Andrew Brown Scott Diary & Transcription, 1857


Andrew Brown Scott Diary & Transcription, 1857


Andrew Brown Scott


Courtesy of Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archive


19th Century, Peel County, Chinguacousy Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Andrew Brown Scott Diary Collection


Scanned Photocopy of Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Counting House Calendar, Banking Table, a Blank Space for Memoranda for every day in the year, Cash Account for each Month, Annual Summary of Cash Account, Bills Payable and Receivable.

{facing page}

Calendar for 1857

== A TABLE == Showing the number of days from any day in the month to the same day in any other month throughout the whole year.

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Jan. 365 334 306 275 245 214 184 153 122 92 61 31
Feb. 31 365 337 306 276 245 215 184 153 123 92 61
March 59 28 365 334 304 273 243 212 181 151 120 90
April. 90 59 31 365 335 304 274 243 212 182 151 121
May. 120 89 61 30 365 334 304 273 242 212 181 151
June. 151 120 92 61 31 365 335 304 273 243 212 182
July. 181 150 122 91 62 31 365 334 303 273 243 212
Aug. 212 181 153 122 92 61 31 365 334 304 273 242
Sept. 243 212 184 153 123 91 61 31 365 334 304 273
Oct. 273 242 214 183 153 122 92 61 30 365 334 304
Nov. 304 273 245 214 184 153 123 92 61 31 365 335
Dec. 334 303 275 244 218 183 153 122 91 61 30 365
Explanation.-How many days are there from the 10th of January to the 10th of June? Look for January in the column at the left hand, then seek for June along the line to the right, and you find the number of days to be 151.


Thursday 1

Made about 1455 3/4 calls more or less +C

Friday 2

Making distance table for map of Peel

Saturday 3

Same as yesterday-went to Mr Ellis to hurry him up with the Lithograth of Peel

Monday 5

Same as Saturday finished about 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday 6

Transfering information from map of Peel to the tracings of the several townships went to Brampton by the evening cars

Wednesday 7

About the Village all day doing little or nothing

Thursday 8

intended to travel through the county of Peel today but the weather was too cold

Friday 9

left Brampton about 9:30 A.M. then through Stanleys Mills, Castlemore, Coleraine, Bolton, Macville, Sand Hill,(Paisley), + Mono Mills. to Orangeville hunting information for map of Peel. Neither the clerk of the Gore or the clerk for the Albion were at home. Consequently could not get the school section of either of said townships.

Saturday 10

Left Orangeville about 8:00 A.m. went to Altonstaid there an hour then went to Charleston + got the school sections of Caledon from Dodds, the clerk promised him a map for the information. Then drove home about 5:15 P.m. found {Uncertain name} had telegraphed friday to go to town-ran over to station-just in time for cars

Monday 12

Went to Brantford by Morning train to get clothes to go to the bush - when I got back again 11-00 AM No luck thought I had better not go as I would be too late to overtake him before he got started from Orillia - went to Ellis in the afternoon to get the Map of Peel

Tuesday 13

Working at plan of peel {text is diagonally written across Tuesday,13. and Wednesday,14.the ink is faded}

Wednesday 14

Took the tracing to Ellis in the forenoon. Went to Brampton in the evening to travel in search of information for map of Peel.

Thursday 15

Went to Boltons Village to get a map of the school sections in Albion. Mr {Swinerton?} said I could get it from community clerk next week-Called on the Clerk of the Gore for the same purpose. He said the Township collector had it

Friday 16

Went to Streetsville to get the school section of Toronto from the Town Clerk-he had it then said I could get them from the County clerk-went to Springfield & got a good good deal of information from Mr Laylor Councillor for the first Ward r

Saturday 17

Very cold stormy day-staid home all day

Monday 19

{"Working at Plan of Peel" is written vertically across Monday, 19. and Tuesday, 20.}

Went from Brampton to Toronto in the forenoon-went to Fitzgerald's to copy map of Streetsville before leaving Brampton and he gave me one to bring with me

Tuesday 20

intended to meet Mr McCowan at the scarboro Station but was too late for the Cars

Wednesday 21

Went to the the cars to go to Scarboro-cars dont call there went to Mink's and hired a horse and went to McCowan’s house did a little measuring on his Lot but could not finish on account of not having a description of Mrs {Borwicks?}p property arrived in Toronto about 6.00 P.m.

Thursday 22

Searched in registry office for description of Mrs Borwicks Lot & made description of 24 acres off the northpart Mr McCowans portion of Lot No 22 Con C Scarboro Working at plan of Peel in the afternoon-got a plan of the school sections of Toronto Township from Mr Elliott clerk of County Council

Friday 23

of the school sections sent map of township of Toronto back to Mr Elliott by T {or J}Forster {Written vertically across Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th is "Working at plan of Peel but not very hard}

Saturday 24

Took map of Peel to Mr Ellis to case Bell.V. White decided before the chief justice in Bells favour - recieved map of school sections of Chinguacousy from Mr CollumWm went to Brampton in the evening

Monday 26

{Written vertically across Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th "Working at distance table of Peel"}

Wednesday 28

{Written vertically across the 28th, 29th, and 30th "had a thundering bad cold working a little at Distance table of Peel}

Friday 30

Finished distance table and took it to Ellis’ about 1:00 P.m. went to Brampton at night

Monday Feburary 2

Arrived in Toronto about noon put sShool sections of Chinguacousy and the Gore in map of Peel

Tuesday 3

Working a little at map of Muskoka Road

Wednesday 4

did not do much in the office went to Brampton to go to the Loydtown to get map of school sections of Albion

