Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones Diary & Transcription, 1878


Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones Diary & Transcription, 1878


Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones


Courtesy of Upper Canada Village




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, S. Augusta Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{top right corner: "page 1"}{written in blue pen}

Journal for 1878

January 1st, Tuesday. {written in blue pen} Clear cold day, no snow.{written in blue pen} Bills, {Fides?} & {lots?} families spent the day & evening here. Andrew took home {Fides?} family in the evening, did not get home till late. Snow began to fall about ten o'clock P.M.

Wednesday 2nd {written in blue pen} A cold blustering day, the first day that has looked like winter. Will took Susie & Ella home in the buggie. Andrew and the boys here busy all day fixing up around the barns and sheds -- Nothing particular going on.

Thursday 3rd {written in blue pen} A {very?} cold clear day. Thermometer 2 degrees below zero. The boys skated on the river for the first time this winter - No appearance of snow. Thomas came back this evening - Lucia has a bad cold - Andrew took a load of food to the church - nothing particular doing - ( Friday 4th {written in blue pen} A cold snowy day, snow enough full to make pretty good sleighing. Mr. Louks the insurance agent called today, Andrew paid him six dollars. Andrew & Thomas killed the fat cow today - Lucia's cold worse than it was yesterday.

{top left corner: "50 2"}

Saturday 5th {written in blue pen} A bright cold day. Thomas & Allen went to Brockville in the double sleigh - Bill and Mary Allen came up to tea - Andrew cut up the Beef - Lilla Hammond called to say that Mr. Lewis was ill, consequently there could be no service in the church tomor-row.

Sunday 6th {written in blue pen} A bitterly cold day. No service in the church today. The thermometer stood at 23 {written above: "14"} degrees below zero this morning just before the sun rose. It is not quite so cold tonight --- Lucia's cold no better -

Munday 7th {written in blue pen} A very cold day. Andrew took Harold & Allen to school in Prescott, they went to board at Fide's at five dollars a week. Bill came to dinner. Thomas went to Brockville. We paid out $11 for the childrens board, school fees, mans wages, and things that Andrew bought in Prescott. Lucia's cold is not much better.

Tuesday 8th {written in blue pen} A fine day, not nearly as cold as it was yesterday, Lucia has been in bed all day, she is very poorly. Andrew and Thomas cleaned up Barley. Will went to Maitland. I finished making candles. Churned today. No callers -

{top right corner: "3"}

Wednesday 9th {written in blue pen} A very fine day, not cold. Bella & Will went to Precott. George {Robinson?} called & paid Andrew $46 interest money. Bill came to see Lucia who has been sick all day with a low fever. Mr. Laird called but did not stay for tea. I wrote to Mr. {Letee?}.

Thursday 10th {written in blue pen} A very wet day. Thermometer stood 4 degrees' above Freezing - Thomas took two loads of barley down to Mr. McCarthy's brewery. Lucia a little better today - Will went to Maitland. No sleighing. Thomas took barley to McCarthys in the waggon.

Friday 11th {written in blue pen} A very wet disagreeable day, Will went to Prescott and brought home the boys, they were very glad to get home and we were delighted to have them. Bill called to see Lucia, she is a little better. I paid out 5 cents for a spool of thread. No snow yet, Thomas took another load of barley to McCarthy's in the waggon. Will went to Prescott in buggy.

Saturday 12th {written in blue pen} A very warm spring like day. Thomas drew three loads of barley to McCarthy's, he brought home the new cutter. Harold went to Maitland - I got a letter from Mr."{Letee?}. Andrew paid out 15 cents. James {Stan?} came and paid Andrew 18 dollars interest money. Lucia seems a little better this evening - Harold has a bad cold -

5 4 Sunday 13th {written in blue pen}

A dull warm day. Andrew and Allen sent to church. Lucia a little better. Harold has a bad cold.

Monday 14th {written in blue pen}

A dull rainy day. No snow. Will took the boys to Prescott & brought up Sarah Hurd to stay a few days. I paid out 6 dollars & 85 cents for the boys board and school books. Lucia a good deal better.

Tuesday 15th {written in blue pen}

A stormy day. Sleighing again. Will went to Maitland and got the cutter fixed. Nothing particular doing - Lucia a little better.

Wednesday 16th {written in blue pen}

A clean frosty day. Thomas finished drawing the barley. Andrew paid out 11 dollars & 20 cents for oats - Sarah Hurd been sick all day with headache - Caroll very sick all day with a very bad cold -

{Top right corner: {page}5 written in blue pen}

Thursday 17th {written in blue pen}

A lovely bright day. Sarah, Will and I went to call on Mr. Lewis {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and quotation marks are written underneath}- Barrie Sharpe and Annie called in the evening. Henry Morey was here for tea - Bill & {Foddei?} here in about two o'clock "P.M."

Friday 18th {written in blue pen}

Another bright day, Andrew & Sarah went to Prescott. The boys came home from school - Andrew sent Bob a draft of a hundred dollars today, and paid 45 dollars for a new cutter. Andrew got sugar and tea and a few other things in Prescott for which he paid eleven dollars and 91 cents - Bella sick with a severe cold - Lucia and Baby better -.

Saturday 19th {written in blue pen}

A lovely warm day, sleighing all gone. Will and the boys went to Brockville - Bill and Dennie came here to tea. Paid out for Sole and coffee in Brockville & Allen's paid 6 dollars. Began to use the new sugar that Andrew got yesterday - Thomas took a load of hay down to Bill's Bella still sick with cold - Andrew & Will spent eve {. ey is written above eve} at Soloman's Hendersons.

Sunday 20th {written in blue pen}

A very warm day. Andrew, Allen, Will, and myself went to church - Harold laid up with a sore foot - Bella a little better - Lucia was not for a few minutes.

{5 8 is written in the top left corner. Fanny corrects the page number and writes "6"}.

Munday 21st {written in blue pen}

A warm wet day. Will took the boys to Prescott school and got the horse shod, In which he paid 40 cents. I paid out four dollars for the childrens board - Mr. Collins called - Bill was in for a minute with medicine for Bella and Lucia -

Tuesday 22nd {written in blue pen}

A warm wet day - Andrew in the woods all day. Will and I took Baby {Durham} and went out to see Maria for a few days minutes. Bella's cold still very bad. Barrie and Marie Henderson called -

Wednesday 23rd {written in blue pen}

A bitterly cold day - Andrew was in Prescott all day on business, he took dinner at Bills. Will sent to Prescott and spent the evening at Mr. Clairedalls - Lucia a good deal better - Bella a little better. Began to use the packed butter.

Thursday 24th {written in blue pen}

A bright cold day, very bad sleighing - Bill called and left Bella some powders - Will took Lucia and {Kressie?} out for a sleigh ride - Barrie & Annie & Clara called - Andrew in the woods all day - Got a letter from Bob in answer to the money Andrew sent.

{Page 7 is written in the top right corner in blue pen}

Friday 25th {written in blue pen}

Warm cloudy day. Andrew has been in the woods all day. Will went to Prescott for the boys in the buggy. Continued to snow this evening. Paid out 16 cents for baking soda.

{There is an unusually large gap in the page between the 25th and the 26th)

Saturday 26th {written in blue pen}

A snowy day, the sleighing is pretty good. Bill came today and took Lucia to Prescott. Barrie was taken sick with scarlet fever - The boys and Andrew were in the woods all the forenoon.

Sunday 27th {written in blue pen}

A warm cloudy day - Andrew and the boys went to Church. Barrie getting on well -Baby {Durham} very poorly with his health -.

Munday 28th {written in blue pen}

A very fine day, clear and frosty, good sleighing. Bella poorly. Will brought the nurse up -. Bill came up and stayed all night - Annie, Andrew, and William came up in the evening- Sol {Soloman} was in for a minute - Will took the boys to school - I paid out 6 dollars for their board - Andrew heard from {illegible due to the photo quality} he sent him 31 dollars interest money -.

{5 3 8 is written in the top left corner in blue pen}

Tuesday 29th {written in blue pen}

A bright cold day. Bill went away about ten o'clock. Bella better - Will went to Prescott and brought me some medicine for baby {Durham}, who is very sick - Andrew was in the woods all day -

Wednesday 30th {written in blue pen}

A bright cold day. Bill called to see Baby {Durham} who is better - Kitty the Mare very sick, I paid out 35 cents for medicine for the horse & medicine in Maitland & 20 cents for getting harness I needed -

Thursday 31st

A cold windy day, Thomas went to Brockville with a load of wood - Andrew in the woods as usual. Kitty a good deal better - Baby { Durham} better, Bella's cold worse again -Nurse still here - Andrew paid $2.40 cts for cloth for a pair of pants -

Friday 1st (February.) {written in blue pen}

Another windy disagreeable day - Andrew and the Nurse went to Prescott in afternoon - Will sent to Maitland - Baby {Durham} not so well - The boys stared for a school concert, Harold got 3 new books for a prize - Bob George, Wife and 2 children came quite unexpectedly this evening about nine O'clock - Andrew went to their concert - I paid out 53 cents at Hardings and 35 cts for Concert money.

{6 is faintly written in the top right corner in blue pen, with 9 written beside it. This entry is on page nine of the diary.}

Saturday 2nd {written in blue pen}

A very fine day, Andrew is in the woods all day. Will went to Prescott & brought up the nurse - Bob went over the swamp. Baby {Durham} very sick - Allens throat very sore.

Sunday 3rd {written in blue pen}

A bright lovely day, Andrew, Harold, and Bob & family went to church - Will went to Prescott in the afternoon to get me some medicine for Baby {Durham}. Sol {Soloman} and, three children were here for tea - - - - - -

Monday 4th {written in blue pen}

A bright day. Andrew cutting Ice all day, Bob took Harold to Prescott and spent the day there - Bill called to see the Baby {Durham}, Mary helped me with boy sewing - Paid out 2.50 cts for Harold's board and 25 cents for a Wash board - Allen home with a sore throat -

Tuesday 5th {written in blue pen}

Another fine day, Andrew finished filling the Ice house - Andrew sent a post office order to Annie for 44 dollars - Allen went to Maitland o Mr. & Mrs. Lewis called to see Bob and Mary - Bella better and Baby {Durham} too - Bob & Mary went to Maitland -

{5 4 10 is written in the top right corner in blue pen}

Wednesday 6th {written in blue pen}

A lovely warm day, Will and I went to Maitland to get Russie's dress made - Andrew in the woods all day. Bob's family sent over the swamp and spent the day.

