Olive Esther Delmage Diary & Transcription, 1902


Olive Esther Delmage Diary & Transcription, 1902


Olive Esther Delmage


Courtesy of Museum of Lennox and Addington




20th Century, Lennox & Addington County, Camden Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Olive Esther Delmage Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



Diary 1902

Olive Delmage



January 1st, Wed

I was up early and had my work done at half past ten o'clock Helen and Edith went over to grandpas for dinner. I stayed home with the babies. Marshall Hinch came and stayed all night. George did the chores and was in the house. A very cold day 4° below zero bat very bright.I took naurailigya.

January 2nd, Thursday

I did not do very much work. I sewed on Georges shirts and amused the babies. A cold day and bright. George drawing manure. Helen and Edith busy doing common work. Marshall here all day.I sent for two pictures at Mr Pinkins.

Jan. 3rd. Friday.

I was layed up all day with naurailaga on the lounge. I sewed such as put a back in fathers vest and finish the shirts. A cold day and trying to snow. In afternoon Marsh. went home. George drawing manure.

Jan. 4th. Saturday.

I did a baking of five loaves of bread, patched fathers clothes, peeled apples and canned them. George drawing wood. The girls busy sewing. In even. I read in paper and helped finish fathers fur mittens. The day was cold down to zero but bright.

Jan. 5.th Sunday.

I was up rather early and had my work done. Mr. Ed, Williams grandchildren and Ruth came for dinner. In afternoon Aunt Eliza and hired boy and Edna came. In evening Uncle Reggie, Aunt Lily came and spent the evening. I was tired and went to bed early. A lovely day but cold and all had a nice time.

Jan. 6th. Monday

I was up very early. I skimmed milk, scoured the stove, churned and swept upstairs and did some sewing. In evening Peter came. George went to C.East to meet father and mother who had been to the States. A lovely

winter day. The girls did the Saturdays work. George drawng wood. Father not feeling very well.

Jan 7th. Tuesday

I was up early and baked bread seven loaves. Aunt Ann, Uncle Nick and Ogdan came for dinner. Mother and father talking about their trip. I felt very poorly so did not do very much. In evening was writing and sitting by the stove. A cold day and cloudy. George drawing manure. Mother bought me a thimble and center piece with silk. The girls sewing, reading and writing. The babies are cross.

Jan. 8th. Wednesday.

I had my work done early such as skim milk and make beds. I was busy making old {illegible} quilt and work the butter. I got the pictures of the cabin of Franks as father and I went to C. East. A cloudy day and cold. Mother not feeling very well. The girls sewing. Edna at school.

Jan. 9th. Thursday.

I did not do very much work but quilt and finish the quilt. Mother and father went to Grandpas and in the evening they went to Mr. Milsaps. I pasted in my scrapbook. Edith sewing. Helen amusing babies. George drawng manure.

through the day and eve. We worked at a pair of mitts and writing. Edna playing on piano. A pleasant day but cloudy.

Jan. 10th. Friday.

I was busy doing little odds and ends. In afternoon Mother cut our my wrapper and basted it together. I pratised on the piano. In evening Mother and Helen helped me paste some pictures in a book. Edith was sick. George drawing manure. Father painting his pleasure sleigh. Edna went home. A cloudy day and a little cold. The babies were good.

Jan. 11th. Saturday.

I did not get up very early as I over slept myself. I did baking of 5 loaves of bread biscuit and 4 pumpkin pies, churned, made beds, scoured the stove, made butter milk pop for supper, cleaned the cookroom and other things.

Father fixing the clock. George drawing manure. Helen sick. Mother busy at little things. Edith sewing for babies. A warm snowing day.

Jan. 12th. Sunday.

All at home. I got dinner we all read, talked and sang. In evening I wrote some verses for George. A cold snowy blustry day.

Jan. 13th. Monday.

I was up early and started my washing, got though at noon. In afternoon I cleaned up cookroom and did some sewing. In evening Edna was here I did not do much of anything. George drawing manure. A very cold day.

Jan. 14th, Tuesday.

I did up some of the mornings work and then sewed some on the my wrapper. In afternoon a Mr. Hyke a selling medicine. He stayed all night. I pasted some in books. George drawing manure. A very cold day. Father painting the sleigh.

Jan. 15th. Wednesday.

Election day.

I was up early did baking of bread pies and cakes. In evening father went after Uncle Russel King. Had lots of music. A pleasant day. George cutting wood. I did not go to bed till eleven clock.

Jan. 16th. Thursday.

I was up every early as father & Uncle wished to go to C.East. I was taken sick and was in bed about all day. In evening I was up and we had good music.

Jan. 17th Friday.

Did not get up very early. I sewed on my wrapper wrote a letter to Lorraine I rocked the babies to sleep. Uncle R. mother and Edith went to Grandpas. Edith is to stay. In evening Father

gave us music. A very cold day. George cutting wood. Father fixing the pump. {

Jan. 18th. Saturday. *

I did not do much house work, did a baking of bread, a cake. I sewed on my wrapper. In evening {Lania?} and two Hannah girls came over to hear the music also Sophia. Did not go to bed until late. Uncle & father went to C. East. A cloudy day snowed some George sawed wood. I churned.

Jan. 19th. Saturday

Father, mother, & Uncle went to Uncle Nicks for dinner & tea. I read stories & amused the babies. In evening I popped corn for all. A cold day.

Jan. 20th Monday.

Mother father & Uncle went to Napanee. I scoured stove washed aprons and other little things. I amused the babies. In evening Uncle Nick & Aunt with with {Sid?}. {rudolph?}, David and family Mr. Milsap & Tom & Sophia came to hear the music. Was late when we went to bed. A very cold day. George drawing manure.

Jan. 21st. Tuesday.

Was up early baked pancakes and made bread and other common things. father & I went to Newburgh with new sleigh for wheat flour. It snowed hard all day. I finished my wrapper. Mother doing sewing on doily.

Jan. 22nd. Wednesday.

I did a churning and ironing in forenoon. In afternoon I sewed on my wrapper. The men all home also Edna as it snowed hailed and drifted roads full of snow. a terrible day. George busy shovelling snow. Quite cold.

Jan. 23rd Thursday.

Breaking roads in forenoon. Uncle & father went to Uncle Nicks I did not do very much but finished my wrapper & wore it. in evening father had consert in hall in C. East & George drove us girls down and Mr. Milsap with us Had a very good time I enjoyed the ride. A lovely day but but rather cold.

Jan 24th. Friday,

Did not get up very early as we did not got bed till late. I made a batch of cookies with commonwork washed table cloth & towels and knit some on my stocking. George busy sawing wood. The men in house talking and reading. God keep us from doing evil & may we praise thy dear name. We all went to Wesley Church to social. Had a lovely programme.

Jan. 25th Saturday.

Did baking of bread and cake scoured tank. In evening George drove us down to Newburgh for our concert. We did have hardly anyone there. M. Hinch & girl &

children & Mr.Ryan. A cold day. George busy cutting wood.

Jan. 26th Sunday.

father mother went to Hyman Hinches & to get Uncle. We had a pleasant day read & talked popped corn in the evening. A stormy day.

Jan. 27th Monday.

I was up early in morning & had my washing done at eleven and hung up. Uncle helped me. In the afternoon they mother too went to Croyden. I amused the babies in afternoon & G. helped me paste in the evening in my book. A cold day and clear. G. cutting wood & doing chores.

Jan. 28th Tuesday

I slept downstairs so was

made a call to Mr. Hirches, was late when we arrived home.I made a batch of poor cookies A very cold and I look cold in my head. Geaorge cutting wood. The men in the house all day.

Jan. 31st Friday.

We did not get up very early. Mother & the men wenbt to Selby. George cutting wood. I mended my corsets and afternoon I made a rug. A cold day & snowing some. Helen & Edith went to Mrs. J.P. Clancy's to party. Geneva slept with me all night.

February 1st. Saturday

I was not up very early. I scoured stove and moped Geroges room, took care of babies,

snowed, & made dressing for dinner on Sunday. A cold day & snowing some. Mother & men wnet to Lucy Hirches will have consert in Wesley school house. George cutting wood. I did some pasting for him in evening.

Feb 2nd Sunday.

Baked pancakes. Mother father and Uncle went to Aunt Elizas Williams for dinner. We were here alone. G. & I were reading. I did not extra all day. I love to read and Praise His dear name all day. A cold snowy day. In evening we all talked.

Feb. 3rd. Monday.

I was up early baked pancakes and made G. bed then ironed the clothers. IN afternoon I did up

not up very early. I skimmed milk & made 3 pies pumpkin In afternoon I finished my star quilt. In evening writing. George busy cutting wood. They came home in evening. Uncle & George went to office. A very cold day.

Jan. 29th. Wednesday.

I churned and baked bread in afternoon I cut out patches for to finish my quilt made 18 blocks and did some pasting A cold day but clear. George cutting wood. The other men went to Desmond.