Thursday 5

raining and storming all day did not go to Loydtown as I intended

Friday 6

Went to Loydtown and got copy of Mr Oslers map of Albion- {I or J} Pattullo went with me- Stopped at Bolton going and coming

Saturday 7

Went to town in the morning and put school sections of Albion on the map of Peel- went Back to Brampton in the evening. Walt went with me

Monday 9

Came to Toronto in the morning. Went to Ellis and got the map to make a few alterations W.H. came in in the morning

Tuesday 10

In office greater part of day-attended proffessor Chapmans lecture on mineralogy from 1 to 2 P.m. in evening company at {Unions?} danced &c &c till 3:00 AM of 11th

Wednesday 11

at work at Hostuys farm- Charley and John were with me

Thursday 12

Went to Ellis 3 or 4 times to see about map of Peel attended lecture at college

Friday 13

With Charley & John working at Hastings farm found I had made a mistake in measuring across the lot last fall measuring 12-50 instead of 12-58 ½

Saturday 14

at Ellis all forenoon got 3 or 4 proof sheets about 12 noon sent 8out to Brampton in the afternoon

Monday 16

in office part of day - went to crown land office to get field notes and instructions of township of North Gwillimsbury

Tuesday 17

attended lecture at college made tracing of map of Toront

Tuesday 17

attended lecture at college made tracing of map of Toronto

{Wednesdy 18

at work at survey of the Hastings farm Charley and John with me finished it

Tuesday 19

attended lecture in the afternoon went to Brampton in the evening to see about proofs of map of Peel making tracing of plan of grand trunk Railway through county of Peel-in the forenoon

Friday 20

Could not get the map of Peel on account of J Lynch not being at home came to town in the morning

Saturday 21

Finished tracing of grand Trunk railway map

Monday 23

Copying the field notes taken at sutton into another bookWednesday 18

At work at survey of the Hastings farm Charley & John with me - finished it

Tuesday 19

Attended lecture in the afternoon went to Brampton in the evening to see about Proofs of map of Peel making tracing of Plan of Grand trunk Railway through County of Peel - in the forenoon

Friday 20

Could not get the map of Peel on account of J Lynch not being at home came to town in the morning

Saturday 21

Finished tracing of Grand Trunk railway map

Monday 23

Coppying the field notes taken at Sutton into another book

Tuesday 24

Connected A.F. Wrights map for registry - attended lecture

Wednesday 25

not doing much in the office Went to Brampton in the evening to get proofs of Peel

Thursday 26

Came to town in the morning attended lecture inafternoon Chas Robertson went with me took corrected proof of Peel to Ellis

Friday 27

Commenced and nearly finished a map of the town of St Mary's for J Leys Esq

Saturday 28

Finished map of St Mary's in the forenoon did nothing in the afternoon this day finishes 2 years service

Monday March 2

WIth Roberts and John Guy left Toronto for Sutton where arrived about 4:30 P.m.

Tuesday 3

Produced townline down to the lake and about 20.00 on to the ice- where I took angles to the islands and to several objects on shore traversed the shore from the township to Jackson's Point

Wednesday 4

With Roberts and John surveying Jackson's Point

Thursday 5

Finished Preliminary survey of Jacksons Point

Friday 6

Met Mr Lindsay in the morning to run his line. concluded not to run it until they patitioned parliament for a local for a local act for the Lake con N Gwillimbury-went to see Mr Morsington about running his line but he did not want it run until Peter Barton swore to the post bet W 7+8-in afternoon made pencil sketch of Jackson's point-called at Howards in forenoon-and at Toronto in the evening

Saturday 7

running line between W 1+2 in the 8th for R.Reeford

Monday 9

Snowing hard all day- nothing done. nothing done

Tuesday 10

in forenoon ran a compass line part of the way through lot 14. lake con North Gwillimbury for J A Lindsay in afternoon running line bet {bet is shortform for between} 1 & 2 8th con Georgina for Reeford

Wednesday 11

Fininshed line bet 1 & 2

Thursday 12

in forenoon Chaining line bet 1 & 2 to put down posts- in afternoon attended races at Jackson’s Point

Friday 13

Finished chaining line bet 1 & 2 and put down Posts on the townline 1/2 way up the lot

Saturday 14

Finished putting in the posts townline

Sunday 15

Went up to Mr Howards in the evening

Monday 16

Put in the posts at the 9th con line moved Mr Bouchiers post at S.W. L of No. 1 in the 9th con 16 l {small letter l may be shortform for lengths} farther south- put down the posts between 1 & 2

Tuesday 17

Ran a line along the 7th con line to bet 6 & 7 in the 6th con - then bet 6 & 7 parallel to the townline - then cleared and measured across the Fronts of lots 7,8, & 9 in the 6th con - where I found an old post lying down and the point in the ground planted a cedar in into place

Wednesday 18

raining in the morning and looked like all day. had so far to go to work did not go- making plan of Reeford lot

Thursday 19

Charley sick John and I chained across 6th con bet 6 & 7. then chained on 7th con line across 7 & 1/2 of 8. then sent John home with instrument I planted posts - on front of 6th lot 7 & 8. at centre of 7 & at centre of 8.

Friday 20

Finished Mr Bouchiers lot in French Village about 6:15 P.M.

Saturday 21

Snowing in the forenoon finished Mr Reefords Plan - in afternoon ran lines bet 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 of Mr Reefords lots

Monday 22

Running lines in Mr Reefords lot

Tuesday 23

Same as yesterday

Wednesday 24

Charley & John same as yesterday I made 2 pencil sketches of the point to shew proposed subdivision finished them about 3;30 P.M

Thursday 26

Finished running line for Mr Reeford about 4:30 P.M.

