Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1917


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1917


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph




20th Century, York County, Vaughan Township, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription



"And the little brown dog did not even say

Exxuse me, ma'am, as he scampered away;

But I'm sure as can be his greatest joy

Is just to trot behind that boy."

Page is left blank


Mon Jan 1.

New Years, {Willies} family, also Morthers, and Wylie here to dinner, much milder. the children skating.

Tues Jan 2.

{Tine's?} and very mild, I went to Harry Bowers butchering, Mrs Peebles called, Lizzie called in the evening. Ms Niobel died. Lizze Bowese called. Aunt Nellie at R.H station for parcel.

Thurs Jan 4.

Fine and mild sleighing nearly all gone. Aunt Mattie called at Mrs Kellys and Mrs Reamund, the girls here in the evening named and sleeped in night.

Fri Jan 5

Rained and {sleeted?} nearly all day. Aunt Mattie in bed was sick all night. below, Mary Gork and Misses Page called. 

Sat Jan 6

Fine and frozen clean but icy. I called at Morhters and at Pink. Mrs Peebles called.

Sun Jan 7.

Fine but cold. Aunt Nellie at morning church. I went to evening church. Annie and Lizze called.

Mon Jan 8.

Fine but cold. we washed. Aunt Mattie called at Mrs Peebles. Mrs Little and children in eve.

Tue Jan 9.

Fine and milder.

Wed Jan 10,

A very cold north wind, stormy at first. Lizzie called to say good bye. she was married at five o'clock. We got our fried egg.

Thur Jan 11.

Fine and very, cold. 16 below zero, in some places.

Fri Jan 12,

Fine and still very cold. 9 below zero. Mrs Lawrence called, also M. Chapman. Arrive here in the evening.

Sat Jan 13.

A little more snow and milder, then came a little more in the eve. I was out in the evening, the children at the rink.

Sun Jan 14

Fine but very cold. a good deal of snow drifted through this night. Aunt Nellie has a cold. Arrive here for dinner. Willie and Mary called in the afternoon, I went to evening church.

Mon Jan 15

Fine day but very cold. Thomas Poole called Aunt Mattie and Morhters for a while in the afternoon.

Tues Jan 16.

Fine and cold.

Wed Jan 17.

Fine but still cold. Mr Howard buried.

Thur Jan 18,

Fine a little more light snow and blowing very cold. I was at Mr Driery's funeral. Mr Lawrence is poorly after a hemorrhage last Saturday evening. Aunt Nellie poorly Irene Chapman called.

Fri Jan 19

Fine and a little milder then before night went down to zero again. Mrs Peeble called Lizzie, Wylie and Annie called in evening, they just returned from New York.

Sat Jan 20,

Fine and moderately col.d AUnt Mattie and I out for a little walk called at Miss Edeys with a book. we had oysters for tea, 75 this year. I was at Morthers and at the rink in eve.

Sun Jan 21.

Very sharp. Easy wind and becomming very strong in the afternoon. Annie called in the afternoon. I went to {Marthodist?} Church is hear Mr Dean in the everning.

Mon Jan 22.

Very cold and windy and {guile?} as lot of digging them clearned and cold. Mabel Walsh called.

Tue Jan 23.

Fine and still cold, but bright. Mr Willie Barrel called in the afternoon. Aunt Nellie at R. G. meeting.

Wed Jan 24.

Fine and moderately cold. Lizzie is at her own house this week and settling.

Thur Jan 25

Fine and cold, a little light snow this morning. very cold and windy in the afternoon I went to S. S. {Gomrsrlion}afternoon and evening. Elsie Mathewson here for tea.

Fri Jan 26 ===

Fine and cold. good sleighing. Aunt Mattie called at Mrs Kellys and Mrs U. J.{Smallies?}

Sat Jan 27 x

I went to Toronto. called at Aunt Lizzes. A very stormy day from the East, snowing and blowing all day, cleared in evening. {Danid} Smallie here for dinner.

{There is a blank paper covering the middle of diary titled "1917"} {ineligible}

Sun Jan 28

Fine bright day. Aunt Nellie at morning and evening church. I walked to Willies in afternoon. Susie Wyland here for tea.

Mon Jan 29

Milder with rain from the east, not heavy. Aunt Mattie and I at the Rink. Concord School out. Mrs D is.

Tue Jan 30

Fine day and a little colder rather slippery. Mrs Martin called also Wilie {Borigel?} for yarn

Wed Jan 31

Fine and colder. Willie took Lizzies things down a little sleet in the evening

Thur Feb 1

Fine bright day, vey, very cold, and a terrific N. W. wind. Aunnie here in the evening.

Fri Feb 2,

Fine but very severe frost. 9 below zero, and 12 below in some places. Aunt Nellie at village in afternoon at Mothers and Mary Chapmans. Lizzie gome.

Sat Feb 3:

Fine and very cold wind a terrific gale from the North West. Shower at Mrs Halle for the boys. I went to the Pink in the evening, it was 6below zero.

Sun Feb 4

Rather milder but a little snow and rain. Aunt Nellie at norning church. I went to evening church. Annie called after church. Willie called for a few minutes in the morning.

Mon Feb 5

Fine but very cold we washed, I went to Institute meeting. Miss Eday called, also Miss Mundey, and Mrs Simpson in the evening.

Tue Feb 6

Fine and moderately cold. Mrs Peebles called in the evening

Web Feb 7

Fine but very cold. Aunt Mattie at Mothers for a little while. I went to Carnival. $63 for boys.

