George Hill Detlor Diary & Transcription, 1822-1824


George Hill Detlor Diary & Transcription, 1822-1824


George Hill Detlor


Courtesy of Museum of Lennox and Addington




19th Century, Lennox & Addington County, Fredericksburg Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

George Hill Detlor Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{red leather cover, with scuffing and torn spine}

Nitrous spirit of aether furams burnt Allum 2 do__

1823 John Roblin Dr

To 20 1/2 day Schooling to Mr Port

Dec 15 commence going to Saml

1824 Apr 16 discontinued Do } 3 3/4

Medicine - Calcined Sponge, dandelion or Stramonium, for turbuckes on the Lung and Myrrh and bark in more advanced stages - reduced to an inpalpable powder and set a float by the whe{cut off} taking put into a black tin can there is a cylindrical having bristles inserted in its side and turned by a crank on the ouside on the top is a mouth piece which conveys the preparation to the lungs when the air of the box is suffic

Andrew loast 6 day {illegible}

-ently loaded, the patient closes the nostrils, while he makes a full inspiration from the mouth piece of the inhaler (or box) this is repeated three or four times in the day. The stomach must be supplied with a generous, but not too stimulating dish - Dr Middleton



May 29 B. Anderson die & I was call'd upon to afsist in laying out - half day plough for comstock

30 Ploughed until 10 O'clock and Anthony planted corn Mr McDavid preached An funeral sermon the this evening Ann Dulmage here Johny Lockwood very sick with high fever taken a few days ago Jerusha geting better Fr George quite unwell {illegible scribble}

June 1 went to Q Meeting took Ann Fanny & Ann Dulmage & Uncle Mr Metcalf preached the end of all things is at hand &c

2 M Love feast formed the old resolution of living more near to GOD Mr Willson preached from Acts 20 ch.28 to 1" down 31 verse took a plough to Casey to get Shears cast and agreed to pay 10p for Pattern for the same - Breakfasted at


June 3 Carnahans, returned home in company with Mr Ryan who left us at Hane's corner found John still sick & Fr George son with a bile on his back - Mr Portt & John Suttons set up - N.B. borrowed the Life of Dr Coke of W. Moore

4 This morning uncle Samuel calls before I am out of bed to get our waggon & horses for the purpose of going to Mill and I am to use his to plough with Jacob Smith takes wool at 2/o D Dunham warns me to work on road Friday & Saturday next some rain this morning

5th Frost last night severe enough to Stiffen grafs - Anthony finish in planting corn - commence sowing Oats, sowed 3 1/2 Bs today

6 Huyak here with his Horse - a cloudy morning A George geting better --


Jun 6th sowed 3 Bs Oats today & some grap seed --

7 worked on road with Team

8 began to draw stone & Logs off the summer fallow went to Forshus barn raising in afternoon - on return found Mrs Moore & Mrs R here - M returned from Smith's creek after selling his land on thursday last --

9 Maria taken very ill

10 D Dunham set for given M medicine an emetic & physic Saml plants early corn this morning commenced summer fallow

11 plough this morning untill rain falls about 9 O'clock Wm returns home - takes Mary & Mr Moore - lent our waggon to Joshua Long to go to Kingston

Maria continues very ill supposed Typhus Fever

13 & 14 ploughing but Mr McCoy waggon Maria Still ill

15 ploughing for Saml

16 Mr Flint preached last sermon 'my hearts desire & prayer to God is &c"

17 went to 4th Town little waggon get plough shares - hail & rain --

18 returned - served with writ from German writes Dr Baldwin a subject

19 paid my postage account Prindle & Man came to work

20 Fell trees for Timber ploughed 3 furrows

21 Prindle & Dunn board in Mothers room

22 they go home this evening

23 open a Sunday School Marie is much better


23 Jacob & Ann Peterson here

24 Hugh & John come this morning John works half the day and goes home rest for Anthony Wm M R. come for Jane K{illegible} a calf

25 John works for Anthony - commence raking hay Hugh to work this week & next for a Pistol & 3 a Shot - Maria some better Mrs Miller sat up last night

26 nothing extraordinary

27 go to Kingston put in a plea by M.S Bidwice agh German's suit --

28 return home in company with preacher --

29 John goes home this morning

30 Sunday school opened

July 1 drawing rails agreed with

Anthony to clear up the back field take stone off and split rails half basswood and rest hard - to fence it - I am to draw stone two days for him and to pay hom $14 in trade and $10 in trade for what he has done to the other field

July 2 drawing rails this morning Mother agrees to keep Fanny's young cow to return her in four years from the 1h Oct 1821 with heifer calf that will be three years & three months old or pay the difference if 2 yr old she calved yesterday which is a heifer brought in one load of Hay today this evening Prindle, Dunn & Denions come to work

July 3 Abe Dimond Scores half a day says the debating Society is means of p{illegible}ting the morals of its members scored & hewed timber of Shed

4 Do -- Do -- Ann & Fanny got to 4" Town - Saml to I Frazers. Loging bee returns tomorrow noon -

5 Drawing Timber - Dunn goes home after breakfast draws timber

6 finished Carpenters go home soon after dinner Samuel turns his Mare & colt out

7 I am confined with the cholera Morbus - scold Fanny after going to hear McDowell

8 I go to mill with 9 bs what & 1 1/4 corn -- Prindle & Dimone come about noon

9 Dunn came before noon finish ploughing summer fallow

July 10 raised the Shed

11 Carpenters work up Barn Smith brings Shingles - Hugh finishes summer fallow Harrowing

12 The water in the creek run over the mill dam --- Anthony (tipsey) settle with Mr McCoy, put Calf in Drs Field

13 Prindle goes home after Breakfast Dunn & Dimond after dinner - Anton {illegible}

S 14 Join Sunday School Bradshaw exhorts

15 Prindle, D & D come just before noon --

16 Saml goes to M. Millers Mowing Bee -- I am confined with a Bile under the arm

17 This morning Anthony goes off not worked any since Wednesday last

July 18 agreed with Hugh & John Allen to Hoe, all the corn & Potatoes to commence on Monday next for an order on McPherson for 20 P and 1 Gall Whiskey I am to plough the same & board them I borrow Nails six pounds cut Shingle Nails of U Saml, {illegible} 29th Aug

19 Carpenters finish Shed and go home at Noon Prindle not worked at Shed this week himself except today - I began to X plough follow - another Bile coming on my arm Maria has her picking Bee

20 Hive a swarm Bees - ploughed with U.S. Horses. Dr gives me some bitters Scotch {drawing, possibly a violin}

S 21 Sunday School -- A. Davis here

22 Hugh & {illegible} com to Ho{?} - Mr Lockwood com to cut the thistles & Timothy for 2/3 --

23 go to Drs Mowing Bee


24 rained a little in the night Do -- al fore noon Saml goes to Bee with oxen (Butterfields)

25 mr McBride & myself begin tthe wheat - killed a calf 3 1/2 weeks one of Fanny's Sheep dies -- says the cows increase in their milk