Friday 27

Posting off Mr Bouchiers portion of no 2, 18th con of Georgina about half of the day - Charley at home not well

Saturday 28

Left Sutton at 11 A.M. arrived in Toronto at 7:00 P.M. John and I worked from Dughill to Lefroy Charley went on to N. H. Landing

Monday 30

making pencil plan of Jacksons Point for Mr Bouchier

Tuesday 31

Trying to get up a plan of Mr Bouchier's property in Georgina attended lecture at college

Wednesday 1

Working at Mr Bouchiers plan.

Thursday 2

Same as yesterday-attended lecture in afternoon

Friday 3

With Mr Unwin- measured the outlines of Mr Gwynes lot on corner of younge st and 3rd con line. then went over mrs, Seymour's lot (25. 3rd con). Arrived at home about 3:30 P.m.

Saturday 4

Made copy of diary and accounte for april-made a pencil sketch of Mrs Seymonur's lot- in afternoon looked up and sent 18 mounted maps of Peel to Brampton. 3 Col and 6 plain to Thompson the same to Baire and the same to McLear

Monday 6

made a pencil sketch of MRS Seymours lot packed up for Mr Walford, 12 coloured and 12 plain maps of Peel.

Tuesday 7 Making copy of Diary and account for January and February 1837. attended geological lecture

Wednesday 8 Making plan of Mr{Uncertain name} lot on Yonge st

Thursday 9 in forenoon making plan of {uncertain name}lot in afternoon went to Brampton

Tuesday 14

Came to Toronto in the morning working at gwynes plan

Wednesday 15

in forenoon. With Unwin, Jackand Roberts. Surveying water lots for Mrs Brown in afternoon working at Mr Bouchiers plan

Thursday 16

Working at gwynes lots{crossed out}. Plan attended lecture in afternoon

Friday 17


Saturday 18

Same in forenoon- in afternoon with unwin and jack-surveying on E side of don- and south of Don and Danforth road- for J Seys

Sunday 19{scathced out and says Monday 20}

With Jack till 2:00 P.m, survey Arthers lot East of Don. Then plotting the survey rest of day

Monday 20

See yesterday

made 2 bets with W.HJ. 1st an even bet of 1 that he would not enter 3 first classes, at the university 2nd a bet of 2 to 1 that he would not take any three that he could mention-he mentioned geology-English literature and mathematics

Tuesday 21

Working a little at gwynes plan

Wednesday 22

With John guy surveying park lot No 24. for Revd. Mr Gien's

Thursday 23

Calculating contents of park lot No 24- and several other jobs- too {uncertain word} and unimportant to mention

Friday 24

part of the day helping U, and J. to survey Mrs Browns lot

Saturday 25

helping Jack to survey Mrs Browns lot on front street. Went to Brampton in afternoon

Monday 27

Came in from Brampton in the morning. Working at gwynares plans remainder of day

Tuesday 28

in forenoon helping Jack to make some calculations for the survey of Mrs Browns lot on Front st in afternoon with Jack making the survey

Wednesday 29

With Chas and Joe and C Unwin in the afternoon. resetting the post on the Denison Estate homestead

Thursday 30

Same as yesterday with Chas and Joe

Friday May 1

Same as yesterday. finished about 1:00 P.m. ruining all day

Saturday 2

In the office all day

Monday 4

in the morning with Chas and Joe went up to work at Mr gwynaes lot above yorkville- worked at then until noon. when it came on heavy rain- at home all the afternoon- in the evening took a letter to the colomist office- which I wrote in answer to one written by G Mngeut

Tuesday 5

Tuesday in the office all day- sent 25 mounted maps to Brampton and 34 coloured to Carter to get mounted

Wednesday 6

Mr {uncertain name}-with Jones and Butterworth went to orillia in the morning putting some coloured maps on deeds for Bacon- finished one and partly finished 2.

Thursday 7

With Charley and Joe. Working at gwynes lots near Yorkville finished at 5:00 P.m.

Friday 8

in office all day doing nothing

Saturday 9

with chas and Joe working at the given's estate-making prelimaniary survey

Monday 11

same as yesterday-finished at 7:00 P.m. when I went to judge Harrison's when he told me to tell Lay's that he stopped me surveying until he had a settlement with him

Tuesday 12

met Mr Faruis at Caerhowel, at 11:00 a.m. to take off lots 30 E of William st 31 and 32 W of William and E of Dummer st and A.E and W of Murray st sent Joe for posts went to office for Charley- commenced at 3:00P.m. and finished at 6 P.m. William went to Brampton at night

Wednesday 13

in forenoon made sketch of the giveus farm in the afternoon went with Jack to thornhi

Thursday 14

We met Mr Passmore at Townline. To run line between 18 and 19 2nd con Markham-ranged out the townline and angled nearly up to line bet 18 and 19. when it came on to rain very heavy{asterisk} rainning from about 10:00 a.m. {asterisk}about 4:00 P.m.

Friday 15

ran the line as far as line bet 18 and 19 when it commenced raining very heavy went to house and drew up a bond bet. Helmkay and Phillips- and took affadavits of Peter Wise and John Helmkay. Jack and Passmore went to Phillips at night

Saturday 16

measure across front of lots 18,19 and 20, ran line between 18 and 19 fininshed about 5:00 P.m. when they took affadavit of Peter Phillips-Left Helmkays about 7:30 P.m.they brought jack and I as far as Hoggs Hollow-when we walked to Toronto arriving about 1:15 a.m.

