + back of barn for corn

Clarence + Ada went to Chatham

Clarence planted 10m sweet corn

in after noon

June Saturday 1 (152-213)

I went to Chatham to meet

a committee from Roserwich {unintelligible}

but they failed to appear

Edgar went for posts at Blondies

+ 20 yards of fence at Drew JM @ Cullison {place is untelligible}

Commenced to rain about Eleven all day

+ continued till night

I came home with Prince Chase

June Sunday 2 (153-212) 1907

Ada + I went to Chruch this Mron

Preaching Rev Eddison of


weather inclements turmoil small

Monday 3 (154-22_

Muddy this morning Edgar + I

were working at fence a break

thickest lower place,

I went to Township clerk offce

for specifications for townliner

in farovement in Evening

John was here when I got


June Tuesday 4 (155-210) 1907

I took Ada to Chatham while Edgar

went to plant corn for MsHgmy at lower

place Rain began at noon for thirty

I was advertising townline work in Planet

+ getting specifications {unintelliglible}

of J. G. K SM

Wednesday 5 (156-209)

June Thursday 6 (157-208) 1907

I was about home all day

Friday 7 (158-207)

I went to Chatham for specification

of townline improvements at

office of J G Kerr

June Saturday 8 (159-206) 1907

I was about home all day went to

inspect bridge 12173 sideroad,

weather fine today

Sunday 9 (160-205)

Went to sunday school for church

Good morning but no preaching

Childen service in afternoon

A grand success Col about 800

JUNE MONDAY 10 (161-204) 1907

About home in {unknown word}. Planted 3 rows potatoes at top of sugar but field plowd balance of ground for ruts potatoes in {unknown word} went to funeral of Rev Drake in after noon.

TUESDAY 11 (162-203)

I went to bridge 12173 Side road with Francis in morning Edgar {unclear name} planting corn {unknown word} next-Williams lower place I took Ada to Chatham to her exam in afternoon I went to meet our council & Harwich council & promoters of C.W. & SE Ryre extention to Lake Erie which franchise was granted Cool East wind.

JUNE WEDNESDAY 12 (163-202) 1907

home all fornoon shearing Sheep & other Chores Clarence rolled oats Edgar finished replanting corn forenoon planted some manglis {unknown word} in afternoon I went to Fletcher to notify Mr Armstrong of cleaning {Deary?} drain branch. Paid Luo Robertson for fixing road {unknown word} Cool East wind threatening Rain

THURSDAY 13 (164-201)

I sent Edgar with load Hogs 9 {unclear number} cut $103.62 Lizzie & I went to Chatham in buggy wet & Rainy

JUNE FRIDAY 14 (165-200) 1907

About home all day Edgar Harrowing corn in afternoon Cullivating potatoes in garden Clear & warm today

SATURDAY 15 (166-199)

Went to Chatham about the Pike drainage & townline improvements Fine & warm

JUNE SUNDAY 16 (167-198) 1907

Ada & I went to Sunday school & Church day warm & Clear In afternoon we went to Children's service at Methodist Church

MONDAY 17 (168-197)

I went to Seamington to see Alex Baird re Pike drainage & townline improvement was gone all day Edgar began working beets {unknown word} on my return found JJ Bradley here to repair our {unclear word}

JUNE TUESDAY 18 (169-196) 1907

I went to Chatham with Ada & Kenneth to 4 Paw {unclear word} show & to get profile of work at Parks weather very warm

WEDNESDAY 19 (170-195)

I was home could do little work save on in the shape of giving in-formation to those who came to see profile re of work I evening went to townline to go over ground of improvement weather warm clear

JUNE THURSDAY 20 (171-194) 1907

I was home all day I had give a sumber drop in re Pike drainage & townline imp but I picked time to work potatoes at lower place Clarence in beets Edgar working corn for the first {evening?} Lizzie & I went to our Church to see the Passion Play a religious moving picture play Sad accident today at Nelson Clark's barn raising Injured Sam Suntos {unclear} Scott weather fine & warm

FRIDAY 21 (172-193)

I was at home all day working in garden most of time The only ones that called about {unclear word} were ESDg re {unclear} Parks so I lost {unclear word} about 3 hours over work today Weather very warm

JUNE SATURDAY 22 (173-192) 1907

I went to Chatham to receive {tinders?} of which I got quite a number Lizzie went with me Mr Bradley here on my return boys working beets Very warm today

SUNDAY 23 (174-191)

Ada & I went to Sunday school Mr Hatchet not present to conduct reiview Good school

JUNE MONDAY 24 (175-190) 1907

Regular meeting of Council A long day close of Court revisions quite an amount of work done & some left Rev Denholm & Ms Gosnell {Bliahum?} down re {unclear word} franchise {L?}enders for work on townline opened I {unclear} had I lowest for grade aCC Rain in some places

TUESDAY 25 (176-189)

At home all day got in a fair days work in garden In evening went to to {Saven?} social of Household of Ruth good crowd nice night Rain about midnight

JUNE WEDNESDAY 26 (177-188) 1907

I went to see Mr Barry re townline work Had dinner at Ms {unclear} B Crosby's Edgar in the corn Clarence hoing his {three words unclear} berries in forenoon was {unclear} coin afternoon. Went to lodge in evening via Albert Leolt's Weather turned cool this morning early with North wind

THURSDAY 27 (178-187)

home fornoon work generally In afternoon went to Lake Erie to meet coucil re Chas Pardo's {lye?} & land to get Earth for filling Came back by & had supper with Mr T {Doey?} 16th con

JUNE FRIDAY 28 (179-186) 1907

Went to Chatham. Returned tinder of Dredge Co {T?}arranged for work by the day. in aftern was about home took crate of berries to {WS?} young. in evening returned. sack of sugar to P.I. Murphy it was not clean weather fine

SATURDAY 29 (180-185)

was home all day at work generally In evening went to see Mr Scott came back by M Buxtons. returned to Fred Slade his check. Got 100 lbs sugar of Shupe

June Sunday 30 (181-184) 1907

Ada and I went to sunday school and church preaching by Rev Edison of {Graselands?} morning and evening Lizzie and I went in evening. Weather very fine today.