26 B. Chamberlain cradles one day for Josh a Long, for 50 Slabs Mc Bride works 1/4 of the day - Hugh & John carry Sheaves about 2 Hours I shocked 659 this afternoon

27 Comstocks man works today Wm returns from Philips with waggon - Shocked 591 Sheaves

S 28 Griffes Preached V Rom. I ver Maria quite out of humour with me for saying I would wish to withdraw from the American connexion

29 began to draw in our Wheat {illegible} to Don McCoys Bee Saml engaged to help this week began after Breakfast cut our front Wheat Do-- D.D. -- & Draw in all back -- Old Land 1250

J 1822

July 30 Saml going to D McCoys mowing Bee - Mothers had a picking Bee I draw in three load Hay (4 cocks of Thistles)

31 a Man came to {illegible} draw in 710 Sheaves Wheat from front field - Comstock Boy takes 8 Bs Wheat to Mill this morning for us

Aug 1 cut the rye this morning and mow a little, Lucas comes to grind Scythe to cradle the fist of Anderson's wheat 350 Sheaves engaged an Irishman for five Months 3 at 7 Dolls & 2 CAsh at {illegible} month to be paid in Stock at a fair valuation - commences working this morning Kill a Sheep this morning Little with Prindle - give him 3. Dafoes Note and my due Bill for L5.2.0 for plank 1 1/2 hr @ {illegible} & 3/4 boards for 3/6-- Saml goes to a Bee to cut Andersons Wheat

Aug 3 clean out the Spring, mow grap - cut Wheat {illegible} (Saml done)

S 4 rain last night continues this morning lent 12 Yeoman Life of Dr Buchanan

5 Hugh & John {illegible} I go to I Longs Bee to Mow - Saml also

6 John & Hugh commence this morning to work eight days each for two {illegible} Bibles - Hugh Ploughs

7 Danl & myself mow this morning for Saml - we draw in 5 Loads Hay & 1 Wheat -- 400 Sheaves Yesterday & today back fallow Hugh Plough

8 4 Loads back follow 120 and 2 Do Hay - Mow for Saml

9 Mow this morning (Saml for me) draw in one Load Hay cut Pease

Aug 10 Saml mows with us untill Breakfast -- John Allan not here today -- this forenoon Wm Hare cut Hay in follow and draw in three loads Hy and earley Pease (1/2 load)

S 11 rain this morning Mr Poole preached "Behold we have left all, what Shall we have therefore

12 John comes to work & Hugh -- sold Bay colt to D Lucas for cutter & harnefs & five Dollars, he promises to help Log the swamp in a fortnight hence lent Mr Poole Bensons Sermons cut all back Hay

13th bring cutter & harnefs finish cuting Hay and got to U. Dunham's mowing Bee

14 John gos to D Dunhams & Hugh to work for him, draw in 3 Loads Hay New Land -- rains this evening

15 Hugh goes home this morning

Aug 15 rains this morning -- commence threshing with flail 120 sheaves produced 5 Bushels for seed Comstock with me apprised the damages done to U.S. Pease, by H.A. Hogs & Cattle at 5 1/2 Bs no rain since about 9 O'Clock.

16 got Jack & Kate Shod - ploughed a little this morning -- turn hay &c brought in two Loads Hay from back follow & 2 from corn & oats field Hugh goes home

17 draw in 1 Load Hay the last go to Adolphustown - Danl Clarke goes to Kingston this evening & returns Monday evening

Rain S 18 Mr Shorts Preach & Peale

Do 19 go to D Ruttans

Do 20 return home Sold 4 chaires to trade out at Quaking

Do 21 began ploughing 3rd time

Do 22 ploughed & went to Dallers & Van Koughnetts -- P Ruttanham

Aug 22 let Saml have calf Skin for Boots on acct of the 5 day work done by him in Harvest

rain 23 Kill Sheep this morning Danl & Saml got to Andersons Pea & Oat Bee afternoon

do 24 cut Pease afternoon (Danl Saml go for Johns shoes -- got a letter from H.C.T. today I must be in Kingston as Webster is there Aunt Mary Embury calls this evening to see if I will take her with me

25 go to Kingston take Aunt Embury, Stay at Purdys to night --

26 go to Town this morning see Webster {illegible} I Lockwood came up with James

27 see Do - return to Purdys with Mother and Irinda rains -- stay all night

rain 28 return home -- Saml goes to Mill 27th -- 5 Bs -- takes Wool

29 plough & cut Pease Cut Mrs Anderson 34 Flour

Aug 30 Chamberlain, Peale & U.T. take Dinner -- Saml Maria, Ann & Anulin go to shoemaking --

31 {illegible} Chamberlain -- Waggon & Oxen - promised to cut at Armstrongs for Peale's & Chamberlain 1/2 Tea -- draw in 6 Loads Pease Saml gets his Boots -- Mrs McCoy here

Sep S 1 rain this morning -- all day

rain 2 Daniel Clarke leaves us takes two Sheep for his pay -- Saml goes to Bellville at Noon -- I work on road half a day oxen & self --

3 rain clear up Barn & Thresh with Horses -- 200 Bald

4 plough & cave up wheat Mrs McMullen & George here

5 plough & Sow 1 Bs & Harrow it in Saml returns from Belleville

6 Sow 1 Bs & plough it in -- finish ploughing 3rd time - draw in 3 loads Pease & all ) got to McCoys


Sep 7 rain last night & today Sow 3 Bs

S 8 got to Philps & return to meeting at 4 -- D.D. preached

9 lent D McCoy waggon sow 1 1/2 Bs Do 2 1/2 Bs rec'd a letter from Thomson today that Webster accepts our proposals

(10th) Fanny begins spining sow 4 Bs finish sowing & harrowing back field

11 commenced ploughing Pea ground Do toping corn charlotte Maria got to McCoys

12 ploughing &c

13 finish Pea ground & Sowed 4 1/2 PP 4 1/4 Bs harrow Irinda here

14 finish harrowing & plough furrows go to 4th Towns, Sleep at S. D{illegible}

S 15 hear McPeale Preach

16 Breakfasted at Mr Moores got the stove of John Clapp, change with G. Embury for Franklin Stove & a Reel -- engage a small wheel of him

17 got to Kingston See Webster

Sep 18 In Kingston

19 arrange businefs with Webster Wm T & myself to pay him as follows 19" spc 1823 -- 50 19 D 24 -- 50 19 " 25 -- 75 19 " 26 75 } L250 with Interest from this Day See A. Shorts, purchased his Land in Pittsburgh return home this evening {in left margin} rain

20 agreed with Saml to take my right in the Still House & Shorts Land and one hundred Dollars at the end of five years -- commence ploughing back field - cut Oats Kill Sheep {in left margin} rain

21 cut Oats & pick up corn Stalks Frost

Sunday S 22 a very severe frost last night

23 D D Do -- Settle with Saml & Mr Lockwood Samuel is to learn me to Distill

24 finish cutting oats & draw in 3 load - lent V Embury Horse

25 draw in all oats but half a load --


Sep 26 take the Bull to McMillen and he is to send the cow home in a fortnight Irish Preacher

27 Disputing all round -- commence threshing Flax a lamb died last night School meeting egage P{illegible} if he pr{illegible}re 16 scholars to give him $10 pr Month {in left margin} rain

rain 28 Shear the lamb & take out fat

rain 29 nothing except Fanny & John go to Philips

Do 30 Mend plough bring in 1 load corn & spread flax

Oct 1 draw wood for Butterfield draw in corn, began to feed old cow Pumpkins

2 finish our Corn & Stalks - turn cattle in corn field

3 sold Joseph H Prefson the Land in Sophiasburgh for L25 to be paid in Cash or merchantable flour -- 1st June next also gave him my acct for L1.10 in payable some day draw one Load Potatoes 13 1/2 Bs Apple Box U.S.

