Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1871-1878


Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1871-1878


Benjamin B. Reesor


Courtesy of Canadian Baptist Archives at McMaster Divinity College


19th Century, Oxford County, Blandford Township, West Oxford Township, Ontario; Kent County, Zone Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Benjamin Reesor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


Jan 1871

January 6 1871 Drew wood AM Went to Duncan's with Susanna to get her measured for pr shoes PM W pretty cold

7 Helped to Move Machine to Br Cs AM. drew a load of straw to S Spence PM. W. very Cold

Sunday 8 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St John 4 C by Br C S Hoover of Altona with his son were here after service W. mild snow from East

9 Took little girls to Br S's to visit brought them home again good sleighing. W. Cold clear

10 Chored & I & Children Cleaned up wheat on new barn floor W. Cold Clear

11 Drew a load of wood to Walkey & 2 loads for ourselves W. mild

12 threshed at Br Cs with our Machine {illegible number} bus Oats & 113 bus Wheat. W. warm thawing I was sitting up at Flavius last night their baby is very sick with Inflamation

13 Finished threshing at Br C's AM threshed 86 bus Wheat. Took Br Cs sleighs to Br S to get fixed PM. W. very warm clear thawing

14 I went to Cedar Grove with Janet & JB drew wood to Walkeys AM I & JB drew some Oat sheaves into new barn out of Old PM W. mild thawing a little drissly & rain PM

Sunday 15 at home all day. Saul Doner & wife & Mrs Baker from Nottawasaga were here at dinner W soft & rain Nearly nearly all day. heavy this evening roads getting thin

16 Cut sheaves for us AM with horse power & for Br C PM. W. snow nearly all day. pretty Cold

Jan 1871

17 helped Br. S kill 8 hogs W. Cold, clear

18 went to JB's I & he went to George Millins stock sale awhile P.M. Saw cows sell at from $300 to $400 W pretty cold. clear. sleighing good

19 Went to Br in law MN's W. pretty Cold. Cloudy AM. Clear PM

20 Delivered 2 beef Cattle at J McCalls for the Butcher at $25.00 per head. They are rising 2 years old I bought them in the fall @ $18.00 Went to BSS PM. W. Cloudy & damp

21 Went to McCalls for the Price of my Cattle & to JD's AM. Chored PM W. soft snow nearly all day. Mild. Old Samuel Hoover died last night. he has been sick a good while

Sunday 22 Went to Flavius. W. very Cold. Clear heavy wind last night. Samuel Hoover was buried today. at Wideman's. it was to Cold for Nancy & the baby to go to the funeral

23 Chored & Cut wood. W. Intensly Cold. about the coldest of the season

24 Thawed back pump & drew some wood I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove this evening W. Clear milder

25 Went to B.S. S & to Duffin's Creek Brewery AM. Chored & went to JD's PM. W. very Cold

26 Chored. Went to JD's visiting this evening W Strong snow & wind from East nearly all day. didn't snow much

27 had JD with his oxen to load logs to draw up to saw into wood with Machine. I used his sleigh and pulled out the tongue the first load this morning then we fixed driving house doors AM I chored PM. W. a little windy & squally at times. Mild

Jan 1871 Feb

28 I & Nancy went to Markham W. Cold

Sunday 29 I west with Br C to the Funeral of the widow of the late Rev Adam Wideman of Almira. W. Milder cloudy . a little snow AM Finlaw's youngsters were here tonight.

30 Drew home logs for Machine AM JD helped with Oxen & RW with Br Cs team I drew some wood & chored Pm W. fine AM. snow from East PM

31 Went to Cedar Grove & got barn ready for Clover Machine They Came here tonight W. rain nearly all day

Feb 1 had Jonas Miller Threshing Clover Seed Threshed 1 bus for flouring 2 1/2 bus for Br N & 14 bus for myself W. Mild

Feb 2 threshed 4 bus seed this morning Then I took my Mother to JD & helped JB chop until noon he is working for me by the day didn't do much PM dont feel well. W. Cloudy & sqully with snow a little sunshine PM

3 Went to Manase Fret's on a visit then all went to Br N's this eveening W. west wind very heavy this evening

4 Brought home new sleigh from Walkeys made by Michael Burkholder & Walkey. Then went to Special School Meeting in our Markham section the annual meeting was Protested on account of an illegal vote on the appointment of Sammuel Shank as trustee he was reappointed today. Chored PM W. very cold Preacher Michael Shank from Indianna was here {tonight? page is damaged}


Sunday Feb 5 All went to meeting at Hebron remarks by Rd {Reverend?} H Barkey sermon on St. Mat 22 C by Rd M Shank from Indiana I went to see Br C PM he is sick with Pleuresy. he is rather better Br inlaw John Hoover was here tonight he is learning the shoemaking trade at C Raymans W very cold

6 Chored AM JB drew wood to Walkeys & I helped him to load PM. W very cold this morning. Milder PM. Clear

7 I finished drawing Walkeys & 2 loads to the House AM. Both Chopped PM. J & I went to John Stover's after supper W. East wind Milder

8 Chopped Cordwood then both I & JB helped RW Clean wheat for Br C PM W. mild Br C is pretty sick yet

9 Cleaned some wheat AM Both helped Flavius Cut Cedar Posts in his swamp PM. W soft snow AM Colder PM snow storm from N West this evening

10 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rd M Shank of Ind. Sermon on St Mat 8th C by Rd D Brenneman of Ind. Br in law MN were here at noon went to Br Cs awhile PM he is pretty sick yet. W. Mild pretty strong west wind didn't snow much last night a little squaly today

11 Took 40 bus 58 lbs Treadwell wheat to Cedar Grove Mills AM @ $1.35 cts per bus RW helped me clean Grist & I helped him draw straw for bedding PM JD were here tonight W. pretty cold

Feb 1871

Sunday 12 at home. W. Snow from East nearly all day. didnt fall very deep. Mild

13 Went to AB's on a visit W. pretty sharp. clear

14 Went to S Lehman's on a visit. W. rather milder

15 Went to Forest Mills AM. Chored & drew wood PM was at Br C's last night he is rather better. W. pretty mild. wind from East

16 I went to Clark's Mills to look for Pea {illegible} got none

16 Chored & Chopped a little AM JB came PM then we finished Duncans wood 3 cords then we cut drags untill night W. windy

17 Drew home 16 drags W. fine Clear east wind Commenced snow soft from East after dark

18 I & J went to CB's to help thresh. stormed and blowed from north so we didnt thresh snowed about 6 in last night rained some this morning. freesing this evening

Sunday 19 Went to Br S's on a visit. W. Clear a little snow this morning

20 I & JB helped CB thresh until about half past 2 PM W. Mild. Clear. rather sharp

21 Drew home 23 drags. W fine pretty sharp

22 I went to Markham to F inlaws for dinner Then to Br inlaw M Ns to ask him to saw wood with his Machine on Monday. brought Adeline home. She his been at her Grandfather's the past week. W. Clear. Sharp East wind

23 I & Flavius moved horse Power from Br Cs Flavius were here on a visit W. fine Clear

Feb 1871 Mar

24 Drew home 3 loads timber & took chop to Mill W. warm. Thawing

25 Drew 1 load lumber AM. brought home Chop PM. W. Mild Clear

Sunday 26 at home all day W. mild. soft snow & rain tonight

27 Got Cent shod AM Went to funeral of Michael Burkholders little child. PM W. windy clear

28 Had Br inlaw M N to saw wood cut all the logs except 2 rough ones. W. fine

March 1 Helped Flavius saw wood W. Clear

2 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's Then I & him went to Uncle Joseph Burkholder Sale PM Uncle is giving up farming & his son Christian is going to farm W. Cloudy rained a good while PM

3 Chored AM RW helped split wood PM. W. rain AM. Clear pretty Cold PM I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM

4. Went to B.S.S. AM Chored PM W. Mild Clear beautiful

Sunday 5 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Red H Barkey sermon on {blank space} by R J Wideman Finlaws & S Lehmans were here after service & MN & ABs at supper & F inlaws youngsters & J H Ramer's girls this evening W. fine bright Clear warm spring weather

6 Chored & fixed rack on Sleigh AM then started to take a Cord of green sawed basswood to Markham PM. roads rather bad. left wood in Br Ns lane W. thawing Cold N W wind

7 helped RW hang up Br Cs Pork to smoke AM hung up {bottom of page cut off} went to Christ Stovers this evening W. mild East wind

March 1871

8 Went to F inlaws. W. Mild Thawing. Sleighing gone

9 Chored. W. thawing, water high. began to rain after dark

10 Went to Old John Stover's to Ega engage Jane Stevenson to work for Br C W. mild. Clear

11 Chored. W. Cloudy drissly PM. raining tonight

Sunday 12 I & Nancy went to Br Cs on a visit he is able to sit up awhile. W. soft snow awhile this morning Clear today. mild. roads awful

13 Chored. I & Children cleaned a little clover seed. I went to Cedar Grove PM W. Clear mild Br S's Mill dam broke today.

14 Tapped 18 trees. sap run splendid. W. warm. Clear

15 Commenced to boil sap. soft snow & rain from east. had to quit. at noon. rained nearly all day

16 Chored AM. boiled sap PM. W. dull AM Ice thawing from trees. More clear PM. Br C getting better. he is mostly up in the afternoon feels rather dull today. Caught a little cold

17 Boiled Sap didn't run much today. W. Cloudy

18 Helped RW & JD sow grass seed for Br C AM. Went to Cedar Grove PM. W. fine Clear

Sunday 19 Went to CBs on a visit. W. Clear frose last night

20 Chored AM. Went to Br. S's Bee fixing dam PM. W. fine Clear PM. cold east wind AM

21 Chored & went to Election at Belford. Voted for H.P. Crosby in Opposition to Dr Hostetter the Patent Combination Candidate. AM Went to Br S's Damfixing bee PM. W. Clear. Cool

22 Boiled sap W. rather cold. Clear

Mar 1871 March 23. 1871 Chored. didnt feel well W. Cold a few inches snow last. night a little PM

24 Chored AM helped M Dyke Clean Peas that he threshed for me PM W. Clear. thawing

25 I & Nancy went to Markham & to JH Ramer's W. Cool air, Clear. frose hard last night thawing in sun today. roads very bad

Sunday 26 at home all day J McGaw was here Br N's, CB's girls & Br C's girls were here PM W. mild thawing. Commenced to snow from east tonight

27 Helped RW Clean Peas & wheat for Br C AM Chored & gathered sap PM. W. about 8 in snow last night & some AM. a little flurry PM. soft. beginning to thaw

28 Boiled Sap. W. fine Clear thawing PM.

29 I & Nancy went to Toronto W. fine Clear roads bad

30 I boiled sap. AM. Chored PM W. cloudy

31 I & W. Cleaned Clover seed & I went to Barrow's to get him to see Franks foot he is lame. having Caulked himself a while ago W Morrison Commenced work on Wednesday morning 29 @ $120.00 for 7 months

April 1 Cleaned some seed Peas & helped M Dyke clean 55 bus Oats that he threshed. W. some snow from east. wet

Sunday 2 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 22nd C by Revd H Barkey. Abraham Doner was here after service W. Clear. rain from East tonight

3 I boiled sugar W Picked in fallow W. rain last night awhile PM today

April 1871

4 I went to JD's AM & to Old John Stover's for Jane to work at Br Cs she is not well didnt come W. Clear. very windy PM

5 I & JD went to Toronto. took nearly 13 bus Clover seed for Myself & a few bus for him sold @ $4.25 per bus. W. hard frost last night fine today

6 Chored W Cut some maple tops W. clear

Good Friday 7 Went to JDs on a visit W warm clear. Thunder shower last night warm this evening. were at Br Cs for supper

8 I boiled some sap & W took Plow to shop AM Drew a heap of edgings away from Mill & brought one load home PM. W very warm clear

9 Sunday At home JD's were at my Mothers W. warm clear

Easter Monday 10 Went to Markham & to Finlaws Hired a boy David Stevenson for the summer @ $5.00 per month. W. Clear rainy PM raining heavy this evening

11 I went to Cedar Grove AM Brought girl Jane Stover to work for Br C PM W. Cold west wind Started to fish with Simon Hoover & Martin Neighswander {illegible} & two Yake's Camped on the Banks of the Big rouge about 10 PM this evening

12 Caught 88 sucker & got home at noon W Commenced to Plow sod south of lane old Part & we intend to break the rough too W. pretty cold clear

13 Chored Drew old stump off new rough sode & brought sugar utensils W. fine clear. shower AM

April 1871

14 Burned stumps. W. cool. windy. Clear

15 Burned {illegible} stumps. W. Cool. windy. clear

Sunday 16 Went to AB's. W. Cool. Clear

17 Went to Markham AM burned stumps PM. & brought 4 bus seed spring wheat from D Hoover's @ $1.40 per bus David Stevenson Commenced work today at noon @ $5.00 per month

18 Fixed up Chunk heaps in rough sod then began to gang plow in north half of NW Corner field about 10 AM. W. Cool, raining a little this evening

19 Gang Plowed AM Chored PM W. heavy East Wind AM rain from East PM. Dr Doherty was here taking the Dominion Census today

20 Chored & Cleaned grist & W drew wood AM I took grist to Cedar Grove Mills & W drew a load of edgings PM. I & W sowed some Clover seed in west end of big field where it Caught badly last year. after supper W. showery AM clear PM

21 Finished Sowing Clover seed & began to sow Spring Wheat in NW Corner field. it was too wet then W Began to gang plow behind Cider house PM & I brought home grist W. Cloudy

22 I sowed Plaster on little meadow below garden AM. Made new pump platform & fixed back garden fence PM. W pretty drissly AM. rather Clear PM

Sunday 23 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove Michael Frets's were here after service W cool. Clear

April 1871

24 Finished Sowing Spring Wheat & a few Oats in NW Corner field. north part. Sowed field behind Cider house with barley PM W Cool Clear

25 Finished harrowing field behind Cider house this morning & Carried potatoes out of Cellar AM. W. began ganging sod fallow East half of field East of dam & I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM Planted a few Early rose Potatoes this evening W. rain AM. Clear PM

26 I went to B.S. & to AB's AM rolled barley behind Cider house PM. W. cool clear W finished ganging sod fallow & began Plowing east half of big field

27 Chored & Cut wood I went to Cedar Grove & to Br S's after supper W. rain nearly all day Thunder Shower tonight

28 Cleaned some seed Oats this morning then boys Pointed Stakes along north fence & I brought a load of fence Caps from Br S's PM. W raining awhile this morning Clear today

29 Boys finished Pointing Stakes & I took salts this morning dont feel well AM helped boys drive stakes & Cap about 30 rods of north fence from townline west PM. W. Cloudy drisly

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 18 C by Rvd H Barkey Visitors PM Br S's Br N's Br Cs PDs AB's & Martha Shank. W. Clear rather Cool

May 1871

May 1st 1871 Finished Staking & Capping north fence to 11th Con. W. fine Clear warm

2 Went to WN's then I went to Claremont to Tailor to get measured for clothes W. Clear

3 I & W plowed in east end of big field. W blow from east like rain

4 Chored. I went to J Burrows PM for powder for sick cow PM W. rain from East all day heavy wind cool

5 Oiled harness AM. Fixed some fence on Pickering Town line where two Posts broke with heavy wind. & W went to B.SS PM W. rain AM Cloudy PM

6 Drew home wood for my Mother AM I & Br N put bottom boards on posts opposite Br C's PM. & W sowed Plaster W. Cloudy AM Clear PM

Sunday 7 went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Revd H Barkey sermon on St Mat 18 C by Revd J Wideman. Went to Uncle D Burkholders W. Cold north wind. Clear

8 Sowed 17 bus barley for Br C AM helped Br W finish plowing east end of big field PM went to B's this evening W began plowing west end of field near Hoover's W. Cool windy

9 I & my Mother went to Markham AM sowed sod fallow 5 acres barley PM W. Cool north wind

10 Went to J Burrow's AM. he was not at home Went again PM. got some more Powders for sick Cow I & W sowed 15 bus Oats on east end of big field after supper. W. Cool. Clear

11 I sowed about 12 acres for Br C W. fine Clear

12 I & W sowed grass seed on Oats in big field Finlaws were here yesterday 11th

May 1871

12 this morning then I sowed peas in west end of field near Hoover's 4 1/2 acres & 2 bus south of garden of the kind Called Crown Peas. W warm

13 W rolled Oats. 5 acres barley sod fallow & Peas. I went to see Burrows Cow is no better W. Cold north wind

Sunday 14 at home all day. Skinned dead cow PM. Br S's were here at supper W. Cool

15 Took a load of Sawed Basswood to Markham for {G T Bainbridge or Bambridge?} W. Plowed turnip ground W. warm

16 I rolled spring wheat & oats in N West field AM Took some Peas & Oats to M Dyke's PM fine clear. small shower PM

17 Had John Stover to help trim Orchard W helped raise up A McCreights home to put a wall under W. cold wind Clear

Ascension day 18 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 24 C by Rd H Barkey. Went to AB's PM. W. fine Clear

19 Had John Stover help trim Orchard AM I helped Flavius fix his dam to wash sheep PM W finished Plowing turnip ground W. warm

20 Went to Simon Hoover's on a visit & I went to Watson Tailor for my Clothes W. very warm Uncle Daniel Burkholder died this morning with something like Inflammation on the lungs

Sunday 21 All went to JD W. warm. Clear

22 Went Uncle Daniel's Funeral Sermon's on Rev 14 C 15 Verse by Revd Jos & Henry Barkey

May 1871

Steckley & Johnson Had a part in Englis Went to Finlaws after service W. fine Clear

23 Planted corn East of dam I helped to scrub Hebron Chapel PM went to B S after supper. W. Cool Clear

24 I & W Cut rail timber AM All went fishing to big rouge P D & his little boy Ike Davis. W & D & little Johny & Flavius Caught 15 fish had more fun than fish I went to Burrows this evening Cent has the Mange. W. fine & Clear

25 Took buggy to B S to get Tires set & broken spring fixed AM helped fill dung PM. W began drawing on fallow south half of North West corner field & beech tree knoll W. very warm fine Thunder Shower tonight after dark

26 boys drew dung I Chored & Cut seed potatoes Shot a woodchuck in Scarboro pastures W. fine Clear

27 washed sheep at Flavius's AM put in new {illegible} post at field near Hoover's & fixed fence at Creek at Townline & dug garden I brought home buggy after supper W. fine Clear

Sunday 28 Went to Meeting at Wideman's Sermons on St Mat 26 C by by Revd Brubacher of Pensylvania on St Mat 27 C by Revd T Moyer of Clinton about 26 Visiting Brethren illegible were Present at the Conference on Friday

May 1871 June

Lords supper was Celebrated Today. Went to S Lehmans after service JDs my mother & Susan Burkholder at Br Cs here to meeting with us today

Whit Monday 29 Meeting & Celebration of Lords supper at Hebron Revds T Moyer S Weaver of Waterloo C Gayman of Cayuga & J{illegible} Wideman & Br C were Present & Deacon Wismer of Clinton. a good many Visitors after service T Moyer C Gayman & wife J{illegible} Wideman & wife & his Mother inlaw. Altona Saml Groves & wife MN's & Simon Hoovers wife S Lehman's & JH Ramer's! {illegible Finlaws Br S's & Samuel Weaver & wife from Waterloo & John Gayman & T Wideman were here PM W. very warm & Close Thunder Showers passed over PM

30 Planted Potatoes. W. very very warm fine rain started at bedtime didn't rain much

31 W harrowed sod fallow south of lane I killed Calf & shot large woodchuck! Chuck in the brain with my rifle AM Took grist barley chop to Cedar Grove Mills after supper W. very warm

June 1 had JB with Br Cs team & RW F to help draw dung on fallow got it nearly Covered W. very warm. Shower much needed

2 boys drew dung bring our pigs CB's & Br C's & I clipped our sheep (12) & Put lime on Corn W. very warm

June 1871

3 Nailed some boards on fence opposite Br Cs & made new bars boys finished drawing dung on fallow & drew some on heap back of barn & drew stones off new meadow in west end of big field W. warm heavy thunder storm went round PM. a little rain here. not much

Sunday 4 Went to Br S's they were not at home Came back & staid at home all day W. warm thunder shower went round PM

5 Went to Cedar Grove this morning for a Plowshare then nailed on boards Peter Lehman & wife & Miss Nancy Lehman from Clarence County New York were here this evening W. Cooler

6 Finished board nailing this morning. Then dug round some stones in fallow AM Took 8 bus wheat to Cedar Grove Mills PM Spread dung after supper W began breaking fallow yesterday noon. W. pretty warm, like rain tonight

7 Both plowed in fallow. pretty hard. fine little shower last night.

8 Helped Br Cs log. W. Cool. Clear. Cold wind this evening Br. C & Br. N Intend going on a visit to Black Creek tomorrow morning

9 I brought home grist this morning then Plowed finished fallow W. fine. Clear. Br C & N went off this morning. this evening Br Cs oldest daughter {Retuna? Retura?} had a fit she ws subject to them several years ago but not lately until tonight I staid until midnight & she fell asleep

June 1871

June 10 Sawed stub on fallow & rolled it up on stump I fired it then chored until noon W brought home rolls from Whitevale Dave hoed Corn Commenced to rain splendid showers at 3 PM. makes things look fine I went to Cobers & Flavius after supper

Sunday 11 at home JD's were here. We went to Br C's awhile this evening. W. fine little shower AM. Clear PM

12 I & W took 2 loads soft wood to {Bainbridge?} AM. hoed Corn PM I & AB went fishing to W Milne's with hook & line. Caught only a few had a fine time driving through the creek in the dark. got on a log in the middle of the creek. broke buggy. I jumped into the water. got wet. Patched up buggy & got home at midnight W. Cool

13 Plowed turnip land. W brought a load of Br S's lumber home after supper I intend to take it to the bay tommorrow W. almost Cold. heavy north wind

14 I took 1283 feet Clear Stuff to Bay for Br. S Got Cent shod after supper W. finished turnip land. W. Cool. slight shower at noon

15 Went to Quilting & barn shingling bee at Simon Hoovers W. showers PM

16 Plowed in sod fallow south of lane W went to Party on 3rd Con Pickering PM & JB helped me Plow. W. Cool clear

17 I & Nancy & My Mother went to Uncle Joes he is not very well. W. East wind. looks like rain

June 1871

Sunday 18 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 22 by Rev H Barkey Old David Hoover's were here after the service W. a little rain from East this morning. Cler today

19 W Began making turnip drills I went to B.S. AM & to Mill with Chop PM Sowed some turnips after supper Let Job of deepening Creek in N West corner field to J Jarvis at 20ct per rod for past & 25ct per rod for the rest W. cler

20 Finished sowing turnips W. slow rain from about 10 AM. to 3 PM

21 I & W worked on road in Markham Drew gravel W. fine cler

22 I & W Finished road work & drew some rails this evening. W. fine Cler, looks a little like rain tonight

23 I & W repaired some fences & David finished harrowing fallow AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. fine Cler

24 Made vinegar & ground Mower knives AM I took Cent to Caldwell the B smith in Whitevale to get Shod PM W fine rain last night & awhile AM. Clear PM

Sunday 25 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on Acts 10th C by Revd H Barkey JDs were here after service & AB's & Finlaws youngster's at supper. W. fine Clear

26 I Mowed about 5 acres in big field north of old bush W. fine

27 I brought 500 tiles from Pettys AM boys shook up hay, raked part I began to cock PM began thunder shower about 3 PM splendid rain I went to Cedar Grove this evening

June 1871

28 Drew some wood & Chored AM began to shake out hay at 3PM raked & cocked after supper didn't get quite all cocked. W clear

29 W worked on road in Scarboro I cocked a little hay then went to JD's raising AM helped old WM put up a few cocks of hay he made Clover on Scarboro side on shares W fine cool Clear

30 Fixed Waggon rack & drew 1 load of hay out of Scarboro Meadow AM drew 1 load out of Scarboro into new barn & left it standing on waggon to take to J Burkholder tomorrow & drew in 2 loads north of old bush PM I went to Job letting on 11th Con this evening Let it to M Dykes at 28cts per rod Clearing out ditches & grading road to be performed on or before 10th Septr next. W. fine Clear Cool sharp frost last night

July 1st Dominion day stacked the rest of hay about 7 loads had RW & Steele to help AM W took that load to JB & I raked over the meadow PM. I & little boys went fishing awhile this evening little John could not go his foot is sore yet W. fine. Cool. Clear

Sunday 2 at home all day Nancy went to Meeting at Cobers. & Adline went to Meeting at Widemans with Br C's W. fine Clear. warm

3 I & W drew in 1 load rakings & filled in drains with Plow AM I began to mow in field near Hoover's PM. W. fair. warm, Clear

4 Chored AM. I went to Cedar Grove PM & mowed after supper. W. fine rain AM

July 1871

July 5 I finished mowing Meadow near Hoover's untill about 3 PM. then raked a little after supper but it was not fit. W. fine Clear shower's went round north PM boys scuffled Corn & potatoes

6 I & W took horse rake to B S Shop M Burkholders to get new tooth in this morning began to rake up hay about half past 10 Oclock began to rain about 2 Pm. stopped our operations heavy shower tonight I took Matty Shank to Cobers & brought shovel plow from Br. N's

7 We all except Adeline went to Grandpa Hoover's on a visit to see the railway & to see the Cars run it was a great sight for the little ones boys put shovel plow through Corn & raked & Cocked some hay W. fine Clear pretty windy

8 Drew in all hay out of field near Hoovers 19 loads I went to Whitevale this evening to get some Brandy for my Mother she has Bowel Complaint W. fine clear

Sunday 9 at home all day CB's & Br. S's were here PM. W. very warm. Cooler this evening Mother some better

10 I went to Markham AM cut little meadow PM except a strip for timothy seed W began crossing old fallow W. fine Clear. like rain tonight

11 I went to Whitevale for some beef & drew a load of peastraw for M Dyke AM helped Nancy Pick black raspberries PM. Dave raked over meadow near Hoovers & raked little meadow W. a little rain this morning. Clear, warm today

12 Drew in load rakings out of field near Hoovers & 4 loads out of little meadow which finishes haying except little orchard

July 1871

12 W mowed in that this morning & this evening. I & little boys to grist & chop to mill this evening W. Clear

13 W Plowed & I chored AM all hoed turnip PM I brought home grist after supper W. very warm

14 hoed turnips. W went to Jacob Reesor's home raising PM. I & Dave took in load of hay out of little orchard & hoed turnips W. very warm

15 I & Nancy went Markham AM boys hoed turnips & Plowed potatoes PM. I & W brought home load of edgings I had a swim after supper W. very warm looks like rain

Sunday 16 Went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 12 C 15 to 45 V by Rd H Barkey went to Br S's after service my Mother went to Br N's W. fine. Cooler

17 Both plowed in old fallow Dave thinned turnips. W. cool clear

18 Both plowed AM W. finished in a few hours PM then we helped Dave hoe turnips. got pretty near done. W. a slight shower at noon very high wind PM

19 I went to B.S. W got Jess shod in Whitevale & then helped Dave finish turnips AM I & W helped Br N bind wheat PM Br S cut with his reaper W fine. Clear. Cool

20 Cut roads round Wheat. I was at Br C's awhile PM helping A McCreight put together his new selfraking Buckeye reaper PM I & Nancy took yarn to A Carnagie's after supper W. fine cool clear

21 Helped Br. C cut his old land wheat W. cool clear

22 Cut our treadwell wheat & a little Soules good crop W. Cool. I drove all day with vest & smock on

July 1871 Aug

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br. C Sermon on Hebrews 54 C by Rev Joseph Barkey Simon Hoover & Martin Neighswander's daughter Elisabeth were here after service I took my Mother to JD's this evening W. fine, clear

24 Finished Cutting our wheat AM JB & RW helped Cut for JD PM. W. fine clear

25 I went to Patterson for new Reel Pulley for our reaper Nancy went with me as far as JH Ramer's W. fine Clear. roads dusty

26 I & W Cut barley behind Cider house didn't get quite done W. fine Clear looks a little like rain

27 I & W helped Br. C draw in 20 loads wheat till supper time when we had a splendid heavy thunder shower

28 Drew home Chips Dave harrowed fallows I went to Cedar Grove Mills after supper W. Cloudy AM Clear PM

29 Drew in our Wheat about 26 loads till supper time Br. C's force helped. then we drew in 6 loads from Br C after supper W. Cloudy AM. fine Clear PM

Sunday 30 Went to Br Ns W. fine warm Clear

31 Turned barley AM. W helped Br C cut barley PM until sickle knife broke then he scuffled turnips Dave harrowed fallow I & Nancy went to Markham this evening W. fine clear

August 1st Drew in barly behind Cider house until supper time. then drew wheat rakngs about 2 loads Br C's & I Davis helped W. fine clear

Aug 1871

August 2 I took grist wheat to Cedar Grove Mills AM & W drew Steels hay I & W. Cut barley in east half of field east of dam PM. W fine

3 I & W finished Cutting barley this morning & Dave raked field behind Cider house Cocked till noon W. helped JD thresh PM I & Dave Cocked barley PM & I brought home grist this evening W. very Close. looks like rain

4 All helped Br C draw in barley W. very hot & Close & sultry. Thunder shower went over this evening. rained a few drops here

5 I & Dave drew in barley rakings behind Cider house 1 load this morning. Then I helped Flavius set up Threshing Machine at his Place till noon and awhile PM then I went to Whitevale I got Cent shod W helped CB thresh W. fine Clear

Sunday 6 Went to Meeting at Altona remarks & sermon on St John 9? C by Br C Went to MNs after service W. very warm & dry

7 Drew 10 loads barley out of field east of dam W. cler

8 Threshed at Flavius's with our Machine 246 bus wheat & about 45 barley W. fine Cler pretty warm

9 Drew in 3 loads barley which finishes it AM Cut & bound about an acre Oats in NW Corner field PM. W. fine Cler

10 I & Nancy went to Belford this morning then I helped W plow fallow south of lane W. warm. dry

11 I killed a sheep this morning. plowed till noon I & Dave drew in load of barley rakings after dinner then plowed till supper. went to BS after supper W. close. a little bit of rain this evening

August 1871

August 21 W harrowed Old fallow & Dave the new I chored we all turned Peas after supper W. Cloudy AM Clear PM

22 Had CB & his team & M Barkey his man to draw in Peas & Oats drew in 4 loads Peas found they were too wet. then they went home & we drew in 7 loads Oats. W. Clear

23 Had CB's again. finished drawing in Peas & Oats till supper. I & W drew in timothy seed after supper which finishes Our harvest W. warm Close. looks like rain

24 I & W helped Br C thresh (he had Baldry's Machine I bought his share in our old Machine last winter when he was sick) Dave drew stones off fallows W. fine

25 I & Nancy Got up at about 2 Oclock & went to Simon Hoover's & they went with us to Glen {Sherrand?} in Uxbridge to Pick Blackberries then we roamed up & down the hills & Glades in the beautiful wilderness until about 3 PM when we started home after Picking about 4 Pails of berries. W. beautiful. Clear W. began to ridge up in new fallows

26 I & W drew 2 loads of Duncan's hay rained a little PM. had to leave 1 load. raining now bed time

Sunday 27 at home all day Br S's were here W. fine Soaking rain last night & awhile AM

28 I & W ridged up in new fallows W. fine Clear

29 W finished ridging new fallow till about 10 am then it rained heavy shower boys threshed Peas with horse & helped me kill Pig. PM. Drew big stones off fallow tonight

Aug 1871 Sept

August 30 Both ridged in Old fallow I brought Duncan's last load of hay into barn this evening Br C loaded it for me. W. fine. slight shower after supper

31 I & little boys took load hay to Duncan & brought seed wheat from Flavius this morning. Then I plowed. W. fine. Clear.

Septr 1 sowed new fallow with Soules wheat AM. Sowed a few hours for CB PM then Plowed till night. W. fine Cler. JH Ramer's came to stay all night. My Mother was taken sick very sudden this evening. dizzy. & nervous like W. went for Dr McC. rather easier 4 Oclock Sept 2

2 Sowed Old fallow with Treadwell & a little Soules W. pretty warm. My Mother a little better

Sunday 3 at home J Stover's & Br S's were here W. warm, Close this evening Mother not quite so well. she has some Bilious Complaint

4 I took load wood to Bambridge & took grist barley Chop to Cedar Grove Mills this evening. W furrowed out wheat W. fine Cler. very warm. Close

5 I took last load wood to Bambridge AM Went to Funeral of David Whaley PM. He fell from his buggy near Markham Village on Friday evening & injured his spine & Died on Sunday evening. W very close & warm

6 I & W helped Br. S thresh W slight shower at noon

7 I & W cut Clover seed AM I went to BS to get Sickle fixed after dinner & W began fall plow in barley stubble behind Cider house & I helped when I came back W. fine Cool

Sept 1871

8 I sowed 10 bus Wheat for Br C AM Br C helped me Cut Clover seed awhile PM W helped JD log. Finlaws were here at noon W. fine Cler. Cool. Adeline & Susanna had the Measles getting over them nicely

9 I & Br. C finished Cutting Clover seed AM W & Dave drew dung on barley stubble in field east of dam I helped PM. W. fine. Clear warm

Sunday 10 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by Re H Barky appropriate sermon for Celebration of Lords Supper by Br C Went to Little Chris Hoover's after service W. fine Cler

11 I & W helped Flavius thresh brought Machine to our place this evening. W. fine Cler

12 Drew dung AM. I & Nancy went to Markham PM boys finished dung W. fine Clear M Neighswanders were here PM when we were not at home

13 W plowed. I & Br C fixed horse stable I asked some hands to thresh on friday W. Cool heavy north wind PM

14 W plowed spot where Crown peas were below garden AM I chored & we set Machine & I went to Cherrywood store on 3rd Con Pickering at W Burkholder's Corner. PM. W. very Cool Cler

15 threshed 100 bus Oats. began to rain 1/2 past 9. began to thresh after dinner threshed 360 bus barley before sunset. good for our old Machine rained drissly sometimes PM.

16 Finished threshing about 1/2 past 3 the whole lot amounts to 470 bus barley 132 Soules wheat 37 bus spring wheat 12 bus rakings about 100 bus Oats. W. Cler AM all day

Sept 1871

Sunday 17 I & little girls went to Meeting at Hebron suitable remarks & sermon for the Celebration of Lords Supper by Revs Jos Barkey & Br C. W. Cool Clear

18 I sowed new ground stubble for Br C AM got Flavius rack & brought in 1 load Clover seed PM. W plowed till supper John & Joseph Weaver & their wives from Waterloo Jacob Reesor's & Manasses Frets' were here at noon little boys are starting with Measles W. Clear

19 Fixed staked & Capped some fences at Creek Crossings & W Cut Corn I took some grist to Cedar Grove Mills PM. W. a little rain last night. Clear today

20 Shocked Corn & Drew in last of Clover seed about 2 loads. boys Picked apples & I brought home Grist W. cool clear

21 I went to Whitevale AM boys Drew in haystack AM Cleaned load Soules wheat & brought home load Chips PM. W hard frost last night. warm today

22 Took 40 bus 50 lbs Soules wheat to Whitevale @ $1.23 AM & @ about 40 bus PM @1.22 W was at Bee fixing bridge in north lane W. fine

23 Took 22 bus 5 lbs Soules wheat to Whitevale @$1.22 AM Made 1 barrel cider at P Lapps PM. W. warm clear

Sunday 24 at home AM Went to AB's PM were not at home then went to JD's W. fine. Clear

25 W helped Sanderson thresh. I boiled sauce & brought Chop home W. fine. illegible raining a little this evening

Sept 1871 Oct

26 W helped Sanderson thresh I brought My Mother Home from JD's I chored AM Made a barrel Cider PM. W. fine rain last night. Cool today

27 I boiled sauce Took my Mother to JDs this morning & brought her home this evening boys dug potatoes W. blustery & a little rain PM. This is my 35th Birthday

28 Thanksgiving day. All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on 5th Book of Moses by Revd H Barkey W. Cool clear

29 Finished digging Potatoes W. Cool

30 I & Dave drew home wood & Chips AM I took little girls to {Smeadons?} to get new boots Measured PM W plowed W. fine Clear

Oct 1 Went to AB's on a visit. W. fine warm Clear

2 I took 50 bus 24 lbs barley to F mans bay @57ct per bus Barley is an extra bright sample this season & an extra low price. W helped Br. N dig potatoes W. fine warm clear

3 I & W plowed in wheat stubble W. Drissly rain this morning. a little at noon

4 I took 50 bus barley to bay @55ct W fine Clear

5 I took 51 32 lbs barley to bay @55ct per bus W finished plowing wheat stubble except headlands W. fine warm clear

6 I took 51 bus barley to bay @ 56cts boys went to Markham Fair I helped CB kill 2 pigs PM W illegible fine? Cloudy AM clear PM

7 I bought 865 lbs bran at Whitevale AM @ 60cts per 100 lbs Chored & Cleaned load barley this evening boys helped Br C dig potatoes until nearly night W. pretty cold. Cler

Sunday 8 went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Rd H Barkey sermon on St John 15th C by Br C went to Br N after service W. cler

Oct 1871

9 I took 50 bus 29 lbs barly to bay @ 56cts W began to plow in barly stubble East of dam W. fine warm Cler

10 I & Dave drew in clover seed out of little Orchard & 2 loads Corn W. fine Clear

11 I helped W plow AM helped Flavius get Out Telegraph posts PM There is a line to be built between Whitevale & The Kingston road. W a little rain last night rather Cloudy today raining tonight

12 I & Nancy went to John Stover's on a visit Then I & John went to Joseph Ramer's sale I bought woodenheaded horse fork @ 75cts W fine Clear

13 Cleaned a load barley AM W took it to bay PM 53 bus @ 58 cts I & Dave picked apples. I & Nancy went a while to AB's PM W. fine Clear

14 Cleaned load barley & I & W sawed rail timbers AM W took 42 bus barly to bay PM @ 57 cts I brought windlas & buckets from J Clark's to deepen our back well next week W. a little drissly

Sunday 15 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by Red H Barkey Saml Ramer & his sister Adeline & Matty Shank were here after service W. very heavy wind last night & today. Terrible fire in Chicago on the night of the 8th Oct & following day. the main part of the City is burnt. 150,000 people houseless

16 W finished plowing barly stubble in turnip field I brought home {illegible meattubs?} from Dimmer AM Picked some apples & drew a load of Corn PM. W. Cool. Clear

17 I & W put in a few Posts opposite Br Cs in a low place am I went to Henry Peter's sale {&?} boys drew in last load of Corn PM W. Clear AM a little drissly PM

Oct 1871

Oct 18 Chored sawed wood in woodshed & husked Corn W. pretty cold Cler

19 W began to Plow in NW Corner field where Oats & Spring Wheat was I chored AM helped John Stover kill 3 pigs that he bought from me & one for our own use PM. W fine Clear heavy wind PM. Jacob Shant's & wife from Berlin & Uncle Saml's were here PM

20 I chored & fired five stumps where W. is plowing Picked a few apples. W. pretty Cold

21 brought home Our Cider barrel from JD's AM drew a load of water from Flavius & Chored PM W. Cler Cool

Sunday 22 at home all day Took my Mother to JD's AM brought her home PM. W fine Clear day

23 I & Sanderson Put new stringer in bridge on townline AM helped Kirton take stones out of back well well PM. W warm smoky

24 Finished taking stones out of well AM he dug a little PM W. fine Cler

25 I made 83 gals Cider at Lapps AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. boys tended Kirton W cold a few drops rain East wind tonight

26 I & Dave tended Kirton W helped Br C thresh he got Dyke to work in his place PM. I got plow fixed to plow at Beford Match tommorrow tried in our sod. found it too hard. wont go. JB Came. fix woodshed & Pantry W. some thunder fine shower this evening

27 I & Dave tended Kirton W helped Br C finish threshg W. Cler AM, fine Shower PM Kirton didn't dig much PM

28 W plowed behind Cider house. I & Dave tended Kirton no water yet. very hard digging JB left this Morning W. Cool

Sunday 29 went to Meeting at Altona remarks & Sermon on St Mat 22 C by Revd H Barkey went to Simon Hoover's W Cool

Oct 1871 Nov

Oct 30 I drew some water & 3 loads wood AM & boys tended Kirton I & W tended PM he struck a splendid spring about 10 AM & another PM appears to be plenty of water W. fine Clear

31 tended Kirton made another splendid strike lots of water Commenced to stone up about half past 10 oclock W Clear began to rain from East this evening after dark

Nov 1 boys tended Kirton I drew 9 loads stone for well W. cold wind

2 I drew 4 loads stone AM boys began pulling turnips I helped PM. W sharp Cold wind Cler

3 I helped Kirton finish stoning well AM I & Nancy went to Markham to see Pump maker Called at Simon Reesor's W. Cler

4 All Pulled turnips left 20 drills to pull W. raw east wind

Sundy 5 at home all day Hoover's young folks were here PM W. Cool clear

6 I helped John Stover kill 6 hogs AM boys drew in 9 loads turnip JB was is here Cutting wood for my Mother AM & Carpentering for me PM W frose pretty hard last night

7 Drew in 20 loads turnips McDonald of Markham lengthened & put in back Pump PM W. pretty Cold

8 Drew in 8 loads turnip AM I & W took 50 bus to Riston in Sparta PM. Dave & JB finished pulling about 20 drills PM JB finished a granary in old farm for me W finer Cler Cold wind

9 I & JB went shooting in big swamp & on the Rouges didn't get much. bush too dry. W beautiful

10 Drew in 1 load potatoes, began to rain at 10 O c husked Corn & I killed Pig

11 Finished drawing in Potatoes AM W plowed behind Cider house PM. I & Dave drew stones away from new well PM W. Cler sharp Cold North wind

{page badly torn in top left corner, top line(s) also missing}

{Nov 1871 Dec}

{part of page missing} finished plowing behind Cider house AM {missing} root ground PM W Clear

{part of page missing}{went} to Finlaws had Br Ns Peter to plow in {part of page missing} W. Cloudy, a squall of snow this evening

{part of page missing} W finished root ground & began in sod below {part of page missing} W Cler pretty cold

{part of page missing} {24} helped Br N kill hogs. W heavy soft snow AM thawing PM

{25} W helped JD thresh with team I & little boys drew {home?} pine wood & edgings with sleigh. W thawing, snow going

Sunday 26 at home all day. W. drissly thawing

27 I worked on road in Scarboro. W helped finish thresh at JD's AM. Plowed sod PM. W. freesing sharp

28 Helped Br C kill hogs. W. very Cold

29 Made ready to kill our hogs tomorrow W Cold Cler

30 Killed our 6 hogs. W fine some Milder

Dec 1 Chored. Cut a lot of Edgings. W. Milder

2 helped Br N kill hogs AM. Chored PM. W mild Cler

Sunday 3 I & little girls went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C. sermon on St Luke 10th C by Rev H Barkey. W. mild Cler. Br. S's youngsters & CB's were {here} PM PM

4 Had JD with oxen to skid up logs for Sawing Machine. W. mild AM some snow squalls PM

Dec 1871 Jan 1872

Christmas day 25 went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Br C Sermon on {blank space} by Red H Barkey Br S's were here PM John Stover's were here this evening W. fine Clear. heard today that JH Ramer's house was burned yesterday morning at daylight & a good part of the furniture

26 Went to S Lehman's W. Cold

27 I & RW killed our beef W some snow squalls Received a subpoena summons to appear at Court as a Petit Juryman on the 8th of January 1872

28 went to Markham & a while to JH Ramer's W. Cold

29 Had Jonas Miller to thresh few loads Clover Ginned out 5 bus. I & JB began drawing wood drags PM. drew 8 PM

30 I & JB drew 6 logs AM then he went home & I brought load edgings PM. W. East wind rain this {evening}

31 Went to Flavius' W. thawing rain {after} {page torn} Finlaws Came to stay all night

Jan 1st 1871 at home all day. Br. N & Mrs Moyer {from?} {page torn} {were} here awhile AM. W fine Cler. roads a sheet of ice {page torn} the centre of the turnpike. fields mostly bare

{page torn} & JB drew 16 logs. Uncle Samls youngsters {&} youngsters from Cayuga & Anne Reesor were here {at} noon. W. strong sharp East wind

3 I & JB drew 9 logs AM Cut some sheaves put Brine on Pork & I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM. W East {wind} soft snow & a little rain PM. mild

4 I & JB & little John brought home Cow that I bought of AB @ $35.00 this morning. then we drew 11 logs W. sof. Cloudy

5 I Chored AM. Helped Br C kill beef PM W. fine RW Killed my Poor Old Faithful horse ! Tom ! tonight Aged. 29 yrs 6 m. he got down and Could not rise

6 I & Nancy went to Markham. Called at J Stover's for dinner he bought 2 steers off me @ $25.00 each I moved horse power behind Cider house W. Cold north wind

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rd H Barkey sermon on St Mat 8 C by Br. C Saml Ramer & Mary Hoover & Finlaw's youngsters were here PM I went to see JB to chore for me I intend to go to Toronto tomorrow W very cold a little milder this evening

Jan 1872

Sunday 7 Jan 8th Walked to Markham this morning Took the train on the Nippissing Railway to Toronto to serve on the Assize Court as Petit Juror engaged my board at the Black Horse Hotel was not Called into the Jury Box today W. Cold

9 Feel rather lonesome. not Called today

10 was Called today on the Traviss Murder Trial. was kindly Exempted by the Crown Atty Mr K McKenzie.

11 Murder Trial Concluded this PM. Traviss Found. Guilty.

12 Ordinary Business

13 Ordinary Business. Dismissed this PM. in time for the Train to Get to Markham but I took the Rouge Stage. & Hurrah for ! home sweet home ! {page torn} {Got} home about 8 PM found all in tolerable {illegible, page torn} {health?} Nancy has pretty bad Cold

{Page torn, Sunday 14} at home Cober's were here this evening {Continuation} of remarkable fine weather

15 Away to Toronto on the Nippissing again this Morning Br S's Tilman took me to the station he is Choring for me a few days JB was here last week NB? I forgot to mention that M N Neighswander Sawed wood for me on the 8th Inst

16 Ordinary Business

17 ditto

18 ditto

19 do

20 Dismissed in time. & away home on the Narrow Guage. Br N met me at the station very fine weather all week except some soft snow on Friday PM

Sunday 21 went to AB's they were not at home Br S's Came here PM his son Menno came this evening to Chore for me this week

22 off on the Nippissing to Toronto again. a week of Ordinary business. rode home with Br S in his Cutter this evening.