Jan. 30th Thursday.

I was busy doing odd things In evening we went to Centreville

Georges fine shirt and made part of a rug. In evening we were all busy at various things. A very windy & stormy day drifted the roads full. Men shovelling

Feb. 4th. Tuesday.

Baked pancakes. Finished my rug and then started crazy quilt for Alice. Men shovelling the roads out. A clear cold day. Mother tatting, E. ironing Helen pasting. In evening Uncle gave up music on phonograph I was working on quilt.

Feb. 5th Wednesday.

I was up and started my baking and did general work. This evening Peter came and we all shelled corn & then talked

Father, Uncle, Helen, Edith went to Uncle Nicks and stayed all night. A cold day.

Feb. 6th Thursday.

I was up early and had my work about done at dinner time. Father came home but left Uncle. I sold some butter and got some aprons and grociers. {groceries}. In evening I was busy sewing. The day was cold & cloudy. Men working cleaning stables in barn.

Feb. 7th. Friday.

I did a kind of a churning & made lightening yeast .In afternoon I sewed on my blocks as Uncle Nick, Uncle R. came & Aunt Lily & Reggie came. We had music on

phonograph. A cold day & roads bad. George workgin on the barn. In evening I sewed.

Feb. 8th Saturday

I did a baking of bread, mopped floors, scoured the stove, got the dinner, made 10 mince pies and supper with other common work. Uncle & girls H.E. went to Frasher Hinches for dinner. In evening father, mother & Uncle went to Milsaps to give them some music. I was tired and so Geneva & I went to bed early. George & father breaking roads as it drifted all day. It was very cold.

Feb. 9th Sunday.

All at home all day I {illegible}

ed come in afternoon. We all talked laughed and I played on the piano. A very cold day. The roads drifted full.

Feb. 10th Monday.

I was up early & had my washing done at noon & all cleaned up by two oclock. The men shovelling roads. Uncle helped me wash. I made cake & Johnny cake for supper. In evening father gave us some music. I sewed many patches. A little warmer & clear.

Feb. 11th. Tuesday.

I was up & baked pancakes, peeled potatoes for dinner & cleaned house. I made sour karout. {sauerkraut}. In afternoon I washed my head put Genova to sleep, writing & sewing on my quilt. A very

cold day. George working about the barn. Father & U. went to Croydon to have a concert. In evening I sewed on my patches for quilt.

Feb. 12th Wednesday.

I was up and did most of the house work. I did baking of 6 loaves of bread, layer cake & cookies. The men came home. Uncle R. & Aunt Lily drove over. The roads drifted full & George breaking them ont. In evening I rocked Geneva received a catalogne from {Swinders?}. A cold day & snowing hard.

Feb. 13th Thursday

I was up & baked pancakes, found more patches for quilt. In afternoon men ploughed the road out. Father mother & Uncle went

over to Grandpas & stayed all night. Aunt Sphia came was sick with a cold & so stayed all night. She was snowbound at Hay bay. A cold day but clear.

Feb. 14th. Friday.

I was up early & had work done in forenoon. I was busy working on my patches. Mother & the rest came home tonight. I recieved a letter from Alice. George fixing my fancy box. A very pleasant day & babies good. I practiced on the piano.

Feb. 15th Saturday.

I did get up very early .I scoured the stove and then got ready to go to Uncle Ricks with father & Uncle. We stopped at Newburgh & got a trunk & a box of salve for Mother. In C. East

I bought a can of syrup & other little trifles. A cold day . Uncle stayed to Uncle Nicks for Sunday. George working on the barn. Mother sewing on her wrapper. In evening I peeled cooked potatoes for dogs & then read in the paper.

Feb. 16th Sunday.

All home but Uncle Mashall Hinch, Trueman & Randolph came & stayed for dinner & tea. We had some music on phonograph. In evening I popped corn & talked I set old fashioned bread. A cold day but clear.

Feb. 14th. Monday.

We were all up very early as father mother & Uncle went out back. I did not do very much

but bake & tend to my bread as I was sick all day. George shovelling snow. Girls busy doing fancy sofa follows. A very cold day but clear.

Feb. 18th. Tuesday.

I did not get up till late. I sewed on my patches or blocks. In evening I layed on the lounge. George shovelling snow. Girls busy doing house work .A cold windy day, drifting the road full of snow.

Feb. 19th Wednesday.

Did not get up very early I sewed on my blocks and played with babies. In evening I did some writing & sewing. Babies cross. Tom Gibbins and George shovelling snow. A cold day but clear.

Feb. 20th. Thursday.

A lovely day . George & Tommy Gibbins shoveling snow & breaking roads. I ironed the clothes and cleaned my skirt . Girls busy sewing. Babies having a good time.

Feb. 21st. Friday.

I was up early and swept all up stairs and hall. In afternoon I did some sewing & washing of shields, ties & collar. In evening I held Geneva & rocked her to sleep. A lovely day. George went to C.East. He was busy at barn. Sid. Hinch came.

Feb. 22. Saturday.

I did a baking of five loaves scoured the stove cleaned the cookroom .In afternoon I cleaned

some clam shells.In evening I helped George braid a whip for mules. A lovely day George doctoring a sheep at barn.

Feb. 23rd Sunday.

All home except George & he went to Uncle Nicks for him to come to see the sheep but did not come. I read most of the day. In evening did not feel extra so went to bed early .The sheep died The day was lovely.

Feb. 24th Monday.

I was up early & started my washing at half past 7 oclock I had it all done at 12 oclock. In afternoon did some writing of verses & sewing. In evening I looked over some beans & peeled some potatoes for dogs. George busy at

barn. Examined sheep & found a long worm did not know what kind. A cloudy day snowed some.

Feb. 25th. Tuesday.

This is Franks birthday. I made a cursorty jar. {curiosity jar?} I played on the piano. George shovelling snow off of the wood pile . In evening Uncle father & mother came home from out back. We talked & laughed during the evening. A lovely day.

Feb. 26th Wednesday.

We were up early and had the work done. I did a baking of 6 loaves of bread. I worked at my quilt. George shovelling snow father, mother, Uncle & babies went to Uncle Nick Hinches & stayed all day. A lovely day.

In evening I sewed on patches

Feb. 27th. Thursday.

Uncle started for home we were sorry to see him go. Mother & father went over to Grandpas in afternoon. Edith & father went to Camden East in forenoon. Grandma + Grandpa sick with grip. George working at the wood pile. A beautiful day. I sewed on my patches. In evening were reading & sewing.

Feb. 28th Friday.

Was up early made cake scoured stove, water pudding for dinner. It rained hard all day. In afternoon I rocked babies to sleep & dressed for evening as we expected Maggie Milsap & her husband to come.In the evening mother & I sewed on the patches. Father gave us some music on phonograph

George busy sifting coal ashes & cleaning the wood house father reading the papers

March. 1st. Saturday

We did not get up very early. I made bread yeast & cook turnips for hens. I received a letter from Alice Will Gillins here. In afternoon I dressed and sewed patches. In evening I was busy sewing & G. patching his clothes. A rainy day & everything is flooded.

March. 2nd. Sunday.

Slept late in morning. I read most of the day & talked. We were all home. Aunt Sophia here & had dinner. In evening they were all singing but we & I had a sore throat. George getting ready to go home. I wrote a letter to Frank. A warm cloudy day & rainy

March. 3rd. Monday.

We were all up early as George was going home. I did a baking of bread and ironed. In afternoon I made a sofa pillow for my box that George made me. In evening I sewed on patches and wrote a letter to Alice. A cloudy day and colder. I was lonely.

March. 4th. Tuesday.

{between lines} father brought in 1egg. I did not get up very early as I did feel very well . I finished letter made G. bed, planted tomatoe and flower seeds, scoured the stove and then sewed. Mother & father went over to Grandpas. they were better of the grippe. In afternoon I dressed and then sewed the rest of the day. Edith went to office and came back with Mr. Milsaps boots on

as the water was running over road. I was lonely for someone. The day was fine but a little cold.

March.5th Wednesday.

{in between lines} Father brought in 3 eggs. Did not get up very early. I fixed a rug for Georges room. I made a collar for red waist. In afternoon I dressed and sewed. In evening Mr. Mcgraw came & bought the cattle. Edith went over to office . Mr. Milsap & wife Maggie, Vick & Laura came. We had music on phonograph & I popped some corn & we all had a good time. My thoughts were wandering all day. A nice day but cold. Father busy at barn and little house. Carried in wood.

March. 6th Thursday.

I did not get up very early did not feel very all day. I practiced

on piano and sewed on patches carried in wood. Helen & Edith went up to see Ora. I did a baking of 6 loaves of bread and made yeast, sewed on patches, got supper, rocked children to sleep. A nice day. Rather lonely.

March 7th Friday

I was up earlier I watered the plants washed sap buckets and spiles. In afternoon Helen & Edith and father went and tapped the trees. I sewed on my patches. In evening I fixed my corsets & went to bed as my throat was bothering me & I did not feel very well. I carried in the wood. A warm sap day.