Oct 4 2nd Load Potatoes 13 1/2 Bs Root House

5 Anderson returns flour to to 4th Town with Maria horse back --

Sunday 6 Hear A Shorts Preach 2nd John 9th V

7 call on Van Shriver -- I. Garrison, D Ruth dine at I. Peterson's leave Bay Mare at A Shorts to wean the colt came home, rains this evening {in left margin} rain

8 drew in all Potatoes 9 1/2 Bs

9 go for Kingston --

10 arrive in Town --

11 Do our businefs and lave with Maclean Certificate Marriage Certificate to be registered --

12 return Home by Col Clark

S 13 do nothing

14 work on Road commence boiling Pumpkins

15 boil Pumpkins --

16 Threshing. Wm here Rye

17 go to Mill 10 1/2 BS


Oct 18 rain Husk Corn -- Wm goes home takes Jerusha & Mary - John goes with him on Jack - Wm {illegible}cked {illegible} this morning

19 rain Maria & Young my go with me to McCoys - get Barrel salt

S 20 Philip over & Jacob Peterson no preaching in consequence of rain

21 Fanny & her Mother came over

22 Kill Pig, Snow afternoon Snow began to Plough corn field

Do 23 Mend ploughs Hen & 8 Chickens

24 Ploughing --

25 Maria goes to Philips/McCoy apple Bee draw in 5 Load corn about 100 Bs ears

26 go to Training

S 27 about 2 o clock this morning Uncle Dunham came for Maria to go to D MacCoys

28 rain & Snow

rain 29 Draw Wood

30 go to Frasers Barn Bee

31 Snow -- Hariett Embury married

Nov 1 Draw wood

P A 2 got to Milll& John Embury {illegible}

1822 Snow

Nov 3 Sunday T J Quarterly Meeting - Snow

4 made a firm agreement with Mother respecting Team &c fee Killed 1 Partridge & went with a Load of B.W. Straw for Comstock Mother goes to Drs on horse back Put hogs in pen

5 Pile Pumpkins

6 help Comstock cover coal pit

7 up D McCoy house plank

8 Draw in Pumpkins

8 Saml goes to J. Empeys for cow I draw wood for self & Mr Charmin

9 Fanny & Mrs Clapp goes home

10 Fanny & John return - I got to Sunday School - discontinued

S 11 Kill a Pig, John goes to Philips & Ropes bring foal Leather

Rain 12 draw in all corn take Comstock 11 Bs Corn , get 100 Bricks - of Butterfield

Rain 13 Finishe front field - 12 1/2 Bs Ws B. Wheat turn cattle in

Rain 14 go to Bradshaws Maria & Fanny go to MCoy cut Brush

15 Lay Hearth, drew wood take {illegible}


Nov 15 Lockwood old Sow to fat upon Sha{illegible}

16 Two Sheep killed this morning one dead & other hurt by dogs ash hands to Bee

S 17 Mr Peele preached

18 ask hands to Bee & ploughing

19 go to P.D. Bee Kill 2 Hog

Snow 20 have Barn Bee about 30 hands

Snow 21 Snow Shell corn

22 Kill 3 Hogs, John Johnson return

Snow 23 Hunting {illegible} 1 Partridge

S 24 John leaves here McCoys

25 Cut Pork & draw wood to to 26 Leh McBrides have three of Fannys Sheep 1 White ew -- 79 -- 1 Black Do -- 90 -- 1 White Do Lamb 58 to return double in 3 years --

26 Matthew help me cut pine Trees

27 Mr & Mrs McCoy here

28 Kill Hogs for S.D. & DD

29 get Horses Shod Tr{illegbile} Philo

S 30 go hunting with Saml I J & FB

DW 1 Stay Home 1 Snow

2 go to Mr Chamberlains

3 put Stove up 1 {illegible}

4 Snow Thresh Wheat

1822 & drew Load wood for School

Dec 5 Go to McCoys Bee half day Aunt Betsy here talk about reports or Falsehoods told by McCoys or Maria

Snow 6 nothing extrordinary

7 go to D McCoys explain reports Debating Society opened - William here came last night

S8 go no where

9 go to Mill & Comstocks 6 Bs Wheat 2 1/2 B.W -- get fulled cloth

mild 10 Mrs Chamberlain stayed here last night

11 go to Millers Bee Mr Peal Preached

12 Mr Peal Stayed with us lastnight went to Mill went to Mill for St{illegible}ing raised Stove House

13 drew wood & thresh Pease

14 ------ Do -------

S 15 remained Home (cold)

Cold 16 Cut Wood - (very cold)

17 go to Mill, Mr & Mrs Chamberlain & Uncle Dunham here (Stay)

18 Kill old Sow - and cows

19 go to McCoys to help raise stable

20 Mason at work at Mothers go to Dallers & Bradshaws



Dec 21 go to Mill but no grist, make door frame for Mother - hear Mr Peale very ill --

S 22 very cold this evening, P. McBride ill

cold 23 go to Mill - Wm here -- very cold

24 draw wood, Mason finish John goes home with Wm

C 25 Snow this morning A. Shorts Preach

26 Ann & Matthew McCoy call here Grand Mother & Aunt Kitty pay Mother a visit & call in on us -- Aunt Betsy see Mother Fanny to give me one Dollar for every C -- d. within six years

27 Mr Peale died Wednesday night & buried today at 2nd Town M H Uncle Dunham Preach - draw all board & Slabs home --

28 fixing House & {illegible}

S 29 Mr Chamberlain preached Rev 3 20 V

30 cut wood help US kill cow Mr & Mrs McCoy here

31 draw wood, kill Sheep

1823 Jany 1 go to library meeting (go to mill) Snow all day

2 let Bradshaw have Stove - draw wood

3 go for Heifer to I Empeys Maria & Anne go with me to McCoys --

4 go to 2nd Meeting 4th Town Maria {illegible, cut off}


Jany S 5 Mr Ryan Preach G. Clapp take sacrament

6 go to 4th Town Meeting and to A Shorts get Deed and gives my note payable in 10 years for L22.3.2 with 3 per Cent Interest - hear D. Wright preach stay at S. Dorlands

7 conclude bargain with Mr Moore for John Roblin to Stay with me -- bring him over & come home