July Dominion Day (Dominion) Monday 1 (182-183)

I went Williams in morning weather dull {illegible} No success in getting beet {block?} and went to lower place to pull mustard in afternoon. {Illegible} to Buxton to our Rev M Townline grade in evening. Took 1 crate of (illegible) to {C H hughes?} 1 Box short. I stopped to church meeting on my return. Rev Edison Hired Edgar working come afternoon in beets Blocked {thrice of a fierce love for (illegible)?}

July Tuesday 2 (183-182) 1907

I started Kenneth and Henry boys in beets but then went to Chatham.

weather very cool for time of year

Wedensday 3 (184-181)

Frost last night (scribbled sideways on right side of paper)

Working in sugar beets

Swarm of bees came out {illegible}

heavy white from last night cutting potatoes and other (tenders?) potatoes corn left in place but damage generally seems to be great

July Thursday 4 (185-180) 1907

I was working sugar beets blocking and thining with the children weather very fine a little cool but {illegible} for work. {F?} Williams came at night and brought provisions for Belgium but {blockers} who are to be our {illegible}, Edgar and Clarence hauled the fresh hay of this season.

Friday 5 (186-179)

{Leaves?} in beets blocking things. Edgar and Clarence hauling hay field seems to be leaving off well hay nice so far.

July Saturday 6 (187-178) 1907

I went to Chatham re Pike drainage and {lowerline?} improvement. In evening I went to Fletcher re gas pipes laid by {Rothburgur?} {illegible} without franchise. Children finished beets except two headland rows. Williams came to see to beets and arrange to drain our {illegible} fame as 3 and 3/4 acres which was at best 1/2 acre too much by my measure. Weather very warm today.

Sunday 7 (188-177)

Ada and I went to sunday school and church preaching by Rev Edison.

July - Monday 8 - (189-176) - 1907

I was about home all forenoon working. After dinner went to meet Tilbury council re Pike drainage {illegible} improvement without success. Met Mr E {Arque?} at Fletcher re gas pipe line he was willing to apply for franchise at an early date. {Rev.?} Irving, Deputy Wellwood, and Engineer {Baird?} and myself came to merlin and arranged for me to inter view our solicitor Kerr report to Engineer at once re Pike works. Weather warm and dry.

Tuesday 9 - (190-175)

I was at home all day working in hay, East mow to or above beam, day bright and warm. Hay put-in in fine shape.

July Wednesday 10 (191-174) 1907

In forenoon we completed hauling first field of hay. Edgar and Clarence went to help Abie in afternoon. Suzzie and I went to Chatham in {illegible} met O'Keefe in {Auto?} and got the {Longue?} broker out of my {illegible} thereby failed to see {illegible} Kerr re {illeible} info and too late to get other things wanted. Weather fine roads very dry and dusty.

Thursday 11 (192-173)

I awoke this morning to find it raining a much needed rain which continued off and on all day to freshen crops. The boys and I went to farm to check hay and were doing odd jobs about.

JULY FRIDAY 12 (193-172) 1907

I was about home {mool?} of day in afternoon Edgar & Clarence were helping Abie in his hay

SATURDAY 13 (194-171)

I went to Chatham in morning to see J & {Kers?} other business Edgar & Clarence about home in forenoon helping Abie in afternoon in hay got some oats of {illegible} (throughout grip for {Thos?} Campbell {Rin} to abies)

JULY SUNDAY 14 (195-170) 1907

MONDAY 15 (196-169)

I went to Chatham via con 4 to get some plaster for patching in forenoon & cutting hay in the afternoon while boys went helping abie sold 7 pegs to Bishop of Blenheim R

JULY TUESDAY 16 (197-108) 1907

I went to Jas Ferguson’s for fence weaver in morning

Abie came to rake hay brought in 2 loads very green

WEDNESDAY 17 (198-167)

I was about home all day in forenoon at finer afternoon hauling hay {illegible} for helping

Thursday, July 18 (199-166) 1907

I was working in hay forenoon (illegible) and George (illegible) (Illegible) came to measure beet grown west of lane 19 x 27 rods 3 a33 rods East of lane front of house yard 19 x 19 & beside house 15 x 20 1/2 rods total 4a28 rods Total acres in beets 7a61 rods In afternoon I went to Buxton for Ms Baird to level deary drain which (illegible) Robinson did on 17th (Illegible) Mr Widrey application for 25.00 to pay help blocking 4 (illegible) field

Friday, July 19 (200-165)

I was home all day working in hay Aba & George came with teams to help We finished our hay about 4 o'clock (Illegible) to haul for Aba (Illegible) Clarence & Kenneth went over with teams got in 4 loads

Wednesday, July 24 (205-160) 1907

Finished fence at lower pasture in morning. Was cultivating beets rest of day. Edgar, Clarence, (illegible) all day also Kenneth with (illegible) All went to town social at the Crom-mills at night (Illegible) of moon (?) from about 10 to 12 p.m., all shadow gone by 1 a.m.