Thur Feb 8

Very cold and below zero, little flurries of snow. extremely cold in the evening. A I I called on Miss Ramsey.

Fri Feb 9

Very cold. 4 below zero. Annie and I at Willies {burchering?}. Willie at Elliols Sale, and here for teas.

Sat Feb 10

Very cold, 6 below zero. 12 below at jail farm, a strong N.W. wind all day. Mrs Peebleshere in eve. I went to the Rink for a while

Sun Feb 11

Clear and very cold, below zero. Aunt Nellie at morning church There was 77 ships sunk with tonnage during first 10 days in February. I went to eve church. Annie called in afternoon.

Mon Feb 12

Fine but cold down to zero. 9 below zero. 12 below {R. H?}

Tue Feb 13

Moderately cold and a little blustry in the evening. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross Meeting. Mrs Kirk called started freely in the afternoon. Willie called with pork. Helen {Wiltopine?} here for tea.

Wed Feb 14,

Fine and much milder. I was out in the evening.

Thur Feb 15

Fine bright day. Annie Lizzie and Mrs Hamilton called in afternoon. Missisaugua Horse found at Rink.

Fri Feb. 16.

Fine day with strong wind Mrs Peebles called hens not laying now.

Sat Feb 17.

Very mild and thawing, then heavy wind and much colder at night. I was at Rink.

Sun Feb 18

Fine and colder. Aunt Nellie at church. I went to evening church.

Mon Feb 19.

Cold and down to zero turning to East storm in the afternoon. Auntie and I packing {bousel?} for boys

Tue Feb 20.

Fine and modetately cold.

Wed Feb 21

Ash Wed {day in Catholicism}

Fine and moderately warm. Aunt Mattie at the village in the afternoon, hens starting to lay again.

Thur Feb 22

Fine and mild. Mr {Brealjeys?} Sale.

Fri Feb 23

Rained and sleeted, very mild. wet and slushy. Mr Peebles helping to move bed and springs.

Sat Feb 24

Fine and much colder with strong wind. I went to the Rink for a while in evening. Mrs Martin called.

Sun Feb 25.

Aunt Nellie at church. I went in to Mr Daridon.

Mon Feb 26.

Annie called in the afternoon ! I went to evening church. MIlder with a little flurry of snow in the afternoon.

Mon Feb 26.

Rain and sleet then mild and sloppy. Lorrain is sick with bronchitis. Mrs Peebles called in eve.

Tue Feb 27

Fine and colder. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross meeting. Aunt Mattie went to see the baby.

Wed Feb 28.

Fine and cold. very icy. Hockey March at Rink.

Thurs Feb 29 Mar I.

Fine bright day and moderately cold. Mabel Welsh and Ms deral called in the evening.

Fri Mar 2,

Fine day and thawing quite sloppy. Mr James Chapman died. Aunt Nellie and I at Mr Lyone funeral. Mrs Willard Simpson, also Miss Munday here with {Victrola} in the evening. Aunt Nellie at Lenten Service. Willie called in few minutes in afternoon.

Sat Mar 3

Fine bright day, mild and thawing. I went to the Rink for a while in the evening.

Sun Mar 4

Fine and bright, but very cold. I went in to see Lorraine. Aunt Nellie at morning church. I went to evening church. Annie called after church.

Mon Mar 5.

A stormy day, snowing about the heaviest of the season. Concord School at the Rink.

Tue Mar 6.

Fine bright day and moderately cold. Aunt Mattie at Morthers a while in afternoon.

Wed Mar 7.

Fien day and much milder. Snow going quickly. Willie took Aunt MAttie out for dinner. Aunt Nellie at Lenen Service. I was out in the even. Willie Bowes here. Mrs Shuter called in the evening, started to sleet and rain.

Thur Marh 8

Fine after a heavy rain last night, very sloppy.

Fri Mar 9.

Cold wind but taking the snow the water raised and nearly over road but men dug ditch and got it away quickly.

Sat Mar 10,

Fine bright day and mild. Sleighing nearly gone and many buggies out. I was at Prink for a while in evening started to sleet in even.

Sun Mar 11.

Mild and misty then started to rain at noon. I went to morning church. Auntie not out. I went in to Mrs {Dandion?} in eve. A came a thunder storm at four o'clock.

Mon Mar 12

Fine and mild. sleighing nearly over very icy.

Tue Mar 13

Fine day moderately cold, Aunt Nellie at Red Cross.

Wed Mar 14

Fine day, Gene Chapman here cleaned {burnea?} drawers.

Thur Mar 15

Fine but cold frozen quite clean. We girls all went down to Lizzes, the first time I was there. Childrens Carnival at the Rink.

Fri Mar 16

Fien and mild, bright sun taking the snow, water over the road a little. Mabel Welsh here. Aunties cleaned kitchen cupboards.

Sat Mar 17

St Patricks day, poured heavily until noon then a terrific wind, water very high and over road but able to walk over it. I called in at Pink. Dr. Laystaff died.

Sun Mar 18

Fine but very cold wind. Aunt Nellie at morning church, Aunt Nellie and I at afternoon Confirmation Service. Annie clleed in afternoon. Aunt Mattie and I at Mr D to see Lorainne she is better and sitting up.

Mon Mar 19.

Fine but cold down to zero in morning. Aunt Mattie called to see Mrs Kelly and at Mothers. Mra Martin and Mrs Bowers called.

Tues Mar 20

Fine and bright roads muddy. Aunt Nellie and I at Dr Laugstaffs funeral. John Cork here for tea a little.