Saturday 27. found all very well at home

Sunday 28 Went to JH Ramers on a visit they have a son all pretty well. fine weather last week. sleighing bad in Toronto

Jan 1872 & Feb 1872

Monday 29. Br S's Menno took me to Station this morning. another week of business got discharged this morning

Feb 3 were Paid off about 1100 AM rambled about town untill 3.30 PM then Hip, Hurrah, for Markham & sweet home Got home about 7 PM. February 3 found all well

Feb 4 Sunday. Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 6 C by Rvd H Barkey. Finlaw's were here & S Lehman's PM W. fine mild

5 all went to Br S's My Mother went as far as Br N's W. fine good sleighing

6 Went to AB's. W. about six inches snow last night

7 Chored. JB's were here awhile PM. W. fine

8 Filled beds & chored. W. Clear got medicine for my mother she has bowel complaint

9 Cut some straw for bedding. & went to JD's & to Cedar Grove PM. W. fine Clear mother better

10 didnt feell well. have Influenza. took salts M Neighswanders & Rudolph Moyer's from Scott were here. W. fine Clear mild

Sunday 11 at home all day. W. fine mild

12 I Took 6 bus grist to Cedar Grove Mills W fine

13 Chored. W. rain from East nearly all day

14 Chored. W. Windy a little snow. Cold

15 Split some wood & drew a load of sawed wood into woodshed brought grist home PM W. NW wind pretty Cold

16 Chored. Took Chop to Mill. W. fine Clear

17 Chored. brought chop home PM. Colon Reesor & wife were here this evening. W. fine Clear

Sunday 18 at home AB's were here W. fine mild Clear

19 Chored. W. beautiful. Clear. Abraham Doner & wife & CB's & JD's were here this evening

20 Chored. W. fine Clear thawing

21 Chored. {top?} threshed some Oats I & little boys finished Cleaning Timothy Seed pretty near one bushel

22 JB Came to help me Clean Wheat got only one load Cleaned. had visitor Manasse Frets's & {Marven? Martin?} Neighswander's. Joe Wideman fixed Clock. W. pretty Cold

Feb 1872

23 I took 47 bus treadwell Wheat to Cedar Grove @ $1.23 & took 35 bus 52 lbs PM

24 RW helped me run through a load this morning took it out 35 bus 33 lbs AM Chored PM W mild snow going fast. road getting Muddy

Sunday 25 at home all day. W. Colder AM Cold heavy west wind PM. froze hard. Clear PM

26 Chored. Started about 5 PM. to go for Dr Mc heard on my way that he was at Uncle Joseph Burkholder's with Dr {Lizars?} who is Operating on Uncle Joseph by Cutting for ¡ {upside down exclamation mark} stone in the bladder! Brought Dr with me this evening W. very Cold. pretty heavy NW. wind

27 Nancy gave birth to a son about 1.Ocl this AM. doing very well. I took M C home AM Chored PM. W. very Cold yet

28 Drew 9 loads wood for Steele W. pretty cold Uncle Joseph Died this morning

29 Brought Horse power from Flavius AM I own the whole Machine now bought Out Flavius & having bought out Br C last winter Finlaws were here today W. fine

March 1st Uncle Joseph was buried today I didnt go My Mother went with AB's W Clear Cold

2 Chored. W. fine. Clear Nancy & baby doing finely

Sunday 3 Meeting at Hebron I didn't go Old M Neighswanders & young Mort's were here W. fine Clear

4 Chored. very very Cold. NW. wind all day

5 Chored W. Clear. Calm. biting. Cold

6 Went to Flavius's Sale bought Neckyoke @ 50 cts Waggon rack 75cts Cider barrel $1.00 & Pair Bobsleighs $16.50. W. severe Cold, heavy north wind. Flavius has rented his farm to T.H. Hall & he is putting up a house on the north end of his farm on the 4th Concession for himself

Mar 1872

7 Brought home My Purchases from Flavius AM Went to Cedar Grove PM. W. Milder

8 Went to Cherrywood ¡ that is Walkey's Corner ¡ AM with old buggy. went to Markham PM W. mild

9 Went to Markham to Make Affidavit as Witness to the will of my late Uncle Joseph Burkholder at the Office of N Mans W. East storm snow & drissly rain all day didn't amount to much after all

Sunday 10 at home Br S's Flavius & Isaac Reesor were here Cober's Called a little while W. mild the snow yesterday helped the sleighing a good deal

11 Went to JD's & to Cedar Grove AM Simon Hoover's were here when I got home. W. fine, warm. Clear

12 Chored & got horse power set. made ready for threshing W. fine. warm. Clear. thawing. There has still been thin Sleighing so far. but it appears it wont last much longer

13 threshed AM. got on very well. Put through over 200 bus Oats AM. ot done before dinner. W. fine AM Cloudy PM. Heard that Michael Burkholder's little boy about 7 years Old got Accidentally hung in a Cow Chain yesterday evening

14 Chored AM. went to Funeral of M Burkholder's boy at Hebron PM. W. fine. Clear. snowing tonight

15 Chored. I & little boys got a grist ready PM Jacob Grove & family were here PM. W. Clear sharp

16 Went to Cherry-wood AM, & to Cedar Grove with grist Chop PM. W Clear sharp

Sunday 17 at home Br. N's & Br S's youngsters were here. W. Clear. Sharp a little snow squally

18 Helped Br. C's hang up Pork AM. Got mine out of tubs PM. W. Clear. sharp. Commenced to snow from East very heavy this evening about sunset

19 Hung up our Pork. RW & WM helped. W. heavy NW wind all day. Cold. drifting snow

20 Chored. I & little John Cut some sheaves W. Cold freezing yet Hard windy yet

21 I & little girls & John went to Markham & to JH Ramers for dinner. W. pretty Cold N W wind pretty good sleighing in the ditches along the fences. all the gullies are solid ice

Mar 1872 April

22 brought home buggy from Cherrywood AM JB was here awhile PM. I went to Cedar Grove PM W Clear

23 didnt do much except fix single Harness a little. have bad Headache. W. snow from East AM. Clear PM

Sunday 24 at home Jac Reesors were here PM & CBs & Br N's & Br S's awhile My Mother was taken sick yesterday & was worse today Dr was here PM is rather better this evening W. fine mild

25 Fixed & Oiled single Harness & Chored W M helped Flavius draw stones this evening. I bought 2 1/4 Acres of land off CB being the Corner of Lot No 1 5th Con Scarboro. for the Sum of $200. $50. Cash down & the balance in 3 yearly Instalments without Interest

26 I helped T Sanderson at Sawing Machine W. mild Snowed a little last night. thawed a little today

27 I & W drew 4 Cords wood for My Mother AM drew some in field PM. W & J Atkinson Chopped some for Me this spring W. Snow going very fast

28 Chored. Went to Cedar Grove PM. W soft snow all day. mild

29 Good Friday My Mother & we all went to Br C's W. new snow nearly all went today. fine warm

30 I & W drew out Cordwood W. fine Clear mild

Sunday 31 Easter. this was the day for Meeting at Hebron didn't Open. strong wind & rain from East all AM about 6 in snow last night. mild

Easter Monday April 1 at home all day W. heavy north wind. a little snow. illegible {unpleasant?}

2 All went to Markham & to J H Ramer's W. fine. Pretty good sleighing this morning. bad this evening WM. Commenced work this morning @ $125.00 for 7 Months.

3 Drew some hay from Flavius for Steele & Cleaned grist AM. W took it to Cedar Grove & then we drew some rails PM. W. fine Clear

4 Drew some rails & then drew out Cordwood W fetched home grist this evening Abraham Hoovers were here for awhile PM W. frose hard. last night. thawed today

April 1872

5 Chored AM W finished drawing Out wood l I & Nancy went to AB's & I went to Whitevale & got Jess shod PM. W. fine Clear thawing sleighing gone

6 I went to duffins Creek for a keg of beer W split sawed wood we fixed up some fences along fallow in Scarboro PM. W. fine. very warm

Sunday 7 at home all day. JD's were here W. mild some rain

8 didn't do much. my Mother was pretty bad last night W went for Dr this morning he came this evening W. foggy & Cloudy

9 I went to Markham to get some Medicine for my Mother she rested pretty well last night. W. foggy & a little rain this AM warm Clear PM distant thunder PM. John Stover's oldest daughter died today of Scarlett fever it is very prevalent this spring

10 Chored W ground axe at Br C's AM. both chopped dead dead timber in old bush PM. W. a little squally

11 both Chopped. I helped Br N Clean some Oats that he bought off me @ 40cts per bus. I cant chop very much have Rheumatiz in my shoulders W. fine Clear

12 Cleaned seed Oats & sorted some turnips W. rain nearly all day I went to Cedar Grove this evening

13 I Chored AM brought home Iron plow from Walkeys where I had it fixed W Chopped. W. very windy. Cold

14 Sunday 14 at home. Br S's & CB's were here PM. W clear

15 Sowed grass seed on fall wheat in NW field & some on Oat stubble where it caught badly AM sawed big elm into Cordwood in Markham fallow PM. I went to JB's this evening W Clear AM snow squally alwhil awhile PM

16 Went to Finlaws & to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's W. Cold N.W. wind Clear roads getting pretty good

17 I & W sawed Old logs in Markham fallow AM Had A Purdy with JD's Oxen to log PM. got finished W fine clear

18 I got Cent shod AM I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W began Plowing sod below garden W. fine Clear roads pretty good. hard frosts few nights back

19 Both plowed JB's were here. W. fine. warm. Clear. drying fast

April 1872 May

April 20 W finished plowing below garden & Commenced in sod near Hoover's I helped Flavius draw sand & fixed board fence along pickering townline my Mother is rather poorly today W. fine clear

Sunday 21 at home all day Mother very poorly AB's JD's CB's BrC & Br S? N's were here PM. W. fine. Clear

22 Went to Markham AM got Medicine for My Mother AM. Chored PM W. Cold blustering Dave Stephenson Came to work today @ $45.00 for 7 months W. went to plow for John Stover blustering, a little snow squalls. Cold wind froze last night

23 Both plowed AM. Chored PM. W very Cold Wind AM. about 3 in snow fell PM

24 Sawed Elm Cordwood in two AM W helped JD log PM I & Dave brought home & planted about 20 Black raspberry bushes PM W. warm Snow all gone

25 Both plowed AM I brought load of lime from Jim Hadleys for Flavius PM. W. warm. Close

26 I plowed W is not well. W. fine Clear

27 Both plowed W. Cold NW wind. J Wideman & wife Came to stay all night

Sunday 28 I staid at home with My Mother & little boys. Nancy & little girls went to Meeting at Hebron. Finlaws youngsters were here after service David Burkholder at supper W. fine Clear

29 Sowed sod below garden with Oats JB Came PM to fix garden fences & lane fence. W. Cold East wind Clear

30 I sowed 4 bus spring Wheat in north side of field back of garden AM & Dave gang plowed it in then I helped JB at lane fence. W finished sod till supper time then rolled Oats after supper W. Close & warm distant thunder. looks like rain

May 1 Got Br Cs gang Plow boys both Ganged in field back of garden AM threshed Crown Peas PM W. a little rain this morning. Showry PM. makes things grow

May 1872

May 1 Great fire reported in Markham last night have not heard Particulars yet David Burkholder's illegible son Abraham's wife died Suddenly this morning

2 boys gang plowed last year's Root ground & nearly finished back of garden I helped JB at lane fence W. fine

3 Sowed sod with peas. Nancy went to Abraham Burkholder's wife's funeral with Br. C & Br N's got sod harrowed twice W. began to rain about 10 to 2 PM. Clearing till night

4 W began to plow in East end of big field where Clover missed. Dave finished harrowing sod peas till 10 AM then I helped to plow W. Cold north wind

Sunday 5 at home Br N's were here PM. W. fine clear

6 I sowed last years turnip ground with barley & Dave harrowed it. I took my Mother to JD. W began to plow behind Cider house. W. fine warm Clear

7 I sowed barly in field back of garden AM W & JB plowed behind Cider house JB hitched his horse with old Dick Dave harrowed barly I plowed PM & JB worked at lane fence w. very warm

8 Plowed & brought 10 1/2 bus white oats from Old Willie Morrison's AM sowed field behind Cider house PM. got harrowed once a little showry PM

Ascension day 9 I went with Children to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C. Sermon on St Luke 24 C by Rvd H Barkey W. warm Clear

10 I sowed Crown Peas in N W Corner Dave gang plowed them AM JB & W. fixed fence at Scarboro Pasture. W ganged PM & Dave finished harrowing Oats W. fine Clear

11 I & Nany went to Markham AM sowed grass seed on Crown Peas PM Dave finished harrowing. W. plowed in big field W fine Clear Saw the results of the fire in Markham today {Hon?} D Reesor's stable fired by an Incendiary were burnt his Dwelling Carleton's stable & Store D Johnston's Saddlery Mair's Law Office

May 1972

A building Occupied by A Barber the Anglo American Hotel Pringls Dwelling Workshop & Showroom Burks Store & J Robinsons dwelling The Economist Office was only saved by the greatest exertion all the Contents were removed & everything put into Confusion so there was no Issue last week.

Sunday 12 at home Jacob Reesor's youngsters were here. & Br S's youngsters PM W. fine Clear. Cool. a good shower would do some good now

13 I & W finished Plowing East part of big field Dave carried potatoes Out of of Cellar JB finished west lane fence to Cider house from townline W Cool Clear

14 Sowed Peas in East end of big field Took my Mother to Br N's PM. My Mother is very restless at night & rather weak in her mind W. fine Clear. east wind PM

15 Took my Mother to B's S's & then went to Markham AM Planted Early Rose Potatoes PM W. fine Clear

16 I rolled some Peas AM. boys fired fallow south end of Markham bush. all fought fire PM. it run run run over nearly the whole of the Old bush. but I hope it did not do it much harm. it burned about 10 rods of fence on the 11th Con. W. Shifty wind. Clear

17 I went to Whitevale AM to get Deed drawn by T P White for 2 1/4 Acres of land that I bought of C Burkholder for $200. burned & Picked in fallow PM Dave finished rolling Peas PM W. fine clear

18 Chored & Picked in fallow AM put up new fence along 11th where it was burned PM W strong East wind. a little rain tonight. fire about out

Whit Sunday 19 I & Nancy went awhile to J Cober's W. heavy rain about all night & a good deal today will do a great deal of good I hope

Whit Monday 20 I & Nancy little boys & My Mother went to JD W. Clear with a few sunshiny showers. things look green

21 boys drew Old rails wood & stones off little fallow I chored & went to Frys for some plants W. fine warm clear

May 1872 June

22 Dave harrowed root ground & W plowed potatoe ground got done about 3 PM then Cleaned grist W. fine AM rain PM. slowly at first heavy tonight Heard today that Uncle Jacob Burkholder Died last night

23 I & Nancy went to Uncle Jacob Burkholder's funeral at Widemans. Discourses by J Stakly & Shoults Went to Finlaws for dinner boys fenced pastures on Scarboro Side W. wet this morning, fine today

24 W Commenced plowing new fallow I brought Home Grist AM helped plow PM. W. Clear AM. some squalls of rain PM Planted a little Corn AM

25 I went to Fmans bay AM for some Plaster didnt get any AM. dug garden PM. W. strong north wind

Sunday 26 My Mother Nancy & little girls went to Meeting at Hebron. Sacrement today. I & little boys staid at home. I was not well, had to vomit last night. Danl Widemans & S Lehmans were here at Dinner & Menno Burkholder's & M Nighswander's at supper. Abraham Burkholder & his family & his Mother were here awhile W fine Clear

27 I & Neighbours Moved graveyard fence to the north & rebuilt it W plowed little Orchard for Old Steele to plant potatoes on shares W. a few heavy showers

28 W plowed in fallow I & Dave worked at fence on west side of field near Hoover's W. cool clear illegible night. W. fine Clear

30 I chored boys drew old rail pieces where Dave & I fixed fence then drew stones off west end of field near Hoover's where we are going to summer fallow. harrowed potatoe ground. & Piled some lim limb wood after supper. W. dribbling, & heavy shower tonight

31 Planted about an acre of Potatoes in East side of field East of Dam W. fine Clear

June 1 began to draw dung on fallow W. fine looks a little like rain

{June 1872}

Sunday 2 At home Flavius' Br N's & AB's were here W. Cool Clear

3 Drew dung W. fine some East wind

4 Spread some dung AM I took chop to mill & W began plowing fallow PM. W. Shower AM & another after supper rung Pigs tonight

5 Both plowed in fallow W. fine. Clear north wind AM JB's were here at noon

6 Both Plowed AM. W went to A Snider's on 3rd Con Pickering I took my Mother to JD She is getting very weak in her mind and body W. very warm

7 Washed sheep AM Dave helped Br C plant Potatoes AM Chored PM. W. began to rain about 10 AM. rained nearly all day

8 W went to Flavius log house raising on his end of lot on 4th Con. I took My Mother to JD's PM Saw Baby, born about noon W. some showers

Sunday 9 We all & My Mother went to Br S's they were not at home staid for dinner with the young folks Martha Shank & her Man & Christian Stover's were here at supper {Matty?} got married this spring to Mr Ebenezer Cook out west in the Township of Dorchester W. Clear heavy rain last night

10 Finished plowing fallow & started plowing turnip ground AM W plowed some PM & I went to JD's. W. fine AM some very heavy rain & Thunder PM. Started water pretty high

11 Sawed some rail cuts AM boys & CB & his boys went fishing PM. got nothing W warm & slight shower this evening

12 I Plowed garden for Flavius at his new house AM Helped W plow turnip ground PM. W helped Flavius Put rafters on his house after supper. W. fine warm. Clear

13 Both plowed in turnip ground till near noon when it began to rain. rained nearly all PM. I shot a bird up at dam today which Puzzles me to name it belongs to the Crane specie I should think

14 Drew rails out of Scarboro bush along 5th Con ready to fence it in. I took Nancy & My Mother to JD's & then went to Mr Swallows near Duffins Creek with my Bird to get it stuffed it proved to belong

June 1972

June 14 to the Crane Specie. but it is Commonly Called a (shitepoke) or Bittern then I got a keg of beer at the Creek Brewery W. warm slight showers PM roads heavy

15 Finished drawing rails out of bush & then drew 7 loads from Br N's W. fine Clear

Sunday 16 All went to Br N's. W. fine Clear AB's were here at supper

17 I & Nancy went to Markham AM I went to Cherrywood PM. W harrowed turnip ground Dave hoed Early rose Potatoes W. fine Clear

18 Dave harrowed old fallow W drew a few rails & then began to make turnip drills I helped scrub & wash Meeting house PM. W. fine Clear

19 Chored AM. Sowed about half of turnips PM. Uncle John Burkholder was here at dinner W. warm clear

20 I & Nancy went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's his wife was confined about a week ago and is rather poorly but is getting better W helped Br C draw stones W. very very warm. sultry

21 Finished sowing turnips in East half of field East of dam about 4 acres. & 1 acre of potatoes. AM began drawing dung on heap in fallow Intend putting it on pea ground in field near Hoover's East part west part is fallow. W. rather Cooler

22 Drew dung. Mother rather Poorly. getting weak W. pretty warm

Sunday 23 I & Nancy staid at home. Meeting at Hebron my Mother is pretty bad we have to set up with her all night quite a few visitors. W. fine Clear

24 boys drew dung I helped to wait on my Mother She is very restless. sleeps very little. dozes a great deal. Imagines strange things. and consequently takes a great deal of attendance she got a little stronger this evening so I gave her a short drive in the buggy. W. fine Clear Jacob Hendrik & wife were here today with Jac Reesors & Old Samuel Neighswanders

25 Waited on my Mother. She is still pretty strong Joseph Shirk's were here today. M Dyke's little Mary Died today. W. fine. Clear. looks a little like rain

June 1872 July

26 W harrowed in new fallow. AM. he plowed on roads PM. I chored. My. Mother still keeps pretty strong Uncle Joseph's widow & young Christian, Little Chris Hoover's & Jacob Widemans were here today. W. pretty warm

27 W worked on road with team I Chored Dave finished harrowing new fallow W. warm clear we are still up every night with My Mother

28 W finished road work with team AM went to Party at Cherrywood PM. I Chored My Mother rather poorly. W. very warm. nice shower PM John Stover's were here PM

29 I. W. & Dave worked Scarboro road work with team. W. very very warm

30 Sunday. at home all day. Mother very poorly W. hot close

July 1 W. began Mowing little meadow in Scarboro. I waited on my Mother she is a little stronger PM W. very warm I & little boys brought home new 3 spring waggon from Cherrywood @ $100 PM they allow me $10 for our old double buggy

2 I chored W finished Mowing in Scarboro I & Dave raked & Cocked some PM

3 I took Broken horse rake to get fixed AM W mowed in Orchard raked & cocked the last of the hay in Scarboro PM. W very warm. shower & thunder went round west & south tonight

4 I got Cent shod at Bambridges AM. W mowed in Orchard finished till supper. then we scuffled potatoes after supper. W. Slight Shower about noon our turnips are Coming very slow, scarcely any to be seen Thos Wilson of Markham Village died yesterday from the effects of a fall off a building the day before

5 Drew in 3 loads hay out of Scarboro AM raked & Cocked part of Orchard PM. W. pretty warm

6 Fixed up Horse fork & raked rest of Orchard AM Drew it in 3 loads PM. W. rather Cooler S Lehmans were here at supper

Sunday 7 at home all day JD Brs S's & N's & Old Uncle Saml's & Flavius' were here today W. rather cooler

July 1872

8 W mowed fence Corners I & Br C Took reaper to pieces AM. Then I took Pitman & Boxes & knives to Mongolia to get repaired PM. Went to JB's for supper. W. pretty warm

9 Raked & Drew in a small load of fence corner hay Simon Ramers were here PM Martin Neighswander's wife & Tilman Wideman's wife were here today & Finlaws awhile AM. W pretty warm

10 W began to crossplow fallow I went to Belford AM didn't do very much PM began to rain very heavy about 1 OC had a Splendid heavy rain soaked firstrate doing a great deal of good

11 I took reaper springs & some small jobs to Cherrywood AM turned some fence Corner hay & Chored PM. W. pretty warm slight Shower PM

12 brought home hay rake & reaper springs. & went to Cedar Grove AM Cleaned out drain through north end of pasture field at Pickering town line & Drew in last of fence Corner hay PM W. very warm. to warm to plow PM Great Accident yesterday PM on Nippissing at Boyer's bridge. Double Engine & 18 Cars off the track nobody hurt

13 I mowed in pasture field W plowed in fallow I & little boys went to Cedar Grove after supper. W fine. rather Cool

Sunday 14 We all & My Mother went to Br. S's in new Buggy Nancy & little girls then went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. My Mother is stronger but very restless at night we have to sit up with her every night. W pretty warm Clear

15 I went to BSS. this morning & Chored Dave raked hay in Pasture & W plowed AM. Drew in about 4 loads PM W. very very warm, sultry

16 I Mowed in west end of big field W. very warm had a slight shower after supper

17 I finished Mowing. W finished Plowing old fallow AM. raked & Cocked what I mowed yesterday W. very warm

18 Drew in hay west end of big field 8 loads W. Cooler I went for Dr for M Dyke tonight got back at midnight W. pretty cold driving

July 1872

19 Drew in rakings load AM. W scuffled turnip drills (there are scarcely any turnips) PM. then he went to show in Markham after supper. I & little boys took grist to Cedar Grove Mills PM. W. fine

20 I & Nancy went to M Neighswanders & Simon Hoover's I took part of reaper to Mongolia W. fine clear

Sunday 21 I & Nancy staid with My Mother girls went to Meeting at Hebron. W. fine shower this morning another heavy one PM. not many at the Meeting Old David Hoover's & Isaac Reesor were here PM Isaac is !doing the amiable! to Janet while I am writing. my Mother is not so well today a {as} she was. a few days ago she was able to walk to Br C's

22 I went to Markham AM. W helped Br. Cs get Out a stick of timber. W drilled over about an acre of turnips PM & I sowed them white globe seed. W. fine. Clear

23 Boys Cut roads round upper wheat field & I helped Br. C get reaper ready AM I raked off for Br C cutting his barley & W began crossing new fallow W. fine, a little rain PM

24 I helped Br C finish Cut barley with reaper W. Clear

25 Cut 8 rounds wheat in NW field this morning then I went to raising Br. C's barn at Dyke's boys bound wheat & Cut a road round field at end of lane. W. pretty warm. looks like rain tonight

26 Cut Wheat. a little rain AM. Clear PM

27 Finished NW field till 4 Oclock then drew Steele's hay 2 loads after supper. W. fine. Clear

Sunday 28 at home all day Ruhannah & Benjamin Diller were here W. fine Clear

29 Cut wheat in Scarboro W Cradled in rough part till about 11 oclock when it began to rain drissly & Cloudy all day heavy shower about supper time I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove after supper I shot a 9 1/2 lb woodchuck this evening

30 Finished Cutting Wheat didnt get it all bound W. Clear

31 Finished binding & Shocking wheat AM I & W cut barley back of garden. Dave helped Flavius bind wheat PM. W. fine. Cool. Clear

Aug 1872

August 1 I & W cut barley in field east of dam 5 acres finished at about 1/2 past 2 Oclock then drew in 2 loads Treadwell wheat began to rain about 6 Oclock

2 I went to Markham AM Chored PM W. warm Clear AM. Showry PM

3 Drew 2 loads Edgings AM W finished Plowing new fallow & drew out some wood He harrowed PM. & I & little John went for my stuffed Bittern & got a barrel of salt at Bay W. fine warm. Clear

Sunday 4 We & My Mother went to AB's they were not at home. then we went to JD's PM. W. fine Clear

5 Finished drawing in N W wheat field 12 good loads W. Clear

6 Drew in Soules wheat in field below townline till supper then I went to JB's & boys drew in 3 loads barly W. very warm clear

7 drew in 4 loads barley till 11 oclock when a shower Came up then I & Nancy & little boys went to AB's & I went to Cherrywood Came back after supper boys brought 1 load & I helped to bring 2 more till night

8 Drew 1 load of barley out of lower field & 9 out of upper. Simon Hoover's were here at supper W. fine very warm this is Election day in South Ontario Cousin T P White is endeavouring to run out Tory Gibbs

9 Drew 3 small loads barley out of upper field & W took waggon to shop to get {Tires?} set AM began putting {pulling?} sod Peas with horse rake. works well. W. fine warm very sorry to hear that Tory Gibbs is elected

10 Finished pulling Peas till about 3 PM Cut road round spring Wheat till supper W brought waggon home after supper. W. warm

Sunday 11 at home. W. warm. a little Cloudy

12 Cut spring wheat AM. JB helped. W helped Flavius thresh with team W. Cloudy AM fine shower about 1 Oclock PM. I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM

13 I & JB began Cut Oats in field behind Cider house AM bound spring wheat PM. W. pretty warm. Cloudy W. helped T Hale Husk AM & CB PM

Aug 1872

14 I & JB brought log boat from Br S's to Move thresher Out of old barn into new. & fixed old barn roof AM bound & cut some Oats PM W helped CB thresh awhile AM W very close Cloudy AM. began to rain tonight at dark

15 Had Br. S with his Kirby to finish big Oat field & little one below garden except some that were down. our machine needs the Boxes filled and we didnt like to run it. we got big field all on shocks tonight. W. fine Clear

16 Bound Oats & Cut what was down. AM JB & W drew in 2 loads barly rakings & 2 wheat raking & I & Dave finished Oats W. warm Close

17 Moved Thresher out of Old barn into new this Morning. then drew in 7 loads peas & 2 loads Oats after supper. W. warm Clear east wind PM

Sunday 18 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron I staid with my Mother She is a great deal better but it was rather wet for her to go Br S's were here PM. W. slight shower this morning another pretty heavy at noon

19 Finished drawing sod Peas 8 loads & set power this evening JB is here again W. Close a little rain tonight

20 threshed 31 boxes Oats 13 boxes rakings & 63 boxes Treadwell wheat didnt go very well broke two arms. W. very warm. flies very bad

21 Made up for lost time went very well today threshed 100 bus Treadwell wheat till noon boys & JB pulled peas in big field PM. & I brought 2 pigs from AB's W. very very Close

22 Finished pulling peas in big field AM Drew in Spring Wheat 4 loads & 2 loads Oats PM. Dave thinned globe turnip W. very Close. warm Mr James Metcalfe Elected by Acclamation on the 20th Inst for East York

23 Drew in Oats below garden 5 loads & 7 loads out of field back of Cider house W. fine Clear

24 I got Frank shod this morning W & JB drew in 2 loads Peas out of big field when I came back we drew in last Oats 3 loads behind Cider house. Drew in 12 loads Peas. Finished big field PM R W helped W. very warm

Aug 1872 Sept

Sunday 25 went to Meeting at Wideman's Remarks by Joseph Barkey. Sermon on St Mat 18C by Br C went to S Lehman's PM & to JB's for supper. W. pretty warm

26 I & Nancy went to Markham & to JH Ramers JB & Dave pulled Crown Peas & W helped Sanderson thresh W. fine Clear

27 I JB & Dave Pulled Peas AM W helped Sanderson finish thresh AM. helped us pull Peas PM. W. fine Clear

28 Finished pulling Peas AM W began to draw dung off heap in fallow on sod Pea ground & I, JB & Dave drew in 4 loads Crown Peas W. fine warm clear

29 Finished Peas 3 loads AM I & JB drew dung & W began to plow Pea ground PM. W. fine shower tonight

30 I & W plowed JB & Dave finished drawing dung & spreading it JB went home tonight W. very heavy north wind. Cold as October a little drissly rain

31 Both plowed. Dave took share to BSS & thinned Globe turnips. W. pretty Cold & windy yet. Clear

Sept 1 Sunday at home. I went to Dr Mc Nancy has symptoms of Vomiting & Cramps or spasms W clear

2 Nancy better again. I plowed in pea stubble nearly finished AM W. plowed in new fallow I skinned Br Cs 3 year old Netherly mare she died last night of Influenza or distemper & took skin to Markham to get dressed for a robe they thought they Couldnt do it in the summer season so I sold it for $1.00 W. Cool. Clear

3 I finished Pea stubble till 10 Oc then helped W finish new fallow till supper Dave harrowed Pea ground with Dick & Br Ns old Prince I sowed some of the new fallow Treadwell wheat after supper W furrowed out out in fallow & Pea ground W. cool

4 Finished sowing new fallow. then helped W plow Dave finished harrowing new fallow. W. windy. Cloudy began raining nicely at about 6 OC this evening raining yet

5 Both plowed AM. I sowed 4 bags Treadwell on west end of field near Hoover's PM then plowed till night Dave harrowed. W. rather Cloudy. looks like rain

6 Dave finished harrowing till about 10 oc then I helped W plow sold some Treadwell wheat yesterday & today @ $1.37 per bus for seed W. warm fine rain last night

Sept 1872

7 Both plowed. Cleaned some Reed wheat this evening W very warm

8 at home all day PD were here W. very warm

9 sowed Peaground except headlamds W. drizzly rains till about 10 am Then Clearded up

10 finished sowing harrowing & furrowing out wheat AM. Then I brought 1/2 ton of bran from Green River Mills @ $12.50 per ton PM & W had after noon to himself & got Mare shod this evening W. a little drissel of rain this morning very {illegible} Pm

11 J & W Drew Duncan's hay W. very warm. foggy this morning

12 Thanksgiving day. All & My Mother went to Meeting at Hebron nemarts by B C sermon on 5 book Moses 8 C by R'd H Barky. AB's were here after service Br C's at supper. W. heavy shower about 10 Oc some more PM. & heavy This evening

13 I Took 50 bus 43 lbs 2 loads Treadwell wheat to Cedar Grove Mill @ $1.37 W went to M Dykes Plowing Bee W. some rain This Morning. blowing Cold north wind today

14 I little boys & Dave Made 37 1/2 gals Cider at P Lapp am W began to fall plow in barley stubble in turnip field I boiled sauce & Dave helped to Plow Pm. W. fair Clear

Sunday 15 We all & My Mother went to meeting & sacrament at Hebron Remarks by R Jae Wideman appropriate sermon by B C Br inlaw Saml Hoover's & Abraham Hoovers of Pickering were here after service Finlaw's boys at Supper W. fair Cler

16 I took P{illegible} belonging to gearing to village Am Old Hewitt thought I would better bring the whole gearing so I took it Pm. W. fine Cler

17 I & Nancy went to Whitevale factory for Cloth Am Br inlaw John Hoover was here when we got home on a shooting tour. I went with him awhile after dinner. I shot 2 black squirrels he had shot 2 before dinner boys W finished Plowing stubble East of dam this morning then him & Dave drew soft wood out of Flats on Scarboro side of the house & chips Pm. W. fine Cler beautiful

18 I & Dave drew 3 loads Chips Am & Drew home 3 Iron wood Poles for arms for horse power. Dave harrowed East of dam & I & Br N put in the Arms. W. Cloudy fine shower tonight

{Second Page} Sept 1872 Oct

19 I went to B.S.S & took Janet as far as Bradshaws Corner she has Cold. AM Chored & went to Cedar Grove PM W plowed below garden yesterday & today Dave helped PM. W. squalls of rain . & blustery

20 Dave finished below garden then helped W plow in little field that I bought of CB this spring they got all done except headlands. I went to Belford for shear & Chored AM. JB was here for some Cut sheaves. I rode with him to Cedar Grove & killed lamb Pm. W. Cool, Cler

21 Boys plowed below lane. I pulled off boards on line fence between little field I bought off CB & our field & Chored Am. finished board fence along Markham bush through swale Pm. W. fine Cler

22 Sunday. We all & My Mother went to Br S's W. fine Cler

23 Brought Hewitt & the Gearing AM he put them in & fitted them all right then I took him home PM W plowed. W. pretty warm thunder went round north this evening

24 I & Nancy & Mother went to Abraham Hoover's on 8th Con Pickering then I & he went to R'd H Barkeys sale I bought nice little Eel spear @ 21 cts W. fine beautiful Cler

25 I Chored AM Took 9 bus Peas to Walkey Pm boys finished plowing below lane. AM Helped Br N thresh with team PM. W. Clear windy

26 We all went to Finlaws to quilting & Put old roof on driving shed all in one piece. W. fine Cler. Cold East wind Coming home boys helped Br N thresh am & Br S. Pm

27 I asked hands & fixed things ready to thresh tomorrow boys helped Br C to thresh. W. fine Cler rather Cold I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove this evening

28 Threshed right along all day my Old Machine ran like a top. run out 310 bus barley & 123 bus Oats. W. fine Cler

Sunday 29 I Nancy & My Mother went to CB's W. rather showry high wind

30 I went to Cedar Grove AM & then shot a fine Squirrel went to Jos Badgerow's sale & Picked some Cider Apples Pm W. fine Cler, a little windy

Oct 1 I & Dave made a barrel Cider & W plowed W helped CB plow & Dave began in field back of garden

Oct 1 I & Dave made a barrel of Cider & W plowed AM I Boiled Sauce & Dave Plowed Pm W went home his little Brother Alick is very sick. he died this evening. W. cler

Oct 1872

Oct 2 I Chored began to make a leech vat & helped to Pick some apples M Nighswander's wife & boy got some to Dry on shares W. fine clear beautiful

3 I took Nancy & my mother to Uncle Sams AM & then threshed beans & helped Simon Hoover Pick some apples. brought Nancy & Mother home this evening. W . very fine Cler

4 I & Nancy went to funeral of a little Alexander Murison. to Markham village I killed a calf after we came home W. very fine Cler

5 I got Jess & Cent shod at Bambridge. My mother went to J H Ramer's I went there for dinner W. fine clear heard a drunk man on Townline about 9 Oc tonight found it was John Hollinger. W drove him home I followed in buggy & brought & W home

Sunday 6 at home all day My Mother went to Meeting at Cedar Grove with Br C & our team & spring waggon W. a little rain at noon. heavy thunder lightning & rain tonight

7 I & Dave Cleaned some barley this morning then then I went around Through Pickering to Canvas for pupils for a German school to be held in our Church. Then we cleaned some more barley this evening he plowed while I was gone. W. was away looking for a farm to rent. W. fine clear heavy rain last night

8 I chored AM & Dave Plowed till noon then he had to quit. Our Horses & every otherbody's Horses are getting sick with a sort of Epidemic influenza. I went to stable raising at Flavius Pm. W. fine clear Willie Willie came home tonight. he has rented Ganahil Harrington's farm on the Morktown & Scarboro Townline near the 7th Con

9 Picked winter apples AM began digging Potatoes PM. I took grist to Cedar Grove mill PM. W. fine warm clear

10 Dug Potatoes. I brought home grist this evening W. Cool

11 Dug Potatoes. I went to stable raising at JD's Pm W. cool

12 Finished digging Potatoes. good Crop. W. Cool rather cloudy

Sunday 13 All went to Meeting at Hebron except My Mother & John & little Benjamin My Mother has a Cold remarks by B C

{Second Page}

Oct 1872

Sunday 13 Sermon on {blank space} by Br H Barkey. JB's were here after service they are keeping house for Br N's they are away to Michigan & Waterloo. W. fine rain last night. Cloudy this morning. Clear today.

14 Sawed some Cedar trees that I got from Flavius a year or two ago for my Old Milk Can. AM Cleaned barly & put it back in bin again horses are not fit to team it away at Present I went to Harrison's sale at Cedar Grove PO PM. he is leaving W. pretty Cold. windy. {illegible} J Lapps men dragging out one of his horses that died with Epidemic

15 Finished Cleaning barley & some wheat tailings W plowed awhile AM. I & Nancy started to Belford Jess got sick turned back. she is better again. W. Cloudy. Cold. some soft snow from about 11 oc till 3. all Thawed again

16 W plowed. I killed a pig AM. I & Nancy went to Belford PM. Dave Picked apples. W. Cold. NW wind clear

17 I & Dave made 2 barrels Cider AM {?} W plowed Tilled beds PM. W. white frost this morning clouded up. East rain Pm

18 W Plowed second time in West half of root field Dave Picked apples. I got some Powders at Barrows for horses AM they are hardly well yet I helped JD thresh PM W Cler

19 I helped JD thresh until about 3 Pm boys both Plowed. W. fine clear. a very little rain am

Sunday 20 We & my mother went to Jac Reesor's W. fine clear

21 I drove 2 loads Cider apples {Written above line} 42 bus to P Lapp @18cts per bus W plowed. W. very fine beautiful weather Old Dick died aged 29 years last night

22 I Nancy & my Mother went to P Stovers & I went to Uncle Josephs sale I bought Hendry Plow @$12.00 & a lot 90 of sap buckets @11 1/2cts apiece W. fine warm clear, look a little like rain tonight a little drizzle this evening

23 W brought 197 4 in tiles from Cherrywood this morning then we Commenced to draw Potatoes into Cellar I & little John brought home my Plow & buckets PM. W. very fine

24 I & Dave drew in Potatoes. W helped Br C log. W. fine clear

25 Chored AM. I & Dave helped Steele divide Potatoes that he Grew on shares in little Orchard & drew his share home for him. W took 40 bus 40 lbs barley to Whitby @ 68cts per bus. W. cloudy a little rain This morning pretty heavy This evening rainy yet 9 o PM

Oct 1872 Nov

26 Chored I got some Powder at Barrows for Frank Pm he didn't seem to be very well after his drive yesterday W very steady rain all night and all day. raining yet about 11 oc

27 at home Br N's were here PM. I went to Burrows this evening Franks legs were swelled some Jimmy Junie came with me & gave him a Ball. W. rained nearly all day looks like Clearing up now. very wet & sloppy

28 Chored this Morning began to Pull turnips about 10 Oclock JB came to help. W. fine clear. Frank some better

29 JB plowed in sod behind barn along bush awhile this morning & I helped Br C kill 2 pigs Then we all pulled Turnips.W. fine warm clear Frank some better

30 PB went to Ws Plowing Bee on Gannahil Harrington's farm JI & Dave Puller turnips after the frost was off . W. fine warm clear

31 I started a little after 2 Oc this morning to go to Toronto with Br. N he had gone when I got there. Then I walked to Agincourt Station on the Nipissing. got well serenaded by a Lynx on the Markham road about 5 Oc. AM. went to Toronto for some German school Books that came to me by Express from Elkart Ind rode home with Br N's. W. very fine clear white frost last night

Nov 1 Pulled turnips awhile AM Chored Pm W. a little rain AM. cloudy PM. Cut a tree in Scarboro bush that we thought had Coons in it but we found none

2 JB & Dave drew 4 loads turnips AM. (they also drew 4 loads on Thursday AM) I chored & went to Belford we all Pulled Pm. finished about 3.30 Oc Pm then JB & Dave went home & I went to Cedar Grove W fine cler

3 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on {Blank space} by R'd H Barkey JD's were here when we Came home + Abaham Dower Came Pm. W, fine a few drops of rain Pm

4 Drew in 10 loads turnips W, very fine cler

5 Drew in 17 loads turnips with 2 teams. Frank is better again. W. East wind. began to rain at dusk from east

6 Drew in 10 loads turnips which finished them W. Cloudy mild

7 Drew two loads Potatoes out of field into little Orchard & Pitted them. Chored Pm. W. clear AM rained nearly all Pm Nancy & Adeline went to quilting at M Neighswanders

{Second Page}

Nov 1872

Nov 8 Took 6 ewes to Br N's & bought Galloway Bull from Br S's I intend to fatten him on shares. AM I & Dave took last potatoes 15 bags into cellar & drew 3 loads wood Pm W. rather cold. a slight squaul PM. Heard that Josiah Parsons shanty south of Br N. was burned this PM. & his 3 children burned to death: shocking!

9 Dave Plowed in root ground. I chored & went to Cherrywood AM. Took Some chop to Br S's Chopping mill in his sawmill. & helped M Dyke clean a lot of Peas brought home chop this evening. W. fine clear. sharp frost last night.

Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rev H Barkey sermon on St John 10 C by Br C. I & Nancy went to Br C's awhile Pm. W. fine clear

11 I went to see JB to come & help me to draw barley to Whitby. AM. Helped M Dyke to put in some 4 in tiles south of Graveyard PM W. Cloudy mild

12 I & JB took 2 loads 88 bus 19lbs barley to Whitby @ 65 cts. W. drizzly rain a few hours this morning Cleared up PM. road very heavy & slippery Mr Dyke & Dave dug ditch ditch along west side of lane & on Townline past old lime kiln to let water rain east from lane into creek

13 JB took 50 bus 30lbs barley to Whitby @ 65 cts I & R Gourdy dug a grave at Hebron for Michael Burkholders child AM. Went to Funeral PM Dave Plowed in root ground. W. fine clear AM. strong East wind PM. began to rain about 8 Tonight

14 I & Dave Drew some lumber to new barn at M Dykes I & Br C have Traded land I give him my Scarboro fifty acres & the corner field that I bought off CB & $500.00 for Lot No 4 containing 70 acres. {Squiggly line} I took grist 10 lbs wheat to Cedar Grove Mill this evening

15 I & Dave moved some stones out of Cellar at Dykes barn & I went to get in a few logs at Sawmill AM I cut some Cedar logs in Flavius swamp to lay stable floors at Dykes & helped Dave finish putting dung on potatoe pits PM. W. hard frost last night ground frose hard

16 I went to Markham Dave & W drew Horse dung on heap in field below garden I & W brought load of Planks to Dykes This evening W. Cold clear

Dec 1872

Sunday Novr 17 at home all day. W. Cold Windy Clear frose hard

18 I Drew Cedar from Flavius swamp to Dykes. AM went to Belford PM. W Pulled down south garden fence front of house & dug out lilac bush & Plum trees. Plowed it up & brought 250 2 in tiles PM W. very Cold Clear windy

19 Helped Carpenters Boyd & his two men at stables at Dykes Cut a few more Cedars in Our little swamp in N W Corner field. W. very Cold. rather Cloudy windy

20 I drew some lumber AM Went to J D for my mother & took Janet McGaw home PM. her time is up with us. Boys drew wood AM W. & RW sawed some rail timber PM. W. very Cold. windy Looks like freesing up

21 I asked hands to thresh tommorow W helped RW saw a few Cuts & then he & Dave drew wood Carpenters finished stables. W. Cold. windy

22 Threshed 187 bus Oats & 47 spring wheat all went well Finished before 4 Oc {O'clock} W. slight dribbles of snow from East

23 I & W Drew scattered stones on heap at Dyks {Dykes} barn. Dyke helped Dave Cut wood. W. some snow from west AM. all thawed Pm

Sunday 24 at home Br S's & CB's were here. AB's awhile PM. W. a great deal Milder looks like opening out

25 Helped Br C kill a pig & Went with W to unload 500 2 in {inch} tiles at M Dykes to drain Barn walls AM Took Dave & his trunk home PM. W very very strong west wind calm tonight pretty cold

26 I & W Chored AM brought in Plows & built a Culvert at end of lane. Then we went to D Brands Sale PM. I bought a Crowbar at 80 cts. W. Cold this morning very Clear & beautiful through the day. Cold again this evening the roads are as good as June frost in yet

27 I Taught German School in Hebron Chapel in my Br Cs place he has been teaching the last few weeks & today he has the Threshing Machine & Could not leave home W. Cold windy

28 I chored AM. JB was here at noon I went to ABs & JD PM to ask them to help to kill hogs on Saturday W. Cold a little flurry of snow PM

29 I went to meeting at Cedar Grove AM. C Bang of Michigan & L Hoover of Rainham Preached on St John 3 C ~ 16 V made ready for killing hogs PM Br C & L Hoover were here a little while PM W. very Cold Clear

30 Killed our 7 hogs. W. very Cold & windy. Coldest day this season a little squall of snow about noon

Dec 1872

Dec 1 1872 Sunday at home all day. W. milder snowed from East nearly all day about 4 in fell. mild tonight

2 Helped Nancy fix up things rendered lard. W very soft snow going fast. Just now blowing up again. 9 OC looks like getting Colder

3 Helped Br N kill hogs. W. mild a little snow. thin sleighing

4 I & Nancy helped AB's kill hogs. W. Fine mild thin sleighing

5 I & Nancy Helped Br C. kill hogs W. mild Cloudy

6 I helped Br S's kill hogs. W. fine mild

7 I didn't do very much got Cold in nose & head {g?} Frank front shoes removed AM. W. fine mild

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on Luke 15 C by R H Barker M N {...?} & Abraham Burkholder were here PM W. fine mild a little flurry of snow last night. a little thin sleighing

9 Chored. got bad Cold in head. W. very Cold windy

10 Bought barrel salt at Cherrywood @ $1.60. AM Auctionered a small family sale for my Mother PM I bought sugar kettle @$1.25 3 sap buckets @ 6 cts & Cross cut saw @ 50 cts hoe @ 6 cts W. some milder

11 Went to Whitevale AM Chored & Put brine on 1 tub full of Pork PM. W. Clear sharp. thin sleighing

12 Helped CB kill hogs. W. fair, not very Cold

13 Took 5 bus grist spring Wheat to Cedar Grove Mill AM didn't do much PM Have bad Cold in head W. pretty Cold, Cloudy

14 Brought home grist of flour & took out some Chop to Cedar Grove mill AM Helped M Dyke Clean up 5 1/2 days threshing of Peas PM. W. Milder looks a little like a storm

Sunday 15 Went to Flavius' they were not at home then went to Br C's he was not at home. then went to Br N's & found them at home. W. very windy AM. Calm PM. JD Came & Took my Mother home with him this morning & brought her back again this evening

16 I helped JD's kill hogs. W. pretty sharp Clear PM

17 Chored. Put brine on last Pork PM. W. Clear sharp. Barbara Barkey got Married today to old Isaac Moyer from Clinton

18 I went to Markham AM Chored PM Had visitors this evening Br N's Christian Gayman & mother inlaw Aunt Barbara Burkholder Jas Shirks & wife JD's. W. Flurrys of snow. good wheeling & thin sleighing

Dec 1872 == ==Jan 1873

19 all went to meeting at Hebron Remark by Re {Reverend} H Barkey Sermon on St Luke 12 C by Re C Gayman Visitors after Service Re H Barkey & wife & J Stovers W. fine Clear Br C & family were here this evening. snowing now 9 PM

20 I brought home Chop from Cedar Grove Mills AM Chored PM. W. about 9 in snow last night soft drissle AM

21 Chored AM Put in & fitted 2 windows in Dyke's stables PM. very Cold Job. W. very Cold sleighing fair

22 Sunday at home CB's youngsters were here. W. very Cold

23 We killed & dressed 4 geese AM. started to take them to Markham PM. turned back at Silver Spring farm (D Reesor {Junr's) too Cold, windy. snow squaals {squalls} from west JB was here for some feed at noon

24 Intended to kill Galloway this AM. Br S {Simeon} & his man Came but it was so cold that we Postponed it. I went to Markham PM. W. very Cold Clear

Christmas 25. We all & my mother went to Br S's by Invitation to help Dispatch a splendid fat Gobbler. W. Cold pretty strong blow from East

26 Chored. W. Snowed slowly from east all day

27 I & little Herman went to AB's to help kill Goat & Beef. W. Cold AM. Milder PM

28 I Br S & his man J Davis killed Galloway Bull W. a great deal milder. snowed slowly. large flakes

Sunday 29 I took my Mother to JD's awhile staid for dinner W. Clear pretty Mild

30 I helped CB at threshing. W. rather sharp CB's & Old Isaac Moyers were here tonight JB is here tonight

31 I helped Br S finish threshing about 3 PM JB staid till I Came home & Cut some sheaves with my Cutting box for himself. W. milder Cloudy

January 1st 1873 at home all day McMs were here at noon & Br Ns & Br Cs this evening. W. mild Cloudy

2 Took 6 bus Chop to Cedar Grove Mills AM went to JDs PM. W East wind sleet & slight rain PM

3 Chored & brought home Grist PM. Shot 2 black squirrels. busst nipple out of rifle. W. mild. heard that Mother in law is sick

4 I & Nancy went to see Mother in law she is pretty sick with inflammation. W. clearing from West AM fine PM JH Ramer's Came to stay all night

Jan 1873

Sunday 5 I opened Hebron & put on fire but there was no Preaching heavy snowstorm from East all day

6 Chored AM. Went to help C B kill a hog PM sprained my back in helping to place the scalding trough. had to go home. W. fine Clear. didnt snow very much

7 didnt do much. back lame yet. W. mild yesterday

8 didnt do much. Chord a little. W. some blowing

9 Went to Belford AM. I to Br S's PM. W. very sharp

10 Chored. W. very Cold Clear

11 Chored. W. very Cold Clear

Sunday 12 All went to JDs. W. pretty mild. East wind tonight

13 I went for Dr Mc. AM. Br C has a bad spell again Caught Cold. a little Congestion on the lungs. Chored PM W. drissly rain. thawing pretty freely

14 Chored AM. Went Belford PM. I & Nancy went to Colon Reesor's this evening they were not at home

15 Helped J D thresh. W. heavy storm W. some west wind wind & snow from East AM. Cleared up PM. mild tonight

16 Helped Br S & R W kill a beef for Br C PM W. rained nearly all AM. & again this evening Br C is not much better yet

17 I & Nancy went to Simon Hoover's & brought H Barkeys daughter Sarah to work for Br C. S Lehmans were here this evening. W. Cold north wind. Clear

18 Chored. W. Pretty Cold

Sunday 19 at home. W. pretty Cold Nancy had a sick spell after supper. vomited & Pain on stomach some better now bedtime

20 I got Frank shod AM took small grist Chop to Cedar Grove mill PM W. dribbling snow all day. Nancy better again

21 I & Nancy went to Finlaws. W. snowed fast from East all day. Mother inlaw some better

22 Chored. I & little boys Cleaned some tailings for Chop PM Br S's were here this evening. W. fine Clear

23 All went to A B's. W. very sharp East wind pretty Cold

24 Chored AM. made road through field below garden PM. lane pretty well filled up Snowed from East last night & all AM. snow pretty deep. Mild

25 Took grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills AM I & Nancy went to Belford PM. W. pretty Cold Clear

Jan 1873 Feb

Sunday 26 at home all day have lame back sprained it again yesterday. W. pretty Cold

27 Chored. was at Br C's nearly all AM he is some better but he is not up much yet. W. fine Clear

28 brought home Chop AM Chored PM. W. very Cold JB Came to saw wood for my Mother PM

29 Chored. W. very very Cold. J B sawed wood for my Mother AM. & then we filled a bed for her PM

30 I & Nancy went to see her Grandfather at Jesse Reesors & visited awhile at B G Reesor's they moved back from the Township of Hay where they lived some years & now live in Jesse's old house. W. pretty Cold

31 Chored W. fine Clear. Cut some beef for Br C. he is getting better

Feb 1 went to Br Cs AM to meet M Dyke & made bargain about Dyke renting the farm that I got from Br C. I & CB shovelled snow at Hebron PM.John Cobers & Matty Cook were here this evening. Matty is staying all night W. frosty Cold

2 Candlemas day. Sunday All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Re {Reverend} H Barkey sermon on {blank space} by Re Jos Barkey about 3 dozen visitors PM. all JD's Finlaw's youngsters. Uncle Joe's younsters Janet & John McGaw & B F Reesor & wife W. Clear very Cold

3 I & J B & little boys tramped some loose Oats in old barn with horses. W. fair. mild. Cloudy

4 Cleaned Oats about 30 bus {bushels} AM Chored PM J B went home PM W. fine Clear thawing

5 Chored I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove PM W fine Clear

6 I Nancy & my Mother went to Uncle Joseph's old place Where his son Christian lives & Called awhile at J B's W. very fine clear

7 I Nancy & my Mother went to Br inlaw M Ns W. foggy this morning Cleared up very fine today

8 I & little John went to Walkers to get horses shod Walky was not at home. Chored W.squally AM Clear PM

Sunday 9 All went to Br C's he is generally up all day W. Cold. pretty strong NW wiind all day. Calm tonight

10 Thawed Br C's Cistern Pump AM Went to get horses shod PM shop was full Heard today that Henry Barkey daughter Fanny was buried in the Township of Hay yesterday. She was married to Joseph Smith of the Township of Vaughan W. very Cold last night

Feb 1873

Feb 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Re H Barkey sermon on St John 3 Chap by R & J Hagery Finlaws & Altona Daniel Hoover's were here PM W. fine

12 I helped C B saw wood. J B Came to work for me. he Cut some dead trees in Old bush W. Clear

13 I & J B drew home some wood & helped M Dyke Clear 75 1/2 bus Peas & I went to show old W M where to Cut some sawlogs in my Pine bush this evening. W. sharp clear

14 I & Nancy went to S Lehman's They were not at home then we went to Br inlaw David Hoover's. staid for dinner. W. pretty sharp AM. mild PM cloudy

15 went round neighbourhood awhile AM with Br C's mare James Morrison to see if we could find the dogs that worried 3 or 4 of Br C's sheep last night. Could make out nothing helped them to bleed & skin one PM. Br C is able to go out a little again W. very fine Clear pretty sharp

Sunday 16 all went to Br Ns. W. mild. sharp East wind PM

17 I & little boys Cleaned grist I took it to Cedar Grove Mill PM. Br C & his family were here at Turkey roast today. W. very fine mild Clear Br S's were here tonight

18 J B Came this morning & Cut wood AM Then I got Br S's Oxen & J B drove my Horses & we drew in 9 sawlogs out of my bush at Dykes PM. W. Mild thawing

19 Drew in 1 logs W. fine Clear

20 Drew in Six, 6. logs AM & a lot of fine wood logs home & brought home grist tonight W. fine Clear, East wind tonight

21 I took Pork out of brine AM I JB & Noah Burkholder drew oat sheaves out of old driving horse loft into new barn PM. W. snow from East AM Clear west wind PM

22 I JB & NB. drew soules wheat out of old barn into new W. pretty Cold. Clear

Sunday 23 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks & sermon on St Luke 10 C by Re {Reverend} H Barkey. AB's were here after service. W. very Cold Clear

24 Chored AM I went to Markham PM W. very Cold strong west wind some snow AM

25 Thawed Br C's Pump AM I & RW hung up our Pork PM. W. very Cold

== Feb 1873 == Mar

26 I & Nancy went to J H Ramers Called at D & M C Nancy has Cold. Got wolf teeth taken out of young mare Nells mouth at Bambridges W. fine Clear

27 Shovelled some to get out through field AM went to George Tran's sale with Br S & his boys PM W. very heavy snowstorm from East last night & awhile this morning roads drifted pretty bad but the storm did not Continue long enough to fill them up altogether

28 went to W Morrison's AM took grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills PM. W. fine mild clear

March 1 I & M Barkey shoveled snow at Hebron AM. I went to Markham PM W. mild

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting Remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 19 C by Re H Barkey M N {J...?} were here PM. W. fine mild.

