John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1880


John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1880

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Ferguson Diary Collection


Scanned Microfilm Manuscript & Typed Transcription










Eclipses, 1880.

In the year 1880 there will be four Eclipses of the Sun and two of the Moon.

I. A total Eclipse of the Sun, Jan. 11th.

II. A total Eclipse of the Moon, June 21, 22.

III. An annular Eclipse of the Sun, July 6, 7.

IV: A partial Eclipse of tge Sun, Dec. 1st.

V. A total Eclipse of the Moon Dec. 1th.

VI. A partial Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. 31st.


Ephiphany ......................... Jan. 6

Septuagesima Sunday ............... " 25

Shrove Sunday ..................... Feb. 8

Ash Wednesday ..................... " 11

Quadragesima, 1st Sunday in Lent .. " 15

St. David ......................... March 1

St. Patrick ....................... " 17

Palm Sunday ....................... " 21

Annuniation. Lady Day ............. " 25

Good Friday ....................... " 26

Easter Sunday ..................... " 28

Low Sunday ........................ April 4

St. George ........................ " 23

Rogation Sunday ................... May 2

Ascension Day. Holy Thursday ...... " 6

Pentecost. Whit Sunday ............ " 16

Trinity Sunday .................... " 23

Queen Victoria's Birthday ......... " 24

Corpus Christi .................... " 27

Accession of Queen Victoria ....... June 20

Proclamation of Queen Victoria .... " 21

Midsummer Day. St. John Baptist ... " 24

Michaelmas Day .................... Sept. 29

Birth of Prince of Wales .......... Nov. 9

1st Sunday in Advent .............. " 28

St. Andrew ........................ " 30

St. Thomas ........................ Dec. 21

Christmas Day ..................... " 25


Canada Post Card ........... One Cent.

Canada Post Card for U.S ... " "


To any parr of Dominion of Canada or United States, 3 cents--must be prepaid.

" Newfoundland, 5 cents--must be prepaid.

All mail matter (excepting samples ofMerchandise) to and from the United States, is the same as to any part of Canada, and must be prepaid. Great Britain and Ireland, by Canadian or new York Mail Steamers, 5 cents.


Newspapers and Periodicals, less than one oz. each, posted singly, prepaid, ½ cent each ; if under 4 ozs., 1 cent.

Printed and published in Canada, and posted from Office of Publication or News Agency, to regular Subscribers or News Agents, for each 1 lb., or fraction of 1 lb., 1 cent, prepaid.

Posted singly to Great Britain and Ireland, 2 cents per oz., prepaid.


For each 4 onzs., or fraction of 4 ozs., 1 cent, prepaid, to be open at both ends.


To United Kingdom, 5 cts. for first 2 ozs. ; 1 ct. for each additional 2 ozs., or fraction thereof.


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Canada--must be prepaid by postage stamps at the rate for one cent per 4 ozs.

To Unite States, not exceeding ½ lb., 10 cnts.


Hilary, 1st Monday in February to Saturday od ensuing week.

Easter, 3rd Monday in May to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter.

Trinity, 1st Monday in Aug. after 21st of said month to the Saturday of the following week, except when dispensed with in Easter Term.

Michaelman, 3rd Monday in November to Saturday of 2nd week thereafter.

One Judge of each of the Courts is to sit in open Court every week, as well in as out of term, except during vacation. One judge may sit in both Courts of Common Law.

County Court Terms are four, commencing respectively on the 1st Monday in January, April, July, and October, except in York, when they commence on the 1st Monday in January, April, July and October in each year, all ending on Saturday of same week.

Surrogate Court Terms commence 1st Monday in January, April, July and October, and ends on same week, except in York, where Terms commence first Monday in January and April, and 2nd Monday in June and October, and end on Tuesday of same week. Assizes -- Twice in each year in every county or union of counties in Ontario, between Hilary and Easter Terms,and between the 21st of August Michaelmas Term. In the Country of York there are two additional Courts, one in the vacation between Easter Term and the 1st of July, and the other in the vacation between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, and in the County of Wentworth there is one additional between Michaelmas and Hilary Terms.

Sitting of Courts of Assize may be held separate and apart from the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and either on same or different day, and sittings may be held in any County for trial withour Jury, whenever directed by the Courts.

County Courts.--Sittings commence on 2nd Tuesday in June and December, except in York, where there are four, commencing respecively on the 1st Tuesday in March and December, and 2nd Tuesday in May and September. Except in York, there shall be sittings for trial, withut Jury, on 1st Monday in April and October each year. In all Counties, all Judges may hold such additional Courts as they may deem fit for trial of cases, without Jury.

General Sessions are held are held at the same time as the several County Courts.

The County Judge's Criminal Courts sits from time to time for trial of prisoners out of Sessions and without Jury.

Hier, Devisee and Assignee Commissioners sit on 1st Monday in January and July, and on the 13 days next ensuing the said days respectfully, Sundays and Holidays excepted.

Court of Chancery.--A Judge sits in Court almosy daily for transaction of buisness. Hearing and examination of witnesses are at such times and places as are appointed by the Court.

Court of Appeal sits at Toronto five times every year, commencing on the 2nd Tuesday in January, the 1st Tuesday in March, the 2nd Tuesday in May, the 1st Tuesday in September, and the 2nd Tuesday in November.

Supreme Court sits in Ottawa 3rd Tuesday in February, 1st Tuesday in May, 4th Tuesday in October.

Exchequer Court at any time and place appointed by Rule of Court.

Long Vacation from 1st July to 21st August, except in the Court of Appeal, where it ends 31st August.


ONTARIO. NEW BRUNSWICK AND NOVA SCOTIA.-- New Year's Day ; Good Friday ; Queen's Birth Day ; Dominion Day ; Christmas Day.

QUEBEC.-- New Year's Day ; Epiphany ; Annunciation ; Good Friday ; Ascension ; Corpus Christi ; St. Peter's ; St. Paul's ; All Saints ; Conception ; Christmas Day ; Queen's Birth Day, and Dominion Day.

Also throughout the Dominion any day appointed by the Proclamation for General Fast or Thanksgiving.


Stamps required on Notes,Drafts,or Bills of Exchange,executed singly :

For $25...................... 1 cent

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For ..................... $100 2 cents.

"each fractional part of $100  2   "

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                                                "   each fractional part of $100 1  "


January,............. 4--11--18--25

February,............ 1--8--15--22-29

March, .............. 7--14--21--28

April,............... 4--11--18--25

May, ................ 2--9--16--23--30

June,................ 6--13--20--27

July,............... 4--11--18--25

August,.............. 1--8--15--22--29

September,........... 5--12--19--26

October,............. 3--10--17--24--31

November,............ 7--14--21--28

December,............ 5--12--19--26

Jan. Thursday, 1. 1880

Awakened at 6 A.M. by the arrival of cousin R. Ferguson of Bay City on a visit. Today was warm and bright with good sleighing but not much snow on level. Took family dinner at J C Snell's In the evening we went to Concert in Brampton, was a good one

Friday, 2.

Performers last night were Mrs Caldwell & Mrs Bradley Messrs Clark & Doward. The singing was best on the whole ever heard in Brampton Received from N White for firewood $3.50. Spent this evening at small party at "Willow Lodge".

Saturday, 3.

Was in Toronto all day Em I & Miss Lulu Main, arranging for music lessons from Prof F H Torrington. They will commence in a few days at once a week lessons @ $2.50 Each lesson (about). Had our dinner at Dr Fulton's and got home in a big rain at 6 P.M.

Jan. Sunday, 4. 1880

Went to S School this morning in sleigh, lesson Matt III 1 to 16 "The Promised Messiah". We start on a new seven years course of lessons today. Tonight we heard Rev Edwin Clement preach from text Prov III, 26th.

Monday, 5.

Almost a holiday because of Municipal Elections in township and town, more excitement than usual, party politics right through Chinquacousy. Reeve J P Hutton Deputy Reeve Alex Cunnington & R Hall Councillors {illegible} Daiy & R Lightheart.


Business trip to "Willow Lodge" in forenoon. Cleaning peas and cleaning and oiling up harness completed the day's work. Had a trip to town tonight and a few minutes stay there only.

Jan. Wednesday, 7. 1880

Struck a job that occupied our time nearly all day viz. cleaning and measuring the remainder of the oats, have 175 bush in store for the season's feed and spring seeding. "Emporium" white variety, good sample.

Thursday, 8.

Today's work was hauling remainder of barley straw stack into barn. Weather for past week has been a January thaw. The snow is gradually leaving us and roads getting sloppy.

Friday, 9.

Done a variety of jobs around the barnyard Etobicoke being so high that we could not cross over for to work at wood. A very wet evening consequently spent it at home.

Jan. Saturday, 10. 1880

Received from J Learment $5.85 {illegible} settlement in full between us on acc. Afternoon in Brampton on general marketing exhibition. Had a short {illegible} with E Grafton from New York City.

Sunday 11.

Spent morning at S School lesson Matt III, 3 to 20. "The flight into Egypt". Afternoon reading at home. Evening heard Rev. Mr McLaren preach in P.M. Church text, I John II 17th verse.

Monday, 12.

Delivered our {illegible} at Haggert Bros {illegible} in town. which was agreed in part payment a new reaper last summer, value $10.00. At various jobs this afternoon, Freezing today.

Jan. Tuesday, 13. 1880.

Drove lumber wagon to "Eldorado" Mills on "Credit" river for bran brought home 1500 lbs over very rough roads @ $10.50 per ton. Also doing something in wood business this afternoon.

Wednesday, 14.

Did little more today than make three trips to town. Taking {illegible} to school from depot G.T.R {illegible} trip to Toronto for music lessons. Had visit this evening from Mr & Mrs Grafton of Cincinatti.

Thursday, 15.

Last night uncle A Ferguson and Robert arrived here from Shelburn on a day or two visit. Weather bright and warm with no prospect of cold or snow. In town tonight.

Jan. Friday, 16. 1880.

Sawing and chopping cordwood. Afternoon at auction sale in Edmonton but made no purchases. Up late tonight seeing R Ferguson off on train for Bay City. Roads quite muddy.

Saturday, 17.

Not much work done this week. A good deal of visiting and running about. Spent this afternoon in Brampton there being several auction sales of land, town lots and farms.

Sunday, 18.

Forenoon at S School Lesson Matt III, "The Baptism of Jesus by John". Afternoon at home. This evening in C M Church Brampton heard Rev Mr Bacon of Cooksville preach from Psalm LXXVII 6th.

Jan. Monday, 19. 1880.

A warm spring like day. Mud on roads about 6 inches deep. Spent all day in repairing gates which enclose barnyard. Had boy"Willie" chopping cordwood in "other place" woods. Evening at home.

Tuesday, 20.

A change on face of nature this morning 3 or 4 inches of snow from N.E. and falling more or less all today. Had one trip to High School with Rilla. Manufactured a new gate for town lot fences.

Jan. Thursday, 22. 1880

Rain, most all day. Had a drive right through it with Em to R.R.Depot on weekly Toronto trip. Pea threshing with flail was the order of work for today. Spent evening in Brampton.

Friday, 23.

