Roseltha Goble Diary & Transcription, 1862-1864


Roseltha Goble Diary & Transcription, 1862-1864


Roseltha Goble


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph


19th Century, Oxford County, Blenheim Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Roseltha Goble Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{Front cover. Blue paperbound book.}

{Inside front cover.}

My Journal

May 30th 1862. I have been a long time promising myself, and my Husband too, I would keep a diary. It is often useful for reference; besides profitable and amusing; It seems quite an effort to commence; but when the habit is once established, of recording each day's events It will not be an effort and I shall scarcely miss the time It has been cloudy and rather chilly to-day although so late in the season we have had no very warm weather Vegetation is very backward. It is so cold and dry nothing grows much. I watch the garden but the progress is so slow, it is quite discouraging. {following lines in pencil} Dora went to Drumbo to-day with her Granpa and Gramma; and enjoyed her ride and visit very much.

May 31st. I am too sleepy to-night to write much. It is Saturday night andother week with its record of good and evil has passed away. May the Lord fit and prepare us for the Sabbath. It has been a warm pleasant day; but very dry. Dora has taken cold, and has a bad cough I hope she may soon be better. Good Night.

Yesterday June 1st was Sunday we attended Sabbath School The lessen was "Christ's Temptation in the Wilderness we had an interesting and profitable School. Mr. Landon preached at 11 oclock from the words "Blessed Savior" in two weeks he intends in continuation of the subject to preach from the remainder of the same verse "Glorious Gospel." We were threatened with rain in the morning, but it only sprinkled a little, it remains warm and dry. Dora's cough is much better a wet bandage on her chest I think

helped her.

June 3rd Yesterday I did not write here the day was warm and pleasant. in the forenoon I cleaned out and put in order the house for the man to sleep in. In the afternoon I finished my apron; and commenced my slippers. In the evening John and Henrietta accompanied by Elizabeth & Mrs. Kitchen called. The{y} did not stay long. Jasper was busy getting ready to move the barn. To-day I have been washing and cleaning all day, have worked a little in my Garden, weeding and watering, It has been {cold?} and threatened rain, but is as yet dry as ever. Jasper has two men helping him with the barn. I am tired but feel better than I did last week. I am not very strong I soon get tired. Jane came and helped us a little while this afternoon. I must make up the M. Sheet to-night yet.

June 4th In the afternoon went over to Wolverton with Father Goble to visit my Father found him at home and pleased to see us. He is all alone. It seemed too bad for me to come away and leave him I assisted in getting up a nice Tea; and washed the dishes altho' he said he could do it as well. It makes me feel very sad to go there; such a wreck of the "old home" The boys away at Washington exposed to danger and disease, And three of that home circle lying side by side beneath the summer grass. I feel very very lonely when I think of them, especially Darling Jassy because he died in a strange land among strangers and I was not with him; But I know all that a brother's love, and unwearied love could do for him was done, and it is a great comfort too that he was not left to sleep in the stranger's land, but was brought a long sad journey home to be laid beside Our Sainted Mother and young brother. The cup of sorrow is

so full but another drop might be added I know father must be very lonely sometimes What changes time makes.

June 5th It has been warm to-day, but no rain yet. Jasper has been working on the road to-day & I have been working at my slippers and housework in general We heard to-night Drumbo nearly burned up to-day all the stores & hotels, and principal buildings. The loss of property must be very great Jasper is asleep and I am nearly in the same state. Good Night.

June 6th It has been warm to-day to-night it looks a little like rain Vegetation is becoming almost parched this dry warm weather. Dora is calling me; she has not seemed very well to-day Jasper has been on the road. Mother went this afternoon to Princeton to see Mrs. Milmine. I ironed this forenoon.

sewed during the afternoon and watered by Garden &c since Tea. It is late and I am tired & sleepy.

Monday night June 9th. It has been very warm to-day and no rain yet. I have been washing cleaning &c most of the day. This evening Mrs. Kitchen and a friend of her's Mrs Cooper came on the cars from London and staid to tea. Elizabeth & Henrietta came down for them. Jasper has been working at the barn. he failed in moving it entirely and is pulling it down, and then will have to put it up again. It will make him a good deal of work. Last Saturday I received letters from the boys good cheerful letters, they are yet at Washington and all well. I am glad they are more comfortable than they have been. In the afternoon we went to Drumbo. It is indeed

a desolate looking place forty-two buildings burned down. Every store, and tavern, post-office, Printing office and many dwelling houses. It is a sad looking place. Yesterday (Sunday) Elder Patton preached at the School house in the morning from the text "Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken from her." God grant we may all make so wise a choice. In the afternoon we went over to the Cooley Pond to hear him again. I am tired to-night and must court "tired Nature's sweet restorer balmy sleep."

June 10th Melissa went to John Scotts to spend the day Pa went to Woodstock and she went with him. She did not return but will remain all night. I have made Dora an apron & some other sewing. Jasper has been pulling down the barn

warm today This Morning Melissa came home & Mrs Jos. Kitchen and Mrs Cooper came to take the morning train. Jasper has been preparing two beds in the garden for me. Pa has given me More ground to cultivate. I expect my efforts will be rewarded by a profusion of sweet flowers bye and bye. I have been very busy today preparing to go to London for a visit. Dora is not very well.

June 12th It was very warm this morning but this afternoon and evening we have had a nice rain. It will do so much good. I hope it is not over with yet. I have been busy finishing my preparations for our visit to London we intend to go to-morrow. When I come home I must put in some seeds.

Wednesday June 18th. Yesterday we came home. We had a very pleasant visit. We left home Friday went up to Woodstock and took dinner with Lissa and Herman they have moved a little out of town and are quite pleasantly situated. Mr. Shrimpton dined with us. After dinner left for Uncle Daniel Goble's in Dorchester called a little while to see Henry Scott in Ingersol and arrived at Uncle D a little after tea-time found all well and expressed themselves pleased to see us. Saturday morning we left for Aunt Amy Davisons where we arried about 3 o'clock very tired It rained very hard part of the forenoon. We closed up the carriage and did not get wet. Gramma was not expecting us; and hardly knew us at first. She is very feeble and has failed much since I saw her.

I do not think she will be here long life's sands are nearly run out. She was much pleased to see us; and will feel better for the visit. Eliza has a fine little girl 7 months old. Dora was perfectly delighted with the baby We remained over Sunday and left for home Monday morning called on Mrs Dadson in London done a little shopping and came on to Uncle Green's in Beachville we staid over night with them. Granma Green is well and happy as usual. She is a good soul striving to make every body happy. We called a few minutes in Woodstock and reached home time for dinner, found all well. Dora enjoyed the trip very much. She is quite well. I put in some flower seeds after I came home we had a nice shower in the evening and everything looks fresh.

and green. Today I have been washing We have had a little shower to-day with a promise of more I want to write to the boys to-night and must quit scribbling here.

July 24th What a blank! I have not very well fulfilled my intention of writing here daily. but I have been so busy, and have not felt well or strong. Emma & Marion came home nearly two weeks ago Mrs Bachman & daughter came with them and only left this morning for their home in Massachusetts Mr Bachman came last night. They are very pleasant people indeed. I am sorry we had no girl while they were here and were so busy all the time. We have had a good deal of other company during the time, and I feel quite tired. I am not as strong as I wish I was I get tired so soon. It is bed time. Good Night. My {illegible} Journal.

Monday July 28th. It is raining beautifully this morning. I like such quiet rainy days. we can be more alone such days. I hoped I should get a letter from the boys this morning but am disapointed. I want very much to hear from them. Yesterday (Sunday) we had a good School. Mr. Landon preached at 11 o'clock and in the afternoon we went with Emma to the Episcopal Church. I was very tired at night. Mr & Mrs Milmine spent the Sabbath with us and went home this morning.

July 29. Had a woman to wash today. Mother & Emma spent the afternoon at Aunt Maria's. Dora went with them.

30th. Father, Mother, Emma, Marion & Dora went to Brantford today. I spent the day pleasantly alone. Jasper had two men helping him in the haying

he got in several loads of hay. A beautiful day.

31st Four years ago today Daniel died. I have been thinking much all day of that death-bed scene in Walsingham It was hard to part with him so young and hopeful; but I trust our loss was his gain. "Death loves a shining mark." This has been a fine day. Emma and I ironed this forenoon. Jasper has been busy in his hay. he had two men this afternoon. I weeded a little in my garden this evening. I have neglected my flowers lately. I have not had time or strength to attend to them. Jasper is asleep and I should be. Good Night.

August 4th Last Friday Emma Dora and Myself went over to Wolverton to see Lissa she is staying a few weeks with father we intended coming home Saturday evening but it rained & we came home yesterday (Sunday) Morning in time for Sunday Scool. Elder Parton

at 11 o'clock I came home after School and Mother and Emma went to hear him Jasper said they heard an excellent Sermon. In the afternoon we went up to hear Mr. Moshier. After tea Jasper Dora and I walked down to Mr. Shannon's The weather is very warm. I found a letter from Alfred Yesterday when I came home. Newton is not well. he has a fever every day and was going to the Hospital. I am afraid he will suffer much thru this hot weather I wish he was home. I will write to them today. Emma has gone to spend the day with Mrs. Milmine.

5th August. It rained a little last night and has been threatening more all day but only sprinkled a little before dinner. We had a woman to wash this forenoon and after dinner Marion & I did the cleaning. Father, Mother, Emma & Marion went to a Tea-Meeting

at Eastwood this afternoon. Jasper, Dora, & I took tea alone how pleasant it would be if we had a little house of our own. I hope we may some time I am very tired to-night but feel better than I did yesterday.

6th To-day has been very warm. Ironed this forenoon and sewed during the afternoon. Mr Woodman was here to dinner and tea. Melissa called this evening on horseback and Emma went a little way with her for a ride. Jasper is asleep I must follow his stupid example.

7th Mother and Emma went to Beachville this morning. Warm & dry.

8th It is extremely warm to-day. last night was very warm the air did not get cool. I think very often of the poor soldiers at the South. how can they stand this weather. I hope soon to hear from the boys. I fear Newton cannot get well there. The Lord preserve them.

August 9th Jasper, Marion & Myself have just returned from a horse-back ride. We went down to Uncle Jame's's and have had such a delightful ride home by moonlight. Mother came home this afternoon, Emma will remain till next week. It was very warm last night. This morning we had a nice shower. the air has been cool & pleasant since. This is Saturday night. May we have wisdom and strength to perform aright the duties of the coming Sabbath.

August 18th To-day Mr Landon preached a beautiful Sermon on the preciousness of Faith. from 1st Peter.1.7. Father in Heaven give us more of this precious faith true faith, which like true gold tried by fire may come out purer & brighter by season of trials here. How precious are the trials which purify our faith "much more precious than gold."

11th Monday Night. It has been very warm to-day, and is not much cooler now. Jasper commenced cutting his wheat to-day he had two men. We had a severe storm of wind & rain this forenoon. it came up very quick about half past ten and lasted about half an hour perhaps longer. Marion went on horseback after tea to get a wash woman after she came back I went for a ride. I feel tired and sleepy & must quit scribbling no letter yet from the boys.

12th A delightfully cool day. We expected Emma this evening but she did not come. Jasper has been cutting his wheat. It is not good.

13th It has been a little warmer than yesterday but very pleasant. No letter from The boys. Emma came home this morning A year ago to-day Bertie died. He is wearing a white robe; and singing a new song where "time" is not. I feel weary and must retire. Good Night.

August 14th It has been a rainy day. quiet ceaseless rain. I washed this forenoon and made Marion an apron in the afternoon. Mother is not well to-night She has taken cold this damp day.

15. Pa, Emma & Marion went to Paris to-day. So cold we had a fire in the house all day. Went with Jasper down to Mrs Bent's on horseback. had a pretty cool ride

16th Went to Drumbo this afternoon to Covenant Meeting had a very good Meeting. Called a few minutes on Mrs Landon. & came home to Tea. quite cold to-day. Shall need an extra blanket to-night.

17th Sunday Went to Sabbath School in the morning and. heard Mr Moshier preach in the afternoon a cool pleasant day. 18th Had a woman to wash made Jasper a pair of pants and in the evening went for a ride on horse back and called on Mrs Cowan. Mr Ryerson returned.

19th Pa Emma & Marion went fishing this forenoon and took Dora with them We did the ironing, baked, &c a warm day. Tomorrow we (Emma Dora & I.) are going to Mr Bigger's and expect to stay two or three days. I must retire and rise early in the morning. No letter yet from the boys.

20th Went to Drumbo had a very pleasant visit with Mr & Mrs Landon I consider theirs a truly model household left in the afternoon called a few minutes in Wolverton. and. arrived at Mr Biggers about Tea-time. found all well. spent the next day (Thursday) then intended to leave soon Friday morning but it rained and we staid till after dinner. Had a pleasant visit called on our return at Mr Laycocks Would liked to have made a long visit there but had not time

was caught in a severe shower of wind and rain got pretty wet. another shower threatening we called on Mr Hersey's and staid to Tea. got home before dark very tired and considerably mussed up.

Saturday 23rd remained at home Jasper went to Woodstock. Marion and Dora spent the day at Aunt's

Sabbath. Had an interesting School after which Mr Landon preached a beautiful Sermon about "holding fast the Lord" and not denying our faith. It is St Bartholenew's day Two hundred years ago to-day came on Sunday and two Thousand non-conforming Clergymen of the Church of England preached their last Sermon in their Churches and the next day 25th August 1662 gave up their livings left their comfortable

parsonages and became outcasts for the sake of truth. After the Restoration of Charles the second and order was issued that all Ministers who should not conform to the rules of the Church and receive the book of Common Prayers {written above the line by this 24th of August} should be ejected from their livings to what a numerous noble band have those two thousand dissenters increased

25th a warm beautiful day. Mrs Annie Tripp, baby, & Calista came down and spent the afternoon Mr & Mrs John Lewis called this evening. Father sent me letters he recieved from the boys. Newton is quite well but not very strong. Alonzo has a better situation as Clerk in the Quarter Master's Department. and they are all well. I am so glad, and thankful The Lord preserve them

26. It has been a very warm day Received a letter this morning from

Newton Goble. He is well but has pretty hard times. O: how foolish he was to leave his home and become a soldier. May the Lord protect him for vain is the help of man. Mr & Mrs Snider came up from Paris this evening and will return to-morrow. I feel very tired and nervous to-night. I tried to do more work this afternoon than I had strength for. Alas! how frail we are. I must go to sleep.

27th Mr & Mrs Snider left after dinner. It rained very hard in the morning and considerable during the forenoon. In the afternoon we all went for a ride on horseback. Jasper borrowed a horse. Nell rode a man's saddle on Jess. Emma rode Bill. & I mounted Laxy. We went up and got Elizabeth and had a fine ride. After Tea Nell & Mr Ryerson

went a part of the way home with Elizabeth. Mrs McMaster spent the evening with us. The day has been warm.

28th Emma has gone. Jasper, Nell, and I went with her to Woodstock she took the Express train there. We will all feel lonely without her. God Bless her. It has been a very pleasant day. We have only got home nearly nine o'clock We got a very good likeness of Dora taken to-day. We took tea at Wellington's.

29th Has been a cool pleasant day Nell & I went to Princeton before dinner on horseback to see Mr{s} Milmins. Had a pleasant ride. Mrs Layton and two daughters spent the afternoon with us. Mrs Cowan called this evening. Jasper is asleep. it is late; and I must go to bed. I am not sleepy; but I will be in the morning. Good Night.

30th August. Another beautiful day. Nell, Dora, and I went up the road after dinner called on Mrs Layton. Calista, Elizabeth and Aunt's family have succeeded in collecting money enough to buy a nice Bible for the Minister's desk. I called to see Mrs W. S. Miller she is sick. Had company to tea. Father, Mr Phillips, Miss Cole and her friend Miss Bogarth. Jasper has been to Drumbo to-day and has joined a Military Association for drill. God grant it may be long before Canada shall call her son's to battle. This is Saturday night. O Lord prepare our minds to recieve thy word and strengthen us to discharge the duties of the Holy day.

31st Sunday night. It has been a fine day and is quietly raining now. I love to hear the quiet patter of the rain against the window pane. All too is quiet within. It has been a pleasant day in Gospel privledge

Elder Patton preached a good Sermon this morning from the words. "Ark of the Covenant." Comparing the "Ark" to the Gospel dispensation. A type of Man's Redemption, wrought out by the Saviour In the afternoon he preached at the Cooley Pond We went over. A good Sermon but I fear I did not listen very profitably. I felt so tired and sleepy. How truly thankful we should be for these blessed Gospel privledges May the Lord teach us to profit by them. This is the last day of the Month. We have had such pleasant Sabbaths this Summer. No stormy ones to keep us at home. I must retire.