3 Chored I asked some hands to thresh on Wednesday Finlaws were here. W. very strong north wind getting very Cold

4 made ready to thresh went to J D at noon to get him to come & help to set Machine. I went to Cedar Grove this evening W. very Cold strong air from north

5 threshed. Put on new belt. great bother. stretched continually. had to take it off and put on the old one old machine went well then threshed 96 boxes soules wheat & 130 bus Oats got done before sunset Simon Hoover's Came this PM. W. sharp getting milder

6 Chored. got stiff leg. Br Cs old mare kicked me yesterday went to Whitevale PM W. fair mild

7 I Nancy & my Mother went to D Burkholder's W very fine clear

8 Took home Br N's long sleigh AM. I went to Cedar Grove to hear D Brenneman & Wismer Preach PM. W. very Blustery & windy

Sunday 9 We & my Mother went to CB's W. mild

10 I Nancy & Br C went to Whitevale to get Deeds made for the Land that we exchanged in the fall. AM I cut wood & went to Cedar Grove PM. W. fine clear

11 I & J B Cleaned wheat AM I took 45 bus 41 lbs Soules wheat to Cedar Grove Mills PM @ $1.35 per bus W soft Snow about 5 in last night & this morning nearly all thawed today fine clear PM Isaac Moyer's moved today

March 1873

March 12 I & Nancy & little girls went to meeting at Hebron to hear Wismer Brenneman & {G...?} Preach. Christian Burkholder & wife were here PM. W. mild

13 I & J B drew home 8 logs from Dyks bush AM & 9 logs from old bush PM. W. very fine mild Clear

14 I & J B drew home 4 logs from old bush AM I went to Cedar Grove & J went with mee as far as Br Ns PM then we filled 20 bags with barley this evening we intend to take it to Markham station in the morning. W very fine

15 didn't do much J B went home this morning. W thawing & raining nearly all day. very warm & clear

Sunday 16 at home all day. awhile at Br C, W. very high wind last night & all day. water pretty high

17 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Markham & a little while to J A Ramer's PM. W. fine mild Clear sleighing

18 Went to S Lehmans. W. East wind some snow Coming going home

19 Helped M Dyke Clean Peas Measured up 81 bus W. fine Clear W Morrison {Junr} was Married today to Isabella Duncan

20 I & M Dykes went to Br S's this morning to sign Lease I went to Cedar Grove. Chored PM. Commenced to make a Fish net for Br S. W. soft snow, heavy this evening

21 Chored. W. mild. a little stormy. snow about 9 inches deep

22 I went to Markham with sleigh. snow soft

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove Little John was not very well so I took him & Flavius to Br S's & went to meeting again. all went to Br S's after service remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Re H Barkey. W. fine West wind PM

24 went to W Morrison's this morning Chored today J B was here awhile PM Br C this evening W. fair Clear

25 Chored. W M & his wife Isa. & Jae Wideman's were here PM. W. some wind & snow from East. mild

26 Chored worked a good while at fish net W. snow nearly all day from East wind turned to north tonight

27 Chored & shovelled snow. helped hold a {top?} hog for C B & then one of our own PM. W very strong north wind last night. Scarboro town line blocked full some places mild Calm today

28 I & Nancy went to Finlaws & Called at J H Ramers W. mild. Sideroads full of snow beginning to thaw PM

Mar 1873

29 Went to W Morrisons AM to try to hire his son Charles. offered him $18.00 per month but he wants $19.00. Could make no bargain Chored PM W. rain nearly all day. snow getting soft

Sunday 30 Went to meeting at Hebron remarks by Re H Barkey sermon on st John 4 v C by Br C. J D was here at Dinner. Jane Duncan Came PM to stay all night. W. Cold & stormy North wind last night & this morning. Calm today. thawing again

31 I & W M Chored some Oats that he is buying off me AM. then we went to a sale at Cole's on Reynold's farm PM. I bought Hay Knife at 40 cts W. soft snow AM. very fine Clear PM

April 1 Chored. Br' inlaw John Hoover was here. W. fair blowed up from East this evening with a little snow

2 Hired Charles Morrison @ $150.00 for 8 months & he does his Own washing Went to John Storer's sale PM. W. mild, pretty strong west wind sleighing about gone

3 tapped about 50 trees sap runs well. W. fine Clear

4 Tapped about 20 trees sap didn't run very well was about sick PM better again this evening. W. East wind PM

5 Chored gathered some sap PM. W. pretty heavy thunder & sleet this morning. showery & some thunder nearly all day

Sunday 6 at home all day Br C & his family were here PM. W. drissly rain nearly all day snow going

7 C Morrison Commenced work this morning he boiled sap AM & I went to Br S's to help kill a pig didn't kill it. I boiled PM & C chopped wood W. very foggy & dull. Close. water pretty high

8 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Belford PM W. rain about all last night & all day. spring Coming

9 Cleaned Oats. swept up barn & cleaned out stable W. rained all day. very dull weather

10 I boiled a little molasses out of some sap that was left on Monday C shovelled out the lane & got Nell & Frank shod & Chopped some in old bush. W. Clear nearly all day west wind

11 Good Friday I & Nancy went to Flavius W.

12 I went to M Dykes & to {S?} M AM I & C sawed some logs at wood shed PM. W. very fine, Clearest day this good while

April 1873

Saw a Proclamation at sawmill today to the effect that Parties wishing to Catch suckers or Mullets must get a Licence to do so or get fined I suppose

Easter Sunday 13, Br S's & C Bs were here & Br Ns PM. W. fair. beautiful Clear

Easter Monday 14 I took my mother to JD's AM round home PM Br C's were here awhile. W. fair

15 I boiled sap. W. strong East wind

16 I took Jess & Cent to Bambridges to be shod Adeline & Susanna went with me & then we went to J H Ramer's to get Caroline to work for us she was not ready. W. very strong East wind began raining heavy about dark this evening. roads good

17 Cleaned seed spring wheat & Grist of wheat & Chop. W. soft snow from East all day Gathered some sap & rain water after sapper

18 I went to S M & helped J Davie draw in our logs AM I & C took back lumber PM. W some drissly AM Clear PM

19 I & C drew 1 load lumber & he took Chop to Cedar Grove Mill AM drew 1 load Planks to Dykes & 1 load home PM. I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove & brought Chop home this evening. W. Clear Cold wind PM

Sunday 20 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on st Luke 7 C by Re H Barkey JD's were here PM. W. Cool. Clear

21 I boiled sap busy all day. C drew rails from M Dyke along 11 conc to Fix fence along north W. corner field w. Clear cool wind some squalls of snow this evening

22 I went to Belford this morning C boiled sap till I Came he began plowing sod in field behind Old barn PM I wen to SM & Cedar Grove mill this evening W. Clear Cold wind hard frost last night

23 Helped Br S kill big pig & brought home Grist AM Plowed a little PM J H Ramer's were her PM Caroline Ramer Commenced to work for us today W. Clear

24 both Plowed. W. Clear AM Cloudy PM. cool

25 both Plowed. W. fair Cool wind hard frost last night

26 C Plowed I went with Carpenters to M Dykes awhile AM to start them to finish horse stable then I boiled sap. brought home load of lumber this evening W. Cool Clear Willie & Isa were here tonight

April 1873 May

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron. remarks & sermon on {blank space} by Br C. went awhile to Br C's PM. W. fine. Cool Clear

28 both Plowed. finished sod behind old barn. W. fine Clear

29 I sowed about 6 bus spring wheat in field East of dam. Little John gang Plowed it C plowed last years root ground in same field W. fine Clear

30 I & Flavius Put 8 new Pannels Pickets round south side of Front garden. C Plowed. W. very fine. warm. clear Little John Finished Ganging west half of field East of dam. A M

May 1 Finished sowing & Harrowing field East of Lane with spring wheat. W. fine Cool. looks like rain ronight

2 Cleaned seed Pea's A M. C took plow to shop and I drew some lumbr P M. W. raing A M. rather drissly P M. C plowed below Orchard aftr supper brought home 22 sucker's that Br S. gave me They are Caught in number in the Rouges

3 Both plowed in field of sod below Orchard A M I went to Markham for Norway spruce trees about 60. P M W. rather Cloudy Cool

Sunday Went to Isaac Moyer's at George Travis old place on 4th Con Pickering at noon then to A B's P M W. fine Clear

5 both Plowed below Orchard I & Nancy went to Belford this evening. W. Clear. Cool

6 C finished Plowing this morning. I got 6½ bus Gealand Oats at C B's & sowed them below orchard C Harrowed. I helped finished harrowing P M then rolled them. C began Plow in field back of garden W. fine Clear Cool

7 I rolled spring wheat till supper time then Chored in garden. C Plowed. W. Cold East wind looks like rain

8 Oiled good double harness. W. rain & wind from east all day

9 Oild single harness AM brought home sap buckets & kettles & Chored & I went to Ceder Grove P M. W. rain AM Clear PM

10 C plowed for CB. I Nancy & little John Took Cow Daisy to WM's he bought her for $35.00 W. Clear. West wind

Sunday 11 We & my Mother went to JD's W. fine Clr

12 Went to Samul Hoover's at Altona. went Trout fishing I Caught 4

{Secon Page}

May 1873

& he Caught 4 in a short time Went to M N's for supper W. fine Clear. Cloudy this evening. C plowed in field back of garden, pretty wet yet. My Mare Jess had a fine Mare Colt yesterday morning

13 I went to Br S's for some Goodrich Potatoes A M. Chored P M W. Cold wind. C Plowed

14 Went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by R{ev} Joseph Barkey sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd Daniel Lehman from Hay. went to Finlaws after service Called at J H Ramer's for 2 Pigs W. fine Clear. Cold north West wind C finished Plowing back of garden

15 Sowed sod field behind barn with Peas harrowed twice & Part third time. W. clear Cool wind N West

16 Finished harrowing Peas & then sowed field back of garden with Oats & harrowed it. W. Clear Cold wind

17 C Rolled Peas & Oats. which finishes Our Seeding I went to Cherrywood A M. & I & Nancy went to Markham P M. bought 9 apple trees at Crosby Nursery. W. fine warm Clear. but Cold wind

18 Sunday. I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans Appropiate Texts & sermon's by Br C & Jos Barkey for the Celebration of the Lords supper. went to Jacob Widemans after service. W. fine. Clear. Cool wind from north

19 I & C Picked stones off big field which is new meadow on East Part. A M I helped James Milroy Put on some Grafts P M. W. fine warm Clear

20 Drew in Potatoes out of Pits & Planted Early Potatoes in both gardens. & Finlaw's were here a little while P M W. pretty warm. a very little rain P M Potatoes well sowed.

21 C Plowed 2 lands sod north of graveyard A M then we planted it with Corn P M. I helped Br C's sow grass seed this morning. W. fair warm Clear

Ascension day 22. at home. M N's Juniors were here Br C's at supper. W. fine Clear

23 Dunged & Plowed little Orchard. I & Nancy went to Belford after supper. W. very warm. Clear warmest day this spring

24 I took JH Ramer's Tilman & Leissy part way home they were here a few days & got 1 bus Peas Chopped at Cedar Grove mills A M

May 1873 24 of May Had Flavius PM to help fix some board fence C Picked stones on Meadow. W fine warm clr bush green. Turned cattle into new clover pasture PM have had Milch Cows in Orchard last week or two

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron Suitable Texts & Sermon for the Celebration of the Lords supper by R. J. Barky & Br C Visitors after service S. Lehmans Abraham Hoovers of Picking Jesse Hoover & Esther storey & Isaac Moyer's Children, JB's & BN's wife & Finlawa & Br S's youngster were here at supper. W. very fine Clear

26 I & C overhauled 40 rods fence in 11th Con along N. West Corner field which is in Clover Pasture W. warm Clear looks a little like rain

27 I & C & JB overhauled fence from 11th Con between big field & N W Corner field down to head of dam JB is working for Br N.W. fine warm Clear

28 I brought home harrows from BS AM took 11 bus wheat grist to Cedar Grove Mills PM. started harrow turnip ground below garden C Plowed sod north of graveyard for Potatoes I hauled few stones off Clover. W. fine

29 I harrowed turnip ground AM. went to Br S's barnraising on his Markham farm PM. C drew stones off meadow W. warm AM a little rain & a very Cold blow up PM.

30 I & C finish Picking & drawing off stones off meadow AM Carried about 50 bags potatoes out of Cellar & Pulled weeds out of wheat opposite Br. C's PM. W. pretty Cool. Clear last night frost

31 Washed sheep AM. I & C helped JD Plant corn PM. W. looked this morning like a little frost last night Heard today that P{?} Tilman Moyer of Clinton is Dead

Whit Sunday June 1 I & girls & John & Flavius went to Meeting at Wideman's Remarks R'd Jos Barky sermon on St John Part of C3 & C by R'd H Barky went to Finlaws after service & to S Lehmans PM. W. fine beautiful

Whit Monday I Cut seed Potatoes AM Kept holiday PM Went to Cherrywood & a few minutes to AB's W. fine Br N & H Barkey came home from the states

June 1873

June 3 Drew dung on turnip ground I talked with BN awhile AM he has been through Pennsylvania Ohio & Michigan in Company with R H Barky. I sheared our sheep PM W. fine clr

4 drew dung. W. very Close, a little rain PM

5 C harrowed & furrowed sod north of Graveyard for Potatoes & I worked in garden AM Planted Potatoes with hoe PM. W. very warm, clr John Stover & wife were here at noon

6 Finished Planting Potatoes AM. C drew dung & I went to Burrows PM Frank is lame on hind by W. pretty warm. Close smokey

7 C Plowed in turnip ground I spread dung Plowed PM had Br C mare with Cent Frank a little better is lame in Cord inside hind leg

Sunday 8. I took My Mother to JD's this morning then I & Nancy went to Old Daniel Hoovers W. Clr

9 Both Plowed in turnip ground. D Stover took away 20 bags Potatoes this evening @ 35 cts per bag they are very Cheap & Plenty this spring. W. Clear

10 Took wool to Cliffs at Altona. went to Simon Hoovers for dinner. W. very Close & warm a little rain. PM. C finished Plowing & Harrowing turnip ground

11 I drew lumber to Mr Dykes for building a Kitchen C rolled & harrowed turnip ground & drew a few loads dung into fallow. W. fine Clr

12 had W Clod to fill dung drew on fallow with 2 teams . W. fine

13 Finished drawing dung on fallow Piled a little that was left in yard W. Clod helped. W. fine Clear

14 I & little boys fixed some fence & Pulled Pidgeon weed AM Chored & Helped stoves bag a load of Potatoes @ 35 cts Per bag PM C is not well went home this Morning. W. very Close warm began to rain slowly

Sunday 15 I & Nancy went to Meeting at the Cedar Groves remarks & Sermon on St John 5 C by Rev H Barky. JD's were here PM W very warm not much rain last night Old Jack Smi{???} is here, he Came last night

16 Chored & shot a young Hawk in his nest in CB's bush AM Finished Pulling weeds in wheat & went to Fry's for Plants PM W very close shower went round south west at noon

June 1873

June 17 Caught 32 Colorado Potato Beetles on Potatoes in little Orchard, they have been coming from the far west the last few years they have been very numerous in some fields in this vicinity the last year Then I drew 19 logs out of the old bush with hind waggon wheels C is not able to work since last Saturday Morning Saml Brubaker & wife were here awhile AM. W. very warm

18 drew some timber to Dyke's AM took spring waggon to Cherrywood to get Boxing fastened. got 5 half bunches shingles at AB's for Dyke's Kitchen W. warm clr

19 C came this Morning. both worked on road drew gravel W. very warm

20 both drew gravel. W. rather Cooler strong wind. J H Ramer's were here this evening

21 I worked on road C began breaking fallow Isaac Moyers & his Brother & wife & Brother in law & wife were here awhile PM. W dry & warm

Sunday 22 Went to Meeting at the Union remarks by Br C Sermon on St Part of 7 C by R'd H Barkey P Hoover & family were here after service heard this evening that Br S's wife was very sick I went out after dark. fournd that she was better again she was nearly strangled with a drop of molasses in her throat. W. a few drops of rain this morning. Cloudy this evening

23 I went to Markham. got some Medicine for my Mother Cough. got Cent shod. took 2 bags Potatoes to Jose Wideman & got Dinner at J H Ramers & brought 2 Pigs home with me spread some dung & Plowed one round of fallow. a shower stopped us

24 both Plowed. Flavius spread dung PM W. fine rain last night, a showery AM very acceptable grain need it very bad much spring wheat looked very yellow but the shower brightened it up

25 Both Plowed AM. C began to make turnip drills I & Nancy took reaper to Mongolia to get Boxes filled went to Lehmans for supper. W. fine Clear crops growing again

26 I Plowed AM brought turnip drill & Sowed Part PM C finished making drills about 3 PM then Plowed W. fine

27 I finished Sowing then Plowed. C went to Party at Cherrywood PM I & liittle boys Plated {sic} some Potatoes below garden in turnip field after supper W. very warm

June 1873

28 I & C finished Plowing fallow AM Planted some Potatoes below garden & it is rather late but we are trying an experiment hoed Corn and some early Potatoes I & Nancy went to Belgard this evening W. very warm & Close about the warmest day yet

Sunday 29 I Nancy & My Mother went to Meeting at Wideman Appropriate Sermon by RH Baskey & Br C for the administering of Holy Baptism which was Performed by Br. C Ten Converts were Baptised. Vis John Leyman Joseph Koch & wife Elizabeth Barkholder & RH Basky, Daughters Sarah & Anne his son Henry & wife but Could not attend his wife is in Ottawa getting a Cancer Cured. went to Finlaws after service W very warm

30 I went to Markham to buy some shingles & get horses shod. W. fine rain last night & some today

July 1 Chored & drew some old rails home AM I & C helped Br C saw wood M N brought his Machine PM. W. some rain last night, warm today

2 Helped Br C finish sawing & set up saw at home AM. Sawed PM. W warm shower last night & a little PM. Abraham Hock from Clinton was here awhile PM

3 Finished sawing about 70 logs. AM. Mowed swale opposite Br C's PM W. very warm. Close

4 C finished swale & Piled Pea straw dung & I Chored AM Punched thistles in spring wheat & raked & Cocked hay PM. W. very warm. Clear

5 I, C & Flowers mowed swale in field East or Orchard W Morrison was here awhile today he borrowed my Old hay rack. W. pretty warm AM high wind PM

Sunday 6 at home all day. JD's were here at noon Br in law David Hoovers were here at supper. W. warm. Clear

7 Raked & drew in swale East of Orchard 3 loads W. fine

8 C helped Br N mow. I mowed nearly all East half of big field with Machine W. few drops rain this morning. fine today

9 Finished Mowing a little Clover & went to see C Patton to put up Kitchen at M Dykes AM had Flowers & Br C's team & 2 men to draw in Clover about 7 small loads till supper time. W. fine Clear

10 I & C Helped Br C get in 3 loads Hay with team began to rain at 8 O'clock fine rain till 3 PM things growing fine. cleaned grist {?}

July 1873

July 11 I took grist wheat to Forest Mills. Peter Hoover has bought them. W. fine warm Cler. C harrowed summer fallow

12 Mowed Orchard I & Nancy went to Markham PM W. warm Clr

Sunday 13 went to Meeting at Cedar Grove newer by B.C sermon on {blank space} by R.J Wideman. W. very warm clear

14 C Mowed west end of big field with Machine I mowed fence Corners & Chored & Raked part of East half after supper W. very close & fine shower at noon

15 I helped Pattons work at Dyke's Kitchen AM raked Orchard & raked & Cocked west end big field PM. W. fine

16 Helped Flavius Put roof boards on kitchen at Dykes this Morning then I & C Helped Br C's draw in 3 loads hay C's Men helped us draw in about 8 loads PM which finishes our haying. W. fine. Clear

19 Split wood AM I & Nancy went to Altona factory for grain had supper at M N's W. shower this morning very heavy rain PM didn't get wet. very lucky

18 C helped Br D draw dung with team I & Br N finished Kitchen at M Dykes PM. W. warm. showers PM

19 C helped Br D draw dung with team I scuffled some turnips I & little boys hoed Corn & I helped Br C draw 3 loads hay after supper. W. fine cool. Clear

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R. H Barkey Sermon ou St John 9 C by Br. C. JH Ramer's girls & Mafies were here. W. fine Cool. Clr

21 I & C helped Br N bind Diehl Wheat. W. fine Clr

22 I & Br C went to Toronto with my Waggon & his team. took old Potatoes @ 70 cts per bag wool at 36 cts sheep skin @75. Butter @ 20 Eggs @ 15 ct. W. very fair. warm, Clear C scuffled Potatoes & began plowing fallow

23 I & C Plowed in fallow AM thinned turnips PM W. warm

24 I. C. & Steele hilled sod Potatoes & thinned turnips. W. warm

25 C Scuffled turnips AM. Both hoed PM. W. warm fine shower thunder this evening

26 Thinned turnips AM. C went to MC Frets barn raising PM I & Flavius & Br C's man Cut East half fall wheat near Br C's PM W. warm clear

Sunday 27 went to JD W. warm

28 I & C helped Br C bind fall wheat W. warm. shower

29. hoed turnips awhile, then Cut rest of wheat ner Br. C's W. warm shower PM

30 Cut about 10 acres of wheat field near Hoovers. Br C & his 2 men helped. W. fine clear

31 Finished field near Hoovers R W helped W. warm Cler

Aug 1 I & C hoed turnips. W. warm cler. Tho's Ansley an old school mate was here at noon

2 nearly finished turnips I took Emaline Raymer Part way home after supper. She is working for us. W. warm. shower PM

Sunday Aug 3 we & my Mother went to Br N's. W. fine clear

4 killed Calf & drew in 2 loads wheat from near Br C's AM both plowed in fallow PM. W. fine clear

5 Plowed AM fixed road at dam & drew in 4 loads wheat off old land PM

6 drew in all wheat. 10 loads. Flavius helped. W. fine. W. fine clear S Lehman's were here

7 I scuffled all turnips & I & Nancy went to Belford this evening C helped Burkholder thrash. W. very warm close

8 C Plowed I raked wheat stubble AM & Plowed PM. W. fine clear

9 C finished Crossing fallow & I finished raking stubble AM. drew in rakings 4 loads PM. W. fine. pretty warm

Sunday 10 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by RH Barkey Sermon on St Luke 16C by Br C. went to Colon Reesor's after service W. fine clr

11 Chored C helped BC Pull Peas a little while then in rained Cut some oats in field back of garden PM. K I & C helped Br N thresh AM then came home (C stayed to finish) I & Br C cut 3 rounds oats then it rained a shower

12 Cut a few rounds Oats the it rained a shower. Cleaned up finished the field PM Helped B.C in his field below our line after supper. W. fine PM

13 Helped Br C finish his field till noon bound ours PM. W. fine warm

Shocked our oats AM Cut spring wheat

Br. C's helped W. fine clear

all spring wheat till about

3 pm , a shower stopped us a m W. fine cler PM Plowed late Potatoes pm

Aug 17 Went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B.C sermon on by R H Barkey. Visitors Rev H Barkey JH Ramers & some of Jac Wideners & David Ramer's young folks. W. fine Cler

18 Pulled Peas with horse Rake work well am helpd B.C cut spring wheat Pm W. Cler.

19 Pulled Peas am C & Flavius helped B C cut Oats Pm. I & Nancy went to Cherrywood & to AB awhile Pm W. fine clear

20 Finished Pulling Peas till 4 Oc Flavius helped PM then set home Pm W. fine clear

Power W. fine clear

21 Flavious helped Anderson thresh, I & C drew in 10 loads Pm. W. warm

22 I & C drew in 10 loads Peas. W. very Close warm

23 Threshed 299 boxes fall wheat. W. shower last night Cooler today

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Coler's AM went to J B's Pm his wife is sick W. fine cler

25 I & Nancy took yarn to S Lehmans C mowed fine Corners W. fine rain lat night Cler today

26 Cleaned up barn floor & turned Peas am finished drawing in Peas 2 loads & a load fence corner hay PM W. fine cool cler

27 I & C drew in spring wheat 2 loads Nancy helped unload Pm. W. fine

28 I & C & Flavius drew in Oats 10 loads W. fine warm Clear.

29 I begin raking spring wheat stubble Finlaw came am C began harrowing fallow am. helped JD Pm I & Flavius cut nearly all oats below orchard W. very warm close

30 Finished raking spring wheat stubble C harrowed then we cut last Oats till noon bound them Pm W. warm Close

Sunday 31 We & my mother went to AB's W

Sept 1 I & C ridged up fine rain last night Shocked Oats after supper W very windy

2 I sowed 4 acres wheat for Br N am helped on my place C plowed W fine clear

3 I & C finished Plowing till 4 Pm brought in very big load spring wheat raking W. Cloudy drizzle tonight PM

Aug 1873 Sept Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cober's AM went to J B's Pm his wife is pretty Poorly W. fine cler

25 I & Nancy took yarn to S Lehmans to get woven C mowed fence Corners W. fine rain last night Cler today

26 Cleaned up barn floor & turned Peas. finished drawing in Peas 2 loads & a load fence corner hay PM W. fine cool cler

27 I & C drew in spring wheat 9 loads Nancy helped unload Pm. W. fine

28 I. C. & Flavious drew in Oats 10 loads W. fine warm Clear.

29 I begin raking spring wheat stubble Finlaws came am C harrowed fallow am. he helped JD Pm I & Flavious cut nearly all oats below orchard Pm W. very warm close

30 I finished raking spring Wheat stubble C harrowed then we cut last Oats till noon bound them Pm W. warm Close

Sunday 31 We & my mother went to AB's W. showers last night

Sept 1 I & C ridged up fine rain last night windy today

2 I sowed 4 acres wehat for Br N am he plowed for me

3 I & C finished Plowing till 4 Pm took in very big load spring wheat rakings this evening. W. Cloudy drissling tonight

4 Chored AM. began to sow wheat about 3 PM W rain cleared up PM

5 I finished sowing & harrowing wheat. C helped Br C Plow W. fine Cool clear

6 C furrowed out wheat field & I went to Cedar Grove AM I & Flavius drew in Oats below Orchard 3 loads for us & one for himself Pm C got got Nell shod Picked stones off wheat W. very cool

Sunday 7 I. Nancy & my Mother wen to meeting at Wideman, Lords supper was Celebrated went to Christian Burkholder's at Uncle Josephs place W. Cloudy rained PM

8 I & Nancy started at 4 am went to Finlaws then they went with us Berry Picking into Whitchurch didn't get many got a good few Hazelnuts had a fine day & a Pleasant time. W. Cool this morning. beautiful today C helped Br N Plow

9 C finished Picking stones off wheat then we fixed some fence. AM. Cleaned Wheat PM. W. fine clr

10 I took 52 bus 50 lbs Treadwell wheat to Major MIlls @ $1.23 per bus I sold it last week it is about 2 cts higher at the present time C helped M Dyke thresh. I took a grist to Cedar Groves Pm W. ifine

             77.2.5(in blue)

Sept 1873

11 Thanksgiving day all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by B.C sermon on {blank space} by Rev A Barkey Went to Br C's Pm

12 Cleaned wheat Am I took 52 bus 25 lbs to Magor Mills Pm

13 Cleaned wheat Am I took 39 bus 55 lbs to Major Mills at $1.25 ct then I and Flavius went right across to Markham for some dressed lumber for Flavius. W. Cold blow up last night. fine shower. pretty cold today

Sunday 14 Went to Meeting at Hebron Appropriate remarks & Sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Revd J Barkey & B C. Daniel Smith & wife from Vaughn & Henry Barkey J W & wife & Mrs Oberholter from Buffalo were here. W. Cool. Cler

15 split sawed wood Am. Chored & killed a lamb PM W. White frost last night froze Potato tops Cloudy AM. rain nearly all PM

16 Split wood. . pretty Cold. windy

17 Finished splitting wood AM. Finished pulling Foxtail in turnips. W. Clear AM. a little sprinkly Pm

18 Picked small stones off Clover AM. I & Nancy wen t to Markham & C began to Plow near B.C, Pm W. fined warm Cler, Br C & Br S started for the Township of Hay this PM

19 I & little John Cleaned Old barly am I took it to Markham station Pm 31 bus 32 lbs @$1.5 per bus C Plowed. W. rainy wet AM. fine Cler PM

20 I went to Whitevale this morning drew some stone AM Finished Picking stones off Clover Pm went to Whitevale this evening W. Cler very Cold wind

Sunday 21 at home all day. Isaac Moyers B. N. & J. D's were here W. fine Cler

22 C Finished Plowing near Br C. Both Plowed Pea stubble. James Morrison Cut Clover seed W. Cloudy began to rain about 5 Pm

23 Both Plowed AM I & Flavius Put window in Dyke's Kitchen & Put on Battings. W. fine Cler

24 I went to Cherrywood to C.B's this morning then Plowed. Br N helped us today W. fine Cler

Chored awhile. AM then C Plowed & I took 10 bus Oats

Sept 1873

to Br S's to get chopped after dinner then Plowed W. fine rain last night & this morning cler today Br. S & C came home from Hay last night then B.C started this PM to go to Clinton to Conference

26 I & C finished plowing Pea stubble W. Warm, fine

27 I. C & Br N Plowed in fall wheat stubble near Hoover's W. very warm. I went to Markham station to meet Br. C this evning this is my 37th Birthday

Sunday 28 All wen to Br S's very warm, sultry

29 C topthreshed Oats I & Nancy went to Cherrywood & to AB's for dinner. both Plowed Pm. W fine rain am

30 Both plowed. W Cool. Clerr

Oct 1 I & C helped Br. C thresh. W. Cool, west wind Clr there was meeting at Hebron today. Rev D Shirk from Waterloo is visiting this vicinity

2 Piled some wood & drew 1 load Clover seed AM drew 5 more Pm. fixed boards on waggon base, it is very short this year. W. fine Cler. rather warmer had a short visit from R Joseph Hag{illegible} daughter and Miss Shants from Waterloo J{illegible} Dan Hoover's brought them

3 drew small Jag Clover seed. Then I & Nancy & all the Children went to M N's my Mother went Br C's C went to Markham Fair. W. Cler. Sharp Cold wind a little Cloudy like rain

4 C topthreshed Oats I chores AM. Took 2 bags peas to Br S's to get Chopped & went to J Stover's. PM. W. rain all AM. & a good while Pm.

Sunday 5 I & little girls started to go to Meeting at Cedar Grove. Jess the mare got Sick, I turned back girls went on forth. Mare better again. Br. N. brought a second Cousin of mine this evening his name is William Burkholder he comes from Ohio. W. fine mild Cloudy

6 I & C dug Potatoes on sod north of graveyard with forks. W. Very Cold. bitter north wind

7 I & little John brought a 2 yr old Cow and 2 yearling heifers from J Stovers. I bought them for $30.00. AM Took 10 bus Oats to Chop at Br S's Pm. W. fine Cler

Oct 1873

Oct 7 Ground frose last night C helped T Hall thress

8 I & little boys Made2 barrels Cider. W. very fine C helped Hill thresh

9 Boiled sauce & finished digging sod Potatoes. W. very fine Simon Hoover's were here today

10 Boiled sauce & dug Potatoes in turnip field they were planted the 27th & 28th days of June the Harrison & Garnet Chili Kinds with a very fine Crop W. fine Cler beautiful I & Nancy went to Belford this evening

11 Both plowed AM. Picked a few apples Pm W began to rain about 3 Pm I & Nancy went to AB's this evening

Sunday 12 Went to Meeting at Hebron Sermon on St Luke 10th Chap by Rev Joseph Hagey & Rev Abraham Martin. Visited Enos Hoover & Esther Storey J B's wife Finlaws & Abraham Martin & wife & a few young folks were here this evening W. Cool. Cloudy

13 I & Nancy wen to Meeting at Widemens sermon on St Luke 10th Chap by R Menno Cressman from Waterloo & W Hagey & Martin after which Candidates were Nominated for the Ministry for the district East of the 10th Con of Markham When the following Brethren were nominated {illegible Viz?} David Burkholder, Menno Burkholder, Samuel Hoover, John Hoover & Jacob Reesor. and it Pleased God in his Infinite goodness to once more let me stand for in return for which I hope he will grant me grace to lead a new life of thankfulness went to Finlaws after service. W. pretty Cool. looks like rain Finlaws son Peter Came home with us tonight

14 I & girls & Peter went to Meeting at Widemens again when the Candidates drew Lots & it fell to Bro Samuel Hoover/ may the Lord be with him, went to JH Ramers after service. W. very fine Cler beautiful

15 Both plowed AM. Picked apples Pm W. fine warm

16 I & C finished plowing in field near Hoovers AM Picked apples Pm W. fine . Cler. very warm

17 I drew out Cord wood for Flavius AM Took 10 bus Oats to Br S's to Chop Pm. C harrowed west half of field back of old barn AM drew on dung Pm W. Cler

18 drew dung AM. Chored Pm. W. Cloudy am rainy Pm. I & Nancy went {Second Page} Oct 1873 Nov

Oct 18 I & Nancy wen to Belford this evening

Sunday 19 I & Nancy went to David Hares on a visit they live on Lot No 10 5th Con Scarboro. W. fine mild, rather cloudy

20 I & Nancy took 10 bus grist to Cedar Groves Mills am then went to Michael Frets. I & he went awhile to Jas Breaks sale. W. Cold wind am soft snow C plowed for his father & heavy rain pm

21 C plowed for his father am began in Oat stubble Pm. I killed a pig & chored. W. Cool. windy

22 Both plowed in Oats stubble. W. Fine Cler

23 I & little John Made 70 gals Cider I plowed awhile Pm. W. rainy

24 I boiled sauce. plowed awhile Pm. W very fine

25 Both plowed. W. fine Cler

Sunday 26 at home. Br N's were here. W. Cloudy cool

27 C. finished plowing oat stubble I & Steele divided Potatoes in little orchard. W. Cloudy. Cler at noon mild

28 I took 14 bus Oats to Br. S's to chop Am C drew dung on Pea stubble. rained till 3 pm then C drew dung & I shot 3 Black squirrels in old bush

29 I went to Belford & Whitevale AM C finished drawing dung. Both began Pulling turnips Pm. W a little snow last night. Cold. north wind today

30 Pulled turnips. W. ground a little frozen thawed Pm

31 Pulled turnip W. fine. W Burkholder threshed Peas

Nov 1 drew in potatoes out of pits AM I took Emaline Ramer home PM C finished pulling turnips Pm W. ground white with snow this morning all away tonight

2 at home all day AB's wife was here & JD's awhile Pm W rather Cloudy a little rain PM Robert Dimmer{??} Died yesterday of Typhoid fever and there are several other cases through Markham this fall

3 Drew wood into woodshed & C drew in 3 loads turnips Received a visit this evening from Manasee Frets & wife & David Frets & wife & Br C. W. rough wind. Calmer tonight

4 Drew in 20 loads turnip. W. Calm fine Cler

5 Finished drawing turnips 17 loads W sharp. Calm. Cler

6 I & Nancy went to S Lehman's W. sharp ground frose this morning

7 Chored awhile then Plowed in dung on Pea ground. W. Cler, frose this morning

Nov 1873

8 Both plowed. W. cloudy. rain last night. a little this morning

Sunday 9 Went to Meeting at Hebron. remarks by Rev S Hoovers sermon on St Mat. part of 16 C by Br C. Br S's youngsters were here PM. M N's dau Elisabeth is here tonight W. Cloudy

10 Chores & Cut some wood in old bush I & Flavius built a Store room at end of Dykes house PM. W. fine Cler hard frost

11 dug out stones in garden AM. finished plowing in dung Pm. W. frost am milder Pm

12 C helped CB build stump fence I & Nancy went to quilting at AB's W. about 5 in snow last night. Cool Cloudy today

13 Tied up Cattle. brought in sheep. Cleaned Peas & took them Br S's to get Chopped. W. Cold, looks wintry

14 Drew 2 sawlogs. sleighing thin. sleigh creaks like January

15 I got Frank shod C cleaned out henhouse am Cleaned out mouths of drains Pm W. geting softer

Sunday 16 at home CB's were here W. mild thawing

17 Drew wood into shed. & I went to D Hoover's am C took Oats to get Chopped at Br S's & I went to funeral of Ulrich Burkholder's Child at Hebron PM. sermon by Mr Finch. W. rather Cold E. wind

18 Put up new hog post AM. C cut lying wood in old bush. I didn't do much dont feel well. W. Cold

19 Helped Br C kill hogs. W. fine cler

20 I Nancy & little boys wen to Markham to get boots got dinner at JH Ramers. W. Sharp. Clear good roads for wheels

21. Chored split wood in shed a m . I & C battened store room at end of Dyke's house Pm. W. snowed till about 2 Pm. pretty fair sleighing now

22 C drew home Cordwood out of old bush I chored & asked hands to help Kill hogs on Monday. W. Mild

Sunday 23 at home all day. W. mild

24 Killed our hogs. W. snowed last night & AM fine Pm

25 Helped Flavius kill hogs. W. pretty Cold

26 Took Pig & Potatoes to Mrs Smardon. Pig @ $6.00 pork Potatoes @ 60 cts per bag. W. sharp this morning. fine today sleighing fair

27 Helped JD kill hogs. W. snowed nearly all day sleighing getting pretty good

{Second Page}

Nov Dec 1873

28 Helped Br S's kill hogs. W. sharp this morning, fine today

29 I drew a load of lumber home AM Chored Pm C chopped drags in old bush. W. fine, sharp

Sunday 30 I went to Meeting at Cedar Grove alone little boys have all got Whooping Cough & Nancy staid with them. remarks by R H Barkey sermon on St John 3 C 16 to 22 V by Rd S Hoover W. fine. Br S's were here Pm

Dec 1 Chored C flailed Oats Am Cut drags in old bush & a few near old dam Pm. W. snowed Am Cloudy Pm Cold

2 I didnt do much Am pretty sick. C threshed Peas A M & drew home 7 drags Pm. I & little boys took Chop to SM Pm. W. soft snow & rain pm East nearly all day . warm tonight. thawing

3 I & Nancy helped AB's kill hogs. W. rainy all day

4 Went to Cedar Grove AM. Chored Pm. C helped Sanderson thresh yesterday & Am today. he helped Br S today Pm W. sleighing all gone. very very high wind last night & today. trees going down in all directions

5 I & C helped Br S thresh. W. fine. sharp pretty Calm I went through my bush at Dykes. about 50 pines blown down, not very much hardwood

6 I helped Br C kill 2 pigs AM I & Nancy went to Belford PM. W. fine. pretty mild

Sunday 7 at home. Nancy & Susanna went to Meeting at Hebron. I staid with my Mother shed is not very smart. CB's were here awhile Pm & Br C this evening. W. fine reports state a good deal of damage by the late storm. JD's bush & a good many more were unrooted ---

8 I & Adeline wen to Markham. am Chored & asked some hands to thresh on Wednesday: Pm W. Cloudy AM Snowy Pm rained pretty heavy this evening

9 Went to let the cutting of my logs in Dykes bush to old WM am asked some hands to set machine PM. Finlaws were here today. W. rather snowy at noon JB came here. he intends to help to thresh & cut wood for my mother.

Dec 1873

10 Threshed, about 250 bus Oats. Couldnt mark boxes ran Out too fast. & 121 Boxes spring wheat. machine went very well. W. fine. mild. Cloudy, good wind

11 Cleaned up barn floor & Grist A M C threshed a few Peas & banked turnip Cellor with dung. & I took Grist Oat Chop to Br S. Pm. W. a little Snow last night. soft. going again today

12 Chored. A M Took Grist 12 bus wheat to P Hoover's mill Pm. C chopped in Old bush W. soft cloudy

13 Chored. C threshed Peas Pm. W. began to snow early this morning very heavy quit about 3 PM about 8 in deep pretty Cold tonight

Sunday 14 at home all day. W. mild.

15 Went to S M. A M Chored Pm W. Mild

16 B Took small load of straw to Henry Stover & brought home grist from P Hoover's A M Chored P M. had a short visit from Jacob Kendrick & wife PM. All went to Br Cs tonight. W. fine beautiful

17 I went with Br N. Old WM. & Hugh Clark of Scarboro through Dr N's bush & J Ds & my Own bush to look at the fallen Pine trees I sold 9 of mine @ $30.00 per tree to Mr Clark to be taken at his own risk to be paid for when taken away on in 3 months. Chored Pm. My mother is Poorly. Br N. went for Dr Black PM Dr McCausland has been very sick with "Typhoid" fever & is not able to Practice yet.