Delivered to Noble White $1.50 worth of elm wood. Also drew home some firewood from "other place" woods. Evening at Choir Practice, the first time in six weeks.

Saturday, 24.

Weather still keeps very remarkable for winter. Scarcely any frost and a bright warm sun. Consequently there is very little work adoing and not much business transacted.

Jan. Sunday, 25. 1880.

Spent morning at S School lesson. Matt, IV, 1 to 12. "The temptation of Jesus". Afternoon at "Willow Lodge" and evening at C M Church in Brampton, Rev Shem Blanchard preached from text, Romans II, 4, 5 & 6 verses.

Monday, 26.

A real warm day. Had a trip to John Snells Sons stock trading establishment. Hauling firewood from "other place" woods. Are chopping some cordwood in same woods. Quiet evening at home.

Tuesday, 27. Spent forenoon at "Willow Lodge" and had dinner there. Afternoon in woods sawing cordwood with hand crosscut saw. Roads are very muddy this evening.

Jan. Wednesday, 28. 1880.

Had a trip to Streetsville on C.V.R.R. this morning to attend County of Peel S.S. Convention. There was a good meeting throughout both yesterday & today. Got to Brampton at 8 P.M. and went to J W Fitzmaurice lecture on Temperance.

Thursday, 29.

A great change in temperature a cold biting North wind and keen frost all today. Did very little important work. Had two trips to town with our woman folks. Fitzmaurice is lecturing again tonight in town.

Friday, 30.

Some more mild weather and some showers of rain. Doing some repair jobs on gates and wagon &c. Sold 12 cords of hardwood (2nd class) to E Dale & Son for $29.00 undelivered. Tonight at home.

Jan. Saturday, 31. 1880.

Cold again. Exceedingly changable weather, bringing much sickness and a great many deaths. Another quiet day as far as work was concerned. Had a trip to town this evening Mailed "Banner" to Shelburn Received "Cincinatti Daily" paper.

Feb. Sunday, 1.

A bitter cold day. Went to C M Church to attend the Quarterly meeting. Rev E. Clement preached from text 1 Cor XV, 58th. After which followed, lovefeast & sacrament. Took dinner at Geo Duncan's Heard same minister tonight text Matt III, 13th & 14th.

Monday, 2.

Chopping cordwood and splitting a few basswood rails. Signs of snow storm. Spent evening at Zion Church Missionary meeting addresses by Rev Shem Blanchard & E Clement. J C Snell in the chair.

Feb. Tuesday, 3. 1880.

A dry cold snowstorm all day out of the North, but it is has not made good sleighing yet. Today's work was in and around the barn, threshing peas. Spent evening at "Willow Lodge".

Wednesday, 4.

Had a trip to town this forenoon with sleigh and bo't fore quarter beef @ 5 C per lb = $5.45. Afternoon was hauling up firewood for home consumption. Sold 3 cords of first class hardwood to Geo Duncan @ $ 3.50 per cord, delivered at leisure.

Thursday, 5.

Was at A Campbell's bee for hauling lumber from Norval with team and wagon. Spent this evening in M.E. Church, Brampton, listening to a most eloquent lecture by Rev T Handford of Toronto on "The Victorian Age".

Feb. Friday, 6. 1880.

Delivered on sleigh to A. M. Campbell, No10, 4 cords of green hardwood @ $3.00 per cord, most of am't to go on this year's blacksmith bill. In town tonight at Choir Practice for Missionary Meeting next week.

Saturday, 7.

Sold a cow "Blossom" to W. Smith for feeding purpose @ $50.00, cow was partly fatted and weighed nearly 1400 lbs. Spent remainder of today hauling cordwood out of woods. Received Rennie's Seed Catalogue.

Sunday, 8.

Forenoon at S School the lesson, Matt V 17 to 28. "The true Christian. A new S S Paper published in Toronto "Pleasant Hours" was given to school. Tonight heard Rev C E McIntyre preach a missionary sermon, text, I Peter 2nd chap, 24th verse.

Feb. Monday, 9. 1880.

A keen frosty North wind. Hauling cordwood from "lower woods" and culling it for sale. Spent evening in town at C M Church the annual Missionary meeting, Rev W Briggs of Toronto made an eloquent address.

Tuesday, 10

Forenoon hauling new rails from "other place" woods and distributing same along fence sides, ready for spring work. Afternoon at blacksmith's shop getting span horses shoes removed and sharped.

Wednesday, 11.

Prospects for another speedy thaw are good. Today's work was a variety of jobs, one of which driving 3 yr old colt in double harness before a sleigh. Evening in town.

Feb. Thursday, 12. 1880.

Snow has nearly all disappeared before a warm S.W. wind, and roads are six inches mud deep. Chopping cordwood. Went to Post office tonight for weekly newspapers.

Friday, 13.

A quiet day, little of importance conspiring. An hour at blacksmiths getting some repairs. Rest of day in woods chopping cordwood. Evening at home.

Saturday, 14.

Similiar to yesterday in both weather and work. Afternoon in Brampton waiting for a chopping grist at steam mill. At Valentine's anniversary.

Feb. Sunday, 15. 1880.

At S School this morning lesson Matt, V 33 to 48 "The tongue and the temper". Afternoon reading at home. Evening heard Rev C McIntyre preach in C M Church text I Timothy, VI, 12th.

Monday, 16.

Hauling cordwood to Brampton in hay rack on wagon. Made three trips today about 3/4 cord on load, sold to George Duncan @ $3.50. A bright warm day.

Tuesday, 17.

Finished hauling the 3 cords to town. Brought up Mrs A F Campbell & family on a visit. Spent evening at R Watson's on account of the deather of their eldest daughter this morning at 8 o'clock, age 5 years

Feb. Wednesday, 18. 1880.

The warm days have made the roads very bad indeed, but frost is night again. Spent today in woods chopping cordwood. In town tonight for a couple of hours at Jas W. Mains.

Thursday, 19.

This forenoon attended the funeral of Mary Watson. Rev C E McIntyre preached sermon in C M Church Brampton text II Kings IV 26th verse. A very cold day, a high N.W.wind & roads very rough.

Friday, 20.

Another day in woods having a job of cutting 5 or 6 cords for two different parties. Visitors today Lulu Main & Mrs G Duncan Tonight in town at Choir Practice.

Feb. Saturday, 21. 1880.

Finished cutting cordwood in "lower woods" for the present being enough for two lots, viz R Watsons & A F Campbell's. Had trip to town tonight and brought A F Campbell up to spend Sunday here.

Sunday, 22.

At S School this morning lesson, Matt VI 1 to 13, "Giving and Praying". Afternoon at home. Tonight heard J Bennett Anderson an Evangelist preach in C M Church text, Romans X, 9th.

Monday, 23.

Weather moderate with indications of still warmer temperature, no snow. Had two trips to town this afternoon & evening to attend with Ella a singing class in M E Church

Feb. Tuesday, 24. 1880.

Spent forenoon fanning a load of "Seneca" wheat for market. The folks all away to town visiting Spent evening at A Benefit Concert in "Church Hall" under auspices of "Blue Ribbon" Club, All local talent.

Wednesday, 25.

Sold and delivered to T Milner in two loads 101 2/5 bush "Seneca" wheat @ #1.27 per bush. The wheat market is advancing Was raining more or less all day, consequently roads are very bad.

Thursday. 26.

Such a lovely warm day. Real spring weather and such roads mud! mud!! Made two trips to town in spring wagon taking Em to and from R.R. Depot Mailed to W Rennie, Toronto. in registered letter $5.34 for seed wheat & barley

Feb. Friday, 27. 1880

Just such a day as yesterday. Spent it at home at odd jobs around the barn. Started spring job of working up firewood into stovewood in dooryard. Farm stock is increasing losing more than half of lambs so far.

Saturday, 28.

Weather still warmer. Spent most of day in town and at auction Sale of Farm Stock at Evan's just below Brampton Received from {illegible} $27.75 on account for wheat on Wednesday last.

Sunday, 29.

Cold and freezing. Walked up to S School {illegible} lesson Mat II 22 to 3{illegible}. "{illegible}Father's Care". Our new paper for S Schools is attractive and good. Spent afternoon and evening at home because of a severe cold.

March. Monday, 1. 1880.

A frosty morning. Was hauling wood in wagon out of lower woods into a pile partly for R Watson and part for A F Campbell. The roads are extremely rough going hard frozen. Evening at home.

Tuesday, 2.

At same work as yesterday and finished hauling for this winter. Had alos two loads of good hardwood chips. Mrs James a resident of Brampton died yesterday, aged 100 years.

Wednesday, 3.

Gristed at Main's mill 11 bush wheat, besides some for cracking. Received from Rennie 2 bush "White Fife" spring wheat, a nice sample and 2 bush barley only ordinary. Finished the job of pea threshing today. Raining tonight.

March. Thursday, 4. 1880.

Had a trip with my sisters to town through extremely bad roads. Spent today on a carpentering job Viz making a new flour bin for the pantry. Evening among the newspapers "Globe", "Guardian", & "Banner".

Friday, 5.

Mud, a very high wind, heat were the characteristics of today. Finished the job started yesterday, the bin is rather small only holding 5 bags of flour but was made to fit pantry. Evening at home.

Saturday, 6.

Had a walk to town this forenoon for several little necessaries for the household. Received letter from Oregon. A great many people are leaving this Country this spring for Manitoba.

March. Sunday, 7. 1880.

Confined to the house all day by a relapse of cold I had last week. The girls went to S School the lesson Matt VII 1 to 13 "Judge not that ye be not judged". A bright warm day like spring.

Monday, 8.

Quite a change old "Jack Frost" came down upon us this morning like midwinter and was cold all day. Remained in house all day being afraid of another exposure for colds.

Tuesday, 9.

Rather an unimportant day on the farm. At the wood splitting job. Father made a trip to town in getting a "sitting" for cabinet photo at J W {illegible}e's gallery.

March. Wednesday, 10. 1880.

A cold day and indications of snow. Did very little work today, not yet being fully recovered from the effects of the cold. Spent evening in town.

Thursday, 11.

Took a load of chopping to mill. Brought home from Jno Woodhall's bush {illegible} clover seed @ $4.00 per bush pat to go under a note. Spent evening at Baptist church, Edmonton at prayer meeting.

Friday, 12.

Started drawing to town for A F Campbell 2 1/4 cords of green hardwood on wagon The roads are in fine condition now for travel. Mr & Mrs R Watson spent the evening here.

March. Saturday, 13. 1880.

Finished drawing the wood at noon today. Had a trip town this afternoon for several articles. Spent evening and into Sunday morning at Mrs Davis' wake who died last evening.

Sunday S School this morning lesson, Matt VII, 5 to end "The False and the True". Afternoon at C M S School in town. Today is Church Anniversary. Rev Dr Potts of Toronto preached morning and evening text Ephesians III 8th verse

Monday, 15.

Attended Mrs Davis funeral this forenoon preaching in CM Church by Rev E Clement. The Grand Event of this winter tonight a Sacred Concert in C M Church, Bramp Mrs Caldwell & Miss Barr of Hamilton, Mrs Bradley of Toronto and Sandy Bros of Kingston

March. Tuesday, 16. 1880.