September 1862

1st Last night it rained This morning was quite warm & cloudy to-night it is so cold we had a fire to sit by. It is cloudy and windy. Melissa & Miss Kitchen spent the afternoon with us. We had a woman washing and was not prepared for company. Jasper is asleep as usual. Good night.

2nd So cold we have had a fire all day to sit by. No company to-day for a wonder. I have been ironing sewing &c.

3rd Very cool and quite pleasant to-day Melissa & Ellen called on their way to take the cars at Drumbo. Nell and I had a nice ride on horse back this evening I have been very busy to-day and feel tired to-night.

4th A very warm day. What changeable weather we have. Father & Mother went to Brantford to-day. Jasper & I went to a prayer meeting this evening in a room of the old house not many were there; but the promise is to two or three. There seems to be a spirit of prayer among us. & I trust God was with us. I hope we may meet often thus; for O! how much need we have of prayer. If the midnight hour and lonely mountains witnessed the agonizing prayers of a sinless Saviour O! how much need have we to pray. "O Thou by whom we come to God, The life, the truth, the way. The path of prayer Thyself hast trod Lord teach us how to pray."

5th Very warm to-day. Had company to dinner Mr Arnold & Miss Nixon. Wrote to the boys to-night. feel tired and must retire

6th Saturday night. It has been a rainy day. is quietly raining now. A very warm close day. I have finished to-day the "Minister's Wooing" by Mrs Stowe. I like the style quiet, deep & dreamy, Some hard, strange, doctrines about Election. "disinterested benevolence" and man's "free Agency". not like the simple, trusting, confidence in a God of love. I dare-say it shows the opinions and stern, austere faith of the Puritans. Tomorrow is Mr Landon's day. "Thine earthly {boasts} O! Lord we love, But there's a nother rest above."

7th Sabbath. A rainy day. had a small School and were much disapointed Mr Landon did not come. Went to prayer Meeting in the evening did not do my duty and felt I lost a blessing. Have not spent the day as truly devoted as I wish I had. The Lord forgive me.

8th Rainy in the morning but cleared up fine towards noon. Had no woman and Nell & I washed in the afternoon feel pretty tired to-night; but am stronger than I was last month: It is much cooler since the rain.

9th A lovely day. delightfully cool and pleasant. Mr Ryerson, Nell and I went up to Aunt's since Tea on horseback had a fine ride home by moonlight. Time I was asleep.

10th Another beautiful day. Mr Ryerson's brother was here to breakfast. Father was here to dinner he brought Miss Bogot to take the cars. Mr Landon called Nell & I went down to Mrs Cowan's after tea. Jasper came for us. we spent a pleasant evening. A letter from Newton this morning. he was well. Written 3rd Inst.

11th A very warm day. Is raining tonight. Prayer Meeting to-night Mother and Jasper went I have spent the evening alone.

12 So cold to-day we have had a fire since noon to sit by. I am tired & nervous to-night and must go to bed. Dora is sleeping with Gramma.

13th Have been to Drumbo this afternoon to Covenant Meeting. had a good "waiting together before the Lord" Resolved that I will spend a few minutes daily in reading a few verses of Scripture and private devotion besides our reading and prayer together. It has been a cold, cloudy, gloomy, day. Mr Bent spent an hour with us this evening. we had some good old tunes. Songs of praise &c to Our Father in Heaven.

14th. Went to Sabbath School. & in the afternoon walked up to hear Mr Moshier. felt so tired & drowsy from walking did not listen profitably. Staid to Class Meeting. was very much fatigued when I got home. Attended prayer Meeting in the evening, had a good Meeting I cannot but think the Lord will bless this effort to meet and pray. weak & humble though it is. Warmer than yesterday.

15th This is the Anniversary of our wedding day. We have been married four years. Very pleasantly has the time flown it seems but a short time since I came here. Our Married life has been very happy. Only one regret, & that is I wish we had a home of our own; but we are very comfortable here. I wish everybody had as pleasant a home. Rather warmer to-day

16th Washed and cleaned to-day. Am not as tired to-night as I am usualy a warm cloudy day. Nellie is sick, She and Pa came home last night. she has taken cold and is quite sick.

17th Cloudy with a little rain this forenoon. cleared up fine in the afternoon quite warm to-night Pa & Mr Ryerson are out fishing. have ironed to-day. finished my dress & did some mending.

18th A very cloudy, gloomy, day with considerable rain. went to prayer meeting in the evening. but few out. but the promise is to two or three".

19th A pleasant day. went up to John Scott's this afternoon on horseback had a pleasant ride with Elizabeth after tea and called at Aunt's. Came home and found Jasper & Ryerson just ready to go up and ride home with me.

20th Very warm, but pleasant. at home all day. Jasper went to Woodstock this afternoon. Heman called, on his way to the 5th Con. where he preaches to-morrow.

21st A very beautiful day. warm & bright went to School this morning. had a full interesting School Mr Landon preached at 11. subject. Religion not a thing of gloom; Christians above all thus have reason to be glad and rejoice at all times. Lucy came with him she is a nice quiet little girl. This is Sunday afternoon so quiet and calm. I love these quiet, holy, Sabbath days. Dora is asleep; and Jasper is reading To night is our prayer meeting I hope we may have a joyful waiting together before the Lord. Dora is awake darling pet, and has come up to see Mama Nellie & Lottie have gone for a ride. Nellie is getting better but is weak yet.

22nd Have washed to-day and cleaned and am very tired to-night. have done too much. Aunt Polly Green came this evening. It has been very warm.

23rd A very warm day. Ironed this forenoon and had the full benefit of the heat. Aunt Polly went away this afternoon. Lottie went home to-day she came down Sunday. Father came this evening.

24th A very cool pleasant day. Father left this morning for Walsingham but not before the mail came and I got letters from the boys good cheerful letters. Alfred & Alonzo both wrote Alfred had not been very well but was getting better. Newton was quite well and had got a situation as Clerk in the Government hay-yard at $40 per month. he is boarding with Alonzo I am so glad he will be less exposed

"Surely the Merciful kindness of the Lord is great towards us" I have not been very well to-day but am better to-night. Jasper went to Brantford to-day and has not returned. Dora is here and wishes me to write her too.

25th quite cold to-day, but pleasant Mother, Nell, & Dora went to Woodstock. have been to Prayer Meeting this evening not many present. Dora is sick tonight she has a bad cold.

26th A very beautiful day. warmer than yesterday. Mr Landon & Lucy called this afternoon. Hiram Green is here tonight Dora has been better to-day. I feel well.

27th A warm day clear and bright. Mr Muir came down on the train Calista & David were here for a practice. pleasant Evening

28th Very warm today. We are having delightful weather this month. Mr Muir preached this morning about the Mission of the Saviour. "He came to seek and save the lost". Our School was very small many were away attending a field Meeting among the United Bretheren Have been to Prayer Meeting this Evening quite a number out. Jasper and Dora are asleep and I must follow their example. Good Night.

29th Very warm again to-day rather cloudy and signs of rain. have finished a Fine Shirt for the Fair & washed & cleaned to-day a pretty good days work. Am very tired but truly thankful I am strong enough to stand it.

30th A rainy day chilly and gloomy. We cannot expect all sunshine summer days and cloudless skies cannot always last. These clouds will only make us appreciate more keenly the brightness

when it does come. Have prepared two Specimens of Penmanship for the Fair to-day. I am not satisfied with them but the time is so short I shall not rewrite them. Jasper is finishing up some Cooper work to take. Nellie got a letter from Emma this morning she is very well.

1st Oct. A rainy day. it has rained a little all day. Very dark and gloomy. I fear it will be unpleasant to-morrow for the Fair.

2nd Have been to Drumbo today a rainy, disagreeable, day. but many people at the Fair notwithstanding. Am very tired to-night. Got a 2nd prize on my Penmanship, but none on the shirt. The Ladies department was very good more competition than usual. Felt too tired to go to prayer meeting to-night. Must retire.

Oct 3rd Another rainy day. to-night the moon is shining clear. very foggy. and very warm. it has seemed more like a day in June than Oct. Only to-night it is quiet like sober, reflective Autumn rather than glad, rejoicing Spring. even the cricket's chirp is subdued. I love very much these quiet Autumn nights. They revive memories of other days some pleasing, and some sad, very sad. Jassy died this month My. poor brother I think of him so very often. his young life went out so soon. Noble, darling, brother O Lord teach me calm resignation. Elder Haviland & daughter were here to dinner.

4th It has cleared up to-day and is a beautiful moon light night. We Jasper and I called at Aunt's, and spent an hour at Mr Kipps for practise. Father is here to-night. It is ten o'clock and I must retire.

5th Sabbath. A delightful day clear, cool, & invigorating. Blessed days of rest. went to School and returned to keep house for Mother to go to Meeting. Marion is not yet well enough to stay alone and get dinner. I do not like to miss any of Mr Landon's sermons. but I must not be selfish. Lucy came with Mr L. and is to remain several days. Father is here. went to prayer Meeting in the evening. felt that I received a blessing. had a good meeting.

6th Fine this forenoon but cloudy and some rain this afternoon and evening. Father went away this morning Heman called. Mrs Cowan & Mr Fenny spent a part of the afternoon & evening with us had a pleasant visit. Jasper has gone to take them home. It is late and I must retire. Had a letter from Newton Goble this morning. he is well.

7th This has been a very warm pleasant day. What beautiful weather for this time of year. I have washed to-day. after I finished I made Mrs Layton a call on horseback. have written to Newton G. to-night. Am very tired.

8th A beautiful day. very warm and very bright. It seems too beautiful to last. We have had no frost yet. a truly delightful Autumn. Aunt Maria came down this morning and went with Mother to spend the days with Uncle Jame's's She is here to-night. Mr Landon called this afternoon. I have been very busy to-day It is very warm to-night.

9th A cloudy day and some rain Aunt spent the day with us. Went to Prayer Meeting not many present but had a truly delightful hour.

Oct 10th Fine this morning early but commenced raining before noon and has rained without cessation since. Father & Mother went to the Burford Fair and will not return to-night. Aunt went home this morning.

11th A pleasant day rather cool and some clouds. went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting. felt encouragement & strength from doing so. Lucy went home took tea with Mrs Landon. roads very muddy part of the way.

12 Another pleasant Sabbath. Pretty cold but clear. last night the first frost we have had this fall. killed my balsams & dahlias. Went to School in the morning Jasper, Mother, & Dora went to hear Mr Moshier in the afternoon. Went to Prayer Meeting this evening more out than usual but there did not seem to be as much spiritual life.

among us as sometimes. May the Lord bless these little assemblings together, and may they increase both in numbers and fervency. It is a year to-day since Jassy died. precious brother how sadly my heart mourns you. I have thought very very often of him lately. his young life was so fair and promising. O! how many young lives perhaps as fair have been sacrificed in this terrible war. When will it end! when will the year of the redeemed of the Lord come. when the nations shall learn war no more. I could sit here and write & muse O! so sadly of darling Jassy all night, but I must retire or I will not feel well in the morning.

{Original Article from the "Cleveland Herald" pasted on the page} "In the city of Washington, D.C., on the 12th day of October, 1861, of Typhoid Fever, JASPER WOLVERTON, aged 17 years. {hand written. (son of Enos Wolverton, {illegible}} The deceased was formerly a member of the West High School, which he entered from Eagle street Grammar School, in the fall of 1860, the BEST scholar in the city. He, with two brothers, one older and the other younger than himself, left his home in July, to serve their country, in which service he was stricken down by disease. He was kind and affectionate to his friends, modest in his nature, and was respected by all who knew him as a model young man. Co{illegible}"

{clipping from newspaper pasted to diary page}

Resolutions on the Death of J. Wolverton.

"WHEREAS, It has pleased the Almighty in His mysterious providence to remove from this world our much esteemed schoolmate and friend, Jasper Wolverton, a member of the Philomathian Society of the West High School, therefore, we, members of said Society, in body assembled do adopt the following:

Be it Resolved, That in this afflicting dispensation we have been bereft of a true and faithful friend and member, and of one who, while he was with us, was greatly endeared to us by his kind, modest and gentlemanly deportment towards all.

Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the parents and relations of the deceased in this their sad bereavement.

Resolved, That in token of our respect and sorrow for our fellow member we cause our hall to be draped in black, and that we exhibit the usual sign of mourning for ten days.

Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be sent to the parents of the deceased, and that they be printed in the city papers.

By the unanimous vote of the members of the Philomathian Society."

Oct 13th quite cool in the morning, but considerably warmer towards night. a little cloudy but pleasant. Nell & I washed. Martha Eakins called in the forenoon on horseback. Heman came down in the afternoon after a stove. took tea before he left Sent dresses to Ida & Eva. Arthur came with him. Have gathered my Balsom seeds to-day. My flowers have been fine this fall especially Gilliflower & Pinks I have now Gilliflower, India Pinks, China Pinks, Dahlia's Mignonette & Nasturtiums in plenty. have been well pleased with my gardening experiment this year. I only regret we have not a home & garden of our own that I might beautify it: with plants, flowers, & trees. "But do the duty nearest you". I try to make my motto. The years come and go so fast. life but at most is but a day. It will not be long before we like the flowers will pass away Will our works follow us.

14th. Cold and cloudy. Mrs Rutherford died last night. Jasper has been busy all day making the coffin. Nell & I intended going to Uncle J. Eakins this afternoon, but Mother assisted with the coffin and we could not be spared. No company to-day

15th I have made to-day my long talked of visit to Mrs Layton's. Nell & I walked up this afternoon and Jasper and Mr Ryerson came up with the buggy for us and spent the evening. We had a very pleasant visit. It has been pleasant to-day. rather cloudy towards night.

16th Rainy to-day. Went to Prayer Meeting to-night. Not many present. The Revd Mr Starr conducted the meeting.

17th Pleasant to-day. cloudy in the afternoon. A letter from Alfred this morning All well. "Bless the Lord O! my soul, and forget not all His benefits" have answered him to-night. A year ago tonight since Alfred came with all that was left of darling Jassy. It seems but a day ago. What power Memory has. Mother & Nell went out for a ride this afternoon.

18th A very beautiful day. Mr Ryerson's brother here to dinner. Nell and I have had a long ride on horseback this afternoon Went down to Uncle James's, called at Mrs Lewis's. came home and went out to the Mill to see Sarah Laycock. She had gone before we got there. When we came home found a Miss Bogot and Cousin here off the cart. Father came for them. All staid to tea. Am tired from my long ride.

19. Sabbath. rather cloudy and windy some rain in the afternoon had a good School. Lesson the last Passover, and institution of the "Lords Supper". Mr Landon preached. Subject. "God in His providences" "God moved in a mysterius way, His wonders to perform." Went to Prayermeeting in the Evening.

20th Washed to-day. cold but not unpleasant. It is a year to-day since Jassy was laid to rest, beneath the cold, withered, autumn grass. Withered like the hopes that clustered bright along his path here His young life was very fair and full of promise. My affections cling so about my brothers. I never felt anything a sacrifice, if for Them. I would have them noble, brave &, good and two the fairest & best are lying low in the grave. But I trust the Great Father had need of them. God grant Thy sleep in

in hope of a glorious immortality and may their deaths teach those who are left to prepare to depart in peace and be with God which is far better.

21st rained all day. Had the parlor stove put up to-day.

22nd First rain and then sunshine all day. like human life. clouds and brightness intermingled.

23rd A very beautiful morning but cloudy and cold before night. I called to see Mrs Starr this afternoon she was not at home. did not go to Prayer Meeting tonight.

24th The forenoon was very beautiful warm, bright sunshine the afternoon cloudy and windy and tonight wind, and rain. not very cold. very changeable weather.

25th The first snow flakes this morning. cold & cloudy. Pa & Ma went to Aunt Maria's today. Dora went with them. Company in the afternoon. Mrs Starr, Elizabeth and Nancy. David came in the evening. Elder Patton is here. We had a pleasant evening.

29th Oct. I have neglected my Journal several days. last Sunday our Sabbath School closed. The weather was cold and rather unpleasant. but the house was full & occasion an interesting one the reports were well got up. Elder Patton opened the School Mr Moshier came gave a short address & closed. Elder Patton preached subject importance of understanding the Scriptures. Mr Landon was present and gave a short but very excellent address after the Sermon. In the

afternoon we went to the Cooley Pond School house Elder Patten preached and in the evening to Prayer Meeting More Gospel priviledges than I felt I could appreciate & profit by. Monday Nancie came. Tuesday. cloudy & chilly to-day cloudy & some rain. Nancie went away to-day.

30th A very beautiful day warm & bright. like soft Indian summer. I have been working in the garden, making soap and boiling cider all day and am very tired did not go to Prayermeeting.

Oct 31st A very warm, clear beautiful day. More like May than the last of Oct. What delightful weather. I am very tired to-night we have taken up {illegible} carpet & cleaned. finished the soap & cider.