18 C came this morning to work his last half day of his time so/we sawed Cordwood in old bush Chored Pm. W. fine soft, snow going. Dr. Black Came to see my Mother this evening. he thinks there is danger of her getting deranged. as she was 2 year's ago

19 Chored. W. soft snow from East. lightly not much fell

20 I went to Markham to Dr. AM. & I & Nancy went to Belford PM. W. a little snow this morning fine today. sleighing thin. my Mother a little better

Sunday 21 at home Flavius's were here Br S's & Br C's Pm & C B's awhile tonight My Mother rests better today W Burkholder Came tonight to thresh Peas tommorrow

{facing page}

Dec 1873 1874 Jan

22 I helped W Burkholder thresh Peas awhile W. sharp

23 killed our beef Br C & his boy P Mitchel helped. W. fine beautiful as April. thawing a little. My Mother is rather better

24 I took Beef hide & 5 geese to MarKham. Henry Stover's Child was buried at Hebron today. W fine mild

Christmas day 25 at home allday. Meeting at Hebron e Couldnot go. waited on My Mother she rested very bad last night. better today Henry Stover's were here Pm. W. Mild Cler

26 I helped Nancy render tallow. W. some snow

27 Chored AM. Went to Belford PM. W. soft snow

Sunday 28 at home all day. AB's were here PM W. rather Colder. My Mother about the same

29 Helped Br C clean Peas AM took grist Chop to Br S's PM W. storm & blow from west

30 Went to P Hoover's AM Chored. PM. W. Cold Aunt Esther Armstrong & Uncle Samls wife were here today

31 I & Br C went to Markham I took 3 geese Sold them for $2.00. AM Chored PM Aaron Shants & his sister from Waterloo Br S youngsters & David Reesor's youngsters were here awhile PM. W. fine milder

Jan 1st 1874 at home all day Br S's J D's & Br C's were here David Burkholder's Called awhile PM W. fine mild Clear

2 Helped Br C kill a beef A.M W Burkholder Came this morning to thresh Peas helped him awhile PM & I & Nancy went to Freeman's on P Milne's farm on Townline near Br S's & to Cedar Grove this evening W. mild

3 Helped W B Thresh Peas. Cleaned 49 bus P>M W. soft

Sunday 4 I & Children went to meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with my Mother remarks by H Barkey sermon on St Luke 2 C by Br C Menno Burkholder M N's Enos Hoover & Caroline Ramer were here PM W. like April snow Just all gone the air took it away roads muddy, blowing pretty heavy tonight

Jan 1874

5 Choral AM went to Dykes bush with John Milroy PM sold him some small building dimber W. fine like April

6 went to Belford AM. helped Br C clean Oats PM W. sleet & snow nearly all day. not very Cold my Mother is very weak in her mind we have to sit up with her

7 Chored. W. Cold rain nearly all day. Ice on trees

8 Chored & waited on My Mother. W. soft. Ice falling off trees. Getting Mild sleighing middling

9 Waited on my Mother she is getting worse. she keeps standing on her feet the most of the time & her mind wanders greatly. P B's were here. W. mild snow this evening

10 Chored helped CB Br C's Clean a few Oats PM P B is here drawing home drags out of Old bush. 18 My Mother no better. sitting & sleeping in a Chair all last night & all day. sitting yet. W. mild a little snow PM

Sunday 11 My Mother sat & slept untill after dinner then she awoke & we put her to bed. she ate a little occasionally. This evening between 8 & 9 she awoke again with a little help she walked the floor & ate heartily now she has laid down again. a little after 9. W. fine. pretty good sleighing

12 Went to Mannassee Frets's for their girl to work for us AM. Went to Old W M's after dinner young W Ms were here PM. My Mother took a turn for the better last night is rather better today. W. fine mild

13 Chored. My mother about the same W. some snow from east this evening

14 Chored went to Belford PM Dr Machel was here seing my mother this evening he is giving her the same medicin that Dr McCausland gave her two years ago. he & D Mc are in Partnership in MarKham W Cler

15 Chored & went to my bush at Dykes to meet the Ma{s}t men. they are intending to Commence to dress those that they bought off me Helped Br C to bring a Cow & Calf from Stover's PM W. vry Cold. wind from N West

16 P B Came to draw drags I helped him draw 14 W very Cold Cler My Mother rested very well after taking 2 pills last night

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Jan 1874 Feb Feb

17 I & Br S. & his son Tilman killed one of Our beefs Br S takes 3 quarters & P D takes 1 quarter. Jacob Wideman's were here today W. Milder sleighing good

Sunday 18 at home all day Br Ns were here My Mother rather better

19 I waited on my Mothr all day she is pretty restless Nancy went to Funeral of Saml Ramer's Child with Br C. W. mild rainy Pm

20 Chored. Sarah Nighswander & her son & Daughter were here. W. Cold. I took grist Chop to Br S's AM

21 I went to David Hare's AM let him Job to draw my sawlogs. W. soft

22 Chored. My Mother rather better W. soft rainy

23 Chored. rendered tallow Finlaws were here W. Colder all ice

24 I Took beef Hide to Markham. sleighing pretty good

Sunday 25. at home. my Mothr about the same W. pretty Cold 26 I went to Cedar Grove PM. W. a squaal of snow

27 Chored.. S Lehman's were here today & Simon Hoover's this evening. W. Cloudy soft snow PM

28. I took grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills. W. Cold

29 Chored Threshed a floor of Peas. W. pretty Cold.

30. Chored AM. Went to P Hoover's Mill. W. very Cold My Mother rested very well last night

31 Brought home grist from Mill AM I & little boys Cleaned 10 bus spring Wheat for Flavius @ $1.15 cts per bus PM W. very Cold AM. getting Milder PM. My Mother pretty Smart. General Elections Came off on the 29th Just Great defeat of the Torys. Gilles defeated in South Ontario by Hon Malcolm Cameron Majority 149

Sunday Feb 1 at home Children went to Meeting at Hebron Visitors after service. Christian Burkholder Pas. & wife & Abraham Hoover & wife 8th Pickering Br S's youngsters this evening. W. very Cold good sleighing my Mothr is pretty smart. rests pretty well Great accident at Stouffville yesterday. Double headed Engine exploded. & killed 2 men & wounded several more one of them was thrown about 150 yds over the top of a house

Feb 1874

Candlemas Feb 2 Chored & threshed 2 floors Pm W. heavy blow from East snow light am. heavy Pm cloudy all day

3 Chored. Took Pork out of brine. W. Mild about 6 in snow fell yesterday. Mannasse Frets's were here this eveing

4 I went to Dyke's bush am Mast men drew away the last Mast today I & Nancy went to Belford Pm My Mother rests very well now. W. mild Cloudy

5 Helped R W hang up Br C's Pork then he helped hand hang Our's AM. Chored Pm R Saul Hoover & wife were here this Evening. W. Cold

6 threshed a floor of Peas AM J B helped me thresh all Pm. W. sharp am some snow Pm

7 took 6 bus Peas to Cedar Grove Mills brought them home Pm. W. sharp. Cler. My Mother does not rest

Sunday 8 at home all day Br S's were here. W. fine Cler

9 Chored Am. I & Nancy wen to J D's Pm to see little son W. pretty Cold, sharp west wind

10 Chored Am. I & Adeline. & hired girl Elisabeth Frets went to Markham Pm. W. mild. a little snow, Martin Raymer died of smallpox at Hagerman's Corners this morning

11 I went to B.S.S. Am. J H Ramer's were here when I got home. W. fine Cler beautiful

12 RW. helped me Clean some Peas I & little boys measured them up 22 bus. got old barn ready for Clover Machine W. Strong East wind all day pretty Cold

13 David Ramer's Clover Machine Came here at noon threshed our little bit of seed, hardly 2 bus Poor W. rain & some lightning last night & nearly all day

14 went to Markham. W. fine. sleighing pretty good yet

Sunday 15 at home. I & Nancy went a few minutes to JD's Pm. C B's younsters were here. W. .fine, Cler

16 I went to Flavius AM. S G Reesor's were here on a visit. today. W. mild squally, windy few inches snow last night

17 Br N & his son Peter helped me kill a beef Am I delivered the meat Pm sold it at. front quarters $4.00 per Cwt hind $6.00 W. pretty Cold.

18 I went to WM AM Chored PM Old M.Neighswander were here awhile Pm W. pretty cold

{Second page}

Feb 1874

19 Chored AM Took 10 bus grist to P Hoovers Mill PM D Neighswanders were here AM. W. milder. Cloudy Pm Finlaws Came this evening to stay all night

20 Chored AM brought home grist Pm. W. Mild. fine John N Ramer died of smallpox last night

21 Chored. Nancy wen to Markham & to J H Ramers with Br. C. I went to JD's Pm. W. soft snow nearly all day I went to Belford this evening. My Mother pretty smart

22 Sunday at home girls went to Meeting at Cedar Grove with Br. C's Br N. & Br S's were here Pm W. Cler

23 Chored. W. heavy west wind. some rain last night thus Covered with ice this morning. Mostly thawed today

24 Chored & threshed 4 floors of Peas. W. rather mild

25 Took grist Chope to Br S's this morning then gave My Mother a ride to Br C's, he was not home then I brought her home again. then I & Nancy & then the Children went to Ab's. W. sharp East air am. light snow pm

26 Brought home Chop from Br S's this morning then Nancy & My Mother wen to JD's on a visit she stood it pretty well. W. Cold sharp air from west

27 Chored & took some wood from Br C's to Hebron Went to Cedar Grove this evening. W. fine Cler this is my son Abram's 2nd Birthday

28 went to Saml Shank's this Morning to ask him to help me to dig a grave for Josephus Stover's Child. then to Br. S's to get Measure AM Dug grave Pm. W.

March 1 Sunday I & Nancy went to the Funeral at Hebron Sermon by Br C & A Ramer Geroge Lohman & Michael Frets's were here Pm. W. very fine

March 2 Chored AM drove Cow to Br N. Pm I & Nancy went to Old W M's this evening W. very fine

3 I & Nancy little boys & My Mother wen to Br N's on a visit W. mild rain this evening

4 Chored AM. Went to ask Henry Stover to help thresh Peas Pm. W. Cloudy windy sleighing good

5 Helped Henry Stover thresh Peas & went to Funeral of John Milroys Child. W. Cold. wind

6 threshed Peas. Cleaned 37 bus Pm. W. strong wind from East. some snow pm

Mar 1874

7 threshed Peas. W. a little rain & strong wind from East Am frose as it fell. Ice on trees thawing pm I took Elisabeth Wiseman home this evening with sleigh very tough travelling.

Sunday 8 We & My Mother went to Br C. W mild strong squalls of snow west wind

9 I threshed Peas. W. very strong north wind. squalls of snow col

10 I wen to Cedar Grove Am threshed a few Peas pm W very strong North wind

11 Chored AM. Hlepd Br C's Clean some Peas Pm. W. Cold strong north wind. Calmer tonight.

12 I & Henry Stover Cleaned 30 bus Peas & threshed spring wheat rakings. W. very Cold, some north wind I hired Joseph Atkinson today @ $17.00 per month for a term of 8 months, washing not included to some on 2nd April

13 I & Henry Stover finished threshing spring wheat rakings & cleaned it 4 bags wheat & a lot of chicken feed. then threshed a load of Peas which finished our threshing. W. very Cold. North wind

14 I went to Cedar Grove AM I took Frank to Cherrywood to be shod & Nancy went along to AB's. Pm. W. Clear pretty Cold air from north

Sunday 15 at home. David Hare's & J D's were here M Dyke's little baby died this morning

16 Chored I wen to SM. Pm Nancy went with me to Dykes. W. very mild Cler

17 I & Adeline went to funeral of M Dyke's Child to 2nd Con. Pickering. W. Mild Cloudy, a little Misty roads pretty bad

18 I & Nancy went to Markham W. very mild cloudy heavy rain this evening roads very bad

19 Chored AM. Went to SM & to David Hare's Pm W. mild rain this morning

20 Took 10 bus grist Oats to Cedar Grove mills am got Nell shod at Walkey's Pm. W. fine Cler Uncle John Burkholder was here over night

21 Helped Br C's Clean Oats Am brought home grist Oats Pm. W. fine Clear, roads bad

Sunday 22 I & Nancy wen to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 10 Ctr Rev H Barkey

{Second page}

Mar 1874 April

CB's were here awhile Pm. W. Clear. Squalls of snow Pm

23 Chored. W. very high & Cold wind last night & today squalls of snow

24 Went to Old A Burkholder's am to see for a girl for the summer got none. I & boys Cleaned some tailings Pm. W. Cler milder

25 I & Nancy went to Henry Stover's to see for a girl engaged One. AM. I & John went to J Parson's in Scarboro to engage 2 pigs @ $2.00 apiece Pm. W. Cloudy, pretty Cold wind

26 Chored. W. some ran last night & am Cleared up Pm. very high wind tonight

27 Chored Am Helped Br C's Clean Oats Pm frose hard last night W fine Cler

28 I went to Cedar Grove am Chored Pm. W snow squalls frose hard last night pretty Cold

Sunday 29 John & my Mother kept house & the rest of us went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rev Saml Hoover sermon on St by Br C W. fine Cler

30 I took waggon to Cherrywood to get tongue lengthened & Box fixed AM. Jos Atkinson Came to Commence work at noon then he Chopped a little the we took a grist to Cedar Grove Mills. W. Cler. Cold N wind

31 I & Nancy & little boys went to Finlaws Br C went with us to Markham station he is going to Waterloo. W. fne Cler but very Cold air from north roads pretty good. 8 Concession dusty this evening

April 1 I brought home waggon from Cherrywood & Joe went to help put in logs Am. both piled lumber Pm. W. fine pretty sharp

2 Both piled lumber Am. drew in logs Pm W. Cool Good Friday

3 We my mother & little boys went to Br S's W. Cool, Clear a very little snow last night. Keeps Cold. freeses hard every night

4 Both Piled lumber. W. very Cold from N west, water pretty low, they cannot saw quite all the time

Easter Sunday 5 I & Susanna wen to Meeting at Cober's J D's were here today. W. Clear AM began to snow from East about 4 pm. Snowing yet at bedtime

March 1874

Easter Monday 6 at home AM I & Nancy went to Markham Pm Brought Br C home from station as he came from Waterloo {illegible} roads wet with snow & mud about 5 in snow fell at night, going fast again. air much warmer

7 Both Piled lumber. W. mild. Cloudy Pm

8 Both Piled lumber. W. mild. Cloudy Pm

9 Both Piled lumber. W. fine Mild

10 Both Piled lumber. W. fine Mild, frost every night

11 Both Piled lumber got last logs in this evening W. Cold blustery wind a little snow last night some squalls through the day

Sunday 12 at home. AB's were here at noon Br S's awhile Pm & Br N's at supper W. fine Cler pretty cold wind

13 Both Piled lumber. W. fine. Cler looks like storm tonight

14 Piled Some lumber AM Joe & John brought home a load PM. I Chored & went to Belford. M N's were here awhile Pm . W. fine showers AM a little Pm, last night was about the first without frost that we have had the last few weeks

15 Finished Piling lumber & Covering Piles. we got 260 logs Cut. They Produced nearly 53,000 feet of lumber. W. fine, rather Cold wind Pm

16 I & Joe sawed shingle timber in Dyke's bush AM I & My Mother went to JD's Pm. took some butter to send to Toronto with him tommorrow, helped Joe to saw some wood in old bush when I came home. W. fine, mild Cler, frost last night

17 I & little boys drew a load of sawdust for bedding (Straw is very scarce this spring) AM. Cleaned grist & Chored PM. Joe split wood in Old bush AM W. Cloudy AM. snowed soft & slowly Pm

18 I & little boys drew load sawdust am Joe split wood. Sawed Pm. W. fine Cler

Sunday 19 I took Adeline & Susanna Part way to Meeting at Cedar Grove. JD's were here at supper Br N's Came this evening to stay with My Mother. She does not rest very well W. fine Cler. looks like rain tonight

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April 1874

20 Cleaned Seed Oats Spring wheat & Peas W. rainy all day Brought Henry Stover's daughter Christina to begin work

21 Sawed wood in Old bush. I went to W Clods this evening to buy some suckers he has caught 1200 in the Big Rouge since Thursday but he had none on hand this evening. W. Cold north wind. Calm tonight

22 I & little boys Cleaned Clover & Timothy seed I went this evening to see if Clod had suckers, he had none Joe took a bag of Peas to Cedar Grove Mills this morning to get Chopped & brought it home this evening, split wood today. W. fine Cler

23 I & Nancy & Herman & Benjamin wen to M N's & Simon Hoover's on a visit. W. fine Cler. pretty cold

24 I & little Flavius Went to Cedar Grove Mills am Finlaws & J H Ramer's were here Pm I bought 100 suckers at W Clod's this evening @$2.00 W. fine Cler. pretty cold air roads pretty good

25 I cleaned & salted fish & Joe took grist Chop & wheat to Cedar Grove Mills this morning then we sawed some drags & split few rails in old bush Joe cut wood in woodshed & I chored Pm W. stiff East wind began to snow from east about 3 Pm. snowy yet bedtime

Sunday 26 I & little boys & girls went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Rev D Hoover sermon on St Mat 18 Chap by Rev H Barkey. JD's were here after service W. snow all went away. Mild Cler

27 Cut wood in Old bush AB got 15 bus seed spring wheat Pm. W. Cold frose hard last night

28 Joe drew off stones & stump of field opposite Br C's I wen to see James to dig drain AM went to see Mason Pierce with Br. C Pm W. fine Cler. frose last night

29 Chored, burned stump & helped Jarvis Cross townline near Br C's house with tile drain Pm. W. fine Cler hard frost last night

30 Pulled down old garden fence front of house & began to put in new Posts. I & Joe helped Br C's load of Potatoes after supper. W. fine Cler. frost last night

May 1874

May 1 Worked at garden fence AM Br. C helped awhile Joe Sawed Pickets & fixed fences {illegible} I & Nancy went to Markham Pm. W. fine Cler frost last night. Joseph Barkey's sone John died last night

2 I & Joe worked at garden fence AM sowed about 5 1/2 acres spring wheat on west part of field back of old barn. W. fine Clear Pm warmer

Sunday 3 I Nancy, my Mother & little boys went to JD's W. fine Cler

4 Had Bee to fix Church yard fence at Hebron Joe finished harrowing spring wheat then helped till noon drew some Scantling to finish fence then plowed opposite Br C's W. fine Cler. I took 2 bags Potatoes to W Clods this evening to pay for suckers

5 Sowed part of field back of garden with Peas Joe ganged them in JB came & finished garden fence & I & he fixed old board fence around field back of old barn. I bought 50 suckers of W Clod this evening for $ 1.00 W. fine Cler

6 I finshed Sowing Peas am harrowed some Pm Joe finished ganging till supper & began to plow north of graveyard. W. Cler. blowed up Cold pm

7 I finished harrowing & began to Roll Peas helped JB Put in Posts on East side of lane after supper little John rolled. Joe finished plowing north of graveyard. W. fine. Cool, Cloudy tonight

8 Joe ganged in field near Hoovers I & Nancy took hired girl home this morning, she is not well, then I finished rolling Peas Am sowed & harrowed spring wheat north of graveyard. I & JB sowed grassseed on it this evening. W. fence warm Cler

9 Joe ganged I rolled spring wheat north of graveyard then took 12 bu Oats into field near Hoover's Couldn't sow too windy. I went to Funeral of Uncle Peter Reesor's wife, she died on Thursday. W. strong west wind very warm

Sunday 10 at home. my Mother & Children went to Br C's Pm then I & Nancy went to AB's they were not at home. W. very sultry & warm dry

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May 1874

11 I & JB sowed 24 bus Oats in field near Hoovers little John Harrowed Joe finished ganging at supper time & then helped to harrow I helped JB at lane fence Pm . W. fine Cler dry

12 I drew 2 loads Culls for lane fence Am began to plow below garden Pm Joe helped after supper. W. pretty warm Cler

13 I & Joe fixed a little fence then both Plowed below garden got done & I sowed it with Oats John harrowed it once, JB finished lane fence Plenty of suckers at Br S's now there has been some obstruction or low water or some other cause that kept them back in the little Rouge untill a few days ago

Ascension 14 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Acts 1st C by Br C AB Reesor was here at noon. I & Nancy went to AB's PM. W. fine Cler beautiful

15 Joe Plowing south of graveyard and I finished harrowing Oats AM Plowed East of Orchard Pm. W. fine Cler

16 Both plowed till about 10 am when a shower stopped us Sowed Peas south of graveyard & East of Orchard Pm Joe staked fence along 11th Con W. blowed up Cool Pm

Sunday 17 at home all day JD's were here at noon John G Hoover's wife died last night. W. Clear & Cloudy a few fine showers rainy tonight

18 Chored in barn AM, filled drain & plowed opposite Br C's Pm. W. fine rain am Cler Pm

19 I began to sow Oats opposite Br C's & Joe plowed swale where we put tiles AM. sowed swale & finished harrowing & Joe fixed fence Pm W. fine Cler

20 Sowed grass seed south of graveyard & East of Orchard & below garden AM sowed 1 bag plaster on pasture field (big field) & 3 bags on N West Corner field which is intended for Meadow. I got 1/2 bus Early rose potatoes at AB's after supper. W. Cloudy

21 Joe plowed little Orchard am I rolled where we sowed grassseed sowed Orchard with Oats & rolled oats opposite B. C's Pm

May 1874

Joe harrowed turnip ground Pm. W. Coold wind Cler

22 Planted 7 drills Potatoes in turnip ground back of barn AM. Joe drew dung back of barn Pm where we intend to Plant some Corn & I drew a load of lumber. turned Cattle to pasture yesterday evening it is rather short yet. W. fine Cler

23 I went to Markham Joe Plowed down Manure. ^ am I rolled little orchard & I and little boys drew old boards & rubbish out of lane. & Joe harrowed Corn ground & took grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Pm W. looks a little like rain

Sunday ^Whit 24 I & some of Children wen to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with My Mother remarks by Br C Sermon on by Rev Joe Wideman Finlaws were here at dinner Jac Wideman's at supper W. Mild some Cloudy few drops rain Pm Mare Jess had fine horse Colt yesterday

Whit Monday 25 I & little boys went fishing with lines to little Rouge this am Caught 35 nice Chubs W. Splendid rain last night & this Morning heavy wind Pm. I had to fix some board fence on Pickering townline that blew down

26 I went to Cherrywood & trimmed several apple trees am I & John Picked stones off Meadow Pm Joe Plowed Potatoe ground Pm W. fine clear

27 I & J B worked at up & down board fence behind barn Joe Drew rails from Dyke's bush & furrowed out Corn^ ground after supper. W. fine warm Cler Br N's Br S's & B.C were here Pm with Rev C Gayman & wife & Rev Culp & Deacon Hoch & wife from Cuyuga this Pm

28 Sowed 3 Pecks Western feed Corn and about 14 drills of Canadian hill Corn in north end of East side of field behind barn. I helped JB finish fence behind barn awhile Pm Joe dug in garden this evening. W. very, very warm & growing

29 dug some in garden then both finished Picking stones off Meadow till supper. Then Joe drew rails & I put on some grafts W. warm cler

{Second page}

May June 1874

May 30 Meeting & Sacrement at Hebron today (Conference Met at Widemans yesterday) girls went I staid with Nancy & My Mother. Joe drew stones off Meadow W. very warm M N's were here after service Dad Hoovers and Jac Reesors brought Rev's Hallman & wife & Rev Cressman & wife from Waterloo awhile Pm Joseph Hagey Called a few minutes this morning, there are a great many visiting Brethren in the Neighbourhood

Sunday 31 at home all day. Mary Dyke was here Pm W. very warm fine shower about noon. everything growing fine I found a shaped wheat head 2 inches long this evening

June 1 I went to Markham Joe got Frank & Nell shod am I & Herman & Benjamin Pulled weeds in fall wheat Pm very few in it. Wheat looks splendid Joe pulled down fence East of dam. W. fine Cler. Cool

2 Got up at 4 Oc this morning Sent Joe for Dr Black (Cr McCausland has not Come back to Markham yet after his severe sickness) Nancy gave birth to a pretty little girl about 6 am/ nobody present but my self Dr soon Came, all smart, washed sheep Pm. W. fine

3 Built fence abong west side of fallow east of dam. Finlaws were here. W. fine Cler

4 Drew home old rails for wood. Joe fixed some fence Pm S Lehmans were here & Nancy's sister Sarah I brought home grist after supper W. very warm, looks a little like rain

5 Fixed fence along east end of big filed & fixed bas{illegible} I went to JD's to see my Mother she is there since Wednesday Joe began plowing turnip ground & I tended W Hoover at shearing our sheep Pm. W. very warm

6 Both plowed turnip ground. W. warmer Manasse Fret's & Joseph Wismers from Clinton were here awhile Pm

Sunday 7 at home AB's Flavius S Ramer's. Br S's some of his Children were here Pm & CB's this evening W. fine rain some thunder I & little boys went to JD's to see my Mother this evening she is pretty smart

8 Both plowed in turnip ground am Joe began draw dung on fallow & I finished Plowing till supper then took Chop to mill. W. fine Cler

June 1874

9 I chored & harrowed turnip ground Joe Drew dung I took girl home after supper she is not well. W. Cler

10 Little John Rolled turnip ground Joe Rolled Oat field near Hoovers & part of spring wheat with CB's roller I & boys Cut seed Potatoes Pm. W. Cler Mother inlaw & Peter were here awhile Pm

11 I finished rolling spring wheat this morning took CB's roller home then sorted & Cut some Potatoes Joe Drew dung. W. Cool . a little rain

12 I went to Markham Am Br's C & S went with me to station they are going to Clinton I brought 650 2 in tiles after supper W. Cool

13 Brought 350 2 in tiles AM Sowed some land salt on part of spring wheat & took 10 bus Peas to Br S's to get Chopped after supper. W. Cler Cool Joe finished drawing dung & harrowed potatoe ground My Mother is at Br N's now they brought her here this Pm to visit us. she is quite smart she says she feels like another being. rest pretty well

Sunday 14 at home all day Simon Hoover's were here Pm. W. fine warm, Cler

15 Both began Plowing fallow. W. fine Cler

16 Chored. W. rain untill about 3 Pm then Joe brought home Pea Chop & I went to Belford

17 Both Plowed. I went to Cedar Grove after supper W. rain until about 9 am. fine growing

18 Both plowed. W. fine. Cler

19 I & Saml Ramer went fishing to F man's bay with Troll hooks. bad day for Trolling, got none. Fished with worm bait got about 2 dozen fine fish then went to Duffins Creek. Caught 1, then went to Rouge. Caught 11 there then Came home about sunset well satisfied with our days sport W. fine Cler

20 Planted Potatoes. we are planting them late trying to evade the Colorado Beetle they are very numerous this year. W. fine Cler

Sunday 21 Went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with My Mother, she came home again this morning

{Second Page} June 1874

remarks by Br C sermon on Romans 12 C by Rev Jos Barkey. Visitors. David Ramer's Finlaws youngsters Ben Hoovers & Emeline Ramer. & Robt Wallace a while Pm he is working in York Township this summer. W. warm Cler

22 Finished Planting Potatoes & I went to JD's raising PM Joe began making turnip drills PM. W. very warm Hoovers had Came awhile this morning with D Kinder & Gotschall & wife from the States I went to J Burrows with Mare Jess

23 I sowed some turnip this morning Picked Potatoe bugs & scuffled Corn & Early Potatoes Joe plowed in fallow. W. very warm, sultry

24 I finished fallow except endlands Joe finished making turnip drills I took grist Oats to Br S's after supper. W. fine Cool

25 I finished sowing turnips Joe plowed headlands in fallow then hoed Corn I helped him awhile Pm W. fine Cool. a nice shower Pm

26 Chored & Cleaned load spring wheat AM I took it to Cedar Grove Mills @ $1.18 Pm Joe went to Party at Cherrywood Pm. W. Drissly all AM & some Pm

27 I went to Markham & then to Unionville to Township Clerk to Register Baby's name & Birth Call her. Esther. I & Joe drug some drags from near dam to saw for wood Pm. W. warm Cler went to JD's with my Mother after supper

Sunday 28 at home all day. AB's were here this evening & Br S's & JD's youngsters Pm I took frank to Burrows this evening to get a Ball put into him, he is lame. W. very warm

29 hoed feed Corn Am. Joe went to another Thing! at Cherrywood Pm. I took some parts of reaper to Mongolia to get repaired. got supper at D Lehman's. W. pretty warm

July 1874

30 Had M Neighsavander to Saw wood with his Machine & Our horse Power. got done at supper time. W. fine Cler

July 1 I & Joe Helped Br C saw wood. W. warm Cler

2 I & Joe worked on road with team I was at home from 10 am till about 3 Pm Saml Brownperger's were here, we are turnpiking Pickering townline. W. Cler

3 Both worked on road with team. finished roadwork W. fine cler

4 Chores & Cleaned grist wheat am Joe hoed feed Corn & I & Nancy went to Belford Pm. I took grist to Cedar Grove Mills after supper W. fine rain last night, heavy thunder. Cloudy all day

Sunday 5 We & my Mother went to Br S's. Br inlaw David Hoover's were here at supper. W. pretty warm. Cler

6 I brought home shovel plow. & plowed Corn & Early potatoes helped Br C rig Mower & went to Cherrywood after supper. Joe began harrowing fallow W. warm cler

7 waited on my Mother all day she is poorly W. sultry. fine heavy thunder storm Pm

8 brought home grist & I & Nancy went to Belford Am I began to Mow in Meadow Pm Joe finished harrowing fallow Am W. very warm

9 I mowed untill about 4 Pm then raked after supper. Flavius helped me to Cock Joe went to Colon Reesor's raising. W. warm, Cler

10 Joe went to help finish Colon Reesor's raising am I, Nancy & little boys went to Cherrywood & to AB's at noon Joe Mowed Pm till supper when it rained, rained some this morning

11 I Joe & Flavius Mowed swale in Meadow south of swamp am, raked & Cocked south half west of Creek & some swale that Joe had Mowed before. W. Cloudy am Cler pm

Sunday 12 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St John Part of 15 C y Rev Jac Wideman. W. Cler am, gentle rain this evening

13 Killed a calf AM took skin to Markham Pm W rainy am. Cleared up Pm Joe mowed Pm

{Second page}

July 1874

14 I & Nancy took wool to Cliffs went to MN's at noon & the Simon Hoover's at supper W. very warm

15 Drew in 9 loads hay. W. very very warm thunder shower tonight went round west rained a little

16 I finished Mowing big Meadow till Pm Joe Mowed in swale below Orchard then we drew in 2 loads out of swale in Meadow W fine Cool Cler

17 Joe scuffled some turnips & I brought home pea chop from Br S's this morning I waited on my Mother awhile AM she is poorly. Drew in 5 loads hay pm. W. fine Cler

18 I raked last of meadow second time Joe & Flavius drew Flavius swale: that he bought off me in Pea field: In ^last 2 load lout of Meadow then we raked & Cocked below Orchard what Joe mowed. W. pretty warm, My Mother better

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Hebron. Adeline & John staid with my Mother John is not well. remarks by Rev S Hoover sermon on St Luke Part of 10 C by Rev H Barkey JB's & J Cobers were here Pm. I & Nancy went to CB's after supper. W. very warm

20 Finished Mowing swale below Orchard got done before supper then I & Flavius left at supper W. fine

21 Joe finished scuffling turnips I & Flavius thinned am Drew in swale Pm. 3 loads. W. fine Cler

22 I & Br C Put reaper together am thinned turnip Pm W. fine warm, Cler

23 I didn't do anything eruption all over me like hives, eyes swelled Joe thinned turnip am he Cut roads around Wheat Pm W Cler

24 Cut our fall wheat. I didn't help not well got Br C done Joe raked off Flavius Br C & two men & spence bound, got all cut & bound at 1/2 past 3 Pm. W. fine Cler

25 Finished thinning turnips Joe shovel plowed late Potatoes W. warmer cler

Sunday 26 I Nancy & some of Children went to meeting at Wideman's with Br C. Benjamin got sick on the way with vomiting I didn't got to Meeting took him to Finlaws he got better at noon went to S{illegible} Pm. W. very warm a little rain Pm

July 1874 Aug

27 I drew home lumber I took grist wheat to Cedar Groves Mill & Oats to br S's Joe got Frank shod & began Crossplowing follow W. fine Cler

28 Joe Helped Br S draw dung I plowed some in follow. W. showry. fine rain at noon

29 I Joe & Flavius helped Br C cut wheat. W. fine Cler I brought home grist this evening

30 Both Plowed Am I waited on my Mother Pm she is worse again. we have to handle her like a child. Br C Br N's Br S & a great many more of our sect went to Toronto today to see a large number of Russian Mennonites that are Emigrating to Manitoba about 330 Passed through Toronto last week my Brothers went to see them too

31 Waited on my Mother Am went for Dr Machill Pm. W. fine rain last night some thunder

August 1 Waited on My Mother near all day I & little John Drew in small load wheat Am Rev H Barkey & wife were here Pm. My Mother rests Poorly W. Cler windy

Sunday 2 at home J D's Br S's & Br C. were here My Mother is better (Br S went with a large party of Mennonites as far as Sarnia he thinks they are very nice People) W. fine Cool, pretty windy

3 Drew in fall wheat, 10 loads, good Crop. W. fine Cler

4 I raked wheat stubble am. Joe Plowed, both Plowed Pm drew in rakings after supper 1 1/2 loads. W Cler

5 Both Plowed. W. fine Cler

6 Finished Plowing follow Am. I & Nancy went to S Lehman's Pm. Joe scuffled turnips W. fine

7 Joe scuffled last of turnips AM I & little boys hoed second time. All hoed Pm. W warm little shower Pm

8 Finished hoeing turnips till 2 Pm then pulled foxtail outof hill corn till supper then brought a load of sawdust & little boys took a swim. W. pretty warm

Sunday I at home AM Went to JD's PM My Mother went with us. girls went to Br N's. W. very warm

10 Pulled Headlands in big Peafield & Cut & bound Oats in little Orchard & road partly around Oat field

{Second Page}

Aug 1874

below garden Am Started to Pull Peas with rake Pm when a fine shower stopped us then Flavius went home & Joe cleaned up barn floor & I went to Cedar Grove & he cut road in big Oat field W very close & warm

11 Joe harrowed in fallow & I took my mother to Br S's am Pulled Peas with rake Pm. worked well. W. warm Cler

12 Finished Peas back of garden till about 4 Pm Then Joe & Flavius bound swath around big Oat field I & Nancy went to Belford after supper W. about the most sultry & warm day I remember in a good while. Cooler tonight

13 J & Flavius Helped Br C Pull Peas with Scythes I didn't do much, drank rather much yesterday killed a lamb & brought home Chop from Br. S's W. fine Cooler

14 Br C & his 2 men helped us Cut spring wheat n field behind Old barn about 5 acres got done about 1/2 past 2 Oc. then Cut about 3 acres in big oat field got all Shocked up. W fine Cler

15 I & Joe drew in Peas. Flavius helped. CB thresh. Came home between 2 & 3 helped us got in 10 loads. W. warm

Sunday 16 Went to Meeting at Hebron My Mother went too Remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Rev H Barkey Finlaws & JH Ramers were here after service. W. fine warm Cler

17 I started early to Dr Machell to get Pills for My Mother she had a very bad night Br C & his men Came to help at Oats got big field done about 1/2 past 5 Oc did not get them all bound W. pretty warm. looks like rain this evening

18 Finished binding Oats near Hoover Then Cut field below garden did not get them all bound. W. fine Cler very Smokey there are large fires in the north

19 Helped Br C cut spring wheat till 3 Pm then shocks Oats till night did not get done. W. warm Cler

20 Finished binding liitle field & shocking it & big field then cut very near all Oats north of Br C's W. a slight shower Am. very Close Pm

21 finished Cutting & shocking Oats north of Br C's & Cut spring wheat north of graveyard. am. W. fine shower Pm

Aug 1874 Sept

21 Joe threshed a few peas Pm I shot a large ground hog after supper

22 I & little boys took 3 bags Peas to Br. S to get chopped Am Pulled Peas below Orchard Pm which finishes our harvest W. fine Cler. JB was here a little while this morning

Sunday 23 at home all day. W. fine Cler

24 Finished drawing in Peas back of garden 8 loads drew in 2 loads 55 {illegible} Oats out of field below garden till supper set Machine after supper ready for threshing tommorrow. W. fine Cler

25 threshed, all went well with the exception of I & Br S getting lame backs. Put through 180 boxes fall wheat till about 2 Pm & 65 boxes Oats finished shortly after 3 Pm drew in 3 loads Peas till night. W. fine. Cler beautiful

26 Joe helped Sanderson thresh I Flavius & JB drew in last 3 loads Peas. then drew 8 loads Oats out of field near Hoovers I helped to unload my back is very lame P Lehman's were here Pm W. fine Cler

27 Drew 9 loads Oats out of field near Hoovers W. fine Cler

28 Drew in 1 load Oats out of field near Hoover's & 3 loads below garden & 3 loads from field north of Br C's & 1 load spring wheat north of graveyard & 1 load spring wheat out of field back of barn W. fine Cler

29 Joe & Favius helped Br S's thresh am finished drawing in spring wheat Pm W. Cler my Mother was very Poorly today Br C administered sacrement today there was nobody present except our family. She is rather better this evening W. warm cler

30 Sunday at home all day. Joseph Shirks were here a while this am. W. warm day Cler

31 Joe Drew stones off fallow & began to Plow I didn't do much have lame back wen to B S Pm W. Cler

Sept 1 Joe & Flavius Plowed. I chored . W. warm Cler

2 I & Joe Plowed. W. fine Cler

3 I & Joe Plowed. W. drizzly about an hour this morning & a pretty nice shower after dinner. didn't amount to much

4 Cleaned seed wheat & finished Plowing till noon. Joe sowed the field Pm & I harrowed. W. fine Cool

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Sept 1874

Sept 5 I & Joe finished harrowing wheat Joe helped Br N thresh W. fine little shower Am. another Pm

Sunday 6 I & Children staid at home with My Mother Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans with Ab"s JD's wife & some of the Children & Fanny Cobr were here W. fine Cler

7 Chored & Cleaned 12 1/2 bus seed wheat for John Milroy am Took grist Oats to Br. S's Pm Nancy & my Mother went along to Br N's Joe split sawed wood Pm I helped awhile he furrowed wheat am W. warm

8 Joe split wood I helped awhile. Cleaned 20 bus wheat for John Sevell. I let them have the seed at the price that I get when I sell the remainder W. very Close sultry I raked spring wheat stubble this morning. Finlaws were here at supper Helped Br N fix up Hat rack in Hebron Chapel awhil Pm

9 Hewed limbs & helped Joe finish splitting wood AM drew in spring wheat rakings Pm I went to Cherrywood after supper & Joe Cleaned turnouts in wheat. W. very very sultry & dry

10 Thanksgiving day I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on 5the Book Moses 8th Chap by Rev H Barkey Henry Stovers wife was here after Service. W. very very warm. sultry

11 I Nancy & little boys went to Markham took Machine Cylinder to Hewet to get Boxes filled got boots measured for boys Am, I tried plow a little in Pea ground back of garden found it very hard in places drew some old rails for wood Joe began plowing opposite Br C's goes very well W. very very hot. Close & day dry

12 I Plowed in Oat field below garden AM goes well enough I & little boys made 37 1/2 gals Cider at P Lapp Pm. Joe finished Plowing opposite Br C's W. warm

Sunday 13 Nancy & girls went to Meeting at Hebron Sacrement today I & boys staid with my Mother Aug Stover's wife & Uncle Joes widow ere here Pm

Sept 1874

Sunday 13 M N's & CB's were here at supper. W warm

14 I went to Uncle Joesphhus Reesor's to get a tooth extracted this morning Boiled sauce today Joe Plowed in Pea ground back of garden with Iron Plow. Can make out to a pinch W. warm

15 I went to Markham to get Cylinders, it was not done. Joe threshed Peas I helped a little Pm. W warm a few drops rain AM. fine shower Pm

16 I went to Markham & got Cylinders & Mr Hewit to fix it into the Machine. took him home again Pm Joe Plowed. W. Cler Cooler

17 I didn't do much Joe threshed Peas. W fine drissly rain nearly all day. pretty heavy Pm

18 Joe Plowed in Pea ground I Chored & plowed some in little Oat field. W. fine Cler a fine rain last night. it soaked in 3 or 4 inches

19 Both Plowed. W. fine Cler

Sunday 20 at home. Br S's were here. W. Cool Cler heavy rain last night. looks like spring again

21 Plowed Joe Helped Br C's log. W fine Cler

22 Both Plowed I finished Oat Stubble below house W. fine Cler

23 Joe went to Toronto to Exhibition I drew a load of my Clear Lumber to Markham Station Br S sold it @ $24.00 per M. W. fine Cler

24 I drew 1 load Lumber & Joe drew 2 loads I went to Cherrywood Pm. W. fine Cler

25 I & Joe drew last 2 loads lumber Am Joe Plowed & I went to Sawmill for Oat Chop Pm. W warm Cler

26 I & Nancy went to Whitevale this morning then I helped Joe finish plowing Pea ground back of garden & we began in spring wheat stubble behind barn W. fine warm Cler. I shot 3 black squirrels at CB's Corn at noon

Sunday 27 I Nancy My Mother & little boys went to AB's W. Cloudy Am rain nearly all Pm raining tonight This is my 38th Birthday

28 Joe helped T Hall thresh I chored Plowed a little Pm W rainy & drissly I took a hiefer to Br N this morning

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Sept 1874 Oct

29 Joe Plowed in spring wheat stubble I went to Belford this morning Plowed a few rounds Am. then I went to B.S. Pm. Picked a few apples Pm. W. Cler am Cloudy Pm

30 Both Plowed. W. pretty Cold. Strong N West wind

Oct 1 I Plowed. Joe took some boards to Markham to Cover our lumber pile. the buyer will not take it away until about 2 weeks. then he drew straw from Halls for Flavius Pm. W. Cloudy began to rain heavy at dark. raining yet

2 Joe went to Markham Fair I finished Plowing Spring wheat stubble behind barn & Drew a load Pea straw for Flavius am Chored Pm W. cold. heavy wind

3 Joe began Plowing in fall wheat stubble I went to Boxgrove for a land side for Patteron Plow Am it did not fit, went for another Pm it was right. Then I Plowed a little W rather cloudy, cool

Sunday 4 Nancy & girls went to Meeting at Cedar Grove I staid with My Mother JD's were here W. Cool Cler

5 Both Plowed Am. Picked apples Pm W. fine Cler. began to rain slowly. tonight

6 Joe threshed Peas & I chored Am. I & Nancy went to Markham & a few minutes to J H Ramers, is wife is sick with Biluous & Gastric fever several of the family & some of their neighbours had it . W. rain nearly all Am. a little wet Pm

7 I & Joe Helped thresh at Br C's. W. Cloudy

8 I & Joe Helped finish thresh at Br C's Am Joe Plowed Pm. & I went squirrel shooting awhile with Peter & Jesse Hoover. I shot 2 & Peter shot 1 W. Cloudy rain last night

9 I & Joe Plowed. W. Cler. rain last night

10 Both Plowed until about 1/2 past 10 when it began to rain Joe threshed Peas Pm. & I went to Flavius & to Cedar Grove Pretty heavy showers Pm

Sunday 11. I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with my Mother remarks by RS Hoover Sermon on St Mat 8 C by Rev H Barkey CB was here Pm. W. Cool, Cloudy

12 Plowed am killed a heifer Pm. CB's man helped me. W. Cloudy. Cold North wind

Oct 1874

Oct 13 Both Picked apples. W. cold, a few flakes of snow

14 Joe harrowed & Picked stones off field back of gardn I Chored & Picked a few apples. W. pretty fine

15 I made 45 gals Cider Am went to Flavius & Picked a few apples Pm. Joe drew dung on field back of garden. W. beautiful fine Cler very white frost this morning

16 Boiled Sauce. Joe drew dung Flavius filled Pm W. fine cler

17 Drew dung I & Flavius filled am. Joe went to J Clark's rainy Pm I drew dung & Flavius filled W. very fine. Br C & Br S's Came home from United States today

Sunday 18 at home Jane Duncan was here W. Cold wind

19 Finished drawing dung & shook apples am began digging Potatoes Pm. W. fine Cler

20 dug Potatoes W. beautiful & warm

21 dug Potatoes W. beautiful & warm

22 Finished digging Potatoes this evening they were very large & pretty good turnout. W. fine white frost last night

23 John harrowed Potatoes ground & I & little boys Picked odd Potatoes AM dug last of early Potatoes behind barn Pm Joe finished plowing fall wheat stubble Am Plowed a little in new ground second time Pm Flavius spread dung Pm. W. very fine Cler

24 I went shooting awhile Am with Otis W Burkholder, not much game Saw one Black squirrel I shot that went to B's Pm & chored Joe Plowed Am threshed Peas Pm W. fine Cler

Sunday 25 at home. JB's were here Pm. W. fine

26 I chored am Nancy took stowes girl home Joe Plowed. Both Plowed Pm W. fine warm

27 Both Plowed. W. fine Am. rather Cloudy Pm this is the 17th anniversary of My Marriage a little rain last night

{Second Page} Oct Nov 1874

28 I went to Markham Am Plowed Pm. W. Cooler

29 Plowed Rev Jac Wideman & wife Came on a visit little John Plowed a while then. W. Cler very high wind Pm J H Ramer's boy & girls were here today

30 we finished Plowing Pea field second time until noon then began Pulling turnips Pm W. pretty Cold wind Uncle Saml Reesor's were here awhile Pm

31 I & little boys made 57 gals Cider & Joe threshed Peas am Joe Pulled turnips Pm. I didn't feel well W. Cold windy

Sunday Nov 1 at home Br N's were here Pm. W squauls of snow. didn't whiten the ground

2 I & little boys killed a pig am. Joe pulled turnips. I & boys helped awhile Pm W mild

3 Pulled turnips, very white frost last night I quit about 3 pm to tend Mason to fix oven

4 Pulled turnips. W. a little frost last night John Bear died yesterday evening

5 Pulled turnip untill about 9 Oc when it began to rain then Joe threshed Peas Finlaws came am, rained till about 2 Pm then finished Pulling turnips

6 Began drawing in turnips I went to J Bear's funeral Am Drew with 2 waggons Pm took in 12 loads W. beautiful Cler warm

7 Drew turnips with 2 waggons Am & with 1 Pm took in 14 loads I Pitched back in cellar Pm

Sunday 8 Nancy & girls went to Meeting at Hebron I & boys Staid with my Mother Diller's were here a while am. S Lehmans were here Pm & Uncle John Burkholder. Br C's were here this evening W. fine Cler

9 Finished drawing in turnip 6 loads I went to B.S. this evening. W. fine Cler

10 Drew 4 cords wood out of old bush for my Mother Put apples into Cellar & Joe threshed some Peas. I went to Cedar Grove this evening W. pretty strong east wind. Cool Adeline & Suzanne went to wedding at JH Ramer's Emmaline was married today to Benj Hoover our girls went with Br C & his girls

Nov 1874

Nov 11 Joe went to Old W Morrison's Plowing Bee he bought Henry Peter's farm & had a Plowing Bee on it I filled a piece of drain in big Pea field AM harrowed opposite Br C's PM. W. pretty Cold

12 Both Plowed Potatoe & oat ground opposite Br. Cs. W. Cold. Cler

13 Both finished Plowing Opposite Br Cs AM I went to W Burkholder's sale PM. Joe began Plowing turnip ground PM. W. vey Cold. freesing

14 Joe Plowed a little this morning. had to quit frose too hard then he drew Sawed Wood into shed. I didnt do much. have bad Cold moved stoves this morning. W. very Cold. day

Sunday 15 at home. Br S's were here. Br Ns & C B's were here PM. W. Cler. milder

16 I & Nancy & little boys went to J H Ramer's W. fine cler roads good

17 Joe threshed few Peas this morning then both Plowed in turnip land. W. a little rain this morning foggy through the day

18 Both Plowed awhile AM. Joe Plowed PM I didnt do much PM. Revd Jos Barkeys were here awhile. then I went to John Cobers this evening for some tar to Fumigate my head. got a bad Cold. W. pretty Cold. rather Cloudy

19 Joe helped J D's kill hogs. I Chored J B sawed wood for my Mother I helped a little & we fixed Cow manger. brought home old sow today & Pumpninker fixed Cistern Pump & front Pump. my Cold is better. W. Cloudy

20 Chored & Cleaned grist AM I took it to Mill & Joe threshed Peas PM. W. about 2 inches snow last night & AM. tied up Cattle last night

21 Fixed things round stables ready for winter brought home yearling Colt from Br C's AM Cleaned Peas & Joe took them to mill & I made ready for Killing Pigs on Monday. PM W. rather mild. snow not gone yet

Sunday 22 at home. W. blustery. & a little snow from east PM

23 Killed our 7 hogs. W. rain last night Cloudy today some rain & soft snow this evening

{facing page}

Nov 1874 Dec

Novr 24 I went to Br Cs this morning to help Kill hogs wether to stormy Came home & fixed things in shop Joe threshed Peas. W snow from west heavy wind this morning a little today I & little John brought home Peas Chop this evening

25 I & Nancy helped Br C kill hogs J. plowed W. fine. no frost in ground. about an inch of snow

26 I & Nancy helped A Bs Kill hogs. W. fine & mild

27 I went to old W. Morrison's A.M. Cleaned out tile drains & enlarged little Orchard PM Joe finished Plowing & w{a}ter furrowing turnip ground AM W mild

28 Made sheep rack & temporary bars between old barn & driving house. W. soft snow near all day

Sunday 29 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Russian Mennonites Child at Cedar Grove. I think I forgot to mention that six families of Mennonites are staying in Markham over winter they arrived in Toronto rather late to go to Manitoba Several families are living in Uncle Saml Reesor's house one of their Children was buried today sermon by Br C on 71st Psalm 23 V. W. about six in snow last night tough sleighing

30 Joe flailed Oats AM & Peas PM I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM rough sleighing pretty Cold

Decr 1 Joe threshed Peas AM. & took grist Oats to Br S's PM. W. some snow. Mild

2 Joe Drew home Cordwood Out of old bush AM went to C Cooks wood bee PM I didn't do much Have sore throat. W. fine mild snow going

3 I done nothing. Joe went to Funeral of Robt Spence AM Cut wood in Old bush PM I done nothing my throat very sore. W. snow nearly all gone

4 Joe drew dung to bank turnip celer AM his time is up at noon today W. very fine clr

5 I Chored. W. Mild. Cloudy. my throat is Pretty sore

Sunday 6 I & boys went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Rel Saml Hoover & he Conducted a short service at my mother's PM. W. mild Cloudy snow nearly gone

Dec 1874

Decr 7. Chored. fired a few stumps opposite Br Cs W. fine Cler mild. throat pretty sore yet

8 I helped Br S's kill hogs W. fine. pretty sharp cloudy. my throat was better, but a little worse tonight

9 Asked some hands to help thresh on Friday Joe began work today $12.50 per month for 3 months & Joe got Nell & Frank shod AM. I & Nancy went to Markham PM. W. Cler a little snow squaals AM. pretty Cold N West wind PM roads pretty good