March 8th. Saturday.

I did not get up early as I did not sleep very good. I baked

5 loaves of bread, scoured the stove, cleaned the cookroom, sewed on my patches and finished sewing on pieces. In evening H & Edith went ofice and got a letter from Uncle Russell and Alice. A cold windy day. I went to bed early. carried wood

March. 9th. Sunday.

We had on work done early and lots of company. Mr. & Mrs Nilde {?} Ora, Will & Tild {?} with Ogden. We played on phonograh and talked. In evening I played on piano & the rest sang. A lovely day. My throat quite sore. I was lonely in evening.

March 10th Monday.

I was up very early and had my washing on at 12 oclock

& cookroom cleaned. Grandpa & Uncle Weston came for dinner. we had a good visit we sent some things to Alice. I carried in wood got the supper. Helen & Edi went to call on Will & wife. I sewed on blocks. A lovely day. and sap running. In evening I sewed and set my bread. Went to bed early

March. 11th. Tuesday.

Today is the day. I was up early and tended to my bread, had it on the pans by half past 8 oclock. I cleaned Georges out and swept some other rooms. In afternoon I carried in wood and sewed. In evening Mr. John Hollar, wife & two boys came & had to get tea for them George came and I was happy. He had a lot to tell me. A rainy day.

March 12th Wednesday

We did not get up very early. Mr. Kellar went away about 10 oclock. I sewed. In afternoon I made a covering for iron board. In evening I did some writing and reading George went to C. East & got his dry goods & bought me a box of yeast cake & candies. A rainy day. Mother & father went to Oras for tea & had a good time.

March 13th Thursday.

I was up and had a big ironing done before dinner. In afternoon I dressed for company as Mrs. Louis {?}, Mrs. Will Gibbins and husband but they did not come. I started my for-get-me-not doily. In evening Peter came. I started my shaker

flannel quilt. A damp musy but bright George cutting wood.

March 14th Friday.

[between lines} I bought a doily 20 cents. I was up early and did a baking of bread and other little trifles. In afternoon hacked meat for mince. pie & press meat. Our company came for tea. Had music & talked. George cutting wood. A nice day

March 15th Saturday.

I made 8 mince pies & watched George make a hot bed. In afternoon I sewed on quilt & fancy wook. Mother & father went to Mr R Nugents for tea did not come home till 12 oclock. I pasted in Georges veternary book. A nice day & the sap ran well all day.

March 16th Sunday.

All at home we read & talked

In afternoon father went to Mr. Milsaps. In evening was reading A cloudy day & rained some.

March 17th Monday.

I was up early & tended to the milk for the first of the season washed out the cubboard & pans father & Edith boiling sap at the woods. I got dinner and all the work as Helen was sick & I did not feel well either. I did a baking of bread. In evening I pasted in my fancy book. George busy sawing wood.

March 18th Tuesday.

I did not get up very early as I did not feel very well. I knit on my stocking, worked fancy work, skimmed milk for calves. In eveninb Mother & father went to Mr. {?}

Youmans. George & I were pasting A cold day but clear Men cutting wood.

March 19th Wednesday.

I was up early to look after milk, finished some of my pastbooks In afternoon I finished knitting my stocking & fixed some cotton hose In evening I received my flower seeds & catalogue & pasted my Glenarry{?} story. Glen sawing wood. A very cold day but bright.

March 20th Thursday.

I was up early, did baking of bread, tea cake. In afternoon I mended my stocking In evening I washed the dishes and pasted in my book. I lovely day. Men cutting wood. Babies playing out doors.

March 21st Friday

I overslept myself this morning, I did a little washing & swept out George

room, washed dinner dishes, planted seeds in hot bed, washd eggs for to sell. Father & Helen boiling sap at the woods. Edith & mother sewing on babies coat. George cutting wood. I got supper put Geneva to sleep and then sewed on patches. A lovely day.

March 22nd Saturday.

I was up early made G. bed and skimmed milked before breakfast. I washed milk things, scoured stove made biscuits and Johnnie cake for supper, raked some in the yard, mopped the verandah, churned in the evening. Uncle Nick and Aunt Ann came and stayed all night. I did some sewing and went to bed early as I had a bad head ache. A beautiful day. George cutting wood Father boiling sap at the woods.

March. 23rd. Sunday.

We did not get up very erly. I got dinner In afternoon Uncle Nick went home. Mother & father went to Grandpas. I helped Geo. feed the calves. The babies ran off to the grove & I after them. We all got our feet wet. A lovely day.

March 24th Monday.

{between lines} did a baking of bread. I was up very early. Mother, father & babies went over to Grandpas to tap trees and help them make syrup. I was alone & Geo., we had a good time. The girls boiling sap out doors. A lovely day. George cutting wood.

March 25th. Tuesday.

I was up early & did a washing, watered the plants & hot bed, churned in the evening and sewed on my patches. Geo. cutting wood. A nice day. Mother & babies over to Grandpas. Edith sold {unknown]

March 26th. Wednesday.

I was alone all day. I wrote a letter to Catharine. Mr. Gordon, Mr. Cox and Mr. Rockwell was here. Mr. Gordon was here for dinner. I raked in the yard. George cutting wood. Girls boiling sap late at night. I was tired & went to bed early. A lovely day. I bought a music book (10) {cents?} I worked at a tray of butter.

March 27 Thursday.

I was up very early and did a baking of 6 loaves of bread, & the ironing work. Raked some in yard. I afternoon I sewed & practised on piano, churned in the evening and did some writing. A cloudy & rained some. George cutting wood & father boiling sap at Grandpas.

March 28th Friday.

I & Edith went to C. East & did some trading with eggs & butter in evening.

I sewed. A cloudy & windy day. Father helping George cutting wood.

March 29th Saturday.

I was up early did a baking of bread scoured the tank, swept out Geo's. room, raked the yard, churned & worked a tray of butter and sewed in the evening on patches. A lovely day. George cutting wood.

March 30th Sunday.

All at home all day. We read, talked and sang & went to bed early. A windy cool day.

March 31st Monday.

I was up early and did the mornings work. Helen drove Edith to C. East to the millionare at Leroy's. I worked a tray of butter and made rolls, ironed a fine shirt, took chicken feed to barn and churned. In the evening

George and I pasted & then I did some writing. A windy cloudy day. Geo. was busy at the wood. Father boiling sap. I went to bed early. Sid & Randolph Hinche came. Father & mother at Gibbins.

April 1st Tuesday Aprils Fool.

I was up early did the mornings work Father & mother went to Uncle Nicks for dinner. I did a baking of bread. the boys piling wood. I sewed patches on blocks and took care of babies. A nice cool day. George splitting wood. I took feed to barn for hens. I did up a shirt for George.

April 2nd. Wednesday.

Helen driving Edith to C. East & when she came back Mother & father, Helen went to Mr. JohnHughes buried.{?} A rainy day. George did a churning for me. In evening we read the papers. the boys piling wood. I did up shirts & collars for George.

April 3rd. Thursday

I was up early & did ironing work but did not feel very well all day. Mother & father boiling sap. The boys went home. I worked at my fancy doily ironed collars. In evening I took hen feed to barn & rocked Geneva to sleep. A cloudy day.

April 4th. Friday.

I did my Saturdays work such as scour the stove, churned, swept out Geo. room. Mother & father at Grandpas In afternoon brought the plants out of the cellar. In evening I pasted in a book. A nice day. George cutting wood. I set a hen.

April 5th. Saturday.

I was up early made bread and took Edith to C. East & then I drove up to Uncle Nicks & stayed till night. I had a good visit & worked at my doily. Lill busy frying pork. A lovely day. Geo. busy at wood. In evening I rocked the babies.

April 6th Sunday.

We were all home all day. We read talked & popped corn. In evening I walked back to the grove. A warm day & a little cloudy. Aunt Sophia here for dinner.

April 7th Monday.

I did mornings work churned. In afternoon I planted bulbs & seeds & took them to the little house. I got supper for Geo. & I. In evening Mr. Gordon came & had music on phonograph. I made bread spunge {?} Geo. busy splitting wood all day. A lovely day but windy.

April 8th Tuesday

I was up very early did baking of bad bread washed & churned. In evening I wrote a letter to Alice.

& went to bed for I had a bad cold. George & father to C. East trading mower machines. Edith did not come home. Mr. Johnill{?} Shane here getting bee hands for to raise barn. A cloudy windy day. I got 14 eggs.

April 9th. Wednesday.

I watered plants & a some sewing for undervests. In the afternoon I wrote a letter to Florence & tended to the milk. The men cleaning grains in grainary. A rainy day & very windy.

April 10th. Thursday.

{between lines} Father sick.

I was up early made yeast got the potatoes for dinner, churned, made bed, watered the plants. Geroge at the bee raising a barn. Father & mother at Grandpas for dinner. I did some sewing. In evening I did some writing. A cloudy day.