November 1st Another warm pleasant day. warm enough without a fire. Nancy & Amelia Kipp called in the forenoon. They went on the cars at 11 o'clock. Heman called after dinner. Henrietta & Elizabeth spent an hour with us this afternoon we have had a very busy day. I am very tired and glad it is Saturday night to-morrow a "day of rest"

Nov 2nd Sabbath. A very pleasant morning. I staid at home all the rest went to hear Mr Landon. Miss Sudborough came over with him. She leaves Drumbo in a few days. I am sorry she is going away she is a pleasant person. Nellie went home with them & will spend some days. coludy afternoon and rainy evening. went to Prayer Meeting

however. It is always good to wait upon the Lord.

3rd A cold, rainy, windy day with now & then a ray of sunShine

4th A pleasant day. cold but clear. Had a woman to wash. I am not very strong. I get tired so soon I feel discouraged sometimes. I wish we had a little home of our own. I am weary waiting. "hope defered maketh a sad heart".

5th Pleasant in the morning but a rainy afternoon.

6th Very cold to-day; but no rain did not go to Prayer Meeting to-night have been writing to Uncle Silas

7th Very cold and clear. quite like winter. have been cleaning & baking all day.

Monday Nov 18th This is a very beautiful day warm, and clear. so unlike last Saturday. cold & wind & snow we went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting and nearly froze That is an exageration; but indeed it was very cold not many at Meeting. but the promise is to two or three. Went over to Wolverton at night & staid with father. he is very cosy & quiet in his bachelor's hall; but lonely. Sunday we attended Church again at Drumbo. Elder Patton gave us a good sermon. we took dinner at Mr Landon's Nellie came home with us. went to Prayer Meeting in the evening. felt too tired to enjoy anything. Jasper is not well to-day.

Thursday November 20th There is a blank in my journal. I have been sick but thanks to Our heavenly Father I am nearly quite well again. I went to Brantford the 11th and took cold; and had some chills and fever after the old way. last Sunday seemed a long day I could not go out. It has rained for four days and is cloudy yet; but not cold. We have had a beautiful fall much like it was four years ago. It snowed a little this morning but the air was so warm it was only "white a moment - then gone forever". Mr Laytons called this morning to say good bye. The are going back to New York. I wrote to Alonzo & Alfred yesterday. Jasper has gone to Prayer Meeting to-night. It was too damp for me to go out.

Saturday - Nov 22nd. Marion and I went to Woodstock yesterday and came home on the cars this evening It has been cold and unpleasant found Lissa and family well. Took tea with Helen last evening. Elder Patton is here to-night.

23rd Sunday. went to Bible Class at 10 o'clock. Elder Patton preached at 11. text, "I beseech you therefore by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" he gave us a very excellent sermon. My Prayer to God is that I through free grace may be enabled at all times to present myself, a living sarifice unto God. Prayer Meeting in the evening. and truly God was with us My birth day. I am 27 years old.

24th A beautiful day, clear but cold air. Washed to-day, had a woman to help. killed pigs, cleaned &c.

25th warmer than yesterday but not so clear. Jasper's birth-day he is 28. How fast the years seem to pass. We are growing old.

26th Not very cold. baked this afternoon. finished a vest for Jasper.

27th cold and snow. had a letter from Alfred this morning. all well Newton Goble had been with them one night. A letter too from George and Emma they have been sick. Wrote to Alfred this afternoon assisted in packing a box to send Emma. Commenced a pr of Pants for Jasper. Went to Prayer Meeting in the evening. Jasper went to Princeton with the box & did not get back to Meeting

28th Has snowed some to-day is very comfortable winter weather. have worked very hard to-day to get Jasper's pants done and have not quite succeeded baked this evening and am very tired to-night. how frail we are!

29th Jasper and Pa went to Woodstock to-day and did not home till quite late a comfortable day but very bad roads

30th Sunday. I felt this morning how blessed it is to have one day of rest how necessary it is our bodily strength should have rest as well as the Spiritual strength should be renewed. Went to bible Class and heard Mr Landon preach. felt tired & sleepy and did not have a feast as I had anticipated. O! how

sin-fettered we are here. how frail & weak. In heaven there will be no weariness or pain There will be no sin there and none will say, I am sick. Had a good Prayer Meeting in the evening. May the Lord grant that little Meeting may become a very Bethel to our souls A happy, holy place because of the presence of the Lord

1st Dec. Winter has come in it is not very cold. a little snow and some prospect of more. Heman called this evening on his way home. A Mr Lewis from Hamilton was here to dinner A man came this forenoon and begged some bread he says he is an Englishman has no money & has been without food since yesterday moring he has evidently seen better days and has the manner & appearance of a gentleman Pa has invited him to stay

over night & rest and recruit. his name is Harley. Got a letter from father he wants me to make cakes for a table at a Tea-Meeting in Wolverton the 10th I hardly know what to do; but have decided to make them and then go if we can.

2nd Rather colder to-day. have done part of the washing and some cleaning. Mr Harley went away this morning. I hope he may find home and friends. I am weary and must retire early tonight.

3rd Company to-day. Aunt and Henrietta spent a part of the day with us. pretty cold, Ironed in the evening.

4th very comfortable winter weather have been baking for the Tea-Meeting to-day felt too weary to go to Prayer Meeting. I sorry I did not go. I feel so gloomy & homesick.

5th Rather colder to-day; but very pleasant. Pa went to Woodstock Nellie went up to Aunt's. Jasper has been away to make cider. Mother and Dora & I have been alone. I have felt better than usual to-day Had a letter this morning from Uncle Silas. all well, but suffering much loss of property & annoyance from the war. A letter too from Newton Goble. he is going to {Bement}. Have finished the Tea Meeting baking to-day.

6th went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting a very cold day, freezing hard. took tea at Mrs Landon's came home in the evening.

7th Cold but clear, went to Princeton to Church. heard Mr Griffin. It does not seem so much like home as the old School house.

8th Not quite so cold. some snow but not enough yet for sleighing. had a woman to wash. A very busy day.

9th Company in the Evening Martha Jane, & Solon Eakins. Mr & Mrs Wright, & Mr & Mrs Smiley Solon brought his violin & Mr Smiley his Clarinett. we had a musical feast.

11th Yesterday we went to Wolverton to a Tea Meeting had a pleasant time. Met Mr Biggars people. Mrs Landon & a good many of the old friends. the day was fine and the Meeting a successful one. Staid with father last night & came home

this morning, found Mr Bigger and a Mrs Ryall there. Mr B. returned and took tea with us.

14th Dec. A warm rainy day not much like winter. I unfortunately ran a needle in my hand, breaking it and leaving a peice in last Thursday I could not write, and am not much better now A letter from Alfred came Thursday They are all well but I feel much troubled about Newton I am afraid he is not as steady as he ought to be I can only pray for him. The Lord enable him to withstand temptations There has been a great change in the weather since last Sunday The frost is entirely out & mud & water abound. It has rained nearly all day to-day. Mr Landon did not come we had neither bible Class or preaching. went to Prayer Meeting to-night dark & windy. not many out. Good Night {some flourishes at bottom under Good Night}

15th Has rained all day. very gloomy weather. have witten to Newton

16th Snowed some last night. a beautiful morning trees laden with snow and sun shining bright. cloudy before noon and has snowed since. My hand is Painful to-night.

23rd Dec Tuesday Morning. a warm, soft, Morning rained during the night at this rate the frost will soon be all out again. Last Friday & Saturday was very cold too cold to snow. it got warmer Sunday and snowed in the afternoon and evening Yesterday was a pleasant day Nellie & I washed some and cleaned The shed out I feel tired & lame from my day's work. Elder Patton came

over Saturday evening led our Bible Class and preached in the morning and attended our Prayer Meeting in the evening had a good time Yesterday he visited in the neighbourhood and will leave on the cars today for Woodstock May the Lord crown his labours with abundant success. My hand is nearly well. Lissa, Heman & the children came down this afternoon left Ida with us. Dora is very much pleased. I hope they will agree and enjoy their visit.

24th Colder than yesterday but no snow. this is Christmas Eve. It makes me think of home. Ida & Dora could hardly think of going to bed They are so anxious to see what Santa Claus will bring them. Jasper went to Woodstock to-day. got Nellie a nice rocking chair & Dora a book I dressed a doll for Ida this evening. Nellie dressed

the for Dora. They will be so delighted in the morning "happy childhood". Received a letter this morning from Miss Bogot for father. Think I will write her. Jasper is asleep and I ought to be. Good Night.

25th Christmas day is passed Father Mother & Nellie went to Beachville Jasper & I expected to spend the day alone; but were very agreeably disapointed George & Emma came on the morning train. and we had a pleasant day. The return of the holidays makes me so long to see the boys Jasper went to Prayer Meeting in the evening I was sorry I did not go. It has been a warm pleasant day thawing a good deal.

26th It has rained all day strange winter weather. warm.

27th Saturday. Mother George, Emma, & Dora went to Princeton and spent the day with Mr & Mrs Milmine. Mrs McMaster came to tea & spent the evening with us. I felt dreadfully lonely & homesick to-night. 'tis foolish perhaps but I cant help it sometimes.

28th We were disapointed to-day Mr Landon did not come. we had neither bible Class or Meeting In the afternoon Seth Cowan came up with his two little girls the children had a fine play towards evening Mrs Cowan & Mrs Fenny came up & spent an hour. went to Prayer-Meeting in the evening but feel I have spent the day far from profitably May the Lord forgive us. The day has been warm and fine

29th A pleasant day warm yet I have finished a dress for Emma and am very tired. Elizabeth and Henrietta called this afternoon & Mrs Shannon in the evening.

30th It is getting colder. George and Emma left on the 11 o'clock train I was sorry to see them go but friends must part. My best wishes follow them. Melissa came down this morning and will stay a few days. Mr Ryerson came last night. I have not felt like doing anything to-day.

31st The last day of the old year Old 1862 has almost run his race. It has been a beautiful day cold & clear, the sun has shone all day and to night is a lovely moonlight night. fit night to usher in the New Year in gladness & beauty

I made out the Post office a/c's this afternoon and recieved two dollars as my commission. I want to save money enough of my own to buy a watch. Jasper has gone to Princeton this evening to see about sending Old Jess to Emma. Mr Ryerson left this morning he has been here a year all but two days. we will miss him but it is more pleasant to have only our own family I will commence a letter to Alfred tonight and perhaps finish it to-morrow


Jan 1st New Year's day. a very beautiful day indeed. cold. clear, and bright This glorious sunshine seems very pleasant after so many dark rainy days. After dinner we all went skating The ice was nice no snow to slacken our speed we had a good many tumbles much fun & a pleasant time generally. did not get my letter to Alfred finished. Went to Prayer Meeting in the evening. Am glad to spend the first night of the New Year in Praise and Thanksgiving for so many mercies May this be a happy year in Spiritual advancement; and progress in holiness Received a beautiful New Years gift from my husband of a sett of Jewelry. Pin & Ear-rings I shall value them very highly for their beauty but more because of the giver.

2nd Jan. Another bright day a little warmer than yesterday Melissa went home this morning Nellie went with her. I have washed some and cleaned some and feel very tired & lame from my unusual exercise yesterday. Jasper has gone skating This evening. Had a letter this morning from Cousin Jo. I would like much to see her and her children. but tis a long expensive journey There.

3rd Considerably warmer to-day This morning was more like Indian Summer than winter in January. rainy during the afternoon and evening Jasper went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting I was too lame to go with him sent my letter This morning to Alfred.

4th Sunday went to Princeton this morning to Church heard Mr Stephenson preach. he is a fine speaker poetic & intellectual. but I would rather {lurn} the plain truth. just Christ & Him Crucified Jasper went to hear Mr Moshin in the afternoon. Went to Prayer Meeting in the evening. so passed the first Sabbath in the New Year.

6th A cloudy morning has rained during the night. weather more like April than January. yesterday was a pleasant day. washed Lissa & Heman came to dinner took Ida home with them. went to Missionary Meeting at Princeton in the evening. Am going to Woodstock to-day on The cars to stay a few days with Lissa so Good Bye my Journal for a time.

9th Came home from Woodstock this evening found all well. Dora said she was so glad Mama had come Jasper & Nellie went to Meeting at the School House It has been very cold but is much warmer to-night. Seems like thawing again Had a pleasant visit with Lissa left her & little ones well. It is late Jasper has returned and I must quit.

10th A stormy day both snow & rain. David Beamer and Mrs Cowan came in the evening practising music for the Missionary Meeting. Very late when we retired.

11th Sunday rather chilly but pleasant. Mr Landon came. Interesting bible Class and a beautiful, plain, sermon. Went in the afternoon to Mr

Moshins Meeting. took Dora. Prayer Meeting in the evening too tired to enjoy or profit the priviledge.

12th Warmer & More pleasant has thawed a little. Had a woman washing and cleaning. David came to practise this evening. I am very sleepy and must go to bed.

14th last night was our Missionary Meeting rained hard all the evening not many out Collection $5.53 good speaking. and Music pretty good. Mrs Cowan came in the afternoon Mr Shrimpton & Elder Patton. Mr Snider came in the evening Heman staid if the night had been favourable I think the Meeting would have been a successful one.

14th Evening rain, rain, unceasing rain all day. School Meeting. Mr Shrimpton & Elder Patton went away after dinner Mrs Cowan & Mr Snider left in the Morning. wrote to Uncle Silas this evening.

15th cold and pleasant during forenoon Snow since dinner looks quite like winter. cold to-night.

16th six or eight inches of snow this morning. has continued to snow moderately during the most of the day. Jasper & Pa went to Woodstock this afternoon after the new sleigh Dora & I went as far as Mr Stamp's very cold to-night, freezing very hard, good sleighing. Nellie sick. a letter from Emma this morning they arrived home in safety. God bless the poor tonight for it is very cold.

17th Weather more moderate. Elder Patton came in the afternoon. went up to Aunt's in the evening. good sleighing.

18th Sabbath. Attended Bible Class and preaching in the morning. Prayer Meeting in the evening a beautiful lesson. The 46th Psalm a beautiful winter's day.

19th Father, Mother, & Jasper went to Brantford. a very fine day thawed a little in the middle of the day. Elder Patton went home this morning. Nellie sick. I feel tired to-night. Good Night.

20th a chilly stormy day. thawed some snow during afternoon windy to-night

21st Considerable snow this morning Thawed all. fears are entertained that the sleighing will be spoiled. have not felt very well to day. done some mending and commenced my cloak

22nd warm and thawing. sleighing good yet. People are improving it too. Have finished my cloak like it very much. I did not expect to have one this winter and am so much the more pleased with it. Jasper works in the shop.

23rd Thawing yet. sleighing not so good. A very pleasant surprize indeed to-day Went for a ride after dinner Nellie, Jasper, Dora & myself went to Mr Laycock's got Sarah and went to Wolverton to see my new Mother found Alonzo there from Washington a great, pleasant, surprize. almost too good to be true left Washington a

week ago and left Alfred and Newton well is going West to St Lewis to try his fortunes there in the War Department. he is very strong & healthy looking, has grown a mustache and looks more like father.

24th Still the thaw continues The sleighing nearly gone. much water lying on the ground. called this evening to see Mrs McMaster she was pleased to see Alonzo. She is a dear kind old soul. called also to see little Henry Howell. poor little fellow. he is very weak 'tis doubtful whether he recovers.

25th Sabbath. a warm bright day; went to Meeting with sleigh but very hard and rough. Mr Landon was late only a short bible Class. A great sermon so plain & searching God forbid the influence should pass any

26th A rainy day. Alonzo went to Wolverton to-day and has not returned because of the rain I suppose had a woman to wash did not feel very well this afternoon wrote a little to Emma to-night

27th Some snow to-day sleighs running again. Alonzo left on the 11 o'clock train. I felt sad to say to him Good Bye. God bless him.

28th Cold but pleasant. have been lining and trimming a buffalo robe to day. Jasper took a load of day pine to Aunt Maria this evening heard tonight that Mrs Cowan died this morning at 5 o'clock. I am tired and will e'en go to bed.

29th Cold, poor sleighing. Mr Fluellen here to dinner spent the afternoon. went to Mrs Cowan's towards night

30th A pleasant winter day. snowed a little towards night. Nellie sick again. Dora feverish tonight & restless has not been well during the day. hope it is only a slight cold.

31st The last day of January it seems as if we' had, had no winter yet so much rainy, soft weather. It is pretty cold to-day Thawed a little in the middle of the day. Jasper went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting Nellie very sick. Dora well. very tired have been so busy to-day wish I was stronger.

February. 1863.

Sunday Feb 1st. Pleasant in the morning. commenced snowing after dinner after an hour or two terminated in a cold, rain, wind high & very unpleasant. went to Mrs Cowan's funereal. Many people out Mr Landon preached a short good sermon. rain ceased in the evening. no Prayer Meeting. Jasper not well.

2nd very cold a little snow in the evening. sun shone in the morning. Several calls during the day Nellie better. have been mending and choring. not much sleighing.