Wed Mar 21

Fien and warmer. Mrs{Atlinson?} called. Aunt Nellie and I went up to service, buy none.

Thur Mar 22

Finwe and moderately warm. roads here muddy we alll went to Toronto. Aunt Mattie got a new jacket black moira. Annie here in the evening. Robins and Black {larde?}

Fri Mar 23

Fine at first then started to rain. Mrs Shuter calld. Aunt Matie cleaning cellar headway then we washed kitchen walls. Aunt Nellie andI went out to Millinery shop. thunder and rain in evening. Mrs Clarke and William here in evening.

Sat Mar 24.

Fine but cold wind all day skating at the Rink but soft. Annie and Lizzie called in the afternoon.

Sun Mar 25

Fine and bright. Aunt Nellie and I at morning church. I went to evening church. Annie has measels. Furnace let out.

Mon Mar 26

Fien and very warm. Mrs Davidson and Lorraine here, her last day out. Lizze and {Zanny?} Bowes also Nelson Smellie called.Wild geese here.

Tue Mar 27

Rained heavily most ofthe day, then a very heavy wind and cleared. Aunt Nellie at R. C. {acryonym for Red Cross} meeting, we put on coal ashes.

Wed Mar 28

Fine but a terrific wind. Our cistern leaking.

Thur Mar 29

Fine but very winder and cold. Annie called also Mrs Pebbles. Mrs Wilcox called, rained through night.

Fri Mar 30

Fine and bright. I went to see Walter Suesby about fixing cistern. called at Milliner's.

Sat Mar 31.

Fine and mild untill we _ _ a little shower.

Sun Apr I

April fool muych warmer. but dull. Lorraine here all morning. Rained heavity in afternoon. Mr and mrs Willie Farm here for teas. I went to evening church.

Mon Apr 2

Rained heavity most of the day. we pumped the cistern dry as it leaks, and going to heave it cemented. We washed.

Tue Apr 3

Fine and very windy, we washed Bed Covers. Willie called in the afternoon, roads muddt. Mrs Davidson called Aunt Mattie out to village.

Wed Apr 4.

A fine warm day drying up nicely. We cleaned sitting room Carpet upstairs and did a few boxes and trunks up chambe. Herb Gibbs and son painting Kitchen $1. 35 and 75 for 1 at paint $2.50 in all. Aunt Nellie at Mothers and out for her bonnet. Mrs Breakey and Mrs Atlinson here.

Thur Apr 5

Rained heavily then sleeting about two inces of snow we pumped again to empty cistern. Spare roon cleaned {Coifet?}

Fri Apr 6

Good Friday. Rained and drizzeled most of day and horribly slushy, we pumped dey again. Annie here in morning. Lorraine here in afternoon.

Sat Apr 7

Very cold N. W. wind, Mr Suesby cemented cistern. Katie Chapman here in afternoon.

Sun Apr 8

Easter Sunday. Aunt Nellie and I at church. cold, wind but bright. we went to evening church Annie called in the afternoon.

Mon Apr 9

E. Bowes killed

Fine but very, very cold and quite a frost. Aunt Mattie and I went to Toronto to Aunt Lizzies for tea. easter Monday. Cut fruit for marmalade.

Tue Apr 10

Fine but very cold with high wind. Auynties amde marmalade and we put spare roon carpet down. Mrs Sittles called Aunt Nellie of Red Cross.

Wed Apr 11

Fine and a little warmer. roads dusty. Mother and Annie here for tea. Mrs Davidson here.

Thur Apr 12

Fine and moderately cold. we cleaned our Bed rooms and put down sitting room, carpet, halls, etc, all done upstairs! I called at Miss Bowes. Mr Sloan called.

Fri Apr 13.

Fine but colder again. I went up to see Mr Suesby about cementing pipe to cistern.

Sat Apr 14

Fine but still cold. snow still lying in sheltered places {wer} a week.

Sun Apr 15

Fine and moderately cold. Aunt Nellie at church. I went for a walk as far as Willies in the afternoon. Marjorie has measels. Annie called in the afternoon, roads very dusty. Aunt Nellie and I at evening church. Mr Lawrence away.

Mon Apr 16

Fine day, we washed, did dining room curtains.

Tue Apr 17

Fine and much warmer. We cleaned chambers and wood shed. Most people seeding.

Wed Apr 18

Fien and much warmer. cleaned cellars a lovely day, so warm. Mrs Peebles called.

Thur Apr 19

Fine but cooler east wind. We did some garden lettuce and Onions and Radish. Aunt Mattie varnished chairs, etc, a shower in eve. Annie and Lizzie here in evening.

Fri Apr 20

Fine and very, very warm sultry. we cleaned all our silver. Nelson Smellie planted as Maple. Mrs Simpson here in the evening a thunder storm about ten o'clock and a good rain filled Cistern first since it was cemented. {Sesor?} here.

Sat Apr 21

Fine but dull and cold, grass greening after rain. Aunt Nellie and I at Musical at Mrs Pearson. Aunt Mattie in at Mrs Davidson in afternoon.

Sun Apr 22

Fine and moderately warm, Aunt Nellie at church. Willie and Mary here, stayed for early tea. Aunt Nellie and I at evening church,

Mon Apr 23

Fine and bright, cool. we cleaned Parlor and Dining Room and did varnishing oilcloth all done cleaning.

Tue Apr 24

Fine but cool. Aunties at Red. Cross. Mrs Martin called.

Wed Apr 25

Fine but cold easy wind. Aunt Mattie, Annie and I in Toronto brought Piano. shower in eve.