Monday 18

drew out proposed subdivision of Lays property

Tuesday 19

did nothing in the forenoon. in afternoon helped jack to take off a lot on Victoria street

Wednesday 20

Charley sick- sent joe and muldoon up with hosts (327) to Lays place- H Butterworth and I sem College street through then we straightened and chopped out the west side of the centre street and flanted a post where it intersects the north side of college street in the morning sent carpet bag to Wm at Brampton for Express

Thursday 21

Joe and I working at Lay's place ran out line on the East side of West street and flanted posts at the intersection of college st

Friday 22

With Charley and Joe working at Lays place

Saturday 23

in office all forenoon. Went to Brampton in the evening

Tuesday 26

came to Toronto in the morning-

Wednesday 27

rainny in the morning-in office all day doing nothing

Thursday 28

rainny in the morning-same as yesterday

Friday 29

With Charley and Joe working at Lay's place stopped at church's tavern at night

Saturday 30

Same as yesterday- in afternoon helping Jack and Jones to take levels of givens street

Monday June 1

rainning in the morning-went up to Lay's place about 12:00 Charley and Joe with me

Tuesday 2

Working at Lay's place from 7:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. went to town after supper

Wednesday 3

Went up about 11:00 a.m. went to grand trimk switch 3:30 intending to go to Brampton. but could not get on. came on to rain very heavy about 4:00

Thursday 4

Working from 7:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m.- went to town after supper

Friday 5

staid in office all day. helping Jack to make plan of Lays place Charley and Joe working at Lay's place

Saturday 6

went up to Lay's about 9:00 a.m. working till 4:00 p.m. when went to help Jack and Jones to take levels of Demia st sent Joe home after diner to cut some word

Monday 8

Rainning- working at the plan of given's Estate

Tuesday 9

Same as yesterday-went to Brampton in the afternoon

Wednesday 10

at Brampton

Thursday 11

Came to town in the evening

Friday 12

slights showers throughout the day. working at Lay's plan of the given's Estate

Saturday 13

With Joe working at Lay's place

Monday 15

in forenoon prodieed st Patrick's st through to Bathurst st {Across Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 is written "With Joe working at the given's Estate}

Wednesday 17

with Charley and Joe at saue

{Written across Thursday 18, Friday 19, and Saturday 20 "With Charley and Joe working at the givens Estate}

Saturday 20

commenced raining at noon and rained all the afternoon

Monday 22

rainy greater part of day in office doing little or nothing

Tuesday 23

with Chas and Joe at the givens estate

{Written across Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25:"same as Tuesday"}

Thursday 25

I went to town in the evening

Friday 26

in office all the forenoon went up to givens about 5:00 p.m.

Saturday 27

at the givens place all day went to town in the evening

Monday 29

raining all the forenoon- went to Brampton afternoon me uncle's John and David going to guelph

{Written across Tuesday 30, and Wednesday July 1:"at Brampton"}

Wednesday July 1

attended meeting of cricket club in the evening

Thursday 2

come in in the morning. then went up to the cricket grond stand there till noon. afternoon got 36 from from Jack and went up and paid Fields for board- and brought down the things from the givens survey

Friday 3

doing very little in office- in afternoon commenced to make a tracing of part of Canada to put on plan of part of Brampton Mr Unwin arrived from the bush about 9:30 p.m. taking all by surprise

Saturday 4

went to cars to meet uncle David then went rond town with him untill 11:30 then went with him to the boat for Niagara he started about 12:00- in afternoon doing a little at tracing of part of Canada- and stretching cloth to mount paper for plan of muskoka Road survey

{Written across Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th "Making a sketch of Rest of Rosepark for george Duggan Esq together with several other jobs"}


finished sketch in the forenoon in afternoon made and sent out to Brampton a tracing of part of A,F. plan shewing proposed alteration of streets

Thursday 9

in morning read telegraph from A.F.{uncertain letter}to get Fitzgerald. went up to cricket ground to tell him staid till 1:30- in afternoon in the office doing nothing

Friday 10

went out to Brampton in the morning played a game at Cricket in the afternoon

Saturday 11

returned from Brampton in the morning-staid at the house all afternoon not well

Monday 13

in afternoon plotting lines of muskoka Road in afternoon went with Unwin to tra out townline across 1st con york and take observation of north star-Jack came along about 11:00 p.m. to help when he laid down and went to sleep. consequently was of a great deal of help-(over the left) staid out all night

Tuesday 14

went to work as soon as we could see and finished tracing out townline then walked into town arrived about 9:00 a.m. got breakfast and went to sleep slept till noon- after dinner went to office-working at muskoka road plan

Wednesday 15

working at muskoka road plan in the forenoon-afternoon doing nothing at night took observation of polaris on line bet 2 3 and 24 1st con york finished at 12:00-midnight

Thursday 16

started to run line bet 23 and 24-but commenced raining-in office all day

Friday 17

with Mr Unwin and Jack started line let 23 and 24 then Jack went to office Unwin and I with Joe run at thrs then measured from it to W. city limit on North City limit

Saturday 18

in morning went to Brampton. then went over to norval to play cricket with the norval club beat then badly. they kicked up a fuss-we came away late without our dinner. because the presidant would not apologize

Monday 20

came to town in the morning. mad up Mr Bourchiers act for surveying in March

Tuesday 21

surveying Mrs seymours lot. with chas and joe-muldoom took up posts and sent +c- intend camping out for the survey


same as yesterday in the evening hired a man to come tomorrow at $1.50 per day

Thursday 23

same as yesterday man working to day- not worth $1.50 but cant get one for less. I left about 5:15 p.m. came to town