3rd A very beautiful morning cold, clear, and bright more waggons than sleighs out. very cold

4th Last night the coldest night this winter froze ice in the house a bright morning but O! so cold called to see Gramma McMaster in the afternoon and little Henry Howell took Dora. so cold Jasper has not worked in the shop. have been embroidering bands for a night-dress

5th Still very cold. froze ice in our room last night. strong East wind A great snow storm drifting towards night. not so cold

6th Comfortable winter weather snowed some during the day. a good deal of snow on the ground. feel tired tonight.

7th went to Beachville to-day Aunt & Lottie went with us. A beautiful day. had a delightful ride & a very pleasant visit.

8th Sunday. A fine day good sleighing. Went to hear Mr Landon in the morning. Prayer Meeting in the evening. Lucy came with Mr. Landon. Delia came to dinner. Solon & Janey called. All except Jasper & I went to take Aunt & Delia home. Lottie came home with them.

9th rain most all the afternoon. rains this evening. seems very dreary. rain in winter had a girl to wash.

10th All away to-day but Jasper Dora & myself just a happy little family. have not returned to-night. prety cold.

11th Very pleasant day thawed some. Went to Uncle James' in the evening.

12th A comfortable day. snowed moderately most of the day. went to Prayer Meeting in the evening have imbroidered a width for Doras blue dress to-day.

16th Last Friday & Saturday the 13th & 14th I made a coat & worked so hard I was sick yesterday unable to go out consequently I kept house and all the rest went to preaching in the morning & Prayer Meeting in the evening up to Aunt's. Elder Patton and son came Saturday evening. We have been up to Aunt's this evening met Elder Patton he came home with us beautiful weather. must retire. Am so tired.

17th A lovely day. snow fast disapearing Pa & Ma went to Woodstock in the afternoon with the sleigh Mrs Richmond dead.

18th Another fine day. Thawing rapidly. Sleighs out yet. Mother Nell & Dora went out in the afternoon and made several calls. Henrietta and Melissa called

19th A damp unpleasant day rain in the afternoon & evening Wrote to Mattie Bigger and Cousin Jo.

20th Cold and windy, spent the afternoon at Mrs Cowan's.

21st Beautiful sunshine all day cold but very pleasant. Sleighing poor very icy. Pa received a note in the afternoon saying Mrs Milmina was dying. Jasper

went to Princeton and telegraphed to George. Pa & Ma went up to Beachville on the evening train. Mrs Finny came up to spend the Sabbath with us.

22nd Sabbath. A very stormy day snowed most of the day strong East wind Mr Edwards preached in the morning instead of Mr Landon. The parable of the widow and the unjust judge. Prayer Meeting at Mrs Shannon's

23rd A nice day. cold but pleasant. Pa & Ma came home on the morning train. Mrs Milmine is better. Jasper sent another message to George to that effect. Mrs Finny went home Dora & I went for a ride wrote to Alonzo. Received a good letter both from Alfred and Newton I will write to them to-night. Do not feel very well.

24th A nice day. Thawing some Sleighing pretty good. Nell & I went up to Aunt's and called at Mr Kipps finished my letter to the boys.

25th Pleasant, thawing fast. Company all day Ellie Layton & Amelia Kipps came in the morning & staid all day. Mr & Mrs Capson spent the afternoon & evening with us. A pleasant visit. headache after dinner

26th A very unpleasant day. rain, mist & fog. thawing. Were surprized at the arrival of George came on the 5 o'clock train His Mother is better. He did not ge Jasper's second message. Ironed this afternoon went to Prayer Meeting in the evening.

27th Nellie's birthday a party in the evening about a dozen of her young friends. All seemed to enjoy themselves. except two all remained all night, and next morning formed a skating party left for their homes about ten oclock.

28th Went to Drumbo to Meeting in the afternoon. Theresa, Lottie and Nellie went with us. George came on the evening train.

29th March 1st Sunday. Very stormy all the forenoon snow. and wind. Did not go out in the morning. Went to Mr Moshier's meeting in the afternoon and took the girls home. All but me went to Prayer Meeting.

30th March 2nd George went to Beachville Snow in the afternoon. warm.

March 3rd 1863. Snowed moderately all day. getting colder George came on the evening train will start west in the morning.

4th A very beautiful day. very cold. only thawed a very little when the sun shone. Gorge started home this morning. Mother went with him as far as Buffalo. will spend a week or two there.

5th. A very cold morning moderated towards night. Went out in the morning with Amelia Kipps collecting for the "Baptist Home Mission" Not very successful. took dinner at Mr Kipp's got home at 2 o'clock. Nellie went out in the afternoon. Prayer Meeting in the evening. very tired indeed. A letter from Alonzo he is in the South West corner of Missouri.

6th Cold rain, fog, and wind in the morning. quite warm tonight. Mr Capson son & daughter here to Tea. Julian will stay a few days.

7th Cold and snow. Am very tired and nervous tonight.

8th Considerable snow during the day. Jasper Dora, & I went to Woodstock got Lissa & the children ready and all went to Church Dr Fife preached a beautiful sermon but not so plain & impressive as Mr Landon I think. got home at 5 o'clock Nellie & Julia were away up to Aunts all home to tea. Pa & Nellie went to the School House to preaching in the evening. Jasper went to Prayer Meeting. Julia staid with me.

9th Cold still. Gramma McMaster is ill went to see her. Letter from Alfred & Newton

10th March. A very beautiful. day. Sleighing nearly gone but wheeling good Nellie took Julian home Dora went with them. Jasper & I made our long-talked-of visit to this widow Kipp's.

11 A beautiful morning finished my letter to Alfred and wrote one to Newton. Father and his wife came in the forenoon. will stay till to-morrow went to see Gramma McMaster She is some better. Jasper has gone to the School house to Prayer Meeting.

12th Beautiful and bright in the morning. cloudy & stormy in the afternoon. Father and lady left on the 11 o'clock train Nellie went after Lottie after dinner. I called to see Gramma McMaster. Prayer Meeting then in the evening. The Lord does bless us.

13th Morning fine as usual but wind and snow alternating with sunshine during the day. Nellie & Lottie went collecting for the Mission not very successful. I have been baking to-day and am very weary. Jasper has gone this evening to see Granma McMaster.

14th Very cold. Jasper & Nellie took Lottie home. Elder Patton came & Gramma on the evening train I sat an hour with Nellie after she went to bed Poor girl she is very much troubled on account of sin The Spirit is {striving} with her She seems thoroughly in earnest. May the Lord guide her.

15th Sabbath. Elder Patton gave us a very impressive sermon. Prayer Meeting at Mrs Shannon's. Nellie expressed her desires A good time because the Lord was with us.

16th A beautiful day a little warmer than yesterday. we certainly are having a great many pleasant days. Aunt Almira and Martha spent the afternoon Elder Patton to Tea Mrs Wolverton came on the train. we are not much alone.

17. Pleasant yet. Mother & Nellie went to Aunt's Jasper sick. I was sick all the afternoon Elder Patton went home after tea.

18th Very pleasant weather pretty cold but so clear & bright. have not felt well. wrote to Alonzo & Grampa Goble.

19th Pleasant & cold. Quilted a skirt to-day. did not go to Prayer Meet

20th Baked all day and am very tired toothache & headache.

21st A very stormy day weather moderating. snow & a little rain Father came in the morning. Mr & Mrs Milmine came on the morning train. Heman called on his way to Blenheim. A busy day. Wrote to Alfred & Newton

22nd Sabbath. A soft foggy morning rain, but not stormy. Attended Bible Class; and preaching Mr Landon gave us an excellend sermon. Prayer Meeting at Mrs Shannon's.

23rd Rain, Rain, Rain, almost unceasing all day. Father and his wife went home after dinner. Heman here to dinner. Mr & Mrs Milmine here yet. went to see Gramma McMaster wrote to Emma. very nervous to-night

1863 24th Rain all day Raining yet a letter this morning from Aunt A{m}y bearing inteligence that Granma is dead

Dear Granma she is worn out body and mind and has gone to "rest". Rest will surely be very sweet to her after all her weariness and pain We cannot mourn for her for she has been a long time waiting the Master's call. I have witten to Lissa and Aunt Juliett. Aunt Amy will come with her here tomorrow and the next day will be the funereal.

25th All that is left of Granma is here. She looks very pleasant. asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep Aunt Amy and Mr Nixon came with her. It snowed all the forenoon. Mr & Mrs Milmine went away after dinner

26th Cold March winds. Expected to have gone to the funereal to-day but father did not get the letter till this morning he came over and made arrangements for the funereal Sunday. He took Granma and Aunt Amy

went too. We are alone once again. Went to Prayer Meeting in the evening a very interesting meeting. toothache to-night.

27th A very pleasant day. thawing rapidly.

28th Very pleasant in the morning went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting quite warm a great change before night cold, colder, very cold at night a very good Meeting. A request from the friends here, prefered that we might have a Branch of the Church formed here. Which was readily granted. In two weeks we will have our first Covenant Meeting The Lord has been very merciful to us. We went to Wolverton after the meeting. Sunday very cold. Granma was laid to rest beside the other loved ones on the hill. Mr Landon preached a beautiful sermon.

30th A very beautiful day. called on Mrs Cowan in the evening.

31st Very pleasant in the morning went out for a ride on horseback. cloudy at noon went up to Wm Kipp's in the afternoon Jasper came up in the evening. very stormy and very cold. A letter from Grampa Goble he thinks he cannot come up to our Meeting in two weeks.

April 1st 1863.

1st Pleasant in the morning but very stormy during the afternoon. Wind and snow. Made out the Post office papers My due $2.11. bid Mrs Shannon good bye in the evening. not very well.

2nd Indications of storm in the

morning but pleasant afternoon and beautiful in the evening went to prayer meeting. Mr Shannon's moved away yesterday Jasper took a load for them Mrs McMaster spent the day here and went on the evening train. Grampa & Dora went with her as far as Princeton and returned on the train. headache all day. I need to excersize a good deal of patience when I have these distressing head-aches. I hope when the weather becomes settled I shall feel better.

3rd Cloudy and chilly. made Dora a dress. Mr Ryerson to dinner

4th Very pleasant all day. Nellie and I went up to Mr R Kipp's on horseback to cat {cast}sugar. roads bad wind cold. had rather staid at home.

5th A truly delightful Sabbath day. beautiful in weather and beautiful in gospel priviledge; and I have felt unusally well no head ache to-day Jasper & I walked up to Meeting. it was so pleasant. Mr Landon preached Prayer Meeting in the evening. well attended. Many are coming in May they truly come in "in the fear of the Lord".

6th Rain and snow all day. cold. and unpleasant. I have cleaned the back room out. am very tried and bad head ache too. too tired to sleep.

7th Chilly unpleasant weather. Pa & Jasper went to Woodstock. Jasper stopped at Thos Stamp's and called at Aunt's. walked home.

8th Cold, appearance of storm. went to Mr Beamers to cast sugar Nellie Dora

and. I. head-ache most of the day. very uncomfortable. have witten to the boys at Washington.

May 6th A long blank in my Journal; and so much has happened since; and I feel so little like writing I hardly know where to begin April 11th I went to Woodstock to see Dr Rosebrugh, Oculist. He opperated on my eyes. I came home immediately after took cold in my eyes & face and was both ill and blind for a week and am not strong yet although my eyes are nearly well. I hope they will be permanently benefitted not however effected by the opperation but the exposure and cold which caused

inflamation and external discharge if they do get well I shall not mind the pain & sickness.

Alfred is dead. My eldest darling brother. I can write it more calmly than I can think or speak of it I cannot beleive it is indeed so not only died among strangers; but sleeps in a strange land. unknown and almost unwept. No not quite for Newton poor boy was there. The last letter I received from him was March 9th. he had not been well for some time Tuesday. April 14th he was worse and Newton went for the Dr he did not come. Wednesday he was no better and he went twice for the Dr he did not come till Thursday noon when he was broken out. The Dr pronounced the disease "Verria or Loid" and told Newton he had better keep him there instead of sending him

to the Hospital. Friday he was delerious part of the day. Saturday morning he seemed better and quite rational. told Newton to take a book which he had neglected to turn over to the new Waggon Master and get a receipt for it. He seemed so much better Newton did not hesitate to leave him knowing he would not be gone more than ten minutes. While he was gone Alfred got up dressed himself broke open his chest (Newton had the key of it) took his money $297 out and when Newton came back he was gone. Newton tracked him by enquiry as far as the President's House about ten squares and then lost all trace of him. he wandered about the city from one end to the other in hopes of finding

him but without success. he came back got a horse and with four or five others commenced the search anew but could not find him. About dark Alfred came back. he had only $20.60 with him and could not rightly tell what he had done with the rest. He was immediately sent to the Hospital Sunday evening the 19th Newton wrote me the above facts. Tuesday the 21st he wrote again. The Dr had decided the disease to be Small Pox and a bad case. but thought he might recover. Newton was not allowed to go where he was. but he visited him secretly and saw him through a window and could hear all he said. he seemed more rational then he had been and both himself and the Attendant thought he was better. (Those two letters I did not receive till Monday the 27th the day after he

was buried) Friday the 24th Newton wrote again. Alfred was worse. he did not expect him to live. his case was a very bad one the attendant said not one in a hundred as bad ever got well. he was black with it. Still there was a little hope. if he lived four days he would get well. Newton visited him once a day secretly and was where he could be called any minute Saturday the 25th he wrote again. Alfred was dead. He died Friday night the 24th at 11 o'clock. In the afternoon when Newton saw him. he seemed better, when he went again in the morning he was dead. He could not get his body under the circumstances. he would be buried the next day Sunday 26th at the

"Soldier's Home". He died very easy. I did not get the letter written the 24th till May the 2nd. and the one written the 25th till May 5th He died at the Kanorma Hospital Washington D.C. April 24th 1863 aged 24 years. 10 months and 8 days. "Tis very, very sad. no loved one to soothe his last moments. alone in a strange land. and such a fearful disease.

Newton is coming home as soon as he can get his buisiness settled there. May he be preserved from disease and meet us again in health Only two left; and it has been some time since we have heard from Alonzo.

May 8th A pleasant day. Worked in the garden & yard. went to Brantford yesterday. Aunt came on

the train to-night.

9th Very pleasant weather. Covenant Meeting in the afternoon I staid to keep house. Elder Patton here. Mr Kipp to Tea. El{mer} Patton came on the 5 o'clock train will stay over Sunday

10th Sabbath cloudy but pleasant an interesting Sabbath School, good sermon, one added to the Church by Baptism. The work is steadily increasing in numbers & interest.

11th still cloudy. worked all day in the garden. rain in the evening

12th Rained all night, warm beautful weather for the garden. and crops. no letter or word from Newton I am geting very anxious 'tis time he was home.

18th Granpa Dora & I went to Woodstock. cold and cloudy took dinner with Lissa.

19th Worked some in the garden very warm.

20th Rainy during the forenoon Nellie took Mrs Ferguson away Mr Milmine to dinner. Mother took him home. After tea Nellie and I went up to Aunts for a ride. This morning received a letter from Newton. I feel truly thankful to the Lord for sparing him I feared he was ill. he has been detained longer than he expected. but will I hope be home mid-week. he says he is very lonely he has many friends thus; but they are not like the home loved ones. He says poor, dear Alfred lies in Glenwood

with a weeping willow at his head and a blooming rose at his feet. Precious brother. he little thought when he brought dear Jassy {ink blot} that long sad journey home that he might rest by the side of the other loved ones, that he himself in a little while would sleep in the land of the stranger. 'Tis very sad but we may submit to Him who knoweth better than we. "Tis sweet to think that when Newton comes home and there is no one to weep there for him, the willow will breathe a requium over his grave; the rose will shed its fragrance, the holy stars will beam kindly; and nature in her beautiful ministrations will never forsake his resting place Dear Brothers only two left. I can

hardly think it is so. My heart is O! so sad. May the Lord teach us submission. Newton wrote he had a chance of doing well by going to Oregon. I hope he will not {ink blot}ink of doing so. I cannot bear to think of such a thing. I have written to him to-day and hope he will get it before he leaves

21st Very warm washed all day went to Prayer Meeting. very tired indeed.

22nd Mother Dora and I went to Wolverton found all well. anxious to hear from Newton. came to Drumbo to Tea. Mr Landon better. dark when we came home. a pleasant day but very warm.

23rd Still warmer real summer

May 1863

Weather. Jasper & Nellie went to Drumbo to Covenant Meeting. I have felt better to-day than I usually do. Heman here to dinner.

24th Sabbath. School interesting no preaching in the morning. went to hear Mr Moshier in the afternoon Prayer Meeting at night.