Thur Apr 26

Rained a little dull and cool. I went to Richmond Hill in the morning. Piano came. Aunt Mattie and I out, ordered hat and Coal.

Fri Apr 27

Fine but very cold. Aunt Nellie otu calling. Mrs Shuter called. Flour 11.30 a ttc, {inelligible} got 1/2 {inelligible}

Sat Apr 28.

Fine but very cool. Aunt Mattie at Mrs Kellys and the grave yard. got my hat $3.75.

Sun Apr 29

Fine but cool, east wind. Aunt Nellie and I at morning anchurch. I went to evening church a little showery. Annie here after church.

Mon Apr 30

Fine warm day and very bright in afternoon. I went to Toronto in afternoon to release Mr R mortgage. got Charlie a watch, walked out to WIllies in the eve after tea. we washed. Mrs W. Bowers called in afternoon.

Tue May I

May day, very cold disagreeable wind after a heavy wind through night, and heavy rain.

Wed May 2

Fine but very cold and windy. Mary Watson here.

Thur May 3

Fine but cool and windy. Mrs Davidson here. Horseradish.

Fri May 4.

Fine and bright. Mrs Coy and {Fraulic?} called, also Mrs. Peebles and Miss Peebles in the evening. We planted peas.

Sat May 5

Rained gently most of the day from east. I called at Mrs Atlinsons in afternoon

Sun May 6

Dull and cool, east wind. Mrs Davidson and Lorraine here in the morning. I went to Willies for tea and to Memorial Service for Eddie Bowes. Aunt Nellie at eve. church. Annie called in afternoon.

Mon May 7.

Fine and moderately warm. Aunt Mattie painted east Verandas . Mrs Peebles called, Aunt Mattie at Miss Edeys in the evening.

Tue May 8

Fine and quite warm packed Boxes for the boys. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross Meeting in the evening. Aunt Mattie and I at Mrs Sittles in the evening trees came.

Wed May 9

Aunt Nellie went to Toronto to Aunt Lizzies. Nelson Smellie planting trees came a shower in afternoon then colder.

Thur May 10

Fine but very cold wind. Aunt Mattie painted South Verandah and steps also chairs.

Fri May 11

Fine but cold and windy a little squawl of rain. Mr and Mrs Peebles here for tea.

Sat May 12

Fine but cold wind. Mary Watson here in this evening.

Sun May 13

Fine and a little warmer. Aunt Nellie at morning church, Mother, Annie, Lizzie and Wylie called. We all went to evening church, the first time for Aunt Mattie. very dusty.

Mon Mar 14

Fine but cool north wind. Mrs Heise store burned. We went out to see the reins with Mr McDonalds in the evening.

Tue May 15

Fine bright day but cold wind. We all went to Weston for the day. George brought us back to car.

Wed May 16

Dull and cool as little squawl in afternoon. very dusty roads. Irene Chapman here.

Thur May 17

Fine and warmer. Mrs Nelson Smellie and Donald called, also Mrs W. Bowes washed, knit, quilt and Blanket.

Fri May 18

Fine and much warmer. Mabel and Hazel Welsh also Misses Baker called in evening. Aunt Mattie and I called at Mrs Pearce Robinsons. 

Sat May 19

Fine untill we a thunder stor mand heavy rain started which will do much {govel?}. I went to Toronto. was at Dentists and called at Jamie Speights.

Sun May 20

Fine and cooler. Aunt Nellie at morning church. we all went to evening church.

Mon May 21

Fine until evening it came as shower.

Tue May 22

Raining from the east all day steadily, giving everything a good soaking, cleared a little then thunder in the eve. Aunt Mattie at M. Watsons. Aunt Nellie at R. C. in eve at Mrs Langstaffs.

Tue May 23

Fair but cold west winds and a few squawls. I went to Welshs with wool in the evening.

Wed May 24

Fine with the exception of squawk and very, very cold west winds. we all spend the day at Mothers. Empire day. {Victoria Day}

Fri May 25

Fine but still cool. I went down to see Florence James in the evening a number of Aeroplances passes me.

Sat May 26

Fine day and much warmer. Aunties and I went for a walk out the mill road and to the Cemetry.

Sun May 27

Fine bright day. Aunt Nellie at morning church. Annie and Mother celled. We all went to evening church, fine and warmer.

Mon May 28

Fine untill eve it came a little shower washed, put in some Dahlias, I called at miss Mundeys.

Tue Mon 29.

Fine bright and warmer. Aunties and I in Toronto. Aunt Mattie a hat, Aunt Nellie dress and I got material for dress. {inelligible} called, Mrs Smellies Mrs Shutery called.

Wed May 30

Fine and warm. Cut lawn. Mrs Peebles called.

Thur May 21.

Fine at first then a heavy shower at {five?} Range out first. Mrs Peive here for teas, a heavy rain started at eight and continued. Mrs Martin called.

Fri June 1

Fine bright warm day after rain, trees cinubg out, did pineapples yesterday. Got {sots?} (4 to, 4 quarts in all. Aunt Mattie called at Mrs Kellys, our fire out a couple of days. did our pine. Wed 20 lb each, I weigh 129 lbs.

Sat June 2.

Fine but cool light a little lire. Mary Chapman called. I went for a drive with N. Smellie in eve.

Sun June.

Fine but dull and very cool, fire. We all went to evening church. Annie called.

Mon June 4.

Fune and warm we let stove out cutting lawn. Aunt Nellie called at Mrs Welsh, Aunt Mattie and I at grave yard and called at Mrs Laugstaffs in evening. put in all Dahlias, some tomatoes.