Thursday 7th {written in blue pen}

A very fine warm day, all the sleighing gone. Bob's family went and spent the day in Prescott - Bella's little daughter was born about six o'clock this evening. Bill here all day - Andrew in the woods as usual - Andrew got a letter from Fannie- Paid out 32 cts for (lamp?}{chinoiserie?}.

Friday 8th {written in blue pen}

A very fine day. Andrew in the woods as usual. Will went to Prescott and brought home the boys {all written in blue pen}. Bella getting on nicely. Archie & his brother came this evening. Harold looks very poorly after his week of study - We heard today of poor Sue Geoy's death -

Saturday 9th {written in blue pen}

A cold blustering day. Andrew went to Ogdensburg to attend Sue Goey's funeral - Fide came up to tea and staid? all night - Bella getting on nicely. Mare got a cold. Sarah Asgmore sick - Archie & his brother went away - Andrew paid out 50 cts-

{11 is written in the top right corner}{written in blue pen}

Sunday 10th {written in blue pen}

A very stormy day. Andrew & the boys went to the missionary meeting that was held in the church at Maitland & all the children were here for tea and spent the evening - Mary the nurse very sick with Quinsy- Bella & baby doing well -

Monday 11th {written in blue pen}

A bright cold day. Will took the boys & {Fidd?} to Prescott. I paid out five dollars for their board. Bob & family went over the swamp to tea - I got a letter from home from Annie. Mary the nurse still poorly. Bella has a slight cold. Andrew has the Rheumatism in his back - he was in the woods all day.

Tuesday 12th {written in blue pen}

A very fine day, Andrew in the woods as usual Bob & family spent the day in Prescott. Bill & Foddie called. Bella very sick with congestion of the lungs - Nurse very poorly. Got letters from home & Charlotte.

Wednesday 13th A lovely day just like spring. Bob & his family left today for {Piceconning}. I hope they will reach home safely & quickly - Bill came to see Bella again, she is better today. Will went to Maitland - Worked a good part of the day fixing up the house after Bob's family -

5 5 Lucia Jones {&?} Andrew Hurd AH {Appears to be an initial}

(1) her portion left in my will August 18th 1825

Fo 1 Broad mare

Fo 1 young colt

Fo 2 Colts at 135

Fo 4 creatures 1/8

Fo b Calves

Fo Cash

{Cross-hatched: The {illegible} in accounts all canceld by me - Andrew Hurd}

I have made a New will since the above charge was made against Lucia Jones and have left it out, by me Andrew Hurd

{The following table is written in the right margins of the page}

<tbody> </tbody>















Page 12

Thursday 14th

A lovely day. Andrew in the woods as usual - Bella a little better. Bill and Mr. Hutchinson came up in the evening, Nothing particular doing - Sarah & Susan went to Maitland & took Nessie.

Friday 15th

Another very fine day. Will went to Prescott and brought home the boys - Bella not so well -. Bill sent up a fly blister for her lungs Andrew in the wood, there is very little sleighing.

{56 is written in the top left corner and 13 is written in the top right corner}

Saturday 16th

A very fine day. Andrew went to Edward's {bunglo?} to attend to some business with Archie. Paid out $3 18 cts in Prescott - Thomas went to Brockville & sold some butter & eggs, he sold $4.35 cts worth of things. I sent 8 lbs of butter - Bill & {illegible name} were here for tea - Bella a good deal better -

Sunday 17th

A snowy warm monrning, Andrew, the boys, & my self went to church, sleighing very poor - Bella little better - Nothing particular doing -

Monday 18th

A fine day. Will took the boys to Prescott, I paid out five dollars for their board - I got a letter from Mother and answered it. Bella better, Andrew home for dinner, went to the woods after dinner - Got 25 cts of buckweat flour at Keilly's & 20 cts for a little of Franks {illegible}.

Tuesday 19th

A lovely day. Andrew away all day collecting the ministers salary - Nothing particular happenened, I have felt sick all day with a bad pain in my side - A rag pedlar came, I sold 24 05 worth of rags- I paid out 10 cts for lamp chimney.

5 7 Tyra's Hand D F S 2

D. B 9 P S.S. b 0 /. P S S .. 20/. P s.s. 2 / 6. P s.s. 3/4

page 14 Wednesday 20th

A snowy day, Will took me to Pres-cott to see Bill, he says I have pleurisy and cupped & {illegible} me - Andrew in the woods all day - Bella better - Will to the concert & Lucia was in it {illegible} in a problem

Thursday 21st

I was sick in bed all day. Will went to Prescott & brought Lucia & Fidie up. A beautiful day. Andrew in the woods all day. Bella Better

Friday 22nd

A very mild day but rainy. Will went to Prescott to bring the boys home. Paid out $2.10. Bill came and cupped me in the afternoon. Andrew home most of the day.

Saturday 23rd

A mild day. Andrew & Harold in the woods all day. Will went to Maitland in the after-noon for the mail -

{58 is written in the top left} Contra B F s Q

D. B. 9 R. 89. 22/3.88. b 9/7/e. 88.45%. P. 88.. 44/ 5.. ss

Page 15

Sunday 24th

A very fine day. Bill came to see me in afternoon - Emily Henderson called for a minute. Andrew and Lucia went to church. Miss Hammond very sick - Bella getting better slowly.

Monday 25th

A very fine day. Andrew is in the woods as usual - Will took the boys to Prescott - and brought home 50 lbs oatmeal - I paid out 5 dollars for the boys board - I got a letter from Maria.

Tuesday 26th

A lovely warm day, Andrew went to {Jonee's} Blakey's funeral in the afternoon. Bill came to see Bella & I. My blister very sore tonight -

Wednesday 27th

A very fine day. Andrew in the woods all day. Will took Fid to Prescott this afternoon & took Lucia to Maitland afterwards. I paid out 71 cts for things in Prescott got a pound of pepper.

{16 is written in the top left corner}

Thursday 28th

A fine day. Andrew in the woods all day. Bella better. Will went to Maitland in the after noon and posted a letter to Alexander Henrey containing a shaft for a hundred dollars. Mr. Walter & Thomas went to Prescott in the evening.

Friday 291st March

A bright cold day. Andrew in the woods as usual. Will went to Prescott to bring home the boys - Emie came up with Harold they walked up in fifty-seven minutes. Bill called in the evening, and put another blister on my lungs.

Saturday 2

A fine day. Thomas went to Brockville - the boys & Andrew in the woods all day. {The following text is written in faded pencil} Lucia played {out?} of doors, Will went to Maitland - My blister very sore and I feel miserable.

Sunday 3rd

{The following text is also written in faded pencil} A cold rainy day. Harold, Allen and {Lucia?} went to Church. I staid in bed all day. Annie and Clara Henderson called in the afternoon. Bella got up and dressed for the first time since her baby was born, she is getting on nicely now -

{17 written in the top right corner}

{The following text is written in faded pencil and some pen later on}

Monday 4th {Quotations mark are written under the 'th'}

A very cold disagreeable morming. Harold has a bad cold, I ket him home from school. Allen and {illegible} went down with Will who staid nearly all day. I got up about {more?} feeling better than I did yesterday. I paid out $2.50 cts for Allens board and fifty - cents for his school fee. Bill came in the evening. The first claf calf came to night.

Tuesday 5th {Quotations mark are written under the 'th'}

A clear cold day. A little pleasure boat went up the river this evening. Mrs. Henderson called, was here to see Bella & I {Entry was not finished}

Wednesday 6th {Quotations mark are written under the 'th'}

A mild day Harold and Lucia went to church because it was the first day of Lent. Andrew and Thomas in the woods as usual - Harold has a bad cold. - I paid out 37 1/2 cts for things at Dunne-hilles.

Thursday 7th {Quotations mark are written under the 'th'}

A very warm day, Andrew and Will went to Prescott - Andrew sold two heifers and a cow for 72 dollars - I went out in the {illegible} for tea - Andrew got sugar and tea today. I paid Harold 44 cents for note paper -

Friday 8

A very warm day. Andrew sapped the maple trees. Will took Lucia to Prescott. Allen came home. Sarah Hurd came up for a day or two - Bella better, I went up to see her today -

Saturday 9th

A lovely day. Bella better, Bill came to tea. Andrew in the woods nearly all day, he saw three butterflys - I began boiling sap today, I hope I can make a lot of molasses. Sarah Hurd was sick with a headache part of the day. Will & Harold went to Brockville.

Sunday 10th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A warm spring - like day. Andrew, Sarah,and the boys went to church. Mr. {Gates?} sent to Prescott & spent the day there - Bella came down to breakfast - I am quite well now.

Monday 11th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A cold windy day, Will took the boys & Sarah Hend {Henderson} to Prescott, and brought juice home from field's - Will gave Andrew a pound of a grain sower, I am not quite as well I put blister on {Entry ends abruptly}

Tuesday 12th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A warm rainy day. Will went to Pres- cott. Bill came up to see me - I was in bed all day my blister very sore

Wednesday 13th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold snowy day. Andrew & Will out collecting money for Mr. Lester all day. I was in bed all day & began to wean the baby

Thursday 14th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A soft day. Andrew and Will still out collecting. I got up today I began to use a feed {five percent of?} today - I feel weak and sick - I hope I will soon gain strength -. Paid out 25 cts for Lucia's dress}. owed 30 cents for Molasses. Bill came up.

Friday 15th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th}

A very fine day. Will went to Prescott to bring home the boys. Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis called to see Bella and I. Andrew in the woods all day - Bella brought her baby alone for the first day time -

Saturday 16th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'} {This whole entry for the 16th is in faded pen}

A very fine day. Bella's nurse went away today - Allen and Lucia went to Prescott . I boiled some sap for Molasses - Andrew in the woods all day. Bella & I got letters from home - I feel a litttle better, blister sore yet -

Sunday 14th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cloudy chilly day. Andrew staid home with me, the boys went ro church today - I feel better but weak - Bill and {illegible} called in the evening - Ten years today since old Mr. Jones died -

Monday 18th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine {warm?} day. Will took the boys to Prescott - Andrew sent a load of hay to Bills and a draft for 78 dollars to Margarat - Will began to teach Lucia to ride on horseback - Emily Henderson called to see Bella & I in the afternoon -

Tuesday 19th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A rainy cold day. Will set hwro the speckled horse - Will went to Dalgliesh's in the afternoon and bought a cake of Maple Sugar for Andrew -

Wednesday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold windy day. Lila Hammond came down and spent the afternoon with Lucia. Mr. Lewis called for Lila - St. {illegible} quite cold tonight and froze hard -

Thursday 21st {Quotation marks are written under the 'st'}

A fine but cold day. Will took Lucia out riding. Andrew busy {illegible} the horse all day, he has a felow on his finger. Thomas went to Brookville for the {grist?}. Thomas went to Maitland for the maid.