The church was crowded last night, the first floor at 50C tickets, galleries at 25 C total receipts $250. expenses $170 balance $80.00 or net. Today took small load straw to Rev E Clement and received from E Dale $29.00 for cordwood.

Wednesday, 17.

Spent nearly all day on a journey to Amaranth in the lumber wagon, the roads were good for travelling but the weather pretty cold. Spent evening and lodged at {illegible} A Ferguson's found all the friends in good health and spirits.

Thursday, 18.

Spent most of today in and around Shelburn, seeking for best quality and bargain in seed peas and potatoes Bought of J Lindsay, merchant 17 bush peas @ 65 C, also 3 1/2 bags of Early Rose potatoes @ 45 C & 2 bush Russian Spring wheat @ $1.75 C per bush.

March. Friday, 19. 1880.

Had also 2 1/2 bags potatoes from Uncle A Ferguson as a present which made up my load. Started for home at 10 A.M. Fed horses at Orangeville at 2 P.M. and got home at 9 P.M. after a long tiresome ride, Roads were not so good for home journey.

Saturday, 20.

This forenoon distributed the products of yesterdays load in their proper places and sowed {illegible} lbs clover seed on 4 1/2 acres of fall wheat. Afternoon in town did some trading and visited barber shop on hair dressing.

Sunday, 21.

At S School this morning had a temperance lesson on Matt XXIV last 8 verses. The blue ribbon Band of Hope books were opened and some scholars signed the pledge. At C M Church tonight, Rev W McFadden preach, Prov XVIII 10th.

March. Monday, 22. 1880.

Grows warmer and spring like roads are quite dry. Dressed two young Berkshires 5 months old weighing 130 lbs combined. At "Willow Lodge" this evening for a short time.

Tuesday, 23.

Manufacturing a farm field gate out of seasoned rock elm strips {illegible} scantling Also helping inside at periodical house cleaning, white washing etc. A real March day a high cold wind.

Wednesday, 24.

Spent the day at pretty much same class of work as yesterday. Had a visit from our cousin Albert Burke of Alliston, Ont, on his way home (Scarboro) on Easter holidays. Hard frosts at night.

March. Thursday, 25. 1880.

Forenoon in town. Had a trip through Haggart Bros Foundry a sight well worth seeing. There is a fine view of Brampton from roof of building. Tonight we heard Vice Chancellor Blake give a lecture on "Charles Dickens" in C M Church Brampton.

Friday, 26.

A large crowd at lecture last night. It proved to be a rare treat as Mr Blake is both a good speaker and capital reader. Today is Good Friday a holiday in town but farmers are all at work. A fine bright day.

Saturday, 27.

Forenoon we were putting some repairs on the buggy. Afternoon in Brampton doing a little trading and marketing for groceries &c. Also bringing Ella up from her work at milinery A very stormy evening.

March. Sunday, 28. 1880.

Nearly a foot of snow fell last night so that we had an Easter sleigh ride to S School this morning the lesson was a review of past Quarter conducted by Messrs J C Snell, NV Watson & myself. Tonight heard Rev J H Starr of Collingwood preach text, Hebrews 1-14th.

Monday, 29.

Drove to town with chopping in sleigh and left my order with agent for one of Oshawa Improved {illegible} Seeders terms $50.00 on old seeder. $90.00 being price of new machine. Afternoon at "Willow Lodge".

Tuesday, 30.

At work in barnyard drawing in remains of straw stack. Our fodder supply is holding out well and will have plenty to put stock through in good style. Paid for new articles and repairs on harness $4.00 Visitors tonight Rev Jas Pearen and his two sisters.

March. Wednesday, 31. 1880.

A very warm spring like day and plenty of mud. Drew 2 loads of freestone from Edmonton on wagon bought a cord and a half from T G Lyons hotel keeper @ $6.00 This month goes out as mild as a summer evening.

April. Thursday, 1.

Spring like weather today A little snow along the fences is fast disappearing. Made a trip for stone but the roads so very bad & desisted. Sold one barrel green apples to T Milner @ 1.75. Evening at home.

Friday, 2.

Sold this morning a new milch cow and calf to Geo Armstong @ $31.00 each. Also to R J Williamson 2 fat sheep to be delivered on 1st May @ 4 1/4 / live weight. Had a trip to town this evening for Rilly.

April. Saturday, 3. 1880

A heavy rain last night and today, Etobicoke is pretty high but no ice in it. A quiet day around barnyard. Bought some picture frames &c.

Sunday, 4.

Rain, rain and warmth. Spent all day and evening at home as roads are well night impassable. Was reading, writing and singing and thus the hours of the day wore away pleasantly & profitably.

Monday, 5.

Had a trip to town this morning Mailed letter to A Rossiter also to Jno Ferguson, Missouri Today's work was putting new wall paper in hall and putting down new oil cloth on hall floor.

April Tuesday, 6. 1880.

Sold today a Short Horn cow and calf to Jos. Snell @ $42.50. Was clearing the driftwood off the pasture flats. A change today, cold and quite a snowstorm Evening in town.

Wednesday, 7.

A real cold day. Was doing several small but important jobs around house and barn. Not much show for spring at present as it has been freezing all day.

Thursday, 8.

Spent a day in lower woods splitting rails elm and black ash. trees blown over by the recent high winds Went to town this evening to meet Em.

April. Friday, 9. 1880.

Most of the day in the woods and completed the manufacture of 85 rails & 20 stakes of both kinds elm and black ash. Also we started to repair the Larment line fence on "other place". Rebought the cow sold to Armstrong last week @ 31 for $33.00

Saturday, 10.

Forenoon at the fencing job Afternoon made two trips to town, the second time with old seeder and brought home a new combined drill and seed of Oshawa make. Had a regular "blizzard" this evening out of N.E. snow and high wind and very cold.

Sunday, 11.

A real winter day, a frosty north wind and some snow on the ground. Spent forenoon at S School lesson, Matt XI 20 to 30. "Christ's invitation". Took dinner at JC Snell's. Evening heard Rev C E McIntyre preach, text, Titus II, 13.

April. Monday, 12. 1880.

Weather today, cold and disagreeable. A quiet day, not much doing at home. Afternoon in town, some Americans were there buying heavy horses. Want of funds compelled us to draw a $25.00 cheque on Bank Deposit.

Tuesday, 13.

Resumed operations at stone job got all home but one load. The roads are still very heavy. Bright warm and spring like. {illegible} up late tonight reading an interesting tale "Barriers burned away".

Wednesday, 14.

Have quite a nice pile of building stone. Paid to Lyons $6.00 cash for them. Doing a stroke at white washing front board fence. Sold cow "Little Blossom" and calf to Alex Watson (a $31.00 on a six month note.

April. Thursday, 15. 1880.

A bright warm spring day. Doing a general variety of whitewashing, repairing fences, &c. Some of the neighbors started seeding today. Had a trip to town tonight and bought a few flower plants. Brought home from Jno Campbell's a hive of bees, paid for last fall by a ram.

Friday 16.

Contrast to yesterday, a cold dreary wet day from N.E. ending up tonight with snow, hail, thunder and a warmer atmosphere. The days transactions were light and unimportant.

Saturday, 17.

Forenoon in barn cleaning and preparing the different spring grains for seeding. Afternoon out in fields ditching and fencing. Also a horseback trip to town for new pair of shoes from Euart @ 2.75.

April. Sunday, 18. 1880.

At S School in morning, lesson, Matt XIII, 24 to 40. "Wheat and Tares" or "Christ the Divider". The remainder of the day at home, the roads are bad and the day was showery hence we all stayed home.

Monday, 19.

Today's work was a little out of the ordinary viz shearing sheep. Clipped the eleven yearling ewes without washing. Their fleeces will average 13 bls a first class sample of wool. Tonight at a Blue Ribbon concert in town.

Tuesday, 20.

Working at all kinds, setting gate posts, &c. Did the first spring work on the land today rolling one of the clover meadows, clover is nearly ruined by the frost, much anxiety just now about fall wheat.

April. Wednesday, 21.

Sold on Monday last to Sterling our 11 yr old horse "Charlie" @ $15.00 cash and 15 loads of sand. First work of the season on land today, cultivating ground for oats. Co of Peel A.S.Spring Fair held today at Brampton a good show of horses. We got second prize on yearling bull "Major Dr Winton".

Thursday, 22.

Sowed today with new drill 9 1/2 acres of oats on "other place" using 22 bush "Emporium" The soil was in good trim and drill worked well. Had other team rolling the meadows. Also sowed 2 bush "white fife" spring wheat.

Friday, 23.

Met with a severe accident yesterday by spraining my back, which has brought on an attack of "lumbago" in consequence was confined in bed all day. Father took my place at the seeding.

April. Saturday, 24. 1880.

Sowed 2 bush "Russian" spring wheat on sod plowed last fall with drill. I spent today same as yesterday in bed without any relief to constant pain.

Sunday, 25.

The girls were at S School this morning, lesson, Matt XVI 13 to 28, "Confession and crossbearing". Had an east rain during after part of today which closed up today's proceedings.

Monday, 26.

A fine spring morning Father drove to JC Snell's and bought 4 bush "Russian" spring wheat & 2 bush "Wild Goose" wheat @ $1.25, also a half bred Jersey heifer calf. Started to sow spring wheat on fall wheat field, the latter being killed.

April. Tuesday, 27. 1880.

Bought yesterday from Stubbins 2640 lbs salt @ 1/4 C per lb. Finished cultivating and sowing fall wheat field putting 2 bush "Wild Goose", four bush "Russian" & 3 bush "Red Chaff" on 7 1/2 acres. Also we rolled it today. Had a day man, Cook, working.

Wednesday, 28.

Cross cultivating front field "other place" and drilled in lengthwise 16 bush barley on 8 acres, also sowed at same time with drill clover & timothy 16 lbs per acre. Sowed salt on same 200 lbs per acre & sowed on spring wheat 100 lbs per acre.

Thursday, 29.

A busy forenoon all hands water furrowing, shovelling and rolling. At noon it started to rain and continued until evening. Had the usual double trip to town with Em, Bought from K.C.& Co. 1 bush, vetches & $2.50.

April. Friday, 30. 1880.

A great change in the temperature, a keen North wind with snow squalls and was real cold all day and a frosty night. Spent the day repairing fences, the result of wind storm last Monday.

May. Saturday 1.

On Thursday last sowed carrot seed & mixed oats & vetches. Snow showers out of the west this forenoon. Spent today tree planting Drove to Snell's lake for a load of young maples planted part on front of farm & part in town lot.

Sunday, 2.

A bright warm day. At Quarterly meeting in Brampton C M Church Rev E Clement preached from text, I John III, 2nd after which the sacrament and fellowship meeting. Tonight Rev C McIntyre preach, Rom I 1 to 5.

May. Monday, 3. 1880.

Sowed 5 1/2 acres of barley with broadcast seeder. This completes grain seeding except peas. Started gang plow in ground for roots. This evening in town at white ribbon concert in hall.

Tuesday, 4.