Friday 24

Raining in morning-went up to Mrs Seymour's lot about noon-raining all the afternoon staid in camp doing nothing-at night hired a boy to work tomorrow for 3/9

Saturday 25

With all party cutting out lines all day-paid man and boy 18/9-told man to come again on monday at noon. Went to town at night-joe left tonight

Monday 27

With James (a boy hired in Joes place) went up to Mrs Seymour's lots and put up the tent in the forenoon-in afternoon with him and man cutting out lines

Tuesday 28

Same as yesterday afternoon paid off man. went to town in the evening leaving James at the camp

Wednesday 29

Went up again with chas in the morning staking off lots all day James went to town at night to bring up some victuals in the morning

Thursday 30

Staking off the lots from 7:00am till 8:00p.m.

Friday 31

Same as yesterday-finished about 8:00p.m. then got supper and packed up the camp +c and went home-arrived about 10:30 p.m. very heavy thunder shower from 3:30 till 5:30 p.m.

Saturday August 1

Made rough sketch of Mrs Seymour's lots to make plan from-in the forenoon went to Brampton in the afternoon took gustave geneienk with me

Monday 3

Went to town in the morning went over to island in the afternoon with A Butterworth and Unwin to have a bathe

Tuesday 4

Went to Sutton in the forenoon in afternoon with John Trent staked off Mr Trent's last lot (W 25) W,I.C,M burnt at Barrie at night

Wednesday 5

in the morning laid out foundation for church. then (about 9:00am) went to Mr Ritchie's to see about surveying the geogina globe lot- about 11:00 a.m. took angle on Jacksons point bet townline and a line from a tree in Innnisfil to the chimney of the parsonage-went over to lot and looked around for post +c got dinner at Mr Lillalds about 4:00 p.m. left there about 5:00-went to Mr Lyall's to see if he knew anything concerning the posts between 6 and 7 in the 8th con. got tea there about 6:00 then went to the village-hired a man to chop tomorrow

Thursday 6

With man running a line parallel to townline on sidewad between 6 and 7 in 8th con georgina-got no dinner went up to Mr Trent's in the evening hired John croth in the evening for tomorrow

Friday 7

With the 2 men cutting out the line

Saturday 8

in the morning got Mr Lyall to help me to find the posts of road between 6 and 7 found the post on East side of road finished laying off the globe about 8:20 p.m. got dinner at Mr Libbalds

Sunday 9

Went to church in forenoon went up to Mr Howards in afternoon

Monday 10

in morning made up Mr Sibbald's account $30 1/2 of which I need $16 and paid off accounts up there measured shepperds hayfield about 12 acres came to Toronro in the afternoon

Tuesday 11

With Mr Unwin went to Barrie to do a job for shortis and co-when got there found another survey at it. then encamined part of lot 23 in the 7th con vespra-came to Toronto in the evening

Wednesday 12

In the office-not doing much

Thursday 13

same as yesterday went to Brampton in the afternoon

Friday 14

came to town in the morning.{Written across Friday 14th and Saturday 15th "in the office doing little or nothing}

Saturday 15

went to Brampton at night

Monday 17

Came to town in the morning {Written across Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th "in the office doing little or nothing"}

Tuesday 18

in afternoon with Mr Unwin went by stage to Sydenham. then walked up to Thos Copelands on the N 1/4. W 8. 1st con N Dundas street-to be ready tp commenc in the morning to lay off 10 acres for- Caldwell.

Wednesday 19

at work all day. finished at 6:00 p.m. when we got supper- and copeland drover us to town. arrived at 11:15 p.m.

Thursday 20

up at Cricket ground all day Canada vs United States

Friday 21

Went up to the Cricket ground at 11:00 a.m. game finished at 1:00 p.m. Canada winning with 7 wickets to spare after dinner surveying for S Ridont with Mr Unwin

Saturday 22

in forenoon making plan of S Ridonts place lots south of gerard street in afternoon with Mr Unwin and James staking off the lots Charley working at the plan

Monday 24

in afternoon went to Brampton to see about an account. Starrat read as he said from Unwin

Tuesday 25

at Brampton saw Mr Starrat at night

Wednesday 26

came to town in the morning-working at map of Muskoka Road. checking it over +c

Thursday 27

in forenoon same as yesterday. went around town with aleck from 12:30 till 2:30

Friday 28

Checking over map of muskoka Road survey. in afternoon went to meet the greet Western cars- meet aijjie but she didnt come

Saturday 29

this forenoon the same as yesterday forenoon- in afternoon meet the boat and cars. Joe dig but she did'nt come went out to the Weston by cars went over to Denisons to get some money. They not at home coudnt pay if they were-went to Henter's for same purpose with the same success. staid at John Rauls at night John Scott staid with me

Sunday 30

Went to meeting 2ce A.f. and W.H. came down in the buggy staid all night

Monday 31

Saw Heiter in morning said he could'nt pay now. but would sometime (or never) came in by the morning cars helping Jack to copy the field notes of muskoka Road place survey

Tuesday September 1

forenoon the same as yesterday. in after-noon went to the boat and cars to meet Lizzy but she didnt come

Wednesday 2

in forenoon hunting up leavings of lines diverging from main line of Muskoka Road afternoon same as yesterday afternoon

Thursday 3

part of forenoon same as yesterday rest calculating distances chained for diary in afternoon same as yesterday. Went to Brampton