8 agreed to Kepp Mr Lockwoods cows for the Hay in Stack and Still Slops as much as I want he has not difstilled since 28th Also he brought his geese here yesterday to day I take Mother to Judge Fishers - John Ham preached this evening

9 Snow Mother & Maria go to McPhersons -- I thresh

10 Mr Lockwood lets the Horse break cutter I go with him to fetch it home Mrs Smith here, {illegible} Storms & very cold

1823 Jany 11 Grand M & K Dulmage at Mo{illegible} very cold this morning threshing

S 12 Cold & Storm - K.D. take Dinner here & I .Chamberlain Do A George Sick

13 Cold - threshing &c Fanny go to Drs Aunt Embury. Dr & Nancy at Mothers

14 clean up 13 1/2 Bs Pease. ingage 4 or 5 flour Barrel of Mr Dixons

15 went to mill with wheat & 6 Bs Pease for Horses

16 settle with Butterfield, draw wood

17 get Hay of D Lucas, Mr & Mrs Moore came this evening Mr Lockwood returned last night without his liscence

18 go up to Philips with Mr & Mrs Moore Maria & Amelia - grandmother come up to see Mother go up to Mr Levitzs with them to hear Philip - Dine at Mr C. Clark. M. & A McCoy here

20 Mr Portt commence school

21 Mr Moore goes home, I cut wood

22 Cut & draw wood 7 loads

23 go with Mr Lockwood for money Mr Keeler preached M Chamberlain returns from below in cold

24 & 25 Threshing wheat {illegible}

S 26 go to 2nd Town Meeting {illegible}


Jan 27 & 28 Threshing - go to McPhersons I & P Fraser tonight

29 go to Weaving Mill, Tanners &c

30 John goes to School today I go to 4th Town - Fanny & Amelia

31 return home today

Feby 1 clean up 38 1/2 Bs Wheat - Saml takes team to JS Frasers Bee

S 2 Mr Levitz exhorts 11 o Clock

3 clean up 8 1/2 Bs Wheat

4 go to Mill. got to T Peters hear Mr Chamberlain rec'd Christ Jess as you have Mrs McCoy here - broke handfull flax

5 cut Wood, Mr Moore came & ret'd - Mr & Mrs Chamberlain 9 oclock come & return - a boy born

6 settle with Daller George Chamberlain goes to Kingston with oxen & cow May

7 Saml & Jane Dorland here

8 go to Belleville, Mother Maria Anne

S 9 Mr Ryan Preached

10 11 & 12 go to Ben Clapps, Ketchisons, Fosters & John Canniffs & D Roblins

13 come home I. Thomson A.F. {last line cut off and illegible}


Feb 14 take Wheat to Mill

15 Do flour from Do

S 16 no Preaching --

17 go to Kingston with flour

18 return J go to Judge Fishers with

19 Aunt McNabb & Mr Moores.

20 return - got to Hear Mr Chamberlain

21 Belleville friends return this morning

5 days rec'd of Hugh Fletcher 25% Hay go to Meeting -- the Stack of Hay Stands 5 days foddering but about

22 threshing oats

S 23 go no where 4 Pigs

24 clean up oats 8 Bs 10 {illegible Straw wa{illegible}

25 threshing Pease -- 7 Bs Seed & 5 for Horses

26 go to Library with the Chamberlains sold old Mare

Pigs 28 27 thresh {illegible} wheat - 4 Pigs

Mch 1 Clean up 15 Bs Wheat

S 2 very cold & blowing

3 H Andrews brings his wheat to thresh

4 go to Bible Society meeting

rain 5 take 14 Bs ashes to Bath, See Dr Chambers

rain 6 7 Cut wood stake 1 Load to School

8 get 1 Horse shod, Mrs T & Mrs D up

Sn 9 go to McCoys see S Purdy

10 go to Longs & fulling Mill

rain 11 visitors all here


Mch 12 lent uncle Saml Horses for Hay

13 went to 4th Town - offered Canniff 10 ct per bushel for Potatoes

14 Wm here - a Pedlar to whom we gave all our Brock Copper Wm & Lamb goes to Kingston --

15 Pedlar leaves here -- get measure for boots

S16 at Home lend Saml cutter

17 go for Kingston -- take Mother & BL North bring C. Da{illegible}

18 & 19 return & stop at Is. Frasers at night got with I Johnson to look for money

20 wrote to Mother not {illegible}

21 borrow of Mr Chamberlain $14 L20 of Mr Lockwood -- 16 sent an order to Larker - 16 paid I Johnson for His Horse $46 NB $4 allwed on old balance due Johnson

22 Mr Carnahan here sick with her

S 23 go no where

24 Mr & Mrs C. go home got to Election

25 draw wood Hardware 17

26 go to Flax mill Bidow 20 Fanny came home

27 Mr Clapp go home

28 & 29 cut wood & go to Richmond with Hi{illegible}

S 30 go to 4th Town with Maria & S Roger

31 return, go to Election Ham 13 head


April 1 get flour of 20 Bs Home from Mill & Start Saw Mill

2 & 3 Saw & fix Mill - rain-

4 pay Mr Ryan by giving uncle Saml 10

5 go to gr Meeting with Fanny

S 6

7 get Boots home begin to boil sap

8 mow last night draw rail cut

9 & 10 sawing - 15 Logs

Write Mr Scarlet 11 get wheel home cold

12 draw ox yokes & Post timber

S 13 Stay at home

14 & 15 saw & make skiff {illegible} fishing

16 Mr & Mrs Chamberlain here - go fishing Skin Fannys cow

17 Do Do Do get Pork

18 go fishing this night & saw

19 Do & finish sawing

S 20 Mr Chamberlain girl sick

21 Mothers Heifer died

22 Saw 3 pr Sleigh runners

23 go to Training rain J Lockwood taken ill

24 & 25 saw & make Harrow

S 26 Stay at home

27 go for {illegible} Trees - got Fishing

28 John D Lockwood died 5 M: before 12 oclock AM

29 & 30 plant 50 apple Trees {illegible} &c

May 1 sow spring wheat J Lockwood buried

2 Illegible 2 1/2 Bs E Pease & Hay {illegible}

May 3 Kill two shoats - to help Palmatin

S 4 stay at home

snow 5 Make a Roller Snow

6 Roll Hay seed - plough garden

7 Split stakes for garden fence

rain 8 Raining all day Uncle Samuel settle bill with F. $1 before 12 MS 1 C

D 9 got to Edgars to get Hand mendd

10 split rails

S 11 go to Mr Chamberlains

Cold 12 split rails with R. Allen

13 & 14 repair Kitchen split rails &c

15 & 16 lay up fence commence stone fence

17 Flax Bee (Anderson's Barn raised)

18 thunder & lightning this evening

19 make fence stone

20 go to Bath and fish Red F Suckers

21 finish garden fence. Mrs Caseys here U. Saml - goes to Kingston to see G. Mother