Friday 22nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

A windy cold day. Will and Lucia went to Prescott and brought up our two boys with Dunnie & Ella and Ernest. Andrew was over at Sols {Soloman} sawing wood all day -

Saturday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine day, but very windy. Harold and Ernie went to Brockville to get their likenesses taken. Will took all the other children (except the two babies) over to Dalgleih's sugar bush to see his sugar off - Andrew over the swamp again today - Will set the little brown hopper hen today. Bill and Mr. Hutchinson were here for tea.

Sunday 24th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold snow storm today. Andrew and all the children except for Ernie went to church.

Monday 25th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold day, Will and Andrew went to Prescott with the children in the double sleigh. The sheighing very bad. I paid out five dollars for the childrens board. I began to use the new sugar in the bag last Friday.

Tuesday 26th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A windy bright day. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis called to see Bella. Thomas went to Brockville and sold 22pounds of butter for {illegible}. he got $3.30 {05 written above 30}. Will hurt his eye very badly. Bill was here this morning. I got a letter from Charlotte today.

{All entries until the 1st of Monday is written in faded pen}

Wednesday 27th {Quotations are written under the 'th'}

A disagreeable day. Andrew went to Brock-ville with 12 lbs of butter he bought home.{Illegible} tea & coffee, besides cloth and a dress for me - Thomas went to Maitland. I heard from home. Will's eye better. Will set a hen today.

Thursday 28th {Quotations are written under the 'th'}

A pouring wet day. Andrew cleared out the back woods out of the cellar. In the after-noons. Thomas & Andrew oiled the harness. Nothing particular happened -

Friday 29

A cold windy day, Will went to Prescott for the boys. Sol {Soloman} was here to dinner. I went to Maitland and go my dress fitted. We had Walter for tea - - - -

Saturday 30th {Quotations are written under the 'th'}

A fine day. Harold grafted some trees. Bella, Will, and the children went to Prescott in the morning, in the afternoon Belle went to Mr. Bakers to get her dress fitted, and went to see Mr. Lewis and Miss Hammond -

Sunday 31st

A cold windy day. Andrew and the chil-ren went {went is written in between and above children and to with a ^ pointing to it} to church. Sol {Soloman} came here in the af-ternoon.

Monday 1st April

A very fine day. Will went to Toronto. Allen went to school. Harold stayed at home with a sore-throat. Andrew and Lucia went to Brockville in the fore after {after is written above the scribbled out fore}. {Blanche?} Sharpe and Cara Henderson came over in the evening. Sarah Anne went to Prescott.

Tuesday 2nd

A very fine day. Andrew to Prescott. Thomas went to Brockville with a load of hay.

Bill called and left Harold some medicine for his throat which is still sore. Lucia got 22 eggs today Emily & Miss Blakey came here today in the afternoon.

Wednesday 3 rd

Pap Andrew away all day looking for a girl, he got horse about 1/2 part mine. A very fine day. Harold sowed some peas in the garden, and {illegible} up {illegible} the house a little. Lucia got 9 eggs.

Thursday 4th

A very fine day. Dr. Schee called for a min-ute. Barrie & Winnie was here in the morning for a little while. Harold and I brought over all the sap and {pails?}. Lucia got 16 eggs.

Friday 5th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A very wet day. Bella spent the day in Prescott and brought home coffee in the evening, she found. Mary Ann very ill indeed, I feel very much afraid that Mary Anne will not {rally?} from this attack. Lucia got 21 eggs today -

Saturday 6th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A very wet day. Andrew & Harold went to Brockville & got the wheat for the machine. Lucia got 16 eggs today. Sarah Aynoe went away for good -

Sunday 7th

A wet day. Andrew and the children went to church. Harold did not go he was sick - nothing doing. The was a calf born this morning -

Monday 8th {Quotations are written underneath the 'th'}

A dull day but not rainy. Lucia got 18 20 eggs & Thomas 6. Sol {Soloman} was here for dinner he was help-ing Andrew saw wood today - Harold took Allen to Prescott. I paid out 22 dollars for Allens board -.

Tuesday 9th {Quotations are written underneath the 'th'}

{An X is written beside this entry} A fine day. Andrew went out and brought the girl he hired the other day. Sol {Soloman} was here for dinner helping to saw the wood -Bill was here for a few minutes - Dr. Schee and Sarah Hend {Henderson} {illegible} here for tea. Mary Anne a liittle better - Lucia got 20 eggs. Lila came here spent the afternoon with Lucia. Bella got a letter from Will. Carroll went to Maitland - Another calf came today -

Wednesday 16th {Quotations are written underneath the 'th'}

A dull day. Andrew finished sawing the wood. Sol {Soloman} was here for dinner. Bella went to Maitland in the after-noon. Lucia got 19 eggs -

Thursday 11th {Quotations are written underneath the 'th'}

A rainy day, cleared up in the even-ing - Harold planted some Grape roots -called the "Wilder" "Heleen" "Massoseit" and one more that I can not tell the name of -. Nothing particular doing today - Lucia got 16 eggs. Another calf came today -

Friday 12th

A fine morning, but a rainy afternoon - I went to Prescott for Allen, I found Mary Anne a little better. Thomas went to Brockville with a load of hay - Lucia got 18 eggs -

{April is written in the top left corner}

Saturday 13th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A fine cold day. Lucia spent the day at Mrs. {Logley's?}. Harold and Andrew busy about the house. Lucia got 18 eggs.

Sunday 14th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A {warm?} windy day. Andrew and all the children went to church. {Illegible} afternoon. Allen and I went over to Sols {Soloman's}, Found Annie a little better - Lucia got 16 eggs

Monday 15th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A lovely day - Andrew, Allen & Harold, sent to Prescott, Mary Anne called for a few minutes. The coffee came up with Andrew to stay a few days {Crosshatch: bet the {illegible} duck eggs}. Lucia got 32 eggs.

Tuesday 16th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A very fine day. Hide and I took Carroll and went to Marcia's in the afternoon. found her quite poorly with {illegible}

Wednesday 17th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A lovely day, almost as warm as summer, Andrew sowed grains today over the Swamp, the first he has sowed this year; Hide and I went for a walk up to the swamp - no callers, nothing particular doing -

Thursday 18th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A very warm day. Harold and Lucia went to Brockville in the morning - {A word is erased and smudged} In afternoon, Hide and Bella went to Prescott, Allen came home today as the Easter holidays began -

Friday 19th {Quotation marks are written underneath the 'th'}

A fine warm day - Sarah Hurd and Mr. Schee came up to tea - The children and I went to church as it was Good Friday - The Henderson children came over in the afternoon - Will came home today.


Saturday 13th A fine cold day. Lucia spent the day at Mrs. Longley's. Harold and Andrew busy about the house. Lucia got 18 eggs.

Sunday 14th A warm windy day. Andrew and all the children went to church. In afternoon Allen and I went over to {Sols?}, found Annie a little better - Lucia got 16 eggs

Monday 15th A lovely day - Andrew, Allen & Harold went to Prescott. Mary Anne called for a few minutes {written diagonally on page: "for the duck eggs"} Fide came up with Andrew. to stay a few days. Lucia got 32 eggs

Tuesday 16th A very fine day. Fide and I took Carroll and went to Maria's in the afternoon. found her quite poorly with {unknown}

Wednesday 17th A lovely day, almost as warm as summer. Andrew sowed grain today over the Swamp, the first he has sowed this year; Fide and I went for a walk up to the swamp - no callers - nothing particular doing -

Thursday 18th A very warm day. Harold and Lucia went to Brockville in the morning - {word rubbed out} In afternoon Fide and Bella went to Prescott, Allen came home today as the Easter holiday began -

Friday 19th A fine warm day - Sarah Hurd and Mr. Setree came up to tea - the children and I went to church as it was Good Friday - The Henderson children came over in the afternoon - Will came home today -

{April is written in the top left corner}

Saturday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A showery day. Andrew went to Brockville. Will and Bella went to Prescott - In the afternoon Andrew and Harold worked in the garden - We had the first thunder storm of the season -

Easter Sunday 21st {Quotation marks are written under the 'st'}

A cloudy day. Andrew and I took dinner at Bills. Harold went to church in Mait land - Weather cleared up in the afternoon we had a lovely chioe home -

Monday 22nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

A very cold {raw?} feeling day - I went to Mrs. Bakers to get a dress fitted - Andrew attended the Vestry Meeting in Maitland - Will went away on the afternoon train, he started to go to Halifax Andrew and Allen planted the early potatoes -

Tuesday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A cold windy day. Andrew took Allen and Ella back to school -

Wednesday 24th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th}

A very warm day - Lucia, Carroll, {Nessie?}, & I sent over the Swamp and got some feathers. Andrew and Harold sowed wheat and Grass seeds. We cleaned the Diving {Broom?}. Lucia got 22 eggs.

Thursday 25th A very fine day, Andrew sowed oats today, and planted some early potatoes - We cleaned the cellar today and Har-old fixed up the floor nicely - I worked in the garden a little while this evening - Lucia not very well.

Friday 26th A fine warm day. Andrew sowed oats - Bella went to Prescott for Allen. We cleaned the drawingroom, and took the leaves {out?} of the front yard - Mr Setree and Sarah hurd came up to tea -

Saturday 27th A very warm morning. In the afternoon we had a very heavy thunder shower Andrew finished sowing oats and plant-ed a few potatoes - Allen went to Maitland for the mail - Bella got a letter from Will -

Sunday 28th A dull chilly day - Andrew and the boys went to church - Emily Henderson and Annie & Clara came over in the evening.

Monday 29th A wet day. Harold took Allen to school - I cleaned the pantry and breakfast room. Andrew busy planting potatoes when the rain stopped - churned 7 lbs of butter today -

Tuesday 30th A fine day. We cleared the Kitchen and {mess?} room. Harold & Thomas went to Brock ville with the cow for Mrs. S Jones; and sold 11 lbs of butter - Andrew working at the Potatoes -

Wednesday May 1st {Quotation marks are written under the 'st'}

A fine morning, but {written over another word: "thundering"} rain. "The "Algerian" the first line boat of the season went up today - Andrew sowing bar-ley-

Thursday 2nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

A fine morning, rained a little in the evening - We cleaned the bedroom upstairs Andrew planted potatoes - A man named "Anything at all" came to work in the Garden.