Thursday, July 25 (206-159)

I took load of (illegible) out today (morn). [Next line completely illegible]. I went to town in after noon to special (illegible) gas franchise of Barnard, (illegible) and gas co Edgar, Clarence & Kenneth with (illegible).

JULY FRIDAY 26 (207-158) 1907

Was home at work although to feeling well, day bright Edgar Clarence & Kenneth at Abies in hay

SATURDAY 27 (208-157)

Lizzie & I went to Chatham while the boys went to help Abie finish hay Ruve & I went to see Mrs Wilson in re towline improvements arrange for applications to Railway commission re J.T Roy bridge

Sunday, July 28 (209-156) 1907

Ada and I went to church & sunday school, very good school Preaching by Rev Edison Collection of 6.89 token up for (illegible) Scott

Monday, July 29 (210-155)

(Illegible) to Chatham for the (illegible) of my Binder but it did not come Edgar & Clarence helped Charlie (illegible) in his hay Clarences cultivating (illegible) home place

Tuesday, July 30 (211-154) 1907

About home all forenoon, Went in afternoon to sell jobs on con & (illegible) 1st named to (illegible) last unsold Suzzie and I went to Merlin at night to town social at Dr. Bells Very large crowd, Pleasant time spent Edgar put Binder together (illegible) Barley field

Wednesday, July 31 (212-153)

Home all day cutting Barley In evening, I went to Dick Moore's to get bridge at 3rd con repaired Weather fine & a little cloudy

Thursday, August 1 (213-152) 1907

I was cutting Wheat & Barley while the boys were setting up Light shower in evening

Friday, August 2 (214-151)

I was home all day finished Barley went to lower place in evening (illegible) cut Timothy & Odessa (illegible) shower stoped [sic] us

Saturday, August 3 (215-150) 1907

I went to Chatham Ada with me, boys finished Timothy Reed tooks Colts from Charlie Moor's to other place Wrote the Baird to meet me on (illegible) day 6 aug Cut the Odessa Barley at lower place

Sunday, August 4 (216-149)


Monday, August 5 (217-148) 1907

Went to Council meeting damp & drisly [sic] all day Report (illegible) drain read, unfinished work carried out Edgar & Clarence cultivating buds - when a light rain (illegible) them & they cleaned barn (illegible) for (illegible) Mr Widrey here to day [sic]

Tuesday, August 6 (218-147)

Met Mr Baird at (illegible) & went to 3rd con got Bert Parker with his boat, to go to bridge (illegible) while Baird is drove, Came home for dinner in afternoon Went to Buxton for (illegible), to station Boys hauling (illegible)

Wednesday, August 7 (219-146) 1907

I was about home all day hauling Manure Clarence helping me Edgar was helping Black's thrash

Thursday, August 8 (220-145)

I was about home until evening I went to Fletcher to sell (illegible) branch E Collins got whole work I came back by Mr Cromwell's (illegible) Paid him balance between Barley & spring wheat $9.64 Edgar at Black's in forenoon this afternoon hauling manure

Friday, August 9 (221-144) 1907

I went to Chatham in morning got back at noon (Illegible) Samson & Caroline here Edgar went to cut (illegible) in afternoon Clarence to help Felix Thrash

Saturday, August 10 (222-143)

Edgar & Clarence were Hauling Manure I was about home forenoon Went to Buxton in afternoon got som [sic] things for Thrashing

Sunday, August 11 (223-142) 1907

Suzzie and I went to Church I went to Sunday school Alice Cora went with us in morning Suzzie and I went for dinner to Bob Karding Edgar, Ada & I went to church at night

Monday, August 12 (224-141)

I went to Chatham for (illegible) for thrashing got 1400 lbs also 12 bags of (illegible) Civic Holiday for Chatham Edgar & Clarence went in evening about (illegible) to help thrash at (illegible) I went over for a (illegible) which

August Tuesday 13 (225-140) 1907

Edgar Clarence and myself helping {illegible} all day thrash {illegible word writtin above a horizontal line} finished his job and moved to Our place in evening.

Wednesday 14 (226-139)

Thrashed wheat and barley today {80 bu?} in all. {Half} as follows, Ada and George Shreve with 2 teams {Chase?} and stand Black {my?} team {jno?} Shreve, Bert Robbins, jas {illegible}, Henry {illegible}, jas Harris, Herman Henry, G B. Shreves, Bob Willis (for a while). Got through about 5 P.M. and I should of started for Mr Moore {illegible} but got {hung?} in Rice drain bridge {con 6?}. I went over about 11 P.M.{may be 6?} and helped him out.

August Thursday 15 (227-138) 1907

I went in morning to {illegible} to measure bridge and get jas {illegible} to high {illegible}. Him was shocking oats balance of day. Clarence with me. Edgar cutting.

Friday 16 (228-137)

Shower of rain this morning. The boys and I were cleaning Barley in forenoon shocking oats after. Edgar cutting.