Friday 4

at Brampton. played 2 games of Cricket

Saturday 5

at home all day

Monday 7

came to town in the morning doing nothing in the office

Tuesday 8

in the morning made draft of description of a road through 33 cot. carbow. then leveled Mr Unwins garden-in afternoon same as last tuesday. at night went to Wellington where saw W.H. and J.L. they going to Owens Sound tomorrow morning

Wednesday 9

{"Doing nothing" written multiple times, slanted across the whole section} cos why. nothing to do

Thursday 10


Friday 11


Saturday 12


Monday 14

part of forenoon with Mr Unwin measuring {uncertain letter}. Ridouts lot on Adelaide st

Tuesday 15

forgot what I was doing this day but believe it was doing nothing

{Written across Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th "Working at old plan of Toronto not on it the of lots at Don station Mrs Ridruts plan and several others"}

Friday 18

Making calculations of Jacksons point survey. preperitory and making plan for the board of Examiner

Saturday 19

left office 11:00 a.m. went to went home with W.H.S. got dinner after dinner went up to G W R H to meet grids-cars 1/4 how bhind time got Brown to wait grids came hurried them up left trunks behind. just in time

Monday 21

at home

Tuesday 22

in afternoon went over and laid off a 1/2 acre lot for school house at 3rd line East-finished at 4:00 need $3.00 for same $0.50 and $4 for house

Wednesday 23

Fair day-at home and at fair all day

Thursday 24

in morning went over to Mrs Hutton's and measured 2 lots. to make description got home at 3:00 p.m. then made out descriptions. finished at 11:00 p.m.

Friday 25

sent description to town by L.C.Cummins Esq to get Unwin and Jacks signature staked off Mr Cummins lot at home rest of day

Saturday 26

at cricket ground greater part of day match bet Brampton and Norval clubs Brampton victorious by 28 having 98 in one innings- to Norvals 73. in two innings-reed descriptions from Toronto and gave them to L.C. Cummins

Monday 28

Loafing all day i.e. doing nothing

Tuesday 29

came to Toronto in the morning

Wednesday 30

doing nothing

Thursday October 1


Friday 2

in afternoon with Mr Unwin went up Leys place to measure distance between posts planted on W side of shaw st and the West side of St in 2nd con opposite

Saturday 3

doing little or nothing

Monday 5

part of day going around town with W.H. Scott hunting up a boarding house for him.

Tuesday 6

Ly and Hat. came to town and staid at Ley's. I went there in evening staid till 10:00

Wednesday 7

In office all day

Thursday 8

In office all forenoon, in afternoon went with Mr J.C. Cummins to Yorkville to see some lots which he wanted changed

Friday 9

With charley and James went to Yorkville and altered the lots for J.c. Cummins Esq. finished about 1:00 p.m. posted a plan of same to him at night

Saturday 10

in forenoon in the office in afternoon went to Weston

Sunday 11

at Weston

Monday 12

came to town in the morning in afternoon in the office

{Written across Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th "in the office the greater part of the time doing little or nothing"}

Friday 16

afternoon went to Brampton to do a job for Clark

Saturday 17

surveying J Clarks lot in Brampton finished about 3:30 p.m.

Monday 19

Came to town in morning then made description of J Clark's lot than by afternoon cars with Thompson went down to Scarboro station then walked to Thompson's tavern on Rnigston Road to see Morgan about some survey to be made for him. Staid there all night

Tuesday 20

after breakfast. Morgan drove us up to Armstrongs. on the Markham and Danforth Roads. then went to survey and lay out Morgans lots parts of W 20 1st con-

Wednesday 21

at the same wrought very late trying to finish. but could not

Thursday 22

commenced at 6:30 a.m. finished at 8:00 a.m. then had breakfast. rode by stage to railroad crossing then walked along railroad to Station and came by cars to town. arrived at 11:00 a.m. rest of day making plan of Morgans lots.

Friday 23

making plan of Morgans lots

Saturday 24

finished Morgans plan in forenoon afternoon had toothache very bad

Monday 26

in forenoon took specification for a Theodolite to patters to send for it concluded to wait till next week-about noon took several altitudes of the sun. afternoon trying to calculate Latitudes by 2 altitudes of the sun

Tuesday 27

took several altitudes of the sun with the sextant measuring the angle between the sun and its reflected immage in a plate of water

{Written across Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 "in the office doing nothing"}

Friday 30

helping Mr Unwin to survey I. Ridouts lots on seation street finished about 4:30 p.m.

Saturday 31

in the office all forenoon doing little or nothing. in afternoon went to Brampton

Monday November 2

in morning went over to E Fletcher's to run line between 2 and 3. 2nd con W,H,F. which Bristow had run before. I came 7 inches farther south than his line finished about 3:00 p.m. came to town in evening.

Tuesday 3

in office all day doing nothing

{Written across Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th "Working at R B Deuison's plan of Bellevne Estate"}

{Written across Friday 6th and Saturday 7th "Working at R B Deuisons plan of Bellevne Estate"}

Monday 9

Same as friday and saturday

Tuesday 10

With Thompson and James surveying for Bell. on Bathurst and Adelaide sts finished at 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday 11

going round town with Sig and Hattie sent Sig to Brampton and Hattie to oshawa-at night

Thursday 12

in morning went to see Bell he was not in. then went to Crownland office to get measurements of lots about Bathurst and Adelaide sts relating to Bells survey rest of day working at plan of Bellevne

Friday 13

forenoon same as yesterday and afternoon went to Weston

Saturday 14

came to town in the morning- worked a little at plan of Bellevne- in afternoon went to Brampton- Robert Sowis's Barn Burnt about 7:00 p.m.