10 Asked some hands & made a chaff trough in front of new barn AM I & Joe set Machine PM W. fine Cler mild

11 threshed. all went well as could be, we threshed about 75 boxes spring wheat & about 350 bus Oats. didnt Count boxes. W. fine mild some snow squaals AM

12 Cleaned Peas AM. I & Joe took grist 25 bus Peas & Oats to Br S's & got it Chopped David Burkhilder & wife Came this evening & staid all night with my Mother. W. prety Cold

Sunday 13 at home all day Br. Ns were here awhile PM W. Mild Cloudy some snow PM

14 Drew home 9 drags of firewood out of old bush I went to Cherrywood PM. W. Cold about 5 in. snow makes fair sleighing

15 Drw home 11 drags. I took 12 bags Oats to Br Ss to get Chopped PM. W. Cold. sleighing pretty good

16 I went to Cherrywood & to P Hoover's & Joe Chopped AM Sawed a few drags & I brought home Chop & Joe Drew 4 drags PM. W. milder, soft tonight

17 Drew drags 3 out of old bush & 6 from near old dam. W. some squaals of snow mild

18 Joe drew home Cordwood & Culls out of old bush W. rather squaaly

19 Joe drw wood & we boarded up between old & new barn & Covered horse power PM. W. mild

Sunday 20 at home J D & some of his Children were here at noon & C B's PM. W. Cloudy. rather Colder

21 I & Joe helped Br S's thresh. W. mild. Flavius were here this evening J B evening J B sawed wood for my Mother & stays with her tonight

22 Joe drew wood out of old bush awhile AM & took 300 Oat sheaves to Flavius PM Simon Hoover's were here PM {Dec} 22 W soft 1874

{facing page}

Dec 1874 Jan 1875

23 I & Joe helped Br N's Kill a Beef A M I & Nancy went to Whitevale P M. W. soft sleighing very thin

24 I & little boys took 6 bus Peas to Br S's to Chop P M W. sharp

Christmas day 25 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron. Br Cs were here awhile P M. W. fine mild

26 I & Joe finished drawing out Cedar out of Flavius Swamp A M. Br S's youngsters Dave Wallace & 2 young men from Clinton were here awhile A M. Measured ten bags Potatoes P M I & Nancy went to Henry Stovers & Joe threshed a few Peas W. mild sleighing thin

27 Sunday I & Nancy were at home girls & Flavius went to Meeting at Cedar Grove W Mild. began to rain a little at bedtime

28 I & Joe Killed fat heifer A M. I & little boys took hide & 10 bags Potatoes to Markham P M Potatoes @ $1.00 per bag hide $6.00 per hwt. W. soft sleighing gone

29 I Cut beef & rendered tallow A M Went to Br S's P M Joe threshed Peas. W very Cold west wind

30 I & Joe began Cutting sawlogs & wood drags in Dyke's Bush I went to Whitevale with Uncle John Burkholder P M W. Cold

31 I & Joe Cut logs all day. W. bitter Cold last night & today. milder towards evening

Jan 1 1875 I & Children staid with My Mother Nancy went with A B's to her Grandfather's funeral Old John Reesor senr was buried today he died on Wednesday W. Milder

2 Joe threshed Peas Old Danl. Hoovers were here today. I went to Br S's & Post office this evening W. soft snow last night & A M blowing Cold P M. sleighing fair

Sunday 3 Boys & girls went to Meeting at Hebron Abraham Burkholder's & Mrs Christina Raymer & some of her Children were here P M W. sharp

4 I & Nancy went to Finlaws they were not at home Then Finlaws came here to stay all night W. sharp sleighing good

Jan 1875

Jan 5 I went to J D's to see the Lawton boys to engage them to cut some soft wood for me in the bush at Dyke's Am Chored Pm Joe drew 4 loads Pine limb wood from Dyke bush

6 I & my girls & John & Flavius wen to MN. & I went to Clarmont to get some Oat meal & Buckwheat flour W. pretty sharp Am Milder Pm

7 Cleaned some Peas & grist wheat Am I took grist to Cedar Grove Mills Pm Joe drew 3 firewood logs from Dykes Pm W. milder, snow Pm

8 I & Joe sawed logs Am I brought home grist & Joe drew 4 firewood logs Pm. W. W. pretty cold

9 Joe threshed Peas. I Chored JB & his sister Mary were here awhile Pm . W very strong west wind cold

Sunday 10 at home. Nancy's Brothers John & Peter Brs J's boys & Lydia & all Br N's & Cobr's youngster were here this evening & Br C & his family too W. very very cold

11 I went to Whitevale & Joe drew firewood logs AM. sawed Pm W. some good sleighing milder

12 Sawed AM. I didnt feel well Pm Joe drew 2 loads Cedar home from Flavius. W. sharp

13 Joe split wood in shed & ground axe Am he went to Spence's bee Pm. I didnt do much W. soft snow Am. Cloudy Pm

14 I & Nancy went to Markham to Dr Black Am. got some Medicine for Nancy she is not very well Joe drew 2 last 2 loads Cedar Am. he skided some sawlogs Pm I filled some beds. W pretty sharp west wind

15 I & Joe helped CB thresh W prety cold

16 Joe threshed Peas I chored Am went to Markham Pm. W snow last night & Am about 6 in fell. first Class sleighing

Sunday 17 at home all day. AB's Br S's & Br N's Pm W. fine Cler

18 I went to Election at Belford Am voted by Ballot for Mr John Lane in Opposition to Wm McDowall for the Legislature of Ontario, Chored Pm W stormy am Cler Pm

{Second Page} Jan 1875

Jan 19 Sawed AM Joe began drawing sawlogs Pm. I opened fences through Dykes place Pm M Neighswardens were here when I came home W. Cold

20 I took Nancy & little boys to Br S's then went to Markham Staid at Br S's at noon

21 Joe threshed Peas I & Nancy went to Br N's a few minutes AM then I & little boys began to Clean Double Harness Pm then Jacob & John G Reesor's Came with Mr Moyer & wife from Clinton W. heavy snow from east Am & light Drissle Pm. Sleighing good when it is packed

22 I & T H Hall Cleaned 100 bus Oast today he took them away Pm @ 40 cts per bus Finlaw & Peter were here today at noon. W. fine mild

23 I & John Cut a basswood tree into sawlogs in old bush near Br C's AM. went to Dyke's bush with Joe Pm. W pretty Cold good sleighing

Sunday 24 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat part of 8 C by Rev H Barkey. W. soft snow Uncle Saml Reesor's & an Old Russian Menonite woman were here yesterday evening

25 Joe drew 5 sawlogs & 1 wood log I helped him some W. strong cold west wind

26 Joe drew 2 wood & 1 sawlog I oiled part of good harness & washed the rest. W. milder

27 I & Nancy went to Finlaws W. pretty Cold Joe drew dung opposite Br C's

28 I & Joe helped Br S's thresh Am I oiled some harness Pm. Children finished oiling it & I & Nancy went to Whitevale. W. soft cloudy AM. Colder Pm

29 Cleaned Peas AM. Joe went to Markham & I went to Dykes bush Pm to let Job to Lawtons to Cut pine & Hemlock wood @ 65 cts & 70 cts per Cord W. Cold

30 I @ Joe Cut big stub & cut 3 logs out of it AM Joe drew them to Mill Pm. I Chored & went to Flavius. W. Cold

31 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remrarks & sermon on St Luke 4 C by Br C. W. soft snow AM Cler Pm more snow this evening

Feb 1 I & Joe Cut a stub & sawed it this morning then I went to a meeting at Hebron to elect Church Trustees

Feb 1875

& Consider the Propriety of building shed Am Joe drew 3 logs Pm I chored Pm. W. Cler Cold

Feb 2 I & Joe Cut logs all day W. Cloudy this morning fine & Cler at noon snow this evening

3 ground axe & Chored Am Joe threshed Peas & took grist Oats to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. Saml Doner's were here awhile Pm W. rain all Am strong west wind Pm

4 Joe drew a load Cordwood to Markham for young W Morrison. he had a bee. I Chored W. very very Strong west wind, Cold some little snow Pm

5 Joe threshed Peas I went to B S am Chored & went to Flavius Pm W. very Cold

6 Joe drew logs I chored Am. Took 10 bus Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W. very Cold Am bitter Cold. North wind Pm. Calm this evening

Sunday 7 at home all day Benj' Hoover & wife were here. W. bitter Cold last night & am rather milder Pm

8 I & Joe went to CB's this Morning to help at sawing wood didn't saw was too cold. W bitter Cold. NW. wind

10 I & Joe cut logs Am. I went to Cedar Grove Pm. Joe didn't feel well. W. Cold heavy blow from east Pm, snowing now, bed time

11 I waited on my Mother she is very poorly today Joe didnt work . has bad Cold. W. very heavy wind from west drifting snow like everything about six inches fell last night. very Cold today

12 Joe threshed Peas. I chored Am wen to Cedar Grove Mill, Pm. W. very Cold. Cler

13 Joe finished threshing Peas. I chored went to look at Pickering townline this am badly blocked up I never saw it drifted so badly with a west wind before the road is opened through Hoovers & Anthoney's fields. W. Cold Cler

Sunday 14 at home all day Br C's were here awhile CB's this evening W. Cold Cler

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Feb 1875

15 I & Nancy went to Whitevale Am Joe went to Markham on business of his Own Clend {Cleaned}Peas about 43 bus Pm. W very Cold, Cler North & south roads & Nippissing RR badly blocked

16 I & Br C went to Dykes bush AM J B's came here then I & he went to R Stockdales sale awhile Pm. Joe drew logs Saul Widemanns were here this evening, W. pretty Cold

17 Cleaned some Oats for Flavius AM I & little boys Cleaned grist & I took it to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. Joe helped CB's saw wood W. Cold heavy west wind. drifting some

18 I & some of Children went to funeral of Christian Shank son of Jacob Shank at Hebron sermon by Br C on {blank space} & A Raymer on {blank space} John Cobin'swere here. W. pretty Cold Joe drew sawlogs Am & wood logs Pm

19 Joe drew woodlogs Am Cut wood in shed Pm. I helped Br N Kill 3 Pigs Am Chored & brought Nancy & children home from Br C's Pm. W. fine mild a little soft snow Pm

20 Cut logs Am Joe went home Pm. I took grist Oats to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W. pretty Cold

Sunday 21 at home. Jac Reesor's were here this evening W. Cler

22 I didnt do anything was sick last night Joe drew sawlogs & brought home a few rail cuts Finlaws youngsters were here this evening W Mild

23 Joe drew logs I & Nancy & little boys went awhile to Br N's Pm W soft, a little rain Pm

24 I & Nancy went to M N's. Joe helped shovel snow on Pickering townline Am drew rail cuts Pm W. very warm thawing

25 I Nancy & little boys went to AB's W. some little rain last night, a little soft snow today Joe had some bad luck today, broke Double & whiffle trees & hammer bolt, didnt get in one log

26 I Nancy & little boys went to JD's drew logs W. pretty Cold

27 I & Joe Cut logs. W. pretty Cold. Finlaws Came to stay all night

Sunday 28 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron

Feb Mar 1875

Feb 28 Sunday I staid home with my Mother Rev H Barkey Called Pm to see My Mother MN's youngsters were here this evening. W. sharp. Cler

March 1 Joe split wood in shed I Chored. W a real East snow storm since some time last night and all day without intermission, snowy yet

2 opened lane, had to shovel some shoveled out track around horse power & asked hands to thresh tommorrow. W. pretty Cold, roads heavy

3 threshed about 300 bus Oats. went well got done between 3 & 4 O clock. W. fine began to snow from East about 3 Pm snowing heavy yet

4 I & Nancy went to CB's on a visit W. fine mild Clear, nearly a foot of loose snow last night

5 Cleaned tailings for grist of Chop AM. Joe went to J Coxworths Sale PM. I & Nancy started to go to Whitevale roads were too heavy & a little stormy. We turned back. W. snowed from east am. a little Pm. mild

6 I & Nancy went to Markham AM I took Susan Cober home Pm W. fine Cler mild. I think the snow is deeper than I ever saw it

Sunday 7 at home all day. W. Mild. fine

8 I & Nancy went to JB's W. fine beautiful Cler

9 I chored brought home Chop for Cattle Pm Joe sawed wood with Buck saw he has been sawing the last few days. The snow is too deep to draw sawlogs. W. foggy & white frost AM. more Cler Pm blowing some from east this evening

10 Joe sawed wood. we hung up Pork to smoke W. mild cler

11 Cleaned 20 bus grist wheat I & little boys took it to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. Joe didn't work Pm W. mild thawing some. soft snow this evening

12 I & Joe went to D Brown's Sale. W. fine Cler soft

13 I Helped Br C's Clean Oats AM went to B S's Pm Joe done nothing. W. fine cler Soft, raw east wind

Sunday 14 at home all day. W. Mild

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Mar 1875

March 15 Chored AM I took Nancys Brother Peter to W Burkholder's Pm. W. rain from East nearly all day snow going

16 Chored. W. heavy west wind heavy squauls of snow about every hour I went to Cedar Grove this evening

17 I & Nancy went to W M Davis for a bus seed barley @ 90 cts per bus. W. pretty heavy west wind. Cler pretty cold

19 I & little boys shovelled water course through snow drifts along townline at end of lane. JD's were here on a visit. W. fine, Cler

18 I & Nancy went to Whitevale AM I brought home grist of flour Pm. W. very Cold NW wind this is a mistake in my entry Friday is placed before Thursday

20 Chored Put rings on {illegible} W. snow from east nearly all day

Sunday 21 I & children went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 19 C by Red H Barkey. W. Cler sharp, Cold Isaac Moyer's Children were here after service & R Wallace Pm

22 Chored AM went to Cedar Grove Mills for 6 bus seed spring wheat Golden drop @ $1.00 per bus Pm W. sharp. Cler

23 W.M Davis & wife were here today he bot 25 bus Oats off me @ 45 cts per bus. W. fine Cler

24 I & Nancy went to S Ramer's he was not at home then we went to Br S's W. mild Cler the Russian Mennonite & his wife that are staying at Colon Reesor's were on a visit this evening

25 Chored, shoveld. snow at Hebron & put in some wood for my Mother Pm W fine mild

Good Friday 26 Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Hebron. Jac Widemans & Br S's were here Pm. W. fine slight shower of sleet am

27 I & Nancy went to Markham to J H Ramer's to see my Old Step Grandmother Reesor she is very low W. fine thawing spring day sleighing getting thin

Easter Sunday 28 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by Re'd S Hoover Visitors Pm Rev S Hoover & wife & a Russian Mennonite & wife are staying with them W. fine Cler

Mar Apr 1875

Easter Monday 29, at home, Simon Hoovers JH Ramer's were here & Isaac Moyer's were here at supper. W. fine Cler warm thawing Br C's Children were here all day

30 Went to S Lehman's W. fine Cler warm snow going fast. some high snow banks & some mud

31 Joe drew 3 basswood logs out of old bush to S Mill & I took 16 bus Oats to Cedar Grove Mills AM we began to draw out pine Cordwood at Dykes Pm W very warm fine Cler. sleighing about gone

April 1 I brought home Chop & Joe drew out wood AM. Chored Pm. W. Cler Am rainy awhile Pm Joe began work this morning @ $18.00 per Mo for 8 Mo

2 Drew out wood. W. rather Cooler snow going

3 Drew out last of wood except a few cords that we cant get at, at present. I helped Pm. W fine snow nearly all gone. a little fell last night all went again today

Sunday 4 at home all day AB's & CB's were here. W. Cler

5 Chored Am. I & Joe sawed Cordwood in old bush Pm W. fine spring weather

6 I went to Flavius AM helped Joe Saw Cordwood Pm W. Cold east wind

7 Chored AM. helped Joe set up some wood & partly made stone boat Pm. W. Cool. Cloudy

8 I went to Cedar Grove Am I & Joe helped Br C's saw wood with Machine Pm. W. fine

9 Helped Br C's finish Sawing wood got done between 3 & 4 O Pm then Hoover's Boys Moved the Machine to us. W. fine a slight shower Am

10 we sawed wood have 10 logs to Cut yet. W. Cler fine

Sunday 11 at home all day. Br N was here awhile Pm. W Cler

12 Finished sawing wood this Morning. then I & Nancy went to funeral of my step Grandmother, my Grandfather Reesor's widow She was Buried at Cedar Grove. Finlaws & Abraham Hoover's from Pickering were here Pm. W. Cloudy a little rain at noon

13 I & Joe Put in logs & Piled lumber W. Cloudy cool

14 I & Joe Piled lumber. W fine I bought 50 suckers from W Clod

15 I helped Put in our last logs AM I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm. W. Cler AM Cloudy Pm. began to rain about 4 Pm raining yet

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April 1875

April 16 I went to SM they didn't saw AM then they began sawing Pm & I piled lumber Joe split wood W. very cold ground froze this morning a few squals of snow

17 I piled lumber Joe split wood. W. froze hard heavy snow squall Pm

Sunday 18 at home all day. W. Clear pretty cold

19 I & little boys Piled last of lumber & Drew 2 loads of edgings Joe Piled pine Cordwood W. Cold wind

20 I & Nancy went to Markham Joe Piled wood W. very Cold NW wind. freezing hard

21 Joe went to Markham AM & to his Father's Pm I Chored Abraham Burkholder from P'a here Pm. W. very Cold NW wind

22 I & Joe Drew out last of pine Cordwood in other bush AM finished piling Pm brought home load of lumber began Cutting down willow trees at Hebron after supper. W. rather warmer Cler

23 Finished Cutting down willow trees & I went to funeral of T H Hall Child AM Joe took grist Oats to Cedar Grove Mills AM we split some rails behind Cider house & I brought some Chop this evening. W. Cloudy, pretty mild

24 ground axes & Cut down big 4 foot pine stub in old bush & split rails AM. split rails & I brought home Cows Chop Pm W. about 2 in snow this morning. about all away tonight Cold wind

Sunday 25 Nancy & Children went to meeting at Hebron Br S's Came here after dinner W. fine Cler

26 Chored & Split rails Am I & Nancy went to M N's Pm. W. fine Cler. roads good

27 Drew stones off swails & I went to B S's this morning W. fine warm Cler

28 Finished drawing stones AM Joe Plowed in little Orchard Pm. I bought 100 suckers off W Clod this evening @ 2.00 W. fine warmer

29 Joe Finished Plowing little Orchard & I Cleaned fish & Chored Am Cleaned Seed Oats & Spring wheat Pm Old Jacob Lehman & Daniel Burkholder's from Pennsylvania were here at supper. W Cloudy Am rain from east Pm

30 I & Nancy took a few things to Br.S for the Russian Mennonites they intend starting to Manitoba on Monday then went to Cedar Grove

Apr May 1875

April 30 Joe Pulled down fence along north end of old bush AM I helped him lay it up Pm then I took a few more things to Br S's for the Mennonite W. Cold strong wind

May 1 I went to see T Longley about digging some drains & Joe fixed fence AM Cleaned wheat Pm. W. hard frost last night Cloudy AM real November snow storm Pm. rain this evening

Sunday 2 at home all day. W. Cloudy very high wind last night and today, snow all gone

3 Went to Markham AM to get Cent Shod & to see the Mennonites start for Manitoba My Br Simeon Accompanies them as Interpreter Joe fixed fences, Pulled down fence on north side of fall Wheat Pm. W. fine Cler rather Cool

4 Drew old pieces of rails home for firewood & drew 231 new rails to repair fence on north side of wheat & sowed little Orchard with Peas & part Peas & Oats W. fine pretty warm Cler

5 Laid up fence on north side of fall wheat 6 rails high AM sowed 6 bush Virginia Golden drop spring wheat on north part of field back of garden & I brought 400 tiles Pm. W. some drizzly rain Pm steady rain tonight

Ascension day 6 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on Acts 1 Chap by Re'd S Hoover. W. Cler this morning Cloudy some rain & a squall of snow Pm

7 Staked & ridered fences AM Trimmed appletrees in old Orchard Pm W. Cloudy

8 Trimmed trees I went to MC Frets after supper. W. warmer fine thunder shower tonight

Sunday 9 at home Br S's wife & Children were here W. warm some thunder . very heavy rain this evening

10 Trimmed trees. I went to Br. N's Am to get hand saw set W. fine Cler

11 Trimmed trees AM I & Nancy went to Whitevale & Joe trimmed a few trees & Carried off brush Pm. W. Cler Am Cloudy Pm a light rain tonight

12 Carried off Apple brush W. pretty windy drizzly rain Pm

13 Carried off Apple brush I took 3 bags Chop to Mill Pm for Cows I Joe & little boys Caught 6 suckers in our Creek this evening

14 Trimmed few trees I went to Whitevale AM Joe ganged a little back of barn, too wet, laid down tiles below Orchard where Longley is digging drain W. Cloudy. little rain

May 1875

May 15/75 Cut down old apple trees Am Joe went to get some more tiles Pm they were all gone I & little boys Plated {sic} some apple trees & Caught 3 suckers Pm W. fine then we went down the creek this evening about sunset & I speared 2 & a little pike & then I & John McGaw took a torch & such sport I have not had this many a year we speared 24

Whit Sunday 16 at home Nancy went to Meeting at Widemann's with AB: & Adeline with Br C's W. pretty Cold N wind

Whit Monday 17 at home Br N's & Br C were here Pm I & little boys & Joe look along Creek for suckers saw none W. fine

18 sowed last of field back of garden with Club Wheat then I brought 128 tiles from Br C's took grist Oats to Br S's & brought 140 tiles from JD's brought home Chop this eving {sic} W fine Cler

19 Joe & John ganged about half of field behind cider house Am I sowed it with 8 bus barly & John harrowed Pm Joe ganged behind barn Pm W. fine

20 sowed rest of field behind Cider house with Peas Joe & John ganged them in & Joe finished gangeing behind barn East half of field west half is for roots W. fine

21 sowed Oats behind barn John harrowed sowed Peas below garden Joe ganged & harrowed them W. very warm 77-2-5 {not sure, this is written in blue ink}

May 1875

22 John rolled field behind Cider house Joe began plowing field below Orchard I done a little of eveything filled Some drain planted some trees & put in a few grafts W. warm

Sunday 23 I & children went to meeting at Hebron appropriate remarks & sermon by Re'd H Barky S Hoover & Br C for the Celebration of Lord's supper JB's Mrs H Stores & Lizzie Ramers were here at noon & H Barkey & wife & CB's at supper W. fin Cler

24 Joe Plowed. John rolled field below garden & oats behind barn he got done about 2 Pm then I helped plow below Orchard. I planted some early rose Potatoes Am. W. Cloudy this morning. Cler today

25 Both plowed. W. very warm

26 Finished Plowing Am sowed field below Orchard with 12 bus Oats. we plowed it all to the creek. W warm

27 I finished harrowing & Rolling Joe Plowed swale in field back of garden W. fine. Cler Cool

28 I sowed swale with Oats harrowed & Rolled it Am which finishes our seeding Joe drew dung on Corn ground opposite Br C's we both Plowed it Pm W. fine Cler

{Second Page}

May June 1875

29 Planted Corn W. fine shower Am cool Cler Pm Br S came home from Manitoba today

Sunday 30 at home Br. N's wife & boys were here Pm

31 I brought 500 bricks from Pettys this morning then I & Nancy went to Funeral of Ulrick Burkholder's daughter at Hebron. I then took the Bricks to Mongolia for JB. he is building a house for himself on an acre of lant that he bought off D Nighwander JH Ramer's wife & Nancy's Brother Peter were here today. W. fine warm Cler

June 1 Joe finished Plowing Potatoe ground Am I & John harrowed it. we washed sheep Pm W. fine Cler

2 I went to measure pine wood that Lawton's cut Am went to Markham Pm Joe drew dung on root ground behind barn. W. fine warm Cler

3 Joe plowed in root ground I went to B. O.A Am Plowed a few rounds then I & Nancy went to funeral of T Sanderson's Child Pm. W. fine warm Cler

4 I & Nancy went to Finlaws I engaged pasture for my 2 Colts at P Milne's W. Cler Am few showers Pm

5 Both plowed am I went to shed meeting at Hebron

June 1875

June 5 5 very few there, no business done. W. fine Cler girls went to Dunkin's Love Feast at J Cobre's this evening

Sunday 6 Nancy & Adeline went to Cober's Meeting Am W. fine Cler

7 Joe finished Plowing & harrowing turnip ground & furrowed out a little more than an acre at the north end of it for feed Corn I didnt feel well Br. N's Peter sheared out sheep W. fine Cler

8 Planted feed Corn Am Picked stones of meadow Pm a lot of visitors awhile Pm Pre Lehman & wife & 2 Reesors from Pennsylvania Pre A Martin from Waterloo Br C Br N's Joe Wideman's & little C Hoover's and Br inlaw Saml Hoover's & Motherinlaw. W. fine Cler I Pulled some Pidgeon weed this evening

9 Joe went to get Nell shod this morning I Cut Potatoes then we finished Pulling Pidgeon weed & Carried Potatoes out of Cellar & Cut some. W. warm fine shower this evening

10 I little John & Joe took over 2 Colts to Pasture at P Milne's. Cut Potatoes after we came home W. very warm

11 Joe drew dung on Potatoe ground I cut Potatoes W. very warm. Heard this evening that Isaac Reesor & Thos Armstrong were wrecked at sea on their way to Britian

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June 1875

12 Planted Potatoes. W. warm this morning. Blowed up Cool Pm

Sunday 13 at home all day girls & boys walked to Meeting at Cedar Groves. W. very cool.

14 I & Joe finished Planting Potatoes W. fine Cler

15 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altoner sermon on St Luke 13 C by Re'd B Lehman from Pennsylvania went to Simon Hoover's after service. I went to W Clods this evening. W. fine

16 Joe drew dung I rolled spring wheat & took 10 bus Oats to Br S's this evening. W. fine Cler Joe drew dung on fallow

17 W Clod Came to fill dung drew a few loads then it began to rain, rained nearly all AM. Cloudy PM I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove & brought Chop home this evening

18 W Clod filled dung. I harrowed & Rolled & John Rolled turnip ground Pm I topped thistles in spring wheat Pm W. fine

19 Joe drew 4 loads dung which finished it except scrapings then we drew Chip dung out of woodshed on fallow I & Br N fixed step at Hebron Meeting house this morning There is still no word of news from Isaac Reesor & Thomas Armstrong it is feared that they are lost

June 1875

Sunday 20 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Hebron Remarks by Rd H Barkey sermon on St John 15 C by Rd Jos Barkey Visitors after service M N's Simon Hoover's & S Lehman's Old Saml Nighswander's & J H Rane's were here at supper. W. fine Clr

21 Drew 2 loads Chip dung then Joe began making turnip drills & I bought turnip seed at Belford A M began plowing in fallow P M. W. Clr Warmer

22 I & Nancy went to Markham to Dr Black she is not well. A M Joe finished drills shortly after dinner then he plowed in fallow & I sowed all the turnips W. slight shower at noon. warm

23 Both Plowed in fallow. W. very warm. I took Butter to J D's this evening. he is taking it to Toronto for us

24 Both Plowed untill about ½ past 3 when a thunder shower came up rained untill about 6.00 then I went to J D's for Baskets he sold butter at 17 {cts}

25 Both Plowed. W. pretty warm. ground well soaked

26 Both Plowed A M. hoed Corn till about 3 P M when it began to rain. rained again after supper

Sunday 27 went to meeting at Widemans there were 9 Converts baptized Vis Jacob Gayman & wife Martin Barkey & wife

{facing page}

June 1875 July

{27th continued} Benjamin Brillenger & wife Simon Hoover & wife & a young German. Philip Baer by name. we went to S Lehman's after service. W. very very sultry & warm

28 Both Plowed till supper then hoed Corn W. Cool

29 Both Plowed. W. Cool. some drissly & foggy P M

30 Both Plowed. Finished fallow. W. Pretty warm Cler

July 1 I & Nancy & little boys went to M N's took wool to Cliff factory. little boys had a fine time fishing W. fine

2 Joe speared thistles I took grist wheat 8 bus to P Hoover's & broght {sic} 130 tiles for Br C (I had got some from him) A M Scuffled Corn P M. W fine warm Clr

3 I brought home grist & scuffled Corn A M Finished scuffling Corn & took 6 bags Oats to get Chopped to Br S's after supper Joe harrowed fallow W. fine Cler pretty Cool

Sunday 4 at home. Br S's Br N's & C Bs were here. W. warm

5 I & Joe harrowed fallow second time A M Chored & fixed some fence P M. W. Close & a little rain A M. Soaking rain P M

6 Joe mowed round house & wheat field fence Corners & went to Flavius' raising after supper I & Nancy went to J D's P M W. heavy rain A M & P M

July 1875

July 7 Joe Mowed round little Orchard & swale and sp{illegible} some thistles I chored & Piled some lumber & wen to J S after supper. W. warm & Close very growing weather

8 I turned hay AM raked & Cocked Pm Joe hoed feed Corn Nancy went to Toronto with Br C sold Butter @ 20 cts Eggs @18 cts She saw about 600 Russian Mennonites they are arriving about every week on their way to Manitoba

9 I went to Cherrywood & Chored Joe hoed feed Corn. W. fine

10 I Mowed with Machine in meadow. Cut the Knoll & a few acres west of Creek Joe Mowed fence Corners & finished hoeing feed Corn. W. pretty warm

Sunday 11 I Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by R'd Joe Wideman we went to Ab's Pm. W. fine

12 Raked & Cocked the hay that I Cut. W. fine Joe scuffled Potatoes Am & after supper

13 I finished Mowing Meadow Joe Cut fence Corners & swail till supper then he went to Markham to show. W. fine warm

14 Joe mowed swail & I chored Am Raked & Cocked loast of

{Second Page}

July 1875

Meadow except swail Pm. W. fine Cler

15 Drew in 9 loads hay. W. fine warm. Cler

16 Drew in 3 loads hay which finishes big meadow except swail. Am hoed few turnips Pm W. Close Am a few short showers Pm

17 hoed turnips & Raked & Cocked swail hay in Meadow Joe & John shovel Plowed hil Corn after supper W. Cler

Sunday 18 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron I staid with My Mother. W. fine rain last night & this morning

19 all hoed turnips. W. fine Cler

20 all hoed turnips J Mainland helped. W. warm Cler

21 Finished hoeing turnips J Mainland helped. W. Cooler

22 I & Joe finished morning swail in Meadow AM Joe began crossplowing fallow & I shovel plowed Potatoes & took grist Oats to Br S's W. Cler

23 I finished Plowing potatoes turned hay & Plowed feed Corn Am then I & my boys drew in 3 loads hay till supper then Joe helped bring in last load after supper. W. fine Cler

24 Both Plowed I & boys took brought home grist Oats after supper

Sunday 25 at home all fay Br S's & Flavius were here Pm. W. fine Cler

July 1875 Aug

26 Both Plowed W. warm. a slight shower Pm

27 Joe Plowed. I & Nancy went to Markham & a little while to JH Ramers. I Plowed after supper. W. fine Cool

28 I Plowed. Joe went to John Milroys raising Am he helped to Plow Pm. W. fine pretty warm

29 Joe Plowed, I & little boys scuffled turnips. W. fine warm

30 I went to Mongolia for Reaper knife AM Joe finished plowing fallow about 3 Pm then we cut a road round fall wheat W. Cler

31 Joe & Flavius helped Br C bind barley I chored. W. Cler

Sunday Aug 1 at home all day JD's were here W. fine Clear

2 Br C cut our fall wheat with his Burdick Reaper. it works splendid we got it all bound & more than half shocked W fine cool. I worked all day with my vest on

3 I killed a calf Joe sawed some wood AM. I went to Markham & Joe shocked last of wheat Pm. W. some drizzly rain

4 hoed some turnips second thime {sic} AM I & Joe & Flavius helped Br C bind wheat Pm. W. Cloudy Am Close Pm

5 hoed turnip Joe went to Markham after supper W Cloudy Am. fine rain Pm. fine growing weather

{Second Page}

Aug 1875

6 hoed a few turnips Joe Piled Pea straw dung behind old barn between showers. W. about 7 showers through the day I & boys cut burrs & thistles round Orchard

7 Cleaned a grist this morning then I took it to P Hoover's am I cut road round barley Pm. Joe harrowed fallow. W. rather Cloudy

Sunday 8 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Groves remarks by Br. C sermon on {blank space} by R'd H Barkey. Uncle Saul Reesor's were here Pm. W. fine Cler

9 I Joe & Flavius helped Br C's finish Cutting Wheat Am began Cutting our barley with old Machine Pm Cuts well little John drove & I raked off McGaw & R W helped a few hours. we are binding it. W. fine

10 Finished Cutting & binding & shocking barley till 10 am then drew 1 load of wheat till noon & 8 loads Pm W. Cler

11 Finished drawing in wheat 12 loads. W. warm looks like rain Nancy & boys were visiting at Br N's yesterday & at Br S's today

12 I took grist Oat Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Am I & little boys hoed turnips till supper Joe harrowed fallow till supper little John raked wheat stubble from about 11 am till supper then we drew in rakings after supper W. fine

Aug 1875

13 I brought home grist from P Hoover's Am I & boys hoed turnip till supper Joe Pulled Peas in little Orchard drew in 1 load barley after supper W. pretty warm Cler

14 I & Joe & little boys drew in all barley 7 loads little John raked the stubble Pm & we drew that in too W. fine warm

Sunday 15 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd H Barkey sermon on {blank space} by Br C S Lehman's were here after service R'd S Hoover & wife Pm. & J B's at supper. W. C{illegible}

16 Joe drew stones off fallow & struck out some of it I chored. W. pretty warm. slight showers this evening

17 Joe finished striking fallow. AM helped CB thresh Pm I went to Cherrywood Am & I & Nancy went to Cliffs for yarn Pm were at M N's for supper. W. Cler Am. fine shower Pm

18 Joe helped CB's thresh Am. I & Flavius Cut road raound spring wheat & I & John cut 3 rounds with reaper. Cut nearly all south half Pm. W. Cler. Finlaws were here at noon

19 Cut a little spring wheat Am. nearly finished Pm W. rain last night. showry AM. Cloudy nearly all Pm

20 Finished spring wheat then Cut some Oats behind barn

{Second Page}

Aug 1875

R'd H Barkey were here Pm. W. Clear AM few drops rain Pm

21 Flavius helped Sanderson thresh & Joe helped Br N's I & boys shocked Oats Am. a few heavy showers Pm

Sunday 22 at home Am went to I Moyer's Pm. W. fine Cool

23 Joe helped Sanderson thresh with horses till nearly noon I & John finished Cutting Oats behind barn Am bound them & began pulling Peas behind Cider house with rake. W. fine

24 finished Peas behind Cider house Am. Pulled all below garden Pm which finishes our Peas. W. fine

25 Flavius Cut round round Oats below Orchard & Joe went to Markham for pair boots Am set Machine & drew in 6 loads Pm. W. fine. warm. Cler

26 Threshed 184 bus barley & 64 bus Treadmill wheat AM. Drew in 7 loads Peas Pm. W. fine warmer

27 Cut nearly all Oats below Orchard W. warm Nancy went to Simon Hoover's their boy is very sick

28 Finished Cutting binding & shocking Oats. finished harvest W fine

Sunday 29 went to Br S's W. very warm. AB's were here Pm

30 drew in last Peas 8 loads. & 2 loads Club spring wheat W warm

Aug Sept 1875

31 Finished drawing in spring wheat ^ 9 loads rakings & all. I raked while Flavius & Joe loaded. W. fine Cler

Sept 1 drew in 11 loads Oats. W. very warm

2 drew in 5 loads Oats AM. Chored Pm Joe ridged up after supper. W. very hot & sultry Am shower Pm

3 Joe Plowed I drew in 27 shocks Oats to Flavius & 2 loads from H Longs for him Am I & Adeline drew in our last load after dinner then I dug early Potatoes & took 6 bags Oats to Br S's . W. Cloudy fine rain after dark

4 Both Plowed. W. very Cool. strong west wind. I & boys brought home Chop after sunset from Br S's

Sunday 5 at home. JD's were here. I dont feel well. Nancy isnt well stomach drangement. W. pretty warm

6 Both Plowed. W. fine Cool. windy

7 I Plowed Joe helped Hall's thresh. W. pretty warm

8 I Plowed Joe helped Halls thresh Am Both finished Plowing Pm W. pretty warm

9 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Benj Hoover's Child at Wideman's burying ground. went to Finlaws at noon Joe sowed half of wheat John harrowed it W. warm a little rain at noon

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10 Sowed rest of Wheat this morning then Friends David Weaver & wife & Levi Horst & wife from Ohio & Peru came & were here at noon. then I & Nancy took them to JD's & to Br S's this evening. W. fine Cool

11 I began Plowing in wheat stubble Joe finished furrowing wheat Am Plowed Pm. W. fine. White frost this morning didnt do much harm

Sunday 12 went to Meeting at Hebron appropriate Texts & Sermon for the Celebration of Lords supper Jasper Groves & John Stover's were here at noon & the friends from the states were here again at supper. W. fine

13 Joe Plowed I went shooting with Nancy. Brother Peter & Benj Hoover into Flavius swamp I shot a Partridge & a Pidgeon they shot nothing I Plowed Pm W. fine Cler

14 Joe Plowed. I Chored & Plowed some. W. fine

15 Joe Plowed. I Plowed some Am had H Stowes Pm to help me saw shingle timbers in old bush. W. Cloudy Am a few Showers Pm heavy rain this evening

Thanksgiving 16 day no Meeting today. heavy rain all day

17 Joe helped Cober's thresh. I got Frank & Nell shod & took Oats

Sept 1875

to Br S's for Chop drew home few shingle bolts this morning W. Cool

18 Joe helped Coben's thresh I Plowed. W. fine Cool Cler

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & John & Flavius went to Meeting at Wideman's Remarks by Br C sermon on St John 10 C 1st to 13 V by R'd Jos Barkey went to C L Hoover's after service Friends from the States were there too they are leaving tomorrow for Waterloo W. Cool rain this evening

20 I & Joe finished Plowing wheat stubble & cut some feed corn. W. Cool showry Pm

21 I & Nancy went to Altona for yarn Am. I makde 53 gals Cider Pm Old C Wideman began Making shingles today W. fine Cool. Joe Plowed behind barn

22 I boiled sauce. Joe Plowed. Wideman quit the shingles his left hand is powerless. W. fine. white frost last night

23 I & Nancy went to Markham & to J H Hamer's Am they have been very sick but are getting better again Plowed Pm W. fine Cool

24 I & J B laid new floors in hog Pen Joe finished plowing behind barn & began below garden. W. fine warm Cler

25 I & JB Finished fixing hog Pen Am we began Cutting feed Corn Pm a shower stopped us JB went home Joe Plowed I & Nancy went to Whitevale W. cool

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Sept 1875  Oct

Sunday 26 at home all day. W. fine Cler Br N's Br S's & CB were here awhile Pm

27 Sowed grass seed on wheat awhile this morning then Joe cut feed corn I bound awhile then I went to Markham Station to bring home some visitors from Pennsylvania & Waterloo W. Cool

28 I & Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Hebron sermon on {blank space} by R'd Menach & Mack from Penn U S. there were about 20 visiting Brothers & sisters in meeting today some Called this Morning & CB;s brought 4 Pm. W. fine not very Cold

29 I Chored shot 4 Pidgeons yesterday Pm & 3 this Am. W. cool Joe went to Brougham fair. heavy thunder Shower tonight

30 Joe Plowed Am I chored. Picked winter apples Pm the Russian that lives at JD's sawed wood for my mother Am & helped Pick apples Pm. W windy. Cler Pm

Oct 1 I & Joe finished sowing grassseed on wheat Am & Picked apples he Plowed Pm. I & boys finished winter apples W. cool

2 I & boys went to Markham to get boots Am. picked fall apples Pm. Joe finished Plowing below garden I went to Hebron Pm awhile there was to be a meeting to see about building sheds very few there. nothing done. W. fine

Oct 1875

Sunday Oct 3 at home girls & boys went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. W. fine Cler pretty Cool

4 I got 8 bags Oats Chopped at Br. C's & brought home grist flour AM I & Br C went to Jas Duncan's sale Pm. W. Cloudy mild

5 I went to neighbours to make known that there will be a Meeting at Hebron at 2 O Pm today R'd George Brenneman from Ohio & R' - Woolner from Waterloo were at Br C's last night & called here this morning W drizzly Am Cler Pm

6 Chored AM. I & Nancy went to Markham Pm Joe began Plowing in spring wheat subble {sic} on Monday Am then he helped J D thresh Pm & yester & this Am he Plowed them Pm. W. Cloudy very heavy rain tonight rainy yet

7 Began to dig Potatoes. W. Cloudy. mild. Potatoes good crop

8 I & Nancy & little boys went to S. Lehman's took yarn to get wove Joe went to Markham Fair W. Cool some squals of rain I dug Potatoes. BR. N.Peter helped W. Cler pretty Cool Pm slight shower at noon

9 dug Potatoes Br. N's Peter helped. W. Cler pretty Cool Pm slight shower at noon

Sunday 10 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd H Barkey sermon on {blank space} by Br C. W. Cloudy

11 I & Nancy went to Funeral of Uncle John Burkholder at Wideman's sermon by R'd H Barkey & Baptist P{illegible} Moore we got dinner

{Second Page} Oct 1875 Oct 1875

at Finlaws W. fine pretty cold wind from North

12 dug Potatoes. W. fine Cold north wind

13 dug Potatoes. W. fine Cler

14 dug Potatoes. W. fine. we dig 2 waggon loads per day R'd C Gayman & wife John Gayman & wife Isaac Moyer's & CB's wife were here awhile Pm

15 dug 8 rows Potatoes Am. drizzly rain stopped us Joe & little John helped Br C thresh from 3 Pm till night. I went to Cedar Grove. W. drizzly nearly all Pm

16 I & little boys dug Potatoes Am Joe helped Br C thresh little John helped Pm I & the rest of little boys finished Potatoes brought home some beans & Cabbage. W. Cool

Sunday 17 at home all day. W. snow & drizzly rain about an inch fell

18 I & little boys made 52 gals Cider. W. cool snow all went last night

19 Boiled sauce I tended AM. Cleaned & took 20 bu & 20 lbs old spring wheat to PR Hoover's Pm @ $ 1. 4 cts per bus. W. fine Cler

20 Boiled sauce I tended awhile then Cleaned & took 41 bus 10 lbs old Treadwell Wheat to PR Hoover's @ $1.7 per bus W fine Cler

21 I took 46 bus 27 lbs barley to Markham @ 70 cts per bus W very fine warm

22 I took 46 bus 27 lbs barley to Markham @ 69 Cts per bus W. beautiful as September

Oct 1875

23 I & little boys harrowed part of Potatoe ground Am then I & Br C brough home Colts from Milnes Pasture Pm. W. beautiful, fine & Cler roads good

Sunday 24 at home, Chris Stover's & their daugher Mathina Burkholder from Indiana were here J D's CB's & Br N's were here Pm. W. very fine beautiful & Cler

25 I took 46 bus 14 lbs barly to Markham @ 68 per bus Joe finished Plowing back of garden AM began drawing dung on field below Orchard Pm. W. rather Cool

26 Joe drew dung Am. threshed Peas Pm I went to Whitevale Pm. W. showry, heavy thunder Am

27 I & Nancy went to Simon Hoovers I went to D Nighswander sale. W. pretty Cold windy. Cler Pm

28 I & little boys drew in 4 loads Corn. W. fine

29 I & little boys drew in 3 loads Corn W. Cloudy Am. drizzly rain after 3 Pm we brought in 1 load turnips this evening Joe & J Mainland Pulled today

30 Joe & J Mainland Pull a few turnip this morning then threshed Peas till noon Joe finished drawing dung Pm I & boys husked Corn Am I took Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Pm W. rainy Am cloudy Pm

Sunday 31 at home all day Susan Cober was here. W. little shower of snow

Nov 1 I brought home Chop & Short I & boys finished drawing in Corn 3 loads & I went to see the Russian German at {illegible} to help Pull turnips tommorrow Joe Pulled today W. pretty mild


Nov 1 1875 I went this Morning to the Russian German at Dillers to help pull turnip then I & boys finished drawing in Corn 3 loads. W. pretty mild

2 Joe & German Pulled turnips I brought home Chop Am Pulled with hoe Pm W pretty Cold

3 drew in 9 loads turnips German sawed wood for my mother. Finlaws were here M N Called few minutes Pm. W. Cold froze hard

4 I borrowed Hoover's waggon drew 16 loads with 2 teams. W milder

5 drew 5 loads Am Pulled a few Pm W. mild

6 I & little boys drew 5 loads & helped Joe finish Pulling W. fine. Indian Summer weather

Sunday 7 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover JB's were here. W. fine Cler

8 I & boys finished drawing turnip 7 loads AB & his Mother calld awhile Pm Joe began plowing east of orchard. W. Cler

9 I took sow to Trans Am Took 21 bus Potatoes to Whitevale @ 40 ct per bus W. pretty Cold

10 Joe threshed Peas Am I & boys husked Corn. I & boys makde 40 gals Cider Pm. W. rain Am. Cloudy Pm

11 I brought home sow & plowed W. Cler. this morning cloudy through the day milder

12 I & Joe finished plowing below Orchard he took his plow to shope this evening. W beautiful like Indian Summer

13 Cleaned Peas this morning then began plowing in pasture field I & boys took in Potatoes out of pit. W rain this morning Cler Pm

Sunday 14 at home all day Br C was here Am W. snow Am Cloudy Pm about 3 in snow fell mild

15 Joe was away Am I went shooting little while shot five black squirrel Joe threshed Peas & I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm. W mild Am soft snow & rain Pm

16 Put winter apples into Cellar & JOe threshed Pm I fixed stops under Kitchen doors & talked with Br S's they came home from Pennsylvania this Morning and Came here Pm. W. mild. some soft snow

17 Joe threshed Peas I & boys took 6 ewes to Br N's then went to JD Cleaned Peas Pm. I took 10 bus to Cedar Grove Mills & Joe drew sawed wood into Shed Pm W cold cloudy

18 Joe drew wood into shed I drew home 3 cord for my Mother W. mild, squauls of snow Pm

77 .2.5 {in blue ink}


19 Joe Plowed sod I brought home Chop Am Plowed Pm W. mild, snow going away

20 Both plowed sod W. fine warm Clear. snow yet in places

Sunday 21 at home Elizabeth Wismer & her Man Glason Thoman from Waterloo were her they were Married some time in the summer and are living at Manassah Fret's Henry Wismer & Anna Wallace were with them CB's were her Pm. W. Cler. Cold north wind Pm freezing

22 I went to Cedar Grove & Joe Flailed Oats Am I got Frank shod at Cherrywood & Joe got Nell shod at Markham Pm. W. very sharp froze hard. Cler

23 I & Joe helped Br S's thresh W Milder

24 Cleaned Oats 7 bus this morning then Joe drew wood in shed & I chored I took Oats to Cedar Grove Mills Pm Nancy went along to store. W. Cler. sharp north wind

25 Joe helped Sanderson I asked Ab to help us Kill hogs on Monday this Am fixed henhouse Pm W sharp cler

26 Cleaned grist wheat & seed barly & hausked corn W. rainy nearly all day. mild

27 Joe tried to plow sod. too much frost then he made some water furrows & drew wood in shed Am he skidded 15 sawlogs Pm I took 12 bus grist wheat to Cedar Grove Mills am fixed things for Killing hogs on Monday. Pm. W. pretty sharp. Cler

Sunday 28 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd H Barkey sermon on Hebrews 2 C by R'd S Hoover. Br S's were her Pm W. Cloudy am. some snow Pm mild this evening

29 Killed our hogs. six. W. real January day. fierce North wind calm this evening

30 I helped JD Kill hogs W. bitter cold. Joe banked turnip cellar & took sow to Trans

Dec 1 Joe helped Br C kill hogs I & John took our Cooking stove to Bambridges to get fixed. the whole bottom fell out yesterday. I brought sow home this evening. W. pretty Cold yet. wind from east

2 I helped Br S's kill hogs. Joe sawed wood for my mother Am threshed Peas Pm. W. fine. Milder

3 I chored Joe cut drags in Old bush. W. mild Cler

4 Chored Am went to Markham got Cent & Jess shod W. mild roads fine & level

Sunday 5 I & children went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with mother

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Dec 1875

remarks by Br C Sermn on St Peter 5 C by R'd H Barkey I & Nancy went to CB's awhile Pm. W. mild a little rain from east this evening

6 I chored Joe Chopped drags in Old bush. he com-menced work this morning @$50 . from this morning to 1 April 1876 W. mild thawing some

7 I helped CB's Kill hogs Joe chopped Am threshed Peas Pm W mild. foggy drizzly rain from east nearly all day froze on trees