August Saturday 17 (229-136) 1907

Edgar took load of Barley to Chatham {I or &} went in buggy, Barley to Scott {illegible} in evening Edgar finished cutting oats {and corn?} {illegible} cutting spring wheat. I sold a cow (spot) to Jack {McLeod?} to be taken to {Paine's} monday morn. Weather fine and warm.

Sunday 18 (230-135)

Ada and I went to sunday school {illegible symbol} in morning. In after noon went {bush?} meeting at {Patinson's?}.

August Monday 19 (23-134) 1907

I took corn to (Paynes?) in Morning then to Chatham & back home

not feeling well back was shocking

wheat in afternoon

Tuesday 20 (232-133)

The Boys and I went to lower place

Edgar cutting wheat Clarance & I stocking

Rains about eleven a.m.

We went to barn to clean Barley

Raining lightly nearly all afternoon

August Wednesday 21 (233-132) 1907

I {took?} load of barley to Scott 3135 {lbs?} and squared up with him $1.00 cut for the Barley.

Edgar took a load of hay to Joe {Kime?} {1900 lbs?} at $9.00 per Ton. In afternoon Edgar finished cutting wheat Clarence went to help {Jas Jebbs?} thrash with team.

Thursday 22 (234-131)

Edgar and I finished shocking oats after taking calves to lower pasture and set {illegible} wheat in afternoon Clarence helping {Jebbs?} thrash. Slight frost last night.

August Friday 23 (235-130) 1907

I took two loads hay to Chatham

1800 lbs to Snook at 10{the price is 10 dollars but I don't know how to make the two underlined small zeros at the top} & 970 lbs to Barnes at same price

Got horses shod in morning

August Saturday 24 (236-129)

I went North Buxton in Morning about home the rest of day Edgar tried to plow a little Clarin er helping Mr Henry thrash hay very windy

August Sunday 25 (237-128) 1907

I went to Sunday school in morning then to service at B.M.S church, Bush Meeting instead of service at Baptist church John & Joe Cromwell came with their wives for dinner also Mrs. OBtrlsey{Not very legible} Lizzie and I went to Church at night

                     Monday 26         (238-127)

The Boys & I were hauling wheat from lower place I went to Church meeting at night

August Tuesday 27 (239-126) 1907

Showers last night so the boys & me cleaning barley this forenoon {illegible word}Edgar with them went to help Watts /thrash(1/2 day) afternoon

                    Wednesday 28               (240-125)

Edgar helping Watts thrash with {illegible word}all day Clarence & I stacking wheat I went to Buxton to prayer meeting in Evening.

August Thursday 29 (241-124) 1907

I went to Chatham with 2720 lbs Barley to {illegible word}Co {one dollar} ps Cut Edgar & Clarence with team at Abie thrashing

                            Friday 30                     (242-123)

Edgar helping Abie Thrash with team I was about home all day or until done

August Saturday 31 (243-122) 1907

Stacking Oats today 3 teams

John {illegible} pitching in forenoon has {illegible} stacking

{illegible} Fred helping with teams

I went to Chatham in afternoon about 3 o'clock John and Ada with me

September Sunday 1 (244-121)

September Laboor Day (Dominion) Monday 2 (245-120) 1907

Rain last night. I went to council, Court of Revision {illegible}

quite long day late closing

Edgar took team to help (Fisley thrasen?) in afternoon

Tuesday 3 (246-119)

Edgar and Clarence helping (Fisley Thrash?) got home about 4 p.m.

Clarence racked wheat stable

Edgar & I got load for stack bottom

September Wednesday 4 (247-118) 1907

Boys & I finished hauling Oats today ((fro?) R. Travis build bridge west of creek 3rd Con) {scratched words}

Thursday 5 (248-117)

Rain last night I went to Prairie siding. Gave Mr. Johnston order for sidewalk home at noon

in rain about home in afternoon

Edgar plowing for wheat

September Friday 6 (249-116) 1907

I was plowing for wheat {illegible} Edgar and Clarence helping Bert Robbins thrash. We cleaned load of wheat for market.

Saturday 7 (250-115)

Edgar and I went to Chatham with wheat 4500 lbs $39.87. Stoped to see R. S. {Border} in afternoon. Paid Herb Anderson for colt $10.00 sugar got a {illegible} of cloth from {Maymell?}.

September Sunday 8 (251-114) 1907

(Blank Page)

Monday 9 (252-113)

I was plowing for wheat as Edgar went to hep John (place?) straw at (milk Kearns?)

weather fine

September Tuesday 10 (253-112) 1907

I was about home all day draning grain + odd jobs as it rained nearly continuously but light

Wednesday 11 (254-111)

I was about home in fornoon Ada + I went to wedding of A.W. Timbers + Rosa Morris in afternoon

September Thursday 12 (255-110) 1907

I went to Chatham in fornoon while boys are working on wheat ground

Friday 13 (256-109)

I left the boys workiing wheat ground while gone to S.S. Convention ate Sandwich. I left Fletcher on accomodation and had a pleasant trip in company with {Gar?} Robbins to Essex centre. The strange feature of trip was the number of Engine being 88/3, train W/3 date 13th of month and first coach contained 13 passengers most of way. arrived in Windsor about noon {+?} went to sandwhich in time for convention session which was fare also fare program at night. helped lead {illegible} Exercise by appointment

September Saturday 14 (257-108) 1907

staid with Aunt Carolin in Windsor + went to sandwich forenoon returning Early in after noon to see A.B. Kersey + we went back to sandwich to evening service

Sunday 15 (258-107)