A very warm day. Working gang plow with 3 horse team. Also hauling manure. Planted some early potatoes in the garden and a variety of seeds started the sod plowing for peas.

Wednesday, 5.

Had a trip over to Mr Jos L Newlove's on business. Delivered to R J Williamson two fat ewes @ $8.00 each. At same class of work as yesterday. It has been the warmest day of the season.

May. Thursday, 6. 1880.

Sod plowing all day. Finished manuring root rape & corn ground. Washed the sheep (19) in old Etobicoke. Rolled the fall wheat it is a very slim crop at present, only 4 acres.

Friday, 7.

A heavy rain before daylight this morning. Spent forenoon ganging with three horses the rape ground. Afternoon a heavy thunder shower putting stop to any further operations in fields for today.

Saturday, 8.

Showery and sultry. A sort of a jobbing day. Trip to town in afternoon with grist, &c. Received newspaper from Oshawa per Geo Rice.

May. Sunday, 9. 1880.

At S School at 10 A.M. lesson, Matt XIX, 13 to 26. "Jesus and the Young". Afternoon reading at home Evening heard Rev McFadden preach funeral sermon of (Father) Rev Scott, text Heb XI 2 16th verse. Hon Geo Brown died today.

Monday, 10.

More rain, consequently we spent day under cover shearing sheep (19) in all. Fleeces will average nearly 10 bls. Also getting seed potatoes into shape by cutting them.

Tuesday, 11.

Fixing water gap at Woodhall line, quite a heavy job. Remainder of day plowing at sod. The growth of past few days has been most remarkable, all trees are out in leaf, plum in blossom. Have only sheep on pasture yet.

May. Wednesday, 12. 1880.

Cultivating corn & rape land. Also sowed 50 lbs of Yankee corn on 3/4 acre alongside lower lane using drill in rows 21 inches apart. Weather clear and cold and approaching frost.

Thursday, 13.

Working up thoroughly the ground in front field for mangolds. Bought a new cast iron end for roller at Haggert Bros and put it in today, cost $3.00 cash. A trip to town tonight for the mail.

Friday, 14.

A light white frost last night. Drilling ground and sowing globe mangolds 6 lbs on an acre & half. JC Snell & family spent afternoon here, their wedding anniversary it being 12 years today since they were married

May. Saturday, 15. 1880.

Plowing sod, rolling oat crop today's work. All the spring grain crop is making a good display so far now now there is appearance of drouth In town tonight a couple of hours. Bought a new driving whip at Lowe's store @ .90 C.

Sunday, 16.\

At S School this morning lesson, Matt XXII, 1 to 15, "The marriage feast". Received usual semi monthly copy of "Pleasant Hours", it is a good S.S. paper. Tonight heard Rev Jas Pringle in C.M. Church preach from text, Acts XVI, 31st.

Monday, 17.

Planting potatoes, using 13 bush on plump 3/4 of an acre, Early Rose, put them plowing on level every third furrow. Also planted a few hills corn for roasting and some pumpkin seed.

May. Tuesday, 18. 1880.

A splendid shower this morning with the warmth vegetation is making very rapid strides. A splendid display of fruit and apple blossoms. Plowing sod today and harrowing it.

Wednesday, 19.

At same work as yesterday and got the ground in fine trim by four strokes of harrow. Another heavy shower this afternoon. Some excitement tonight in town over boat race at Washington, U.S.A. Hanlan winner.

Thursday, 20.

Forenoon sowed with drill 16 bush peas on 7 acres. the drill making a grand job putting seed right in covering it, gave a single stroke of light harrow also using roller this afternoon Another heavy rain tonight.

May. Friday, 21. 1880.

Preparing load of spring wheat for market. Trimming old orchard with hand saw. And another heavy shower this afternoon Evening busy reading newspapers.

Saturday, 22.

Had a trip today up 2nd line east for evergreens getting about 20 cedars, spruces, pines & tamaracs getting them in swamps and on road allowance. Planted nearly all at town lot.

Sunday, 23.

At S School this morning lesson, Matt XXV, 31 to 46 "The judgement described by Jesus Christ". Evening at CM Church Rev W McFadden preached text Romans VI, 21st verse.

May. Monday, 24. 1880.

The Queen's Birthday. A generally observed holiday in town and country. The weather was delightful. In Brampton, Lacrosse, Races and Grand Concert in Agricl Hall at night it was a crowd over 1000 people.

Tuesday 25.

Performers last night were Mrs Caldwell, Miss Reidy C, Kelly, & Fox Bros, the latter musical prodigys, only 6 & 8 years old. Today's work dipping lambs with McDougall and delivering to KC &Co 87 bush spring wheat @ $1.13 per bush

Wednesday, 26.

Started plowing summer fallow for first time. Had both plows at work all day. Gave mangel crop first horsehoing, also fodder corn.

May. Thursday, 27. 1880.

Plowing continued. Received cash for wheat from K.C. & Co, $98.60. During this week dry weather has prevailed. Evening at home at newspapers. Sold today to Crowforth ram lamb accidently disabled @ $1.50.

Friday, 28.

An early buggy ride to town this morning with Ella & Rilla to work and school. At same work as yesterday ground is meanwhile growing some harder. In town tonight at choir Practice.

Saturday, 29.

Another day after tonight will finish fallow of about 7 acres. A south east rain storm set in tonight. In town tonight until 10:30 oclock waiting for Ella as this a busy season for miliners.

May. Sunday, 30. 1880.

A moist showery day. At S School, lesson, Matt XXVI , "Gethsemane". Not many out this morning as rainy weather makes attendance small. Tonight in C M Church heard Rev C McIntyre preach II Thess II, 11th.

Monday, 31.

Finished plowing fallow Started sowing rape seed. Have 2 1/2 acres in good shape for this crop. Sowing it on level making marks with seeder hoes. Putting 5 lbs seed per acre. Heavy rain tonight.

June. Tuesday, 1.

Sold our yearling bull "Major De Winton", to a Mr Smith of Brantford, Coloney, @ $100.00 cash, but gave JC Snell $5.00 for getting the sale. Never saw before such a fine display of vegetation at this date. Plowing today for millet.

{dates switched in diary - have changed to correct order}

June. Wednesday, 2. 1880

Finished job of plowing sod ground for millet. Also manured an acre of ground in fallow for turnips. Had a call and visit this evening from Mrs McNichol of Orangeville. Received letter from A Rossiter, Oregon.

Thursday, 3.

Sowed by hand broadcast on 3 acres 1 1/2 bush millet seed buying one bush of it from J Leament @ $1.50 , had rest on hand of old seed. The fine growing weather continues and vegetation is making a grand display.

Friday, 4.

Plowing and thoroughly cultivating turnip groung. Spent a pleasant evening at Edmonton Baptist Church Anniversary, good addresses by Revs Fraser, Stillwell & McDonald & R Smith, Em, Ella & I helped in music.

June. Saturday, 5. 1880.

Drilled up ground and sowed 3 lbs turnip seed on hardly an acre. Afternoon, showers from S. West and warmth. Evening in town Bought new felt hat @ $1.50.

Sunday, 6.

At S School at 10 A.M. lesson Matt XXVII, "The Crucifixion". Afternoon at home Mr & Mrs Geo Duncan were here for dinner & tea. Evening heard Rev C E McIntyre preach in C M Church, text I Cor, 16th verse.

Monday, 7.

Cold and showery. At various jobs harrowing the fallow, spudding thistles and a trip to town with produce for groceries, &c. Attended S.S. meeting tonight at Ebenezer to arrange for a S.S. Picnic.

June. Tuesday, 8. 1880.

Started the annual task & duty of doing statute labor of which 7 1/2 days of 8 hours each is the share against our farm. Applied a dressing of unleached ashes to turnip drills.

Wednesday, 9.

All day with team on the highway putting in credit for 3 days work. The road soil is easier to work than usual because of damp season, enabling us to put the roads into good shape. Had a trip to town tonight.

Thursday, 10.

Same work as yesterday. The rain which threatened all day set in this evening with promise of a wet night. Fall wheat is now shooting out rapidly into head, straw will be long.

June. Friday, 11. 1880.

Spent forenoon finishing statute labor. Afternoon brought home reaper from foundry Haggert Bros after getting it repaired. Weather is very hot today. Another meeting tonight about S S Picnic, will be held next Thursday at Lorne Park.

Saturday, 12.

A rainy morning. Doing some inside work in barn. Spent afternoon helping to repair No10 sidewalk. Evening in town pretty late waiting for Ella.

Sunday, 13.

Morning at S School, lesson Matt XXVIII, "After the Ressurrection". Had a good large school and a very interesting lesson. Afternoon at "Willow Lodge". Evening heard Rev WcMcFadden preach in town from text Matt VI, 12th verse.

June. Monday, 14. 1880

A day among the roots, horse-hoeing and weeding out where too thick. Weather cool and dry. Transplanted 50 cabbage plants in parts of drills where carrots failed.

Tuesday, 15.

Started brisk operations at manuring fallow. Running two teams all day with Cook helping to fill wagons. Handled 46 loads at rate of 12 loads per acre.

Wednesday, 16.

Finished the job started yesterday putting 87 loads on 7 1/2 acres of fallow. A trip to town tonight to provide some etceterras, for tomorrow's S.S. Picnic to Lorne Park.

June. Thursday, 17. 1880.

A bright warm summer day. Took C.V.R cars to Edmonton with father, all my sisters & about 100 of S.S. folks & others at 9 A.M. arrived in Toronto at 11 oclock, thence by steamer to Lorne Park, spent 2 hours and lunched and returned same way home. All enjoyed themselves.

Friday, 18.

Started crossplowing fallow. Sent grist 10 bush to mill Waged war against potato bugs of which there is a large supply. Spent evening in town, at strawberry concert in Hall given by Presbyterians Ella was one of the singers.

Saturday, 19.

At same work as yesterday with two teams. Weather is very warm and dry. Took Viney to Edmonton Station on her way to visit at Shelburn. Spent evening at small picnic at Snell's lake. Clements Mains & family, Beautiful moonlight night.

June. Sunday, 20, 1880.

Morning at S School, lesson "Quarterly Review" conducted by Supt and Bible Class teacher Had a visitor to S.S. Mr Scott of Huttonville who addressed us very nicely. Tonight in CM Church heard Rev E Clement preach, text, Acts XX, 27th.

Monday, 21.

Hay harvest! Started this morning by mowing with J Woodhall's in old orchard. The crop is thin but of a good length and mostly orchard grass, cut 4 acres today. Spent evening in town hearing and seeing the opera "Pinafore" by a Toronto troupe for W. Institute benefit

Tuesday, 22.

Weather rather threatening. Did not start at hay until noon, then horseraked and cocked up all that is mown Barley crop is now fully out in head and looks well. Had our first batch of early green peas today.

June. Wednesday, 23. 1880

Finished mowing orchard field. Hauling in hay cut on Monday, it is a good article. Weather very warm and dry. This evening a few young folks from town were here, Main's, Clement's & Duncan's.

Thursday, 24.

Haying continued, Horse raking, cocking and hauling in, have all the field in but two loads, only having 13 loads off the 9 1/2 acres. Received copy of Detroit Free Press, from {illegible}.