Tue June 5

Fine and warm a little shower in afternoon. then clear and warm.

Wed June 6

A cold east wind, had to light fire. Aunt Nellie called at Miss Ediys. Came a heavy rain and thunder storm in the evening. Miss Davidson in while storming. cut first lettuce. East fire.

Thur June 7

A warm day but showery. Auntie canned Rhubarbs.

Fri June 8

Dull, cool and showery, tree fully out in leaf and blossons out now. fine in eve. I walked out to WIllies.

Sat June 9

Fine and very warm, put in more Tomatoe plants. Mrs Davidsons baby born. I called at Miss Mundey in evening, Lorraine here. bread is down to 11 cts it was 12 for a while.

Sun June 10.

Fine after rain but dull Aunt Nellie at church in the morning, Summer {Rest?}. Annie called in evening. We all went to evening church, cleared eve.

Mon June 11.

Fine and munch warmer, we called at Mrs Shuters.

Tue June 12.

Fine and very warm. Aunt Lizzie and Mrs {Griielech?} here for tea came on 2 Card and home. I called at Bowes. Aunt Nellie at Annual Red Cross Meeting. Mattie

Wed June 13.

ien and very warm. Aunt Mattie and I called on Mrs Atkinson. Mrs Breakey and Miss Morgan all out, so called at Mrs Pearsons. Mrs Halls. came a thunder storm in the evening and a heavy rain.

Thur June 14.

Fine and bright at first then clouded and cooler. Aunt Nellie called at M. Watsons.

Fri June 15

Fine but very cool after a heavy rain last night. Aunt Nellie called at Mrs Boyles. Aunt Mattie called to see Mrs Dacison. Aunt Mattie to see Mrs Kelly.

Sat June 16

Fine bright a little warmer. Aunt Mattie and I for a walk up by springs. Annie called. Aunt Mattie to see Mr Horne to cut grasss. I was in to see Mrs Davidson. Butte, 40. cts. Bread 11cts, Royal Oil 22c gal. Mrs Wallbridge died. full flow.

Sun June 17.

Fine and much warmer, a slight frost last night but no harm. Aunt Nellie and I at morning church. Mother and Annie here in the afternoon very dusty. we all went to eve. church.

Mon June 18

Fine untill noon a terrific rain and thunder storm. Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto. I got my dress fitted in the eve.

Tue June 19.

Fine and quite warm. Aunt Nellie at Mrs Pebbles. I went to Miss Mundeys. Marjorie called.

Wed June 20.

Fine at first, then showery in afternoon. Mrs Davidson up and doing work. Nurse left yesterday.

Thurs June 21

Fine after a heavy rain last night got word Mrs Wallbridge dead. got my dress. $3 making. $8.44 in all.

Fri June 22

Fine and quite cool. I walked to Willies in the evening, took lettuce, called Miss Wilory Lawrence, Thursday.

Sat June 23

Rained all afternoon, a great growth the past two weeks, we all had tea at Mrs Peebles.

Sun June 24.

Aunt Nellie at church. Fine but dull all day, We all went to evening church, called at Mrs M {Don?}

Mon June 25.

Fine bright day. we washed.

Tues June 26.

Fine after a heavy rain in the night. Irene Chapman called. very hot and sultry. Mr Lawrence called. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross in eve. Mr Horne cut grass.

Wed June 27.

Fine and moderately warm. I walked to Willies in the evening with lettuce , then I went up to the Church to see Miss Richards married.

Thur June 28.

Fine and bright then cloudy with showers in eve.

Fri June 29.

A very heavy rain last night, then cleared at noon. the two Marion Smellies callled (letter). David Smellie here for tea. Mary Watson and Lizze Bowers gere in ever.

Sat June 30

Fine bright day and moderately cool. I went to Toronto. called to see Aunt Lizzie at 1. Aunt Nellie at Horticultural{"relating to the study or activity of growing garden plants: a horticultural show."} show and tea. I went in the evening.

Sun July 1

Rained and thunder early in the morning a dreadful downpour then cleared about ten o'clock we all went to Willie's for the day. I stayed for Church. Aunt Nellie at our church. Orange Sermon.

Mon July 2

Fine bright day, moderately warm. Mother, Annie and Mrs Mason here for tea.

Tues July 3,.

Fine bright day, cool, went for a frive first since Apr 13. Mabel Welsh called, AUnt M. and I. Cemetry.

== Wed July 4. == Fine bright warm day. Aunt Nellie and I called at Mrs E. Langstaffs in the evening. Mrs Boyle and Miss Wilory called.

Thur July 5.

Fine bright day moderately warm just ideal. Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto called at Alice {Girk?} and tea at Mrs Gibson. Aunt Nellie and L. Bowes at Mrs Littzes in eve. Aun Mattie and I out with Nelson Smellie to Frauk Teasdales in eve, we went to Ms. Pleasant.

Fri July 6

Fine bright day, a little dusty again. Mrs davidson and baby in. Miss Edey called. Aunt Mattie at Mothers in the evening.

Sat July 7

Warmer with east wind. Came a storn in the evening, then drizzled all night.

Sun July 8

Very, very wet after night's rain and still mistry all forenoon. Kept damp all day. We expected to go to Markham but too wet. Annie and Lizzie called in afternoon. Aunties and I at evening church.

Mon July 9.

Dull and sultry then a thunder and rain about five o'clock. Aunt Nellie called at Mrs McDonalds.