8 I & Nancy helped AB's kill hogs. went with sleigh W. mild began to snow Pm. sleigh goes well

9 Joe drew 2 loads Pine wood to Markham I & Herman & Benjamin brought home ewes from Br N's Am. Took Chop grist to Br S's Pm W. mild. Cloudy, sleighing good

10 Joe drew 2 loads Pine wood to Markham I shelled grist Corn Am I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm W. mild

11 I & boys husked Corn Am I went to Flavius Pm Joe threshed Peas. W. soft snow nearly all day. mild

Sunday 12 at home. Diller's youngsters were here W. mild

13 I & Br C took some Pork & Potatoes to Russian Mennonite at Diller's this morning he Cut his foot & Cannot work then we went to see Diller he got his eye hurt with a cows horn & has a touch of Biluis fever I car-ried Corn out of new barn Pm. W. heavy snow Am blustry Pm

14 I & Nancy went to Markham for stove Am then met J McGaw bringing it home I asked Sands to thresh on Thursday Joe helped Halls yesterday & today W. very Cold sleighing good

15 I Br C & Flavius set Machine this morning Joe helped Halls thresh Am Fixed round barn Pm. W. some soft snow Pm. Mild

16 Threshed, spring wheat didnt turn out so very well Fall wheat very good. didnt Count boxes. but I think We threshed about 150 spring & 140 Fall W. very fine, mild

17 Finished Threshing. about 100 bus more Fall wheat & some 400 bus Oats W. very very Cold blow from West Calmed down towards night got done in good time. Machine run splendid both days

18 I & John & Flavius went to Whitevale Am Joe done nothing I Took 16 bus Oats to Br S's Pm Joe cut drags W. Cold

Dec 1875

Sunday 19 I & Nancy went to JD's a little while Pm W. bitter Cold Richard Bear was buried today

20 Chored. Pulled down and Covered up Horse Power Joe went to Markham on his own Business am Drew home wood out of old bush Pm W. fine & mild

21 I went to Markham AM sold Pine wood to A Fleury at $2.00 Per Cord AM Helped Flavius Kill a Cow Pm. Joe drew home wood Am. Took sow to Trans & Made wood rack Pm. W. very Mild some rain Pm sleighing going fast

22 I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove I husked some Corn AM I brought home sow Pm Joe drew home drags out of Old bush W. like April sleighing gone

23 Went to Cliffs & to MN's for dinner Joe Chopped in old bush. W. mild roads sloppy Bees humming. Crows flying. things look like spring

24 Drew home drags AM. Joe threshed & I chored Pm. W. roaring wind from east AM began to snow Pm turned to rain this evening

Christmas Day 25 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron W. fine mild a little squally this morning

26 at home all day W. heavy wind & snow from East AM turned to rain Pm very heavy rain this evening. a little lightning yesterday morning I forgot to mention it

27 Joe went to Markham on his own business Am we drew home about 12 drags Pm. W Mild

28 drew home 15 drags AM. Joe went to a bee Lawtons had in Dyke bush to cut pine wood for us I & little boys shot a Black squirrel Pm W. fine mild

29 Joe Chopped in old bush I went to Cedar Grove AM didnt do much Pm dont feel well W Cold east wind

30 Joe chopped Am went to A Mcnights bee on his on account Pm I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm roads getting muddy. April weather

31 Cleaned Peas & little John & Joe sawed some at Maple tree in Old bush & I sorted turnips. they are rotting a little Am JH Ramer's Came at noon Joe to grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W. like spring roads muddy

Jan 1876

January 1, 1876 at home all day JD's & Br C were here CB's came Pm W. rain this morning drissly & foggy

Sunday 2 We all went to Meeting at Hebron, Adeline staid with my Mother remarks & sermon St Mat Part of 2 by Br C R'd S Hoover came lat AB's & Finlaws boyes and MN's Elisabith were here W. Mild Cler roads very muddy & bad

3 I & Joe sawed some wood in old bush Am he split & I chored Pm. W. Cler blowed cold Pm

4 Joe went to Duffins Creek & I wen to Cedar Grove Am. we began to cut sawlogs at Dyke's Pm W. frose hard last night fine Cler today Ulrich Burkholder & his wife Mathine from Indiana were her last evening

5 Cut logs Am Joe went to Jas Milroy wood sawing Bee Pm Saul Beavis & Emanuel Nighswander from Maryland were here today W. pretty Cold Am. Milder Pm. some rain this evening

6 We went to Br N's on a visit Joe went to T Halls chopping Bee. W. Cold N West weind froze hard

7 I & little John went to Markham to get a lot of Boots mended & got Nell & Frank shod on four feet W. Cold this morning Milder this evening Joe threshed Peas

8 I & boys Picked turnips in Cellar the are rotting pretty bad I think we Picked Out about 30 bus Joe threshed Peas W. Milder rained this evening after dark

Sunday 9 at home, girls & John & Flavius went to AB's I got set new ^ set single Harness at Digbys in Markham the Other day. now they can drive out a little Diller's youngsters & CB's were here awhile today. W. warm foggy dull & dismal as April rain heavy tonight

10 I helped Br N's Kill beef AM Joe finished Picking turnips. he threw out another waggon load AM then he threshed Peas. W. Cold heavy blow from West a very little snow

11 Cut logs. W. pretty Cold.

12 I & Nancy went to Whitevale I took Crosscut saw & got it gummed Joe thrashed few Peas & began Cleaning them W. pretty Cold sharp North wind

Jan 1876

13 I helped Br C Kill Beef AM I & boys to 14 bus Oats to Br S's to get Chopped Pm. Joe took 43 bus 35 lbs Peas to Toronto at 74 per bus. W. fine & Cler pretty Cold

14 I & Joe helped Br C saw wood with Machine W. Cold west wind some snow AM didnt amount to anything

15 I helped Br C saw AM Joe helped all day I chored Pm. W. milder

Sunday 16 at home all day Finlaws were here Br S's youngsters were here this evening W. mild

17 we sawed wood with Hoover's Machine W. fine & mild like April. thawing. Cloudy

18 Went to Cut logs. Cut 4 when it began to rain came home then Chored. W drissly rain from east all day

19 Cut logs Am. Joe Picked turnips in Cellar Pm I & Nancy went to Funeral of Old Mrs Isabel Purdy at 11th Con & then went to Cedar Grove W. mild roads very muddy Cold wind this evening

20 Cut logs. W. very Cold. frose hard. roads very rough

21 I had George Gunn with Br S's Oscar skidding logs we put up 59 W. pretty Cold a little snow Joe went to Funeral of Susan Bear

22 Joe threshed Peas W. snow from East all day didn fall very deep

Sunday 23 I & girls & boys went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd H Barkey sermon on St Mat part of 15 C by B. C. I came home boys & girls staid at Br N's W. mild Cloudy a few sleighs out today

24 Cut logs. W. Cloudy little squauls of snow

25 Cut logs Am Joe threshed Peas Pm. I & Nancy went to Br C's with Matty Shank she is married to E Cook & lives in the vicinity of Ingersoll. She & Abraham Hoover's wife & Elisabeth Nighswander were here at noon & went with us to Br C's W. some snow. mild

26 Cut logs. W. Cloudy pretty Cold

27 Finished Cutting all the Pines that were blown down about 18. W. some rain snow & sleet last night looked a little like sleighing this morning but the sun came out & this evening the roads are all mud again

28 Killed our beef Cow AM Joe took grist Chop for Cattle to Cedar Grove Mills Pm W. Mild Am some drissly rain Pm

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Jan 1876

29 Joe & Jim Skidded 63 logs being all the new cut ones I & little boys took beef head & pickings to Br S's for Russians then went to get chop it was not done I then went to Sparta Pm & got Chop coming back W. soft this morning getting Colder frose hard tonight windy

Sunday 30 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron brought me the mournful intelligence that our old and faithful Preacher Henry Barkey fell Dead this morning as he was preparing to come to Meeting. MN's were here Pm W. pretty Cold high wind last night

31 i went to Markham to get horses sharped on hind feet Adeline & Susanna went with me to JH Ramers Joe burnt apple brush. W. sharp this Morning. fine & mild today

Feb 1 I & Nancy went to Funeral of R'd H Barkey went to Finlaws after service. at the grave some Parties found that he was not dead, so the body was Carried into the meeting house & a doctor was sent for in the mean time Br C Preached on 39 Psalm 5-6 & 8 after service the Doctor pronounced him dead W. mild. soft snow nearly all day snowing yet Joe was away today

2 Chored. W. very very heavy wind last night & today Joe was away today. he Came home tonight & told me that there are 37 PInes blown down in our bush. Cold

3 went to cut a pine out of road that fell across 5th Con cut 4 logs out of it AM Joe threshed Peas Pm I & boys took Chop Oats to Cedar Grove Mills W. mild snowed roads running east & west are badly drifted

4 Joe helped Flavius saw wood I helped shovel road from 11th Con west. I & boys took grist wheat to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W. Cler some snow Am

5 Joe took 2 loads pine wood to Fleurys in Markham I & boys went through Hoover's bush awhile AM saw nothing brought home grist Pm JB's were here awhile. W. pretty Cold

Sunday 6 at home JD's were here Br N's awhile Pm Br S's & Henry Boyer's tonight W. beginning to thaw

7 went to AB's Joe took 2 loads wood. sleighing gone

8 Joe split sawed wood I chored. W. sharp, getting milder

9 I & Joe helped Br S's thresh. W. snow from East am rain & sleet Pm freesing as it falls

Feb 1876

10 I & Joe helped Br. S's finish threshing Am Joe took load of wood to Markham Pm I fixed base under new turnip slicer it works very well David Burkholder's were here this evening W. mild began to rain lightly from east this evening sleighing pretty good

11 Joe took load of wood AM I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm. W. heavy rain last night fine driving rain Am Cler warm Pm, sleighing gone again John Wideman's were her today

12 Joe split wood. I chored Am went to see Chaley Booth Pm he is coming on Monday to help Cut sawlogs W. mild

Sunday 13 at home all day Br. C's Childern were here Pm. W. mild Cler

14 Chored Am helped Br C kill a beef Pm Joe & little boys cleaned Peas Am he split wood Pm W rain am Cloudy Pm

15 Chored Am washed good Harness Pm. W. a little snow Joe & Booth cut 21 logs today

16 I oiled harness AM helped Sanderson's thresh Pm W. Cold west wind boys cut 24 logs today

17 we went to Br S's on visit with sleigh pretty bad sleighing boys cut 30 logs. W. fine mild Cler

18 I & boys Cleaned 20 bus Oats Chaley Booth threshed Peas & Joe went to Markham he came back at 10 Am then he & Charly went to bush. I took Oast to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. boys cut 7 logs W. Cler

19 Chored Am. Went to JD got some willow baskets off German Pm. boys Cut 23 logs W. Cler thawing

20 Sunday at home all day Nancy & Joh & Adeline went to Meeting at Cedar Grove Br N's were here Pm & this evening W. cold cler

21 I helped Br C kill a beef Am I & little boys hung up Meat to smoke Pm boys cut 21 logs. W. pretty cold

22 I & Nancy went to old D Hoover's on a visit W. heavy wind last night some snow squals Pm boys Came home from bush at 4 Pm they Cut 16 logs then Cut wood at woodshed

23 Boys went to bush. Joe Came home & threshed Peas too Cold in bush I Oiled Chain Harrows. W. very Cold wind from north

24 I took our gilrs & Br C's girls to quilting at Finlaws Joe threshed Peas W. very Cold yet not so windy

{Second Page} Feb 1876 Mar 25 I went to Whitevale Am Fixed old double lines Pm. Boys Cut 19 logs. W. sharp yet. Cler

26 I & boys brought home some smoke wood & went to Flavius swamp to look for Rabbits a little while Am. Chored Pm. boys cut 21 logs W. strong east wind

Sunday 27 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 5 C by R'd S Hoover. BF Reesor & family & his Mother were here Pm. W. East wind began to snow heavy this evening

28 Joe threshed Peas, I chored. W. fine snow last night sleet & snow Am. drissle Pm mild. look little like rain

29 I helped Br C kill a beef Am Simon Hoover's Came before dinner. W. Cler. fine pretty good sleighing Joe drew 2 loads pine to Markham

March 1 I & little boys bagged 20 bus grist Peas & Oats Am took it to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. Joe drew 2 loads pne. W. Cler. sharp wind

2 I didn't do much, have Cold in my head Joe drew 2 loads pine. W. Cler. sharp wind

3 Took horses Cent & Jess to Markham to get shot brought Chop home. W. Mild thawing Joe took 2 loads pine

4 I & Nancy went ot Funeral of Old Peter Ramers wife Br N's went with us. Sermon on 2nd Epistle Timothy 4C 7 & 8 V by Br C A Ramer spike in english Joe drew 1 load wood, drew 2 load out of old bush Pm for Mother. W. fine thawing roads going

Sunday 5. at home Br N's & Cb's were here girls went to Meeting at Widemans with Br N's boys. W. mild thawing a little shower tonight

6 I went to bush to look at down trees awhile Am Finlaws & Martin Hoover & Lizzy & Delilah Nighswander were here Pm. W. fine Mild Cler boys cut 24 logs

7 Chored boys cut 22 logs W. very warm. snow nearly all gone water very high roads very muddy

8 Chored boys cut 1 logs. W. Cold frose hard thawed a littl Pm

9 I & Nancy went to Mannasse Fretz. then I & he went to Bessie's sale Pm Joe & Ham Cut 12 logs Am. Ham helped in Booths stead. Joe trimmed Pm W. Cler

10 I helped Cb's saw wood Joe threshed Peas W strong east wind

11 Boys finished Cutting logs 22. I and little boys cleaned

Mar 1876

grist wheat 24 bus took it to Cedar Grove Mills W. Mild. east wind began to rain this evening

Sunday 12 at home all day. W. rainy nearly all day

13 Joe finished threshing Peas & took young sow to Hoover's I chored. W. Cold some snow last night

14 Joe began drawing out Hemlock & pine wood at Dykes I brought home sow and I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm roads very rough. pretty cold

15 I & Nancy went to Flavius Joe drew out wood W. fine Cler. sharp

16 Joe drew out wood AM I & boys cleaned Oats Cleaned 60 boxes Peas Pm. W. strong wind from East began to snow at 10 Am. snowed & sleet nearly all day

17 Joe drew out wood I went to Belford this morning took 22 bus Oats to Cedar Grove Mills Pm/ W/ mild tough sleighing

18 Joe drew 7 long logs to SM. I went to JD's am brought home Chop Pm. W. very Cold strong north wind sleighing middling

Sunday 19 at home. John & girls went to Meeting at Cedar Grove AB's & CB's were here and Br S's this evening

20 Joe drew logs Am I & little boys cut old Cider Press beam in two it is white Oak. Joe helped Pm & we cut the two bottom timbers they are Black Ash W. strong wind from east Am began to snow heavy about noon. snowed all Pm snowing yet

21 Joe drew logs I drew 2 Cider Press logs Am little John drew 2 Pm I Moyer's were here Pm sleighing pretty good W. fine. Cler

22 Joe drew logs I drew last 3 Cider press logs & 1 Elm out of old bush. W. fine, thawing, some

23 Joe drew logs, we started to go to JB's met them up the townline going to CB's then I & boys took about 10 bus of snow out of Hebron Meeting house garret. then JB's Came Pm. Hitched up our Mare Colt Topsy. She went very well W. fine warm. snow going fast

24 went to Markham to Finlaws Joe went to widow Bean's Funeral W. fine warm. Cler, wind from east Pm

25 Chored. Joe went to Beans' W. soft snow from east last night & M turned to rain Pm & mild & thawing

Sunday 26 I & Nancy & Children except John & Susanna

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Mar April 1876

went to meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Mark 9C by Br C R'd S Hoover & wife were here Pm W. Foggy & damp. sot. snow & drissly nearly all day People all came to meeting with sleighs

27 I & Br C hitched up our Cold AM Nancy's Br John came to exchange 20 bus spring Wheat for seed AM I went to shed Meeting at Hebron. Concluded to build shed facing the road. W. fine Cler Jacob Reesor's were here this evening Joe drew logs

28 I helped Br. C kill 4 Pigs Am Joe drew logs we fixed place in old barn for sheep Pm W. fine Am heavy snow from east Pm

29 I went to Markham AM. hired Aaron Stevenson @ $12.00 per month & his washing for a term of 8 months done nothing Pm Joe was at Beans he is leaving here to work for Beans family. W. very heavy snow fall last night snow about a foot & half deep on the level. shifted{or drifted} some

30 I went to M Dyke's Am to see about getting out with sawlogs found snow too deep AM I & John drove to sparta with Cold Pm. Joe drew a few logs that were near the road. W. mild Cler

31 Fixed a new box on heavy Bobs & filled bags with Potatoes AM Joe started for Toronto with 30 bags Pm. I & little boys drove to Whitevale with Cold Pm. W. fine & warm thawing a little

April 1 I & little boys drove Colt Am Chored Pm W. fine Clear. thawing a little Joe came home this evening, he sold Potatoes @ 60 ct per bus

Sunday 2 at home, young Darl Hoover's were here & JD's Pm W fine, our girls & boys went to Meeting at Widemans Br N's John went with them. sleighing good yet

3 I & Nancy & little boys went to Br C's Nancy helped to quilt I went to Markham for Aaron Stevenson drove Cold out W. drissly rain Am. thawing sleighing getting soft

4 I went to Morrisons this morning. Aaron sawed wood for my Mother Young W Morrison's came at noon he brought some seed Oats for me. W. Mild Cloudy

April 1876

April 5 Went to JH Ramers on a visit Aaron chopped in old bush W. some snow squauls AM Mild sleighing getting thin

6 I helped move Flavius Reesor move to Altona Aaron Chopped. W. Cler. wind from west we moved him with waggons. sleighing about gone

7 Took in turnip pit. W. drissly squauly Am Cler Pm. strong west wind. pretty cold

8 Aaron Chopper Am we drew out pine wood Pm W. fine Cler

Sunday 9 at home Br S & Br N's were here W. fine

10 I & Aaron & Br C sowed Clover seed on fall wheat untill near 10 Oclock when it got to soft to walk then Aaron Chopped we drew out pine & Hemlock Pm. W. fine warm Cler

11 we & Br C sowed grass seed awhile this Morning hadnt quite enough. then Aaron Chopped till noon drew out nearly all the pine & Hemlock wood Pm I think we will leave the rest awhile it is frose fast & partly Covered with snow. W. fine. Cler

12 I & Aaron drew away & piled some lumber that was cut last year. Am. Aaron split wood Pm. W. Cloudy Am rain Pm

13 I & Aaron drew away & Piled hardwood lumber Am. Aaron sawed wood Pm & I went to Dykes & CB's Pm. W. Cloudy Am. foggy & drissly rain Pm

Good Friday 14 I & Nancy & some of Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 27 C. by R'd S Hoover Br Ca & Br S are away at Waterloo W. foggy Am heavy Shower Pm roads very very bad. dreadful

15 I & Aaron hacked in top of sawlogs in our bush at Dykes to prevent worms Am sawed maple then in old bush Pm. W. fine Cler

Easter Sunday 16 at home gilrs & John & Flavius went to Meeting at Cedar Grove Br N & JD's were here Pm W. fine

Easter Monday 17 at home Br C's girls & Enos Hoover & Esther Ramers were here W. Cool, snow squals

18 Took 10 bus Peas & Oat Chop to Cedar Grove Mills Am Topk 18 bus Oats & brought home Chop Pm W. Cool Clear Aaron split wood in bush

19 Went to Cherrywood Am brought home Oat Chop Pm Aaron split wood. W. Cler Cool

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April 1876 May

20 I & Nancy went to JB's on a visit they live in Mongolia Aaron Cut & Piled up green pine tops in bush at Dykes

21 Aaron cut & Split wood in old bush Am Sawed at home with bucksaw Pm I Chored W. fine Cler

22 Aaron Sawed wood & split some in woodshed I waited on my Mother the most of the day she is not so well W. showry & drissly awhile am fine shower tonight

Sunday 23 Children went to Meeting at Hebron I & Nancy staid with Mother JD's Children were here after service. W. fine Am heavy shower Pm

24 Aaron dunged out Colt stable & I sawed wood I Chored & fixed some fence along Pickering townline W. Cler

25 I & Aaron went to SM to Pile lumber There was none Cut so I staid & helped put in logs Am Aaron went home. Cleaned out stables & Picked stones off new Meadow back of Ciderhouse. W fine Cler

26 both Piled lumber. W. beautiful clear roads good in places. very very bad places yet

27 Finished Piling lumber W. fine Cler. look like rain this evening

28 Sorted Potatoes in Cellar awhile Am then Aaron Picked Stones off Meadow & I went to get a dozen Suckers at Br N's he brought them off W Clod they are Catching a great Many. fixed some fence after supper. W. Cler. heavy rain last night

29 Both plowed sod in west end of big field goes well wet yet in places. W. fine. Cler, strong west wind Pm

Sunday 30 at home. Br. C's Children & some of Br N's ere here W. very Cold North wind all day

May 1 Both Plowed. W. very Cold NW. wind frose hard this morning

2 Both Plowed awhile. too wet then Aaron drew off Stones near Br C's & I & Nancy went to Whitevale Am I plowed near Br C's Pm Aaron is sick W. warm Cler

3 I & little John Plowed near Br C's W. fine Cler

4 I took 12 bus Pea & Oat Chop to Cedar Grove Mills to Meet J Lawton to Measure Pine & Hemlock wood W. Drissly this morning warm Cler Pm

May 1876

5 Sowed spring wheat near Br C's & John harrowed it Aaron is sick yet Finlaws were here. W. drissly rain nearly all day

6 I took Nell & Frank to Markham to get shod Aaron went with me he is not well yet I & Boys drew out 3 loads edgings at SM & brought one load home Pm. W. fair Cler

Sunday 7 at home Br N's & JD were here Pm. Mother is Poorly. W. Cloudy

8 I & Aaron Plowed some sod Am he Came back last night well again ground very wet it has rained nearly every night lately Chored Pm I went to Cedar Grove after supper W. showry

9 Chored. Aaron finishing Picking stone off new meadow & split wood. W. Cool. Cloudy

10 Aaron Cut edgings into oven wood & I went to Cober's Pm W. slight showers we cut straw to fill beds AM pretty heavy rain am. slight shower's Pm

11 I & Aaron & Br C went to Br S's bush am & got about 60 forest trees Cheifly {sic} sugar Maple. planted both sides of our lane PM. W. fine Cler JB's were her

12 I & Aaron finished sowing Clover seed on fall wheat a few lands. & brought a load saw dust to Mulch trees Am Aaron finished Cutting edgings & split wood J Milroy was here putting up some grafts Pm. CB's man Came for me about 4.00 pm to help Carry Noah Burkholder to the house he was badly Kicked by a horse in the field at the Plough I staid until about 7 he suffers a good deal of Pain he was kicked in the adomen W. Cool Cler

13 I & Aaron ganged in fall last years fall wheat ground till about 3 Pm had to quit too soft. Then I & Nancy went to JD's & took some victuals to Russians the man is very sick. W. fine Cool Cler

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May 1876

Sunday 16 I & little boys went to Meeting at Ord{illegible} Suitable Sermon & Texts for the Celebration of Lords supper by R'd J Wideman & Br C. went to Finlaws after service. Called at J Wideman's for Old Miss Ann Shirk She is Coming to help wait on my Mother W. fine Cool. Noah Burkholder is very Poorly. Inflammation has set in

15 Aaron & John ganged a little while began to rain about 8 Am. Chored in barn today I went to CB's several times today. Noah is Poorly. I went to Isaac Moyer's to tell them to come to see him. quit raining at supper

16 Aaron Pile Peastraw behind old barn. I went to Cherrywood Am to get spring waggon fixed, reach is broke Chored Pm young C Burkholder's were here today. W. Cool windy. Noah Burkholder is bad

17 Chored & went to bush at Dyke's AM Both plowed in sod Pm Uncle S Reesor's & D Nighswanter were here awhile Pm. W. shower this morning some thunder. warm Cler Pm. NB rather better

18 Both plowed sod, nearly finished W. warm Cler

19 Finished Plowing sod & sowed it with 19 bus Albert Peas. I brought them from Old W Morrisons this morning W. very warm & Close. N.B. about the same

20 John nearly finished harrowing Peas third time & Aaron ganged in wheat stubble when it began to rain about 9 Am very heavy shower. Aaron Piled Pea straw I & John took 18 bus Oats to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W. warm Close

Sunday 21 Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Hebron Sacrament today I & Adeline staid with my Mother Abraham Burkholder & wife were here after service & Menno Burkholder & wife & David Burkholder's wife at supper. W. very warm. heavy thunder & rain last night & today Pm

22 Aaron Carried Potatoes out of Cellar. I Chored Jacob Wideman's were here today Pm. W. Cool

23 Aaron Carried Potatoes Am

May 1876

I took 4 1/2 bus Peas to get Chopped Am & brought home Oat Chop. both ganged back of old garden Pm. W. fine drying time

24 Both ganged awhile back of garden then I sowed east half of field behind barn with Peas. we both ganged them in & harrowed it over W. warm

Ascension day 25 at home Solomon Burk-holder's were here awhile Pm & JB's at supper. W. fine Cool. Cler

26 Aaron Plowed in last years turnip ground I finished ganging back of garden then sowed the whole field with Oats John harrowed it once. Finlaws were here W. pretty warm

27 Aaron Plowed J McGaw sowed last years fall wheat stubble east of dam with barley with Br C's seeder little John harrowed Oats second time & barley once over I Planted 3 pails Potatoes W. very warm

Sunday 28. at home AB's were here & Br S's Pm W. very warm & Close nice thunder showr Pm things growing very fast woods began to turn green last Sunday now they are fairly out. Cherries in full blossom & Apple & Peas starting.

29 Aaron Plowed I began to gang near graveyard thunder shower Came up about 9 am bagged seed oats till noon. Sowed 8 bus in west half of field behind barn Pm. there is about 3/4 acre acre near the bush too wet to Plow

30 I sowed 4 bus Oats East of Creek near graveyard & finished harrowing. Aaron harrowed root ground Am drew stones off meadow Pm. W. Cool Cler I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove after supper

31 I rolled barley & part of Oat field back of old garden Aaron finished drawing stones off meadow & brought home spring waggon from Cherrywood after supper. W. Cool Cler

{Second Page} June 1876

June 1 I finished rolling Oat field then I rolled Oats near graveyard & field behind barn Aaron Carried Potatoes out of Cellar till supper then he Piled Peas straw I & little boys planted a little Corn this evening. W. fine

2 I & Nancy went to Markham she went to JH Ramer's I got Jess & Cent shod then went there for dinner Aaron Finished planting Corn Finished piling Peastraw & Pulled weeds in wheat. W. warm. shower PM

3 Washed sheep & Aaron plowed a little in wet spot near bush in field behind barn AM Chored & went to see for pasture for Colt Pm. Took Colt after supper to Scot's near Br S's W. fine shower Pm everything is growing very fast

Whit Sunday 4 at home John & girls went to Meeting at Altona Diller's boys & Ruhamm were here W. Cloudy Am. Cler Pm. Uncle CB was taken very sudden yesterday, something like a Paryletic stroke his head is affected. he is very poorly

Whit Monday 5 at home BN's were here awhile & M Nighswander's wife at supper Jac & Christian Wideman's called this evening W. Cler

6 Drew dung on east end of big field for roots went to Markham for Cistern Pump Pm. W. Cler

7 drew dung. W. fine Cool. CB a little better

8 drew dung. W. fine. warm

9 I & Nancy & little boys took wool to Cliffs went to M Nighswander for dinner & to Simon Hoover's for supper. W. fine heavy rain here very heavy north of us. but very little at Altona

10 Plowed in root ground.W. very warm & Closed

Sunday 11 Nancy & Ann Shirk went to Meeting at Cedar Grove in buggy boys walked. W. very warm

12 Plowed in root ground. AM. I & Nancy went to W Morrisons JW. Pm to get seed Potatoes W. very warm

13 Finished Plowing root ground AM Cut seed Potatoes Pm Flavius & Abraham Reesor were here at noon W. very warm

14 I went to get a landside for Plow Am

June 1876

Called at bush at Dyke's Coming home to see how Hugh Clarks men are getting on I am selling some logs to him to dress for board timber @$9.00 per hundred Cubic feet. Aaron harrowed root ground fixed some fence & Aaron harrowed root ground fixed some fence & Aaron Pulled weeds & I & Nancy went to Br S's & AB's awhile Pm W very warm

15 Both plowed wet piece along bush in field behind barn Am I sowed it with Peas & Oats mixed harrowed & rolled it, then rolled root ground. Aaron Carried up some Potatoes out of Cellar. W. very warm I brought Uncle CB to our place today at noon he is very poorly, his mind is gone, he did not notice my Mother & she hardly noticed him, it was very sad to see what a person is when the mind fails

16 Aaron began plowing fallow below garden I sprouted some Potatoes Am didnt feel well Pm. S Hoover's were here awhile Pm I harrowed Potato ground after supper & graded a piece of lane beside garden W. very warm

17 Planted Potatoes till about 1/2 past 10 when there fell a fine shower filled 19 bags with Potatoes Pm. W. slight shower's Pm

Sunday 18 I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St John 16 C 23V to end of Chap by Br C John G Reesor & wife & daughter were here Pm I & Nancy went to CB's awhile this evening he is about the same. W. fine

19 finished Planting Potatoes AM filled 11 bags with Potatoes Pm Aaron Plowed fallow after supper Br. N's boys took away 30 bags Potatoes this evening they are taking them to Toronto for me. W. Cler. fine Cool very growing Weather

20 I & John Planted feed Corn Am Both finished Plowing fallow Pm. W. fine Cler Abraham Hoover's & Tilman Widemans were here awhile this evening

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June 1876

21 Aaron spaded thistles I brought Cedar Poles from Robt Gouleys. (at Flavius old place) then I & Nancy went to Br S's I got some sticks ripped out to make a waggon rack we staid for dinner I went to Cherrywood & to W M's & to Diller's Pm. W. Cler. shower Pm

22 Both Plowed turnip ground W. Cool Cler

23 Aaron hoed Corn I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove & I went to Boxgrove then I harrowed a little in fallow. too hard. doesnt break up, then harrowed turnip ground. W. very warm

24 I & JB made new hay rack Aaron mowed little Orchard heard this morning that old Uncle Christian Burkholder died last evening at 9 Oc. I was there to see hm & left a few minutes before he died I took my Mother over to look at him today she recognized him & said she was the last left W. very warm Uncle will be buried tommorrow

Sunday 25 I & Nancy & Children except smallest boys went to Funeral. Ann staid with Mother there were a great many People. W. very warm Remarks by R'd J Barkey sermon on Isaiah 38 Ch 1st 2nd & 3rd V upwards of 30 People were here after service

26 I & Aaron made turnip drills AM he raked hay in little orchard PM & I brought turnip drill & sowed nerl all turnips after supper W. warm

27 I finished turnips & then we finished splitting sawed wood & drew in rack full of hay out of little orchard. W. very warm

28 I took single buggy to Cherrywood to get wheel fixed then helped Aaron mow in old orchard & round house took 24 bus grist wheat to Cedar Grove after supper. W. warm

29 I drew 83 bus 25 lbs spg Wheat & 10 bus 15 lbs Fall Wheat to Cedar Grove Mills @ 90 cts for Spg {spring} & $1.02 for Fall

30 Finished Mowing Orchard & raked & Cocked about half of it. W. fine Cler pretty warm

July 1876

July 1 Took old Canadian reaper to Pieces John harrowed Potatoes I & Nancy went to AB's for a pig Nancy staid at H Stories till I came from AB's I & boys brought load edgings & fished awhile this evening W slight shower AM, fine rain this evening Aaron went home last night

Sunday 2 Went to JD's Pm W. Cloudy. Shower Am fine heavy rain Pm, growing weather

3 I took Castings of Old Canada Reeper to Unionville bought a sulky Horse Rake @ $35.00 was allowed $18.00 for Castings Aaron fixed road at dam and turned hay in Orchard. W. fine Cler Took more Peas to French Horse

4 Drew dung on fallow W. shower at noon I Took more {or mare} again this morning to J Peter's

5 Had J Mainland to fill dung Am got fallow covered & few loads on heap near dam till noon very heavy rain at noon Cleaned wheat Pm

6 Went to Finlaws they were not at home then went to S Lehmans. They gave us a ride through Stouffville then we went to JH Ramer's I got horses shod. W. pretty warm

7 Finished Cleaning Wheat & Aaron splitwood & fixed some fence & I took grist Chop to Cedar Grove Mills after supper W. shower Am heavy rain after dark

8 Both spread some dung & began to Cross plow fallow too warm then hoed Corn & turned hay in Orchard till noon Aaron went to bee at Schoolhouse to level Playground I & little boys brought home Chop & raked & Cocked hay I brought home Buggy after dark W. the hottest day so far JH Ramer was here at supper for some Potatoes

Sunday 9 I & Children & Ann went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Luke 12 C by Br C. Children went to Br N's after service. W. very very hot shower this evening

10 Both plowed & opened out hay Cocks

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July 1876

Am. Chored & Plowed a little Pm. W very warm Am. Heavy thunder & heavy rain Pm

11 Both plowed. W. Cooler, rain last night

12 Finished Plowing this morning, then I & John Scuffled hill Corn & feed Corn Am drew in hay out of old Orchard 2 loads till supper made rack for spring waggon after supper. W. very warm & Close Pm

13 I & Nancy & Herman went to Toronto, sold Butter @ 23 cts 1 calf & 2 lams for $9.00 Bag old Potatoes $1.00 W. fine pretty warm

14 I went to Mongolia am Mowed nearl half of Meadow Pm. W. fine breese from north

15 I & little boys killed a calf Am I took quarter to A Moyers & a piece to Uncle CB's family then we Raked & Cocked all the hay that I had cut little John worked the new rake very well W. fine Took 10 bus Peas to Mill after supper

Sundy 16 Susanna & Flavius & Benjamin staid with Mother the rest of us went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on by R Jos Barky JH Ramer's were here after service I & Nancy went to CB's Pm Alex McNair was here this evening we have not see him for over 13 years he lives in Illinois

17 Finished Mowing Meadow till supper scuffled Potatoes after supper. W. pretty warm

18 Raked & Cocked all the hay AM. I & John Piled some lumbre & brought home Chop Pm shower at noon

19 Drew in 11 loads hay. W. very warm

20 Shovel Plowed feed Corn & Potatoes & scuffled some turnip. Aaron hoed turnip. W. shower last night & heavy thunder. slight shower today

21 Drew in last hay till supper 7 loads Both helped Br C bind wheat after supper W. fine pretty Cool

22 Aaron went to W<'s barnraising on Henry Peter's place (W. M bought it) I & little boys oed turnips I went to Markham Pm W. Cloudy Am rainy Pm

23 Went to Meeting at Wideman's Remarks by R'd Jos Barky

July 1876 Aug

Sermon on St Luke 6 C by R'd S Hoover. went to Finlaws after service & at supper. W. fine Cool

24 I & Aaron & J Mainland helped Br C bind Wheat & Barly Mainland is helping us through Harvest by the day. W. Din Cool I bound with vest on

25 Helped Br C. three of us. Shower soon after dinner Mainland went home we worked at turnip. W. Cool

26 All helped Br C. W. fine Cool

27 Mainland helped Br C all day Aaron till noon I & boys finished turnips Am then we cut road round our fall wheat Pm raining after dark W. cool

28 I & John Cut some wheat Am Aaron & Mainland bound it was pretty wet Cut very well Pm Br C's two Men helped Pm. W. fine Cool

29 Finished Cutting & Shocking our wheat Br C's men helped till noon W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 30 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona Br S's were here W. fine Cool Cler

31 I & Aaron helped Br C's draw in their barly with team. W. fine Cler

August 1 Aaron harrowed fallow Am & hoed thistles out of feed Corn & Potatoes Pm I went to B O & Scuffled turnips second time W. fine wrm

2 I & John & Susanna went to Toronto sold Eggs @ 16 cts Butter @ 18cts little Chickens @ 25 cts per Aaron hoed Cut road around barly. W. pretty warm

3 Cut nearly all our barly Br C's Men helped W. cloudy

4 Finished Cutting & binding & shocking barly till 3 pm Then I scuffled turnips & Aaron & Mainland hoed. W. very warm & sultry

5 drew in 12 loads wheat W. very warm & sultry

Sunday 6 at home all day Isaac Moyer's were here Pm W. warm

7 Finished drawing in wheat 7 loads then men hoed turnip John began to make stubbles & I went to Belford & to I Moyer's after supper W. Cler

8 Cut spring wheat Br C cut it with his reaper we got it all shocked & drew in rakings big load W. Cler

9 Drew in our barley Br C's helped with team Am W. warm Cler

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Aug 1876

10 Aaron helped M Dyke thresh Mainland Pulled Peas W. warm

11 Aaron & Mainland Pulled Peas I went to Br S this morning then I & little boys drew in spring wheat 5 loads it is a good sample & a good crop but the fall wheat is generally poor some farmers are stacking it in their yards for Manure. W warm

12 all Pulled Peas W. very warm & sultry

Sunday 13 I & Adeline & John staid with my Mother Nancy & the rest went to Meeting at Hebron. Henry Barkeys widow and son Samuel & two daughters were here Pm. C Burkholder's awhile W. very warm

14 All Pulled Peas. W. very warm sultry

15 Finished Pulling sod Peas till 3 Pm then Pulled headlands behind barn began Pulling with rake awhile this evening works very well. W. pretty warm R'd Jos Barkey called awhil Pm

16 Aaron & Mainland helped thresh at CB's & I & John & Flavius Pulled some Peas with rake then Susan Cober & her Man John Boyer Came & staid all day I cut wood round Oat field north of Orchard this evening W. fine Cler

17 Commenced to cut oats a very slight shower stopped us Br C's men went home cut a few ourselves Am they came and helped Pm W. very sultry & close J B's Called Pm

18 Finished Cutting & binding Oats Am I John & Aaron finished Pulling Peas with rake & Mainland shocked Oats W. pretty warm

19 Drew in 12 loads Peas. W. very warm

Sunday 20 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans Ann went with Br N's JD's were here W fine Cool 14 Converts were Baptized today By Br Christian

21 I & John finished Cutting Oats today Mainland bound all near graveyard Aaron helped Br N's thresh W. fine Cool

22 Br C's two men helped & we finished binding Oats Am Drew in 10 loads Peas Pm Br C's team helped W Cler

23 I & Aaron & John drew in 10 loads Peas Mainland helped Sanderson thresh W. warm Cler

Aug 1876 Sept

24 Drew in last Peas 5 loads & 19 loads Oats with our 2 teams 1 from Br C's Russian German & Joe Atkinson helped. Aaron is away today. W. Cler

25 drew in last Oats 2 loads this morning then I went to Bosgrove for a Plow Share Aaron began Plowing Pea ground opposite Sandersons I & John cut mixed Peas & Oats along bush in field behind barn it is intended for green feed. W. Cooler very windy getting very dry

26 Both Plowed. W. very windy cool

Sunday 27 at home James McGuckin & wife were here Br N's & JD's, My Mother is very Poorly. W. fine

28 Both Plowed, finished at 4 Oc about 5 acres it is very dry & hard in places if it rains we intend to sow it with wheat. drew in mixed feed 2 loads after supper W. fine Cler

29 Drew in rack full loose Oats & drew some old rails from where fence was east side of fallow Pm. W. Cler My Mother is very Poorly we sit up with her

30 Finished ridging fallow Aaron began harrowing Pea ground. JD's & his Brother in law Henry Roos & wife were here awhile & Uncle Saml Reesor's W. Cler Mother about the same

31 Aaron finished harrowing Pea ground I helped JB Patch old barn roof AM & a little while Pm then sowed fallow with old Treadwell wheat W. pretty warm Cler

Sept 1 Aaron finished harrowing Wheat then began drawing dung on Pea ground W. windy Finlaws were here last night heavy wind. thunder in the distance a very little rain here

2 drew dung with 2 teams J Mainland filled Diller's & Roos's were here Pm . W. Cool a very little rain last night

Sunday 3 at home. Neighbours in and out Mother very Poorly W. cool

4 Aaron finished drawing dung I went to Boxgrove & Cherrywood Am. brought home Pea Chop Pm Joe Widemans were here Pm. W. Cool very windy

5 Drew off stones near Br C's Aaron began Plowing there about 10 Am I & little boys drew stones off barley stubble into shed W. Cool very windy, no school today

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Sept 1876

6 Aaron Plowed I & Nancy went to Markham AM Both Plowed Pm. W. fine. Mother about the same . Friends here every night sitting up

7 Aaron took fat Cow to Butcher Jacob Hoover's he bought here @ $5.50 dressed weight I. Br.C & JD fixed Poles to tie horses at Hebron & I finished Plowing near Br C's W. fine Cler, very dry

8 began Plowing in field behind barn near bush found it too hard. drew old rubbish home for wood Aaron cut it up W. pretty warm. I went to Cherrywood Am

9 drew stones into shed Am I & John Cleaned out Cistern then we logged up old rubbish in dam Pm. W. windy nearly every day very very dry & smoky

Sundy 10 Children went to Meeting at Hebron I & Nancy staid with my Mother she is very Weak Br inlaw's MN's & S Hoover's were here after service several friends called Pm W. Cool

11 Aaron helped JD thresh I drew load edgings AM Took waggon to Cherrywood to get wheels fixed Pm W. fine Cler Pm very dry yet

12 Aaron Cut feed Corn I Chored. W. fine Cler

13 Aaron Cut feed Corn I went to Markham Pm W. fine Cler

14 Thanksgiving day at home no Meeting at Hebron W. Cool Pm

15 Aaron & J Mainland helped Br C thresh Am I & boys went to Markham AM Picked Cider apple PM

16 Aaron & J Mainland helped Br C thresh Am we began dig Potatoes Pm They are very small & few in the ground on account of the drouth W Cler

Sunday 17 at home. W. Cool began to rain from east this evening

18 Cleaned up barn floors am. spread dung on Pea ground & harrowed it Pm. W. splendid, soaking rain last night & awhile AM. Cistern half full. ground well soaked. done a lot of good

19 Both Plowed in Pea ground. W. Cloudy

20 Both Plowed Am Finlaws & C Stories were here Pm. I Plowed a little while this evening W. warm this is my daughter Adelines 18th Birthday

21 I & Aaron took 1440 ft Cler lumber to Markham Am

Sept 1876 Oct

@ 20 & $12.00 per M. John McGaw finished plowing our Pea ground we sowed it Pm with Treadwell Wheat & about 80 lbs of Seneca wheat & about 1 Pint of Fules Wheat that my Br Simeon brought from Pennsylvania last year W. fine

22 finished harrowing & furrowing wheat this morning then dug Potatoes W. Cloudy

23 Chored & Plowed while Am dug Potatoes Pm. W. fine little rain last night & awhil Am Cler Pm

Sundy 24 at home. W. Foggy & drissly Pm

25 Finished digging Potatoes till about 3 Pm they are a very light crop on account of the dry weather we got about 50 bus off an acre Aaron Plowed & I brought home waggon from Cherrywood I got new spokes and felloes into it. W. fine warm Cler rainy now after dark

26 Both Plowed in Am set horse Power Pm. W. Cool. windy

27 Threshed 247 bus barley & 147 bus Oats Machine went very well W. rain last night & this morning didnt start threshing unill after 8 O'clock some showers through the day, got done before 5 oclock This is my 40th Birthday

28 Both Plowed Am I & boys Made 1 lbl Cider Pm W. Showry Pm

29 Both Plowed. W. fine Cler cool

30 I & boys Made 12 lbs Cider Am Plowed Pm W Cler

Sundy Oct 1 at home John & Flavius went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. W. Cool My Mother is still poorly

2 I boiled Sauce Aaron Plowed W. Cler

3 Both Plowed Am Chored Pm I went to H Stover's. W. Cloudy Am rained nearly all Pm

4 Both Plowed. Aaron began in barley stubble. I finished behind barn then went in barly stubble. W. Cool, Cler

5 I & Aaron Plowed Am. he went to Markham Pm John & I Plowed Pm. W. Cool Cler bought new Steel Clipper Plow off Br C @ $16.00 John likes it well

6 I & Nancy went to Whiteville Am Chored & Picked Cider apples Pm Aaron is at Fair W. rainy & cool

7 Aaron Plowed I & boys Made 54 gals Cider Am All picked winter apples Pm. W. Cool Cloudy

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Oct 1876

Sunday 8 Children went to Meeting at Hebron I & Nancy staid with my Mother she is very low W. very Cold squauls of dry sleet Br C's JH Kanner's were here a while Pm

9 I boiled Sauce Aaron cut wood Am Plowed Pm W. ground frose hard this morning fine today

10 This Morning at 7 1/2 Oclock it pleased God to release my dear Mother of her suffering. she died Calm & peacefull W Cold, a very little snow last night

11 Friends in & out. I have very sore boil on my right wrist. I am writing this on the 15th W. Cler Cool

12 Buried Dear Mother today a large Funeral sermon on 2nd Cor 5th Ch 1st V by R'd Joe Barkey & S Hoover about 120 Friends here after service. W beautiful fine October day

13 JB Came helped to Finish Picking winter apples Aaron Plowed Pm. W. fine R'd M. Rohren & wife & Mothers Cousin Mrs Oberholtzer from Ohio were Pm Br S's & Br C brought them. My Boil very sore

14 Aaron Plowed I & boys brought 3 Pigs from AB's boys brought 300 tiles & brought home grist Pm W Cold wind

Sunday 15 at home all day, nobody here John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans. W. very Cold NW wind

16 Aaron Finished Plowing barly stubble Am wheeled hen manure into garden PM. W pretty Cold My Boil very sore

17 Aaron Plowed at Br C's Am dug in garden Pm I went to Br S's Am to Moyers & JD's Pm to ask them to help Put up sheds for Hoovers at Hebron W. pretty Cold wind Cler

18 Aaron finished digging garden and began Pulling turnips I was at Hebron where they have begun putting up sheds I am giving about 1/2 acre north of graveyard for a yard. W. beautiful fine day M Hoovers began German school today

19 Cleaned some Peas this morning then I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy kept house sermon on {blank space} by R'd Rohren & Drexel from Medina Co Ohio Aaron Pulled turnip Mr Morton & wife Fayder & wife & Br S's & Br N's were here Pm. W. very fine

20 Took Ann Shirk to Joe Widemans AM Cleaned 28 bags barly PM. W. very fine Cler

Oct 1876

21 JB came to fix Summer Kitchen Aaron Pulled turnip I helped level shed yard at Hebron Little John & JB helped about 7 teams. W. beautiful June weather

Sundy 22 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona. W. warm , a little rain

23 Aaron cut word in shed & we cleaned 12 w bus seed barly for M Dyke at 78cts I took 20 bus 20 lbs Treadwell wheat to Cedar Grove Mills for J Mainland @ $1.12 per bus Pm W. rain nearly all day very heavy at times

24 I took 40 bus 15 lbs barly to F Mans bay @ 75 cts They have greatly improved the place. Built a new office. Bank & sheds & store at the main road & are building a new warehouse with steam elevator at the Harbour the Barley standard Came into effect lately, every load is Tested by weight & the Price market thereby mine was 1 1/2 lbs. Cleaned another load Pm W. some drissle

25 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John 3 C by R'd E Snider from Waterloo Br S's JD's & Br C were here Pm With E Snider & wife J Martin & D Minton Aaron threshed Peas W. Cloudy

26 Took 48 bus barly to F mans bay @ 72cts by some measures it was 2 lbs light. Cleaned another load Pm W. Cler

27 Took 52 bus barly to F mansbay @ 76 cts today it was 1 lbs light Cleaned last Pm. W. fine

28 I & John Took 25 bus 18 lbs barley to Bay @ 70 cts it is a little in price & they made it 4 lbs light Then we went to Duffins Creek station for a Broad Cast grain Seeder Br C traded a horse for it & I bought it from him @ $70 I & John had the satisfaction of seeing 3 or 4 wild Salt water Salmon W. a little snow this morning. all thawed. fine Pm

29 at jp,e Children went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. W. fine day. frose last night

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Oct 1876 Nov

30 killed a pig & Chored Am I & Aaron drew some lumber for Meeting shed Pm W. mild

31 We all pulled turnips Am I took 20 bus Chop to Cedar Grove Mills & brought some lumber for sheds Pm W. fine warm

Nov 1 Aaron finished Pulling turnip Am I & boys drew he helped Pm. W. very foggy Am fine warm Cler Pm William Eby & son & daughter were here Pm They live in the Township of Woolwick

2 I & John Finished drawing Turnip Am 11 loads in all Aaron began Plowing Potatoe & Turnip ground Sent for Dr Black this evening Nancy gave Birth to a Daughter about 9 Pm doing well Finlaws were here at noon Came again & staid all night W. heavy rain this evening