Monday 16

came to town in the morning got to office about noon working a little at plan of Bellevne

Tuesday 17

same as yesterday afternoon

Wednesday 18


Thursday 19

in morning with Thompson and Laynes went up to grivens Estate when it came on rain went home. afternoon nothing

Friday 20

with Thompson and James working at the grivens Estate

Saturday 21

Snowing all day doing nothing

Monday 23

in morning with Thompson went up to the grivens Estate to make some measurements finished about noon. afternoon making distances on map of the griven's Estate

Tuesday 24

in morning went to G.T.R. to go to Brampton 1 minute too late then went up to griens Est to help Unwin, Roberts, Thomson, and James left there at three p.m. went to Brampton

Wednesday 25

at Brampton all day doing nothing heard {uncertain word} Orniston lecture in the evening at Mechanics {uncertain word}

Thursday 26

measured part of W 2 3rd con E.H.S. {uncertain word} for Mr Bride and Starrat went to town in the evening

Friday 27

in forenoon went made description of part of W 2 3rd con E.H.S. Chinguacousy afternoon went to Brampton

Thursday December 3

in forenoon went over to third line East (W 12) with Mr Armstrong to 1 measure thro wheat fields finished about 2:30 p.m.

Friday 4

came to town in the morning

Saturday 5

doing nothing

Monday 7

With mr Unwin and Thompson made survey for R.L.Deuison of piece of ground recuped by Burgess

Tuesday 8

Went to office in the forenoon comparing plan of newmarket-afternoon at home sick

Wednesday 9

at home all day ill

Thursday 10

at the office in forenoon doing nothing at home all afternoon me A.F.S. at Wellington at night

Friday 11

in office all day to attend case of Buiges vs Deuison in county court

Saturday 12

the same-about 11:00 a.m. went up to Yorkville with J.R L, to examine damage done to Heward's property by letting water off the road back at 12:30- in the afternoon

Monday 14

doing nothing in particular

{Written across tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th, and Thursday 17th "helping J.R. Lack a little with the plan of Newmarket"}

Friday 18

in the morning with Unwin and Jack went up to Yorkville to examine a water eourse through Heward's property finished about noon. then went home met S.H,S, he was going to Oshawa. went in his place for Hattie and miss Arkland. Raining nearly all day

Saturday 19

in the morning brought up Hattie and Miss A to Toronto they staid at Ley's all day Sig and A.f. came in from Brampton. all went to Brampton at night

Sunday 20

Went to English church twice

Monday 21

at home all day doing nothing the misses Ley's came out of town tonight Bowlly then staid all night being out at the elections

Tuesday 22

went up to Edmonton with D Bull to get the state of the poles. had an upset and broke the cutter Onisses sellar L Sellar L Thistle and L {uncertain name} over tonight

Wednesday 23

doing nothing all day- the misses Leys went home at night went up to Patersons at night

Thursday 24

nothing all day-at Thistles at night enjoyed myself until 12:00 p.m.

Friday 25

Christmas day sleighing party went up to Dublin danced for 2 hours then came home again

Saturday 26

Took up carpet in front room shook it and put it down again

Monday 28

at Brampton

Tuesday 29

came to town in the morning at Brampton

Wednesday 30

came to town in the morning doing little or nothing

Thursday 31

Same as yesterday went to the station at 4:00 p.m. saw W Thistle there gave him my return ticket


george Dodds clerk of Caledon J Mc Callum chinguacousy government survey to Nuna and Jack last summers-ac-to Unwin Button to Unwin


subscribers to map of Peel A.J. Wright Esq Toronto W Forser Brampton


Wright and Fitzgerald scott and Pattullo A Soler Observation Oct 26/57

11-50-15-a.m.-33 degrees-291/2

0-8-42-p.m.-33+18 degrees

0-17-30--33-03 1/2

0-22-03--32-57 12-70


Oct 27


10-57-10-63+45 I I



11-54-45 67+22-contre



12-10-0 67-11-



Board in 1856 William from 15th Nov to 17th Dec A.B. from 15 Nov to 31 Dec Eccepting 2 week Receipts for Peel W.M. Sellon. on account 15.0 reed from L Lynch on peel account 3.0.0

Cash Account-April

Date Rec'd Paid
8th Cash. C.Unwin 2.00
21st C Unwin 2 W loots 8.00

Cash Account-May

Date Rec'd Paid
4th C Unwin cash 2.00
casting posts to Yorkville
6 postage 05.75
13 g.B Jack.Cash 1
23 j.B. Jack. Cash 1
Cash Account-June
Date Rec'd Paid
8th Mr Ridout-paint for lots 33.3
13 mending picket 12.5


Date. Rec'd. Paid.
1st J.R.Jack. cash 36 ~
Board at fields 36 ~
Cab 2 ~
mag. of Theodlite 25
7 Postage 10
9 " cash. C Unwin 4 ~
21 " " " 10
Carting posts (Leys) 3 00
" " (Mrs Seymour) 1 50
" " Unwin 37 ½
- ¼ cut biscuit 1 50
28th Axemen (Mrs Seymour 5 75
50 00 5 47 ½