25th Queen's birth-day celebrated to-day as yesterday was Sabbath All went to Princeton but I. they did not get home till five o'clock I spent the day so quietly and pleasantly about finished my lamp mat. I went to Princeton in the evening but we did not stay long. A very pleasant day

26th Went to Woodstock, Jasper Granpa and I. done some shopping got some medicine from the Dr. took dinner with Lissa. Jasper came home and I remained went up town with Heman in the evening.

27th Sewed all day. nearly completed Lissa's dress and fixed her bonnet. pretty tired.

28th Finished the dress. went to Helen's to dinner had a pleasant visit in the afternoon called with Lissa at Mr Muir's and after tea called on Julia Capron at the Institute. and at Mr Hankinson's very warm

29th went up town in the morning Called to see both the

Dentist and Dr neither at home found Nellie & Lottie. went to Lissa's to dinner after which the girls called at the Institute. we went up town again came back I called on Mrs Fyfe and while the girls went for Susie Burtch at School. we all then went to Mr Burtche's to tea a very pleasant visit and then home. so ended my visit to Woodstock.

29 30th Rainy all day. Dr Fyfe came on the train and staid all night.

31th cloudy and rain very full interesting School Mr Landon preached. Lucy came with him Lottie here. Prayer Meeting in the evening.


31st June 1st Rainy. beautiful weather for the growth of vegetation. washed to-day.

2nd June Still cloudy and showery. Lottie went home. I spent the afternoon with Henrietta and Elizabeth. Dora and Tommy had a nice play.

3rd A beautiful morning clear and nice since the rain very busy cleaning and mending

4th Mother and Jasper went to Brantford. Pa and Nellie sick busy both in the store and out of it. Elizabeth gone home. I hope we can do better without her than with her. went to Prayer Meeting.

5th Pleasant during the forenoon rainy afternoon and evening. have written to Uncle Silas. Why dont Newton come? hope deferred maketh a sad heart.

6th cold, but not unpleasant went to Covenant Meeting. good meeting two applicants for Baptism. Elder Patton here to-night.

7 Sabbath. Interesting School a crowded house to hear Elder Patton. the people seem interested after preaching Mrs Smith notwithstanding very decided opposition from her husband was baptized. and Mr Selby. At five O'clock Elder Patton gave us a short sermon then the Ordinance of the "Lord's Supper" was administered. Weather quite cool

8th Still cool and cloudy. Pa Elder Patton & all went to Woodstock to a Nomination. came home to tea. Elder Patton gone home. Elizabeth {wa}shed.

14th Sunday Elder Landon preached. very warm. Mrs L. came with him.

15th Vey warm. Pa & Ma went to Drumbo. Election day. Nellie & Dora took tea at Mrs Cowan's

16th Cooler. Mrs Ferguson came to stay a few days. Father intended to start to-day for Washington. Newton is there yet. Jasper is asleep and I soon will be. Good Night.

17th Father came to-night

he was robbed of all his money on his way from Suspension Bridge to Rochester. and had to return for more. Staid all night. went to Paris Thursday morning got money of Mr Hill and started again May success attend him.

18th Went to Paris on our way to St George to attend the Association. took tea with Gramma McMaster Called at Mr Hill's, Aunt Wolanter's Mr Snider's and staid all night at Mr Sovereign's pleasant weather Nellie & Lottie went with us.

19th Went to St George. Mr Shrimpton preached in the morning we went to Mr Kitchens where we found a pleasant home during

the meeting. Missionary Meeting in the evening. day. pleasant

20th Rainy. heard Mr Stuart preach in the morning. intended to leave for home after dinner but the rain detained us till 6 o'clock reached home about 9. a letter from Uncle Silas.

21st Sunday. cloudy, and rain during the afternoon. A good School. went to hear Mr Stuart in the afternoon Mr Ryerson went with us. Prayer Meeting in the evening.

22nd Still cloudy and some rain. went to see Mrs Miller & Mrs Bent. Worked some in the gardens; and now I must sleep some. Good night.

23 Tuesday cloudy all day; but no rain. Mr & Mrs Cook from the Institute took dinner with us. we were cleaning and quite unprepared for company.

24th A pleasant day and a pleasant visit with Lissa she came down on the morning train and returned at night. Ida & Eva with her. Mrs Hankison did not come.

25th Pleasant but warm. Pa and Jasper went to Brantford. Sewed all day and am tired at night. Did not go to Prayer Meeting. The garden is very fine, flowers beautiful and exceedingly fragrant. Pinks, Sweet Williams and roses in abundance I do not mind the labour and care they require, they are so fine. A letter from father at Washington. he got there safely and found Newton well.

26th very warm and pleasant sewed steadily nearly all day Mother & Nellie went to Uncle Eakin's to tea.

27th Weather still warm. Do not feel well pains in my teeth and face. Heman came down in the afternoon done some cleaning some sewing, and some baking. work pretty hard work to-day. Newton not here yet.

28th A very beautiful Sabbath crowded School. May the Great Shepherd bless and gather in many of those little ones. Heman preached a good sermon. The Lord prosper his labours. Mr & Mrs Cole and Mrs Wolverton came over. attended the preaching and staid till evening. 'Tis a poor way

of spending this holy day. visiting. All went to Prayer Meeting but me. My face has been painful most of the day. I feel ill and nerveless. I pray Our Father in Heaven to give me patience and fortitude.

29th Still very warm; and still my face is painful. A letter this morning from Father. he is yet in Washington has not succeeded in getting the mony, no word from. Newton Goble if he gets no money Newton will have to go to work and earn enough to bring him home. had just received a letter from Alonzo he was at Rollo; had been sick six weeks and was yet unable to do anything had written 5 letters to me (none of which I have received) the last one the 14th of this month. he knew nothing of Alfred's death. had not received a letter from Canada since he left


May the Lord preserve them for O! how vain is the help of man have written a long letter to him to-day which I hope he may receive Jasper has written two to N. Goble. My face continues very painful.

30th Jasper & Nellie went to Woodstock. took Billy up to Mr Cook. My face very painful part of the day. finished the embroidery for Dora's pantees. feel very weak & tired

1st July Father and Newton came to-night O! how glad I am to see them both in safety. Newton is much changed in personal appearance but seems as merry & light hearted as of yore. My face painful Elizabeth & David married to-day.

2nd In the afternoon Mr Goble

July 1863

took Father and Newty over to Wolverton. Newty came back again very warm. finished Dora's Pantees

3rd Newty & I went up to Woodstock to see Lissa on the train She did not know him. Went to see Dr Scott. he gave me a lot of medicine I hope it may give me some strength

4th I came home on the morning train Newty & Heman came down on the after dinner. All but me went to Covenant Meeting. Lottie came home with them. Mr Ryerson spent the evening. very warm

5th Sabbath very pleasant and I hope proffitable. Heman preached in Elder Patton's place Crowdid Prayer Meeting in the evening very warm indeed.

6th very warm felt quite ill. finished Jasper's Pants. and done some mending.

7th Still very warm. churning ironing, cleaning. &c put down the carpet. A very severe hail storm in the afternoon. rain wind & hail destroyed the garden very much.

8th cleaned some and put the house in order. Mr Shrimpton & lady came before dinner. She is a pleasant social body. a little rain in the evening. some music.

9th Mr & Mrs Shrimpton remained till after dinner. had some more music and a very pleasant visit with them. Commenced Newty's pants Jasper & he working in the hay warm close weather.

10th Extremely warm. close & sultry felt ill finished Newty's pants and ironed some. went to a Pic Nic in the afternoon had a pleasant time Mr Ryerson came home with us.

11th Still cloudy close misty weather. very unfavourable for haying Mr Ryerson went home. felt pretty well in the forenoon. very tired after dinner. Mrs Caldwell came on the 5 o clock train.

12th Sabbath. still this smoky strang weather. full School. Mr Landon preached. crowded house Mr Ryerson here. Prayer Meeting up to Aunt's in the evening.

15th Jasper & I went to Woodstock. pleasant time. Mrs Caldwell very ill. Newty ill and gone home. Pa ill some rain mist and smoke. feel better to-day

14th Still cloudy in the morning cleared up towards night. Mother and Nellie went to Woodstock. Mrs Caldwell still ill. very busy and got very tired retired early.

15th pleasant morning. rain in the afternoon. Mother & Nellie came home before tea. Mrs Caldwell gone home. have been very busy all day.

16th very dark & cloudy. bad hay --weather. Ironed & worked in garden all the forenoon. went to Prayer Meeting.

17th A little sunshine to-day Cold morning & night felt ill in the afternoon.

18th A bright beautiful day. fine for hay-making. have felt well to-day better than usual. finished Newton's shirt done besides some baking some cleaning and some mending. so ends another week.

19th A beautiful Sabbath. Heman preached. All here all day I did not go to Prayer Meeting

20th Pleasant during the forenoon Pa, Lissa Heman & Dora went fishing. heavy rain all the afternoon & evening.

21st Pleasant. have been very busy baking for the Pic Nic & cleaning Lissa & family will remain till after Pic Nic.

22 A fine day. Father & wife Newton Mr Landon Lucy & Jenny and Mr Dickey to dinner. A beautiful afternoon and a very successful Pic Nic. A great many people present and everything went off agreeably.

23rd Fine Lissa & Heman went early in the morning to Mr Hipp's to get cherries

went to Aunt's to dinner took tea with us and left for Wolverton. it seems very pleasantly quiet since the children all are gone.

24th Pa, Ma, and Nellie went to Mr Vandicars spent the day and got a lot of cherries. Mrs Chatfield here to dinner. Very warm.

25th Rained all day. does not seem like Saturday have thought much to-day about my brothers who are not It seems sometimes almost more than I can bear; but I pray for submission and strength. I cannot write more.

26th A cloudy Sunday. but few out felt ill and drowsy. Miss Sudborough came with Mr Landon. rained hard in the evening. good Prayer Meeting Nellie went home with Mr Landon

27th A pleasant day. Hiram Green to dinner. gathering and preserving fruit:

28th Fine Morning, quite cool Jasper got all his hay in. Called on Mrs David Beamer in the afternoon

29th Very pleasant ironed during the forenoon got very tired. sewed some in the afternoon. Jasper went up to Aunt's after tea.

30th Very warm and rainy. Sewed most of the day. went to Prayer Meeting

31st Alonzo came this morning so unexpectedly. I am so glad to see him Uncle & Aunt {Green} here to breakfast Father and Mother went to Elder Pattons took tea in Wolverton. very warm. Five years to-day since Daniel died have thought much of him to-day.


1st cloudy and considerable rain very warm and close. Nellie and Elder Patton came before dinner. All but Nellie went to Covenant Meeting. good Meeting. found Newton here when we came home. both my brothers here to-night The only ones left God bless them. Lissa and family called this morning on their way home. Must retire. -----

2nd Sabbath, very warm and oppressive. Elder Patton preached Went home with Alonzo & Newton took Dora. got in Wolverton nearly dark went in the evening to see Maggie Dawson found her very near her end. could not speak to me.

3rd Still very warm and close

went again to see Maggie took dinner there. went back early in the afternoon Mr Cole to tea.

4th Ironed in the morning. tired and weak. went to see Maggie in the evening failing

5th Maggie died last night about 11 o'clock. very gently and peacefully she passed away. only a little before she died she said she was going home. In the evening Jasper came for me. did not get home till half past ten. very tired Dora enjoyed her visit very much and was a very good girl.

6th Cooler since the rain yesterday Nellie & I picked blackberries nearly all day.

7th Nellie and I went to the funereal Elder Patton preached an excellent and impressive sermon and all that was left of Maggie was laid to rest. her end was peace. rained before we got home. Jasper went to Brantford. Old Elder Oakley here all night.

8th Rainy all the forenoon. In the afternoon Jasper Nellie & I went for berries got a fine lot.

9th Sabbath cloudy and appearance of rain not many out. Mr Landon preached a good sermon. Mr & Mrs Burch Newton & Susie, Mr Landon and Lucy here to dinner Hellen & Solon called. not quiet enough for God's Holy Day. Went to Prayer Meeting

10th Mother and Nellie went to Beachville and I was very busy. sewed during the afternoon. very warm.

11th Cloudy and sultry very busy baking churning & Cheese making. and I alone about ten O'clock Mr & Mrs Cook & daughter came staid till about 3 o'clock. I had not much time for visiting. Mother & Nellie came home.

12th Nice weather Jasper and Nellie went for berries Mr & Mrs Vandecar came to dinnr staid till after tea

13th Jasper Dora & Myself - without thinking about it before got ourselves ready and went to make Granpa Goble a visit. took dinner at Mr Woodens. found Granpa and all well. staid at Uncle Johns Thursday


14th took dinner at Uncle Johns and visited at Roberts in the afternoon very warm.

15th Dined at Granpa's. went to Covenant Meeting in the afternoon took tea at Jame's.

16th Sabbath rained in the morning went to Meeting with Granpa he preached. Communion day. took dinner at Uncle John's. Went in the evening to Mr Barber's pleasant people toothache.

17th took dinner at Wm Scott's and got home at tea time found all well.

18th Father his wife and Alonzo to dinner Father went awy on

the cars Mrs. W. Alonzo and I picked berries in the afternoon got very tired. They went home after tea.

19th Jasper Mother and Nellie went to Brantford. extremely warm oppressive weather.

20th Jasper was sick yesterday staid last night at Mrs Pearley's & came home about noon. Dora not well. Pa & Nellie went to a Pic Nic put up the new book case in the afternoon went to Prayer Meeting. very rainy.

21st Fine morning after the rain worked very hard all day cleaning Mr Hunt came at night.

22nd Rain in the morning. Mr Hunt left after dinner. Nellie and I went took tea at Mrs Cowan's. James Dawson here to night

23rd A very pleasant day. good School Mr Landon preached an excellent sermon subject "Repentance" Mrs Landon with him. Mr Bent came up a little while in the afternoon some music and then went to Prayer Meeting. have felt ill to-day

24th Jasper, James, Nellie and I went for berries in the forenoon got a fine lot. Mr Thomas to dinner James went away in the afternoon a heavy shower after dinner.

25th Have been mending and cleaning all day.

26th quite cool Ironed all day. very tired. expected Mr Bodman did not come.

27th very pleasant Mr Ryerson and two other gentlemen here to dinner Mr R. to tea.

28th fixing over an old dress. felt ill most of the day. rainy

29th Very cold more like October than August Granpa Goble came before dinner. Elder Patton and his daughter here all but Nellie & I went to Covenant Meeting.

30th very cool & rather cloudy. Granpa preached an excellent sermon after which we had the Communion Service did not feel engaged as I wished to so cold, unfeeling, and indifferent. Lord in mercy revive Grace in my heart. Aunt & Cordelia came home with us. Newty came over in the afternoon Elder Patton preached at five. Granpa, Elder Patton, & Newty here all night.

31st Granpa Elder P. & Newton all went home wrote to Emma. cut out two dresses.


1st A beautiful day. bright & pleasant. Mother and I went to Woodstock took dinner at Hellen's done some shopping made some calls and had a pleasant day.

2nd quite cool pleasant in the morning cloudy towards night. Ironed and done my week's mending

3rd Pa, Jasper, Nellie and I went to Brantford to the Review a fine day and enjoyed myself much. tired at night.

4th A very beautiful day cool, bright and glorious. Sewed on my morning robe all the afternoon feel very well. my health is improving. I feel truly Thankful.

5th A pleasant day. sewed considerable

6th Sabbath cloudy but no rain Miss Sudborough came with Mr Landon an excellent sermon. Mr Ryerson and brother here to dinner. Miss S. staid.

7th A pleasant day took Miss Sudborough to Mr Cowan's felt very well wrote to Uncle Silas and Dr Rosebrough expect to go to Toronto the 16th.

8th Very cloudy and rain. have not felt very well. finished braiding my dress.

11th Rainy. finished my dress Newton came on the 5 o'clock train all glad to see him. may he roam no more.

12th Jasper and I went to the Falls on an Excursion. had a pleasant day. pretty tired home in good time.

October 1863

Oct 1st Came home from Toronto have been gone two weeks and a day. had altogether a pleasant time notwithstanding some of the operations on my eye were rather painful I think my eye is well. I feel truly Thankful for the favourable result of the operation. Stopped at Mr Sudboroughs pleasant people. feel grateful for their kindness. visited Mrs Charlesworth and Mrs Parsons. and. Mr Caldwells at Dundas on my way home. Am very glad to get home and find all well and be with my husband & baby beautiful weather. I am better in

health than when I left home.

2nd Melissa went home this morning have been very busy arranging my room and making out the Post offices papers Nellie came home in the evening.

3rd Another busy day. am very tired went for a ride on horseback. got very tired and cold. Dora not well.

4th Sabbath cold and chilly. Mr Landon preached Mrs Landon came over with him Newton took Nellie up to Woodstock after dinner. went to Prayer Meeting.

5th Very cold and a little rain have a girl helped her do a very large washing. Am very tired and lame.

6th Rainy and unpleasant. George and Emma came to-night. have been baking for the Donation party.