22 Sow 3 1/2 Bs Oats for U Saml & plant 1 Bs Potates for self, finish ploughing for {illegible}

23 Sowed 2 1/2 Bs Flax & 1 1/2 Bs Oats & 1 Bs Pease

24 plough for Pease sent Mare to Horse

S 25 {illegible} J. here, very cold

26 lent 2 Chains to P Detlor, plough sowed 3 1/2 Bs Oats & 3 Bs Pease


May 26th Invite neighbours to the wedding --

27 commence furrowing corn ground Allen's Bee Harrow & plough John Detlor's calf Dead taken from cow

28 furrow & plant Corn

29 -- D D. with Mother (paid postage)

30 finish corn & go to McPherson

31 go to Adolphustown & fetch Sam

S June 1 great disputed C Charlook

2 warm men to work - road finish ploughing in Potatoes

3 Fanny Married

4 go to Frasers & shear sheep

5 plant Potatoes

6 finish - Do work Road

7 sow 4 1/2 Bs Oats -- John goes to 4th Town

S 8 stay Home John ask consent D.D. Bee

9 Sam & John ret'd - finish Melons take 2'd time not take

10 hard frost this morning work on Road alter Lambs

June 11 work Road Mr & Mrs McCoy here

12 Turnpike road in McDo{cut off}

13 work on road - Bro's Wright

14 Bro Wright here & lent him concordance lent Bro: Miller Log{cut off} finish Road work

S 15 Isaac, Fanny& Jane go to hear Jeffers

16 go to Mills & trade Jack away for a pair St{cut off}

17 go to 4th Town get plo{cut off}

18 return

19 cut Brush

20 Kill a sheep --

rain 21 go to Arbitration & bring {cut off}

S 22 stay Home

23 go for plough & Irons {cut off}

24 go to Mills & commence ploughing summer follow

{up left side} 24 {illegible} took Kate to Horse

25 go to edgars for Coulter

26 commence mowing

{top of page} 27 {missing} the rails for D. Dunham

{missing} up Hay rain tonight

{missing} Mr Chamberlain

{missing} fill for L1-6-0

{missing} Training

{missing} from Isaac V Fanny here

{missing} ush Hoe corn

{missing} w in 5 Loads Hay

{missing} Jas Fraser waggon

{missing} in 2 load Hay

{missing} Mill

{missing} 4 1/2 Bs Buckwheat finish Corn hoeing

{missing} d Mother returned

{missing} ish summer follow

{missing} young people go to {illegible} meeting

{missing} Boy born 1/2 past 4

{missing} rainy a little this morning Mow & go to D McCoy Bee

{missing} wing Kitty Dunham ill

{missing} Mill sent {cut off}

10 Cut & make Hay


11 draw in 4 small loads

12 Kill sheep this morning draw in 2 Loads

13 Fanny & Isaac here

14 finish falling trees & commence ploughing potatoes mowing

15 exchange Cows with McBride Aunt Dulmage here

16 Mother & Saml & Aunt D go to Kingston Mow & Hoe set out Turnips

18 Mother & Saml return - draw in 8 Loads Hay lent I.F. oxen

19 Hoe Potatoes & go to Frasers raising - Wm Here --

S 20 nothing extraordinary

21 cut back Hay & Hoe corn

22 finish Do this morning rake it

July 23 draw in 2 Loads Hay New Land

24 Hoe corn

25 go to 4th Town borrow 6 Dolls Mr Moore in 4 wa{illegible} pay D Hawley --

26 go to mills for Rolls pay postage acct

S 27 Isaac here, rain

28 drive Bus, Amelia go to School, commence a plough rain night

School 29 finish plough & go to Blacksmiths, take Tea at Smiths

30 Saml drive his Bus, I pull the first cucumber, cut Rye for U Saml -- got to McCoys

31 & finishe today, commence our Wheat

Aug 1 cuting our Wheat

2 help D McCoy 3/4 day John go to 4th Town

3 Stay home rain I {illegible}

Sept 4 Raining Mow grafs back of Barn

5 cut Wheat for Ma & U S

6 draw in 6 Loads Wheat

7 finish all wheat

8 draw put up hay

9 draw in 2 large loads Hay back of Barn get Horses shod

S 10 Mr Shorey exhort 10 oclock Isaac & Fanny here

11 set fire in Orchard & commence ploughing for {cut off}

12 ploughing & Threshing 2 1/4

13 get plough mended and go to D Dunhams Tea

14 threshing with Horses

15 go to Mill take 9 Bs Irinda Embury here & Philip

16 Fire running, Isaac & go

S 17 watch Fire, Wm & David

18 finish crop ploughing & har{cut off}

19 cut Spring Wheat

20 finish Do (in all 330 Sheaves cut oats & finish grafs

21 thresh 7 Bs Rye 2 D D Boys ploughing for Rye Samuel went to James Frasers Bee yesterday

22 cut Flax & ploughing

23 finish Do & Do

S 24 go to S Peters with Mrs Chamberlain hear Powley go to Frasers & return in evening

25 Sow 3 Bs Rye, go Gordanior Mrs Fraser &c here --

26 measure boards for Mr Lour

27 finish corn stalks & trade oxen with S. Gordanior go to Frasers for Maria Mother &c

28 return go to ploughing {illegible} am to let Isaac Fraser horse my share of saw mill for one year from this date, he to do the necesfary repairs & pay my $15 {cut off}

Aug 29 go to M. Millers Log Bee

30 ploughing & go to Philips

S 31 rain return home

Sept 1 finish Sowing Rye - 3 1/4 Bs in allsike threshing seed wheat

2 ploughing mend Bridge Maria make soap at Mrs C

rain 3 plough thresh & kill pig

12 T{illegible} pack up Hog, lent 12 Pork

4 ploughing go to meeting

5 commence sowing - Mr & Mrs McCoy here

6 lent D D my Gun let Palmatier have a Sheep for Damages cone his grain finish old land follows 5 1/2 Barley go to 4th Town Mrs Moon ill

{in left margin - "wheat 5 1/4}

S 7 go to meeting stay at Mr Cl{illegible}

8 come home & commence threshing

9 Wm goes home & I plough


Sept 10 ploughing - Maria returns

11 Ditto --

12 Ditto --

rain 13 finish Do & commence sowing

S 14 stay home McDowell {illegible}

15 finish old Land sowing 3/4 Rye 6 Wheat & commence choping let Mr McCoy have oxen

16 go to Village left an order in B.C. -- Boys finish seed wheat

rain 17 thresh with Horses

18 go to Mill wh 8 Bs

19 spread flax go to McCoys 4

Wind 20 go to Mill

Frost S 21 go to Clafs. U.L. Leader Fanny here man call Janie & John go to Phillips frost

frost 22 everything killed by frost go to D. McCoys Bee

frost 23 go to Philips all Kill Hog, cut B. Wh{cut off}

24 Loging & burning. Mr Moore

25 Do Do settle with Presson

26 Do Mr Moore return


Sept 27 sowing 1 Bs draw in B Wheat loging &c

S 28 go to Meeting Mr Shorey exhort

frost 29 sow 1/4 Bs - Hail & Snow

2 Bs 30 Do 3/4 frost 29 Three {illegible} US

Oct 1 commence clearing meadows Allan Mrs.

