Jean Barker Diary & Transcription, 1926


Jean Barker Diary & Transcription, 1926


Jean Barker


Courtesy of the Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






20th Century, Brant County, Paris, Ontario

Date Created

January 1, 1926


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription







Published By

The Brown Brothers, Limited

Manufacturing Stationers


January, Friday 1, 1926 Started the new years at Mr. Cochrane's by having lunch and then three dances with {Ernie?}. Marjotie and Mildred came home with us and stayed till after breakfast. Cousin Eva, Melville and Unlce Tom spent the day with us. Cousin Melville, Lou, Dan and I went to Wisharts' at night. Eleanor was there.

Saturday 2

Cousin Eva, Lou, Dan and I were to town this morning and got there in the car, although there is a snow-bank at our gate. Lou and I went to bed about 8 o'clock and Cousin Eva didn't come up until half-past one - Radio, I guess.

Saturday 3

Lou went to church with Jack to-night and Cousin Melville was to meet Marjorie. Ernie came later and brought some {Guernsey?} milk. It sure is good. He went with Dan and I to take Cousin Eva and Uncle Tom in. Used the car once more this winter.

January Monday 3 1926

Ernie gave me his last year's Diary to read last night and I have been reading it between jobs to-day. Lou and I cut up {Citrons} this afternoon.

Tuesday 5

Recieved letters from Margaret and Jessie. They write as if Bill were not going back to Chicago. The weather was quite mild today, almost like spring.

Wednesday 6

Colder to-day again. Heard selections from Chu-Chin-Chow over the radio to-night. Just before I went to bed, Cousin Melville and Eleanor phoned. They were at Burrill's

January Thursday 7 1926

Lou, Dan and I were to town this afternoon- in the car again. Saw Mary Depew. Jack came after supper with an invitation for Lou and I to go to Mrs. Johnny Hutchinson's to-morrow night.

Friday 9

Jack came for Lou and I and took us to Hutchinson's: Had a good time but missed Ernie. Snow-storm coming home. Got to bed at 3.45

Saturday 9

Did the dusting this afternoon and there was the largest flock of small birds in the field, south of the house. Heard a fine band concert from KO.K.A after supper; They played the "The Jolly Copper-Smith", also part of the "Mikado".

January Sunday 10 1926

Carl phoned about noon to-day, saying Ernie was sick with the cold, so wouldn't be down to-night. He went home with Roscoe last night. Jack came as usual.

Monday 11

Mother received a card from Mrs. Webster at Winnipeg as they have started on their journey. Started to make a dress for Lou after dinner.

Tuesday 12

Stayed up at night to hear the old time dance music from new york, over the radio from 10 till 11. It was fine but not much fun just listening to it,

January Wednesday 13 1926

Went to the mail to-day for the first time in days. After dinner, Lou, Mother and I went to Mrs. Mc Crows' to see Bob.

Thursday 14

It was just like fairy-land this morning outside, when everything was covered with frost and the sun came up. Didn't get to bed until almost midnight, as Mother and I listened to a good Radio Concert. Heard "All Through The Night", twice.

Friday 15

Put car in the far barn for the winter. Phoned to Mrs. Buck and Ernie has been sick all week but was out of bed when I called so he talked to me for a few minutes. Heard some good Radio again and got to bed at 11.40

January Saturday 16 1926

Went to town with Dan about dinner time and we brought Eleanor home with us. Marjorie phoned in the evening and Mrs. Weber let Papa know that we got 2nd in the Oat Competition.

Sunday 17

A lovely mild day. Cousin Melville walked out in the morning and Ernie came down after dinner. They took some pictures. Roscoe came down in the evening to take Ernie back to work, so Dan took Elanor and Cousin Melville and Lou and Jack. Ernie and I drove Roe's horse to Bendemere. It know how to go slow alright.

Monday 18

A nasty wet day but mild. Mr. Black was up for a while after supper. He expects to get a job next month.