7th Made Elder Patton a social Donation visit. 22 in all went. presented him with $24. rained nearly all day.

8th cloudy and not pleasant. George and Emma went to Princeton Nellie came home on the cars. Prayer Meeting

9th Drumbo Fair all but Dora and I went. Cloudy and cold, rain in the evening. Have been very busy and am very tired.

10th Went to Paris to-day saw Dr Rosebrugh. Spent the day with Aunt Wolverton came home on the Accomodation. Lottie came with me.

1863 October

11th A nice day. Sabbath School in the morning no preaching. Went to a funereal in the afternoon Mr Parmer's little child only three weeks old. Its little life closed very soon. Prayer Meeting in the evening.

12th A beautiful Autumn day so bright and clear. George & Emma went away on the 11 o'clock train Nellie went up to School. I have cleaned up the house this afternoon and taken up some of my flowers. Am tired and will rest this evening. Jasper is not very well. Two years to-day since Jassy died strange I should have forgotten that to-day. Dear cherished memory.

13th Father and Mother went to Brantford a very beautiful day. Jasper sick. have been very busy.

14th A gloriously beautiful day. warm and mellow. Father and Mother came home from Brantford to-night. Jasper still unwell.

15th Another exceedingly beautiful day. warm as summer. Mother got a letter from Mrs Cooke saying Nellie was sick and she went to Woodstock so I am housekeeper again has not come to night. Jasper and I went to Prayer Meeting. Made a resolve to try and be a more devoted Christian May the Lord help me.

16th A rainy night and forenoon more pleasant in the afternoon Mother came home. Nellie is better. Went to a Missionary Meeting in the evening. late and raining when we came home.

17th Cloudy in the forenoon but

very pleasant during the afternoon & evening. Jasper Dora and I spent the afternoon very pleasantly at Aunt Maria's home at 8 o'clock. Jasper is asleep and I soon. must follow his example. The close of another week reminds me how rapidly time is passing away. O! that I might better improve it May the Lord prepare us for the Sabbath of "Eternal rest".

18th The Sabbath School closed not as interestingly as last year. Prizes distributed. Mr Landon preached an interesting sermon. Good Prayer Meeting in the evening. Many out. Jasper at home sick.

19th A very pleasant day. I did not feel very well in the morning. but done the washing and cleaning. not so tired as sometimes

20th Another pleasant day. done the ironing and worked some in the gardens. Jasper and I went to Mr Smith's in the evening. had a good visit.

21st Fine still. Heman and Arthur came down in the forenoon to dinner also Mr Ott. I have not been well. taken cold

22nd Beautiful weather. A Mr Smith here to dinner. My cold worse Prayer Meeting. rain when we came home. Nellie came home.

23rd A rainy day. Done a good deal of baking Mr Ryerson & Mr Spottiswoode here. quite sick at night hot foot bath & hot tea. have got no sewing done this week.

24th Rain is over but cloudy & chilly Mr S. here yet. feel almost to ill to be up. My cold is very bad. nevertheless went to Covenant Meeting. truly we had a good Meeting Mr Smith received for baptism. Elder Patton here. Mr Spottiswoode went away on the evening train.

25th Very pleasant in the morning but cloudy after a while. A crowded house Elder Patton preached about the "Fountain opened in the House of David" Mr Smith baptized. many here to dinner The Communion also here. Aunt & Lottie staid. full Prayer Meeting. Very tired.

26th Pleasant weather. Aunt went home in the Morning. went Missionary collecting in the afternoon. succeeded very well Pa and Newton went to Woodstock.

27th Fine yet. Washed in the forenoon. Mr Riendean came on the 11 o'clock train. Jasper went with him to Drumbo in the afternoon returned will stay to-night. Mr Bent here too. Lottie went home. My cold is better.

28th Pleasant and growing warmer. Mr Riendean went away Mrs Longstreet here sewing. I have sewed quite steady to-day and am pretty tired. am getting better. Jasper has gone to the School House to Prayer Meeting.

29th A very pleasant day bright and warm. sewed till 3 oclock took tea at Mrs Howel's Prayer Meeting in the evening.

30th Rain, rain all day a drizzling rain took up the carpet and cleaned all day. am real tired but have finished and feel satisfied. with my days work.

31st Cloudy and cold but no rain have cut out Dora's dress & cloak. The week is ended. Good Night.

November 1st Rather pleasant but cold Mr Landon preached a very impressive excellent sermon. I felt it was indeed good to wait in the Lord's House more out than usual and all very attentive. may the words of encouragement and warning be not forgotten. Prayer Meeting in the evening a good deal disturbed by ill disposed noisy loafers.

2nd Washed and got done before dinner. rain afternoon & evening Mr Kipp's here to practise in the evening.

3rd Nellie and I went to Woodstock a very cold ride took dinner at Lissa's went up town in the afternoon Miss Claxton with us. Nellie at Institute and I at Lissa's at night.

4th Came home from Woodstock not so cold as yesterday. very tired hardly feel able to move.

5th Rained during the night clearing up pleasant this morning cleaning during the forenoon and marking Dora's cloak in the afternoon went to Prayer Meeting at night.

6th Alternate rain, snow and

sunshine during the forenoon. very pleasant in the afternoon have been colouring, and to night cut Cabbage for sour krout. feel tired.

7th neglected to write

7 8 th Father came on the morning train staid till evening rainy. braiding Dora's cloak.

8th Sunday. no preaching in the morning Jasper and Mother went to Princeton. no Meeting. Jasper went in the afternoon to hear Mr Moshier I went to Prayer Meeting in the Evening.

9th Washed and done some colouring too much for one day very tired. weather pleasant. Jasper went to Princeton in the evening

10th finished braiding Dora's cloak very cold. freezing.

11th Thanksgiving Day. Nellie came home Miss Claxton with her very cold and cloudy. They went back on the evening train.

12th A little warmer. working at Dora's cloak still. went to Prayer Meeting Pa & Newton went fishing. pleasant growing warmer.

13 14th quite warm working at Dora's cloak done the cleaning in the Evening

14th Rain all day. warm more like April than November. finished Dora's cloak it has been a long job.

15th Sunday cloudy but no rain till afternoon Mr Landon gave us

a good sermon. May it be blessed Prayer Meeting at Mr Longstreet's considerably disturbed The great {evening} seems rallying all his forces to fight against the truth; But He who is for us is greater than he who is against us.

16th Dark and cloudy all day but warm. Made Dora an apron. Mr Chesny and Montgomery here to dinner

17th A very beautiful day clear, and so warm. like summer. These lovely Autumn days are very delightful They are like the calm golden days of a good man's Evening of life. I washed and in the afternoon cut and fixed Ida's & Eva's cloaks in the evening we met for Practise. a pleasant day indeed Wrote to Alonzo in Cleveland.

18th Another very beautiful day. what glorious weather. feel better in health than usual.

19th Still very fine warm, bright, lovely. worked very hard at Turban's for Ida and Eva; did not go to Prayer Meeting that I might finish them hurt my eyes and feel I did not do right in so overtaxing my strength. Resolved I will not stay home from Prayer Meeting again for such a purpose. I am too anxious about what shall we wear and how shall we appear in the eyes of man. it would be better to sew less; and atand more to my health. the mental & moral training of my child; and visit my neighbours when visits might be a blessing.

20th cloudy during the forenoon but gloriously bright this afternoon.

have been baking cleaning and doing odd jobs.

21st Still very pleasant Mrs Shannon here to dinner. All but Ma went to Covenant Meeting. A good Meeting Elder Patton here to night. A beautiful moonlight night.

22nd A Pleasant Sabbath. Elder Patton preached from the words. "By His {stripes} we are healed: Communion after. a quiet afternoon. A sweet & solemn meeting in the Evening. Truly it is good to meet for Prayer.

23rd Still delightful weather. pretty cold. Elder Patton went home. Pa & Mr Beamer went out gathering up something for Mr Longstreet's (they are very poor.) succeeded pretty well. My Brith-day am 28 years old.

24th rained all day. but not very cold. Mrs Swartz came to wash. I worked at Dora's dress. Mr Edwards came at night for practise. feel very tired; but I am getting stronger

25th A beautiful morning. Mrs Charlesworth and children took the train for Toronto. Jasper's birth-day he is 29 years old. Father & Newton to dinner. I went with them to Woodstock and Jasper & Dora came up at night. All staid at Lissa's. very cold in the afternoon

26th Spent an hour at the Institute left Dora with Nellie. All went up to sign a quit claim Deed. took dinner at Lissa's nearly dark when we came home. roads very bad. Went to Prayer Meeting too tired to be benefitted Dora's birth day She is 4 years old.

27th Very pleasant to-day. Father and Newton went home this forenoon have been doing odd jobs about. feel tired from my yesterday's trip

28 Rain all day. Mother and Newton went away. Mr Shaw & Robert here all day. done up some mending and jobbing

29th Sunday. very cold but sunshine. Jasper and I walked to Meeting Pa & Dora kept house. A good sermon subject- "We ought to obey God rather than man". I did not go to Prayer Meeting

30th very cold but clear. Mother and Newton came home. Pa sick. I made Dora a dress Heman called. The last day of fall Time is fast bearing us onward and 31st God grant upward to our long home. many pleasant days this month and some rainy ones but altogether a very delightful fall.

December 1863

1st Cold but rather pleasant. Pa sick all day. Mother not well. I braided on Dora's dress. very tired. A good practise in the evening.

2nd Pa still sick. weather moderating worked at Dora's dress.

3rd A very beautiful day. not cold but and clear and pleasant. Uncle & Aunt Eakins made a visit took dinner. finished Dora's dress. her suit is now completed it has been too much work. I feel it has been time and strength wasted and I feel I have neither to spare uselessly. baking &c nearly made a shirt for Jasper. went to Prayer Meeting too tired and weary to get a blessing Resolved I will not again work so hard I cannot enjoy the Prayer Meeting

4th A beautiful day warm like spring. A Glorious day for December Washed some done the cleaning and coloured some a very busy day and feel rather tired. but not so much so as when I sew hard. Newton sick. wrote to Mrs Wolverton.

5th Cold to-day and growing colder trying to snow but too cold to succeed very well. A great change in temperature since yesterday. have made the waist of a print dress for myself and done some chores. am pretty tired as usual.

6th A very beautiful day but cold The "United Brethern" opened their new Chapel Three sermons Mr. Ploughman in the morning Mr Landon in the afternoon and Mr Sherk at night; too much bustle and confusion to seem like God's, holy, quiet, Sabbath.

7th Another beautiful day. finished my print dress. Mr Still here tonight A pleasant man.

8th Very pleasant still. Mrs Swartz washed. have cut out a black & white orleans dress for myself and finished a Garabaldi for Dora. have not worked very hard and consequently feel quite comfortable. Are going up to Mr Kipps for practise to night

9th very cold. worked at my dress and ironed in the evening. done too much. shall not feel as well to-morrow.

10th Still very cold seems like winter in good earnest. finished ironing and worked at my dress not very well:

11th Still cold: frozen rain in the afternoon. Nellie came home. finished my dress done the cleaning and baking.

12th rain all day. weather warm. a regular thaw out and break up. Worked very hard at a dress for Nellie. my eyes feel the effect of so much sewing.

13th unceasing rain all night and rainy and misty all day. went to hear Mr Landon not many out very uncomfortable day. Pa sick. Prayer Meeting at Mr Longstreets

14th rain till afternoon and then snow very stormy day. Newton's birth day. father here to dinner. he took Mary Longstreet home with him. Nellie went back finished her dress. cut & fixed Lissa's sacque. tired Dora sick

15th Dora sick all night a good deal of fever. Heman & Mr Kipp to dinner. Jasper killed the pigs. done some mending. and embroidered a width for Dora's skirt.

16th Very cold almost sleighing Pa and Ma called at Mr Landon's Dora still sick. went up to Mr Kipp's for practise. Calista sick

17th A very storming day snow rain and sleet. quilted a skirt for Dora besides a good many odd jobs. Jasper has gone to a consultation Meeting with regard to the new Chapel. Dora better to-day.

18th A pleasant day some snow and some wind. washed and cleaned and was very busy. pretty tired.

19th A stormy day went to covenant Meeting with the sleigh not many out Heman supplies Elder Patton appointments this time. Met in the new Chapel very comfortable. Called on Mrs Landon in the evening another week gone with the rest.

20th A pleasant winter's day. An excellent sermon subject. "The Bride the Lamb's wife" tolerable sleighing Heman and Betsy Kipp to dinner all but Dora and I went to hear Mr Moshier in the afternoon; and Heman preached again in the evening a funereal sermon very pleasant evening.

21st Jasper and Pa went to Brantford some snow and some rain Heman here to night.

22nd Heman went home. baked in the forenoon. some snow. good sleighing. Commenced a flannel shirt for Newty.

23rd finished Newty's shirt and cut out two more it is not hard to work for him. dear brother went for a ride in the evening Jasper Dora and I. called and got Mrs Landon and Lucy. called at Mr Cowan's a glorious night bright moonlight cold and clear The snow glistened in the moonbeams till it was like a world of diamonds

24th finished another shirt for Newty done the cleaning and odd jobs preparatory for Christmas a beautiful day very cold but so pure and clear. went to Prayer Meeting a good time.

25th Christmas. and a glourious day. cold clear sunshine and excellent sleighing. very much disapointed Newty did not come. Jasper Newton and I went to Woodstock a beautiful ride took dinner at Lissa's Nellie & Lizzie Claxton there. went for a ride in the afternoon over took a funereal procession Som one going to their long home. followed by mourning friends. all are not enjoying a festive day but sorrow still reigns called at the Institute. In the evening went to a Tea Meeting staid till eight o'clock and came home just at ten pretty cold and pretty tired so ends this Christmas day of 1863. Will we all see the end of Christmas 1864.?

26th Still fine weather and still some sleighing left. nearly finished another shirt for Newty and sent them by Lissa. they came down this morning and all here to dinner. storm in the evening

27th Sabbath snow in the forenoon went to Princeton to Church. subject the "Prodigal's Son". Mr Landon preached in the new Chapel in the afternoon. Prayer Meeting in the evening.

28th Rain, Rain and sleet. all day. very unpleasant. made a shirt for Jasper and am very tired have a bad cold.

29th A little colder but not freezing much. sloppy sleighing. baking and ironing all day. A good practise in the evening.

30th Freezing again. sleighing pretty good. Jasper had the thrashing done to-day a very busy day. cleaning cooking &c Lissa and family called intending to stay all night but George Emma & Mr Bodman came on the evening train. and they went up to Mr Kipp's. sorry to have them go. but it seemed best. wish we had a home of our own to accomodate our friends

31st George Mr Bodman and Nelle left this morning for Buffalo a cold East wind. snow in the afternoon and rain at night. Emma and I went calling in the afternoon a pleasant time. Lizzie Claxton and Mr Ballantine came on the train Mrs Wolverton and Newty came before tea A quiet little Prayer Meeting at night

January 1st 1864

A very cold blustering New - Years day. a house full of Company a good deal of work to do. but got through with it pretty well. A Lunch at twelve and dinner at 5. The young people went for a ride after dinner and Newty froze his ears. Extremely cold God pity the poor.

2nd Very, Very cold no such weather last winter. Newty and Mrs Wolverton went home after dinner I hope they will not freeze. I was sory to see them leave but we have a good many here. I feel pretty well to-day Lord help me to be thankful for thy preserving care. May we all be better and wiser than the last year Mr Ballantyne went home on the evening train Accomodation did not come till 10 o clock

3rd Sabbath very cold. one would soon freeze to-day. Pa Jasper, Emma, Lizzie Dora and I went up to Mr Moshier's Meeting Expected George and Nellie would have been here to-day. Went to Prayer Meeting in the evening. cold and icy. How good to have a warm comfortable home. May we be thankful.

4th Weather more moderate. but still too cold to snow. Town Meeting All but me went out in the afternoon George came on the 5 o'clock train Nellie will come tomorrow with Mr & Mrs Bodman. Lizzie disapointed Mr B{ea}rs here.

5th A pleasant day but very cold George, Emma, Jasper, and I went out in the afternoon took tea at Mr Hersay's. Mr and Mrs Bodman Edward, and Nellie came on the 8 o clock train. A pleasant evening

6th Very fine winter weather. good sleighing. quite a falling off in our family to-day George, Emma Mr & Mrs Bodman Edward, Lizzie and Nellie all left on the 11 o'clock train Nellie and Lizzie for School and the rest for the west. and Mr Be{a}rs went tonight. Jasper is away to-day collecting something for Longstreets

7th A little colder I think. knit all day on Mother's Soutag. Went to Prayer Meeting at night.

8th Pa and I went to Brantford very cold coming home.

9th froze in the house last night weather increasing in severity. Pa succeeded in getting a good coat yesterday from Mr Cockshut and another from Mr Foster for Mr Longstreet How good they will be this cold weather.