Friday 3rd {Quotation marks are written in the 'rd'}

A rainy day. We cleaned the bedroom and hall downstairs, and finished all the other rooms - Harold went to Maitland in the evening - No callers -.

Saturday 4th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine cool morning - I went to Prescott for Allen, but he could not come as he had to stay for a chorus practice. I bought Lucia a hat. Mary Anne was not so well - The Dr {The 'r' of Dr. is written above a set of quotation marks} called to see Bella who is not at all well - - - - - - -

Sunday 5th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold rainy disagreeable day - Harold, Lucia & myself went to church - Allen walked up this morning in time for breakfast - Andrew very tired, he staied at home to rest - - - - -

Monday 6th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold windy day. Bella took Allen to Prescott. Andrew busy drawing out manure - I was busy all day, churned a good churning of butter - Nothing particular happened. Lucia set another {hen?} on duck eggs -

Tuesday 7th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold windy day, Harold and I went to Brockville and sold 11 lbs of butter - {Denny?} came home with us. Andrew busy drawing manure -

Wednesday 8th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day, quite warm.Andrew and Harold busy in the garden all day - Bill came for Dennie - Bella and I went down to call at the Miss's Blakey's. Lucia took tea at Emily's.

Thursday 9th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A pouring wet day, cleared up towards evening : Harold, Lucia, & I went to Prescott to the Concert, Lucia staid all night at Bills. Andrew busy in the garden all day.

Friday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cold showery day, with a very high wind. Bella brought Allen home from Prescott - Allen, Harold, and Andrew sowed Marigolds in the afternoon -

Saturday 11th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold disagreeable morning - Rained Thomas took a load of hay to Brockville Harold sowed the rest of the Marigolds with the look sower. I churned a large churning of butter -

Sunday 12th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold day ; feels like the middle of March Andrew and Allen went to church - - - - - - Rained today frequently. Sol {Soloman} was here in the afternoon

Monday 13th

A fine monring, wet in the afternoon - Harold took Allen to Prescott, he brought Lucia home - Andrew drew out manure. Harold sowed grass seed for Sol {Soloman}.

Tuesday 14th A bright cold windy day. Andrew and I went to Brockville & took up 19lbs of butter - Andrew got a hundred height - of sugar - Harold sowed turnips and Marigolds.

Wednesday 15th A very fine day, not so cold as it has been for the last two weeks. Andrew planted potatoes. The {servants?} went to Prescott. Thomas went to Brockville to sell old Jessie the horse - - - -

Thursday, 16th A fine day. Annie and Clara Hender-son were over for a few minutes. Andrew and Harold busy at the manure -

Friday 17th A lovely day. Susan went to Prescott for Allen, Clara Henderson went with her. Bella's baby not well - Andrew and the men busy at the cow ground, nothing particular doing.

Saturday 18th Another fine day. Will came back from Halifax today - Andrew busy as usual at the manure - Thomas and Allen went to Brockville and brought home the new mowing machine -

Sunday 19th A lovely day. Bella & Will, Andrew & myself went to church, Bella had her baby christened - In the afternoon Jim {Benns?} came here. Lizzie (the girl) came back from home, she went on Saturday - We had a dreadful storm in the night. with heavy snow - {faint ink strokes across the bottom-right of the entry}

{May is written in the top left corner}

Monday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very wet morning. Will took Allen to Prescott - he found Mary Anne better than he expected - Andrew & Harold busy cutting potatoes - In the afternoon it stopped raining and blew very hard - Will and {Bessie?} went to Maitland.

Tuesday 21st {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day but cold, Lucia and Harold went to Brockville wiith butter. Harold got a pair of working boots - Will went to Toronto. We had a heavy shower in the afternoon - Andrew and Harold cut the hedge -

Wednesday 22th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold morning. had quite a heavy white frost last night. Andrew hoeing potatoes - Bella weak started to Prescott for Allen & to spend the day at Fidy's, but met Allen & Sidney walking home, so she came home - Bella not at all well -

Thursday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine day but cold, Andrew and the boys busy planting potatoes. Lucia and I went to Maitland in the evening and took Annie Henderson with us - Sidney poorly Bella too -

Friday 24th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day - (Queen's birthday) Andrew & boys finished the potatoes in the afternoon - Bella better, she went to Maitland in the afternoon. Harold and Allen spent the evening Emily Henderson.

Saturday 25th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day. Will came back from Toronto. I went to Prescott and took Sid - ney home, found Mary Anne a little better - Andrew sowed western corn, Harold dragged & {solled?} it. Andrew and Harold cleaned up a piece of land -

Sunday 26th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine morning but a wet after-noon with thunder - Andrew, Will and the boys went to church - In the evening Emily Henderson and the two == girls came over for an hour or two -

Monday 27th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine morning, but wet afternoon - I took Allen to Prescott. Bella took Will and Harold to Brockville to start on a trip to Pembroke and adjoining towns - Andrew tried to hoe potatoes but the rain stopped him -

Tuesday 28th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A bright morning, but showery day. Lila came down and spent the afternoon {there is an ink blot at the beginning of afternoon} here Andrew and I went to Brockville , he sold 16 pounds of butter - I got a polonaise cut and fitted, Andrew got two horses shod -

Wednesday 29th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine morning - Bella took Lucia to Mr. Lewis's to spend the day, she went for her in the morning - Andrew's {load?} potatoes all day. Set a hen in the pig sty on eleven eggs -

Thursday 30th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cloudy cool day - Andrew and I went over the Swamp, found Mary Anne sick and Sol away drinking - Andrew sent Thomas to Prescott with Bill's Oats - Nothing par-ticular doing - Bella & Lucia went to Mrs. Hendersons after tea -

Friday 31th{Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day. Bella spent the day in Prescott, in the evening brought home Allen and Ella, Ella is going to stay till Monday. Andrew hoeing potatoes. Lucia and I went over the Swamp in the afternoon. Mary Anne a little better - Mr. Hutchinson and Bertha Fielde called in the evening. Mr. Hutchinson staid all night. I got a letter from Harold -

June 1st Saturday -

A very warm summer like day, Andrew and the boys washed the sheep, Bill came up and took me for a drive, Allen, Dennie and the two girls were out in the boat. Clara Henderson come over for a few minutes.

Tuesday 2nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

A lovely day - Andrew and the Allen went to church, Clara Henderson came over for a minute -

Monday 3rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine morning, Bella took Allen and Ella to Prescott - Andrew worked in the garden. Nothing particular doing - Bill called and gave Carroll some medicine -

{June is written in the top left corner}

Tuesday 4th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A rainy morning - Andrew Lucia and I went to Brockville - We took up 20 lbs of butter - Andrew worked in the garden in the afternoon - In the evening Lucia and I went over to Emily's - I got a letter from home and one from Harold -

Wednesday 5th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very cold raw day, a fire in the hall feels very comfortable. Andrew busy in the garden and corn field, Bella went to Maitland, nothing particular doing.

Thursday 6th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A bright cold morning, we had a heavy white frost last night - Andrew & I went to Prescott, for some turnip seed. Andrew finished sowing turnips in the afternoon. Nothing particular doing.

Friday 7th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

{"X" in top-left of entry} A fine morning but cold and cloudy, Bella went to Prescott for Allen, Dennie came up to stay till Monday - Andrew & I went over the Swamp, I found Mary Anne a little better, but still very weak - Sheared sheep {inserted above: "today"}:

Saturday 8th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day, Allen and Dennie caught three fish. Will and Harold came home from Pembroke this evening, they were very tired, Harold enjoyed his trip very much, we are all glad to have him home - The two Miss Henderson's with Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Fielde came over in the evening -

{June is written in the top left corner}

Tuesday 9th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A perfectly lovely day. Andrew and the boys with Lucia went to church. In the afternoon Bella, Will, {Nigel?} and the children went for a walk -

Monday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day. Andrew took Will to Mait-land when he started to go back to Pembroke - Andrew left the carriage to be first at the blacksmiths - I have a bad cold -

Tuesday 11th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A rainy morning. Bella went to Brockville with Harold, they sold 18 pounds of butter - Emily Henderson came over for tea, Harold and Lucia went over to play croquet with Annie and Clara -

Wednesday 12th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine morning, but very wet in the afternoon. Mrs. Lewis, Miss Hammond and Mr. Lewis called this afternoon - Andrew and Harold busy at the {weeding?} all day - Nothing particular doing -

Thursday 13th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day, Allen came home this morning to spend his birthday at home, he is fourteen years old today - I went over to Sol's with Andrew. Mary Anne is better, my chest is very sore from a {heat-rash?} blister - Allen and Lucia went

to Maitland in the boat. Andrew weeding Marigolds in the forenoon. I got my dress from Mrs. Bakers - - - - -

Friday 14th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day. Andrew and I went to Ogdensburg to see Fannie and Mrs. Barber. Andrew {sent?} the "Noxon" Mower & Reaper back to Mr. Coates nothing particular doing here -

Saturday 15th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day - Harold, Allen, Andrew and Thomas hoed potatoes all the morning - In the afternoon Harold went to Prescott to bring Fannie home to stay a few days - Anne Henderson came over in the evening -

Sunday 16th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A damp morning, Harold, Fannie Andrew and myself went to church - Emily Henderson came over in the evening - Sol and the boys came over in the evening -

Monday 17th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cloudy morning but fine afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. {Leais?}, Miss Lewis, Miss Hammond and Lila came to tea, also Mrs. Henderson and Annie. Allen came home from school in the evening, Harold was over at Sols sowing turnips all day -

Tuesday 18th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day - Bella took Allen to Prescott and brought up Mary Anne and Sarah to stay a few days - Fannie, Harold, & Annie Henderson went down to the concert in Prescott - Andrew spent the evening here with us -

Wednesday 19th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day, cool in the evening - Mary Ann from over the Swamp was here also Annie and Clara Henderson - Sidney Ford came here today, Watch the dog bit his leg - -

Thursday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A lovely day, Sarah, Mary Ann, Carroll, and myself went out to Marcia's and spent the day. Bill was here for a few minutes, Andrew weed the marigolds, Harold took Fannie and went out in the boat.