3 I went to Markham & to JH Ramers to see for a girl, got none. I & John drew some lumber for shed this evening. W. Cool Cloudy

4 John & Aaron Plowed in root ground Am I helped finish Pm I & John brought home Chop this evening W. fine Cler

Sunday 5 I & boys & Adeline went to meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on St Mat 11 C by Br C AB's & JH Ramers were here Pm W like September

6 I & Aaron began Plowing & scraping creek to make it deeper east of Orchard Am Aaron threshed Peas Pm. West wind Am heavy rain Pm

7 I went to Cedar Grove & to J Dicks. Am began at Che Creek Pm broke scraper I went to B.S. got it fixed then scraped W. Cloudy Am fine Pm

8 Worked at Creek. W. fine Mild

9 Worked at creek M N's were here awhile W. Cler

10 Worked at creek. W. very fine Cler mild

11 Finished Creek a far north as little Orchard from townline scarboro parts of it we Cleaned out by hand & drew the earth into low places with Scraper. W. as fine as april

Nov 1876

Sundy 12 at home Br S's were here W. very fine

13 I & Aaron began Plowing east of Orchard Finlaws were here I went to H Stovers this morning. John Plowed in my place until German school went in Martin Hoovers is teaching in Hebron Meeting house I went to pine bush Pm with H Clark sold him 5 standing pines @ $110 per M Cubic Measure W. rather Cloudy warm

14 I & John brought Colt. Farmer, from pasture then went rabbit shooting with Br inlaws Saml & Peter Hoovers little John shot 1 Aaron Plowed W. mild cloudy

15 I & Aaron Plowed. W. very fine Cler

16 Both finished plowing below orchard then cleaned some Peas Michael Frets came on a visit Aaron dug out pine root below Orchard I took grist chop to mill this evening. W. fine roads good

17 I went to H Stovers & to Cherrywood Am went Shooting to JD's with JB awhile Pm W. fine brought home chop this evening

18 Pulled down fence east of lane as far a Creeek on Scarboro townline & built it up again we intend to dig post holes for a bound fence built up fence across Creek above dam & behind Orchard. W. east wind. Cloudy

Sundy 19 at home. nobody here W. drissly rain from east all day

20 I went to Markham & to Unionville to Register Daughter Mary Aaron threshed Peas W. rain Simon Hoover's here this morning Cloudy

21 I went to Cherrywood Am. drew dung into little Orchard Pm. W. mild Cloudy

22 Finished drawing dung AM cleaned drift out of fence at townline & deepened Creek & put in some posts Mainland is digging holes. W. pretty sharp

23 I helped Br C kill hogs W. chilly Cloudy

24 Put in some posts Aaron Chopped I went to AB's & to Cherrywood Pm W Cool

25 I went to J Dicks for 2 pigs @1.25 each Then I went to bush to see Timber measured 2083 ft W. soft snow. Aaron helped make fence at Meeting house yard Pm

{Second Page} Nov 1876 Dec

Sundy 26 at home Ramer's were here this evening W. some soft snow a few sleighs running today

27 killed our 6 hogs W. Mild a little soft snow

28 I helped CB's folks kill hots W. Mild some soft snow. thawing neighter sleighing or wheeling

29 I helped Br N's kill hogs Aaron chopped. W. Cler

30 I & Adeline helped AB's kill hogs. W very Cold

Dec 1 We Chored & drew sawed wood into shed W. very cold

2 drew wood into shed boys took 15 bus chop to mill W. Cold. a little sleighing Br inlaws Peter Hoover & Caroline Reesor here tonight

Sunday 3 I & Children went to meeting at Hebron Nancy staid at home. remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 5 C 18 V to end of Chap by R'd S Hoover W. Milder

4 I went to JD's & to Manasseh Frets Am S Lehman's were here Christian Stovers Came Pm they brought B Lehman & wife from Stanly Township W. pretty sharp

5 I & Nancy too B Lehman & wife to Br C to JD's at noon then to Br N's to stay all night then I went to Mill for Chop W. mild

6 I & Aaron helped Br S thresh with teams W fine

7 Went to Finlaws. W. very fine roads splendid wheeling

8 I & Aaron sawed wood in old bush Am then I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. pretty Cold

9 Cleaned Peas & Chored. W. very Cold. very strong north wind all day This is my Nancy's 37th Birthday

Sunday 10 Went to Br C's W. very Cold Br S's youngsters here tonight

11 I & Aaron to Chop to Cedar Grove this Morning I took Frank & Nell to get shod Pm. W. 5 in snow last night & Am midling sleighing. mild

12 I Took 28 bus 53 lbs Old Treadwell wheat to Cedar Grove Mills @1.15. Am drew last of wood into shed Pm. W. few in snow last night fine sleighing

13 I & Nancy Took Aaron home then went to Saul Hoover's. went shooting got nothing W. mild sleighing going. Took 12 bus grist this morning got it home tonight

Dec 1876

14 I & Gleason Thoman Cut about 20 Sawlogs in pine bush I have hired him for 3 months @ $12.00 per month but he cannot come until January to work regular W. soft mild

15 went to JD's Chored & talked with visitors F Moyer & wife Jacob Krats & wife & Uncle Saml & wife Am Divided some of my Mother's effects Pm. W. sharp & windy snow this evening

16 didnt do much Am I & John went to Br S's & Cedar Grove Pm .W. strong wind last night & today

Sunday 17 went to AB's W. east wind. snow PM sleighing fair

18 Finished dividing my Mother's effects W. about a foot of snow last night drifting some today

19 I & boys threshed few Peas & Oats Cleaned some wheat W. very Cold. wind from west

20 Took boys to english school helped a little at scrubbing Meeting house Pm W. pretty cold sleighing good

21 Killed 5 geese & went to Cedar Grove Mills W. milder

22 Took geese to Markham @ 7 cts per lb W. Mild

23 I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Am I & boys brought home a load of dry pine Pm. W. sharp

Sunday 24 Locked the door & all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 2nd C by R'd S Hoover went to Br N's after service W. very sharp

Christmas day 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 2nd C by R'd J Wideman John BoyerJW & wife Henry Frets & Ann Isabella & John Wallace were here after service Jacob Gayman's & Jac Widemans brought Pre Christian Gayman's wife & sister here awhile Pm W. rather Cloudy & mild east wind & some snow tonight

26 Went to Tilman Wideman's on a visit W. Cler

27 I & boys threshed Peas Am Took grist Peas Oats to Mill Pm. W. mild

{Second Page} Dec 1876 Jan 1877

28 I & John went to Markham & brought home Chop AM. then we went to Stock{illegible} Sale Pm. I bought flail & old barly fork @ 25cts & Cutter @$19.50. W. mild

29 I helped Br C thresh with {illegible} W. snow from east. very heavy Pm. Nancy went to funeral of Old Christian Hoover's wife She went with Br N's & Br C

30 I & boys threshed Peas Am Chored & went to Cedar Grove PM. W. pretty Cold. east & west roads drifted

Sunday 31 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke part of 19 C by R'd Jos Barkey. M N's youngster's & A Burkholder's youngsters were here Pm after service windy this morning fine today

January 1 1877 girls & John went to Moyers the rest of us went to Br S's W. light Coarse snow nearly all day. didnt amount to much I & Nancy went to CB's folks this evening

2 G Thoman began work this Morning He & John helped shovel snow on townline awhile then we threshed some Peas I & G went to Markham with load of pine PM. W. pretty sharp

3 G took 2 loads pine to Markham I boys took grist Oats to Cedar Grove W. very sharp

4 Threshed Peas Am G took load wood to Markham Pm I & Nancy went to S Ramer's this evening W. Milder. I sold the rest of our Pine & Hemlock to C Petty at Cherrywood $1.80 I got $2.00 at Markham on trade

5 G took 3 loads wood to Cherrywood I & Children went to funeral of Michael Burkholder's Child at Hebron Pm. W. fine mild

6 I took 3 loads wood I & Nancy & Br C Helped AB kill a beef Am. W. very fine mild

7 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Luke part of 18 C by Br C went to S Lehman's after service & to J B's this evening W. fine mild

Jan 1877

8 went to Markham got Jess & Cent shod Am I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm G drew 3 loads wood W. pretty cool

9 asked some hands & fixed ready to thresh tommorrow G drew 1 load of wood W. Cler

10 threshed 46 boxes spring wheat very fair sample & 111 boxes fall wheat about half Che{illegible} & seeds

11 Finished threshing this evening 84 boxes fall wheat & 227 Oats W fine yesterday mild & soft snow today.

12 I & G broke road to wood in edge of bush at Dykes & he drew 1 load AM threshed Peas Pm W strong wind. Cold roads drifted

13 G drew 2 load wood I & John went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. Cold

Sundy 14 I & Nancy went to Old Hoover's W. windy AM fine Cler. Pm Br C's were here this evening

15 I & John went to Markham bought new Cook Stove St Lawrence No 9 1/2 @ $19.50 without furniture, our old one broke down again yesterday G drew 3 loads wood W. Cold snow form east Pm

16 G drew 3 loads wood I & boys worked in barn boys took 12 bus Oats to Mill Pm W. about 5 in snow last night Milder today

17 G drew 3 loads wood I helped. Br C Kill 5 pigs Am Chored Pm. W. sharp, Cler

18 G drew 2 loads wood I & Nancy went to M N's W. sharp this Morning. Mild today

19 G drew 3 loads wood I & boys took grist Chop to Mill W. turning soft

20 Threshed Peas. brought home Chop Pm W thawing I & Nancy went to M Dykes this evening

Sunday 21 John & girls went to Meeting at Cedar Grove & to CB's this evening. W Cler. Cold

22 I helped M Dyke Kill a Beef & 2 Pigs G drew loast of wood 3 loads W. pretty Cold

23 I & Nancy went to JH Ramer's G threshed Peas W. pretty Cold, west wind

{Second Page} Jan 1877

24 Borrowed A McCnights Fanning Mill to Clean Fall wheat Cleaned all day. W. Cold

25 Cleaned wheat & Killed Pig I & Flavius took Pig to Markham Pm sold it @ $7.00 Per cwt John & G Cleaned Wheat W. pretty Cold

26 Helped Br S's Kill 6 Hogs Boys & G Finished Cleaning Wheat W. fine mild Cler

27 I & G drew 6 logs W. mild Cler

Sunday 28 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on Heb 11 C by R'd S Hoover M N's Jesse Hoover & Michael Frets's Son & Daughter were here Pm. Br S's tonight W. fine

29 I & G drew 8 logs I & Nancy went to I Moyer's this evening. W. very fine

30 Went to Simon Hoover's, not at home, then started to Solomon Burkholder's heard they were not at home then to R'd S Hoover's, not at home, then to FJ Reesors not at home, then to NN's found them at home then to Menno Burkholder's at night. W. foggy Mild G & John drew 5 logs

31 G & G Gm skidded 20 logs Am I & boys Cleaned 11 bags Che{illegible} & Oats & 5 bus Wheat for Spence took them to Mill then G drew 1 log Am Cleaned tailing. Pm W. foggy began raining at noon. didnt rain much Pm. soft & mild

Feb 1 Helped G draw logs AM he & John drew Pm I & Flavius & girls went to funeral of M Dyke's baby Pm W. very fine, mild as April snow going

Candlemas 2 helped draw logs W. Cloudy mild

3 helped draw logs W. Cloudy mild

Sunday 4 John & girls went to Meeting at Widemans we went to JD's. W. fine mild, snow soft, roads cut up

5 John & G drew logs I went to Trustee Meeting at Hebron Am helped (Pilkey at Sanderson's Place) saw logs for sawing Machine Pm W. Foggy mild Am. Cler Pm

6 Went to Bush awhile Am. then went to Funeral of Christian Stover's daughter Anne at Hebron Pm. sermon on 2 Cor 5 C & 1st V by R'd Jac Wideman & R'd Downing W. Mild. Cloudy looks like storm

Feb 1877

7 John & G drew logs, I & Nancy went to Simon Hoover's W. Cloudy, mild roads getting thin

8 G drew load Square timber to Bay for M Dyke am dunged Colt stable Pm. I & Br S. worked at Bob sleigh Pm W. fine cler

9 I was in bush helping G Am helped Br. S at sleigh Pm. went to young D Hoover's this evening W. beautiful fine Cler

10 I wen to Markham & G & John helped Br N thresh AM G & J Mainland helped Pilkey at Sawing Machine Pm. & I & John drew 2 logs & brought home new bob sleigh W. fine Cler

Sunday 11 I & Nancy went to meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd Jos Barkey went to Old M Neighswanders after service & to Flavius Reesor's this evening W. very fine warm snow going fast

12 I & G went to draw logs nearly bare through Dyke's fields drew 1 small one came home he threshed Peas I & boys took bob to Cherrywood to get Shod Cleaned Peas Pm. W blowed up Cold very windy

13 G threshed Peas. I went to Markham to get Paints & Oil to Paint some parts of our house W. very cold

14 G & Gunn skided bogs Am G drew Pm & I & Gunn skided Pm Painters began Painting this morning. W. fine mild

15 G drew logs I Chored & went to get M Stockdale to see sick Cow Am brought home bobsleigh Pm. W. fine. sleighing still hangs on

16 G drew logs. M Dyke helped I loaded Pm. with other team drew 23. W. mild

17 G drew 9 logs Am I loaded. Cleaned seed spring wheat Pm W. prett Cold. windy Pm

Sunday 18 I, Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br. C sermon on St Mat part of 25 C by R'd S Hoover went to Br N's pm W. soft snow Pm

{Second Page}

Feb 1877 Mar

19 G drew 2 loads 4 logs I drew 2 {illegible} Cut then we came home. too windy & cold he threshed Peas till noon then I went to Funeral of Ol Mrs Snell formerly Lapp G & John drew 3 logs & 2 rail Cuts Pm W. Cler mild Pm . 1 sermon on 90 Psalm by Br C. some remarks by R'd J Carmichael. Deceased was Baptised by Br C about 18 months ago

20 G & Br S's Menno drew 18 logs mostly very large ones I & Gunn loaded with Br S's Oxen W. fine Flavius was here got 160 Oat sheaves @$5.00 per 100

21 I & Nancy & little boys went to Michael Fret's G & John drew 11 logs. W. very fine sleighing going fast

22 G & Menno drew 7 logs AM G & Gunn skidded Pm. W. sleighing about gone Couldnt draw Pm

23 I & Nancy went to D Burkholder's G drew wood home from Old bush. W. Cloudy Mild east wind. we had bad going sleighing very bad

24 G drew wood AM we cleaned last of spring wheat H G took grist Peas out Chop to MIll with waggon this evening. W. mild

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Mark 11 C by Br C went to AB's Pm. W. sharp wind Cler

26 Chored & threshed Peas Am I & G went to a meeting at Hebron Pm to see about Moving Church north into shedyard. W. Mild

27 I & G helped Br S thresh with team W. Cler

28 I tapped 28 spiles in old bush sap ran pretty well Pm. I & boys & G went to Old D Hoover's sale Pm I bought Fro & Mallet spade & axes & Fla{illegible} hatchet all for 70 cts W. beautiful fine Cler

Mar 1 Went to Finlaws on a visit W. very fne Cler

2 G & H Stover threshed Peas yesterday & today I & John went to Cedar Grove Mills Pm W. rain Am cloudy Pm

3 I drew 3 small loads 90 bus 5 lbs Old Treadwell Wheat to Cedar Gove @ $1.45 to Cedar Grove Mills W. Cool Cloudy a little soft snow

Mar 1877

Sunday 4 at home Martin Hoover Elisabeth Nighswander & her daughter Delilah were here & Mrs CB & her girls W. a few inches soft snow last night

5 Cleaned wheat & fixed a place to boil boil sap in the bush. Cler Am squauls of now Pm

I drew 2 small loads 55 bus 35 lbs new Treadwell Wheat to Cedar Grove AM @ $1.30 per bus G boiled samp. he drew 2 small basswood logs to SM Pm I sugared off about 6 quarts Molasses Pm W Cold wind

7 G drew load lumber to Markham AM I went with him as far as Cedar Grove he threshed Peas Pm. W. Cold

8 I took boys to school this morning. My sister & my Brother's all met here Pm to settle our affairs G threshed Peas W. soft snow Am rain Pm. Raining yet at bedtime

9 Cleaned last of wheat & Peas the rest of the day W. quite Cold ice on trees & fences blowing hard

10 finished Cleaning Peas 67 bus. Then went to drew sawlogs. drew 9. sleigh runs well W. pretty cold

Sunday 11 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona I & Nancy & boys went to JH Reesor's sleighing good W. pretty cold. Ice on trees yet

12 G threshed Peas Am drew logs Pm I drew 4 Basswoods W. mild

13 Both drew logs Am G drew Pm we went to John G Reesor's Pm W. fine Mild thawing

14 Both drew logs Am G threshed Peas Pm W. Mild began snowing before dinner. Soft Blowed Cold towards night I washed harness Pm

15 I oiled harness & G threshed Peas Am Cut some white ash logs Pm

W. pretty Cold

16 drew 1 load 5 ash logs Am Cleaned seed oats for Flavius & G threshed Peas Pm . Simon Hoover's & Flavius were here W. Cler Am some snow Pm

17 drew 2 big Maple logs & 1 rail cut Am Cut some drags drags in old bush & I & John went to Cedar Grove Mills Pm W. very Cold sleighing good

Sundy 18 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon in St Luke Part 14 C

{Second Page}

Mar 1877 Apr

by Br C John & girls went home I & Nancy & little boys went to Br S's. W. mild

19 Put a cut through Butt log that Timbermen left G drew it to Mill & I took grist Chop Pm W. mild fine

20 I & Nancy went to R'd S Hoover's G cut drags & brought home grist W cool wind cloudy Pm

21 G threshed Peas. I & John took 12 bus Peas to Mill Pm. W. soft snow nearly all day

22 G drew big logs to SM out of old bush W. fine finished Cleaning Peas very good sleighing

23 Cleaned Timothy seed & cut some drags W. fine I & Nancy went to B F Reesor's this evening

24 Cut drags Am G drew some home Pm W. thawing I tapped about 30 trees sap now middling W. thawing

Sunday 25 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St Mark 11 C by Br. C. I & Nancy went to Funeral of David Burkholder's Child at Wideman Pm Sermon on 1 Epistle Peter 1st C & 24 Verse by Br C went to {illegible} Jac Wideman's this evening W. Cloudy rain coming home 9.0 Pm

26 didn't do much Killed Br C's old mare Kate W. rain from east all day. G didnt come to work

27 sifted Timothy seed AM I & Br C hitched mare Topas into Cutter she went well W. Cloudy soft colder & wind tonight

28 Finished sifting Timothy seed Am Chored Pm Sold Mare Topaz to Anthony Lehman for the sum of $90.00 he is Married to Caroline daughter of J H Ramer W. blowed Strong north wind all day. some snow, a little rough sleighing

29 G Came today he has had a boil on his hand he sawed wood today with Bucksaw I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Pm. W windy yet but Milder

Good Friday 30 Adeline kept house the rest of us went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on Part of 27 C St Mat by R'd S Hoover. W. MIld thawing

31 G boiled sap Am sawed wood Pm I {illegible} went to Markham Am I boiled sap Pm. W east wind Flurries of snow Pm

Easter Sundy April 1 at home Br. N. were here W. fine

Easter Monday 2 at Br S's were here W. mild

3 I boiled Sap G cut & split wood. W. east wind made 17 1/2 lbs sugar this evening

Apr 1877

4 G boiled sap I done nothing. have very bad Cold G sugared off 12 lbs sugar W. east wind

5 G flailed barly Rakings & split wood W. rain & soft snow Am Cler Pm I mad 20 new spiles & Put them in extra 2 to a bucket sap runs well

6 I boiled sap G drew wood togther on pile in bush Sugared off 20 lbs tonight W. fine Cler

7 & Nancy went to funeral of D Burkholder's little girl at Wideman's remarks by R'd Joe Wideman sermon on Part of 103 Psalm by Br C went to Finlaws after service G & boys boiled 9 1/2 lbs sugar. W. fine Cler roads drying off

Sunday 8 AB's were here. we all went to Br C's at supper. W. fine Cler

9 I boiled sap G Finished drawing wood & cut some sugared off 18 1/2 lbs sugar this evening W. fine Cler

10 I & G sawed pine log he split it in ovenwood I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove. then I & G drew out Hemlock Cordwood in ohter bush Pm. W. fine warm Cler roads good

11 Finished drawing out wood 13 1/2 Cords Michael Fret's were here for seed spring wheat @ $1.30 per bus W. very fine Cler

12 Finshed splitting ovenwood & fixed some fence Am split rails Pm. W. fine Cler

13 split rails & I boiled a gallon of Molasses W. fine Cler

14 Chored AM. G sowed 6 bus fife spring wheat with new Broad Cast seed in field east of dam Pm. M N's were here at supper W. fine

Sunday 15 went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks & sermon on St Mat part of 25 C by R'd S Hoover went to D Hanes Pm W. warm Cler

16 I helped N Burkholder draw home some lumber G nearly finished sowing field east of dam. hadnt enough seed then he harrowed some. I got seed at Br S's this evening W rather Cloudy a little rainy Pm

17 G finished sowing & harrowing wheat. began sowing oats behind barn I harrowed ahead of him W. Clear warm

{Second Page}

April 1877 May

18 we finished sowing & harrowing Oats the while field W. cloudy, began raining towards night from east

19 Chored. G split wood I went to Markham for Paint Pm. Painter began work today Painting west part of house. W. rain from east nearly all day

20 I boiled 1/2 gal Molasses & G finished splitting rails AM. bot Put in logs Pm. W. Clear

21 both Piled lumber. W. very fine Cler

Sunday 22 Adeline & Herman kept house the rest of us went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd Jos Barkey. JB & wife Nancy's Br John & his wife ( he was married a few weeks ago to Hannah Purday of Uxbridge) Jesse & Peter Hoover & Enos & Elizabeth Nighswander were here PM. W. fine

23 G Plowed north of Orchard I & John Piled lumber AM. I began sowing barly in east end of big field. W. very warm. no school this week

24 G Plowed I finished sowing barly John began to harrow. W. slight Shower Painter finished

25 John finished harrowing barly then we gang Plowed opposite Br C's G Plowed W. fine Cler

26 Sowed barley opposite Br C's AM G finished Plowing north half of field north of Orchard Sowed it with Peas. Pm G harrowed it twice W Cler

27 G Plowed young Orchard I sowed it with Peas John finished rolling barly & Peas I sowed about a bag of Peas south of graveyard John ganged & harrowed them in which finished our seeding. W. east wind looks like rain

28 Chored. Made whiffletreees & double trees Am Fixed some fence PM. Old Christian Reesor was buried today. W. rain from east at times

Sunday 29 went to AB's John & girls went to JD's W. Cloudy this morning Cler today

30 G Picked stones off Meadow. I & John went fishing to Maxwells with JD got none Chored today. W. Cool. Cloudy

May 1 I took grist to mill then I & Gunn

May 1877

drew in 54 of our logs G finished Picking stones. W. Cler Pretty Cool

2 G took load of our lumber to Markham Am I Piled both Piled Pm. W. Cool frost last night

3 drew in logs AM both Pile Pm. W. Cool frost

4 drew in a few logs & Piled Pm. W. Cler frost last night

5 drew in logs AM Piled Pm. W fine Cler White frost last night

Sunday 6 I Nancy & little boys went to JD W. fine Cler

7 I drew edgings AM G harrowed root ground both Piled lumber Pm W. fine Cler. Cool

8 Finished Putting in logs Am. Piled Pm W. Cler

9 Piled Am . I went to Br S & G finished harrowing & began to Plow root ground Pm. W. fine showry this evening. I & John went to Whitevale tonight

Ascension day 10 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by R'd Joe Wideman's sermon on Acts part 1st C by R'd S Hoover went to Finlaws Pm & to JB's at supper JB's mare ran away on Saturday his wife got hurt but is getting better. W. Cool

11 Piled lumber S Lehman's were here when we came home at noon I got lame back W. fine Cler

12 Planted a barrel of early rose Potatoes in flats behind Orchard I done nothing back very lame W. warm

Sundy 13 all went to Meeting at Wideman's Sermon on by Br C AB Ramer was baptised today we went to Chris Burkholder Children went to S Lehman's W. fine Cler

14 G Plowed turnip land below Orchard I got Jess & Cent shod Am drew 2 loads lumber home Pm. got some tiles at Br S's W. warm

15 G drew dung & Plowed it down for Corn I rolled Oats & began spring wheat W raining Pm. pretty heavy after supper Bush nice greeen

16 G Plowed turnip land I put in a few tiles Am went to Cherrywood Pm rolled spring wheat after supper W. warm

17 I rolled & G Plowed Am Chored Pm carried Potatoes out of celler. W. warm Am fine rain Pm very warm

{Second Page} May 1877

18 G Piled Sheep dung I Chored. G & Br C hitched up my 3 year old Colt. Farmer into spring waggon drove to AB's & to Cedar Grove. went well W. warm

19 washed Sheep & Planted Corn G got Nell & Frank shod & brought home Chop Pm. W very warm I & boys fished awhile this evening

Whit Sunday 20 all went to Meeting appropriate sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by Br C Finlaws were here Pm we went to Br C's Pm W. very warm

Whit Monday 21 went to Simon Hoover's & to Nancy's Br John's Pm. they live east of Simons. W. shower this morning

22 I & G Piled Cut seed Potatoes W showry

23 I & G Piled some lumber & Covered Piles Am G finished Plowing root ground & harrowed some W. very Cold for the season

24 G brought home grist then we Pulled weeds in wheat till noon. went to Meeting at Hebron Pm. sermons by Re'd Gayman Hach Isaac & Elias Weaver W. Cool

25 I went to Conference at Wideman's there were about 18 visiting Bishops Ministers & Deacons & a good many lay Members there was service Pm. W. fine Showry Pm

26 All went to Meeting at Hebron sermons by Re'd Gingerich & A Martin Pulled weeds Pm W. fine

Sunday 27 All went to Meeting at Wideman's Suitable Sermons for Celebrating of Lords Supper by Re'd Gayman Martin & Gingerich weint to Finlaws Pm - W. fine Cler

28 Planted Potatoes east of Orchard G boys finished Pm I & Nancy went visiting with R'd Abraham Hoch & wife to CB's D Hoover's AB's & to I Moyers for supper to JA Reesor's & then left there at Mannesse Frets to stay all night W. fine Cler

May 1877 June

29 I & Nancy & Aunt Lissy that is CB's widow went to see her Brother Daniel he is very sick then we went to see Uncle Daniels widow at her son Samuels she was sick but is better W. fine Cler

30 I & G drew stones off new Meadow. W. Cler

31 G drew dung on east part of big field I went to Cedar Grove Am. Killed a calf & harrowed early Potatoes Pm. W. very warm

June 1 G Plowed down dung then we sowed feed Corn in drills brought load sawdust this evening W. fine warm

2 I & G Pulled Pidgeon weed in new Meadow Am I & John & Flavius went fishing to dead water of rouge Pm Caught fine Mess among them was a large eel W. slight shower Pm

Sunday 3 at home all day Baby has measles. W. warm

4 I went to Markham Am & to Cherrywood Pm W. Cler

5 drew Cedar log to SM Am harrowed turnip ground & warned hands to work on road next Tuesday G was at home working on road yesterday & today W. warm

6 I & Br C & Moyer went trolling to F mans bay not good weather. Caught 7 G Punched thistles

7 I took Oats to Mill then helped G Punch thistles W. warm

8 I & Br C hitched Colt went well I & G Punched thistles till supper then rung Pigs & fixed fence along bush & brought home Chop. W. very warm

9 Pinched Thistles. W. slight shower this evening evening

Sunday 10 all went to Meeting at Cedar Groves Matty Cook was here last night she went to Meeting with us remarks by R'd S Hoover Sermon on {blank space} by Br C went to Br S's Pm. W. very Cool for the season

11 drew dung on fallow. I helped to pile

12 had all hands drawing gravel on Pickering townline G drew dung on fallow W. showers Pm

13 worked on road G drew dung W. Showers went round

14 Finished drawing dung on fallow G began plowing & I began plowing turnip ground W. pretty warm

15 I finished turnip ground G Plowed in fallow. W. warm

16 had a bee drawing gravel on Pickering townline 4 teams W. Cler warm in the morning cool wind came up

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June 1877

Sunday 17 went to Meeting at Hebron little Abram & Esther are getting better of Measles Benjamin staid at home with them remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover. David Hine's were here Pm. W. fine

18 I & Nancy went to Markham to the JH Ramer's I rolled turnip ground after we came home G Plowed. W very warm

19 I made Turnip drils G Plowed I went to Cherrywood this evening W. Cooler

20 I sowed turnips AM Scuffled early Potatoes PM then went for Dr Robinson little Abram is sick G finished Plowing fallow. W. Cool

21 helped to wait on Abram he has Inflammation on Liver & Lungs. W. rainy fine heavy showers

22 G harrowed fallow & I hold hoed Corn W Cler Cool

23 I & G helped to dig out foundation for our Meeting house we intend to Move it north into new shed yard W. fine Abram some better

Sunday 24 at home all day Moyer's girls & Br C's Merry were here. W. fine. Abram doing pretty well

25 I & G took 18 bus grist wheat to Cedar Grove & 6 1/2 bus for sale at $1.50 per bus it was $2.05 a while ago then G drew dung on pile. W. fine

26 G drew dung on pile above dam Am both helped draw stones for wall under meeting house Pm. there were 10 teams & 2 drew sand W. shower Pm

27 G drew dung with 2 waggons J Mainland filled W. fine Abram getting better slowly

28 G drew dung Am went away with his Brother & Father W. fine Shower Pm

29 I Chored. G was away. W soaking rain Pm

30 I & Nancy went to Whitevale Am G cut up edgings & hoed a little then went home early not well W. warm Cler heavy hailstorm through Scarboro yesterday. destroyed grain badly

July 1877

Sunday July 1 at home all day. W. fine

2 I scuffled Potatoes AM W Morrison's were here on a visit W. Warm Cler. G not here today

3 I took Nell to Morrison's this morning then helped G hoe Potatoes W. warm Cler]]

4 I & Nancy took wool to Cliffs went to MN's for dinner. G hoed Corn Am. went to Uncle Samls raising Pm. W. fine Cler

5 Finished drawing dung Am Put in posts on townline & G hoed Corn & Potatoes I took Nell to Morrisons this evening. W. warm

6 G began Crossplowing fallow I went to Markham Am mowed thistles in fence Corners Pm. W. Cler

7 G Plowed I & JB nailed boards on posts east of lane on townline W. fine

Sunday 8 I & Nancy & Children went to Meeting at Cedar Grove. John & girls kept house remarks by Br. C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover I & Nancy went to Chris Stories Pm Matty Cork is there sick She Cannot go home yet

9 G Plowed I Chored AM went to Markham Pm W. very warm slight showers

10 I began to Cut grass in Meadow near Hoovers Old Machine gave out after Cutting a few acres went to S Ramer's bought a new 2 wheal Kinby mower on shares with Br C for $60.00 & Old Machine. W. fine

11 Br S's Menno Cut for me W. fine Cool

12 Menno began Cutting this morning Machine wouldnt cut any more drew in 12 loads Pm Br C's team & Man & Mainland helped W. warm

13 Drew in 6 loads G & John took one load to JB's I moved some with new mower this evening it works very well W. fine pretty warm

14 G Plowed for Br S I finished big meadow Am then we Raked & Cocked till supper a slight rain stopped us Mainland helped Pm

Sunday 15 All went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover Sermon on {blank space} by Br C

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July 1877

Old M Nighswander's were here Pm we too a ride to AB's after supper W. very warm

16 drew in 12 loads hay the last in the big meadow except rakings Br C's two men helped Pm with team

17 I began mowing behind Cider house about 9 Am nearly finished G harrowed fallow Am mowed fence Corners in meadow & plowed Potatoes W. soaking rain last night warm today

18 Finished mowing 1/2 hour then began to rake & drew drew 6 loads till supper then raked & Cocked the rest of field after supper. W. warm

19 I & boys went to Cedar Grove Am hoed turnips Pm W fine shower last night

20 I brought home new Kirby No 5 reaper G & Mainland Cut some barly near Br C's Am Cut road round wheat below house Pm & hoed turnips W. Cler

21 Finished drawing in hay except rakings 8 loads Mainland helped Br C's Am I went to Clarks raising for one Pm. W. fine Cler

Sunday 22 all went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd Jos Barky went to Finlaws & S Lehman's Pm W warm, slight shower

23 Cut wheat blow garden with new reaper works very well. W. very warm Close

24 Cut Most of wheat in west end of big field W. very warm

25 finished Wheat, very good crop. Cut part of barly in east end of big field G & Mainland Cut near Br C's with Cradle & Scythe W. very very Sultry & warm

26 Finished Cutting barly G & Mainland bound I & Nancy went to Markham & to JH Ramer's he is very sick W. few drops of rain Pm very very Close

27 hoed turnips I & Br C took a drive with Colt after supper. W. Close heavy rain Pm some last night

28 hoed turnip Am G & Mainland bound barly Pm I & boys drew in 3 loads hay rakings Pm. W. very warm

Sunday 29 I & Nancy & little boys started to Meeting at Altona heavy shower near Belford got wet then went to Manasse Fret's W. very warm

30 Drew in barly near Br C's & some out of big field W. very warm

July Aug 1877

Finished drawing barly drew 7 loads wheat below garden W. warm

Aug 1 Finished drawing in all wheat Mainland helpled Br C warm

2 began Cutting Oats Shower stopped us at 3 Pm heavy rain this evening hoed turnip

3 Finished Cutting & binding Oats W. fine Cool

4 G & J Mainland shocked Oats I & boys Cut road round spring wheat Cut & bound about 4 acres W. fine Cler Cool

Sunday 5 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on Part of St John 5 C by R'd S Hoover RD Hoover's were here Pm. I Moyer's AB's & Br at supper. W. fair pretty warm

6 Cut spring wheat shower stopped us Pm

7 Finished Cutting spring wheat Am fine Crop I & Nancy went to Markham & JH Ramer's Pm. W. very heavystorm wind around north Pm . not much here

8 Pulled Peas with rake Mainland pulled little Piece below graveyard got done at supper

9 I & boys drew in fall wheat & barley rakings G hoed turnips W warm heavy thunder storm about 3 Pm Set Machine after supper

10 Threshed 268 boxes barly & 192 fall wheat great turnout of fall wheat this year W. fine

11 G helped CB's folks thresh I & boys drew in 2 loads Peas & 5 loads Oats I drew swail hay for H Stover after supper W. fine

Sunday 12 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by R'd Jos Barkey D Smith from Vaughn & Sister R'd Jos Barkey's were here Pm W rainy

13 G helped Br N's thresh boys ganged fallow we went to see upwards of eighty Shetland Ponies after supper at D Reesor {illegible} he imported them. W. warm

14 Chored AM G & boys scuffled & hoed turnips I & Nancy Started Pm went to Abraham Gr??es to supper & to Jos Shirks to stay all night. W. rain this morning

15 went to D Shaver's at noon & to JB Groves at supper W. very heavy rain in Whitchurch at noon none at home


Aug 1877

August 16, 1877 drew in 2 loads spring wheat shower stopped us about 9 Oc then I went to Cedar Grove Mills Pm. W very heavy rain & thunder storm

17 dug out roots & stump in field opposite Br C's W. warm

18 G helped M Dyke's thresh I & boys drew in spring wheat I got horses shod Am at Burnby's

Sunday 19 I & Nancy & boys went to Meeting at Widemans, went to Br inlaw's Saml Hoover's Pm & to Finlaw's at supper. W. warm Cler

20 G helped JD's thresh I & boys drew last spring wheat 2 loads then drew oats till night. W. Cler

21 G helped Pilkeys thresh I & boys finished drawing Oats & drew some Peas. W. fine Cler

22 Finished drawing Peas till noon which finishes our harvest G went away Pm

23 I & Nancy & Flavius went to Toronto sold butter at 25 ct Eggs at 14 cts G Pulled foxtail in Potatoes & drew Mainlands hay W. fine

24 Pulled foxtail Am G & John began fall Plowing below garden Pm. W. warm Cler

25 G & John fnished Plowing below garden I didnt do much JB was here fixing house roof & new barn roof W. fine warm Cler I & John got some lime at Hams to help finish wall at Meeting house the masons are working at it

Sundy 26 at home John & girls went to Meeting at Altona I have swelled face with Toothache Br S's & JD's were here. W. fine Cler

27 G ganged Pea ground in fallow I harrowed fallow & some of Pea ground went to Whitevale this evening. W. warm Cler

18 G drew dung on Pea ground I drew of stones W. warm shower Pm

29 G finished drawing dung I finished harrowing Pea ground & ganged little Orchard W. warm

30 Both Plowed in Pea ground I helped D Hoover dig a grave at Hebron for Hilt's Child W. warm

31 Plowed & Cleaned seed wheat I to funeral awhile Pm W. rain from 9 to noon

                                                        77.2 5

Sept 1877

Sept 1 Both Plowed I went to Ceder Grove AM & to JD's Pm. John Plowed while I was away W. fine

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Wideman's 17 Converts were Baptized by Br C went to JL Reesor's after service John & girls went to Michael Frets. W. Cler Cool

3 G helped Br C's thresh with team I Plowed W. Cler

4 G helped Br C. thresh I helped too Am Plowed Pm. W. fine Cler

5 G & John finished Plowing G went to helped N Burkholder Plow about 9 Am I done nothing took sick last night with Purging & Vomiting W showry Pm

6 G helped Br S's thresh with team I & Nancy went awhile to Br S's Pm W. Cler

7 I & John Managed all to furrow out wheat & Plowed & sowed little Orchard with wheat G helped NB Plow W. warm Cler

8 G helped NB AM I & little boys set Machine Br C & his son Thomas helped us thresh Pm about 2 hours we threshed about 80 boses oats W. warm

Sunday 9 all went to Meeting at Hebron Suitable Sermon for Celebration of Lords supper JB's MN's & Finlaw's boys were here Pm we went to Br N's awhile Pm W. fine Cler

10 Cleaned grists for us & J Mainland then I took them to Cedar Grove G began Plowing near Br C's I helped Pm W. rather Cloudy

11 Both Finished Plowing AM G helped S Ramer draw stones & I brought home Grists Pm W fine warm Br N's m sister & Aunt Lissy Burkholder, Uncle Chris we done started for Pennsylvania today

12 I & Br C started about 8 Am & took the train at Miliken for Toronto thern by Grand Trunk to Berlin arrived at 3 Pm went to R'd A Martins over night then to John Martins & to Thanksgiving service at Martins Meeting house then to David Martins awhile at Goods & C Snider to R'd S Weber's over night then to Thoman's to Conference at Berlin & to Widow Brubacker's over night then to R'd M Erbs who showed me all through

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Oct Sept 1877

the town then I took the train at 11.30 Am met Br C at Breslau got to Markham at 5 Pm where my boys met us got home found all well W. has been very hot & Close every day

Sunday 16 went to Meeting at Wideman's suitable Sermon for Celebration of Lords supper went to R'd Jos Barkeys after service W. rain this morning

17 I went to Kendricks for Tackle for moving buildings G Plowed in big field he began it last Friday

18 G Plowed I helped Move Meeting house got it half way W. fine

19 G Plowed Finished Moving Meeting House W. fine Cler

20 Finished Placing house on wall Am I & G dug some Potatoes W. fine warm Cler

21 G Plowed I killed 4 lamb Am Plowed a little & Chored Pm W. fine warm Cler

22 I & Nancy went to Christian Wideman's at Almira at dinner to Christian Brillingers at supper & to Martin Brillingers over night then went to Meeting at Almira remarks by R Jos Barky Sermon on St Luke part of 16 C by R'd J Wideman went to Abraham Hoover's after service W. fine

24 Dug Potatoes Henry Stover & his two boys helped W. very warm

25 G helped T Halls thresh I & John & Stovers dug Potatoes W. very warm for the season

26 G helped Halls thresh I John finished digging Potatoes then I went to Cedar Grove & Whitevale to sell wheat (Treadwell) to Cedar Grove & Whitevale to sell wheat W. very warm

27 I took 2 loads wheat (Treadwell) to Cedar Grove at $1.22 per bus G helped level ground round Meeting house Pm. W. very warm

28 I took small load wheat Am Cleaned load barly Pm W. very warm Cleaned

29 I & Benjamin & Br C went to Toronto sold Butter @ 23 cts eggs @ 15 cts G & John took load Barly to Bay @ 62cts. W. very warm

Sundy 30 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by R'd Joe Wideman old D Hoover's were here Pm Warm

Oct 1 Went to Markham W. warm Cler

2 Picked winter apples. W. fine Cler

Oct 1877

Oct 3 I & Nancy & John went to Markham G Plowed Cleaned load barly PM W. cool

4 Went hunting with Nancy's Brother's & JH Ramer Shot 4 Black Squirrels W. rainy AM Cler PM

5 Cleaned Peas G sawed wood Pm I & boys drew in Pumpkins W. Cool

6 G went to Waterloo this morning I Killed a pig Am went to Cedar Grove & Whitevale Pm John Plowed piece south of graveyard W. Cool

Sunday 7 All went to Meeting at Hebron no preach Preaching Br C is away to the Twenty Cayuga & Clarendon Jacob Reesor read a Chapter & C Finlaw S Lehman's & Simon Hoover's were here Pm. W. fine

8 Chored Cleaned grist & took it to Mill this evening W. rain from east till 4 Pm

9 I & Nancy went to MN's W. Cool

10 I & John began plowing in Spring Wheat stubble about 11 Oc Am. W. Showry this Am Cler Pm

11 John & Flavius plowed AM I & little boys Made Pumpkin Cider at Cider Mill & John Plowed Pm . W. rather Cool Cloudy Pm

12 boiled sauce boys Plowed W. fine

12 boiled Pumpkin Sauce Am Made apple Cider & John plowed Pm W. fine

13 boiled apple sauce boys Plowed Am Picked apples Pm. W. fine

Sunday 14 I & Nancy & little boys went to Meeting at Widemans remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by R'd C Reesor from Lancaster Penn went to Finlaws Pm. W. fine cloudy this morning

15 I took 2 lambs to Jacob Hoover's Am I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Pm John Plowed W. very foggy Am fine Cler Pm

16 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on by R'd C Reesor from Lancaster Penn RC Reesor & wife J Nissley & wife Finlaws R'd J Wideman & wife & Br C's were here Pm W. fine I took Jacob Wideman from Hay township to Christian Stover's this evening

17 I took 54 bus barly to F man's bay @ 52 cts W. Cool Flavius was with me he plowed Pm

18 Took Jacob Wideman to Joseph Reesor's P Am Made 60 gals Pumpkin & apple Cider Mixed Pm W Cloudy

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Oct Nov 1877

19 Boiled Sauce W. rainy all day

20 drew wood into shed Am I went to Cedar Grove & boys Picked Corn Pm W. Cler Cool

Sundy 21 I & Nancy & boys went to AB's girls to CB's W. Cler pretty cold east wind

22 Took in Chili Potatoes 48 bags W. ground froze last night

23 I & Br C went to Toronto sold Butter 22 1/2 cts per lb eggs 22 cts Chickens about 34 cts per {illegible} W. fine

24 G finished drawing sheep dung on west side of spring wheat stubble then we too in Rose Potatoes 20 Bags Am he plowed Pm. & I took in & Pitted Mangels & went to Br S's W very fine

25 I & Nancy went to Markham AM G plowed both Plowed till about 2 Pm drissly & wet then G threshed Peas cleaned a load of barly this evening W. rather wet

26 G & Herman took 41 bus barley to F mans bay @ 52 cts I Plowed Am I Plowed & G threshed Peas Pm Cleaned barley this evening W. Cler pretty Cold

27 G & Benjamin Took about 30 bus barley to F mans bay @ 52 cts John Plowed Am I finished Plowing Spring Wheat stubble till 3 Pm then I helped G & boys Pull turnips W. fine

Sundy 28 John & girls went to meeting at Widemans I & Nancy & boys went to JD's W. fine

29 I brought 1074 lbs Bran from Major Mills @ $10 per ton. Am helped G Pull turnips Pm. W. fine

30 I G & JB worked on new barnyard fence Am G Pulled turnips & I & JB finished fence PM W. fine

31 I took 30 bus barly to Cedar Grove to get Chopped & brought home some Scantling thing & Pulled some turnips Am Chored G cut wood Pm. W. heavy showers at noon

Nov 1 drew turnip with 2 waggons Am G Pulled I & boys drew with 1 waggon Pm got in 17 loads I & Nancy brought home Chop this evening W. fine

2 G threshed Peas I chored went to Cedar Grove Pm W. heavy rain from east Am wind Pm

3 Finished Pulling & drawing turnip nearly 7 loads Am G drew dung on field near Br. C's Flavius harrowed it I & John took in Cabbage Celery & last of Corn W. fine Am Squalls of soft snow Pm

Nov 1877

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting remarks by Br C sermon on by R'd Honsburg from Pa Jacob & David Gotshalk came to stay all night W. fine Cloudy rainy this evening

5 I & Nancy took the Brothers Gotshalk to Saul Reesor's at dinner then took them to Meeting at Widemans at 2 Pm. where Hansburger Preached/ then we left them at Jonas Rayner's W. rain Am snow Pm. Cold wind

6 G finished drawing dug & spread it I took apples into Celler W. snow nearly all gone

7 Pulled down & built up fence on Scarboro townline across creek flats Br N's were here awhile Pm with C Kittenhouse & wife & Hoch & wife from Cayuga W. frose last night mild today

8 Drew home old rails & rubbish from fence this morning weighed some hay for Mr Burton Chored Pm G sawed wood. W steady rain from east nearly all day

9 I went to Markham G chopped in old bush I drew roots & stones off field near Br. C's Pm. G filled Pine stump holes awhile Pm W frose hard towards evening

10 Chored put in new hog post Am G & boys took 1762 lbs hay to green river for Mr Burton @ 15.00 per ton W. frose very hard last night fine today

Sunday 11 at home Br S's were here Pm. W. cool thawed a little

12 dug in garden AM Plowed near Br C's Pm thawed Pm

13 I went to Cedar Grove Am G threshed Peas Both Plowed Pm. frose last night. Speights waggon works in Markham were burned last night

14 began to Plow about 9 Am finished near Br C's & bean below garden W. fine Cler raining now 9 Pm Br S's & Joseph Wismers from Clinton were here awhile Pm. & Br N's & family this evening

15 John & G finished Plowing below garden I Chored & went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. mild

16 I & John Plowed below orchard G helped N B Noah Burkholder thresh. W. fine warm Cler

17 John & G nearly finished root ground below orchard I didn't feel well. Cold in head went to Cedar Grove Pm. W fine & mild

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Nov 1877

Surveyors have been operating in this vicinity for about 2 weeks trying to locate a line for the Toronto & Ottawa railway. Surveyed from Toronto up through Scarboro through David Hane's farm & Br S's west end, north of Cedar Grove by White hill mills to the north of Whitevale, found the crossing of Chuffins Creek rather expensive went back yesterday turned east below David Hanes along fifth Con Scarboro a little south through W Morrison's farm ( late Henry Peters) then found the elevation to high, turned back this morning Crossed at the While hill Mills east to south of Belford by Fret's farm & south of Whitevale, like the crossing better dont know if they will adopt it or not

Sunday 18 I & Nancy went to Aunt CB's children to Br C's W. Cold north wind

19 G cut wood in bush I & JOhn brought load sawdust & Chored W. Cold freesing

20 G cut edgings AM we helped D Moyer put eavestroughs on front of barn Pm. W. Cler Cold

21 I & Nancy went to Markham Am G went home, got some {illegible} W. Cler rather milder east wind....

22 G didn't Come, no school. Governor's Thanksgiving day. John finished plowing root ground I went to Cedar Grove Pm for meet. Jac Hoover comes every Thursday. W. milder. rather drissly

3 I went to AB's Am to ask them to help kill our pigs on Tuesday. G Cut edgings Am threshed Peas Pm. W. drissly & wet

4 G threshed Peas Am Cut wood Pm we cleaned shop I & John went to SM for some eave trough Pm I went to JD's to ask him to help kill our Pigs on Tuesday W. rain from east all day H Moyer was here today Peddling Medicine

Sunday 25 at home all day. W. rain from east all day

26 I went to Markham. W like Clearing up Am heavy rain from east Pm. got a good soaking roads bad

27 we killed six hogs. W. fine mild

28 I salted meat G threshed Peas. W sawed wood W. Cooler

29 G threshed Peas I chored. W. Colder. freesing

Nov Dec 1877

30 weighed a ton of hay for Martin Barky ( he has bought J Reeves place & wares on 3rd Con Pickering) @ G & I top thrashed some oats sheave's & I went to Cedar Grove W. pretty Cold Cler frose pretty hard