10th Still cold no Service in the morning a little Prayer Meeting in the afternoon and in the evening the regular Prayer Meeting here. Called in this forenoon at Aunt's and Mr Kipp's.

11th Pleasant weather busy day, practise in the evening

12th Not so cold but an unpleasant south wind Jasper & I went out to Mr Smith's in the morning, (they are poor and in trouble) and Dora & I called at Mr Hall's sewed all the afternoon. some rain tonight.

13th Warmer to-day Jasper Newton and I went over to Mr Laycock's in the evening. pleasant visit Mr Wilson & daughter here to dinner

14th Ma & Pa went to Woodstock very warm. I am not well tonight. have been too busy to-day. Good Night.

15th Pa sick. snow storm, went up to Mr Kipp's to practise

16th A little colder. we have had fine, sleighing since the first snow came. finished Newty's shirt to-day have made him two pairs.

17th Went in the morning to hear Mr Moshier preach. Not well. Prayer Meeting here at night.

18th Snow this afternoon and still stormy to night. have finished up some jobs and made Dora an apron. Mother not well.

19th Snowed all night. nearly a foot of snow this morning. A fearful storm. snow and high winds all day nobody out. roads full of snow. God pity the "poor". These fearful storms.

20th As calm this morning as a sleeping babe. Earth has such a pure white robe. unsullied by foot of man. such beautiful snow drifts but it is like human life soon to pass away. people are out with shovels teams &c to make roads. the afternoon truly beautiful bright sunshine and not very cold. to night is our Missionary Meeting Mr Shrimpton & Mr Ratcliffe here. Heman and Nellie came down from Woodstock. Mr Smith and daughter here to tea. all went to Meeting but Mother and Dora. a beautiful night but roads not well brokin so many could not come but notwithstanding adverse circumstances the Meeting was a successful one Good speaking. Good singing. and pretty good attendance and collection $4.15

21st A pleasant day. Nellie went to School. Pa took Mr Shrimpton to Drumbo after dinner. I did not go to Prayer Meeting. at night.

22nd Still pleasant. Ironing &c all day. Mr & Mrs Landon spent the evening with us. I finished Mother's Soutag. H & J {indecipherable} here to dinner.

23rd A disagreable South wind. Thawing a good deal. The deep snow is fast disapearing I hope it may not all go. very busy during the forenoon. Went to Covenant Meeting in the afternoon Elder Patton with us had a good meeting A Resolution was passed that as the "Bretheren" are not willing we should use this new Chapel {and} next appointment be in the School House.

24th Sabbath. All went to Church. Elder Patton gave us an excellent sermon subject "Be not weary in well doing &c" Good attendance

after Service the Communion. A very pleasant day. Thawing very fast. Prayer Meeting here in the evening a full room and interesting Meeting. A very pleasant Sabbath day.

25th Very warm almost like April sleighing becoming poor. Pa & Ma went to Uncle Jame's this evening received a letter from Alonzo. he has enlisted for three years in the 20th Regiment Ohio "Volunteer Artilery" May the Lord keep him in peace." he wrote from Columbus Ohio.

26th A little colder than yesterday but still thawing. Mr & Mrs Snider and Mr & Miss Steele here to dinner feel very nervous and weary to-night have got but little work done to-day Jasper & Dora are both asleep, and I too must woo "tired Nature's sweet restorer, Balmy sleep"

27th Father & Mother away all day. attending a Donation party for Elder Haviland. Solon Eakins here to tea. very warm like summer Sleighing all gone. a comfortable day.

28th called at Mrs Landon's and old Mr Milmines. warm and thawing yet. very busy remoddeling my steel silk. ironed in the evening did not go to Prayer Meeting.

29th Growing colder. finished my dress & finished ironing. attended Calista's Birth-day party at night a vy large party. Nellie & Lizzie came home with us.

30th A very dull day after last nights dissipation Nellie & Lizzie went back on the cars. Jasper went to Drumbo and will not be home till tomorrow slept a little and worked a little and felt very blue

31st A very damp disagreeable day. Pa and Dora went to Meeting. I staid at home all day. Jasper away. 'tis lonesome without him. Prayer Meeting {tired} in the evening


1st Rain sleet, chilliness and cold all day Jasper not well. I have made Newton a vest. am very tired. but I must apply myself there is so much sewing to do. what a world of weariness.

2nd A pleasant day clear. thawing in the middle of the day. have nearly made a vest for Pa. and am wearied my eyes are sore. and I must not sew so much. anymore

3rd A little colder. trying to snow but not succeeding. finished Pa's vest and commenced a pair of Pants for him a more comfortable day than yesterday

4th Pleasant Pa & Ma went to Mr Kipp's to dinner. I did not sew any. eyes sore. Mr Far to dinner

5th Pa and Jasper went to Woodstock and I went to Mary Janes Stam{per}'s had a pleasant visit. Dora at Aunt's. Lottie came down.

6th Snowed during the forenoon. nearly finished the Pants. a house full of company at night Father his wife, and her brother & Sister and Newty. Sleighing again.

7th Sunday weather very pleasant. very busy in the morning so may hem. all went to hear Mr Landon preach in the School House good sermon and good attendance (Dora is bothering me so I cant write) All went home after dinner. Pray Meeting here in the evening Mr & Mrs Landon came.

8th Snowed considerable last night. and some during the day. Mr Montgomery and Mr Coutts here to breakfast. busy with my garden seeds. my eyes painful.

9th very busy cleaning &c. company in the evening. got up a nice supper for some of the poor families about us. They seemed to enjoy themselves I hope they did my eyes are bad. real cold winter weather

10th Very cold. but not unpleasant. have been knitting to-day. A letter from Alonzo. he is at Chattanooga Tenn. and is well. have answered his letter to-day. Newton went to Wolverton to-day.

11th Still cold but warmer towards night. My eye better. Newton came home. Ironed all the evening.

12th A very pleasant day. Mother and Newton went to Brantford. Aunt & Lissa and Mr & Mrs Vandecar here nearly all day. I was very busy. Aunt staid. Jasper went to Princeton to drill in the evening.

13th Saturday night the weary week is ended. It has been a fine day. Thawing a good deal. I am tired and sleepy. Jasper has gone to see Mr Nelms. Aunt is here yet. Pa is sick. Such is life.

14th Sunday went to hear Mr Moshier. Jasper took Aunt home I staid to Class Meeting. very cold. Prayer Meeting here in the evening.

15th a Pleasant day. have been knitting all day.

16th very cold and wind. snowed some last night. a very cold blustering snowy day. but few out to-day. Jasper went with Mr Hall to Mr Trimbles about Marshalls affair with Faucett.

17th Another very stormy day and very very cold almost like New Years. I could hardly keep warm in the house. sewing all day.

18th Fine and calm this morning after the storm The sun shines and it looks beautiful out. but it is very cold. snow towards night. all the men away to the trial between Faucett and Marshall. No prayer Meeting. sewed all day. feel pretty well. James Danson to dinner.

19th Still very cold. done up the weeks cleaning. a quiet pleasant day. wrote to Newton. Nellie & Miss Steel came on the evening train

20th A great deal warmer. All but Pa went to Covenant Meeting in the afternoon Delia Melissa and Elder Patton here all night. Nellie and Miss Steel went back to Woodstock in the evening.

21st Elder Patton preached at 10.o clock a crowded house. and Mr Lince preached in the evening. so ends this Sabbath quite warm but poor sleighing.

22nd Warm a little snow & a little rain in the morning and then sunshine. Mrs Howell Miss Smith and Mr & Mrs Shannon here to tea. not very well to-day.

23rd Warm like April. no sleighing Mrs Swartz washed. I am not very well. Jasper very busy in the Shop.

24th Still warm & soft. have been quilting to-day Mrs & Mr Harper to dinner Pa went to Woodstock Ellie Layton and her husband came in the evening train

25th Colder. Snowed during the forenoon. Mr Kipp came for Ellie and her husband after dinner went to Prayer Meeting and was not sorry. I went.

26th Cold to-day but no more snow. have been very busy quilting & ironing to-day Jasper went to Princeton to drill in the evening & brot home his uniform

27th Intended to have gone to Wolverton to-day but Dora was not well in the morning and it stormed in the afternoon feel disapointed. have been knitting to-day.

28th Thawed a good deal in the middle of the day. Jasper Dora & I went to hear Mr Moshier. a good sermon. Prayer Meeting at Mr Howel's in the evening. 29th Cold & snow in the morning pleasant in the afternoon. Dora and I went up to see Henrietta & her children Lissa & Delia here a very pleasant visit. Newton went to Brantford on the 5 o clock train in hopes he may do well.

March 1864

1st Cold but pleasant. cleaned the Parlor and Newton's room. had Mr Selly & Mrs Swartz to help. so tired I could not sleep.

2nd. Cold & blustering had the book case & cupboard moved. very busy. very tired. Mrs Howell & Mrs Castleman to Tea. went to Aunt's for a drive in the evening. pleasant. Jo came.

4th very pleasant warmer. Pa Ma & Dora went to Princeton in the morning. Jasper went to Drill in the evening & I staid with Mrs Landon. 5th raining all day very unpleasant cleaned my room. very tired and ill.

6th A fine morning Mr Landon preached. very muddy

7th Another fine morning warm & bright. Mrs Bastedo came. will board here till she finds another place. Dora & I went home with Heman in the afternoon. roads very muddy.

8th Lissa & I went up town. after dinner called at the Institute Nelle & Lizzie went with us to tea. a warm day. so like spring.

9th Dora & I took dinner at the Institute. Lissa came & took us to the Station with the buggy. found all well on our arrival home. and a letter from Alonzo. he is well.

10th cold and some rain this morning. damp and unpleasant during the day. sewed for Newton.

11th rain, rain, all night and so far all day this will take the frost all out. Wrote to Uncle Silas Jasper went to Drill in the evening

12th A pleasant day. Mrs Bastedo away to-day. Wrote to Nellie. Ironed all the afternoon Mr Landon called. Jasper & I called on Mrs Castleman in the evening.

13th A cold wind to-day walked up to hear Mr Moshier. The roads frozen. I staid with Dora in the evening. Not very well

14th A pleasant day. some sunshine. baked & ironed.

15th Walked up to Aunt's did not get very tired a good vsiit. called at Henrietta's. walked down to Mr Kipp's Jasper & Mr Edmond's came & we had a practise. a cold day & some snow.

16th Another cold day. Snow & wind.

17th Pleasant in the morning, but very cold & stormy before night. washed & cleaned. wrote to Alonzo. went to Prayer Meeting

18th Snowed & blew all night a terrible storm this morning snow & wind. real winter again. calm towards night Jasper went to drill

19th A fine bright morning. almost snow enough for sleighing. All but Granma & Dora went to Covenant Meeting. Mr & Mrs Castleman received {by} letter

20th Very cold neither sleighing or wheeling a good sermon for Elder Patton. housefull at Prayer Meeting at night good time

21st still very cold froze up the pumps last night. Wrote to Mary Jane. Practise here in the evening. my eyes are very weak

22nd Still very cold. Pa & Ma went to Aunts to visit the girl came.


23rd A bright morning. but so cold. real winter. sent a paper to Alonzo. warmer in the middle of the day. Mr Vandecar to dinner & James Danson to tea.

24th Father & wife here to dinner & went home with them stoped at Mrs Landon's to tea Met Aunt Wolverton there. unpleasant.

25th Visited the graves of my loved ones at Wolverton. Dora with me. talked with Newty. he has I trust been brought to a saving knowledge of the truth. May the Lord keep him from falling into sin.

26th Jasper came. roads very bad.

27th Sabbath we came home it looked so much like rain did not stop to Meeting. am very tired. Prayer Meeting here. felt the Lord was with us

28th Still fine weather. Mrs Shaw, children and a friend spent the day with us. 29th Rain all day till noon do not feel well. A great snow storm this afternoon & evening

30th Sent a paper to Mrs. W. Snow 6 inches deep this morning.

31st dreadful roads. neither sleighing wheeling nor walking quite warm the snow will soon melt away. Prayer Meeting in the Shop. Mrs Howell very sick. I feel better

April 1st A cold East wind I have been helping Maggie clean. feel tired and have taken some cold.

2nd Not well. weather still dully & unpleasant.

3rd Sunday. Mr Landon preached roads very bad. not many out. U. B. had service at the same time.

4th A bright beautiful morning. A letter from Alonzo he is at Chattanooga still & well. I am better

5th A damp day. Mother went to Woodstock. A letter from Emma Maggie sick. Heman to dinner. feel pretty well.

6th Wrote to Father & Newty. Nellie came. Not as well. Called on Mrs Millmine Mrs Howell & Mrs Castleman.

7th Fine weather. warm. Mrs Fitch to dinner & Tea. Called on Mrs Cowan. Prayer Meeting in the house {Moss} lived in

8th A fine morning Nellie away. Lizzie came. Heman to dinner

9th Raining. feel so sad & weary. because we have no home of our own. increasing rain all day. Jasper went for Nellie. Wrote to Alonzo. Week ends

10th Rain, all day. I did not go out. till Prayer Meeting at night

11 Cloudy in the morning but fine before night Mrs Cowan Mrs Tenny and children spent the afternoon with us. Heman called.

12th Wrote to Newty. Nellie & Lizzie went to Woodstock. Some rain Lucy & Jennie Landon here to tea. I have not been very well to-day.

13th 4 inches snow this morning & still snowing what funny weather

14. Snow all gone. a pleasant day. have sewed all day. am better.

15 Rainy in morning. Pleasant afternoon Jasper went to drill.

16 Fine bright morning. My Eyes are better. feel Thankful All went to Covenant Meeting but me. Newton here. he went over to Mr Fitche's after tea.

17. Sunday a beautiful day. Heman preached. a full house. Prayer Meeting crowded at night. Newty spoke of the Goodness of God.

18. A delightful day. Heman & Newty went away early this morning Newty has gone to School. May he prosper. Alonzo has offered to send him mony. May God bless my brothers. I gave Newty $2 My PO. Money, for last {?r}. Father & Heman came on the 5 o'clock train Heman went back on the 8 train. Father is just from the West.

19th Cold chilly winds Father went away this morning. gave me $4 for Newty. Papers from Alonzo. mailed at Chattanooga.

20th Fine morning but cold for the season. Wrote to Alonzo. Mrs Milmine & Mrs Starr here to tea. had pleasant visit. Fine Moonlight night

21st Truly a delightfull morning. Looks like Spring in earnest. Gramma and Dora went to Beachville on the cars 'tis very quiet without Dora

22nd Another beautiful morning. birds singing. Sun Shining. & Garden Mu{lx}ing

23rd A warm quiet rain. Pa went fishing. No Success. Gramma McMaster came. Gramma & Dora did not come. feel very ill.

24th Still rainy. Did not go out till Evening. Jasper & Mrs Bastedo went to Presbyterian Church. The rest to hear Mr Moshir Mrs Cowan to dinner

25th Very rainy till afternoon Gramma McMaster went away. Gramma & Dora came on the 5 o'clock train. Mrs Howell & Castleman to tea.

26 A very fine day sick in the forenoon. Worked in the Garden in the afternoon and spent the evening at Mr Hull's Jasper and I. very tired walking. sent a letter to Emma. 27th Rain this morning. Pa went to Brantford. spent the evening at Mr Beamer's. has grown very cold.

28th A bright morning but cold. Jasper went to Brantford A letter from Alonzo

29th Very pleasant day. have been working in the garden for several days. Wrote to Alonzo. 30th felt very sick most of the day - sewed some rainy towards night. Heman & Mr Montgomery called

May 1st Pretty cold. Sabbath School opened. crowded house Mr Landon preached his farewell Sermon. large audience. pleasant day

2nd rainy this morning. turned to Snow. Several inches before night Heman & Montgomery called. 3rd looks real wintery this morning. A letter from Alonzo. Dora got a paper from Aunt Emma with some pretty trimming for her pantees. A Man killed last night in Mr Laycock's Mill. poor Man. James called

4th A fine morning. Snow has all disapeared. So warm & nice Wandering about most all day after Greens. Wintergreens Hemlock &c to make beer. Very tired but am the better for being out. Mrs Landon called.

5th A Glorious Morning. very warm. A Mr Maguire here all day. Mrs Cowan called. too tired to sleep at night. Made my beer.

6th A beautiful Summer Morning so warm & soft and balmy. Sick all day. Mother went to Woodstock. 7th Rainy in the morning but pleasant before night. Sowed flower seeds. Pansy. Sweet Peas. Pink {China} M{ign)onette Ph{indecipherable}santo E{indecipherable}. Hawks Eye Stock. Aster. Perilla. Petunia. Scabious. Candy Tuft. &c

8th Sunday rain in the morning early. fine for School. More rain in the afternoon but fine for Prayer Meeting. pleasant day.