January Tuesday 19 1926

Well, we got a surprise to-day when Dan came up with a load of wood and said Black's had moved out! And he never said a word last night. Jack phoned to Lou in the afternoon and I didn't have to answer the phone, for the first time since we've known him.

Wednesday 20

The 22nd anniversary of Cousin Myrtle and Will's wedding and they cel-ebrated by spending it here. Cousin Myrtle enjoyed the Radio concert from Buffalo, heard Jack Little from 4.00 to 4.30. Jack was here in the evening and Eleanor and Cousin Melville Phoned.

Thursday 21

Went to town with Dan this morning and saw Olive at the Junction. We also saw Ernie delivering milk. He phoned at night to see if we were going skating Saturday, as Eleanor had told him we were.

January Friday 22 1926

Tried out our new ice-cream freezer and has some ice cream for supper. Didn't get to bed until 12.15, was listening to the Radio. Heard the Hewitt Humourists from Buffalo again, also Jack Little.

Saturday 23

The usual programms of baking, etc. I didn't even have to go for the mail, as Dan went after it. Heard Jack Little's last performance at Buffalo for several months over the Radio.

Sunday 24

Started to read "Ben Hur" over again. Jack and Ernie were here in the evening. Ernie brought the pictures he took a week ago and a couple were rather funny.

January Monday 25 1926

There is a pond in the field by the barn, so Lou and I tried it our after dinner and skated for a while. Was tired at nigth so went to bed early.

Tuesday 26

Mother invited Mr. and Mrs. Pher and the family over for the evening and they seemed to enjoy the Radio. To bed about one o'clock

Wednesday 27

A nice clear day but cold. Lou and I were skating again in the afternoon.

January Thursday 28 1926

An awful stormy day and cold. Mother and papa were invited to a party at Mrs. Cochrane's to-night but she called it off.

Friday 29

Almost as cold as ever. Dan went for the mail but didn't get any. Stayed up for the Hewitt Humorist's concert on the Radio at night and they went to 11.15 on account of international test week. Also heard some songs from the "Mikado"

Saturday 30

Some surprise when I got up for it was like spring. Went to town this afternoon with Dan and mother in the bob-sleighs. Saw Eleanor and mother and I walked up the hill with her as Dan had to go on and get a load of oil-cake. Mother bought some new music.

January Sunday 31 1926

Ernie phoned at noon, wanting me to go to his mother's for supper, Mrs.Weir from the states was there. He came after me with "Queen" and I surely spent a pleasant t evening with them all. Sleet storm coming home. Jack was here so Ernie came in for a little while, we were just in time for the ice-cream!

February Monday 1

Wash day as usual. Went for the mail over the snow-banks but came home through the field. Put some pictures in my new album after I finished the old one. Didn't go to bed until I got to the end of "Ben Hur".

Tuesday 2

Had to answer the phone befoe I was dressed. It was Ernie wanting us to go to Mr. Birley's to skate at night. Jack and Roscoe took Lou and I, and the rest of the family went to Cockrane's. We had a a dandy time skating on the river and after at the house, dancing some, eating chocolate and lunch.

February Wednesday 3 1926

Went for the mail and received one of those "Good-luck" letters which have been going around lately and which I immediately burned, and also fifty cents for the small bundle of Carpet Rag Balls, Lou and I sent on Saturday

Thursday 4

Finished the night chores without having to put on the lights gor the first time since last fall. Ernie phoned to let us know that the Show "the Freshman" is to-morrow night.

Friday 5

Jack came for Lou and I and we met Ernie in town then went to see Harold Loyd in "The Freshman", which was good but not quite as funny as "Hot Water". After the show, Jack took Ernie part way home. We were home before mother and papa had gone to bed.

February Saturday 6 1926

Did some baking, then went for the mail. After dinner, I had to write some letters for papa and listened to the radio while I was doing it. Somebody phoned and wanted to know if "Lester", the pianist at Buffalo, was a man or a woman so he had to speak for himself.