Friday 21th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine morning but wet afternoon - Bella took Mary Ann, Sarah, and Fannie down to Prescott and brought up Ella and Allen - Annie and Clara came to play today croquet in the evening - very hot indeed tonight -

Saturday 22th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very wet day. Andrew and I went to Iroquois and exchanged our wool for cloth and sheeting - Harold & Allen tried to weed turnips but the rain stopped them - Bella went to Maitland for the Mail -

Sunday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A showery day - Andrew and the children went to church - Nobody here - - - -

Monday 24th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A rainy day. Allen took Lucia and Ella to Prescott, & came back in the evening. Got a letter from Fide, Harold shot "Watch" the dog in the evening. Andrew began to do his road work. Lucia staid in Prescott -

Tuesday 26th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A lovely cool day, I went to Brockville in the morning with Harold, sold 11 lbs of butter, began to pack Bella's tub - Allen rode the pony to Prescott and came back in the evening. I took the wool out to Mrs. Coats - Andrew and Harold dug daisies all the afternoon - - -

Wednesday 26th{Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A lovely day - I drove Allen to Prescott in the morning, he did not go to school, but helped the ladies at the Strawberry Festival that was held today - Andrew busy at the potatoes, I took the wool out to Mrs. Coats and hired a boy boy to help with the {buding?} - - -

Thursday 27th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A hot day, but warm - Andrew and Harold with the {new?} worked at the roots between showers - Nobody here nothing particular going on -

Friday 28th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day - Andrew at the roots - Will came home this evening - Andrew, Bella, Will, & Harold went out in the boat in the evening.

Saturday 29th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

Another scorching day - Will took Bella and the children to spend the day in Prescott - Andrew and Harold working at the turnips. Lucia & Allen came home with Will. We had strawberry short cake for tea - - -

Sunday 30th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A frightfully hot day. Bella and the children went to church. Andrew took medicine and staid at home. Annie and Clara came over in the evening.

July. Monday 1st

A very very hot day. Andrew and Harold busy at the turnips in the morning. In the afternoon, Will, Andrew, and the two boys went to Brockville to see {"Hanlan"?} boat race, they went in our boat, and came back ver tired -

Tuesday 2nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

Another fearfully hot day. Will went away to Pembroke. Annie Jones came over to stay a few days. Emily Henderson came over to tea Annie & Clara came in the evening, Andrew hoeing potatoe's. Harold went to Brockville with the butter. {the following is cross-hatched: "Sarah and Mr. Setree called for a few minutes."}

Wednesday 3rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fearfully hot day - We had a nice shower of rain, but it seemed hotter than ever after it - I took Allen to Prescott to school, got home before dinner, picked currants and peas in the afternoon.

Thursday 4th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A broiling day - Andrew & Harold busy hoeing potatoes and beans - I went out in the afternoon to get some gooseberries - - - Annie & Lucia went over to Emily's after tea. Bella went to Maitland and brought home a letter from Mrs. {Ston?} - I went out in the boat for a few minutes with Andrew in the evening - - - - -

{July is written in the top left corner}

Friday 5th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day, Lizzie and I went out to buy to get some berries, but they were not ripe, we only got {illegible} for tea. Andrew hoeing corn and potatoes -

Saturday 6

A boiling hot day - Bella went to Prescott for Allen I went out and got berries for tea and for Sunday. Andrew dug new potatoes today for the first time this year - Nothing particular doing.

Sunday 7th {There is an 'X' written beside the entry}

A hot day. Andrew and all the children went to church, we got some nice books to read from the Sunday school -

Monday 8th {The 'th' is underlined by _.}

A very hot day. I took Allen to Prescott and got myself two pairs of shoes - I went out for berries in the afternoon. Lucia and Annie took tea a Emily's - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday 9th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day, Harold took 13 lbs of butter to Brockville, in the afternoon he began to cut hay, he cut the {field?} below the house, myself and Susan got a lot of berries, I preserved them in the afternoon - Andrew still hoeing.

Wednesday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

Another hot day, Lucia went with her {word is crossed out} Bill for a trip up to the "Islands", the whole family from Prescott besides Mr {The 'r' of Mr is elevated with quotations marks below it} & Mrs {The 'rs' of Mrs is elevated with quotations marks below it} Sidney Ford Jones. We had a very heavy shower of rain to day, {Mr?} Lewis the barley flat - - - - - - -.

{July is written in the top left corner}

Thursday 11th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day. Allen came home for the holidays- Andrew worked at the Marigolds and hay with the boys -

Friday 12th

A hot day - {Beth?} {There is a stain covering the pencil} Hutchinson came up to help with the hay - Harold cutting, and the rest drawing in - Susan went to get raspberries - Lizzie went away yesterday to the spend the day at home. Annie Jones came over in the evening.

Saturday 13th {Quotations are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day - Andrew, Mr Hutchinson {the 'r' in Mr. is elevated and quotation marks are written under it} Allen & Thomas cut drew hay in nearly all day - Harold mowed all day - Lizzie came back from home just at dinner time - - Susan went for berries.

Sunday 14th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day - Andrew and I went to church. We spent the afternoon reading a very interesting book - Annie & Clara Henderson, Sol {Soloman} and the boys came over in the evening.

Monday 15th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day. Lizzie picked berries all day Susan and I washed and drained. Mr. Hutchinson {the 'r' in Mr. is elevated and quotation marks are written under it} came home in the morning -. Nothing particular doing, all hands busy at the hay -

Tuesday 16th { {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fearfully hot day - Harold and I went to Brockville, & took up 19 lbs of butter to sell - Mary Anne was here in the afternoon for a few minutes - All hands busy at the hay, the weather very trying - There was a {illegible} in Ogdensburg in Tuesday.

Wednesday 17th

The hottest day we have had this summer. the Thermometer stood at 82 in the cellar at five o'clock in the afternoon - Andrew worked in the garden in the afternoon, he nearly suffocated with the heat. Harold mowed hay all the afternoon -

Thursday 18th

Another dreadfully hot day. last night was fearful, the heat was intense. I went picking beans today, for a little while. Mr. Hutchinson mowed hay in the afternoon, the rest all drawing in.

Friday 19th

A fearfully hot day - Bella went to Mait-land to meet Will but he did not come, Bella Fielde & Mrs. {Eagllesaon?}, called in the evening - Harold hurt his foot, Tom the horse trod on it - All hands busy haying.

Saturday 20th

A very hot day - Will came this afternoon thee heat has been fearful this last few days. All hands busy at the hay. Mr. Hutchinson went to Prescott to spend Sunday - Harold's foot is very sore - - - - - -

Sunday 21th

A hot day, but not quite as hot as it has been, Allen and I went to church, Emily and Clara Henderson came over in the evening - It is nice and cool this evening - - - -

{top-right: "July"} Monday 22nd

A fine cool day with a sprinkling of rain. Will and I went for berries in the aftermorning. In the afternoon Will, Bella and the children went to Brockville Allen took a quarter of mutton over to Sols - Andre hired another boy today -

Tuesday 23rd

A hot day but a good {heage?}. Will and I picked berries nealy all day - Allen went to Brockville and sold 22 lbs of butter. All hands busy at hay

Wednesday 24th

A very windy day - Will went back to Pembroke, Mary Ann was here to tea - Bella went to Maitland - Clara Hen-derson called in the evening - All busy at hay - - - -

Thursday 25th

Another windy day - Bella went to Pres-cott to bring Lucia home. Annie Jones was here for dinner. Harold cut the barley today - Began to rain this evening.

Friday 26th

A pouring wet day the heaviest rain that has come this summer. Andrew and the boys busy fixing scythes rakes, etcera - - - -

Saturday 27th

A wet morning, the men working at turnips and potatoes, in the afternoon all hands busy at opening the hay stacks and putting up bar-ley - Bill called for a few minutes in the evening - Bella went to Maitland for the Mail - - - -

{top-left: "July"} Sunday 28th

A lovely cool day - Bella, Allen, and Lucia went to church - Emily and all the girls came over for a few minutes - - -

Monday 29th

A cloudy day. There was an Eclipse of the Sun this afternoon - Andrew and all the boys were busy at the Hay and barley - Mary Ann was here for tea. This is Harolds birthday, he is sixteen years old today -

Tuesday 30th

A cool windy day. Harold and I went to Brockville & sold 23 lbs of butter, I got some cups and saucers, and some things I needed - Emie & Willie Darling {tow?} were here for dinner, they have gone out camping up among the "Islands" Allen has gone with them, I hope they come home safely - Bella went to Maitland and took tea at Mrs. Bakers.

Wednesday 31st

A fine cool day - Harold and Mr. Hutchinson went to a picnic at "Wells" Island, Andrew and the mow worked at the turnips all day - Mary Ann, Sarah, & Dennie were here for tea Sarah came to stay; Sols Mary Ann was here for tea - -

{top-left: "August"} Thursday 1st

A fine cool day - Andrew and all hands busy at the hay and barley - Miss Wells came down to tea, and Ruth came too - Mr. Hutchinson drove them home -

Friday 2nd

A cloudy cool day - Andrew finished getting up the hay and got in some oats - Marcia and Lucia {Morey?} come out and spent the afternoon and took tea with us - It rained quite a shower this afternoon -

Saturday 3rd

A lovely day but very warm - Andrew got in the wheat today and finished the oats over the Swamp - Will came back today, he brought his horse with him. Allen came home from camping tired out, Emie and Willie Darlington rowed home, Allen came on the "Stranger": - Bella & Will went to Maitland and to Mr. Lewis's in the evening. Harold went to Prescott with Mr. Hutchinson - Emily and all the girls came over in the evening -

Sunday 4th

A very fine day, hot but with a good breeze. Andrew, Harold, Lucia, & Sarah Hend- went to church. Annie & Clara Henderson came over in the evening -

Monday 5th

A dull day, Andrew {over?} in Barley. Mary Ann was over in the evening - Will went to Prescott Harold went down to Prescott and brought Mr. Hutchinson up - - - - -

{top-left: "August"} Tuesday 6th

A fine morning until about ten o'clock when a fearfully heavy rain came up the wind was very high, one of the large Maples was blown down at the head of the {llane?}, Will packed all of Bella's things and took them to Maitland, Harold and Lucia went to Brockville and took 19 lbs of butter - - - - - -

Wednesday 7th

A fine morning but showery. Will went to Toronto. I was sick all day - Andrew and all the men were busy hoeing the garden and working at the turnips - Little Andrew was here for tea -

Thursday 8th

A showery day, Sarah and I started to go to Marcia's, we had to turn around when we got to the corners & as it was going to rain, we got home just in time to escape a heavy shower. Lucia and Ida went to a picnic at Miss Will's old place, Sarah and I went too.