Friday, 25.

Started the second hay field with mower before 5.A.M. but threatened rain, only cut a couple of hours. Have 13 loads of hay saved. Evening in town an hour or two.

June. Saturday, 26. 1880.

Finished fallow cross plowing Mounded the potato crop with plow, is a good supply of potato bugs this season. Viney arrived home from her Shelburn visit. Spent evening at C.M.Parsonage giving farewell visit to Clements.

Sunday, 27.

Took today as a rest at home The S.S. lesson was on subject of Temperance, to which one lesson in each quarter is devoted. It rained nearly all afternoon and evening very heavily. At home all day reading.

Monday, 28.

Some more rain today. No work in hay field in consequence. Workind in mangle crop, they are making rapid growth with heat and wet. Evening at home.

June. Tuesday, 29. 1880.

At work very early this morning running mower in field beyond the creek. Horse raking and housed a couple of loads this evening. Hay is mostly orchard grass with a little timothy and clover.

Wednesday, 30.

Busy all day at hay. An occasional threaten of a shower adds some spice to the work and makes things go lively. This month has been a fine one for growth of all kinds of crops.

July. Thursday, 1.

Dominion day. Spent forenoon hauling in hay. Afternoon resowing the turnip plot. Em & Ella went to Dixon's Church tonight to sing at S.S. Party. Spent evening in town. Corner stone of new Presbyterian Church was laid this afternoon. A fine day.

July. Friday, 2. 1880

Quit the haying until next week. Have 25 loads in store and will have about 5 more. Today's work was hoeing mangolds. Sold a ewe lamb to Mr Clark of Erin @ $15.00 to be kept here for him until September.

Saturday, 3.

Have to make almost daily trips to town for various wants of family. Today's work was completing of job of yesterday. The harvest (grain) is ripening rapidly and promises well.

Sunday, 4.

Forenoon at S School, lesson Genesis 1st chap, "The Creation" The very beginning lesson. Afternoon at CM S School Brampton, and for tea at A F Campbell's. Tonight heard Rev N R Willoughby our new minister, preach, Psa 63, 7th

July. Monday, 5. 1880.

Put in another day's work in potato & mangold crop. Most farmers are in the midst of their hay crop, having delayed because of growth. Had a trip to Edmonton tonight to get buggy repaired & painted.

Tuesday, 6.

Harrowing the fallow. Mowed the last of hay crop an acre on flats mostly timothy. Also cut with mower the grass on town lot. Days very warm, evenings quite cool.

Wednesday, 7.

Drew home two loads of good hay the product of the town lot 1 1/4 acres. Also mowing fence corners around grain fields Drove Em to town on her usual trip to Toronto.

July. Thursday, 8. 1880.

Finished fence corner mowing. Hauled in 3 loads of hay making total number of loads 30 for this season's hay crop. Had a pleasant visit this evening from Mr & Mrs A. J. Little.

Friday, 9.

The hottest day we have yet experienced this season. Horse hoeing rape crop. Raking up fence corner hay and hauling it in. have 2 loads of good as a reward for our labor in that direction.

Saturday, 10.

A trip to town. Some chopping to the mill. Em went by G.T.R. and steam boat to Oakville for visit among friends. Doing odd jobs such as mowing Canada thistles. &c. Some very warm weather during the week.

July. Sunday, 11. 1880.

At S School lesson Genesis II, "The fall of Man". Afternoon reading at home This evening heard Rev N.R. Willowby preach in C M Church text Hebrews XII 1st verse. The preacher is not eloquent but he is earnest & practical.

Monday, 12.

Started third plowing of fallow using gang plow. The thistles and weeds are just showing through this plowing now will sicken them pretty bad. Some cooler today with a light shower.

Tuesday, 13.

Finished second fallow cross plowing and spent remainder of the day in root crops. Had a horseback trip tonight over to schoolhouse to see trustee P Chisholm about repairs &c. but did no business of any moment.

July. Wednesday, 14. 1880.

Harvest Ho! Once more in harvest field, a little earlier in the season than average. Cut with reaper 4 1/2 acres "Seneca" wheat, a thin crop and grown full of timothy also clover and green stuff in bottom, rather heavy cutting.

Thursday, 15.

A hasty trip to town for harvest necessaries in morning and finished up wheat field. Afternoon cradling roads around barley field and other wheat crop. Started feeding the fodder corn to stock.

Friday, 16.

Forenoon cutting some patches of fall wheat among spring wheat (in mixed crop). Afternoon started in "other place" barley, binding it right after reaper. Some light showers today.

July. Saturday, 17. 1880.

Had help of another binder today making four of us Ben McMicken and son. Put in a good steady day's work but we failed to finish field 8 acres, it being a stout heavy crop all over.

Sunday, 18.

At S School this morning lesson, Genesis III, "Cain and Abel",or "The first death" Afternoon visiting the sick there are several of the neighbors unwell. Tonight heard Rev N R Willoughby preach, text, Matt VI, 28th "Consider the lilies how they grow".

Monday, 19.

Working at barley crop. Quite a heavy shower this afternoon, putting a stop to further harvest operations for today. Had a trip to town tonight taking home some lady visitors.

July. Tuesday, 20. 1880.

A cool cloudy morning. Too damp for cutting until noon. Morning in root field hoeing. Finished cutting the barley this afternoon. 14 acres in all, 9 of which are bound.

Wednesday, 21.

Forenoon binding some fall wheat cut with cradle and binding some barley as well. Afternoon hauled in the first field fall wheat. Evening had a chat with and old friend Mr James Westervelt, now of Brantford.

Thursday, 22.

A regular day's drawing in ten loads loose barley & two loads fall wheat. Worked very late tonight cocking unbound barley because of threatening rain Grand moonlight nights.

July. Friday, 23. 1880.

Broken weather showers only just heavy enough to stop "drawing in" for a couple of hours at a time. With two wagons we secured six loads of loose barley.

Saturday, 24.

A good harvest day and a hot one. Brought in 14 loads of barley sheaves mostly from "other place" in fine trim and order. Have yet two loads of barley out.

Sunday, 25.

Forenoon at S School, lesson Genesis IX, "God's Covenant with Noah", a deeply interesting subject. Tonight heard Rev Mr Hill preach in C M Church, text Psa XXXII, 8th.

July. Monday, 26. 1880.

A rainy morning. Doing some inside work. Faired at noon however and from sulky raking eventually got to hauling in barley towards evening Our buggy arrived from painters looking like new. For repairs and paint $15.00

Tuesday, 27.

Started fall plowing by ganging barley stubble for sake of checking some bad thistle patches. Reaping spring wheat and hauling right in unbound for fodder. So badly rusted that wheat is failure also midged.

Wednesday, 28.

Reaping some more of the "nil" spring wheat and drew it all in for fodder. Had a busy hard day's work as had to send a hand to a threshing. Cool and dry weather.

July. Thursday, 29. 1880.

Two of us away to threshing all day. Father run the gang plow at home. Steam threshing machine are all the rage this year. And some large farmers have self binding reapers working successfully.

Friday, 30.

Started cutting oat crop an extra good one, but they are hardly ripe enough so we worked very leisurely. Evening at home having a good read at newspapers almost a better treat than in winter, now so little time for it.

Saturday, 21.

Finished ganging 5 1/2 acre plot of barley stubble. Worked awhile at oats this afternoon. A very hot day but general character of the month has been cool and not much rain.

Aug. Sunday, 1. 1880.

An excessively warm day. Morning at Quarterly meeting in town, Rev Mr Hill preached from text, Exodus XII, 13th. Afternoon at home, Mr & Mrs J C Snell with us, Tonight Rev N.R.W. preached, text Rev. II, 4 & 5.

Monday, 2.

Rain this forenoon. Faired after dinner so that we could work at the oats, cut and bind. Plenty of harvest apples this year, but quality rather inferior, being small and scabby.

Tuesday, 3.

Finished cutting oat crop. Rather a heavy task the binding of them has been. Also cut one of spring wheat plots (Russian) 1 1/2 acres more or less, a very light crop, rust & midge, it promised well all summer being a fall plowed sod crop.

Aug. Wednesday, 4. 1880.

Spent forenoon in town waiting for grinding of a grist at Main's mill. Also sold at mill 28 1/2 bush "Seneca" wheat @ $1.05 = $29.92. Afternoon we were cutting "White Fife" spring wheat, a medium crop & good sample.

Thursday, 5.

Finished using the reaper for this harvest by cutting "Wild Goose" spring wheat, it is best crop of all, viz "Red Chaff", "Russian", "Red Fern", "White Fife", the latter second best.

Friday, 6.

Bright day, pleasant weather, wind in North. Harrowed the fallow. Horse raked oat stubble. Hauling in spring wheat. Started also to bring in oat crop.

Aug. Saturday, 7. 1880.

A bright, dry, hot day. Nearly all day we spent busily engaged in the housing of oat crop, but so far from barn that it was rather slow work.

Sunday, 8.

Forenoon at S School, lesson, Genesis XIII, "Abram & Lot". How full of instruction's history of life of Abram. Afternoon at CM S School in town. Evening heard Rev N.R.W. preach, text Prov XX 4th.

Monday, 9.

Completed the job of drawing in oats and spring wheat except small load of rakings. Had a shower this afternoon. It is worthy of note that this is 7 Monday in succession on which there has been rain.

Aug. Tuesday, 10. 1880.

Horse raking wheat stubble. Also started cutting pea crop with scythes. We first tried sulky rake but it was failure. Miss Jennie Boyle of Brampton came tonight to spend two or three days here on a visit.

Wednesday, 11.

A shower at day break checked harvest work until after dinner. At 2 P.M. however a very heavy thunder shower took place. Took tea this evening at "Willow Lodge".

Thursday, 12.

Part of forenoon at peas. Afternoon three of us worked hard at them and have more than half of the 7 acres done. They are a very good crop and in good trim for pulling.

Aug. Friday, 13. 1880.

Two of us all day at peas Had a visit from Mr Jabez Pearen of Toronto. Have good crop of peas this year but there is no market for them in town.

Saturday, 14.

Finished cutting peas and housed about one third of them. Weather dry and cool. Some few farmers have finished harvest this week.

Sunday, 15.

At S.School at 10.A.M. lesson, Genesis XIV "Abram and Melchesideck Afternoon at C M School Brampton. Spent an hour at Mr Perry's. Tonight heard Rev Mr Hill preach, text, Gal 5 25.

Aug. Monday, 16. 1880.

Cold, nearly a frost last night. A fine bright cool day. Cut with J Learment's mower our 3 acre patch of millet. All day bringing in pea crop.

Tuesday, 17.

Harvest Home!! Once more the time honored word is said. The pea crop is finished today was a good one, 18 loads from 7 acres Afternoon we raked and cocked up the millet

Wednesday, 18.

Sold first ram lamb to Jno Walker @ $12.00 cash Was marking out ridges 18 ft wide in fallow. Bought some black paint 90 C worth for to put on spring wagon.

Aug. Thursday, 19. 1880.

Striking out two stubble fields for cross-gang plowing A shower of rain at noon put a stop to the millet hauling. Had trip to Willow Lodge seeing sheep. &c.