I spent this date at Sandwich had a very good meeting. preaching in morning by Rev. Henderson. in after noon Renet Bradley. closing by Rev. E.E. Thompson of Toronto

September Money 16 (259-106) 1907

Arrived home from Windsor the A.M. to find letters from Mr. Swanson + check for $20.00 I had to return the {illegible} because of error in it. I took 2360 lbs of barley to {GC?} Scott in afternoon

Tuesday 17 (260-105)

Was about home {Illegible} went on con & in afternoon to {illegble} Karsey drain. In forenoon fixed mower + began cutting down seed

September Wednesday 18 (261-104) 1907

Rain in forenoon. About home all forenoon jiggin. {Elaine?} went to Chatham fair in after noon. I went o to N. Buxton took Charlie Shreve, stayed to lodge at night. Edgar orking wheat ground.

Thursday 19 (262-103)

Boyo hauling manure I took the girls to fair af after noon+ fireworks at night illegible {planters?}

September Friday 20 (263-102) 1907

I went to Chatham with loaf of Hay 2140 lbs sold to Ms {name?} @ $14.00 per ton $14.98. Edgar + Clarence Hauling manure I paid Park Broo on interest $85.00

Saturday 21 (264-101

Edgar took hay to Chatham to wagon works 2110 lbs @ 15.00 per ton. I went to prairie siding with Mr. Irving + Mr Doey {then?} to Chatham. Brought home 12 {splithooks?} + 6 {plowhooks?} for shed at cow yard

September Sunday 22 (265-100) 1907

Ada + I went to sunday school at church. In afternoon at 3 I walked to N Buxton + spoke at missionary service at B.M. Church.

Monday 23 (266-99)

Edgar + Mr Harry went to Lake Erie for gravel I was working at cowshed while Clarence {disring?} for wheat

September Tuesday 24 (267-98) 1907

I took load of hay to Chatham sold to Samuell Thomas 2260 lbs at 15.00 $16.95 {reck?} got lumber for sidewalk + piano box of A {Glanfore}

Wednesday 25 (268-97

Hauling down seed Clarence + I Edgar began cutting corn weather windy + cool but no frost In morning I went to see {Rev.?} Irving in Kersey dr. bridge Drake road

SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 26 (269-96) 1907

Finished hauling clover and in fornoon working {at} shed in afternoon Edgar and {Clarence} working wheat ground

Appearance of rain wind in East

FRIDAY 27 (270-95)

boys working wheat ground {and sowing} wheat in afternoon

{Someone} came along and sold him white calf for $6.00


Rain last night ground too wet to sow fornoon

Edgar got 3 bags wheat from {illegible} 384 {lbs} commenced to sow after {draining} but rain came

{rainy} afternoon so boys and I {illegible} some 8 bags {chop} {illegible} in barn

SUNDAY (272-93)

Roads heavy today Ada and I went to Church (Rally Sunday)

{Morning preaching Rev Edison}

Afternoon preaching Bradley of {Windsor}

I went to Council. Edgar went to mill with chop then boys were shocking corn.

Edgar finished sowing wheat. I went to Chathm with load of hay ( ) gog some lumber for stable. Geo B came brought tools and went to help Geo S in his corn. Mr Leach here to see one shed at Providence Church (to let him know).

OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 2 (275-90) 1907

{Scribbled note on top left print} 1/2 dy for {illegible}

Geo B came this morning to work

we moved corn {crib} from {stable} to E end of shed, I went to Ferguson's and {illegible} for Jack's, {thence} to Fletcher

In afternoon {Geo} went away and I went to {Meshin fair}

THURSDAY 3 (270-80)

Edgar took Hay press to Chatham for John but rain prevented {gathering} of {Cement}

{Clarence} and I got load of {blocking} from {illegible}, {raised} corn crib and furrowed wheat

I also sowed some Timothy seed in morning early

Raining afternoon so Edgar could not buy {cement}

{Scribbled at bottom of the page} 1/2 dy fr 2

OCTOBER FRIDAY 4 (277-88) 1907

{Written beside the date} 1 dy

I and the boys together with {Geo} B

were working at {stable} all day

{raining} {same}

work on stable 4 m {alldy} = 4

SATURDAY (278-87)

{Written beside the date} 1 dy

Cloudy and a little rain early. Nice after rain I went to Chatham for {Cement} got 6 {lbs} and 18 tile at {illegible} home about 3 P.M. George and the boys working at the stable

{stable} time 3 1/2 dys for {Slash}

OCTOBER SUNDAY 6 (279-86) 1907

{Someone} and I went to church in the morning Ada and Edgar at night

MONDAY 7 (280-85)

We were working at {stable} all day raised it full {height} and dug Trenches commenced felling wheat rain stopped us about 3 o'clock p.m

all trenches full but N. W side

George B with us,

Time at work at {stable} = about 3/4 dy for 4 or 3 dy

OCTOBER TUESDAY 8 (281-84) 1907

At the stable all day setting {cribing} and {raising} wall

George B helped all day

Jim {Leifer?} came at noon {self and boys} too

Stable 4 1/2 m

WEDNESDAY 9 (282-83)

I went to Chatham for 2 {lbs cement} 200 {ft cover?} siding {illegible} shingles for stable home by noon {illegible} and boys working at stable foundation all day