Tue July 10

Damp all day then came a shower in eve and more rain through night. Mr and Mrs Peebles in to see our garden. Our S.S. pic-nic to the Beech.Aunt Nellie didn ot go to Red Cross too wet.

Wed July 11.

Dull and misty all day and a little shower eve. I took wool to Mabel Welsh.

Thur July 12

Dull and threatening occcasional showers. I went to Willies in the evening, had Lorraine in. Mr Bowes to {k?]

Fri July 13

Fine at first then showery in eve. Strawberries 16 cts

Sat July 14

A heavy storm and dreadful rain about three o'clock ground and everything soaked all week.strawberries15 cts. Aunt Nellie in Toronto. New potatoes 80 cents pack.

Sun July 15

St. Swithians day. Aunt Nellie at church. fine with the exception of a very few drops in afteroon. Willie's family all here for tea. Mary, Marjorie, and Aunt Nellie and I at Toronto evening church.

Mon July 16.

Fine and moderately warm. I was at Mrs Langstaffs for wool in the afternoon.Aunt Mattie and the Doctors in the evening. rained heavily at night.

Tue July 17

Fine after the heavy rain, untill eve it came more rain,

Wed July 18,

Fine with exception of a little shower, only sprinkles about one o'clock. We went out to Markham Village in afternoon at Mr Reives for tea. Lizzie Carleton called in eve.

Thur July 19,

Rained a litttle in the afternoon. Aunt Nellie at Mrs Welshs for Rhubarb. Mrs Johns called, green peas three time out of our gards.

Fri July 20,

Fine but hot at first. I went to Willies to hol in the afternoon, it came thunder storm but not much rain about six.

Sat July 21.

Fine but warm all day, butter 38 cents

Sun July 22.

Fine and very warm. Aunt Nellie at church, got 5 gal oil on Friday. I went alone to evening church. Aunt Mattie out for a little dive with Mr McDonalds after church. extremely warm. A. came from L {Somae?}.

Mon July 23

Fine and very, very warm, we washed. Mrs Shuter called in the evening. Aunt Mattie and I took a walk west.

Tue July 24

Fine and warm. Grant came for me to go to hoe. Mary Watson here in afternoon. Aunt Nellie at Red cross in evening. Miss edey here in the evening.

Wed July 25

Fine but very, very warm. first Raspberries 16 cents. I went for a drive to see Frank Teasdale with Nelson Smellie. Aun Mattie has a swollen face.

Thur July 26.

Very, warm and roads dustry. Aeroplace came down in the afternoon. thunder but no rain here.

Fri July 27.

Fine and a little cooler. Aunt Nellie went to Willie sand to see Mrs W Kite. Mrs Coy called in the evening, also Mrs Clarke.

Sun July 29,

Fine and warm again, Aunt Nellie at morning church. Mr. Mrs Reeve and Kathleen here. no person at evening church. Its very warm, 98 degrees hottest day.

Sat July 28. {written over "Sun July 29"} Fine and very warm the dust dreadful, Aunt {continues above the previous line} Mattie in Toronto at Dentists, with swollen face.

Mon July 30. Fine very, very hot. I went to Mrs. Littles in eve to order berries. Aunt M. and I at Dentists, I called at {T" written in margin on left} Aunt Lizzies, 4 doz eggs, 50 cents.

Tue July 31. Dry and very warm, rain needed I walked out to Willies in the evening, busy haying.

Wed Aug 1, Fine and extremely warm, Aunt Nellie picked 2 baskets berries, 13 cents, I got 6 at, 16 cents at Mr Kaisers. thunder and rain in some places, none here.

Thur Aug 2. Fine and cooler, ground hard and dry, dreadful dust. Mrs. Simpson, Miss Mundey here, Mrs Peebles brought red currants,

Fri Aug 3. Fine and cool, I went out with Mr Farr to the University, Aunt Mattie at the Doctors in evening.

Sat Aug 4. Fine and cool, Aunt Mattie to see Mrs Kelly in the evening, I was in Toronto, at Lizzies for tea

Sun Aug 5, Aunt Nellie at morning church, We all went to eve church, Aunt Mattie and I came out a little early as it was thundering but we got no rain here, quite cool.

Mon Aug 6, Fine and cool, washed, Aunt Nellie and I at Mrs Littles picking berries 6 boxes at 12 cts. Aunt Mattie, Annie and I for a walk to the second {referring to second concession}, some are not done haying, and many cutting grain, the hay heavy, Civic Holiday.

Tue Aug 7, Fine and moderately warm, Ida Clarke for Tea, Aunt Mattie and I at grave yard in eve

Wed Aug 8. It came a shower last night, then a heavy storm and rain about four O'clock, put some grain down.

Thur Aug 9. Fine after the rain and cool, I went to Mrs. Littles for two baskets of berries. Annie here in evening.

Fri Aug 10, Fine and very cool, we got berries at M. Watsons and Mrs. Peebles, about nine baskets, Aunt Mattie and I at Willies in the evening cutting barley, and fall wheat cut,

Sat Aug 11, Fine and a little warmer, Aunt Nellie at church at Bowes in eve, Mr Lawrence away. We got a few black currants & berries.

Sun Aug 12, Fine and warmer, Aunt Nellie at morning church, we all went to evening church. Mr. Damond preached

Mon Aug 13, Fine and moderately warm. We picked Currants and berries at M. Watsons, she came home {ink changes here} about 35 box (?) in all

Tue Aug 14, Fine and moderately warm. Then came storm but very little rain here. Aunt Nellie at R. C. at Mrs Wilcox in afternoon.