Friday 9th

A very wet morning we had the most dreadful shower last night that has {busted?} this part of the world for years. It thundered and lightened incessantly for hours, and poured rain in {town?} - Emily and the girls came over in the evening Mary Ann came for tea -

{top-left: "August"} Saturday 10th

A cloudy day. Andrew & man drawing in wheat and Marsh hay. Bella, Harold, and the two children went to Toronto - Dennie came up with Allen from Prescott - Andrew very tired today - - - - -

Sunday 11th

A lovely morning - Andrew and the children went to church. The Henderson's were over in the evening - Big Jim was here in the af-ternoon, We had a heavy shower of rain this even

Monday 12th

A fine day - Andrew busy at the Harvesting. Sarah Hurd and I took tea at Emily's - Mr. Hutchinson came up from Prescott - It did not rain today -

Tuesday 13th

A fine morning, Andrew and Allen went to Brockville and took 26 lbs of butter up - Sarah Hurd went down to Prescott - Ella and Annie came up with Mr. Hutchinson in the morning - Andrew and all hands busy at the Marigolds -

Wednesday 14th

A showery day. Susan went away today - Carroll very cross and fretful, he does not like the idea of being {unknown}. The children all went to a party at Mr. Lewis's, Andrew and Allen busy at the Marigold's

Thursday 15

A lovely morning, Lucia, Ella, & Baby went {unknown} to Sarah Campbell's - In the evening {unknown} the Fielde, with the two Miss Hendersons, Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Fielde came over and spent the evening here -

Friday 16th

A lovely day morning, but fearfully hot all the afternoon - I wait with Andrew to engage the thrashers - Got a letter from Harold, William came over in the afternoon to borrow a dollar for his mother - - - - - It rained very heavily this evening, Mary Ann came in wet through - - - -

Saturday 17th

A fine day, Mary Ann was here for dinner. After dinner Annie & Ella went home with Allen, Mr. Hutchinson went away for good I hope, Andrew and men busy at Marigolds, Thomas hurt his foot, Bill called & was here for tea, Dennie came up with Allen & went home with his father -

Sunday 18th

A very fine day. Allen, Andrew, & myself went to church, Lucia staid at home and took care of Carroll for me - We spent a very quiet sunday -

Monday 19th

A cloudy but pleasant day. Andrew sent a load of hay to Brockville Allen & Andrew busy fixing up the gates in the barn. I was busy all day making cakes for Lucia's party and the picnic - Mary Ann, Emily, & Annie were over in the evening for a minutes -

Tuesday 20th

A showery day, Andrew cutting weeds around the house. {Lulu?} Lewis, Nellie Mores, & Annie & Clara henderson came over and took tea with Lucia. Mary Ann & Ida came over in the evening - Ida stayed all night -

Thursday 2

Wednesday 21st

A lovely day. Andrew, Lucia, Ida, & Allen went to the Sunday School picnic at St Lawrence Park. I took them to Maitland and brought them back again. Thomas took a load of hay to Brockville - In the evening Andrew & I went over to Emily's for a few minutes

Thursday 22nd

A nice but very hot day. Ida & Allen went to Maitland, I posted a letter to Bella, Ida went home. Allen and Lucia went to Emily's in the evening. Andrew & Allen cutting oats all day

Friday 23rd

A lovely day. Andrew, Allen, and myself went over to Ogdensburg in our own row boat. We took dinner at Mrs. Barbers, I enjoyed the boat ride very much indeed. Maggie Patterson came down with Mrs. Henry's baby and spent the afternoon here. Bill and Dennie were here for ten -

Saturday 24th

A showery day. Allen went to Prescott and brought up Susie & Ella to stay till Tuesday evening, we had heavy rain all the afternoon and evening. Andrew busy fixing for the Thrashers, Allen & Andrew went to Maitland in the afternoon.

Sunday 25th A very cool windy day. Andrew and the three girls went to church. Susie & Ella went home in the morning. Harold came home too. Emily and the girls were over -

Monday 26th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very windy day, Andrew went to look for a man to help thrash. Harold and I went to Brockville in the afternoon & sold 18 lbs of butter I got some thing's for Lucia and paid I want the tailor for Andrew's and Allen's clothes 24 dollars - - -

Tuesday 27th

{There is an 'X' written beside this entry} A fair cool morning we {illegible} to thrash today, we finished the grain in the Barley barn and out the Machine for the wheat - Andrew went this evening for another man to thrash - Andrew and Willie were here for dinner -

Wednesday 28th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day. All hands busy thrashing wheat and oats Andrew and Willie here again today - Nothing particular happened Bill called for a minute -

Thursday 29th

A fine day (very hot). The thrashers finished about noon, Andrew paid them 14 dollars and three dollars & 50 cents to {pair?} he had helping him - Andrew and Willie are here for dinner. {Dennie?}here for tea -

Friday - 30th

A very hot day - All hands busy at the straw in the forenoon, In the afternoon Allen and Lucia went to Maitland Andrew and Harold began to cut the Buckwheat - Annie and Clara Henderson with Miss Blakely called in the evening -

{top-left: August} Saturday 31st

A very hot day, the men finished putting in straw. Andrew and Harold cut Buckwheat, Mary Ann was here for tea. Began to rain this evening -

September Sunday 1st

A very wet warm morning. Lizzie went home today, the three children went to church Annie & Clara were over in the evening

Monday 2nd

A vey hot day - Lizzie came home about noon, it rained quite heavily in the night and this morning - Andrew and Harold cutting Buckwheat -

Tuesday 3rd

A fearfully hot day, the thermometer stood at summer heat in the cellar today - Susan Williard came back to work for me today, Lizzie has a sore arm, Susie and Ella went to school today to Toronto - We had a heavy thunder storm this evening Harold and Lucia went to Brockville & took up 17 lbs of butter, Andrew went to Prescott with pork and got some Groceries

Wednesday 4th

A very hot day. Clara Henderson, with {William?} and Millie Beaven came over to tea - Andrew and the boys busy fixing up the front yard and garden - - - -


It rained heavily today -

Thursday 5th

Another fearfully hot day, the weather is as hot as it was in July - Andrew and the boys finished fixing up the lane and yard. In the afternoon they went to Brockville Fannie was here to tea and staid all night.

Friday 6,th

A very warm close damp day, Mrs. Barber, Fannie and Miss Fuller came over and took dinner with us. Andrew went to Prescott for them and took Mrs. Barber back again to Prescott, Fannie & Miss Fuller staid all night - - -

Saturday 7th

A lovely cool day - Andrew with all the young people spent the day in Brockville and {Lyn?}. Coming home they had a narrow escape of being badly hurt, Kitty (the Mare) began to {run?} and kick {oa} a hill, they all had to get out of the carriage, and ahd a hard time to get her quieted down however they all got home safe - George Rob-inson called and paid Andrew his In-terest money - - - - - -

Sunday 8th

A lovely day, but quite hot, Andrew, Harold, Fannie, & Miss Fuller went to church in Maitland in the morning, In the af-ternoon Harold & I went for a walk with Fannie & Miss Fuller, In the evening Harold & the young ladies with Mr. Strong went to Prescott Church -

{September is written in the top left}

Monday 9th

A very fine day, Fannie and Miss Fuller went back to Ogdensburg, Allen took them to Prescott. In the evening Edith, Annie & Clara came over for a few minutes Lizzie's brother for her -

Tuesday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A lovely day, Lizzie {Mom?} went away & paid her 18 dollars. Annie,{Sharpe?}, Mary Anne & Sarah Hurd came up and spent the day, Allen and Thomas were all day in Brockville {Marketing?} - rained quite heavily at night -

Wednesday 11th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cloudy morning, Harold & Allen went to Odensburg, Thomas took a griet to the mill in Brocksville. Dave went to the circus. Andrew sowed Rye, Dennie came up with Allen in the evening - Harold spent the evening at Emily's - It rained in the night

Thursday 12th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very wet day, the wettest day we have had this year, Andrew and Harold pulled down part of the ash house between the showers, Allen quite poorly all day - the weather is very warm almost as hot as July - Thomas went to Brockville with a load of hay. I posted a letter to Bella.

Friday 13th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very windy rainy day - Andrew & Harold were pulling down the ash house - Dennie was here all day, thermometer staid at summer heat in the cellar {what?} 4 o'clock in the afternoon - - - - -

Miss {Illegible name} Hick died today

Saturday 14th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fearfully windy day, no boats were able to go up the river until evening. Andrew & Harold cut corn Andrew went to Prescott in the evening and took Allen and Dennie with him -.Allen went on the "Persia" to Toronto. {The following is written underneath the entry with an arrow: E. A. & C. H. came in}

Sunday 15th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine cool day, the wind is all down, Andrew and I went to Miss Hick's funeral in the afternoon, I went to church in the morning with Harold and Lucie. Emily, Annie & Clara were over in the evening - - - - - - - -

Monday 16th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

Two years today since "Pa" died - This has been a fine day. Emily and I drove down to see Miss Hick - I took some money Mutton over the swamp - Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Hammond called - - - - Annie Henderson called for a minute - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday 17th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day, Andrew and Allen Harold worked at the ash house. Harold went to a party at Mr. Purkiss's in the evening. Andrew went to vote, Mr. Wiser {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated, and quotation marks are written below it} gained the election - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday 18th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day, Ernie came up and staid all night. We got a letter from Allen - Thomas went to Brockville, Harold and Lucia spent the evening at Emily's, Andrew busy at the ash house Bill took Dunnie to school at Port Hope.

{September is written in the top left}

Thursday 19th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A warm close day, we had a heavy rain this afternoon, I churned a large churning this morning, Harold and Andrew still working at the building - Nothing particular doing. Thomas and Dave worked half a day at road work - Yesterday a man from Burritts Rapids bought a load of apples - - - -

Friday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot windy day, thermometer up to summer heat in the cellar, Miss Wells came down to take tea with us, Harold took her home and got some letters, Andrew got me from Annie - Mr. Murray {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and there are quotation marks written underneath it} called and paid Andrew 30 dollars for Mrs. {Howison?} {The 'r' in 'Mrs' is elevated and there are quotation marks written underneath it}. Andrew and Harold busy at the ash house. Thomas and Dave finished the road work and thrashed some buckwheat -

Saturday 21st {Quotation marks are written under the 'st'}

A fine cool day - Andrew and I went to Brockville in the afternoon, Lucia went to Mr. Lewis's - {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and there are quotation marks written underneath it} I got a dress for Lucia, Edith Henderson called - Nothing particular happened.

Sunday 22nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd'}

A lovely cool day. Harold and Lucia went to church in the afternoon we all went for a walk over to the young cattle are pasturing, Susan spent the day at home.