Stable work 3 m itself 3 1/2 dys

OCTOBER THURSDAY 10 (283-82) 1907

I went with Mr {Shackledon} to survey River Road at Prairie Siding had dinner at Mr {Brusth's?}

Home about 4 30 P.M. worked about 4 hours My self and boys at stable while I was away the boys hauled corn behind barn

Stable work = 1 dy 2 {hrs} for {1 illegible}

FRIDAY 11 (284-81)

{Clarence} and I finished stable wall

Rain stopped work in {evening} early

Edgar gathered corn {first} cutting lower {illegible}

Sig. 10

October Saturday 12 (285-80) 1907

I went to Chatham re 3rd con

bridge + other business got shoes for

Ada, {Ernie + Kenneth?}, {illegible} came in

evening to {illegible} pigs Paid him in full {illegible}

Sunday 13 (286-79)

OCTOBER MONDAY 14 (287-78) 1907

I went to Chatham with Hay to {illegible} 1970 lbs @ $16 00 {illegible}

Went in evening to measure ditch on {con 7} for {Chas nearby} 115 Rods a 13 {illegible}

Geo B and boys working at stable removing cribbing {and building} frame

TUESDAY (288-77)

Geo, Clarence and I working at stable all day, Edgar cutting {illegible} (last piece)

Boys took colt to {Wyke's} to wean it as it would not stay at other place

October Wednesday 16 (286-76) 1907

George B {Clarince?}, + I working at

stable all day.

Edgar finished cutting corn today

Ms {Widrig?} here re {bats?}, to corn {feast?}

of next week

Thursday 17 (290-75)

Clarince + I were working at stable by ourselves

Edgar {shocking?} corn

Geo did not come

October Friday 18 (291-74) 1907

Suzzie + I went to Chatham

in morning I finished {shutring?} stable

in afternoon + I went to Fletcher re

sidewalk in evening,

The boys {shocking?} corn

I sent plan + specifications 3 con bridge

by Bert Robbins to Park {Bros?}

Saturday 19 (292-73)

I was cleaning up around stable

+ working generally we killed a pig

at noon weighing 84 lbs for home use

October Sunday 20 (293-72) 1907

Cold Rain last night rainy {all for noon?}

I did not go to church this morning

7378 - 1018 = 6360

Monday 21 (294-71)

I was working at stable while

boys {handed?} 2 loads {Earth?} for

{jobs in?} {illegible} {illegible} corn

in {afterhours?}

1/2 {illegible} came after noon + we shingled

west side stable

J J Bradley came to see plans of

3rd Concession bridge {illegible}

Chatham at {Park's?}

October Tuesday 22 (295-70) 1907

I went to Chatham for noon

{Got?} job {lot of?} flooring to floor {oar?} {bin?}

gather {illegible}

home early + worked in stables

{Gro B?} working all day

Wednesday 23 (296-69)

{Gro B?} + I working all day at stables +

Grannary all day boys finished

hauling Earth for floor of stable

M F {Hatcher?} {husking?} corn

Edgar took 25 {illegible} to Ms Hatchett

in evening

October Thursday 24 (297-68) 1907

Friday 25 (298-67)

October Saturday 26 (299-66) 1907

Suzzie + I went to Chatham

I received {tenders?} for 3rd Concession

bridge day fine, received

from {illegible} subpoena for

D {Fletcher?} not feeling well so

I did not go to Fletcher

Sunday 27 (300-65)

Rain last night Ada + I

went to church + school

October Monday 28 (301-64) 1907

I went in morning to Mr Fletcher's with

subpoena re {illegible} commission. Took Dick

Newman's jackscrew home {illegible}

for noon, special meeting of council

re River road improvement {illegible}

after noon I {illegible} tenders for 3rd

Con bridge, instructed Mr {Whitebread?}

to have {dredge?} sent to Prairie siding

Came home + went with Edgar to {illegible}

M {Burton?} + took train for Chatham at 7 P.M.

{illegible} car stranded through bursting of gas main

about 3 miles southwest of Chatham we did not

reach Chatham till 9.30 P.M. {illegible} Fletcher {illegible}

Tuesday 29 (302-63)

I was too late to get train or ride home

our case adjourned till {friday?} next Nov {illegible}

I remained in city at Mrs {Kersey's?}

I went to Prairie siding

at 8.30 A.M. to start dredge in

company with Mr {Whitebread?}

returned at noon

November Sunday 3 (307-58) 1907

Ada & I went to church Morning service

Monday 4 (308-57)

Council meeting court of revision on Murdock drains & general business

I went in early morning to dredge at river sent {illegible} Travis to place pipe at prairie (ending?), got 50 ft of pipe at Holidays

NOVEMBER THURSDAY 7 (311-540) 1907

went to Tilbury with Will {Zebbo?} to court in case of Travis VS. Zebbo

{Jas?} Zebbo drove me to Jeannetts creek {illegible} {stoole?} train at 1.30 for Prairie siding

{Dredge?} finished her work about 3.30 o-clock Time 7 ½ or 7 ¾ {illegible}

Edgar took a second load of wheat to Fletcher (2905 {illegible}) got check for both loads

97 {illegible} 35 lbs @ 95c less bay chop 91.12

Had {sati?} dinner at Gev Crows

Mr Edwards & men moving telephone poles at {siding?} when I got there

Cooler aparntly clearing away

FRIDAY 8 (312-53)

{Sigzie?} & I went to Chatham Via Prairie siding to meet Mr Soarie of Bell Telephone he was not there met him on road