April 11th. Friday.

I did up the mornings work baked bread I set a hen. George at bee in forenoon. In afternoon was putting up fences. Father sick with grip In evening I did some sewing. A cloudy cold day. I made a batch of cookies.

April 12th Saturday

I was up early churned and other common work. Geo. & I took stovepipes down & cleaned them. I swept Georg{e}s room. In eveing I sewed & rocked Geneva to sleep. A windy cloudy day. Helen bought a hat at $3.15.

April 13th Sunday

All at home read talked & sang. In evening Geo. went to Mr. Gibbins. A cold cloudy day.

April 14th. Monday.

I was up early & did baking of bread & cleaned Georges room all alone.

A bright day & warm. Geo. finished splitting wood & clipped a mule. I set a hen. In evening G. went to Newburgh bought me soap chips & tablets. I went to bed early as I was very tired.

April 15th Tuesday.

I finished tyding Geos. room when Grandma & Grandpa came for dinner. I worked a tray of butter in pints.{?} George rolling the meadow by the house. A beautiful day. In evening George churned. Peter came & stayed all night.

April 16th Wednesday

{between lines} Mannie Price died.

Father not feeling any beter so I took the calf feed to the barn & then Mother & I cleaned the attic. I did not feel very well in afternoon. A lovely warm day. Peter gave me a handkerchief. I put G. fur coat away. I went to bed early. Geo. made me a flower bed.

April 17th Thursday.

Helen was sick so I had the work

to do but Mother helped me. I sewed. some in the afternoon. Mr. Dunn & two old men were here to get grain. Geo. churned for me, He was busy sewing [sic] wheat by the Spring. A lovely day & warm. In even. Geo. went to Gibbins.

April 18th Friday.

Mother & father went to C. East to do some trading. I got a pair of stockings & a hat. I cleaned the North & South bedrooms & put down one carpet. A lovely day. George busy in the field. Edna Hinch was here for dinner.

April 19th Saturday

I did a baking & churning & two cakes. Mother & I finished the rooms & took the carpet up in Mother's room. Made bread yeast in evening was very tired at night. George reading

He finished the field & ploughed the garden. A lovely day. Sidney & Randolph Hinch came in morning. George finished making the flower bed.

April 20th Sunday.

Father went to Mr. Milsaps in afternoon. Sid., Randolph, Geo. & I went to Sophias woods for flowers & Mother put the babies to sleep. Uncle Nick was here for tea & evening. I poped [sic] corn for all. Father gave us some music.A lovely day.

April 21st Monday.

I was up very early & did baking of bread churned & washed a big washing. George working in the big field back of place. A cloudy day. I fixed my corsets for common use.

April 22nd Tuesday.

Mother & I finished cleaning Helen's room & part of her room. Edith came home sick. George working field by the grove. Father working at the barn. Mr. Shane was here for grain. A very windy day. I was tired & went to bed early.

April 23rd Wednesday.

I was up early and did a baking of loaves of bread.Mother & I finished her room. I cleaned closeroom, hall & bethroom & part of woodhouse chamber. George sowing wheat & in evening he churned for me. I set a hen. A very windy day.

April 24th Thursday.

I was up early did up my common work & finished the chamber.

A very cold day & heavy frost at night. George working on hopyard. Edith went to C. East. In afternoon I cleaned hall and tended to the milk. I washed my head & went to bed. Geo. went to Newburgh.

April 25th Friday

I did my common work & blackened the coal stove in afternoon I took up the carpet & papers. A cold day & a little windy. Edith came home sick. Geo. sowing grass seed & father harrowing. In evening George churned for me. I was very tired.

April 26th Saturday.

I finished the sitting room scoured the stove. It rained all day very hard. Edith sick in bed all day.

April 27th Sunday.

All at home. George had his dinner to Mr. Milsaps. A cloudy windy day.

April 28th Monday.

I was up very early did baking of bread, washing, ironing, churning Mr. Alka came for dinner & left a sewing machine (white) I was very tired at night. A lovely day. The men grubbin hops at Uncle Nicks{?} Father got Helens & my pig. Edith went to Camden East.

April 29th Tuesday.

I did up my common work & then white washed the cellar. In evening I did writing & made Georges bed. A lovely day but rained at night. The men & father cutting seed potatoes.

George drawing manure.

April 30th Wednesday

A lovely day. Mother & I finished the sitting roon bedroom & celar [sic]. Geo. did churning for me for I was very tired. George picking stone.

May 1st Thursday

Mother and I cleaned the parlor & I whipped the carpet. Grandpa & Uncle Wilber came & stayed for dinner. George picking stone in the care field. In evening we churned.

May 2nd Friday.

I cleaned some of the cookroom & did a baking of bread.Geo. picking stone. Mother finished the parlor. A nice day but rained in the evening. I had some chickens hatch out. Sid Randolph & Percy Nesbit came

in afternoon. Father & Mother went to Mr. James Tompsons funeral. I blackened stove.

May 3rd. Saturday.

I got ready 9 dozen eggs & went with Mother & father to C. East. I got some skri??ing & something to cover my box, a box of tapes, a hat & a dress. Mother bought 2 pair of curtains, cotton & other things. In afternoon George & I washed the cookroom ceiling. I washed the woodwork & windows. A very cold day. The boys went home.

May 4th. Sunday.

All at home. A rainy day, George & I went for flowers in afternoon. We read talked & walked around.

May 5th Monday

I was busy cleaning cookroom. I did a baking of loaves, 2 bathces of cookies & one roll cake. In evening I did churning & helped make a hen yard. A lovely day George busy drawing manure in potatoe ground.

May 6th Tuesday

I made yeast & helped make garden, watered the plants and pasted paper on cookroom. A chilly cold day. George working potatoe ground.

May 7th Wednesday.

We were all up very early for father took his cattle to Kennebec & Uncle Wilber helped him and Geff{?} Grandpa & Uncle had breakfast here. Mother & I papering. Mr. & Mrs. Percell, Uncle Reggie & Lily were here for dinner. I did churning in evening. A very windy day & cold. George drawing sand for stable floor.

May 8th. Thursday.

We finished the cookroom & it looked nice. George ploughed our garden in the lane & harrowed the orchard. In evening it rained very hard. It was windy

May 9th Friday

I cleaned the back cellar in forenoon & afternoon I transplanted plants George earthing over potatoes. Father & Un Wilber came home had a lot of fish & we had to kill & clean them. In evening George churned I set bread. Father gave us some music. It was my birthday 24 years old it snowed some in morning very cold all day. Mother gave me a dress suit.

May 10th Saturday

I made bread & finished the churning It froze very hard at night 3 quarters of an inch thick of ice on ditch Uncle Wilber fixed

Georges bicycles tires. Sid Randolph & Ford Furkle came. Mother took Uncle W. home. George sorting potatoes. All my plants froze that I transplanted. A very cold windy day.

May 11th Sunday.

George went to visit his sister. Helen Edith & I drove over to Grandpas for dinner & stayed for tea. I had a very nice visit. The girls went to church but I stayed & visited with Grandma & Aunt Lily. Uncle Nick & Ant{?} was here for tea. The boys went home. Uncle W. came & stayed all night. It was a cold day.

May 12th Monday.

I looked after the milk made pie for dinner planted my sweetpeas & other seeds. Uncle W. mowed the yard off very nicely. Mother busy sewing

George rolling the fields. Father at the barn cleaning grain. A nice day. In evening wwe pasted the Glenary story.

May 13th Tuesday.

I did a large washing set a hen George churned for me in the evening. He was busy rolling A nice day.

May 14th Wednesday

I took carpet off of kitchen floor did a baking of bread & biscuit transplanted tomatoes & took them to the little house. Grandma & Grandpa were here for tea. A windy Cold day.

May 15th Thursday

I stated to clean pantry but took sick & was laid up all day. Issac Cook & wife came & stayed all night. Had music in the evening. I made yeast. A cool nice day. George working the orchard.

May 16th Friday.

Helen was sick & I did the work. I felt very poorly all day. I cleaned the pantry after Isaac went away. G. churned for me A lovely day & very tired at night. Geo. busy working on back fields.

May 17th. Saturday

I did a baking of bread & tea cake washed wall & woodwork in kitchen ironed & looked after milk & chickens, In evening G. went to C. East & I went to bed early. I made cough medicine A lovely day. Geo. sowing grain.

May 18th Sunday.

A lovely day. Father & Mother went to Grandpas for dinner. In afternoon George & I went to the woods for flowers. In evening Mr. Peter Finns boy got lost in the wodds & Geo. went to help find him. They found the boy at 9 oclock.

May 18th. Monday.

I was up early did a baking of 7 loaves of bread, scoured the stove & helped put the carpet down in dining room & churned. Mother heating over some greese {grease} for soap. A lovely day put our plants on veranda. George sowing oats in back field.

May 20th Tuesday.