Monday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine day, a slight frost last night . Harold commenced lu going to school today. Edith & Bertha were here for tea. In the evening Emily and Annie came over, Andrew and men working at Buckwheat Ernie and Miss. Fuller called - - - - -

{September is written in the top left corner}

Tuesday 24th

A very hot disagreeable day - Daw went away today, Thomas to Brockville, Andrew very sick with a cold, the {illegible} he has had for years, we got a letter from Allen, Harold went to school - - - - -

Wednesday 25th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

{An 'X' is written beside the entry} A lovely cool day, Andrew quite sick. I went down to see Miss Heck, Mary Anne and Sarah Hurd took tea here sent Mr. Johns butter {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and quotation marks are written underneath}

Thursday 26th

A very wet morning, Harold went to school Andrew a little better, Marcia came for crab apples and took tea. Bill came to Andrew and gave him some medicine I began to dry apples - Ernie came up with Harold and staid all night

Friday 27th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cool day. Andrew helped me with the apples nearly all day and evening. Bill called. Baby {Durham} very poorly. Lucia came home from Prescott. Posted a letter to Mr. {Stone?}.

Saturday 28th

A very fine day - Andrew a good deal better Lucia spent the day with Ruth Well's. Harold busy at the Buckwheat. I brought the milk out of the cellar on Wednesday. Got a letter from Allen. Sarah {illegible name} called in the evening - - - - - -

Sunday 29th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very fine day. Andrew and I went to Prescott church. Clara Henderson took tea here, I woited in Press Corr until evening to bring Allen home he did not come - - - - -

Monday 30th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day just like summer, Thomas took a load of hay to Prescott - Allen came home this evening, I was very busy all day making preserves and washing & ironing.


Tuesday 1st {Quotation marks are written under the 'st'}

A hot day, I had to put the milk back in the cellar it was so hot in the pantry - Mary Anne, Sarah, Addie Ward, and Russie Munroe spent the day with us, Annie & Ida came over in the afternoon. Puss staid all night. - Thomas went to Brockville

Wednesday 2nd

A showery warm day. Lucia went to Maitland to get a dress fitted - I worked at the apples all day. Baby {Durham} very poorly. Emily and the girls came over in the evening.

Thursday 3rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine morning but wet evening. Puss & Lucia went to Prescott with Harold. Andrew went over to Sols {Soloman's} to thrash - I worked at the apples all day, Andrew finished peeling in the evening - ............

Friday 4th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day, Andrew went to thrash - I finished all the apples in the {forenoon?}, Andrew came back early as the Machine broke down , nothing happen ed here of any consequence -

Saturday 5th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A cool day. Andrew finished thrashing. Lila and Ruth Wells spent the day with Lucia In the afternoon Andrew, Harold, Allen, Baby {Durham} and myself went to Brockville, the boys got new {boots?} I got hemming for my dress, and Nene's present -

{October is written in the top left}

Saturday 5th

I got Lucia's dress at Mrs Barber's {The 'r' in 'Mrs' is elevated and quotation marks are written underneath} and paid for both dresses, we took Mrs. Glassford's {The 'r' in 'Mrs' is elevated and quotation marks are written underneath} jar of butter up. Andrew got a letter from "Hamilton" Brantford

Sunday 6th

A cool showery day, Andrew, the boys and myself went to church - It rained very heavily when we came home - {The following is written in different handwriting} We got home & eat dinner, read a book in the afternoon, ate some tea, Papa read some about coalmines & then we rea went to bed {RS?} Annie & Katie came over in the evening.

Monday 7th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day, Andrew and Allen digging potatoes, nothing particular happened -

Tuesday 8

A very windy disagreeable day, Allen, Lucia and myself went to Brockville in the afternoon, Mary Anne came up to stay a few days, it rained heavily in the evening -

Wednesday 9th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A heavy thunder storm and heavy rain today, Andrew took Lucia to Ogdensburg, to stay a few days, we had the heaviest gale that we have had this year, Nothing particular happened - - - - - -

Thursday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fien day, Ernie came up with Harold from school, Andrew and Allen picking apples, churned a large churning today, Nothing particular happened, Sarah Hurd and Addie Ward came up, Mary Anne went home with them - - - - - - - -

{October is written in the top left}

Friday 11th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine cool day. I finished filling Bella's tub of butter and began Susan's, Susan and I cleaned all the upstairs today, Ernie went home - Lila Ham mond called for a few minutes - to say "Goodbye", she is going to the States for the winter - The boys went over to Emilys in the eoening - Andrew picked apples all day,. This is Lucia's birthday she is 12 years old.

Saturday 12th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day. The boys and Andrew picked Apples. Harold chruned for me this morn-ing, Thomas went to Brockville to Market, I cleaned Lucia's room today - - - - - -

Sunday 13th

A very fine day, Andrew and Allen went to church, Sue went for a walk in the afternoon In the evening Edith, Annie, and Clara Henderson came over -

Monday 14th

A cloudy morning, but gone fine towards evening I was very busy working and cleaning the draw-ing room - We finished the ironing, Andrew thrashed buckwheat in the afternoon -

Tuesday 15th

A fine day, rained a little at night - Andrew away all day at a bee for Guernsey Thomas wentnt to Brockville & brought home a cross dog. Edith & Clara came to tea Annie and Emily here in the evening - I cleaned the dining room got a letter from Fannie and Lucie

{top-left: "October"} Wednesday 16th

A very fine day as warm as summer, had to put milk down cellar again. Andrew busy digging potatoes, Bill called for a minute - I went to Maitland with Allen. I cut out 9 shirts today and began to make one - I got a letter from Bella and answered - - - -

Thursday 17th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very hot day just as warm as August - I went to Prescott with Harold, Mary Ann came up to stay a few days - I went to see Annie Sharpe - Andrew busy digging potatoes and finishing the Buckwheat. Jimmy Farrell came to work for a few days - - - -

Friday 18th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A pouring wet day, Sol and Mary Ann were here for dinner, Allen and Harold came home in the rain. Sol rented his farm for five years to a {main?} from Eastons conners - Bill was here for a minute =

Saturday 19th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A very wet disagreeable day, we had quite a heavy snow storm today, Andrew and all the boys husked corn in the forenoon and cleaned up buckwheat in the afternoon Nobody here & nothing particular happened.

Sunday 20th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day. Addie & Sarah came up to dinner & took Mary Ann home. Emily & Edith came over in the afternoon - Andrew and the boys went to Church

{top-left: "October"} Monday 21st

A very fine day. Andrew worked at the po-tatoes all day - I washed, ironed, and churn-ed - Lucia came home with Harold in the morning -

Tuesday 22nd

A lovely day just like summer, Nena Sharpe was married today, All the children went to the wedding, Harold and Fannie staid for the party in the evening - In the afternoon I went to Brockville and took Mrs. Glassford's butter up, she owes me $2.75 {written above: "cts"}. I paid Mrs. Baker and Mr. Hutchinson what I owed them - - - -I got $11.20 (written above: "cts"} from Mrs. Stow - I began to pack Captain Atkinson's butter -

Wednesday 23rd

A rainy day - Harold went to school but did not come home in the evening, he had to stya for a concert Practice - I wrote to Mrs. Stow and Will, Andrew and Allen husked corn and cleaned up buckwheat - - - - -

Thursday 24th

A fine day, Harold dug potatoes - in the evening Andrew, Allen & myself went to a party at Emily's, it was the 25th anniversary of her Wedding day - We had a very pleasant party, did not get home till nearly 12 o'clock.

Friday 25th

A fine day quite warm. Harold came home this morning as there was no school - Thomas went to Brockville with a load of hay, Andrew & the boys picked apples all day - I cleaned the bedroom and Hall Allen went to Maitland - - - -

Saturday 26th

A very wet day - Andrew tried to work at the Ash house but could not on account of the rain - Thomas took a load of hay to Brockville - Nobody here - - - - -

Sunday 27th

A pouring wet day - I went to church with Andrew and the boys. Sarah and Addie came up in the afternoon to say goodbye - - - - -

Monday 28th

A fine day, I washed in the morning, & went over to Emily's in the afternoon - Lucia spent the day in Prescott - Nothing particular doing -

Tuesday 29th

A fine day - Miss Wells, Mrs. Wells, the three young Wells, Emily Henderson, Annie Hen-derson and {Barrie?} Sharpe came to tea and spent the evening here - Andrew busy drawing out manure -

Thursday Wednesday 30

A pouring wet day - {Barrie?} staid all day; Andrew churned a splendid large churning, Nobody here, nothing doing in particular

Thursday 31st

A showery day - {Barrie?} went home with Harold - Thomas went to Brockville - Harold staid all night he to a party at the Parkers's -

November 1st {inserted slightly above: "Friday 3 1st"}

A very cold disagreeable day just like winter - Allen went to Ogdensburg with a bundle of apples for Fannie, Harold and Allen came home together in the evening - We got five Gallons of coal {coal?}

Saturday 2nd

A wet afternoon - A cold disagreeable morning Andrew and the boys busy at the roots In the afternoon I went over to see Clara Henderson, Andrew went to a {raising?} bee at {Guernseys?}, Allen went to Maitland, I got a letter from Clara -

Sunday 3rd

A very cold rough day - Andrew and the children went to church. Susan went home - Nobody here - - - - -

Monday 4th

A very cold frosty day. Allen commenced going to school again today - I was busy washing and working butter in the morning, in the afternoon Lucia and I went over to see how Clara Henderson was, she is quite sick with Pleurisy and congestion of the lungs Andrew busy at the roots all day

Tuesday 5th

A cold snowy morning, finer towards evening Andrew busy at potatoes and carrots - Thomas took a load of hay to Brockville - Nobody here - - - -

Wednesday 6th

A fine day but cold. Thomas took a load of hay down to Mr. Lewis in Prescott. Christopher Dagleish came and paid {Due?} interest - Lucia went over to see Clara and staid to tea -

Thursday 7th

A stormy day morning. Andrew busy at the potatoes. Willie Elles came up and staid with the boys all night - Carroll has a bad cold he was treated with croup I was up nearly all night with him - - - - -

Friday 8th

A fine but very cold day, the wind blowing from the northeast all day - I finished filling Captain Atkinson's tub of butter today - I began to pack for myself I got a letter from Sarah Harold in Lockport -

{top-left: "November"} Saturday 9th

A wet cold morning but cleared up and was fine but cold after ten o'clock Lucia spent the day at ruth Wells' Thomas went to Brockville and took Captain Atkinsons butter. Bill came for a minute and paid Andrew for his oats - Annie Henderson came over to tea - - - - - - -

Sunday 10th

A very wet day, but warmer then it has been for two or three days - I went to church with Harold and Lucia, In the afternoon, I went over to see Clara Henderson - - - -

Monday 11th

A wet warm morning - The boys went to school. Andrew went down to Guernseys to a {jaising?} bee, and in the evening he and the two boys went to Mr. Cleans for a husking bee.