Got A Party to sign agreement {illegible} 3rd {illegible} bridge Paid gas bill {illegible} told them I should pay under protest

Edgar did some plowing

NOVEMBER MONDAY 11 (315-50) 1907

I was hauling beets today Edgar took his team to Fletcher to get shod

quite a coat of snow last night

cool all day

TUESDAY 12 (316-49)

Hauling beets with both teams

weather cold, froze last night

{AE?} Robinson came with by lans of River rd {imp?} & {Fuce?} drain also notice of special meeting for Friday night re Electric Ry subway {charing?} {cioss?}

Belgains did not come today as they promised

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 13 (317-48) 1907

Hauling sugar beets all day

weather very cold ice on ditches

THURSDAY 14 (318-47)

boys hauling beets I went to townhall {illegible} list {revision?} before Judge Bell

went to see Belgains but could not {find?} {them?}

Edgar went to Nelsons for Browns beet {plower?} in {evening?}

NOVEMBER FRIDAY 15 (319-46) 1907

Day fine slightly warmer

we were hauling beets to station to date have only 41 tons ground too frozen for Belgains to work

SATURDAY 16 (320-45)

I did not go to Chatham today working in beets & hauling same

weather fine but cold

NOVEMBER SUNDAY 17 (321-44) 1907

Ada & I to sunday school in morning

{Sizzie?} & I to church at night

MONDAY 18 (322-43)

Sifting beets today to corner of house yard Oliver Baily here {re?} taxes, {Juno?} Travis went to Chatham for material for Pat Kearns bridge day fine & warm

Hauled no beets today all time in fields Day fine & warm

NOVEMBER TUESDAY 19 (323-42) 1907

Edgar & I went to station early

Belgains came early to {top?} beets

Got {illegible} Travis {illegible} for afternoon Cars to load on after dinner

Day fine and warm

WEDNESDAY 20 (324-41)

Edgar & I were hauling beets to station day fine we put over 12 tons

very much like rain all afternoon

commenced to rain about 6 P.M.

November THURSDAY 21 (325-40) 1907 I was working in {illegible} in forenoon in Potatoes {illegible} in afternoon Edgar finished lifting beds today weather dull & misty

FRIDAY 22 (326-39) Took 2 loads {illegible} to station working about home balance of day roads rather soft

November SATURDAY 23 (327-38) 1907 Took 2 loads {illegible} to station in morning I went to Chatham afternoon with {illegible} Edgar & Clarence took 3 loads {illegible} siding & other {illegible} came home about 7PM Did not get to {illegible} inspection meeting held today

SUNDAY 24 (328-37) Ada & I went to Sunday school & church forenoon {illegible} came in in evening

November MONDAY 25 (329-36) 1907 I went to Chatham in morning Paid {illegible} grain {illegible} got overalls for self & Edgar smock Clarence & other articles {illegible} Edgar & Clarence hauling {illegible} Had {illegible} Lizzie & I went to Chruch meeting at night I paid our {illegible} 200 a captain was not present

TUESDAY 26 (330-35) I was home all day at {illegible cleaned corn {illegible} beets Edgar & Clarence hauling {illegible} to station, all out {illegible} about 2 loads (Mr {illegible} Williams {illegible} in evening, at night James {illegible} to see {ilelgible} re township Treasurer will not commit myself

NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY 27 (331-34) 1907

Edgar finished hauling beets today

I went to Prairie siding to advertise River rd grading

clarence plowing back of barn

Belgains did not come to remeasure beet ground

THURSDAY 28 (332-33)

I was home all day commenced husking corn back of barn

Edgar & Clarence plowing

November FRIDAY 29 (333-32) 1907 I was husking corn while boys were plowing back of barn In evening Edgar & I put on load of hay for {illegible}

SATURDAY 30 (334-31) Lizzie & I went to Chatham Edgar took load of hay to {illegible} brought back some {illegible} of {illegible} of John for 200 one more pile to get

December SUNDAY 1 (355-30) 1907 A little late for school Weather cold

MONDAY 2 (336-29) I went to Council via Fletcher to get receipts of gas Large {illegible} & heavy work adjustment of {illegible} left over to new {illegible}

December TUESDAY 3 (337-28) 1907 about {illegible} forenoon had a sale of road grading {illegible} siding in afternoon forenoon snow stormy quite wintry

Wednesday 4 (338-27) I went to Fletchers forenoon home afternoon flooring {illegible} brought calves from lower place cold {illegible}

December THURSDAY 5 (339-26) 1907 {illegible} went to Chatham sent 1000 to {illegible} S.d. {illegible} {illegible} money I got attach {illegible} for gas met Mr {illegible} but he would not accept 15 c per ton boys plowing weather mild

FRIDAY 6 I went to Chatham very early to change gas fitting home about eleven & put gas in heater

DECEMBER SATURDAY 7 (341-24) 1907 About home all day finished stable while boys are plowing day fine & warm Edgar did some ditching at lower {illegible}

Conception Day SUNDAY 8 (342-23) Ada & I went to church Too late for Sunday school today

December MONDAY 9 (343-22) 1907 Was home in forenoon husking corn In afternoon went to funeral of Mr {illegible} to bridge over {illegible} drain Con 8 sold to {illegible} newby to {illegible} on Stopped to coffee drink at hall of {illegible} Edgar brought {illegible} to evening's entertainment Rainy at night