Friday, 20.

Spent forenoon among sheep, docking and dipping with "McDougal". Afternoon hauling in millet, have 5 loads. Sold to Tom Noble, 5 ewes brood ewes @ $9.00 each. Evening at choir practice.

Saturday, 21.

A lively day's work at gang plowing with three horse team, in pea stubble. Father is painting spring wagon. Weather has been pleasant all week a shower almost every night.

Aug. Sunday, 22. 1880.

This morning at CM Church Brampton, Rev Mr Hill preached, text I Pet, I, 1 to 9th Afternoon at home Evening heard Rev N.R.W. preached in town, text Isa IV, 10th & 11th. They are the two most eloquent & impressive ministers we have had yet.

Monday, 23.

A bright warm day. J.C. Snell and I drove in buggy over to Vaughan to Mr Thos Teasdale's to see some sheep, we both made purchases, mine a ram lamb @ $42.00. Got home about nightfall.

Tuesday, 24.

Sultry, and light showers. Gang cross plowing chief job today. Washed the flock of lambs in creek the water being quite warm. Evening at home.

Aug. Wednesday, 25. 1880.

Cross plowing continued and concluded for the present because ground is too hard and dry for work. Delivered Noble's ewes and received cash $45.00.

Thursday, 26.

Made another sheep sale to Noble, 10 ewe lambs @ $9.00 each, to be delivered inside three weeks. Today hauled manure 20 loads on part of pea stubble field for wheat.

Friday, 27.

Ridging up pea field with two teams. Some rain this morning and cleared off with intense heat. Had another offer on a sheep trade from JC Snell

Aug. Saturday, 28. 1880.

Mailed letter to A J Rossiter, Whittaker, Marion C. Oregon. Ridging all today. Sold to JC Snell 6 ram lambs @ $10.00 each, also Shorthorn cow and heifer calf @ $50.00 & $20.00 respectively.

Sunday, 29.

A rainy day, from East. At S School this morning lesson, Genesis XVIII, 15 to 33. "The intercession of Abraham" This evening heard Rev Mr Hill preach, text, Ruth II, 19th . This young man has delivered fine sermons during past six weeks.

Monday, 30.

Had two teams at the ridging in fallow. Sold our 2 yr old "heavy draught" colt "Tom" to Jos Snell @ $120.00 of which $40.00 paid down remainder within two months.

Aug. Tuesday, 31. 1880.

A dull cloudy day. Plowing in fallow and cross plowing in wheat stubble The rain on Sunday last has had a good effect on pastures and root crops.

Sept. Wednesday, 1.

This month opens with heat and showers. Finished the job of ridging for wheat, also harrowed the ground preparatory to using drill. The apple crop is a good one, except a few trees which have blighted fruit. Grapes are abundant.

Thursday, 2.

Started fall wheat sowing. Drilling 5 bush "Seneca" on 3 acres of pea ground. Crossing the ridges and not harrowing afterwards. Had a drive this evening to "Willow Lodge" with some friends.

Sept. Friday, 3. 1880.

Some more rain puts us off the land for today. Brought home from "Willow Lodge" our "Teasdale" ram lamb. In town this afternoon and bought 6 bush of "Fultz" wheat for see from K.C. & Co. @ 1.15 per bush.

Saturday, 4.

Sowed with drill across ridges the 6 1/2 acres fallow using 6 bush "Seneca" and 6 bush "Fultz". Had two heavy showers today making soil work sticky. Weather quite sultry.

Sunday. 5.

Forenoon at S School lesson, Gen XIX, "Lot's escape from Sodom". A large attendance at school. Tonight heard Rev N.R.W. preach, text, John XXI 17th verse.

Sept. Monday, 6. 1880.

The plow works finely now the recent heavy rains has had a beautiful effect on the soil. Finished the gang cross plowing of stubble lands. Had a visit today from Mr Nixon of Missouri.

Tuesday, 7.

Put in a day's harrowing on fall plowing. Weather quite cool and dry. Gathered the sunflower crop, nearly half barrel of heads.

Wednesday, 8.

Another hard day's work at barnyard manure hauling. Putting on the pea & barley stubble, have another half day at the work when the yards will be clear once more, about 200 loads out of them this season.

Sept. Thursday, 9. 1880.

Spent all day at a neighbor's threshing by steam power. A turn in weather for cold nearly a frost. Part of our folks were in Toronto Fair yesterday. (Evening last), in town.

Friday, 10.

A bright warm day. Went to Guelph by G.T.R this morning to attend auction sale at "College Farm" of livestock and seed grain. Prices for calves from $60 to $90, sheep $5 to $70. A large attendance and a pleasant time.

Saturday, 11.

Spent today at various tasks Bought from Jno Snell's Sons 3 aged ewes, 2 {illegible} & one bred from imp. stock @ 50.00. Borrowed 6 bags of oats (5 {illegible}) lbs from R Smith for present use, horse and sheep feed.

Sept. Sunday, 12. 1880.

At S.School at 10 A.M. lesson Genesis XXII chap. "The trial of Abraham's Faith". Afternoon at piano and Sunday newspapers. Tonight heard Rev N.R.W. preach, text II Tim I, 12th.

Monday, 13.

Visitors today a newly married couple Mr & Mrs Willy Burke of Scarboro. General chore day around barn and yards, cleaning up peas, putting away pea straw &c.

Tuesday, 14.

Our visitors remaining here for a day or two. Started the potato harvest this afternoon, a good crop and fine sample, but hard to raise the soil being packed around them in hard lumps.

Sept. Wednesday, 15. 1880.

Went to "Toronto Exhibition" by taking G.T.R. at 5.30 A.M. Got on fair grounds at 7 oclock and had a fine view of the articles. Nearly every department is advance of former years. A large crowd of people and an extra fine day.

Thursday, 16.

At the work again at home. Started the second time at potatoes, this time in a different way, turning them right out with plow and is much more expiditious. My sisters and I spent a pleasant evening at Mr Robert Carter's.

Friday, 17.

Part of the family went to Toronto Fair today and were in largest crowd of the whole two weeks, about 60,000 persons passed through the gates. Spent today at a neighbors threshing.

Sept. Saturday, 18. 1880.

At potatoes but failed to quite finish will have fully 10 bush in all. Weather has been very fine all week with lovely moonlight nights. Spent tonight in town. Got pair new {illegible} {illegible} boots from {illegible} @ $4.50

Sunday, 19.

A dull foggy morning a little rain falling most of the day. Morning at S School lesson, "Review of Quarter's lessons, conducted by three teachers. Tonight at P.M. Church in town heard Rev Mr Hunter of Parkdale preach text Rom VIII 26 & 27.

Monday, 20.

Sowed 44 lbs timothy seed on fall wheat crop 6 1/2 acres. The fallow wheat has come up badly, soil very wet just after plowing and has baked very hard. Marking our lands in fall plowing.

Sept. Tuesday, 21. 1880.

Made two trips to "Eldorado" Mills for bran, bringing 3000 lbs @ 1/2 C per lb. Had a visit from Shelburn friends today but they went on by train to Hamilton. Bought new metal share and had iron one large (with steel at Jones @ $1.00.

Wednesday, 22.

Ridgeing up out the early crossplowing into lands 22 ft wide, field lying towards the creek, with two teams. Weather dry and cold frosty nights.

Thursday, 23.

Finished the job we were at yesterday and also helped a neighbor for to thresh. A trip to town tonight for the mail &c.

Sept. Friday, 24. 1880.

Such a day's work as that turns up every month or so, choring around at various jobs and doing some repairs. Made arrangements for our threshing next week.

Saturday, 25.

Delivered at "Willow Lodge" the stock sold to JC Snell some time ago, 6 ram lambs and Shorthorn cow and her heifer calf, @ 60 & $70. respectively.

Sunday, 26.

Spent all day at home it being showery during forenoon in the evening rained very heavily. S S lesson today was on "Temperance" I Cor IX 24 to 27. Was reading nearly all day. JCS and family here this evening.

Sept. Monday, 27. 1880.

Getting things in readiness for threshing tomorrow. Had a 7 mile trip after the trappings belonging threshing machine. Raining tonight.

Tuesday, 28.

Threshing with J Cation's steamer. In 7 hours we threshed all the barley about 600 bush, of good sample. Steam power is much superior to horsepower in every respect.

Wednesday, 29.

Finished threshing today about 150 bush of wheat fall {illegible} and poor quality, about 500 bush oats very good. Got through at 4 P.M. the two days work costs $20.00.

Sept. Thursday, 30. 1880.

Had all our force all day helping Jno Learment to thresh. Spent evening on Public School business at the house of trustee, Mr Peter Chisholm. The Shelburn friends started for home, taking our last lamb @ $10.00 credit.

Oct. Friday, 1.

Started the harvest of apples. Hand picking hard apples into barrels and storing for the present on the barn floor. Apple crop is a good one such an abundance, that there is no market for them in Brampton.

Saturday, 2.

At same work as yesterday. Have 19 barrels home picked of winter apples. Visitors, Miss Addie Burke of Scarboro & Uncle Taylor H Tourny of Oakville.

Oct. Sunday, 3. 1880.

A heavy thunder shower early this morning. At S School lesson Titus II 11th &12, Genesis XXVI "Isaac's Prospering". Tonight heard Rev N.R.W. text, Titus II 11 & 12.

Monday, 4.

A forenoon's rain today Co of Peel "Fall Fair" was opened at Brampton this morning amid the rain. Showed 6 varieties of apples "Northern Spy", "Spitzenberg", "Wagner", "Bellflower", "Canada Red" and "Roxbury Russet" also one doz "Globe Mangels".

Tuesday, 5.

Second day of Fair. Weather fine, but roads very muddy. We exhibited only in livestock a "Short Horn" heifer calf "Beulah" but got no prize, on "Wagner" apples we got 1st prize. The attendance of people was large. Received $15.00 from Clarke on ewe lamb.

Oct. Wednesday, 6. 1880.

The County Fair closed today The exhibition in all departments was a success. Fruit, vegetables and grain very good. Carriages and machinery also good. And large display of livestock.

Thursday, 7.

A double journey to town for Telgman, the piano tuner and paid him $2.50 for tuning and repairing our piano. Picking apples, finished old orchard, 21 bbls of hard winter fruit & 17 bags of soft fruit for cider.

Friday, 8.

Picking apples in new orchard Spy's, Russets & Canada Red's. Had one team marking out ridges for second plowing. Received $40.00 from Noble as part payment on ewe lambs. In town tonight.

Oct. Saturday, 9. 1880.

Ridging all day with both teams. Ground is in excellent condition for the plow at present. Weather just splendid for past three days, like "Indian Summer".

Sunday, 10.

At S School this morning lesson, Genesis XXVII, "Jacob and Esau". The fine weather brought a large attendance of children. Tonight in CM Church Brampton we heard Rev C E McIntyre preach, text Acts XVI 3 to 31.

Monday, 11.

Dressed a "Berkshire", 180 lbs The day's work was plowing with two teams and result 3 acres set up. A very warm day but this evening there were signs of a change for cooler.