I srubbed the table, cleaned pictures planted 12 boxes of celery, washed pans & help clean washroom. Mother putting things in order in dining room. Men busy in the back field. A cool windy day & Geo. went to Mr. Gibbins in evening.

May 21st Wednesday.

I was up early and did up my common work and then varnished the stove. Mr. Jenkins came for dinner. I churned

and whitewashed the reading room. In evening Uncle Wilber came to say goodbye. A lovely warm day. Men planting corn in the orchard. Helen finished the washroom.

May 22nd Thursday.

I papered the reading room & scrubbed it out and churned in evening. A lovely day. Men planting corn in the Egypt field.

May 23th Friday.

I did a baking of 7 loaves, cleaned the cellar, washed pans, whitewashed the reading room outdoors & scrubbed it out. Mother & father went to C. East with butter. I got a new dress It rained in evening, George busy rolling corn ground

May 24th Saturday

I hurried with my common work & then went with George to make our garden and build fence I made cake in evening & it rained very hard cloudy all day & rained in forenoon. I covered my box for bedroom.

May 25th Sunday.

A lovely day. Father & Mother went to Uncle Nicks for dinner. I played & sang. George & I had a good long talk together. In evening he went to Gibbins. Father gave us some music.

May 26th Monday.

I washed a large washing, made yeast, made pansy bed, cleaned Geo. clothes & sewed in evening. The men down to Uncle Ricks working in hop yard. A cloudy windy day. George wne to Selby in evening to court.

May 27th Tuesday.

I did a baking of 5 loaves. and set out plants in garden such as cabbage, cauliflower, beans & tomatoes. It rained very hard in afternoon. I finished covering my box. Edna Hinch came & stayed all night. George busy cleaning the sheep pen & cultivating the potatoes. A very cold night afraid of frost.

May 28th Wednesday.

A very cold morning no frost. I ironed

all day. In evening Geo. & I took up the tomatoes in the garden. George drawing stone. A very cold cloudy day. the babies birthday 3 years old.

May 29th Thursday.

I made tea cake, churned & washed pans. In afternoon I ironed 8 pillow shaws towels & etc. A very cold cloudy day.

May 30th Friday.

I did a baking of 6 loaves made cake set out tomatoe plants. I made a flowerbed by the cookroom cleaned a skirt. Aunt Ella came on train. Geo. went to C. East with wheat & bought 2 pairs of pants. In evening I sowed the peas. A nice pleasant day. Milsaps doing roadwork.

May 31st Saturday.

I did not do very much in forenoon as I did not feel very well. Grandpa & Grandma

came {unknown} Marshall for dinner. Florence Ward, John Milsap & sister came for tea. A lovely day. George went to Napanee with watches to get fixed. Did not go to bed till late as we had to wash dishes.

June 1st Sunday.

Mother, father & Aunt Ella went over home {?}. George went to see his sister. Marshall here all day. I slept read & went for a walk. In evening father gave us some music. A lovely evening.

June 2nd Monday.

I did a baking of 6 loaves and then made flower beds & transferred plants all day. In evening Geo. & I planted beans in our garden Mother sewing on babies dresses. A windy day rained in night. The men washing sheep. In afternoon Geo. drew in wood.

June 3rd Tuesday

I canned 2 cans of rubarb {rhubarb}, cleaned varnish brush & other common work like milk, chickens, etc. I mended corsetsnahdnmade flower beds. My turkey was disturbed & one taken. A windy rainy day. Geo. rolling in Egypt field. Mr. Green came & they teased me.

June 4th Wednesday.

I washed the milk things, churned, & planted the last of cabbage, tomatoes & peppers. Geo. & father fixing walk at barn. In evening Geo. & I planted beans and corn in the garden. Will Hinch came for cabbage plants. A lovely day.

June 5th Thursday.

I did a baking of 6 loaves, made cookies soap & washed milk things. In afternoon I made flower beds. Men hoeing in the garden & in evening they went to Mr. ??gents. A lovely day.

June 6th Friday.

I did up my common work & then cleaned some of my skirts & clothes & did some sewing & mowing the lawn. It rained all day. the men cleaned drivehouse & barn. Father took {unknown} corn to mill for cornmeal.

June 7th Saturday.

It rained all day. I baked bread 4 pies/cake in afternoon I covered the stove with a skreen & tended to my plants. A very cold day. George cleaning the place up.

June 8th Sunday.

All at home rained. In evening us girls went up to Sophies for a call. I layed down & slept.

June 9th Monday.

Helen & I went to Napanee. I bought a pair of shoes an apron 2

shirt waists & got my watch. We went to Conferance in afternoon & came home. We called on Vick & had a good visit. A very cold day. George busy handling grain in barn.

June 10th Tuesday.

I washed out soap trough & Geo. carried the soap. I made beds made lightening yeast and sewed. Geo. & I got some dandelions for coffee & fixed rosebush. In evening we moved 24 chickens to the barn. father & Mother went to Issacs A lovely day but a little windy.

June 11th Wednesday.

I did a baking of bread & part of a washing when I taken {was} sick. George did churning for me. A nice day. Mother & father came home Geo. busy working in orchard.

June 12th Thursday.

Mother & father went to Mr.

Burns. I did feel very well so did not do very much Geo. hoed in garden & raked hay. He hoew in our garden & I fixed a black skirt, I took babies with me. A warm day.

June 13th Friday

I made a batch of cookies, cleaned the wood house made beds. I did up fine shirt & ironed a lot of others. Helen taken sick. George busy cultivating corn in orchard & potatoes. A lovely day. He went to office & Gibbins in evening.

June 14th Saturday

I was up very early did a baking of 6 loaves & made biscuits, 2 kinds of cake 3 pies, pudding, mopped pantry, washroom, cookroom & tended to the milk. Mother went for Miss Stinson of C. East. I was very tired so went to bed early Mother not feeling very well.

A lovely day but windy. Geo. sowing corn in orchard all day.

June 15th Sunday

All at home. Aunt & Uncle Nick & Ogdan came. In afternoon Helen Edith & Miss G.{?} went to church & I did up the dishes. In evening they went Newburgh church & Helen went with Ivan Clancy & father gave us some music. A lovely day & warm.

June 18th Monday.

Father drove Edith & MIss S. to C. East. I was busy sewing on my clothers, helped Geo. sharpen knives and dig dandelions In evening we moved chickens to barn. A rainy cold dull day. Aunt Sophia here about all day sewing for Mother.

June 17th Tuesday.

I did up common work made yeast. Mother & father went to Mr. Percells but did not find them home. A very windy day & cold. George busy

hoeing corn. In evening we moved chickens to the barn. Mother busy sewing

June 18th. Wednesday.

I did a baking of 7 loaves, made soap set out some plants washed pans washed the buggy made an apron, Geo moved chickens to the barn & planted melon seed. Grandma & Grandpa here for supper. Men busy sewing buck-wheat & millet seed & then hoeing. A lovely day.

June 19th Thursay.

I made Geo. bed & swept his room finished my apron & other sewing & then washed cans, baked bread 7 loaves & then we went to Selby father & Mother babies & I to Mr. Williams we stayed all night. The babies wanted to come home A cloudy but warm. George busy hoeing

June 20th Friday

We started for Stirling at 7 oclock

& reached their at 3 oclock & found them all well. Girtie Williams, Harry Ingham & I went over to Mr. Moors to a free Methodist meeting. I was tired when bedtime came. {unknown} slept with me. A lovely day.

June 21st Saturday.

It rained & was very cold & windy. I stayed in the house all day. Girtie & children went to fish. In evening Girtie Harry & I went down town to see the place. I saw great sights & when we arrived home we had a big talk with Aunt Betsy. The babies were very good all day.

June 22nd Sunday.

Mrs. Pettybone, Girtie, the children & I went to the Free M. meeting & when over Girtie went home. We all had a good visit with Aunt & Uncle. A cold day all day. In evening the children & I drove Mrs. Pettybone home.

June 23rd Monday.

We had early breakfast & started for home at seven oclock & arrived at Selby at half past 2. Mrs. E. Williams got our dinner & at about five we started for home & was here at eight & found everything in good order. Frank & Marcus came & how glad I was. Frank & I had a great talk. I{t} rained through the day.

June 24th Tuesday.

We did not get up very early & then us young people went to Varty {?} Lake to have a good time. Geo. drove the mules on the waggon & borrowed Uncle Nicks boat, We got a lot of lilies & had a good time. Marcus went to Newburgh in evening & then went to his old home. We had music in evening & talked. A nice day but rained in evening.

June 25th Wednesday.

I baked 7 loaves of bread. Frank, Mother & I went for a walk. Frank was busy looking at everything around.Grandma drove over alone for beehive. We put up the tent & placed a flag on top. In evening George took Frank to Romboughs for to start home in morning. Geo. & I had a good talk with Frank. A nice day. Geo. busy cultivating corn.

June 26th Thursday.