2 dig Potatoes

3 Do -- do --

4 finish go 4 Town Maria ({illegible} & Wm)

S 5 go to Meeting from Caseys

6 return home Wm Maria

7 plough

8 Do --

9 Do --

10 go to Training & 4th Town

S 11 return home & take down {cut off}

S 12 go to Joshua Longs Funeral

13 go to Mill & Kill 2 Hogs Aunt Dulmage

14 ploughing Wm come to Mill

15 commence front meadow

Mr b. preached

Oct 16 plough 7 cut Brush Mr Chamberlain moves

17 plough & kill 4 Hogs

18 got to Gr meeting 2nd Town

S 19 Do -- Do -- Maria

20 draw sand & lime --

rain 21 got to Kingston with Cattle

22 in Kingston

23 return home & plough

24 ploughing --

25 repair chimney & plough

S 26 clafs meeting & take Tea Sam & Ann got to Philips

27 plough & go to Blacksmiths Isaac commence repairing Mill

28 Mothers Dung Bee

29 ploughing Saml commence School

30 Do Mr C Preached

31 Do U.S. apple Bee

Nov 1 rain -- Margaret Detlor {illegible}

S 2 Margaret died this morning

1823 children chicken Pox

Nov 3 get Smith to make coffin snow and plough

4 go to Funeral

5 plough Mr & Mrs McCoy have goose ploughs

6 help J.D. kill cow

7 ploughing Uncle Dunham here

8 Do --

S 9 go to clafs Meeting

10 plough & plaster

Snow 11 borrow 22 lb Flour of D D

12 go to I Detlor's Dung Bee

Snow 13 plough & help D D kill Beef Mr Breakenridge Preach Mr Millers apple Bee

14 Plough send 2 Bs to {illegible}

15 finish front field go to Mill. David here

S 16 go to clafs meeting

17 help D D kill 4 hogs

18 go to Adolphustown

19 return with Salmon


20 sent to Mill 2 1/2 Bs Mr German here

rain 21 mend Waggon

22 go to S. S. Barn Bee

S 23 go to clafs Meeting Polly Fraser

24 go to Village - Mr Clark & McCoy here -- & U.S & Kitty & c

25 Snow, and thresh with horses an Indian boy making Brooms

26 go to Mill get 8 1/2 Bs ground

27 help U.S. make oven Mr Chamberlain preached

28 go to U. D. dung Bee

29 get out sleigh crook go to Drs

S 30 go to clafs Meeting Isaac & F. here

Dec 1 making sleigh go to McCoy

2 Do -- finish U S oven Wm here

3 bring home colt & go to Isaac

4 raise stone for road Fanny here

5 help Isaac U D here

6 go to J A Smiths Bee brushing

S 7 to clafs Meeting

Decr 8 finish sleigh

snow 9 help Philip with Lumber

10 D D D return Ben Clapp here

11 Do go to Kingston - I draw wood stove

12 cut wood for Mr Breakeningo put up stove

13 thresh 6 1/2 Bs Wheat go to McCoys with B & I Lockwood agree with I.L to furnish wood at 3 1/2 p {illegible}

S 14 stay home, U.S. went to Kingston yesterday I lent him cutter

15 commence furnishing wood

16 do nothing

17 Kill cow & go to Belleville

18 go to Iron works sell Beef & Wheat

19 return to Belleville, buy Saddle D Lucas

20 return home Mr & Mrs McCoy here

S 21 go to clafs meeting --

22 go to Mill Wm here with David

23 go to Kingston get salt {illegible} & return home in night

24 storming go to Philips

25 Philip & family & Isaac & Fanny here get Wm V christianed by Mr Ch{illegible}

26 draw wood

27 Do Do


Kitty & Anna Dulmage up

Dec 28 S Mr Switzer exhorts

29 got to Mill with 9 Bs

rain 30 go to Mrs Long's wood Bee

31 go to Mill and get wheat ground


Jany 1 Maria, Jane, John and boys go

snow to 4th Town in cutter I go to D D in evening

Snow in night 2 cut roads to fence Logs U.S. Kill 2 Hogs

3 George Cham'n cut Sams Hair got to Waters with Cowhide & Calf skin M. Garrison & Wife here --

S 4 Do go home -- before breakfast I go to Clafs meeting --

5 Do Town Meeting with I A. Smith snow stop at Jacob Detlors & Drs --

Do 6 draw 1 Load wood -- David comes for Sam -- Maria, Jane & young ones go to Philips -- John & David go to I. Frasers

7 Jane & David go home I draw a load wood to school House


Jany 8 take wheat to Mill for U. Saml go to Rofses, P. Perry's & Mr Chamberlains -- Mr Heeley preached McMadden up

rain 9 draw wood -- Mrs & Mr McCoy here -- rain this evening -- lent 3 Hams & 2 Lambs to be smoked

rain 10 sold John vest Pattern & Boots 5/{cut off} Thos Flagler & Nancy here --

S 11 go to Frasers, Maria stay with them -- rain

12 L & N. go home & we return thresh

rain 13 clean up wheat D. D. here Isaac Saws

cold 14 go to Mill -- paid postage up &c a/c -- Grandmother A. K. & K.D here write to Corn & Farmers Store

15 cut wood for DD

16 go to Mill for Mother

17 go to Kingston with U.D.D and Cath'n Dulmage


Jany 17 stay at Mr Thomsons dine at Mr Armstrongs

S 18 go to Love Feast JM Madden preached -- Mr Ch'n preached 6 o'clock Whitehead Mr Whitehead goes home

19 return as far as Mr Tilly

20 arrive at home this morning Maria unwell -- Dr & Nancy call this evening

21 cold morning I A Smith returns some borrowed Tools clean up flax see cut wood Mr Lockwood Moves family

22 go to Blacksmith get Min{illegible} shod Mrs Smith here Mrs McUmber washes Mr Richardson preached Mr Chamberlain stays here

23 D McCoy helps me cut & draw wood Mrs McCoy here, Isaac & Fanny here Polly Frasers & J S Chamberlain


Jany 24th get Hams & Jowels from Mr McCoy, go to Mills get 6 lbs Sugar for Mother Keep 3 lbs myself of Turnips from Davis Maria goes to Bradshaws

S 25 Mr Levitz exhorts, Jas & Polly Fraser stay at Mothers, last night Maria & myself go to McCoys Ann & Amelia go to Belseys --

26 go to Election G. Ham elected gave Lasker note of Hand per 13.11.3 and trade 1.7.6 Mrs McCoy goes to Belleville

27 go to Napanee get Cloth and new lines made by Philip Mr & Mrs Breakenridge at Mothers

28 go to 4th Town, Maria & boys

29 go to Court House Isaac takes his cow

30 return home get Coat cut Mr I Thomas Aunt. John and Aunt Macham come down


Jany 31 Dr Spencer & Mrs Here call & return Belleville friends here Mrs R. and girls come over