Oct. Tuesday, 12. 1880.

Quite cold and windy from the North. At the same work as yesterday with one team only. a quiet evening at home. Bought two 3 yr old heifers from Jno Woodhall @ $25. each = $50. cash

Wednesday, 13.

Today's work was working between the plow handles. Have to send a hand for 4 days to neighbor's threshing. Some warmer today.

Thursday, 14.

At same work as yesterday. Spent evening attending a school trustee meeting at Mr P Chisholm's making arrangements for engaging a new teacher next year.

Oct. Friday, 15. 1880.

Spent forenoon plowing. Afternoon in barn cleaning up a load of barley, expect to sell it to Milner @ 65 C. Evening in town a Choir Practice.

Saturday, 16.

A three hours rain this morning. Saved a bushel of timothy seed out from wheat chaff, by fanning mill. Afternoon in town and made contract of best barley @ .65 to Milner.

Sunday, 17. Morning at S School lesson Gen XXV. "Jacob at Bethel". A real cold day a high west wind. Tonight heard Rev NC Willowby preach te4xtg, Psa XXXIX 15th & 16th.

Oct. Monday, 18. 1880.

Barley marketing. Delivered at Milner's Elevator Steam 3 loads of barley about 213 bush today. This makes a good lively day's work having to clean in barn as well as bag it. A very cold day.

Tuesday, 19.

Quit the grain trade for a few day. This afternoon we started harvesting the mangold crop, pulling and topping by hand. There are some very good roots. Delivered ewe lambs to Noble.

Wednesday, 20.

With two extra hands (boys from No 10) we were at the mangolds, lively all day, have 15 loads in tonight of full average 30 bush to load. First class roots large and nearly sound and heavy.

Oct. Thursday, 21. 1880.

At same work as yesterday but with one less help. Pulled, topped and drew in 9 loads today. The pulling and topping is slow, laborious work as the ground is hard baked after heavy rains of two weeks ago.

Friday, 22.

Received from N York State Nursery $3.00 worth of trees peach, cherry &c. Finished the mangolds, 27 loads in all fully 850 bush fomr 1 3/4 acres. Also got one load of carrots in, but a snow storm set in early in evening.

Saturday, 23.

Had a fall of snow 3 inches last night. Today had a cold NW wind and some more snow and rain. No work at roots today. Afternoon at Auction Sale at No 10 Hotel. Received $31.00 from A B Watson on a note.

Oct. Sunday, 24.1880.

Forenoon at S School. Lesson Gen XXXII "Jacob's prevailing prayer". A cold wintry day Evening heard Rev J.E. Starr preach in CM Church. Text, Exodus, XII, 13th verse.

Monday, 25.

Ridging with two teams in the crossplowed pea stubble field. Some snow on ground yet but this evening is warm and threatening rain.

Tuesday, 26.

Rained all last night and most of this forenoon, until the ground is saturated. Part of today in barn at various jobs. Afternoon digging up carrots, they are a good crop.

Oct. Wednesday 27. 1880.

Delivered a load of barley 68 bush to T Milner @ 65 C which closes the present contract. No 2 X Received from above cash, $182.80 for 281 bush barley. This is only one half of our saleable barley. Spent afternoon between plow handles.

Thursday, 28.

Paid yesterday for taxes to collector {illegible} $36.35. Also Campbells blacksmith bill of $13.00 of which most was paid in advance with cordwood. Finished the carrots, have about 50 bush of fine ones. Plowing lively all day. Had frost last night.

Friday, 29.

Started and finished our turnip harvest today. Had only six loads but the quality and size of roots very good. pulled them out with the hoes, Weather very fine today.

Oct. Saturday, 30. 1880.

Damp , dull, misty, rainy order of weather today. Plowing and running the crossharrows and ditches. We, school trustees met this evening and engaged a teacher, Mr Heath @ $395.00 per year. The other man Stewart freed us.

Sunday, 31.

At S School this morning, lesson Gen XXXVIII "Joseph sold by his brethren". This evening heard Rev N R W. preach in M Church, text Ephesians IV, 1 & 2, a real good practical sermon.

Nov. Monday, 1.

A dry cool day. All done plowing in front field root ground {illegible} works very well. Paid our boy Willie Hewitt (his time being out) bal of wages $31.75.

Nov. Tuesday, 2. 1880.

At same work as yesterday and nearly finished that field. Chopped at Mains mill one bag of peas, two bags oats. Mailed to Georgetown $2.88 for our share of loss by fires of Peel Farmers & Co. Sold our turkey flock, 28 to Tomalin for $20.00 cash.

Wednesday, 3.

Today was set apart by Gov. General Lord Lorne for Thanksgiving. And was consequently generally observed as a public holiday. Sold to JC Snell our ram lamb @ $42.00, same price paid 2 months ago. Spent this evening at P.M. S.S Anniversary in Brampton.

Thursday, 4.

A break in the fine weather which has lasted about a week this afternoon & evening a rain from S.E. Was plowing all day. First monthly fair held in Brampton today was a success.

Nov. Friday, 5. 1880.

A warm misty day like spring. The day's work was following the plow in rape and corn plot. Made sale of 9 prs of duck picked to {illegible} @ 55 C per pair store pay.

Saturday, 6.

A steady down pour nearly all day out of the N {illegible}st. Spent forenoon in Brampton leaving my order for tweed suit at K.C. &Co to cost $19.00. Received from {illegible} Snell at present {illegible} Colorado a daily newspaper.

Sunday, 7.

A cold windy day and the roads very muddy. Spent forenoon at Quarterly meeting at C M Church. Rev N.R.W preached text, John XIV 2nd. Took dinner at Mrs George Duncan's, Evening at home.

Nov. Monday, 8. 1880.

Half day's plowing, other half drove the girls to town on a shopping excursion. Barley market is rising and buyers are eager to buy, No 1 @ 75 C.

Tuesday, 9.

A fine bright warm day, like a snatch of Indian summer. Was making cider at Gunnerson's mill 13 bags made 40 gals. In town awhile this evening, good moonlight but indications of more rain.

Wednesday, 10.

Finished fall plowing proper, that is all stubble and root land. This afternoon another heavy rain storm from East. Had a trip to Edmonton through mud & rain. Paid to A Thompson $15.00 for buggy.

{Duplicate copy of previous page}

Nov. Thursday, 11. 1880.

Did no beside usual chores. Had trip to town in morning. At Willow Lodge in afternoon repairing melodian. In evening heard in CM Church town Mrs Yourmans deliver an excellent temperance address to a good audience.

Friday, 12.

A cold wintry day, freezing. Made final preparations for winter. Shovelling drains and harvesting parsnip crop in garden. A plowing match held at Edmonton today, a large crowd, about 40 teams plowing.

Saturday, 13.

Spent forenoon among the livestock. After dinner had a trip to town for some fresh beef ($.42 worth), also a new suit of grey tweed at K.C &Co ($19) and paid town taxes to J Spellman ($2.25).

Monday, 15.

Driven to the old time job of flailing out peas by the demands of pen full of fattening swine. In town tonight at Blue Ribbon Benefit Concert in Hall, a very good programme of singing and recitations.

Tuesday, 16.

Removed winter apples in barrels into winter quarters from barnfloor to cellar. Have about 25 bbls of very good fruit. The grain market is booming, every variety is advancing barley up to 80 C in Brampton.

Nov. Wednesday, 17. 1880.

Nothing more than the usual round of duties. Had a trip in buggy up to Edmonton, the roads are hard frozen and smooth. Spent evening at a music rehearsal at Mr R Lowes Brampton.

Thursday, 8.

Was at the funeral of Mr Joseph Pearen (near Brampton) Rev NR Willoughby conducted the service. Weather very cold, creeks are frozen over two or three inches of snow on ground all week. Spent evening at entertainment of readings and music in CM Church Vestry.

Friday, 19.

Cold weather continues and every prospect that winter has set in, in earnest. Markets for grain going up barley is now $1.00 in Toronto. This evening in town at Special Choir Practice for the Missionary services.

Nov. Saturday, 20. 1880.

Four hours a day spent with the stock in barnyard. In town this afternoon at large sale of steers and oxen for feeding purposes. A very cold stormy night.

Sunday, 21.

We appear to have been launched right into midwinter, with the thermometer below zero and a high drifting west wind. At CM Church, Brampton this morning, Rev Dr Sutherland preached an excellent Missionary sermon, text, Isaiah XXXIII 20 to 22. The same minister tonight, text John XII, 32, 33.

Nov. Tuesday, 23. 1880.

Delivered at K.C.& Co steam Elevator our loads of barley 61 bush @ 95 C and 65 bush @ 95 C. Barley market is very brisk and tending up. Hard frosty weather continues, splendid wheeling.

Wednesday, 24.

Dressed another Berkshire, weight, 180 lbs. Had a trip to town for some articles for father who is very sick. Had a family dinner at JC Snells this evening at 6 o'clock. Weather continues very cold.

Thursday, 25.

A quiet day, no business aside from usual work among the stock, they require a good deal of attention and lots of good feed during these frosty days.

Nov. Friday, 26. 1880.

Delivered at T Milner's Elevator two loads barley. 140 15/16 bush @ 95C. have fully 50 bush yet on hand part for seed, have sold in all 550 bush average price nearly .80 C. Evening at home.

Saturday, 27.

A trip to town for Dr Heggie to see father who is growing worse daily. Also made a cash deposit in Dominion Bank. Afternoon looking after some work in woods cutting firewood.

Sunday, 28.

At C M Church this morning Rev N.R.W. preached, text Habbakuk III, 2nd. In the evening a sermon by the same minister to young {illegible} men. Psalm CXLIV, 12th verse a searching, practical address to a crowded congregation.

Nov. Monday, 29. 1880.

Drs Patullo and Heggie were here early this morning and performed an operation and father's palate, cutting half an inch off, it being much swollen by the disease, it caused very little pain. Had a visit from Mr and Mr A.F.Campbell.

Tuesday, 30.

Last evening we spent at meeting of Y.P. Literary & Musical of CM Church, music, readings and a debate by 4 young men. Had one trip to town today. Attended a raising bee at Gunnerson's. Paid back 1040 lbs oats borrowed from Messrs Heath and Smith.

Dec. Wednesday, 1.

Opened with a snow storm but cleared at noon, leaving tolerably good sleighing. Had a trip to Willow Lodge on business. Started to draw up firewood from woods.

Dec. Thursday, 2. 1880.

Hauling firewood on sleigh {illegible} ft beech and maple. A double trip to town with Em to R.R. Depot. At a singing practice this evening at Mr R Lowe's for Y.P.Society entertainment.

Friday, 3.

At an annual task of manufacturing pork for home use. Dressed three Berkshire weights 330, 245, 230 lbs and last week 180 total 986 lbs. Have two smaller hogs yet in stock.

Saturday, 4.

Put in a very busy day A couple of hours getting horses shod, a couple more cutting pork, a trip to "Willow Lodge" for 4 small Berkshires, and to Brampton to meet at train Oakville friends Mrs Taylor two children, John & Annie.

Dec. Sunday, 5. 1880.