TUESDAY 10 (344-21) Colder & stormy Boys out husking corn all day when not too stormy

December WEDNESDAY 11 (345-20) 1907 I was about home not well JJ {illegible} came in afternoon to {illegible} Rev Jackson {illegible} weather cold roads rough

THURSDAY 12 (346-19) home all day Bradley went to create locate 3rd {illegible} bridge. Rev Jackson. 11 {illegible} John came to prepare to press {illegible}

December Wednesday 11 (345-20) 1907

I was about home not well JJ Bradley came in afternoon to (indecipherable) bridge (indecipherable) Rev Jackson of H B here (two lines scratched out in heavy pencil)

Weather cold roads rough

Thursday 12 (346-19)

Home all day Bradley $ I went to create 3rd corn bridge Rev Jackson N Buxton here John came to prepare to press straw

December Friday 13 (347-18) 1907

Sent Edgar to shups for Coal (scratched out) Were preparing to press (Presset?) about 4 tons F Harwoods engine W Moon Helping on stack

Saturday 14 (348-17)

Suzzie (scribbled out) I went to Chatham Storms & very disagreeable Mailed John Marshall (@ Porders?) 11.00 for accounts Of (corn?)

December Sunday 15 (349-16) 1907

I was home today unwell Very severe cold

Monday 16 (350-15)

I went to Council today Boys finished pressing straw and & moved to Rivers

December Tuesday 17 (351-14) 1907

In morning I went to River Re River road grade John (Irques?) came to level grade & I got him (indecipherable) starch on East end of Soudon Road I returned & thrashed clover in afternoon about 6 bags

Wednesday 18 (352-13)

Edgar took load of straw to A Jamison & brought for John 3 coils of wire $4.19

December Thursday 19 (353-12) 1907

Mr. Huston brought (s-head?) of cattle to winter

Friday 20 (354-11)

(grey pencil) We cleaned clover sud I took some to Chatham on last load straw amount of straw 6 tons Sud sold (of bw?) 26 the @ 9-50 (pu?) bw $70.61 to M Stunger C.P. Nortes (tpo?) (illegible) Marshall returned for better address I forwarded this date to Blen (hund?)

December Saturday 21 (355-10) 1907

Suzzie & I went to Chatham (MCL?) P.C. (Urdriq?) had talk us back & delay in (rotation/rotatne?)

Sunday 22 (356-9)


December Monday 23 (357-8) 1907

Weather rainy & dreary forenoon Lizzie & I went to Chatham Ada & I went to Xmas entertainiment at New England at night (God/sod?) gas fittings cut for (bas&burn?)

Tuesday 24 (358-7)

Home forenoon placed gas fixtures in base burner front room Ada & I went to entertainment B.M. E Church N Buxton at night

December Christmas Day (Dom) Wednesday 25 (358-6) 1907

Storms in morning I was about home till Noon I went for dinner to Father Moor’s The boys took tree from school house To Church N. Buxton for childrens concert

Thursday 26 (360-5)

I went in morning to Fletcher & back to school meetings S.School Was chairman(thence?) to Clarke’s office via Irvings to Collect information called to see (illegible) slade

December Friday 27 (361-4) 1907


Saturday 28 (362-3)

Went to Chatham

December Sunday 29 (363-2) 1907


Monday 30 (364-1)


December Tuesday 31 (365) 1907


Blank new entry, No new date

Send (Oct?) 2nd Dec B (straight line, maybe partial exclamation point)


Sabor in beets [beside "July" but excluded from table]

July 2nd 3 4 5 6
Herman Henry 1 1 1 1 1 5 (dys?) 6.00
Charlis Henry 1 ½ 1 1 1 4 1/2 5.50
Flora Henry ½ ½ 6.0
Hlsworth Henry 1 ½ 1 ½ 1.00
Sottie Shreve 1 1 1 1 4 pd 5.00
Earnest Moore 1 1 1 3 pd 3.00
Kenneth Shreve 1 1 1 1 1 5 6.00
N. J. Shreve 1 1 1 1 (scribbled out) 4— (blank)

Blank (bottom half of the memoranda page)

Moving coin crib 3.00


(full page blank)


Baled straw of A Jamison

(Wer/Dec?) 17 2830 12050 3 1/2
18 2850 3615
19 3030 602
20 3340 42.17
(squiggle indicating connection to line below)

(bottom half of page blank)


weight per {illegible?}

3940 {tare?}





3550 x{sw?}bill


















Nov 12 –


















329 7

273 6


34 0 1

33 7 2

27 9 5

32 7 1

32 1 2





2720 tan 6% Nov 9 East of barn 163 2557

3080 {Fare?}

2800 -






{first digit faded}8550








“ 9

- “

Nov 14

-185 west of barn
















{illegible writing over top}

Nov 15 weight


19 -




































- 7

- 8

- 8

- 6

- 8

- 7

- 8

- 6

- 8

- 8

- 8




















- 280



















































{illegible writing over third column; no defined grid lines on page}

Nov 27-












East of farm

West “ ”



52 tons

32 -

982 lbs



or 85 tons

667 lbs

Transcription Progress



William Jeremiah Shreve Diary, 1907 Part 1.pdf
William Jeremiah Shreve Diary, 1907 Part 2.pdf
William Jeremiah Shreve Diary Transcription, 1907.pdf


William Jeremiah Shreve, “William Jeremiah Shreve Diary & Transcription, 1907,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/237.
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