Sunday 7

Cousin Jim and Josie, Irene and Miss Nelson came as far as Mrs. McCrow's in their car, then walked down for dinner. Jack came in the afternoon and the folks didn't leave till after 5. Ernie got her for supper and we spent the evening listening to the Radio.

Monday 8

Just as we were eating dinner, Roscoe came in after the apparatus to set saws. He is helping Mr. Pifher get some wood cut. Lou and I racked out our old knitting machine and spilled all the junk off the table {letting?} it down the back stairs.

February Tuesday 9 1926

Dan walked out for the mail while I was trying to make some cookies. He brought us a letter from Jessie. I got a big number of one sock knit in the afternoon. Some speed, but I was late in starting and then had to count stiches. To bed early but Lou and I got laughing. Joke??

Wednesday 10

Didn't go for the mail again, as Dan had to track the road after the snow storm. Went to Cunningham's at night to skate, but we were too cold so played cards instead. Had a good time and a wonderful drive there and back with Ernie even if it was cold. Home about three o'clock.

Thursday 11

Real cold but went to town in the afternoon with Lou and Dan. Took the bob-sleighs. We bought several Valentine's and another new piece of music, "Moonlight and Roses." Didn't stay up to hear all the usual Thursday night. Radio concert of the {Clicquot Club Eskimos}.

February Friday 12 1926

Made two trips to the mail-box before dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Buck and the family came down for the evening, Andy Leishman was with them too. The Radio worked pretty good but there were a lot of speeches, on account of Lincoln's birthday.

Saturday 13

Went for the mail at noon and got a pretty Valentine from Ernie, the first fancy one I ever got. Jack came after Lou and I to go to the rink at night. Ernie went too and I had several good skates with him. The four of us walked to the sheds after and had a feed of chocolate bars on the way.

Sunday 14

St. Valentine's day once more. Ernie Cochrane phoned in the afternoon and tried to fool me as to which Ernie was speaking. Jack and Ernie were here in the evening and we heard a sermon on "Ideal Wives" from Buffallo, also Anna Case sang

February Monday 15 1926

Received another Valentine but I do not know who this one is from. Did some more knitting in the afternoon and have three pairs of socks done.

Tuesday 16

Still another Valentine but the one this morning was from Hamilton, from Jess, I suppose. We each got one. Heard that actor John Drew, over the Radio from new york during the Ever Ready Hour at night.

Wednesday 17

Lou found out from Eleanor that she and Cousin Melville were the ones who sent the Valentine I got on Monday. Used the old knitting machine again in the afternoon.

February Thursday 18 1926

Some snow-storm during the night and it snowed all day. Jack and Ernie were here at night and the five of us played "500", After we had some ice-cream, we sang the new pieces, then Lou and Jack and Ernie and I danced a little bit before they left for home.

Friday 19

Did some baking in the morning, Dan drove the team for the mail, to track the road. The usual cleaning and dusting after dinner and listened to some good Radio concerts at night until eleven then tried to get to bed without Lou hearing.

Saturday 20

Got a letter from Alberta when I went for the mail. Only four cows to milk now, some holiday. Went to town with mother and Dan in the bob-sleighs in the afternoon and brought out Eleanor, Cousin Melville and Carrie. To bed about one after playing cards and dancing some.

February Sunday 21 1926

We weren't up very early this morning, Eleanor woke me up by coming in the room, she couldn't sleep. Spent a quiet day and Jack and Ernie were here at night. Dan took Eleanor and Cousin Melville in, then Ernie took Cousin Carrie home later when he went. To bed shortly after one

Monday 22

Received a nice letter from Mary D. and she seems to be having a good time but I wouldn't trade places with her. Finished knitting socks in the afternoon, started one of the books Eleanor brought out, "Under the Country Sky" by Grace Richmond. To bed at 9.30 for a change.

Tuesday 23

Mother and papa went up to Mr. Buck's for the evening to a Euchre party, leaving us three kids alone for the first time in ages... Read a little, talked to Marjorie over the phone for a few minutes and listened to Radio.