Warm and foggy morning high cold wind in evening. At S School, lesson, Gen XLVIII, 8 to 22, "Last days of Jacob". At CM Church this evening, Reve N.R.W. preached text Matt XXVII 3,4 5th, a good sermon.

Monday, 6.

Colder, and freezing all day. A trip to town, a visit from Dr Heine the usual work "certain round of duty to be done" made up the day's work. Mr & Mrs A J Little were here for the evening.

Tuesday, 7.

Very cold, a high east wind. Had to make two journeys to Brampton today, taking friends back and forward who came to see Father. Nothing else of importance to record.

Dec. Wednesday, 8. 1880.

If possible, colder than yesterday. Live stock demands extra care and feed such weather. Threshing peas, principal job today. Quite an influx of friends & neighbors to visit Father, now convalescent

Thursday, 9.

The coldest yet experienced this winter, right out of the North. Had a trip to town with the folks. This evening at a Social for CM Church, Brampton had a good time, songs & recitations.

Friday, 10.

Trying to drive "Jack Frost" out of the cellars, fire inside and banking outside and was successful. Spent evening at home.

Dec. Saturday, 11. 1880.

Sundry trips every day with our Oakville friends. Making axe handles and keeping the choppers tools and repaired. A bright warm day.

Sunday, 12.

At S School this morning lesson, Gen L {50}, 14 to 26. "The last days of Joseph". Afternoon at home. Tonight heard Rev Thos Brock of Guelph preach text, Romans XVI, 1 to 15.

Monday, 13.

Had a trip to steam mill with peas and oats for chopping, 5 & 8 bush respectively. Afternoon entertaining friends Mr & Mrs Isaac Moreland of 3rd Line East.

Dec. Tuesday, 14. 1880.

Received from R J Williamson $5.00 for five weeks calf. Weighed on R Smith's scales 4 head of cattle, yearling steer 960 lbs, 2 yr heifer 1090. lbs 3 yr heifer 1145 lbs, red cow 1300 lbs. Spent evening at singing practice, Ebenezer.

Wednesday, 15.

A trip to G.T.R.R depot with our Oakville friends on their way home. Extra driving today precluded other work than the "certain round of duty done".

Thursday, 16.

Today's work was hauling firewood from "lower" woods. Just scarcely enough snow down the lane for the job but the creek is fine and solid. Spent evening in town at George Duncan's, an oyster supper party.

Dec. Friday, 17. 1880.

Made a sale of this year's wood clip to a Toronto buyer yesterday to call here for it within a few days. At same work as yesterday. Spent evening at choir practice.

Saturday, 18.

Weather pretty steady cold but we get no more snow. Forenoon handling the wool, and getting it into shape. Sold a young gobbler turkey to R P Armstrong @ $1.50. In town an half hour for some necessaries.

Sunday, 19.

Morning at S School, lesson the Quarterly review, conducted by three teachers, also a singing practice. This evening heard Rev NRW preach funeral sermon text Job XIX 25 & 26, on the death of old Mr Perdue.

Dec. Monday, 20. 1880.

A constant day's work at the wood in hauling. There being no other transaction of importance all day. Evening at home at music reading. Mailed letter to Shelburn.

Tuesday, 21.

At same job as yesterday and nearling {sic} finished the same. Good sleigh this evening up to Ebenezer S School practice for next month's anniversary.

Wednesday, 22.

Had a visit today from our cousin Robt Ferguson of Bay City. Dressing fowls for Xmas turkeys and hens. Had trip to Edmonton and Willow Lodge, also drew up some wood. Tonight away with Choir to Mt Pleasant.

Dec. Thursday, 23. 1880.

Finished firewood have 28 cords of stovewood length and 4 cords cordwood @ 50 C per cord for cutting. In Brampton and sold 41 lbs turkeys @ 10 C per lb and 4 hens 35 C each. Evening reading.

Friday, 24.

Sold a quantity of fallen wood to Mr Waite {illegible} 10 @ 70 C per sleigh box load. Xmas eve now bright and lively. Brampton streets are tonight. Every body is buying and presents for gifts, "Giving is more blessed than receiving

Saturday, 25.

Christmas, a dull cloudy day, a light drizzling now but not enough to make good sleighing. At home all day. JC Snell and family were here for dinner. Spent evening at home with a friend or two that dropped in for an hour or two.

Dec. Sunday, 26. 1880.

At S School in morning Lesson, Isaiah XXVIII 1 to 10 subject, "Intemperance". In evening heard Rev N.R.W. preach an anniversary sermon for children of CM S School text, Psa, CLVI 6th. Some good remarks on the closing of the year.

Monday, 27.

Very good sleighing today. Drove Em & Ella to Edmonton for C.V.R train at 10 A.M on a trip to Shelburn. Spent the day at nomination for Chinquacousy council in Town Hall. Had a lively time, lots of speeches and fun.

Tuesday, 28.

Bitter cold, mercury at zero. Forenoon at general work around the stockyeard. Afternoon had sleighride to town for some necessaries and a call at Mr R Carter's 1st Line East for a young duck of improved breed. Evening at home.

Dec. Wednesday, 29. 1880.

A keen frosty day and bright. At the Annual School meeting at School House attendance not very large. I was reappointed trustee for next three years for west division of {illegible} School Section, New teacher start school on Monday next.

Thursday, 20.

Last night, the coldest of the season, 10 {symbol for degrees} below zero. And today so bitterly cold that principal work as the usual job viz Stock feeding In town this evening and received letter from Em at Shelburn.

Friday, 31.

Farewell old year thy course is nearly run. The last day of the year and its many memories. Weather bright and frosty. Afternoon in Brampton dealing in sundry articles. Evening at home. Amen


A wish That the "broad way to destruction" may become so overgrown with grass that the keen eye of an archangel will not see a single footprint thereon.


Jan 3rd Chopped at Mains Mill

Oats Peas
5 bush 11 bush
Feb 14th 5 " 7 "
Mar 11th ------ 20 "
Mar 29th Barley/td> 12 "
May 10th 5 " 7 "
July 10th 2 1/2 Oats 2 1/2 2 "
Aug 4th 2 1/2 ------------- 5 "
Sept 3rd 2 1/2 --------- 5 "
Nov 2nd ---- 5 ----- 2 1/2 "
" 22nd --- 5 --- 2 1/2 "
bush bush bush
Barley 122, Oats 22 1/2, Peas 74, Total 109 bush.

January. --Cash Received.

$ C
2nd From N. White for firewood 3 50
10th " Jno Learment on acc/ 5 85
$9 35
{second page} January.--Cash Paid
$ C
2nd For 1/4 of beef 4 40
3rd Expenses to Toronto 5 00

February.--Cash Received.

$ C
2nd On cows acc/ 5 00
7th From W Smith for cow "Blossom" 50 00
" " A Campbell on wood acc/ 3 00
14th On cows acc/ 2 00
28th From Milner for 101 2/5 bush "Seneca" wheat @ $1.27 128 75
188 75
February.--Cash Paid.
$ C
4th To Jno Sterling for fore quarter beef 109 lbs @ 5 C 5 45
26th Mailed to W Rennie Toronto for seed barley & wheat 5 34
" Sundries 4 21

March. --Cash Received.

$ C
16th From E Dale for cordwood 29 00
18th " Geo Duncan for 3 cors wood 10 50
39 50
March.--Cash Paid.
$ C
3rd To Milner for bbl salt 1 00
18th " cost" of the Shelburn load 16 50
19th " various articles 5 00
30 Repairs on harness 4 00

April.--Cash Received.

$ C
17th From R Watson interest on note 12 00
19 " J E Sterling part payment for horse "Charlie" balance is 15 loads sand 15 00
26 " JC Snell for cow & calf 42 50
{total} 69 50
{second page} April. --Cash Paid.
$ C
12th Paid W A Mitchell for cleaning {illegible} 1 00
14 To Lyons for stone 6 00
17 " Euart for new shoes 2 75
20 " Milner for seeds, clover, timothy, carrot mangolds 4 45
26 " Stubbins for salt 6 60
30 K.C.& Co. for 1 bush vetch 2 50

May.--Cash Received.

$ C
5th From R.J. Williamson 2 fat ewes 16 00
27th " Crowforth for lamb, &c. 2 50
" " KC&Co for spring wheat 98 60
{total} 117 10
{second page} May.--Cash Paid.
$ C
7th To Cook for 5 1/2 day's work 4 25
13th " Haggert Bros for roller end 3 00

June.--Cash Received.

$ C
1st From Smith for yearling bull 95 00
26th " A Ferguson int. on note 4 00
28 " J Woodhall for calf 3 00
{total} 102 00

August.--Cash Received.

$ C
4th From J W Main 28 1/2 bus old "Seneca" @ $1.05 29 92
" " C Dawson for 1 bush peas 90
18th " Jno Walker for ram lamb 12 00
2th " Noble for 5 sheep 45 00
30th " Jos Snell part payment on colt "Tom" 40 00
{total} 127 82

September.--Cash Received.

$ C
21 From J Learment for 4 bush seed wheat 4 00
29 From Jabez Heath am't of 10 months note 8 00
{total} 12 00
September.--Cash Paid.
$ C
10th To Teasdale for ram lamb 42 00
18th "Coyne for pair kip boots 4 50
21st " K.C.& Co for 3000 lbs bran 15 00
" Jones for repair on share 1 00

October.--Cash Received.

$ C
5th From Clarke for ewe lamb 15 00
8 " Noble part payment on ewe lambs 40 00
19 " Noble bal on ew lambs 45 00
23 " A B Watson am't on note 31 00
27 " Milner for 281 bush barley @ 65 C 182 80
{total} 313 80
{second page} October.--Cash Paid.
$ C
27 Taxes 36 35
" Blacksmith 3 60

November.--Cash Received.

$ C
3rd From JC Snell on sheep & cattle acc/ 80 00
" " Tomalin for 28 turkeys 20 00
11 " JC Snell & Jos Snell on ram lamb and bal on colt respectively 122 00
24th " K.C.& Co. for 126 1/3 bush barley @ 95 C 120 00
{total} 342 00
{second page} November.--Cash Paid.
$ C
1st To N Hewitt on wages 31 75
10 A. Thompson for buggy part 15 00
13 " Taxes on town lot 2 24
" K.C.& Co. on suit of tweed 19 00

December.--Cash Received.

$ C
14 For calf from Williamson 5 00
25 From JC Snell for pair of young sows 20 00
{second page} December.--Cash Paid.
$ C
1st To Ben Watson on sheep acc/ 8 00

Summary of Cash Received.

$ C
Jan 31st 9 35
Feb 29th 188 75
Mar 31st 39 50
Apri 30thl 69 50
117 10
102 00
127 82
12 00
313 80
342 00
475 00
25 00
$1346 82
$1479 82

Blacksmith Acc/ 1880

Old iron - 42 bls - .42 C

3 cords wood -- -- 9.00

Oct 28 Received above acc/ -- 13.00

" " Paid to Smith -- 3.60

Transcription Progress



John Ferguson Diary, 1880.pdf
John Ferguson 1880 Diary Transcripts.pdf


“John Ferguson Diary & Transcription, 1880,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,
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