Feby 1 stay home very cold

2 storming and blowing

3 snowing, William go to Napanee and then Home, I draw 1 Load of wood Belleville friends go to Mr McCoys with Maria & self

4 write Mr Thomson for Pork by D McCoy -- Maria new Boots

5 Make Block sleigh, very cold go to Meeting Mr Walden preached

6 snowing - draw wood go to D.D. Maria & myself George Cham'n comes & stays all night

7 fine morning -- boys thresh Mr & Mrs Moore here I went to Philips for George {cut off}


S Feby 8 Maria & self go Philips to Breakfast, Mr McCoys to Dinner -- hear D.D. preach in evening

J Mr Moore goes & returns from Kingston, Myself go to Mr McDowall & get Bbl Pork Mr Moore says Pork is 13 Dolls: in Kingston Maria & Mrs Moore go to Isaac's in afternoon. D.D. comes over this evening

Thunder Rain {vertical in margin}

10 Mr & Mrs Moore go home Maria & self go to McKenzies with ashes I drew 4 Loads wood. Mr & Mrs McCoy here all go to Mr Breakinridge

11 Raining, all day Isaac Saws thresh G. Cham here

12 Cold, thresh all spring Wheat 4 1/2 Bs

13 Cut wood, Aunt Betsy at Mothers get my fine Boots footed & home we have to crofs on Ice above the House --

14 draw 100 Rails out of Woods J Embry & L Detlor


Feby 15 S. snow, go to clafs

16 snow -- draw 223 Rails and 2 loads wood -- 1 Lamb last night

17 drew 52 Rails & 1 L wood go to 4th Town, Mother & Amelia

18 go to Judge Fishers & return home 1 Lamb

19 very cold, cut & draw 3 L. woods Mr Lockwood comes over Temporary Quarter Meeting 4th T

20 fine Morning - paid Gordanich 10p on note, get stove G&G Thoes and 1/2 Bs Pease of D McC. Mr & Mrs Chamberlain here & Mrs McCoy Mr Breakenridge Bee Poor collector here get 5 p Tea -- paint Floor

21 Thresh with oxen 225 Sheaves get all leather from Rofs grand Mother up at Mothers

S 22 go to Clafs,

23 thresh 205 Sheaves, all

24 clean up wheat 23 Bs Maria go to Mr McCoy quilting I go for her

go to Philips with Mr & Mrs McC Sam R. very ill -- 2 Lambs


Feby 25 draw wood, go to hear Mr Poole -- Jeffers here Snow

26 go with a load of board for Mr Lowe -- Storming

27 Stormy snow 1 foot I go to Mill for Mother with 11 1/2 Bs all her wheat

28 fine morning, cut Bee Tree got 20 lbs Honey, gave Mother 5

S 29 go to Clafs -- too late

Mch 1 very cold, draw wood

2 go to 4th Town with board

3 go to Sodom with flax seed get oil pay P. Roblin 1 Keg Pl 15p 1 G. oil 5p see all his boys &c

4 return home with Jane go for Hay for Mr Lockwood Mr Lockwoods Hogs kill two lambs Mr & Mrs McPherson here go to Meeting Mr Bre'n preach


Mch 5 - send Mr Lockwoods Hogs Home draw 4 loads fence logs go to Frasers, with Maria Jane and George. go to Court return by Frasers and by D. Dunhams. Rain

S 7 go to clafs Isaac, Fanny & Sam here -- snow

8 fine morning, I draw 304 Rails to front field Is F. brin 6 Chai{illegible} Maria & Sam & George & Ann go to McCoys. Philips & Lockwoods

9 draw out 170 Rails and 45 of them to front field Mary Detlor here -- S.D. & D.D. & Aunt B. I settle with them --

10 draw out 130 Rails, 21 to field goet Barrel Pork of M. Miller Isaac take G.George over.

Mch 11 help G. Chamberlain frame his house. Maria, Jane & John got to 4th Town -- Amelia goes with me

12 draw out 40 Rails & 280 to front field.. Maria & John return -- Snow

13 go to Election Meeting

S 14 go to clafs stop at U.S.

15 Meet Dayton at Edgen give him until 1st May to pay $18.41p by paying costs. Mother, Maria return to to Chapmans, & village return I cut wood, D McCoy, draw & Load

16 draw 7 loads fence Logs 1 L wood Mrs & Mr McCoy here. Snowing

17 Snow, cut wood & draw 3 Loads fence Logs --


Mch 18 fine morning, draw 6 L W and 5 L.Logs -- Mr Chamberlain preached

19 go to look for Hay to I Detlors & Bradshaw (none-- meet Mr Chamberlain at D.D. draw 4 L.Logs. Mother, Maria and Ann go to McPhersons -- storm

20 rain wind blow {in margin} Let McCormack have Kettle for 12 {illegible} Sugar - John got flour from Mill -- I draw rails and plank from Mill -- got Henry

21 go to clafs -- stop at U.S.

22 send Philip's Pork home Mother & Maria go to Millers & Lockwoods -- W. Lockwood cow dies, I go to P. Detlor -- cut Sap trough

23 Snow -- kill Mother's calf Mr & Mrs Breakenridge here -- Aunt Betsey & Granmother in Mothers room


Mch 24 go to Jacob Detlors & borrow 6 Dollars. pay Mrs Chamberlain call at D Dunhams -- U Samuel there

25 Sow hay seed, Grandmother go home draw 2 loads wood M. Carnahan & Mifs O'Neal call this afternoon - U Saml here this evening --

26 make sap trough lent I Chamberlain 1 Yoke oxen

27 old Cherry calved I help I Cham'n draw out timber 2 yoke oxen --

28 rain -- stay home gave I Ch'n Collectors Bond to give Markland

29 Isaac Sowing. Mr McCoy take breakfast


Mch 30 foggy morning, Asahel McCoy here before we were all up -- sold by C. Chamberlain 1/3 M Brick -- 10p No 8644-D Bank Canada to E Cates 2 Lambs -- I make sap trough Saml kills Calf -- G. Ch'n take supper -- I cut large pine acrofs the Creek --

31 mend fence, cut rails & stakes Isaac takes supper --

Apr 1 Tap trees -- cut rails go to meeting M B. Preached snow Dolly Dunham stays all night

2 draw sap, 7 pails, cut & split Stakes --

3 fine morning, draw stakes split stakes -- Mr Porth here

S 4 stay home - I. Embury take dinner


Apr 5 1 Lamb, Make rails & stakes D.D. leaves Mr Chamberlains papers for me

6 go to Adolphustown to attend Mr C. trial -- stay at S. Dorlands with Mr Breakenridge

7 no Trial - return pay Jacob Detlor 20p all on Mrs Chamberlain -- settle with D. Ruttan, go to D Dunhams,