February Wednesday 24 1926

A wonderful morning and I had a nice walk to the mail-box. Got a letter from Helen Milne. Finished the book I was reading and went to bed at 10.34 but woke up at half-past one so went down to her some of the all-night concert of popular music from Buffalo. Mother and I listened until 3, then to bed again.

Thursday 25

One nasty wet day and windy too. I cut and sewed carpet rags between jobs all day. Went to bed in good time.

Friday 26

Radio was dead when we tried it in the afternoon. The whole family went to a dance at Mr. Buck's at night. Had a good time and come nice dances, specifically with Ernie. Didn't get home till late or rather early. Ernie gave me 2 pictures of him and the team.

February Saturday 27 1926

Was wake at 6 o'clock but needless to say, didn't get up that early. Did the usual Saturday morning's work and went to town in the afternoon and I was all through milking and had my dress changed before they arrived home.

Sunday 28

Spent a dead day without the Radio. Was reading most of the time. At night Jack and Ernie came and that made up for the rest of the day. Saw the end of February and the beginining of March and at bed at 12.30.

March Monday 1

It was raining when I got up but it didn't last very long. Eleanor phoned at noon and she didn't feel any the worse for going to the dance the other night. Did some sewing in the afternoon.

March Tuesday 2 1926

Mother phoned to Bernice about the Radio when she was in Paris to-day so we're hoping we get it fixed soon. Have started to read "Light of the Western Stars" by Jane Grey.

Wednesday 3

A cold stormy day and Dan got the mail when he tracked to road. Went to Eleanor's at night, left the horses at Burrill's. Cousin Carrie and Melville, Marten, Roscoe and Ernie were there and we played cards, etc. Cousin Carrie got the prize in "500". Had a good time and we all walked as far as {Burill's?} together after. Home at 2.15 after a cold drive.

Thursday 4

A bright clear day but cold. Was sewing all afternoon. Mr. Morton arrived at night with his wood-sawing machine. We three kids received an invitation to a sunrise party, Roy Guthrie's for to-morrow night.

March Friday 5 1926

Up earlier than usual, which isn't saying much. The men finished cutting wood at supper-time. Gordon Webster came and fixed the Radio, then went out with us to the corner where his car was, when we went to the party at Guthrie's. Only ten girls there and I had punk time, except during lunch. Home at 2.25

Saturday 6

The weather was a little milder to-day. Went for the mail in the morning and we got a letter from Jessie. She wants to come up at Easter again. Mother and Dan went to town in the afternoon, leaving Lou and I to keep house. Went to bed about half-past eight.

Sunday 7

Finished reading "Light of the Western Star" and it was a lot different to the show that Ernie took me to see last Fall. Jack and Ernie were here in the evening and we heard Josef Hoffman over the Radio from new york.

March Monday 8 1926

Wash-day again. Spent the afternoon sewing, then cut some carpet rags while we listened to the afternoon concert from Buffalo, once more. Mother and papa went up to Mr. Cochrane's for supper and us kids had music with ours. Read a little after and went to bed in good time.

Tuesday 9

Mother received a long letter from Mrs. Webster written on the boat near the Fiji islands and we kids go letters from Jess wanting us to go down at the last of the month, Lou and I for one week and then Dan with Melbourne and Robert. Have the first cold this winter. Ernie phoned before I went to {bed?} expects to go to the oyster supper to-morrow night.

Wednesday 10

A pure black calf at the barn in the morning. Went to the big oyster supper at Mr. Kelley's at night with Mr. and Mrs. Buck and their sleigh-load, {illegible} altogether. I held Marie Taylor in my lap all the way there and back. They played cards first but I got out of that, then danced. I had supper with Ernie but we {felt?} left out. There was such a crowd. Home at 3.30

March Thursday 11 1926

Lou and I drove over to Telger's and had dinner, then brought Marjorie home with us to stay a few days. Some exciting ride when a dog scared Dolly and she nearly got away from me. Jack came in the evening and we played "500", although we were all sleepy. It was rather a long day. To bed at 12.30.