Date. Rec'd. Paid.
4 Excursion Ticket. Sutton 3 00
Cash ( C Unwin 7 00
10 6 {6 written in pencil} 1st axeman 2 50
7 {written in pencil} 2nd ~ } Sibbald. 16 00 1 {written in pencil}
10 {written in pencil} Cash. (J. Sibbald 16 00 1 {written in pencil}
board at Shepperds 3 00
paper. pencils & a 3 {written in pencil} 20
passage. Sutton {to?} Toronto 2 12 ½ {same text written below in pencil}
Cab from station home 50
11 2 tickets to Barrie 3 75
Registry office Barrie 50
15 Cash. (C. U.) 1 00
18 cash {to?} C.U. 1 00
22 ~ C.U. (Peel) 20 00
24 cars {to?} Brampton 75
29 {to?} Weston & back 62 ½
cash (C.U) 1 00
25 00 40 95


Date. Rec'd. Paid.
22 School trustees chuguecousy 3 50
26 J.P. Hutton 9 00
24 search registry Brampton 37½ 37½
24 horse hire 1 50
26 cars, {to?} Toronto ³⁄₉ cal ? 1 00
12 50 3 87 ½


Date. Rec'd. Paid.
cash. (C Unwin) 6 00
Postage 10
bottle {ginn?}. 37 ½
19 2 {to?} Scarboro 3 75
board at ditto. 3 50
22 stage cars & cal. home 1 45
19 . cash for J. Clark 6 00
6 00 12 17 ½


Date. Rec'd. Paid.
2 cash. {per?} E Fletcher 6 00
" to J.R. Jack 50
" {per?} C Unman 2 00







Date. Rec'd. Paid.
2 J Armstrong for
measuring wheat field 4 00
3 Cab from stn 2 25
4 00 - 25


Rec'd. Paid.
Account of 1857 70 60 76 90½
JANUARY, 10 00 8 30
FEBRUARY, 5 00 1 83
MARCH, 24 00 20 22½
APRIL, 2 00 8 00
MAY, 4 00 80
JUNE, 33½ 46
JULY, 50 00 50 47½
AUGUST, 25 00 40 95
SEPTEMBER, 12 50 2 87½
OCTOBER, 6 00 12 17½
NOVEMBER, 6 00 -- --
DECEMBER, 4 4 00 - 25
219 10 223 19½ 24


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
J Trent
Aug 5 1 day journeying & travelling 6
Expenses 3
9 or
T Sibbald
Aug 10th 3½ days surveying 21 0
1 Axeman 2 days " 1.25 2 50
1 " 2 " . 1.50 3 00
Travelling Expenses 4
30 50
10th Buy Cash 16 00
14 50

{Several mathematical equations written at top of the January - Bills Payable page.}


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
Captⁿ shaw's tender for grievs st
Excavations per yard
surface grading per rod
planking ~ ~
3 ft for culverts per yard
18 inch ~ ~ ~ ~
12 ~ ~ ~ ~
{There is a large wavy line drawn across entire page.}
Mrs Seymour
To 10 days surveying 60 00
" C.R. 8 days @ 7 1.50 12 00
" John Joe & James 10 day . 1.50 15 00
Axemen 5 75
110 posts ~ 7 33
Carting d~ 1 50
2 Weeks board board & @3.00 20 00


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
J Leys Esqr {Esquire} Givens lot
June 27 24¼ days surveying to date 147 00
1 Assistant 22 ½ days @ 1.50 33 75
Assistant 21 days @1.00
Board. 9 weeks @ 4.00 36 00
740 posts @ 49 33
- Morgans {Dr?}
Oct 20 to 2½ days surveying & traveling 15 00
assistant {illegible} 3 75
board 3 50
{traveling?} expenses 2 20
Plan 5 00
29 70

{large ink splotch on bottom of right hand page)


{Text should read BILLS PAYABLE, but the letter P and two L's has been filled in to look like the letter B.}

Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
Theodolite 154 00
Telescope 9 00
Chain 5 00
Scales. Boxwood 6 00
" 50 & 60 Ivory 6 00
parallel ruler
straight edge
set squares
1 doz {dozen} pins
BECEIVABEE. {text should read RECEIVABLE but the letters R and L have been filled in to look like the letter B.}


{text should read BILLS but the letter L has been filled in to look like the letter B.}

Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
Unwin & Scott
T, J Ellis {Dr?}
Feb 25 drawing map of Peel {on Store?} 50 00
1000 copies @ $5.00 per 100 50 00
paper for {Dr?} 42 {guises?} 33 60
12 sheets {illegible} ship &c 75
134 35
By cash (per A.B.U.) 30 00
104 35


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
April 29 G T Denison Esq {Esquire} 160
May 4th J Gwyme Esq {Esquire} 50
May 27 ~~ J Leys Esq {Esquire} 327
June 2 ~ ~ ~ 183


Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.
Mr Thompson's Class
M 30. Nov --- not there
T 3 Dec - not there
M 7 ~ there
T 10 ~ no class
M 14 ~ there
T 17 ~ not there
M 21 ABSentt {Written very faintly in pencil, appears to have been erased.} ~
ABSentt {Written very faintly in pencil, appears to have been erased.}
RECEIVABLE. {The text is outlined with pencil. The drawing forms a box around the text and is accented with a crosshatch pattern.}

{There is a mathematical calculation written on the bottom of the left hand page.}

{The page on the right hand side is the back cover of the diary. It is filled with numerous mathematical calculations and a few drawings of triangles. The latitude of Toronto (43°. 39'.35" N) is prominently written at the top of the page. The text on this page is written in both ink and pencil, though it appears that there was an attempt to erase some of the writing done in pencil.}

Transcription Progress



Andrew Brown Scott Diary, 1857.pdf
Andrew Brown Scott 1857 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Andrew Brown Scott, “Andrew Brown Scott Diary & Transcription, 1857,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,
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