Tuesday 12th

A very wet morning, but fine afternoon, Andrew busy at the turnips - Fannie came home with Harold and Allen.

Wednesday 13th

A very wet snowy day - Andrew cleaned up barley and sent the last load to McCarthy's Andrew and Fannie went to Maitland and brought me a letter from {Mama?} and one from Bella - - - -

Thursday 14th

A very fine day - Andrew went to Maitland in the afternoon he worked at the turnips - Fannie and Lucia went to Prescott - Emily and Annie Henderson were here for tea -

Friday 15th

A very fine day - Fannie and I went to Prescott and spent the day - Andrew finished getting in the roots - Allen Carroll said Papa for the first {written below: "time -"}

Saturday 16th

A very warm day - Andrew & Harold worked at the Ash house all day, Allen and Fannie went Brockville In the evening All the children and myself spent went over to Emily's

Sunday 17th

A very wet disagreeable day - Andrew Fannie, the boys and myself went to church, Nobody here - - - - -

Monday 18th

A very wet day, Andrew took the apples to the Cider Mill - Thomas ploughed all day - Nothing particular happened -

Tuesday 19th

A wet morning, Fannie went home - Andrew and Johnnie worked at the Ash house - Emily came over for a few minutes, Andrew and I spent an hour over at {Bayhes's?} in the evening -

{top-left: "November X"} Wednesday 20th

Still raining, but nice warm weather, the cows are milking nearly as well as they did a month ago - Andrew finished the stone work of the Ash house. Annie {written over a "G": "came"} over for a few minutes Mary Ann over the Swamp was here for tea -

Thursday 21st

A lovely day - just like Indian Summer Andrew and Johnnie drew out manure - I made the fruit cake - Carroll was very sick in the evening and night - Johnnie {Stanat?} went home, Andrew paid him $7.30 cts

Friday 22nd

A pouring wet day. Lucia was sick all day, I made the plum pudding for Christmas - Allen was sick and could not come home from Prescott -

Saturday 23rd

A wet snowy day. Andrew and Harold cleaned the Pipes - Andrew went to Prescott and brought Allen home - Emily Henderson was here for a few minutes. Andrew took a tub of butter to Maitland to go to Toronto - - - - - -

Sunday 24th

A fine day - Andrew and Allen went to Church - Annie and Clara Henderson were over for a few minutes - Harold has a very sore eye - Susan went home -

Monday 25th

A cold cloudy day - Began to snow quite heavily in the afternoon - Bill called to see Lucia - I began to make apple sauce - Andrew peeled apples for me - I sent a letter to Bella -

Tuesday 26th

A fine day - Thomas took a load of potatoes to Brockville - The butcher came for the cattle, Andrew and I worked hard at the apples I finished boiling them about 11 o'clock at night - - - - - - -

Wednesday 27th

A very wet blustering day - Andrew went to Ogdensburg - Thomas took a-nother load of potatoes to Brockville I finished packing my keg of {butter or batter?}

Thursday 28th

A wet morning - Sol came over and helped Andrew kill the hogs - Will came in the afternoon from Haifax - The boys staid home all day -

Friday 29th

A clear cold day. Will went to Toronto and took Lucia with him. I {tried?} down the fat in the {kitchen?} - Thomas went to Brockville - Allen staid at home Harold went to Ogdensburg -

{top-left: "November"} Saturday 30th

A wet gloomy day. Thomas went to Brockville, Harold and Allen shingled part of the Ash house - I tried out the Lard and made the sausages with Andrew's help - - -

Sunday 1st of December

A cold disagreeable day. Andrew and the boys went to church - In the afternoon Emily and the two girls came over for a few minutes -

Monday 2nd

A pouring wet day - Harold and Allen went to the {unknown} to see the Princess Louise and Marquis of Lorne pass on their way to Ottawa - Thomas left us today and went to Mr. McCarthys to work for the winter, Andrew went to Prescott and took Bill's Pork and Lard down also the apple Sauce to Bill and Fide I washed and churned - - -

Tuesday 3rd

A cold day, Susan and I quilted a quilt Andrew went to Maitland, the boys went to school and got very wet coming home - Nobody home -

Wednesday 4th

A cloudy stormy day, cleared up towards evening. This was Thanksgiving day - Harold and Allen went out shooting in the morning - Emily & Annie & Clara came over to tea and spent the evening - - - - - - -

{December is written in the top left corner} Thursday 5th {There is a large ink smudge}

A bright cold day - Andrew went to Prescott, Susan went with him she was gone all day - Caroll and I were alone till after one o'clock - - - -

Friday 6th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

A fine day but cold - Harold staid home & help Andrew clean up oats - Susan and I cleaned the breakfast room - Sol {Soloman} and the boys were over - - - - - - - - -

Saturday 7th

A fine day - Andrew took a load of oats to Bill - He brought home a mchine for sowing seed - he traded {Smitty?} the mare for it, Harold and Allen fin- ished shingling the ash house then went for a skate - I hot a letter from Lucia - Susan and I cleaned the kitchen - Andrew bought me a little wash mesh and a piece of cheese -

Sunday 8th

A lovely day - Andrew and Allen went to Church - Sarah {Azroe?} and Annie from over the swamp were both here - Susan went home all day -

Monday 9th

A pouring wet day. Harold & Andrew went over to Sols {Soloman's} and killed hogs in the afternoon - I washed and then made four blankets - - -

{December is written in the top left}

Tuesday 10th {Quotation marks are written under the 'th'}

The most rainy day and night that we have had for a year. The boys went to school - Harold staid in Prescott all night Susan and I quilted a quilt -

Wednesday 11th

A very disagreeable day , Andrew went to Prescott and brought up Mr. Benedict {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and quotation marks are written underneath} to {tune?} the piano. he charged me four dollars for doing it - Andrew took him down to Prescott and brought home Harold - Allen did not go to school

Thursday 12th

A stormy fine day, Andrew went to Maitland with wood for the Church and paid the taxes which came to $72, 96 cts, Harold staid in Prescott all night - I got a letters from Lucia - Callie and Bella and WIll

Friday 13

A cold day but clear Andrew took (bus?) to Brockville this morning - I got a lot of things for Xmas and the house - I posted a letter to Clara. Harold came home for the holidays.

Saturday 14th

A fine day not as cold as yesterday - Andrew went to Brockville with potatoes - the boys did the chores and went skating - nobody here.

Sunday 15th

A cold day - The boys went to church. Annie and Clara came over in the afternoon - Harold took tea at Emily's - - - - - - -

Monday 16th

{An 'X' is written beside the entry} A very cold day, I washed in the morning - Mary Anne came over and cut out a dress for me - Mr. Lewis and Miss Hammond called to see me - Harold's holidays began, Andrew took the bushes to the church. Heard of Princess Alice's death from Diphtheria - - - -

Tuesday 17th

A fine day, not very cold. I went to help with the {trimming? treeing?} of the church with Emily - Bill called for a minute - Carroll quite sick with a cold - Harold went over to Emily's in the evening -

Wednesday 18th

A fine day, Andrew went to Brockville to the Mill - Mary Anne called for a few minutes - Annie Henderson came over - Allen came home for the holidays - I worked at a dress all day - paid out $1.15 cts - - - - -

Thursday 19th

A fine day but cold, Andrew and Harold spent the day in the woods and brought home a load of woods {out night?} - Clara Henderson brought me a letter from Lucia -

Friday 20th

A fine day. Andrew and Allen went to the woods, Harold went to Maitland and brought home Lucia We were all glad to have her home. She is looking better - Bella sent me some nice presents from Toronto.

Saturday 21st A cold disagreeable day, about noon it began to snow and snowed heavily all night - Andrew brought home a load of {ink blotch} wood. I cleaned and made custard for x mas -

Sunday 22nd

A very cold day. Andrew, Harold, and I went to church in the double sleigh, the snow is quite deep - the first time we have had enough of snow for sleighing - Andrew and William took dinner here - Allen went over to Emily's in the afternoon -

Monday 23rd {Quotation marks are written under the 'rd'}

A fine day but very cold. Andrew & Allen went to Prescott and brought home Fannie - I worked at the Church all day -

Tuesday 24nd {Quotation marks are written under the 'nd}

A very cold day - Harold went to Prescott and brought up Ernie Andrew and I went to Brockville in the afternoon - I got a {hole?} from Will and a letter from Mary with the likenesses of her little children and herself and Sam in it - In the evening Andrew, Fannie, Allen, Harold, and Ernie, went to church.

Wednesday 25th

Christmas day.

A cold stormy day. Harold and Andrew went to Prescott and brought up all of Bill's family and Fide's family to spend the day and evening - Sol {Soloman} and his children with Annie Sharpe and the here Miss Henderson's were here also, the young folks danced and enjoyed themselves with a late home - They all staid all night excepting Sols family and Hendersons -

Thursday 26.

A cold day - All our guests went away today. I was very {tell?} after dinner getting the house fired up - Harold went to Prescott and staid all day.

Friday 27th

A fine day Andrew and Harold {illegible} , in the aternoon Lucia went to Emily's - I did a large washing and churning {illegible} here

Saturday 28 th A cold stormy day - Harold went to Mait land and got some work down at the Blacksmiths - - - - - - - -

Sunday 29 th

A very cold snowy day. Andrew and Lucia went to church. Susan was away all day nobody here

Monday 30th

Harold and Andrew cleaned the pipes, Annie Jones came over and got a dollar and a half from me of Ms. {Gowy?}, there is now only 8 dollars remaining in Andrew's hands of his money. Harold went to Prescottand brought Allen home Andrew took a load of wood to the Church. I sent money to Toronto for the "Weekly Mail". In the evening Harold, Allen, Lucia and myself spent the evening at Fides - Lucia staid all night we got home about 1 am. - - - - - -

Tuesday 31st

A cold stormy day. Andrew and Mr. Collins {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and quotations are written underneath} went out collecting Ministers salary. Harold and Allen did the chores and drove home two loads of wood from the back woods. Mr. Collins {The 'r' in 'Mr' is elevated and quotations are written underneath} took dinner here -

Transcription Progress



Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones Diary, 1878.pdf
Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones 1878 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones, “Frances Ann (Fanny) Jones Diary & Transcription, 1878,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed January 30, 2025,
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