Wed Aug 15, Fine day, Aunt Nellie in Toronto in afternoon. Mary Watson here in the evening.

Thur Aug 16, Fine and warm, a very light shower in evening.

Fri Aug 17, Fine and very cool, Aunt Kate and Mary Chapman called, also Mrs Teasdale and Mrs Frank. Aunt Mattie at Mothers in evening.

Sat Aug 18, Fine bright day, an ideal day, a little dusty and gardens dry, also pastures, but good for Harvest. John Coole here for tea. about {appears faded or in pencil}

Sun Aug 19, A light shower in the morning no person at church {ink appears darker} we all went to eve-church.

Mon Aug 20, Warm, we washed, spare room curtains a thunder storm very little rain here. {ink changes} Thunder but no rain here

Tue Aug 21, Fine and warmer, thunder but no rain here.

Wed Aug 22, Fine and warm. Mary Watson here in afternoon & went to Willies in eve, all cutting done but seven acres and nothing in but four loads of wheat, it started to rain heavily about eleven o'clock.

Thur Aug 23, Rained gently all morning, Mrs Jakes called collecting for tea. Mrs Simpson called.

Fri Aug 24. Fine with exception of squals, quite cool. Butter 45 cts {written above}

Sat Aug 25, Fair with exception of odd shower, Marjorie came out in afternoon, and we all went to Horticulture Show and Red Cross Tea, proceeds $ {she leaves an empty space for the amount which she never filled}very cold.

Sun Aug 26, Fine and very cool, Marjorie went home, Aunt Nellie at Morning church, We all went to evening church. Aunt Mattie and I at Presbyterian church.

Thur Oct 18, Fine until eve it started to rain, and rained all night and until noon, then it cleared and the soldiers left on Friday {written above}

Fri Oct 19, It rained heavily until noon, soldiers left then,

Sat Oct 20, Fine & colder, Mary Watson called, Aunt M. called at Mrs Kellys, parlor window put in, a squal of sleet or snow. We brought Manure for garden

Sun Oct 21, Dull and misty but not cold, Annie went with use to eve church.

Mon Oct 22, Fine bright day, we swept upstairs,

Tue Oct 23, Rained gently most of the day, Mrs Teasdale and Clara, here to spend the day, Mary Chapman called

Wed Oct 24 Rather dull and showery, Aunt Mattie went to Toronto, to Aunt Lizzies, Aunt Nellie came home in afternoon I called at Mary Watsons in the evening, rained all night

Thur Oct 25, Rained and a little snow at first, cleared at noon & bright. Mrs Edwin Langstaff called, Aunt Nellie at Milliners, Lorraine in.

Fri Oct 26. Fine day, east wind, we put in kitchen window. We sold last three hens 17 cts a lb the other three at 20 cts. We went to Mrs Littles for pullets five at $1 a piece, got a bag of potatoes $1.50 Annie here in eve.

Sat Oct 27. Fine and brightat first, then started rain towards evening & poured all night I was in Toronto dinner at Aunt Lizzies.

Sun Oct 28, Cleared and quite bright but windy, I walked to concord church and dinner at Willies, then home {written above} we went to evening church.

Mon Oct 29, Rained heavily all day, we washed. poured and thunder about five o'clock.

Tue Oct 30. Fine and very cold and windy, brought Dahlias and Onions into cellar. Mrs Martin called.

Wed Oct 31. Fine but dull and a few sprinkles, I called at Mrs Lawrences with yarn

Thur Nov 1, Fine after a little squal of snow. Aunt Mattie came home.

Fri Nov 2, Fine but black and cold, Aunt Mattie and I called at Mrs Welsh's in the afternoon, I took Lorraine for a ride.

Sun {written over "Sat"} Nov 4 {written over "3"}, Fine bright day, roads nice and dry, beautiful day. Aunt Nellie & I at morning church M. Watson, Miss Carruthers (?) called. Aunt M and I at Mothers for a while. We all went to evening church.

Sat {written over "Sun"} Nov 3 {written over "4"} Fine bright day, I took Lorraine out for ride.

Mon Nov 5, Fine and mild roads beautiful, Aunt Mattie and I at Willies for a while, got turnips. Aunt Nellie at hall, packing boxes

Tue Nov 6, Fine bright day, heavy white frost, Lizzie has a daughter Annie here in the evening. Mr James Martin very low,{written below line} Mick dug garden

Wed Nov 7, Fine bright day, frosty and ice, but grand weather, {written above} Mrs Langstaff called

Thur Nov 8, Fine day, bright. Aunt Mattie called to see Lizzie Bowes.

Fri Nov 9, Fine day and mild and bright, Mr Little brought potatoes $1.75.

Sat Nov 10, Fine bright day, I went to Toronto called to Lizzie, got my black velvet hat made over $2.00, butter is 49 cts now.

Sun Nov 11. Fine but a heavy fog, Aunt Nellie at morning church, Annie called, I went alone to evening church, quite dark. Aviator killed near Victoria Square.

Mon Nov 12, Fine bright day, we washed. Mrs Bowes called, beautiful roads

Tue Nov 13, Fine bright day, warm. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross.

Wed Nov 14, Fine bright day. We all went to Toronto

Thur Nov 15, Fine day but not quite so bright, butter is fifty cents a lb,

Fri Nov 16, Fine and a little cooler, I took Victory Bond, $100. Miss Barker called in the evening, got one egg.

Sat Nov 17, Fine bright day with lovely dry roads, we have had three weeks of fine weather for fall work and over two weeks with no rain at all. Mr and Mrs Jakes called in afternoon.