9th Jasper went to Paris. Mother went to Uncle Eakins. Jasper got me a nice lot of Plants. 10th Rain all day. house cleaning. 11th Cleaning Still

12th fine Morning. beautiful day. house cleaning still. very. very tired.

13. Ma & Pa went to Brantford. S{ouse} rain.

{Scribbling at top of page and through the body - probably by Dora}

== Received 1863 == 15 23

May 14th Nellie and Heman came. Went to Covenant Meeting. 15th Sunday. Annual Meeting of S.S. interesting time. Elder Patton preached. house crowded. he is to come again in two weeks. 31st May Month ends these last two weeks have been very pleasant. I have worked a good deal in the garden & done considerable sewing. have felt ill a good deal of the time. Went to Woodstock Queen's birthday and staid with Lissa three days had a pleasant visit. This Diary is full. It has lasted two years. I will commence another May it record more virtues and Grothe in Grace and truth. May the Lord teach us his Wisdom's ways. Good Bye. Old Journal.
Oct for Cooper work 4/- $0.50
nov 23rd forCooper work 7/- $0.88
Nov 24 for Cooper work 24/- $3.00
Dec 1 for Cooper work 25/- $3.13
Dec 31 for Cooper work 8/- $1.00

Expenditures of 1863

Jan 9th Expenses to & from Woodstock $0.50
Jan 9th Dora's Book 1/- 0.13
Jan 9th Spent 8/- 1.00
Jan 9th Fine Comb 1/8 0.20
Jan 19 3/4 yd drab cotton for waist 1/4 0.13
Jan 19 1/4 yd Muslin for Dora 2/6 0.08
Jan 19 4 yds silk to flounce steel silk dress 3.60
Jan 19 Cloak & trimmings 6.50
Jan 20 Hoop skirt 4/- 0.50
Jan 20 Hank for Jasper 4/- 0.50
Feb 7th Over Shoes for Mother 6/- 0.75
Feb 7th Stillettoes 1/- 0.13
Feb 7th Delaine for Dora's dress 0.23
Feb 19 Waist Linings 2/8 0.33
Feb 19 Postage 10 (24th) Postage 10 0.20
Feb 19 Hymn Book for Lottie 4/- 0.50
Feb 28 In Collection for Communion Services 0.50
March 6 Postage 5 B.H. Mission 25 0.30
March 11 Postage 10. Print for Apron 1/6 0.28
Amt forwarded $16.36
March 13th For B. H. Mission 0.25
March 16 Cotton for Skirt 0.88
March 17 Apron for Dora 1/6 0.18
March 18 Postage 15 cts 0.15
March 23 Mending shoes 3/- Batting 9d 0.47
March 22 For Grand Ligne Mission 2/- 0.25
March 24 Postage 15 cts. 0.15
Feb 13 In Collection at Missionary Meeting 1.75
March 26th 2 1/4 yds Print for Dora 1/4 0.40
April 2 6 yds Print 1/- Watch Crystal 1.00
April 6 Mending boots & shoe 0.88
April 7 Waylands Moral Science 1.25
April 23 Expenses to & from Woodstock 0.75
Godey's Book for May 0.25
Postage 0.25
April 29 Hat. Suit of clothes 12.00
Toilet sett $2.25 2.25
Dr Rosebengh's Pill $10 10.00
Postage 10 cts 0.10
May 7 Furniture from Brantford 13.00
Bonnet $4. Hat 1.47. Shoes 8/- 6.47

375 40 415

Amt Forwarded $69.04
May 7 Gloves 14/- Hose 2/- 2.00
Silk 1/9. Parasol 11/- Plume 60. 2.18
x Vases 7/- Wool 2/- Ribbon 2/6. 1.44
Expenses at Brantford 6/- 0.75
Sundries 45. Table $5 5.45
Expenses at Paris 10. Postage 15 0.25
Comb 17 cts Ribbon 20 cts 0.37
Stockings 2/- Wool for matts 2/6 0.56
26 Tooth brush 1/8 nail brush 1/8 0.42
Shoes for Jasper $2 2.00
June 2 Spent 4/- Watch cord 2/- 0.75
4 Hat $3.75. trimming for cape 40 cts 4.15
5 Postage 10 cts. Postage 20. 0.30
16 Cotton for waist 2/- S.S.C.5. 0.30
18 Gloves 2/- Sleeves for Lissa 2/8 Postage 5 0.64
Expenses and donations at St George 1.50
30 Postage 25 Postage 10 0.35
July 3 Miniature 4/- Cloth for Newty 12/6 2.06
from P.O.D. $1.56 $94.51
1863 Amt Forwarded $92.95
June Jasper's Slippers 6/- 0.75
July Boots $2. Postage 5. Pic Nic 2/- 2.30
Linen for Pants 8/- Lace 1/6 1.18
Mick Tracy 8/- 1.00
25 Hankerchiefs 2/6. 6 yds Cotton 1/2. 1.18
August 5 Postage 17 cts Collars for J. 1.37
20th Tassel and braid 5/- 0.63
Ribbon for dora 1/6
Aug 31st 10 yds Print 1/6 1.88
12 yds Delaine 2/- Stamping 1/- 3.13
Braid 4/- Lining 8/- Postage 15 1.65
Expenses at the Falls 3.66
Sept Wool & Yarn for Dora 10/10 1.35
Needles 1/3 Hanks 8/- 1.15
Street Car Tickets 4/- 0.50
Pins 4d Silk 4/4 Hat 80 cts 1.38
Frill 9d Vases 1/3 Mitts & Necktie 4/- 0.74
Book 2/- Tune book 1/3 Ribbon 7d 0.48
Reticule 10/- Bonnar's books 80 cts 2.05
Washing 1/- Medicine 1/- letters 6d 0.30
Dr Rosebrugh's bill $10 10.00




Forwarded $129.43
Sept Rail Road Fare $2 Cab 3/- 2.38
Shoes for Dora 6- Postage 40 cts 1.02
Oct 9 Expenses to & from Paris 8/- 1.00
14 10 yds Alpacca 2/- 2.50
3 3/4 yds Merino 7/- Silk 4/1 3.79
Balmoral $1.65 1.65
Braid & linings 10/- 1/1 0.25
Grand Ligne Mission 8/- 1.00
B. H. Mission 4/- 1.50
U. B. Mission 3/3 0.41
Nov 4th Stamping & Pattern 1/3 0.15
Spent 3/- Postage 20 cts 0.58
Nov 26 Rubber ball 15 cts Buttons 10. 0.25
Boots for Jasper $4 4.00
Dec 21 5 yds Cotton flannel 2/-. 1.25
Shoes for Dora 12/- 1.50
25 Gloves 8/- Tea Meeting 4/- 1.50
Expenses for 1863. $154.14

Expenses for 1864.

Jan 6th Socks for Jasper 3/ $0.38
6 Yarn from Mr Mrs Smith 6/- 0.75
8 Shoes for myself $2.75 less 1/- 2.63
8 Comb 3/- Collars 6/- Wool 3/- 1.50
8 Buttons 16 cts. Apron for Dora 3/- 0.54
20 Baptist Home Mission 6/- 0.75
30 Apron for Dora 3/- 0.38
Feb 6 Repairing Watch 10/- 1.25
11 Postage 10 cts 5 yds Cotton 10 cts 0.60
Waist 2/- Postage 5. Wool 2/- 0.55
March 8. Spent 2/- R.R. Fare 2/- B. Freeman 8/- 1.50
12 Postage 10 cts Collection for U.B. 10. 0.20
17 Postage 10 cts. Tape 6d Spent 50 cts 0.66
April 1st 1 yd Dimity 3/- Apron for Dora 3/- 0.75
6 Cotton for Dora 2/- Postage 15 cts 0.40
11 Postage 10 Postage 5 cts. Spent for Newty 5/8 0.86
16 Jet Slide 30 cts. Tape 1/- 0.43
19 5 yds Cotton 1/1 Music 4/- Postage 10 1.28
May 3 11 yds Delaine 1/8 Lining 30 cts Braid 6d 2.62
Ribbons & Buttons 3/- Flowers & plants 6/- 1.13
Forwarded $19.14
May 13th Hat for Dora $/10 Gloves 2/- $1.35
Bonnet $3. Gloves 40 cts 3.40
Hoops 80 cts Ribbon for Hat .2/8 1.13
25. Bonnet & border 8/8 1.08
Jets 1/- Elastic 8d Biscuits 0.30
26 Ginger cakes 10d Veal 15 0.25
Asparagus 10d Postage 10d 0.20
June 1st Print dress $2. Donation 8/- 3.00
Stockings 2/- 3 3/4 yds Cotton 10d 0.62
Stockings for Dora 10d 0.10
Print dress for Dora 6/- 0.75
10 Pants for Jasper $2 1/2. Shoes $2 4.50
Hat 6/- Saque for Dora 8/- 1.75
3 yds Flannel 4/- 3 yds do 45 cts 2.85
Flannel 3/- Wool 1/- Frill 1/6. Trimming 6d 0.75
Brilliant 81 cts. Delaine 1/6. Gloves. 3/9 1.46
Silk Floss 4/- Hotel Fare 5/- 1.113
18 4 yds Muslin 2/- Hose 2/6. 1.31
21 Postage 10 cts. Hoops for Dora 2/- 0.35
Mending Shoes 2/- Postage 10 0.35

1.50 2.38

1.25 15


Forwarded $45.77
July 12th To 1 1/2 yd Flannel 5/- 0.94
July 20 Fan 2/6. Jasper's Boots $2.25 2.56
20 B. Cotton 4/- Muslin 2/- 0.75
B Cotton 5/- Aprons 3/- 1.00
Sept Vest. 2.50 Cotton Flannel 3.15
Brilliant 84 cts Diaper 1.68 2.52
Flannel 88. Shirts for Jasper 3.50 4.38
Sept 30 Postage 10. Picture Frame 2.75 2.85
Oct 1 Print for Dora apron 2/6. 0.31
Collection for Sabbath School 4/- 0.50
Oct 11 {To} Scarf 3/- Muslin 7/- 1.25
Wool Delaine 7/6 Braid 1/8 Floss 2/- 1.40
Stamping 1/3 Shoes for Dora 10/- 1.41
2 yds Lining 1/5 0.35
Oct 18 3 yds ribbon 1/- Gloves 4/- 0.63
Shirt for Jasper 19/- Postage 15. 2.53
12 yds Cobourgh 1/10 2.75
Oct 25 Postage 5 cts Postage 10 0.15
Nov 17 Postage 10 0.10
Dec 1 Ribbons 7d. Mending Shoes 1/6 1.39
18 Dr Scotts. Bill $6. Mending shoe. 1/6 6.18
18 82.84
Amt Forwarded $82.84
Dec. Mrs Heman's Poems 4/- 0.50
Postage 2/- 0.25
Expenses for 1864 $83.59
Expenses for 1865
Jan. 4th Pr Shoes 12/- Candies 15 cts $1.65
Lamp Chimney 7 cts 0.07
Trimming for Apron 4/- 0.50
Buttons 6d Wool Cape 10/- 1.30
Soleing Slippers 8/- Postage 15. 1.15
Feb 3 Grand Ligne Mission 4/- Buttons 8d 0.58
Baptist Home Mission 12/- 1.50
Dress lining & Syrup 5/- 0.63
21st Dress $4.50. Hoops 65 cts. 5.15
Combs 2/6 Wool Saque for baby 4/6 0.88
Wool 6 cts Cap peak 5 cts Fish 5. 0.16
March Pants for Jasper 2.63
April 1 Print dress $3.25 Gloves 3/- 3.63
2 yds Cotton 2/- 3 yds 2/- U.B. Mission 2/- 1.50
Forwarded $21.33
April Watch chain 6/8 0.20
April Apron & braid 3/- 0.38
April {Rattle box} for Clara 2/- 0.25
May 1st 2 yds Cotton 2/- for Dora 0.50
May 5 Delaine dress for Dora 7/- 0.88
May 8 Sponge 70 cts Rubber Ring 1/- 0.83
plants 2/- Envelopes 1/- 0.38
Pollock's "Course of time". 0.40
Expenses at Woodstock 0.75
May 12 2 yds Flannel 45 cts 0.90
2 1/4 yds Delaine 3/- Braid 6/- 1.59
2 yds Cotton Flannel 2/6 0.63
May 23rd Hat for Jasper $2 2.00
23rd Coat $2 Collars 78 cts 2.78
23rd Verbena 20 cts. 0.20
June 3 Shoes for Myself Dora & Clara 3.30
Expenses 10 cts Tooth brushes. 14 0.29
Stamping Clara's dress 1/- 0.13
Daisy 1/- Gladiolus 1/- 0.25
8 Photographs 2.28
Suit of clothes for Jasper 20.00
Amt Forwarded $59.72
June 8 Hat $2. Sack $2 1/2. Gloves $1. 5.50
Combs 7/- Dress 2.75
Shoes 6/- Gloves 15 cts Expenses 5/3 1.56
Ribbon for Watch 15 cts Stockings 4/- 0.65
Stockings for Dora 1/- Book binding 4/- 0.63
June 19 brilliant for Clara Aprons 2/- 0.25
buttons & lining 30 cts 1/6 0.50
shirts for Clara 2/- B. H. Mission 4/- 0.75
prizes for School 1/- Apron 4/- 0.63
Linen for aprons & braid 11/- 1.38
Aug 21st Sozodont 4/- Mirror 60 cts Hoops 35 1.45
1 1/2 yd Print 2/- border for bonnet 70. 1.08
Shoes 30. Scrap book 10/- Apples 8 1.60
Cleaning Bonnet 3/- 0.38
Veil 6/- Stamping 30 cts 1.05
Neck tie 20. Pocket Book 4/- 0.70
Tooth brush 2/- Collars 10 0.35
Fare to Hamilton $1.20 1.20
Cutting hair & shaving 1/6 Expenses 2/- 0.30
Sept 20 Fare to Ingersol. 60 Omnibus 2/- 0.85
{Sozodont was tooth powder}

{Delaine was a high grade woolen or worsted fabric} {4 additions of figures written at top of page}

Forwarded $83.28
Sept Expenses at Pt Burwell Ingersol &c 2.52
Oct Linen 6/- Bonnet $4 4.75
Flannel dress for Dora 1.35 1.35
Ribbon 35 cts Cloth dress. 7.66
Nov 2 Dress for Dora 12/6 Cloak for Clara 80. 2.36
Cotton Flannel 17/6. Scarf 8/- 3.18
Gaiters for Clara 0.30
2 3/4 yds red Flannel 3/5 1.17
Dec 4 Boots for Dora 11/- Shoes 12/- 2.88
Scarf 2/8. ribbon 45 Mitts 15 0.92
Delaine 80. Shoes 3/- Cape 65 1.83
Neck tie 1/6 Ball{aneson} Coat 4.50 4.69
Do{g} skin 4/- ring mended 2/- 0.75
ribbon 1/4 Hat 1/- 0.29
3 1/4 yds flannel 3/5 for Dora 1.38

{addition of figures at top of page and the number 13}

Jan 11th Saque $10 Cap 11/- Hoops 13/- $13.00
1 yd Flannel 5/6 4 1/2 yds do $2.44 3.03
Wool 7 cts Port Monaye 7/- 0.95
Pin 2/- Diary 3/- Hotel Fare 6/- 1.38
20 Jasper's boots $4. do for myself .2. 6.00
Aprons for Dora 10/- 1.25
Mending Shoes 4/- Flannel 3/- 0.88
Cotton $5. Print dress $2 7.00
Print for Clara 5/- Shoes 6/- 1.38
Rose bush and Dahlias 4/- Seeds 10d./td> 0.60
Elastic 19 cts .Hose 4/- 0.69
Print 15/- linon for Dora 70 cts 2.58
belt Buckle 4/- Seeds 10 cts 0.60
Stockings for Dora 1/- Haircut 1/- 0.25
Hat for Clara 14/- Buttons 8d 1.83
Print dress $2. Gingham do $3. 5.00
Hat $4 do for Dora 7/- Gloves 2/6 5.18
belt 1/6 Trimming for sauck 5/8 0.90
Hoops 3/- Gingham 3/10 Braid 1/8 1.06
Delaine 2/4. Book 1/- S S Collections 1/- 0.54
June Hoops 9/- Corsets 8/- Trimming 45 cts 2.58
June Coat $2 Neck tie 1/8 2.20
Photographs 12/- Hose 7/- 2.38
Cloth for shirt 7/- Braid 4/- 1.38
Shoes 4/- Cotton & braid $2/td> 2.50
Edging 5/- Knife 6/- Linen sack 8/- 2.50
Apron for Dora 3/- Pants for J. 8/- 1.38
Shirt for Jasper 6/-

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March 28 - & 31st. April 25th


Transcription Progress



Roseltha Goble Diary, 1862-1864.pdf
Roseltha Goble 1862-1864 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Roseltha Goble, “Roseltha Goble Diary & Transcription, 1862-1864,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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