8 D Dunham here, he writes to Abm Paul, Mrs & Mr McCoy here -- I am very ill with a cold

9 " fine day, I do nothing Mr Lockwood, stay all night

10 go to Dr Meeting, attend Mr Chamberlain Trial at S Dorland --

S 11 go to love feast, Mr Metcalf preached


Apr 12 1 Lamb return home, crofs Bay with Powers & Kernel

13 raining. I gave S. D -- copy of Reg'd orders

14 send flax seed to Philips and write for corn get 6 qts -- make lane fence -- Mother Maria & George go to D.D. myself go for them --

15 Snow & rain, cut oak stakes

16 A Fraser take Breakfast old Mary Detlor, here to Dinner Grandmother came to supper in Mothers room. A friend to Angus stuck up at School House, split stakes & rails

17 split Rails, make fence -- John goes to 4th Town -- Saml with him

S 18 go to Clafs. D.D. there, comes and draws a Tooth for Maria


Apr 19 Saml comes home with R. Jeff{cut off} John returns -- I caught a fish -- go fishing with D. Dunham - repair front fence {in left margin} Sett Goose

20 set the Boys to work today Philip here, make fence

21 draw dung on garden Stake front fence -- go fishing tonight -- get 17. fine day

22 fine morning, draw dung on Garden & plough it, go fishing 30

23 get Horse of H. Anderson to go to training, return in rain to go for Arms 15th May and to train last Saturday in June go to McCoys with Maria & S.G. Mr Lockwood & family come

24th Cold morning, go fishing, go to School meeting & D Dunham,


S Apl 25 go to S Peter's, hear D.D. rain, John goes to Frasers

26 John returns with Butter Fanny here -- make fence &c &c lent S.D. plough

27 make fence plough garden make spear --

28 cold morning. cut Rails go down fishing to Bay, return without any - Maria goes to Mrs Smiths

29 rain - old Mrs Anderson buried -- split 133 Rails, go to D Dunhams, Rain

30 cold morning - split 224 go fishing -- got 1 fish

May 1 old Cow Brock calved 1 split rails - drill

S 2 Meeting 10 Oclock Mr B. Sunday School 3 Oclock

3 split & draw rails and lay fence, rain this evening


May 4 Isaac stays here all night snows this morning, finish back fence commence ploughing John Detlor very ill, go fishing catch 4

5 hard frost -- ploughing, take out Potatoes 4 Bs

6 alter Lam cut off tails plough - lent D McC clevis

7 Rain, cut Log, send John to Philips, hear the Grand father Simons dead Mr & Mrs here

8 Mother ill, John Better I go to Philips - get sugar &c at John Clark

S 9 Mr Lockwood here -- we go to Fanny's. return

10 plough -- Star Calfs make fence D.D. fows 4 1/2 Bs Pease


May 11 ploughing for Corn &c put up fence between Andersons on Creek -- I go for medicine for Mother

12 Furrough for corn & Potatoes lent D.D. 1 yoke oxen, gave William and emetic for whooping cough rain

13 Rain fast, split Logs for rails --

14 Snow {illegible} Mch -- split rails John Harrows for D.D. Mothers 2 cows calve --

15 cold morning - I go to Col Craigs get guns, shop at P. Ruttans for Book go to N. Harris stay at Mr Moores,

S 16 go to Breakfast to G. Clapps rain go to Meeting A. Shorts, preach go to G. Clapps to breakfast, return home bring Mrs Clapp with me -- Ann & John go to Napanee.


May 18 Plant potatoes & Corn I Dun{cut off} afsist us, John Detlor able to Do -- finish large piece about 50 {cut off} Mrs Clapp goes to Fanny's with Ann

19 plough for corn

20 Do -- Do -- 12 Goslins

21 sow Pick Oats & 1/3 Bs Flax furrow for corn 1 Lamb Commence burning summer follow

22 plant corn (finish) Do Boys go to Philips -- P & I here

S 23 Philip & Jane call ( from Fanny's, Maria go to Mrs McCoy

24 finish planting corn go to see Mr McCoy --

25 commence ploughing follow Frost go to Edgars get Coulter altered Maria & Mrs Clapp go to McCoys

26 Frost very hard -- ploughing Fishing at Big Creeks

27 fine morning, ploughing, Mr Lockwood over, Maria & her Mother go to Fannys


May 28 rain last night, plough Mother receives her money

29 Mr & Mrs Moore here, plough Kill Sheep

S 30 Frost -- go to Mrs Lockwoods Mr Moore to Philips Is & Fanny here -- --

31 Mr & Mrs Moore return lent D McCoy waggon, go to Edgar Shear Sheep, plough go fishing catch Eels -- 17

June 1 plough (rain) go to Freds -- Allan shear sheep --- {in left margin} Colt {illegible}

2 Saml returns from Kingston ploughing, Sent 2 1/2 Bs Spring Wheat to Mill

3 Ann goes to Bath to get married, plough raining


June 4 Rain, ploughing

5 ploughing -- Road Labour commenced today

S 6 Polly Haight & C. Dunkin here-- I go to Sunday School go to clafs - all of us take Tea at U.S.

7 rain a little, plough -- go to Blacksmiths, borrow a Harrow Tooth of D.D. commence Hoeing corn

8 fine morning, Maria Pluck 3 Geese -- Ploughing Mrs & Mr McCoy here --

9 ploughing -- shoot pigeon Put Polly to Andersons Horse go to Meeting , Mr Walden preach 5 o'clock -- call at U.S.

10 plough, kill pigeons, finish field on Hill in front of House

11 rec'd of Mr Dayton six Dollars Can{illegible} C.N 3725.1207.7152.D8822 A 6420


June 11 commence ploughing front field -- Isaac & Fanny here

12 go to Crawford for Jury take Maria to Mrs Chamberlain rain, paid S. Detlor 10p York B{illegible}

S 13 go to Sunday School dine at U.S.

14 very cold all day, plough John & Saml go to Mr Lockwood with Hiefer. Isaac Frasers borros S. plane, plough guage Brace Bitt, & compafs -- Davis McCoy cut my hair --

15 go to Kingston take Mother stop at Purdy's stop at Dulmages

16 trade at Armstrongs stop at Thomsons --

17 return home

18 hoe corn, burn old fence on calf

19 go to 4th Town Maria & Mrs {illegible}

S 20 Quarter Meeting. Independence

21 return home --


June 22 Rain, making cradle

23 Do -- ploughing, lent the waggon to John Cham'n settle with Allen --

24 plough, Rain go to D.D. --

25 ploughing, finish front field

26 go to Training - give out Muskets, appoint training last Saturday in September - --

S 27 go Philips with Wm

28 fine morning. U.S. got to Kingston Plough & commence hoeing Potatoes get Share & Coulter Sharped John returns from 4th Town Maria & Ann go to see Betsey

29 ploughing in Pea ground Mother goes to Betsey, Mr & Mrs Breakenridge here

Transcription Progress



George Hill Detlor Diary, 1822-1824.pdf
George Hill Detlor 1822-1824 Diary Transcripts.pdf


George Hill Detlor, “George Hill Detlor Diary & Transcription, 1822-1824,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,
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