Sun Nov 18, A little shower then cleared and windy. I went to Willies and called at Mrs Clarkes, I went alone to eve church, squaly

Mon Nov 19, Fine and bright roads still dry, Mabel Welsh called, Tom Speight called.

Tue Nov 20, Cloudy but no rain, until night a little, I took Lorraine a drive

Wed Nov 21, Rained heavily and very black all day. I was in at Mrs D eve

Thur Nov 22, Rained heavily then snowed and very, very cold. Mrs Peebles called. {written above line} Range in at night first . I called at Bowes in eve. Annie called in morning

Fri Nov 23, Very, very cold and terrific north west wind.

Sat Nov 24, Fine and very, very cold, north west wind. Radiator froze light furnace. extremely cold for November.

Sun Nov 25, Fine bright day, still hard frozen, Aunt Nellie and I at morning church. Boy Scouts service. I stayed with Lizzie Bowes Annie here in afternoon. I went to evening church alone.

Mon Nov 26, Fine but still very cold. Plumber here and fixed pipes and disconnected Rad, Ada Martin called in afternoon. I took a second Victory Bond. Let Range out again nights

Tue Nov 27, Fine and a little milder. Mary Watson here for dinner. Aunt Nellie at Red Cross, Jamie Edey called, Aunt Mattie in at Mrs Davidsons for a while

Wed Nov 28, Dull and misty with a little rain and flurries, fine eve

Thur Nov 29, Fine and very mild, Aunt Mattie called at Bowes and Mothers in the afternoon.

Fri Nov 30, Rained and misty, from the East, all very slushy, I stayed with Lizzie Bowes in the evening. (Phoned)

Sat Dec 1, Fine but sloppy, with high winds, Willie brought Pork, I went to Marguerite Boyles Recital at Methodist church in eve. I was in at Mrs Davidsons, sold 1 doz eggs, 70{written above}cts .

Sun Dec 2, Fine but very, very cold again. Aunt Nellie at morning church, Annie and Marjorie also Wylie called in afternoon, I went to eve church,

Mon Dec 3, Fine and bright. Irene Chapman called.

Tue Dec 4. Fine day a little milder, splendid roads. I went for a drive in the evening. Aunt Mattie at Mrs Kellys (17 weeks away.

Wed Dec 5, Fine but much colder, Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto, I called to see Jamie Speight. Mrs Lawrence called.

Thur Dec 6, Fine day, moderately warm. Mrs Davidson & children in

Fr Dec 7, Beautiful day, clear cold and good roads.

Sat Dec 8, Cold east blizzard with terrific storm about 10 inches of snow, or more, drifting in everywhere. let Range in night

Sun Dec 9. Cold west wind and still drifting, a good deal of digging cutters out and fairly good sleighing, I went to evening church only a few out, so snowy walking, very cold.

Mon Dec 10, Fine and very cold, five below zero, we washed, Willie here for window

Tue Dec 11, Fine and moderately cold, Aunt Nellie at Red Cross meeting.

Wed Dec 12, A little snow then cleared. Aunties in Toronto at W. Cooles.

Thur Dec 13. Fine and then started to snow in the afternoon. Lorraine in

Fri Dec 14. Fine and very cold and windy. good sleighing.

Sat Dec 15. Very, very cold, severe frost below zero. Mrs Peebles called.

Sun Dec 16. Fine and cold. Aunt Nellie at morning church. I went to evening church

Mon Dec 17. Fine bright day, and a little milder Election Day the West York majority over 7000.

Tue Dec 18. Fine and milder. beautiful day. good sleighing out for first sleigh drive. Aunt Mattie out in the afternoon. phoned.

Wed Dec 19. Rained a little and very foggy. the streets very slushy. I went to Toronto. sleighing nearly gone after over a week good.

Thurs Dec 20. Fair and very mild snow going rapidly. Annie here.

Fri Dec 21. Rained a little. roads slushy. then cleared and freezing.

Sat Dec 22. Fine bright day and moderately cold. Aunt Mattie and I up to decorate. The Rink opened. wheels out

Sun Dec 23. Fine bright day, moderately cold, Aunt Nellie and I at morning church, I went to evening church, Annie called.

Mon Dec 24. Fine and very mild and foggy, all icy and sloppy, washed. I went up to decorate in afternoon, Mrs Peebles in eve.

Tue Dec 25. Christmas Day, fine and moderately cold with N. W. wind. skating in the evening, we all spent at Mothers.

Wed Dec 26. Fine and moderately cold, Mrs. Peebles called, geese, 18 1/2 lbs, 30 cts

Thur Dec 27. Fine and moderately cold, Annie called and I went out eve

Fri Dec 28. A terrific wind and blizzard at first then extreme frost down to 11 below zero. day of S.S. tea at the hall

Sat Dec 29 x {written above the line} 20 below zero it was 15 below most of the day I went to Toronto, called at Aunt Lizzies Miss Barker here

Sun Dec 30. Fine and extremely cold, 22 below zero, I went to evening church, we have meals upstairs first. red hen layed two dozen and two eggs lately, 16 in most places.

Mon Dec 31 Fine and very cold, but clear and bright, 8 below zero.

{below previous line and centered on the page}End of year 1917

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Wed Nov 28. Dull and misty, with a little rain and flurries, fine eve.

Thur Nov 29. Fine and very mild

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Transcription Progress



Mary Agnes Cooper 1917 Diary.pdf
Mary Agnes Cooper 1917 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper, “Mary Agnes "Aggie" Cooper Diary & Transcription, 1917,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,
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