Friday 12

Spent a quiet day as we were all sort of sleepy. I wrote a letter to Jess in the afternoon, telling her we won't be able to accept her invitation. Listened to Radio after supper until 9.30 then went to bed.

Saturday 13

Didn't go for the mail till after dinner as the mail-man is sick and they have a new man on the job. Had to do some dusting the rest of the afternoon.Played cards in the evening and was in bed a little before ten.

March Sunday 14 1926

Listened to concerts from Toronto, London and Cleveland all afternoon, then at night when Ernie and Jack were here, we heard a sermon by Canon Cody in Toronto and the end of one from Buffalo. During the Atwater-Kent Hours, Edward Johnson, tenor, and Joan Ruth, soprano, sang, the boys went home at twelve. Ernie had the new horse.

Monday 15

Was awake at 6.30 and dressed when mother came up. Milked all the 5 cows; washed the separator and break-fast dishes, wrote 4 letters for papa, then went for the mail. After dinner, Dan took Marjorie to town and Lou and I did the dinner dishes. I hemstitched curtains in the afternoon, milked 4 cows at night, had supper washed dishes again, read some and listened to radio, then to bed.

Tuesday 16

Well, wonders never cease! Mother answered the phone and if it wasn't Mrs. Webster. They are home again, came back on the same boat. I went to town with Dan in the afternoon and it was Alberta Bond's and Mr. Lawson's wedding {and?} Marjorie phoned at the supper.

March Wednesday 17 1926

Walked out for the mail in the morning and Lou and I got a St Patrick's card from Aunt Maria and Cousin Bertha. We all went to a Euchre party at Mrs. W. Kelly's. Cousin Carrie went with us. Had a very nice time, even if I did win the {boody?} prize, a paper basket full of green and white candies.


Something like a spring day at last and I had a dandy walk to the mail-box. Lou and I were getting ready for bed a little after eight when I heard a cutter and if it wasn't Jack so we went down again until midnight.

Friday 19

Not so nice a day, rather wet. Lou, Dan and I went to Mrs. Well's Crokinole party at night. Had a wonderful time. The rest had a good laugh when Ernie and I started together at the head table and stayed there for 8 games. He and Ernie C. were my partners for lunch, then we danced a little and home at twenty {illegible}.

March Saturday 20 1926

Didn't have to be called in the morning and beat Dan to the barn. The usual work, baking and dusting etc. To-day so was ready to go to bed in good time.

Sunday 21

The first day of spring and a wonderful morning. There were twelve of us for dinner. Warren and Maggie and the babies and Mr. and Mrs. Webster and Forrest, all were here. Warren drove their car to the first gate. At night Ernie and Jack came, Ernie arrived first and we spent a nice evening, although the Radio was no good.

Monday 22

I heard and saw my first kill-deer when I was coming home from the mail-box, also heard blue-birds and saw a {illegible}- sparrow. After dinner, Lou and I took a trip to the other house and it sure was a wreck, alas {illegible}, truck all over the place.

March Tuesday 23 1926

One nasty wet day and I got rather damp when I went for the mail at noon. Made an apron and part of a dress for mother. At night I stayed up to hear the Ever-Ready Hour over the Radio so it was almost half-past ten when I got into bed.

Wednesday 24

Did some baking and made some candy which surely was "taffy" but not the kind I intended. Went for the mail and saw a flock of black-birds but so far I haven't even heard a robin. Finished mother's dress and cut out another in the afternoon. Heard some radio and to bed at ten.

Thursday 25

Well, I certainly was fooled to-day, a whole week ahead of time, by Mr. Buck, Ernie's Uncle Art. He phoned and I thought it was some old woman for quite a while, from the way he was talking. Earnie phoned at night to find out {how?} we were going to Hutchinson's party to-morrow {night?}.