I fed turkies & greased chickens with lard for live, churned & other common work. In eveing I greased the chickens with canifor {camphor?} salve. A cold day & cloudy Geo. busy getting mules shod. {between lines} I cleaned my clothes & put them away.

June 27th Friday

I was busy all day. I made a batch of cookies, a roll cake, cleaned Geo. room, put-up the wires on veranda & took care of babies. In evening Geo. & I went

& looked at celery ground & etc. A windy day. George cultivating corn. Mother, father, Edith & babies went to Mr. Jenkins to get the babies pictures taken.

June 28th Saturday

I was up very early made 5 pies rhubarb & cream pie, mopped veranda & got dinner. In afternoon Geo. & I set out about 6 rows of celery, made cake & Johnny cake for supper. Edith & Helen went to picnic at Beaver lake. A lovely warm day.

June 29th Sunday.

Mother & father went to Grandpas Geo. & I had a good time & talk. the babies good. A cloudy cool day. Was Grandmas D.{?} birthday was 84 years old if living.

June 30th Monday.

We did a big washing 6 batches

of clothes & baked 6 loaves of bread. a rainy day. George busy in forenoon. cutting hay with mower father making a party table for children I worked on sofa pillow & pasted in my book. Mother serving for babies

July 1st Tuesday

I fed chickens washed bread can made my beds and then I painted 2 old fashioned stands & kitchen chairs. In evening Geo & I hoed in our garden. He was busy cutting hay & hoeing in garden. A nice day but windy

July 2nd Wednesday.

I hurried with work in morning. Uncle Frank came for a call. I painted part of veranda in afternoon & picked strawberries. In evening I watered plants. Harry racked hay for the first. The men bunching hay the rest were ironing. A nice day

July 3rd. Thursday.

It rained nearly all day. {Gorge?} was sick all day. I carried milk out of {illegible} washed the fans, churned, baked bread painted table & milk rack, in evening I washed my sofa pillow. Father painted boat

July 4th. Friday.

I was up early & mother & I did the {illegible} washing, picked berries, {Gorge?} raking hay & father bunding it near the {house?}, Helen & Edith doing the scrubbing of floors. A lovely day & quite warm

July 5th. Saturday.

I made yeast, cleaned {beans?}, {set?} {out?} plants all forenoon & {cushioned?} chair, brother & father {went?} to {Percella?} to stay all night. The boys cutting {illegible} A rainy day.

July 6th Sunday.

We read, talked, laughed. {illegible}

& father came home for dinner. Aunt Sofia & Clara & her baby were here for tea. Had some & {curie? (currie)} & then went to bed after they went {home?}. A lovely day.

July 7th. Monday.

We did a washing, I have 8 loaves of bread & painted chairs, lorked {looked} after my chickens. A rainy afternoon. The boys putting wood in woodhouse. Mother & Edith ironing. Father painting his {illegible} waggon

July 8th. Tuesday.

I was busy all day painting the veranda made a batch of cookies. {illegible} etc. A lovely day the boys drawing in wood. Father painting waggon and boat.

July 9th. Wednesday.

I swept woodhouse chamber & Geo room. Cleaned stove, mopped floor, made biscuit, watered plants, washed cans, mopped cellar. Mother {&?} {other?} went after {once?} & {Fuank?} on train. We did not

{Continuation of previous entry}

do anything but talk & Alice unpacked her trunk & we put away her things. A lovely day. The boys finished the wood.

July 10th. Thursday

We did not {'not' is written above the other script} busy ourselves but visit I worked on sofa pillow. The men were cutting hay in {too faded} yeard. A baby boy came to us{?} after. A lovely day. Had music on Thursday 10 th.

July 11 th Friday.

I was up early & did a baking of bread. painted the chains {cannot tell what the next two words are} Father, Alice worked{?} went to Centerville East in afternoon Mathew, Father & Alice harvest to {?}. The men cutting hay. A lovely day. In evening we talked, I went to held baby

July 12 th Saturday

I over slept , led the chickens & then I was sick in bed all day. They all went to Centerville for the 12th. In evening we were laughing + talking. A lovely day.

July 13th, Sunday.

I did not get up very early had a lot of company. Mr. Ed. Williams & wife Uncle Nick wife & Ogdan. George went to see his sister. A, F, H, & E went to Newburgh church & I washed dishes.

July 14th Monday.

I did a baking of 8 loaves the rest did a washing. In afternoon I printed, {illegible} & dressed myself. The men putting up hay. It rained hard all the evening with heavy lightning. I {illegible} a chair.

July 15th Tuesday.

I was early & skimmed milk washed the milk things & churned in afternoon Blanche & Emma came for tea. The men very busy putting up hay til about 10 oclock in the night before it rained Coleman & Joe came about 11 in the night, A nice day.

July 16th Wednesday.

I was busy printing letters & other common work for afternoon Edna Huich & sister came. Coleman & Joe went away about 4 oclock. The men drawing in & cutting hay. In the evening we visited Geo, went to {illegible}.

July 17th Thursday.

I was busy with my plants all the forenoon. The girls washed the buggy In afternoon I {illegible} myself {illegible}. In evening we talked. I did a baking of bread. A lovely day rushing in the hay.

July 18th Friday.

I mopped the veranda, did some {illegible} & sewing on my sofa pillow. We all had one picture taken on veranda In evening F, A, B, H & I went to Edna Huiches party. We all had a ride on merry go round &

then they danced A nice day & evening. The men drawing in hay.

July 19th Saturday.

Alice Frank & I went to {illegible}. I had {illegible} both filled, we all had a good time but came in a horid road home. It rained nearly all day. The men working in the hay. The hay set up the binder.

July 20th. Sunday.

We were all home. F, Father & Emma went to Granpas for dinner. A rainy day we read talked & laughed

July 21st Monday.

The men up at 3 oclock as F, A & Mother went to Massanoga & round for a visit. I did a big washing alone besides my common work. A rainy day. The men cutting hay. We went to bed early. I had a toothache all day.

July 22nd. Tuesday.

I did not get up very early. I mowed all day & headached terribly. I picked berries & went to bed early. Blache & girls were talking. George cutting grain with binder & Mr. Shanes. A very {illegible} day.

July 23rd Wednesday.

Siddey & Randolph Hinch came. I set out celery plants all fornoon & baked bread & {illegible} in afternoon. In evening I did some sewing, George busy at Mr. Shanes. Father putting up hay. A warm day

July 24th Thursday.

I did a churning washed pans, did some sewing in shirt for George, Geo. finished {illegible} to Mr. Shanes at noon. Father & Hary busy in the hay. A lovely day & very warm.

July 25th Friday.

I was busy painting all forenoon & made cookies. Sewed in after.

noon. Boys mowing the yard. George mowing hay & {illegible} the lawn. A very warm day & I felt miserable I went to bed early.

July 26st Saturday

I did a baking of bread, cooked applesauce & did some sewing. They came home from {illegible} all well & sounds had a good time George cutting with binder to {illegible}. A very warm day.

July 27th Sunday.

Father, mother, A & F went to {illegible} for dinner. George & I had a good talk A nice day. I went to bed early.

July 28th Monday.

We did not do very much work around the house. In afternoon Blanche & Helen & Edith drove to Napanee. A very warm day. The men busy in the hay. I went to bed early.

July 29th Tuesday.

I woke up early had a lot of common

work to do. I did a churning & baking I was tired at night. Frank & Alice making pictures. A lovely day.

July 30th Wednesday.

Alice, Frank & Mother did a wading & I did the work. The girls came home at noon. George mowing hay. A lovely & warm. Mr. Walker bought a cow & we got some meat.

July 31 at Thursday.

I fed chickens cleaved a {illegible} & then F, A, & I went to Grandpas. Had a good time. In evening we talked. A lovely day. Men putting up hay.

August 1st Friday.

Alice & Mother {illegible} all day. I did a baking of bread & set out celery In afternoon cushioned Georges chair. A lovely day. Men working in hay {illegible} the lawn.

August 2nd Saturday.

I did not do very much but mending stockings & help get meals. F & Alice writing letters all day. Men drawing in hay. Geo went to Mr. Huggings at Selby. A nice day. I watered all the plants. Johns birthday.

August 3rd Sunday.

We were all at home. At noon had a very bad thunder & rainstorm. In evening all of us young people went to Newburgh church & heard a good sermon. Geo {illegible} his school.

Aug. 4th monday.

Alice, F, {illegible} & mother went to Napanee. I finished setting out celery. Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle Norman came for dinner I mended stockings. A lovely day Alice came home sick from Napanee I & Geo pulled weeds in our garden.

Aug 5th Tuesday.

Alice not feeling very well & I finished my stockings & worked on my pillow. A lovely day. Men drawing in Uncle Nicks here working in hay. Frank churned for me.

Aug. 6th Wednesday.