Dec: 1 Chored G threshed Peas. W. pretty Cold

Sunday 2 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on {blank space} by Br C I & Nancy went to Br C's awhile Pm Br C's were here this evening. W. pretty Cold

3 I & Nancy helped AB's Kill hogs W. Milder

4 I & Nancy went to J H Ramer's had dinner of Venison saw a Bear that he shot in the northern woods he was away hunting five weeks got six deer & a bear W Milder some rain Pm

5 I helped JD's Kill hogs W. some rain

6 I helped Br S's Kill hogs G helped CB's W. Mild

7 G cut wood in old bush W. pretty Cold

8 G drew wood in shed from old bush W. Cler

Sunday 9 at home JD's were here W. fine Cler

10 I & Nancy went Markham & to Finlaws roads pretty good W. some snow Am soft Pm

11 I helped Br C's kill hogs G went home has a boil on his wrist W. fine Cler mild

12 I asked hands to thresh on Friday. W. very fine

13 I & John fixed up Machine W. mild very high wind tonight

14 threshed about 300 bus wheat & about 40 oats

15 Finished threshing Am about 300 bus oats W. very fine & mild for the season I went to Dyke's bush with Br S's he buys all my down pine & logs in the bush W. very mild

Sunday 16 went to Br S's W. Mild Cler

17 bean to fix and arch for boiling sap in Calf Pasture behind Cider house I & Nancy went to A Hoover's they live on Chris Ramer's old place W. very fine like April

18 G threshed Peas I Chored & Killed a calf Pm. W. frose hard, rain a little at bedtime

19 G finished threshing Peas I chored Am I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. fine mild like spring rainy Am

20 went to sale of Uncle CB's property Pm G went too Br inlaw Saml Hoover's were here at noon W. mild Cloudy

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Dec 1877 Jan 1878

21 Chored AM went to Cedar Grove Pm W. very Mild Cloudy

22 I. JD & his boy & Isaac Moyer went to F mans bay to Troll for Pikes caught none W. foggy very mild roads bad

Sunday 23 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks & sermon on St Mat 5 C by Br C went to Br N's after service. W. foggy & mild

24 I went to Markham, roads very bad. W. damp, foggy

Christmas day 25. went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & Sermon on St Luke part of 2nd C by Br C. went to Br C's Pm. W. mild foggy. trees covered with beautiful white frost. a very little rain this evening

26 G worked for Br C I & boys went shooting a while Pm. finished Arch for boiling sap. W. thawing ice off trees mild & soft People plowing all over

27 G sawed wood I & boys drew rails off townline east of lane to bush fence on 11th Con. W. like april bright & Cler I am certain I & Nancy saw yellow birds last week

28 Cleaned Peas Am G sawed wood & boys took grist Chop to Mill Pm. W. about like May

29 I & John dug pine roots behind barn Am & John dug Pm I & Nancy went to Markham W. fine Mild roads pretty bad yet

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke rest of 2nd C by R'd S Hoover G & his folks were here Pm W. Colder

31 Chopped in old bush I & John sawed tops off posts barnyard fence Pm. W. sharp frost Cold wind G went home this evening he has 3 1/2 days to work yet inlaws Came to stay all night

January 1st 1878 went to AB's to quilting. W. Milder cloudy Pm

Chored. W. about an inch of snow. pretty Cold

Chored I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Pm roads very rough. Cold & sharp

Cleaned some oats & chored in shop. W. snowed all day. mild

Washed double harness. I & JOhn went Fox hunting with JH Ramer in Scarboro. got one. snow about inches deep blowed hard last night. turnpike pretty bare

Sunday 6 Went to JD's W. very Cold. rough thin sleighing

Jan 1878

7 Finished Oiling double harness Am then I & boys drew out pine top wood at Dyke bush Pm went to Martin Barkeys this evening I & Br N went to J Higgins to audit school accounts W. very Cold Am. milder tonight

8 I & boys drew out cood Am Chored Pm W. snowed awhile Pm milder

9 I & John went to Markham Am Chored Pm. W. milder sleighing very thin

10 Chored. W. rain from east all day

11 Chored. John took grist Chop I went as far a Br S's Nancy went to store W. soft snow & frain Am Cloudy Pm snow nearly gone

12 I went to Manases Fret's this morning boys brought home Chop Pm. W. Mild roads getting very bad. a real April night I was sitting out in the dooryard amusing myself with the little boys till the call came for supper

Sunday 13 at home all day Br C. were here Pm W. Cloudy dull

14 Chored Am. drew some wood on pile in old bush Pm. John & Flavius went to school W. Mild a little snow last night & Am

15 I & J Mainland helped Pilky thresh W. pretty Cold, a few snow squauls

16 Chored AM I & Nancy went to Whitevale Pm W. Cold roads rough

17 G & J Mainland came this Morning to go with me to help thresh at Br S's Machine didnt Come so G drew wood in old bush AM we went to thresh Pm. W. mild we went with sleigh but was very tough

18 I & G helped finished thresh Am W. mild

19 I & Nancy went to funeral of Abraham Stouff he was buried at Altona. Sermon on Isaih 38 C by R'd S Hoover some in english by Stakly went to M N's Pm. W. foggy this morning Cler up like April beautiful mild & bright road pretty good

Sunday 20 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 14 C by R'd S Hoover AB's were here Pm . W. Cloudy began to rain this evening

21 Chored W. mild rained all last night

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Jan 1878 Feb

22 I & Nancy went to Markham & to Jonas Raymer's Cloudy AM soft snow Pm & roads sloppy

23 blowed up terrible Cold last night very very Cold today

24 JB came this morning for hay so I & John took him a load. W. milder roads pretty good

25 I & Nancy went to Simon Hoover's & I went to MN's 10 bus Poorland or Rio Grande spring wheat @ 1.5 per bus W. Milder roads pretty good

26 Chored & helped Br C kill a beef W. a very little snow last night drissly Am Cloudy Pm

Sunday 27 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} B C David Burkholder & MN's were here Pm. W. mild. John & girls went to JD's this evening

28 helped D Hare load up 2 loads of our hay he is taking it to Toronto & takes $4.00 per ton for his Pay

29 I & Nancy went to Jac Reesor's they were not at home we went to I Moyer's W. very Cold yesterday & today

30 weighed a ton of hay for Martin Barky @ $14.00 W. pretty cold, east wind. Cler

31 Took sow to J Peter's W. very cold. biting east wind

Feb 1 were told early this morning that Martin Hoover died suddenly this morning at 4 Oc. Then I took my daughter Adeline & Br C's daughter Elisabeth after breakfast & went up. I helped to lay him out then came home. have bad Toothache & pain in face. W. snow from east Am. some last night

2 Kept in house. W. very bright & Clear all day damp air. thawing a little in the sun, no sleigh

Sunday 3 I staid with Baby Nancy & Children went to Martin Hoover's Funeral at Hebron Sermon by Br C & A Raymers S Lehman's & Br inlaw Samuel Hoover's were here Pm. W. fine. Cler. thawing in the sun

Went to Hebron Am to elect Trustees for the C{illegible}t B's S & N & Manasse Frets were elected W. Cler

I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Am & I went to see bert Gawley W. mild thawing some Pm

shelled Corn I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove took Corn to Mill & brought home Chop W. mild I and boys & Br N's Peter Killed 2 pigs Pm W. fair

Feb 1878

8 I & Nancy took 2 Pigs to S Ramer Cedar Grove sold them at $5.00 per cwt then went to Markham & to Joseph G{illegible} on a visit. W. east wind not very strong a little rain & sleet this evening

9 I & John drew a load 1 1/2 in lumber to Markham Station Br S's are drawing for us. W. snow last night & some Am. pretty Cold, road pretty rough

Sunday 10 at home all day. W. Cold. snow from east

11 I & John drew big load of lumber to Station AM with sleigh pretty tough sleighing. Cleaned gr. W. pretty Cold

12 I & Br S put lumber on Cars Am. I & boys Cleaned grist Pm. Br S's were here this evening W. milder

13 I & Nancy went to Finlaws I went to sale on P Milne's farm awhile Pm. we went to JB's this evening. W. fine thawing roads going fast

14 Took 10 bus grist wheat to Cedar Grove Mills this morning then drew home 2 rail cuts John & girls went to MN's Pm. we & Children went to AB's this evening. W. fine Cler nearly all day

15 drew rail Cuts & brought home grist W. Cler

16 drew rail cuts Am hung up port Pm W. freezing at night & thawing in the day sleighing bad

Sunday 17 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on {blank space} by Br C Martin Barkey's were here Pm Br S's youngsters & Br C's were here this evening

18 Chored Am went to Funeral of W Coxworth Pm. W. sharp but Cler sleighing about gone

19 Went to S Lehman's on a visit. W. pretty sharp good wheeling

20 Chored Am went to Markham to get Frank & Nell shod Pm. Nancy went as far as Dyke's W. a few inches soft snow last night going fa?? again. I went with sleigh. but was tough going

21 Chored. W. hard blow from east rain nearly all day

22 rain nearly all day. real February storm I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove Am. very wet. high water

23 Chored Cut wood. swept Meeting house R'd Amos Crsssman & wife J Nahngang & wife from Wilmot Came to stay all night W. squall of soft snow a little rain.

{Second Page} Feb Mar 1878

Sundy 24 all went to meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd Jos Barkey sermon on St Mat 18 by R'd A Cressman. JH Ramer's S Reesor & Finlaw youngsters were here Pm. W. frose last night pretty cold

25 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on St Mat 28 C by R'd A Cressman went to A Hoover's W. rather Colder

I & Nancy went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by R'd Wideman sermon on Romans 12 C by R'd A Cressman went to Finlaws & Br inlaw David Hoover's he is sick. W. very Cold north wind this morning W Mild today roads very sloppy

27 Chored & went to Br S's Pm his wife is sick with fluensa W. mild. freeses at night & thaws in day time

28 I & boys & Br C killed our beef Cow Am Lehman's were here. bought a quarter W. fine

March 1st I went to Cherrywood. ordered a new buggy $96.00 went to AB's Chored Pm. W. sharp B's & SD's were here this evening

Chored AM. I went to Markham Pm Cloudy Am. rain from east Pm

Sunday 3 I & Nancy went to Br. S's Pm wife is sick yet W. Cloudy roads muddy Chored. W. Cold windy frose hard last night

Chored. M Dyke's were here this evening. W. very mild

Chored Am went to old W Morrison's sale Am W. like May, roads very soft

I & Nancy went to Br S's awhile & I went to Cedar Grove W. very warm

Chored & make plank walk from door to gate. W. like may very pleasant for the season

Sunday 10 went to Br N's W. mild Cler

Chored AM. went to Cherrywood Pm rained awhile Am Cloudy Pm

Chored. W. foggy. drissly all day worked in shop W. rainy & dull

Chored Am went to Cedar Grove Pm W soft snow & rain nearly all day

took grist Chop to Mill Am W. fine Cler, roads bad little frost last night

Mar 1878

16 I & boys Chored & cut wood Am then we went to W Burkholdr's Sale Pm. I bout 2 turnip hoes @ 3 cts each Cylinder wrench & Irons 25ct & Market Sleigh @ $8.00. W. fine Cler roads very bad people get stuck several places

Sunday 17 went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks & sermon on St Luke 14 C by Br C went to br S's Pm W. Cool Cler

18 went to several of the neighbours Am to tell them that Abraham Wideman died yesterday Chored Pm W. Cler Cool wind

19 I & boys Cleaned seed Peas and some wheat W. Cler. some wind from N West

20 I & Nancy went to A Wideman's Funeral AB's went with us. roads some better sermon on 90 Psalm by Br C & S Hoover some English by John Boyer went to Finlaws. W. Cler sharp NW wind

21 I went to H Stover's & to M Fret's to see G Thoman to help cut wood tomorrow. I went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. pretty sharp

22 I & John & H Stover & G sawed wood with crosscut saw. dras that we had intended for Sawing Machine. W. mild. Cler.

23 Sawed wood. W. fine warm Cler

Sunday 24 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Mat 20 C by Br C Finlaws were here Pm W. very Cold blowup last night very Cold wind from north all day. frose hard

25 I & H Stover split wood W. Cold north wind

26 I & John went to Cherrywood brought home sleigh that I bought at W Burkholders Sale I went to a meeting at Hebron Pm to Consider the Propriety of repairing on enlarging the Meeting House decided to repair. W. milder ground white with snow roads pretty good

27 went to Br inlaw Saml Hoover's ground white with snow this morning, very warm today. all away again

28 Chored, a man got stuck at end of lane. staid all night with us, he came from Oshawa with a load of seeders. W. soft snow & rain nearly all day. roads very bad

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Mar April 1878

29. I & Nancy went to Toronto roads very bad till Markham road. south of 4th Con Scarboro pretty good after that Butter 22ct eggs 11cts W. fine {illegible} last night. warm today

30 I & boys pulled down & built up fence around Calf Pasture. W. raw wind

31 Sunday. I & Nancy went to Meeting at John Cober's. W. Cool wind. Cler

April 1 G E Thoman began work today @ 17.00 per month for a term of 8 months began to draw out Pine & Hemlock wood Dyke bush I went to Markham Pm deposited $60.00 in Savings Bank W. fine beautiful, roads getting better again drew out wood. W. fine Cler

drew out wood. W. fine Cler

drew out wood. JH Ramers came Pm I came home G & John nearly finished W. fine

G sawed wood & I & John went to Cedar Grove Mills brought home 12 bus Peas from Colon Reesor's @ 65 cts in barn Pm. W. fine warm Cler white frost last night

finished fence east of new barn Am began pulling down fence west of lane behind barn. then JB's Came . G split woodl W. very fine

sowed field near Br C's with Rio Grande on land wheat put in posts west of lane behind barn awhile Pm. W. W. warm air blowed up Cold Pm

Sunday 7 all went to Meeting at Altona remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St John C by Br C went to MN's after service John & girls went to Simon Hoover's W. Cold north wind. roads good

I & G Cleaned seed oats for us & Br N & John Plowed in furrows in big field Am G harrowed field Pm. I & Nancy went to Funeral of James Hilt's wife at Hebron Pm. W. fine

Sowed Poor land wheat below garden as far at a orchard Am worked in barn Pm strong east weind Am rain Pm heavy this evening

John & G Plowed in field behind barn I went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. Cloudy. showry Pm

Apr 1878

11 G Plowed I & John took Grist wheat to Mill Am I began to sow Oats in big field Pm W. warm

12 G Finished sowing big field with Oats John ganged east of orchard it is rather rough for the seeder. I sowed some of it with Fife wheat W. Cler. windy

13 G harrowed big field & finished plowing west part of field behind barn about 3 1/2 acres we intend to fallow the rest J & I ganged rest of field east of Orchard, except strip east of did Creek too soft then sowed with fife wheat John & Flavius brought home grist this evening. W. Cler. windy Cool

Sunday 14 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove remarks by Br C Sermon on Hebrews 11 C by R'd S Hoover we went to JD's Pm John & girls went to Br N's W. Cool

15 G harrowed east part of field east of dam then sowed Peas with seeder I sowed west part of fallow behind barn with Peas by hand 9 bus John harrowed it then began to roll spring wheat W. Cler. rather Cool

16 G finished sowing Peas 12 bus east of dam then harrowed it. then sawed wood John rolled all day. I & Nancy went to Markham & to JH Ramer's to dinner. W. fine. Cool air

17 John finished rolling our spring Crop G sawed wood Am helped me kill 2 meat pigs Pm W. warm as June. we have had an exceptional early spring. Cattle & sheep are running in the roads. grass is Coming nice & green fall wheat looks well. trees are begining to bud fine

18 I & John went to Toronto, sold 2 Pigs @ $6.00 per Cwt Oats @ 36 cts eggs @ 11 cts W. fine warm

Good Friday 19 went to Meeting at Hebron remarks & sermon on Isaiah 53 C by Br C went to Noah Burkholder's Pm. W. very fine warm. a little rain this morning

20 Made some straight fence west of lane behind barn & drove stakes around Calf pasture I went to JD's & rung his Pigs W. a little rainy Am warm Pm things are growing very fast

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April May 1878

Easter Sunday 21 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by BC sermon on St Mark 16 C by R'd Jos Barky Ann Sherrick was here PM staying all night W. Cool north wind. Cler

Easter Monday 22 at home all day W. east wind, rain Pm

23 Chored. G split wood. W. squally

24 I took Nancy & Ann Shirk to AB's this morning Mare Jess got sick on the way the road. had to leave her at AB's got some Medicine for her Came home left her. W. Cloudy. Am rain & very heavy storm of wind Pm. not much wind here

25 went this morning to bring home mare. is all right again. G split wood Am . Carried Potatoes out of Cellar Pm. W. fine Cler heard that a brick school house on Brock road 4th Con Pickering was party unroofed yesterday

26 Finished Carrying Potatoes & helped D Hare put on a load of our hay Am Cleaned wheat Pm. W. fne warm Cler

27 G was at home today I & boys Chored Am went to S M Pm. boys fished I bought doz sucker's W. foggy Am Cler Pm

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & boys went to Meeting at Wideman's remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat part of 18 C by R'd Jos Barkey went to CB Hoover's Pm W. showers Pm

29 Cut seed Potatoes W. rainy all day I went to Whitevale Pm to Telegraph a Message to Dr Freel C's Ketusa has a very bad Cough a good while

30 I & John went fishing with JD & Lottern caught 65 Am. G & John pulled Pidgeon weed PM I went to Cherrywood W. fine Cler

May 1 Pulled down & build up bush fence along 11th Con W. fine Cler. I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove after supper Dunkin act in force today Bush green

Chored Am. drove stakes in bush fence Pm

Steady light rain Am. Cler Pm

went to Bee at Meetinghouse putting up poles & cleaning up graveyard. W. some rain Am & Pm

Mar 1878

4 Cleaned Wheat all day W. Cloudy Am. Cler Pm

Sundy 5 at home. Br S's were here W.

6 Chored & I & Nancy went to M Dykes Am. his wife was Confined yesterday. still born Daughter. I went with Matthew to bury it Pm. John & G Picked stones off big Meadow Brought home new Buggy W. very warm. Shows last night

7 I & Nancy went to S Lehman's they have a Son John & G sawed wood & Pulled down fence east of bush north part W. thunder last night rain this Morning, very growing weather, very early season apple trees in blossom. Cherry bloom about falling off I saw a growth of this years wood on a young Maple today fully eight inches long

8 Chored Am. went to a bee filling in low spot in graveyard where Meeting house stood. W. rain this morning warm today thunder storm this evening

9 I & Nancy went to Michael Fret's & to Markham W Clear, roads muddy. full of holes G & John Pulled down fence east of bush south part & kiiled Caterpillers & washed sheep

10 built up fence & bagged Potatoes

11 I & Flavius went to Toronto sold eggs @ 10 cts Butter 19cts Potatoes 48 per bag W. Cold

Sunday 12 I Nancy John & Girls went to Meeting in double Buggy remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on suitable Text for Celebration of Lords supper by Br C went to Finlaws after service W. very Cold for the season a slight squaul of snow this morning

13 wired fence along bush on 11th Con & south half east of bush W. very Cold Am milder Pm

14 I & Nancy went to Markham Am began to draw dung on root ground Pm W. hard frst last night, ground frose a little Ice as thick as heavy window glass grass frose stiff

15 helped wash Meeting house Am N MN's were here J & G Finished drawing dung on Corn & Potato ground & spread it W. fine Cler

16 I sheared sheep G Plowed root ground W. white frost last night fine today

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May 1878

G Plowed root ground I & John Planted corn I went to Ceder Groves this evening. W fine Cler

Planted Potatoes. W. fine warm Cler

Sunday all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover suitable sermon for Celebrating of Lords supper by Br C Ann Shirk was here Pm. W. Showry, Cool.

Chored Am I & Nancy took wood to Altona Mills Pm. had supper at Br inlaw John Hoover's John & G spudded thistles W. very heavy rain wind Pm.

spudded Thistles I went to J Schnells sale Pm. bought 4 Chains @ 5ct each, Candlestick {missing} cts & Axe 5 cts. W. fine Cler cool

2 Chored. J & G spudded thistles I cut my left hand Pm. W. fine drying weather White frost last night, not very heavy

Chored. J & G spudded thistles W. Cler went to Cherrywood AM to see about getting our road scraper repaired. took it Pm

4 sorted Potatoes Am boys spudded thistles Pm I & Nancy went to Ceder Grove this evening heavy shower this Morning. Clear & warm today

Finished spudding thistles G Plowed turnip ground Pm W. Cler

Sunday 26 all went to Meeting we & little boys went D Ramers at dinner & Joe Wideman's at supper & girls went in new buggy W. shower at noon remarks by Joe Wideman sermon on {blank space} by S Hoover

G was doing his road work John & Herman got Nell & Frank shod & I went to Cherrywood M I & J Herman & Abram went fishing to rouge dead water. didnt bite well W. fine

I took 1285 lbs hay to JB John finished sowing turnip ground W. fine Cool Cler G doing road work Wheat heading out

I took wool to Altona G & J drew dung fallow JH Ramer's here at supper W. Cool Cler

Ascension day 30 at home Br inlaw John & Simon Hoover's were here W. fine Cler. Cool

drew dung on fallow behind barn I had Merry Nell shod at C Morrisons Then I & John took Henday {?} to Altona to get new Mould on . W. warm Cler

June 1878

June 1 drew dung with 2 waggons filled fallow W. Cler

Sunday All went to Meeting at Altona I Nancy & little boys went to Edward Moyer's for dinner & to Henry Boyer's at supper W. fine Cler remarks by Joseph Barky sermon on St John Parts of 12 C by Br. C

I went to Boxgrove AM JD's brought Joseph Brennman & Saul Diller & Johnie Broths here Pm. W. warm Cler G began Plowing fallow

4 I & Nancy went to Funeral of D Hane's Child at Widemans. Sermon on 1st Peter 1st C & 16 V by Br C went to JB's Pm. W. Wm Diller & Brennamen her tonight

5 I took Diller & Brenneman around the 4th & 3rd Con of Pickering today W. Cool

6 went to F man's by today with JD & his Brother & Joseph Brennamen Caught no fish but had a fine day boating a slight white frost this morning fine today

7 helped Br C put posts under his woodshed he had moved it & is building a new house. G finished plowing fallow except headlands sorted some potatoes Pm. W. a little rain Pm. fine steady rain this evening

8 I & G dug stump in fallow Am John harrowing turnip ground & Potatoes Am I & Nancy went to Funeral of Aunt Esther Armstrong Pm. W. Cool

Whitsunday 9 all went to Meeting at Cedar Grove & to Br S's Pm. John & girls went home remarks & sermon on {blank space} by R'd Joe Wideman. W. fine Cler

Whitmonday 10 I & Nancy & girls went to Elmdale Mills Duffin's Creek to Ben Hoover's boys went fishing at Br S's . W. Cler

11 I went to Unionville for My road list Am Chored & went to Cedar Grove this evening. W. fine Shower at noon

12 burned pine Stump Am warned hands to work on roads on Monday. P,. W. warm Cler J & G spudded thistles

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June 1878

went to Whitevale & Cherrywood Am I & J made Picket fence with laths from woodshed west lane fence Pm. W. warm Cler

G went to Bee to repair lane from 11 Con to Cedar Grove Plowed in turnip ground, fixed some fence in front of Beehouse. W. very warm

G Plowed in turnip ground. I & J put in Cedar Culvert at foot of hill near Br C's very warm. getting dry

Sunday 16 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St John 1st C R'd Samuel Weber from Waterloo Filaws C Burkholder's were after service & Jonas Ramer's Peter Ramer & S Weber, & wife Pm heavy rain & thunder last night very very warm day. slight shower today. not much

Worked on roads, had teams drawing gravel on Scarboro townline opposite our place W. Cool

Worked on roads, drew gravel. G at home yesterday & today W. fine. warm

Finished road work turnpiking on 11th Con M John harrowed & rolled turnip ground yesterday & Monday I & Nancy went to John Hoover's on 6th Con {illegible - two words} Pm. W. warm Cler then went to John Widemans to stay all night

went to Meeting at Almira remarks by Barkey sermon on St Mat 25 C by R'd Samuel Weber from Waterloo went to Danl Widemans after service & to Daniel Hoover's 6th Con Markham at supper W. warm a little rain this evening

G & J made turnip drills got about half {?ed} this evening. W. a little rain this morning. Clerd up Came on this evening very heavy. splendid shower

Chored. G harrowed fallow Pm. W. Some rain

Sunday 23 at home AB's were here. W. rainy nearly all day

split rails. W. fine. Cool. all day

I & Nancy went to Toronto. Butter 13 cts Eggs 14 cts Potatoes 63 cts per bag. W. fine. Aunt Lissy Burkholder went with us

June July 1878

26 I & John took a cord of Pine & Hemlock to Markham to Banbridge & got Jess & Cent shod G was at home W. fine cool {blank space}1878

27 Cleaned Wheat W. very warm Cler

28 Fixed beaming board fence along Pickering townline. W. very warm. Cler

29 G sawed old rails. John Plowed low piece east of Creek, east of Orchard Pm I went to Markham Pm. W. very warm

Sunday 30 all went to Meeting at Altona remarks by Br C sermon on St John part of 3rd C by R'd S Hoover went to MN's for dinner & supper W. very warm, very warm

July 1 I didnt do much. G hoed Corn I & Nancy went to Br S's AM. his wife is sick I went to Abraham Hoover's Pm to see a new threshing Machine running that N Burkholder made it runs well. W. very very warm. I think the warmest day this season

2 Worked at straight rail fence west of back lane W. very very warm

3 Chored G split wood. W. rained nearly all day

4 worked at fence. W. heavy thunder this morning & heavy rain Cleared up, very warm

5 Finished fence as far as dam then I & Nancy went to Solomon Burkholders & I went to Altona for Plow G hoed Potatoes W. very warm. Cool breese from north

6 G Plowed in fallow J helped awhile AM I & J fixed some fence along Pasture & went to Cedar Grove Pm. W. very warm, sawed off fence Posts after supper

Sundy 7 all went to Meeting at Widemans Remarks on St John 1st C. 1st to 36 V by Br C Br inlaw Saul Hoover & wife & Otta Gilmer were baptised today went to Finlaws after service & to S Lehman's at supper. W. very warm. very warm

8 John & G Plowed I & Nancy went to JH Ramer's Pm he is sick. W. very warm fine shower this morning, heavy rain north at noon

9 J & G Plowed Am. I began to Mow in big meadow Pm J & G Plowed Potatoes W. warm

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July 1878

I mowed G Put on Paris Green on Potatoes mowed along fences raked & Cocked some Pm a little rain this morning Cler & windy

{Can't read} boys scuffled Cow Corn after dinner Finished Mowing big Meadow Am Chored Pm Cler AM rainy Pm & heavy this evening all Chored. W. Cloudy. rainy AM

J & G Plowed AM. G hoed Cow Corn Pm I took Sow to J Peters W. Cler

Sunday 14 all went to meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover S Lehman's & Aaron Adeline Burkholder. were here Pm. went to B's after supper. W. quite warm

Finished raking big meadow & drew two loads AM drew 4 PM & I Cocked the {can't see} Martin Barky helped Pm. W. warm

drew 6 loads hay & began Cutting road round fall wheat. shower about 6 Oclock Pm W. very very warm

Cut some wheat Am heavy shower after {cant see} hoed turnips Pm. I & boys Killed a beef after supper. I & John went to Cedar Grove this evening. heard that Tobias Nighswander & his son were drowned on Manitoulin Island on Friday last boat upset Cut wheat. W. not quite so warm

Finished cutting wheat little Orchard too

& boys Finished drawing hay out of big meadow. 4 loads. N Burkholder's man helped us today. W. very warm

Sundy 21. went to H Stover's Pm W cool, strong north wind, a little rain last night

Mowed Meadow behind Cider house. I & boys raked one row around field after supper helped NB. W. fine Cool strong N wind

I & boys finished Cocking . G helped CB. I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove after supper. W. Cool. N wind

Drew in 15 loads wheat. W. fine pretty Cool

Finished drawing wheat 5 loads AM. drew 2 loads rakings out of big meadow & 2 loads hay behind cider house till supper. when it began to rain

July Aug 1878

26 Chored G went home at noon W. rained heavy all day. raised water. very wet

27 I & Nancy went to Markham am. to execute a Deed for ground for Church yard Property about 1/2 acre that I sold for yard for Church & sheds boys & G hoed turnip I Cut road round spring wheat PM

Sunday 28 I & Nancy & boys went to Meeting at Altona remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Luke 20 C by Br C went to Simon Hoover's Pm & to D Burkholder's at supper W. fine Cler. Cool

29 Cut bound & shocked Poor Land wheat south of old bush. W. Cloudy, drissly this evening

30 G & boys hoed & scuffled turnips AM Cut Poor Land Whead below garden Pm W. Cloudy AM. drissly this evening

31 I & boys John & Flavius went to Markham & G hoed turnips AM bound & nearly shocked last of Poorland Wheat till supper heavy rain after supper, very wet time

August 1 G hoed turnip I cradled road around fife wheat back of graveyard & he bound till noon then we cut last of Poor Land Wheat east of orchard till about 4 Pm then a heavy rain & thinder Shower Came up Lightning struck Henry Boyer's barn & burnt it with his hay & barly

2 G Cut road around Oats & shocked some wheat AM I drew load of hay for H Stover. very wet. Finished Cutting spring wheat & 5 rounds of Oats John drives the reaper. has boil on his hand

3 I cut Oats AM. John's hand very sore. G bound Spring Wheat. John drove Pm boil broke I & G bound Oats Pm. W. prety warm

Sunday 4 all went to Meeting at Ceder Grove remarks by Br C sermon on {blank space} by R'd S Hoover JD's were here Pm W. heavy rain Pm pretty warm

{Second Page}

Aug 1878

began binding spring wheat about 10. Am Finished at supper. then set Machine W. Cloudy

{??} & G shocked oats till about 1/2 past nine then hoed turnip boys & me asked hands to thresh. threshed Pm. about 180 bus Clawson wheat. pretty good Sample. W. rain this morning . Shower at noon. Cler Pm

G helped D Hoover thresh I & boys drew loads hay Pm. W. wind Cler girls went to Funeral of Michael Burkholder's Child Pm I & Nancy went to Henry Boyer's afte supper G bound Oats I & boys drew 11 loads spring wheat . W. warm. Strong wind Pm all Finished drawing spring wheat 12 loads W windy

Stacked hay behind Cider House 12 loads W. Cler

Sunday 11 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by R'd S Hoover sermon on St Luke 17 C by Br Burkholder girls & Nancy's Brother Enos & Jesse came here Pm. & Noah Burkholder at supper W. fine

I & boys bound Oats G helped M Dyke thresh fine Cloudy nearly all day

I & Nancy went to Toronto sold Lambs @ $7.75 for head. Butter 22cts eggs 16 cts boys bound Oats G helped M Dyke thresh Am helped boys Pm W. warm

Finished binding & shocking Oats till supper G Pulled headland of Peas after supper W. Cler Shower just before supper

I & boys drew 7 loads Oats G helped Br C thresh Benjamin Cut the Pupil of his right eye open with end of his knife handle trimming a switch of willow about 4 Pm I took him to Dr Robinson advised bathing with Cold water W. fair

drew 8 loads Oats. W. warm very heavy storm thunder & lightning north heavy rain here about 1/2 past 6 Pm

G & boys Cut Burrs & hoed turnips I got Nell & Frank shod Pm. heard about 1 or 2 barn in Whitechurch burned by Lightning last night. Dr was here this evening advised taking Benjamin to Eye Doctor in Toronto on Monday W. fine Creeks very high.

Aug 1878

Sundy 18 at home. Flavius were here. John & girls went to AB's Pm. W. fine warm Cler

19 I took Benjamin to Toronto to Dr Rosebough. had Operation performed on his Eye. G & boys hoed turnip Am pulled Peas with Rake Pm W. drissly this morning . Cler Pm

20 Rake dont Pull peas well pulled with scythe's W. fine Cler

21 G & Elisha Mitchell Pulled Peas & & boys finished drawing Oats 8 loads G helped awhile AM we go in one load Peas this evening. W. fine. Cler

22 Took Benjamin to Toronto again Dr says he is doing very well G helped Pilkey thresh boys drew 6 loads Peas Susanna helped to unload W. warm Cler

23 G helped Pilkey thresh I & boys drew 8 loads Peas E Mitchell finished pulling W. Cler

24 drew 2 loads Peas. shower stopped us Threshed few Peas AM G hoed turnips Pm W. Cler

Sunday 25 John & Girls went to Meeting at Altona we went to AB's W. windy Cool

26 Finished drawing Peas 9 loads & 1 load spring wheat rakings. W. Cler warm

27 Flavius & Herman Commenced going to School John & Benjamin & G Kept house G hoed turnips I & Nancy & Children went to Finlaws girls went to Janet McGaw's she is Married to George Wales W. fine warm

28 G ganged fallow I & John drew in Oat rakings Am I went to Whitevale Pm Called at Hoover's Old Man had Parylitic stroke yesterday. is rather Poorly W. shower after supper

29 I took Benjamin to Toronto. Dr says his eye is doing very well G helped Br N's thresh John finished ganging fallow. W. very warm Cler

30 G helped Br N's thresh AM harrowed fallow PM I & John Cleaned seed Wheat

31 I & G helped Br S's thresh John ganged Pea ground W. rained heavy this evening

{Second Page}

Sept 1878

Sunday Sept 1 at home Br N's were here I & Nancy went to Hoover's after supper W. very heavy rain last night & today. creek running lively

I & Nancy went to Funeral of Christian Barkey at Wideman's Sermon by Rd S Hoover & More went to Christian Burkholders Pm G began Plowing in Pea ground in fallow W. warm ground very wet fallows ancle deep in mud

G & John plowed M N's wife was here & inlaws Pm. W. very warm sultry I went to Cedar Grove this evening

I & John Cleaned seed wheat G went to N Burkholders to thresh. Machine didnt come. then he plowed till noon. too wet then he & John plowed pea ground in root field Pm. J B's were here. W. warm Cler

I & Adeline & Benjamin went to Toronto Butter 19 cts Eggs 11 1/2 cts 2 lambs $5.00 Bejamin's eye getting better. W. very sultry & warm

G & John Plowed in fallows. I & Nancy {illegible} to S Lehman's Pm. W. warm Cler

G & John plowed. I chored & went to Cherrywood Pm. W. warm Cler

Sunday 8 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C Sermon on St Mat 18 C by R'd Jos Barkey. Otto Gibner was here after service & Tilman Wideman at supper. W. very sultry & warm

John & G finished plowing till about 10 Oclock Am then we drew dung with 2 waggons on pea ground we intend to harrow it in with wheat. W. warm harrowed fallow & spread dung I & John cleaned seed wheat. W. began to rain about 4 PM

G threshed Peas. W. rain nearly all day I & John brought home load lumber between showers

G went home I & John threshed threshed Peas Am went to Ceder Grove PM. W. rain from east all day

I didnt do much AM fixed some board fence that blowed down & cut tree that fell across 11th Pm went to Cedar Grove this evening. heavy rain all AM very high water

Sept 1878

14 went to Cedar Grove AM I & Nancy & boys went to Markham PM to get Boots measured reports says there are 27 Bridges away in the Township of Markham & a great many dams a Man was drowned in Markham yesterday W. Cler, very strong west wind awhile Pm\

Sunday 15 at home Br.S's were here & AB's at supper W. fine It seems the high water on Friday never was equalled in the memory of the oldest inhabitant

16 G helped N Burkholder thresh today & Saturday JB helped fix up Cider house I & boys made 65 gals Cider Pm. W. fine warm

17 J & G Plowed near Br C's I helped boil sauce W. very fine This is the day of General Elections for the Commons of Canada

18 J & G finished Plowing near Br C's AM G & Flavius took load of lumber to H Boyer's J Plowed in pea ground in root field PM & we took Plow to Cherrywood this evening W. warm

19 Thanksgiving day. I & Children went to Meeting at Hebron Nancy staid with little girls they have bad Cold remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke {Blank Space} by R'd S Hoover I & boys began sowing Pm sowed about 4 acres. W. very warm & sultry

20 sowed field near Br C's AM then finished field back of old barn W. warm a thunder shower last night. didnt rain much

21 Made water furrows in wheat then John helped G plow in peaground AM I & John split some shingle bolts in Dyke bush Pm W. warm

Sundy 22 I & Nancy went to Vaughan with Br C & his daughter Elizabeth hard travelling 3 or 4 Bridges away Br C distributed sacrament went to Abraham Smiths PM W. White frost Cler

23 G John & I finished splitting bolts Am G Plowed I & John drew load bolts to Whitevale Pm. W. sharp frost Cler. Cool

24 I & John drew load bolts AM. John & Flavius drew load Pm I helped build wood shed at Meeting house Pm. W. shower this morning. Cler today

{Second Page}

Sept 1878

25 I & John drew 2 loads bolts which finishes them W. Cler

26 I & John drew a load of sand then Picked apples in our young Orchard has a very large crop W. cool went to weaver in Boxgrove Pm

27 all dug Potatoes, light crop. W. Cler cool this is my 42nd Birthday

28 Finished digging Potatoes. Picked some Cider apples. W. Cool Cler

Sunday 29 I & Nancy went to Meeting at Widemans Apropriate sermon for the Celebration of Lords Supper by R'd Jos Barkey Br C went to Saul Hoover's Pm W. fine Cler

John & G Plowed AM I got young horse Farmer shod in Markham Br C & his man helped us thresh about 2 hours PM we threshed over 100 bus Oats W. fine Cler very fine

Oct 1 G helped D Hoover's thresh John & Flavius plowed I & Nancy went to fulling Mill at Altona. had dinner at M N's then went by Markham village got Mended Boots. W. Cler Br N's Peter got married to Christian Wideman's daughter Susanna today.

G & John finished Plowing fall wheat stubble AM I & John Made 45 gals Cider G Plowed in spring wheat stubble below house PM. W. very fine & warm shower Am

I took Benjamin to Toronto to Drs his eye is doing pretty well, sees very little yet Br C rode with me. they are going to Jordan W. fair

G sawed I & John chored & made apple Boxes Am picked apples PM. W. very fine I went to Cherrywood Pm

G & John Plowed AM G went home I & J plowed awhile Pm. W. rather Cloudy. fine

Sunday all went to Hebron. suitable sermon for Celebration of Lords supper by R'd S Hoover Br C John G Reesors M N's youngsters & Michael Frets younsters were here Pm. & Br at supper. W. fine Cler

G went to Henry Boyer's barn raising I & John Plowed. W. very fine Cler

Oct 1878

8 I & Nancy & Lissy Burkholder went to Nancy's Uncle Christian Hoover's he & his daugher Annie were badly hurt by their horse running away about a month ago. They are getting better we called at Manasse Frets he fell out of an apple tree last evening and broke his face. W. a little Cloudy, cool

9 G sawed old rails I & JOhn took load lumber to Markham AM. fixed fence PM. W very strong west squal AM. little rain

10 G threshed Peas I & John took 2 loads lumber to Markham. W. fine Cler

11 G Plowed. I & John took 2 loads lumber. W. rather Cloudy little rain at bedtime

12 I & John took 2 loads lumber G began plowing in oat stubble. W. very fine Clear

Sunday 13 I & Nancy & little boys went to JD's there were not home. little boys staid there. & we went to Martin Barkey W. fine

14 G Plowed. I & John Made 58 gals Cider W. fine

15 G & John Plowed. I went to Markham & helped boil Sauce. W. very fine, thunder shower last noght

16 G helped Br N's thresh I took Susanna to Dr. Robinson AM she has swelled throat I & boys Killed 3 Pigs Pm. W. very fine Mosquitoes are around. very warm

17 I & Benjamin went to Toronto sold Oats @ 25 3 Pigs @4 1/2 per lb took Benjamin to Dr. W. rain all the way home

18 G & J Plowed. I helped women pick apples W. Cloudy

19 G & J Plowed AM I & Nancy went to Hoover's the old woman is very poorly. G & J threshed Peas PM & I & Nancy took some apples to H Boyers & went to Fulling Mill. W. very Cold north wind

Sunday 20 John & girls went to Meeting at Altona I Nancy & Children went to AB's W. fine Cler

21 G & J Plowed AM I killed a pig G began pulling turnip I & J took in 15 bags potatoes W. very fine

22 G plowed AM pulled turnips Pm I & J took in 19 bags Potatoes AM brought home load shingles from Whitevale PM. W. very fine warm

{Second Page}

Oct Nov 1878

23 I & John brought last of shingles from Whitevale AM Chored PM W. rained till 3 Pm. got wet. Cleaned Peas

24 G & John Plowed I went to Markham AM G Pulled turnips I & JOhn took in load Corn PM. W. fine I killed a Mosquito today

25 G Plowed AM I & John brought ashes from Br C's drew apples to back yard out of Orchards inlaws were here till after dinner then G & John & I Pulled turnips PM. W. fine. Cler.east wind PM

26 I & Flavius & Herman Made 80 gals Cider AM Plowed PM. G & John finished plowing Oat stubble W. rainy AM Cloudy PM

Sunday 27 John & gilrs went to Meeting at Cedar Grove W. Cloudy a little rain

28 G & John threshed Peas AM & pulled turnips PM I bought 300 Bricks from Snowballs Pm. W. a very little snow this Morning. mild. rather Cloudy

29 G threshed Peas I & John took in Cabbage & Chored AM I & Nancy went to Markham Pm. G pulled turnips. boys drew in pumpkins W a very very little snow this morning. rather Cloudy

30 Cleaned Peas AM Chored PM. W. showry & Cloudy husked Corn

31 drew 7 loads turnips AM G Pulled turnips I & John went to David Burkholder's sale PM. I bought garden rake garden hoe thistle spud & spade @ 10 ct W. very cold wind PM

Nov 1 took winter apples into Cellar AM drew 7 loads turnip PM. MN's were here W. frose prety hard last night getting milder today

2 G finished pulling turnips AM I & boys drew 8 loads then drew 2 loads PM. when the rain stopped us

Sunday 3 all went to Meeting at Hebron remarks by Br C sermon on St Luke 15 C by R'd S Hoover Lorinda Morris & Sarah Moyers were her at dinner I & Nancy went to JD's Pm. W. rather Cloudy Cool

4 drew 13 loads turnips W. Cold frose nearly all day

5 I & John drew 3 last loads turnips AM took grist Peas to Cedar Grove Mills & brought home some sawdust PM. W. very Cold. plowing stopped G was at home today snow towards evening

6 I & John drew a load lumber to Markham Br S sold a lot of our inch Pickings to Speights G was at home today. W. about 3 in show this morning. Cold

  N     Nov 1877

7 I & John & G took 2 loads lumber to Markham W. milder thawing some, roads pretty good

8 I & John & G took 2 last loads lumber to Markham I & Nancy went to Mannasse Frets this evening {illegible} W. pretty cold

9 I took Benjamin to Toronto on C{illegible) Doctor says his eye is doing very well. W. Cold AM. quite mild PM G & John Plowed in root ground, snow all gone

Sundy 10 John & girls went to Cober's Meeting & to AB's I & Nancy & Children went to Br S's W mild & muddy

11 G & John Plowed AM I took grist to Cedar Grove PM. W. Cloudy, raining some this evening

12 John & G cut off Corn stalks & Picked ears off feed corn & piled feed corn against fence W. Mild

13 I & John drew in feed Corn ears this morning G began to plow. squaals of soft snow G & John threshed Peas AM both plowed. PM

14 G nearly finished plowing root ground AM J Plowed sod in old Orchard. & I went to Cedar Grove AM G threshed Peas I went to Cherrywood & J burned stumps in pasture. W. Cler. Cool

15 all burned & dug stumps & stones in pasture AM G & D began plowing sod in pasture PM, I & Nancy went to Whitevale PM. Called at Frets & Hoovers W. frose hard this morning. fine & Cler today

16 G dug awhile at a stump I & boys Cleaned {illegible} Peas & took them to Cedar Grove AM then J & G Plowed PM. W. frose a little this Morning

Sundy 17 at home all day Br C's were here Old Mrs Hoover died today. W. drissly rain all day

18 I went to Hoover's to see about digging the grave I & Nancy went to Cedar Grove G & J threshed a few Peas & plowed AM G helped dig grave PM J Plowed a little & brought home grists PM. W. drissly at times. quite mild

19 all went to Funeral. all our Ministers took part the sermon's W. Mild rather Cloudy Simon & Samuel Hoover's & Saul Lehman's C Burkholder & Gibner were here PM. J Plowed awhile

20 J & G Plowed I went to Sparta for share PM. W. fine

21 J & G Plowed I burned stump & opened tile drain mouth AM D Brown began shingling lintel of new barn PM W fine Clear white frost this morning


Ralph Hoover President, Green River Dr J.J. Moore Vice President, Brooklin Ont. F.H. Reesor Treasurer, Markham, Ont. D.R. Beaton Secretary, Whitevale, Ont.

The Home Telephone Company Limited

{Torn) 1877

I & Br C Started at 8 a.m & took train at Miliken for Toronto then by GT to Berlin arrived at 3 PM. Went to Rev A Martin's over night then to John Martins & to Thanksgiving Service at Martins Meeting House, Then to David Martins, awhile at Goods & C. Sniders, to Rev S. Webers Over Night, then to Thomans & to Conference at Berlin And to Widow Brubachers over night. Thet to Rev M. Erbs who showed me all through the Town. Then I took Train at 11.30 a.m. Met Br C at Breslau got to Markham 5 P.M. where my Boys Met us, got home found all well

7 I went to Kendrick for tackle for moving Buildings Moving

I helped move Meeting House got it half way (19) Finished

I & Nancy went to Chris Widemans at Almira to dinner & to Chirs Brillingers at supper & to Mart. Brillinger over night, then went to Meeting at Almira Rem. by R. Jos Barkey Ser. on St Luke pt of 16 ch. by Rev Ja. Wideman to Ab. Hoover

Sold wheat at Cedar Grove @ $1.22 per bus (Cayuga & {illegible})

S{illegible} 7 Meeting at Hebron No Preacher Br C. is away to Twenty Gleasons away to Waterloo John & Flavius Plowed (Hoover)

14 I & Nancy & little Boys to M. at Widemans Rem by Rev S. Ser. by Rev C Reesor o f Lancaster PA. (Lancaster P.A. All to M. at Hebron Rem by Br. C Ser. by Rev C. Reesor from Rev C Reesor & Wife & J Nissly & wife were here (even

I took Joe Wideman from Hay Tp. to Chris Stovers He I & Br C. went to Toronto Sold Butter 22 1/2 egg 22 chickens about 34cts I bought some Bran at Major Mill @$10.00 Per ton

Sun 4 All to M. at Hebron Re. by Br. C Ser by Rev. Honsberger from Pa. Jacob & David Gotshalk came to stay all night (5) I & Nancy took Gotshalk Bros. to Saml Reesor's at dinner, Then to Meeting at Widemans where Honsberger Preached, Then we left them at Jonas Ramers No were P.M. with C Rittenhouse & Wife & Hoch & wife from Cayuga Speight Wagon Works in Markham were burnt last NIght

Nov 1877

17 Surveryors having been operating in this vicinity all weeks trying to locate a line for Toronto & Ottawa Railway

22 Government Thanksgiving Day No School I went to Cedar Grove for Meet Joe Hoover Brother Comes there every

30 Weighed a ton of Hay for Martin Barkey he has bought J. Runs B Con 3rd Con Pickering

Dec 1 Went to J. H Ramers had Venison Dinner He was away hunting 5 weeks got 6 Deer & 1 Bear

15 I went to Dyke bush with Br S. He buys all my down pine logs in bush

17 I & Nancy went to Ab Hoovers they live on Chris Ramer old place

20 Went to Sale of Uncle Chris Burkholder property P. M. (got none

22 I, J.D & his man & Isaac Moyer went to F. mans Bay to troll for pikes

Christmas 25 Meeting at Hebron Rem & Ser on St Luke part of 2nd Ch by Br. C

26 Finished Arch west of Cedar House for boiling sap Mild soft People plowing all over. Saw Yellow bird last week

Sun 30 All went to Meeting at Hebron Rem by Br. C ser St Luke Pt of 2nd Ch. By Rev S. Hoover

31 Gleason went home this Eve he has 3 1/2 days to work yet Finlaws came to stay all night

Transcription Progress



Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1871-1878 Part 1.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1871-1878 Part 2.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1871-1878 Part 3.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary, 1871-1878 Part 4.pdf
Benjamin Reesor Diary Transcription, 1871-1878.pdf


Benjamin B. Reesor, “Benjamin Reesor Diary & Transcription, 1871-1878,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,
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