March Friday 26 1926

Saw the first robin of the season at last and also a pair of red-winged black-birds when I went for the mail. Was doing some more spring sewing in the afternoon. Ernie came at night and took me to Hutchinson's party where I had a dandy time. Roscoe drove us home and I was in the house at {2?}. 30. Had been asleep when Lou came in.

Saturday 27

Dan took Lou into Eleanor's in the morning where she is going to stay until to-morrow night. Spent a quiet afternoon without her and to bed early tonight.

Sunday 28

Have another cold so felt rotten all day. Ernie came at night and brought some {Guernsey?} milk with him. It was quite late when Lou and Jack arrived as Jack had gone into Eleanor's for a while. After the boys left {Lou told?} us all the news, although her voice was shot!

March Monday 29 1926

Feeling better again, thanks to the Guernsey milk, I guess. Had to go to town with dan in the afternoon. To get a registered letter and also one that was left at Mr. Burn's.

Tuesday 30

Received a letter from Jess in the mail and she wants to come up if the boys can't go down, so answered it and wrote to Helen in the afternoon. Read a little after supper but went to bed in good time.

Wednesday 31

Had to be called for the first time in several weeks but such a morning, {lie?} all over. Telephone and radio out of order by night, one of the telephone poles is over. Jack came for the evening and we had a good laugh. {illegible} when we tried to fool the boys after 12 o'clock. {To bed at 1?}

April Thursday 1 1926

Woke up before mother, as made up for yesterday morning. Another stormy, windy day and rather cold. Had some sewing to do in the afternoon and at night finished "The Keeper of the Bees", by Gene Stratton-Porter, her last book.

Friday 2

The weather was a little better but not much warmer. Good Friday so I didn't have to go for thr mail. The radio works so long as the wind isn't blowing to move the aerial, which broke at the barn and we enjoyed the concerts at night. Didn't go to bed until 11.30.

Saturday 3

A regular snow-storm again in the morning, rain later on, then quite a {wind?} storm began about 4 o'clock so we {couldn't?} hear the rest of the afternoon concert from Buffalo. Did some reading after supper {illegible} not for long.

April Sunday 4 1926

Easter Sunday, so I went to Church with Dan in the morning. More like Christmas than Easter, some were in {illegible} at church. Robert was in the choir. {Ernie?} and Jack came at night and we got {illegible} Radio concert of Ontario stuff. Was {in bed?} by 12.30

Monday 5

{illegible} I finished the morning, milking, {illegible} tearing to the barn to told Dan and {illegible} three deer were in our old {illegible}, so I left the cow I was milking and we them. Last Wednesday 7 wild geese stopped {illegible} field south of the barn, Saw the deer again at 6.30, they were back for another feed.

Tuesday 6

{nice?} clear day but not very {warm?}. Mother and I started out for {illegible} after dinner but had to come {back?} as Dolly went lame.

April Wednesday 7 1926

Received a card in the mail, from Mary W. wanting me to go to Galt with {her?} to-morrow afternoon. Wish I could but with Dolly lame, there is no chance. Have seen the deer several times since Monday.

Thursday 8

Another rainy morning so no chance of going to town and we are trying to make part of a loaf of bread spin out until we can. But "In the mud and scum of things, Something always, always, sings", so I read while it was raining. {The?} weather cleared in the afternoon and Jack spent the evening with Lou, etc.

Friday 9

Woke up to find the sun shining once more and it was a lovely day. Papa lost a sheep and lamb in the morning but we had the pleasure of seeing the other lamb come to life. Stayed up until nearly twelve to feed it, then got up again about half past three.

April Saturday 10 1926

{A?} real nice day at last. Mother and Dan got {illegible} town, as the bread famine was over, also our {telephone?} was fried in the afternoon. Have {had?} some fun trying to mother our lamb {which?} we called "Sally". Was to bed at 11.18 {but?} woke up at 3 so went down and gave {Sally?} a feed.