I washed milk pans cleaned the cellar & printed letters. I read & went to sleep for I was tired helped get {illegible} even did a skirt made Johnny cake for supper. Men putting up hay. A lovely day. The babies very noisy I watered all the plants around.

Aug. 7th Thursday.

I did up very common work. watered celery. Uncle Nick helping men to draw in. Father put 63 loads of hay in barn & finished drawing in today. Frank & Alice making pictures the rest sewing. I fixed underskirt

a cool day today & cloudy all day.

Aug. 8 Friday.

I did a baking of bread. 7 loaves {7 loaves are written with with a different ink and handwriting} the men {illegible} East getting horses {ahod? {misspelling of ahold?}}. {Change in handwriting and ink} I helped to get dinner. In afternoon we all went to {Varty?} Lake but {brother?} & babies. I caught three fish but small. We all had a nice time. A little rainy. I {were?}. Geo. Went to {Gillino?}. I worked & w {standing for washed?} pillow {couch?}. Geo. bought a hat.

Aug 9th Saturday.

I was up early and did my common work such as ^feed {feed is written above other words} chickens, turkeys & get things ready for dinner I worked on {pillow?} in afternoon Geo & {word is covered by stain} busy with the hay & Geo {covered by stain} {crafting?} with biuden in morning to {illegible} {Gillino?}. A lovely day and warm Mother, A. &&& babies & Edith went to Grandpas

& spent the day. Edith stayed over there as there [sic] girl was away.

Aug. 10th. Sunday.

Father, Mother, babies, A[lice] & I went to Uncle Nicks to spend the day. Ella Hinch came home with them Alice took Frank to Napanee to go home Geo & I had a fairly good time. A rainy miserable day.

Aug. 11th Monday.

I baked bread. I did up my common work & helped get dinner. In afternoon I worked on my pillow & visited with Ella as I did feel very well. Geo. cutting with binder to Uncle Nicks. A baby girl came to Ed. Hinchs. A rainy day.

Aug 12th Tuesday.

Mother Alice & Helen did a washing I did the work & get dinner. In afternoon I worked on my pillow

Geo. at Uncle Nicks with binder. A lovely day but quite cold. Willy & Anna, Odgan Hinch came for Ella to take her home.

Aug 13th Wednesday.

I was up early & did up my common work, made yeast & helped to get dinner. In afternoon I finished my skirt. A lovely day. George busy cutting with the binder in hopyard & at grove. H. & Father putting up th sheaves. I churned.

Aug. 14th Thursday.

I was up very early cleaned & tiyied the rooms, emptied the milk pans, printed the butter & ironed. Geo. with binder home. I ironed in afternoon. Anna Brady & Aunt Ann came I talked all the evening. A lovely day.

Aug 15th Friday

I did up common work & then worked on my fancy work. George cutting with binder at Mr. Cassidy & Tom Gibbons. I did a baking of bread. A lovely day.

Aug 16th Saturday.

I was down hearted all day for something took all my turkeys I was busy looking for them but failed to find them. George up to Tom Gibbons till dark. Alice & I took Emma & mother & Mr. Tom Shanes for tea & then home. Had a pleasant time. A rainy day. Mother busy making shirts for father.

Aug 17th Sunday.

Helen, Mother, Father, & {illegible} went to Mr. Hicks{?} Milsaps. George & I had a good talk.

& looked for turkeys. A showery day.

Aug 18th Monday.

I did a baking of bread, a batch of cookies, cleaned blue dress & other little things. Dr. Nickeburg came but did not stay long. The men cutting hay in hopyard. It rained in forenoon. I sewed for Geo. H & A went to office. I sewed.

Aug 19th Tuesday.

We did a washing. In afternoon I emptied the milk & washed pans & mended my skirts. George thrashing at Milsaps a half day. Father & Harry drawing in oats. In evening father paid $16 to George. A lovely day.

Aug 20th. Wednesday.

Alice & Helen ironed all forenoon. I baked bread, churned & worked on sofa pillow. Uncle Nick, Will & our men were busy

drawing in oats all day. Helen & Alice picking pine needles for pillow. A nice day. Father worked in oat field till after nine oclock & we all hunted for him for we did not know where he was. Geo. & Harry went to R. Nugents on business & got some apples. Rained in the night.

Aug. 21st Thursday.

I did not get up very early as I overslept. I dug potatoes & other vegetables for dinner. Men mowing with sythes around fences in hopyard & cut around the wheat. Mother & father went to Grandpas for tea. George making a cider press. Harry went for cows with the mule. Babies good. John {Fitzlard?} came here.

Aug 22nd. Friday.

I did a baking of bread. Grandpa & Grandma came. I worked on pillow George binding at Mr. Cassidys. A rainy cool day. Had fire in dining room stove.

Aug 23rd Saturday

Helen, Ed & Alice went to C. East to do some trading & I got dinner & work. Alice made a blue tie for Edith birthday & bought toilet set for Mother room. It rained in afternoon. Mother busy with apples & babies. In evening talking. Men busy with binder.

Aug 24th Sunday.

A beautiful day. Father & Mother went to call on Mrs. Johnnie Shane who was sick & father went to Tom Shanes. The girls & Harry drove to church. Uncle Albert & Emma Harby{?} came for tea & to spend the evening

Aug. 25th Monday. Edith Birthday

The girls did a small washing & I did the cooking for the week. I was very busy Men drawing in oats. A lovely day. I skimmed the milk & washed the pans.

Aug. 26th Tuesday.

I did a baking of bread & Alice & I hilled

going together. I scowled.

Aug 28th Thursday.

I did a baking of 5 loaves got the meals for the week, worked on sofa pillow. I felt very bad all day {,} for Alice tryed to part us forever but no. In evening Alice helped me hill up celery in garden Coleman came with toothache. The men cutting with binder at home. Mother & Coleman went to Napanee A lovely day & warm.

Aug. 29th. Friday.

I was busy doing up my work Mr.

{the page below comes before the page above}

up the celery back by the spring. In afternoon we sewed. Men cutting with binder in back field. A lovely day

Aug 27th Wednesday

I did a churning & helped in ironing, the men busy cradling oats & binding in oat field out back. A nice day. Alice gave George & I a great talking to for

Tompson came selling scales & stayed for dinner Men working in oat field with binder. In evening we talked. A lovely day. Babies good.

Aug 30th. Saturday.

We hurried with work & then drove to Florance for dinner but Alice & she was sick. We had a pleasant time Mrs. Ward gave me a Daily lily & flox. Coleman went home. Will & Marsh all here drawing in oats with the men. A very warm day. Alice better at night

Aug 31st Sunday.

All at home. Sidney Williams, wife & children here for dinner. Harry, Geo., & I went for a walk. In evening we talked. A lovely warm day. Babies good

Sep. 1st. Monday.

A rainy day all day. I did a baking of bread. Men picking up stone in

afternoon. I wrote a letter to F. & dug dandelions roots for coffee. In evening did more writing.

Sep. 2nd. Tuesday.

We did a washing, churning, washed grains, cleaned dan-roots & cut them up in evening. picked beans for seed. A lovely day. George cutting with binder to Mr. Cassidys.

Sep. 3rd Wednesday.

Father went to thrash at Grandpas. Helen & Alice ironing. I did a baking of bread & tea cake. George down to Cassidys I washed my head. I sewed in afternoon. Will Hinch here in evening Alice making pies. A nice day.

Sep. 4th. Thursday.

All up early. The girls & Harry went to pick hops. I did the housework & was tired at night. George picking stones, drawing in oats, sawing

wood. In evening we talked. A rainy afternoon. It was Mothers birthday was 47 years old all of us girls gave her a wash bowl & pictures for present.

Sep. 5th. Friday.

I made a lightening yeast & then went and picked hops. I picked a box. Geo. ready to meet me at night. A lovely day. Men drawing in Maggie Solanes & children here all night.

Sep., 6th. Saturday.

I baked 6 loaves of bread, mopped kitchen floor, visited Maggie & children, picked tomatoes, get all the meals & etc. I looked after milk in celar, was very tired at night. A very windy day. Men busy drawing in.

Sep. 7th. Sunday.

All at home till afternoon Alice, Mother, Helen & Harry went to church. I took care of children. In

evening we talked & laughed with Harry. A very windy, cold day.

Sep. 8th. Monday

Harry started for home & went with the girls to C.East. Tom Gibbins was her to help father in drawing in. I canned 6 cans of tomatoes. Mother & I helped the men mow away the oat sheaves in {mown?} in afternoon. I was very tired at night. The men finished there harvest. A lovely day & warm. I got a letter from Frank full of sorrow.

Sep. 9th. Tuesday.

I did not feel very gay all day as they tryed to part Geo. & I. I skimmed milk washed the pans churned with Geo. help & got meals. I fell & hurt my shoulder. A very windy day. Geo. down to Newburgh with a grist. Alice came home & Helen stayed to Uncle Nicks for it rained so hard.

Sep. 10th Wednesday

Mother & Father went to Toronto Alice took them to Napanee. I gathered the beans, worked the butter & made 17 pints{?} of butter. A windy cool day. George after the grist. Went to bed early.

Sep. 11th. Thursday.

I did a baking of 6 loaves. They all went to hopyard. Geo. & I had a good talk. picked tomatoes & went for a walk with babies Maggie Solmes & children came. I took sick. A cool windy day.

Sep. 12th Friday.

I did not feel very well and did not do very much work. I wrote a letter to Frank, got the meals. Mr. Finn came buying cattle. & did a washing. Maggie & children here visiting. The girls came home and all finished at hopyard. Julia very cross all day. A lovely day. Geo. ploughing in Egypt.

Sep. 13th. Saturday.

I did a baking of bread, pie pumpkin, cake and canned tomatoes. Maggie ironing the childrens clothes. I made yeast. I was vey tired at night Alice & Maggie went to C. East to get M. clothes. A rainy day & cloudy. Geo. ploughing.

Sep. 14th Sunday.

We were all home. Aunt Sophia came & stayed the afternoon. A cold cloudy day & had to stay in the house.

Sep. 15th Monday.

Alice, Helen, maggie & children went to Napanee. I was all alone. The babies good all day. I mopped, cleaned windows swept floors & etc. Geo. ploughing in Egypt. Mother & father came home A nice day but a little windy.

Sep. 16th Tuesday

We did a big washing & carried milk & washed pans picked tomatoes/beans

& washed pans. picked tomatoes/beans The men digging potatoes. A lovely day. John Fitzarld came.

Sep. 17th. Wednesday.

I did a churning & baking. I ironed in afternoon. Men digging potatoes. Mother busy doing up pears & serving for Helen. Alice & Helen went to C. East to do from trading. A nice day. We roasted corn in evening.

Sep. 18th Thursday.

I made a batch of cookies & ironed all day. Men finished the potatoes. A peddler came had some fun. A lovely day & I was very tired.

Sep. 19th Friday.

Father, Alice, Mother & I went to Napanee to see Uncle Weston & Grandma & Grandpa was there too. We all had a merry time. Grandma made a taffy off for us. Uncle Nick & Aunt, Mr. Hawley Georges brother were here for tea.

A lovely warm day. I had a very bad headache with cold. Geo. went to Newburgh in evening.

Sep. 20th Saturday.

I did a baking of 6 loaves, canned 6 cans of tomatoes, mopped all the floors, cleaned lamps, looked after milk & etc. A lovely warm day. Geo. ploughing near the grove Father cutting tabacco. Mother sewing. I was tired at night.

Sep. 21st. Sunday.

Mother, father, & Helen went to Sidney{.} William for dinner. A nice day.

Sep. 22nd. Monday

Alice took Helen to Napanee. I was very busy at a little of everything. George ploughing in backfield. I canned tomatoes. A lovely day.

Sep. 23rd Tuesday.

Sep. 23rd Tuesday.

We hurried with work & then Alice & I picked apples. In evening we picked corn to can. I did a baking of bread. Mother busy canning pears. George ploughing. A nice cloudy day.

Sep. 24th. Wednesday

I canned 8 cans of corn, 3 of tomatoes, made cake. Grandma & Grandpa came fore dinner. Grandma stayed. Aunt Ann & Uncle Nick came. I was very very tired at night. George went to Napanee to get teeth filled. A lovely day.

Sep. 25th. Thursday.

I bought my citrons in. Father & Uncle Nick went to Kennebec George ploughing. Alice took Grandma home. I canned tomatoes. A windy day & cloudy. I picked corn & helped make cidar.

Sep. 26th. Friday.

I did a baking of bread & canned corn, mopped & other general work.

In evening I helped George make cidar. Lottie Clancy came home with Edith. A cool day but nice. Geo. ploughing

Sep. 27th. Saturday.

I made tea & layer cake, pie. Peter came He gave me a lovely broach. Father & Uncle came home with some fish. George digging out a stone in Egypt field. A nice day. Uncle, Aunt & Lottie went home. I was very tired at night. Father birthday 63 years old.

Sept 28 Sunday

All at home all day. We read, talked & laughed. A lovely day.

Sep. 29th. Monday.

We did a washing. I skimmed milk and made sweet tomatoe pickle, canned 4 cans of them too. A lovely day. Men cutting corn.

Sep. 30th. Tuesday

I was up early & did a

churned & made cidar in afternoon. I ironed in evening & got the meals. Geo. busy cleaning the granary bins & {grind?} apples for cidar. Alice went for Edith Father got Prince shod.

Oct 1st Wednesday

I did a baking of 8 loaves of bread picked & husked popcorn, picked the tomatoes. In afternoon Alice & I went to C. East with 3 pecks of tomatoes and sold them for 15₵ mad{e} 45₵. Men busy stone out of Egypt field. A lovely day. We saw the hats of Miss Young.

Sep. 2nd Thursday.

I did up the morning work & then Alice & I cleaned the attic & South bedroom I did a small washing. A nice day. The men sowing fall wheat by grove.

Oct. 3rd. Friday.

I was up before 5 in the morning. I did up the

mornings work & then picked apples. In afternoon picked 2 boquets for Jill Hinch. I mopped floors, Alice helped me hill up my celery & pick tomatoes, made Johnny cake. Aunt Sophia here for supper. Julia sick. Will & Marshall here picking apples. Men drawing corn & stacking. A nice day.

Oct. 4th Saturday.

I did mopping, baked bread, made tea cake & other general work. men finished the corn & picked the pumpkins. Alice went to Napanee for Helen. A pleasant day

Oct. 5th. Sunday.

All at home. A very cold windy day. We all went to bed early rained in afternoon.

Oct. 6th Monday.

It rained all forenoon. Geo. making pumpkin sauce. Alice & I cleaning the kitchen took carpet up & washed it all over. A cloudy day. George

ploughing. Father took Helen to Napanee.

Oct. 7th. Tuesday

I cleaned the stove & helped to fix up the kitchen. Men thrashing to Tom Gibbins. Geo. got straw to put carpet down. A cloudy cold day.

Oct. 8th. Wednesday.

We put down the carpet & cleaned the badroom downstairs We took up the plants in the flower beds. Men at Mr. Cassidys. A cold cloudy day.

Oct. 9th. Thursday.

I churned. We whipped the carpet & moved mother downstairs. Mr. Gordon came & stayed all night. Men down to Cassidys to thrash. A very cold & froze hard at night.

Oct. 10th Friday.

We cleaned our bedrooms & moved in. I baked bread. I was tired at night. A cool cloudy day. Men thrashing at Milsaps.

Oct. 11th. Saturday

Mother & I planted out the plants. I made tea cake & pie & finished our room. I went for cows during the week. Men at Milsaps. A cool day.

Oct 12th. Sunday.

Mother, father & babies went to Grandpas me, girls & Geo. talked laughed & look at our cards. A cool cloudy day.

Oct 13th. Monday.

Alice Mother & I a very large washing The trashers came at 4 oclock & trashed unexpected here. Mother & I had a lot to do to do to get supper for the men. I set bread & baked it till 12 oclock at night. I was tired. A very windy day.

Oct. 14. Tuesday

We were all busy getting meals for thrashers. A cool day.

Oct. 15th. Wednesday

We were busy getting ready for the thrashers dinner & Thanksgiving. The thrashers finished here at noon. I ironed a shirt & colars for Geo. & helped him away for Toronto & then I ironed I went to bed early. Father went for Edith & Miss Young. A clool cloudy day.

Oct. 16th Thursday.

Alice got the dinner had 2 chickens & etc. Aunt Ella, Blanche, Helen came. I did not do very much. I looked over flower seeds & worked on sofa pillow. All were busy with the fancy work at night. A cold cloudy day.

Oct. 17th. Friday.

Father took Miss Young & Edith to C. East & we all picked apples in orchard. A very cold day. I looked all day for Geo. but he did not come. I baked apples for past time. The rest reading papers.

Oct 18th Saturday.

I did a baking of bread, biscuit, & sewed & did the Saturdays mopping. A rainy afternoon. Geo. came home in forenoon & brought me a lovely pair of scissors. Father thrashing at Uncle Nicks.

Oct. 19th Sunday.

All at home. Father took Helen to Napanee in afternoon. We read & talked & ate apples. A cold rainy afternoon.

Oct 20th. Monday.

We overslept ourselves. Alice & Mother went & picked apples. I got dinner. In afternoon I made cakes & Johnnycake got supper & took care of babies. Geo. putting celery in cellar. Father cleaning garden. A cold cloudy day.

Transcription Progress



Olive Delmage 1902 Diary Part 1.pdf
Olive Delmage 1902 Diary Part 2.pdf
Olive Esther Delmage 1902 Diary Transcripts PDF.pdf


Olive Esther Delmage, “Olive Esther Delmage Diary & Transcription, 1902,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ruraldiaries.lib.uoguelph.ca/transcribe/items/show/337.
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