Sunday 11

{Milder?} again. Heard a good sermon from Buffalo in the morning. The lamb sleeps most of the time and about supper-time, she seemed quite weak but picked up some later. Jack came and then Ernie. A year ago to-day he got home from the States. {illegable} Hempel was the Atuster-Kent Jour artist.

Monday 12

{Mother?} called me at 5 for Sally was 'raising the roof". Fed her then went back to bed for a little {illegible} . Heard from Eleanor at noon and she said that Mary W. came home with a diamond.

April Tuesday 13 1926

Well, our lamb died this morning but one of our sheep had a pair of lambs in the night. Eleanor phoned again to tell us more news that Jeanne Bust and Marcus Adeney were married in New York on Sunday.

Wednesday 14

A wonderful spring morning but before night the ground was freezing once more. Lou and I washed the kitchen walls to-day.

Thursday 15

Rather a cold day. Ernie phoned after dinner and said he would be here at night. Jack never showed up but we had some fun playing Crokinole and "500", Ernie and I winning all the games. Then after lunch, I had a couple of nice dances with him, before he left for home.

April Friday 16 1926

Woke up before morning to hear the sleet hitting our windows, then at 6 o'clock it was raining. Finished milking the 6 cows before papa got to the barn. Went to town with Dan in the afternoon and got the battery for the car. Mr. Webster was here trying to fix the Delco and at night Jack came. To bed shortly after one.

Saturday 17

Had to use the handle on the separator to save power and it certainly is awkward after the other way. The weather was still cold, wish it would warm up some.

Sunday 18

Saw a car coming down the road in the afternoon and it was the Telfer's. Marjorie was with them. Went to church with Ernie at night and heard Frances Nickawa. Had my {last?} ride behind "Jean of Bendomere" and it was really exciting at Taylor's bridge. Jack was here when {illegible}.

April Monday 19 1926

As cold as ever but I started the car and brought it over to the other barn. Lou and I spent the afternoon painting the wood-work in the kitchen. Had supper late, so went to bed as soon as we finished the dishes, a little before nine.

Tuesday 20

Mr. Webster was here in the morning and fixed the Delco. After dinner, I drove Lou, Mother and Dan to town in the car. Gave Melbourne a ride up the road, coming home.

Wednesday 21

One perfect day at last and so warm I was able to go to the mail without a coat and hat. Had to take a rooster to the Express office after dinner. Ernie come at night and took

April Thursday 1926

Another lovely warm day. Lou and I put the staining on the kitchen wood-work to-day. Late in the afternoon, we had to go {to?} town for the setting og the eggs from the States so went to say "good bye" to Cousin Carrie, as she expects to leave for home Saturday. Took {Lou?} and the Two boys for a short drive in the car.

Friday 23

Lou and I got all the front lawn racked to-day. The weather was still warm, I even was able to milk at night without a hat or sweater. Heard a good radio concert after supper, the Winger's Crescent Park entertainers were exceptionally funny. Hopped into bed at 10.02.

Saturday 24

Lou answered the phone in the morning and it was Aunt Clara saying Jess and Bill were coming up in the afternoon. They got here around 4.30 in Bill's new car. Just one yaer and a half since he was here last, some changes since then. He sang a little before we went to be bed.

April Sunday 25 1926

Was the first one up but papa was on the job earlier and helped me milk. Bill took us kids to church and we were late. Roscoe came down in the afternoon and the 6 of us went for a drive joys?? of tobacco smoke. After supper, we had a good laugh when Jack came and Bill went to the door. Jess and Bill left for home around about 8.30 and while we were doing dishes, Ernie came, the best part of the day, then.

Monday 26

Wash day and not very warm. Did a little sewing in the afternoon, milked the six cows, had supper, read a little, then to bed early.

Tuesday 27

Still rather cold and raining at night. Went for the mail in the morning and got a letter from Mary Depew, also a not from Jess sating they got home alright. Did some aluminum painting in the afternoon and made the kitchen stove look some better.

April Wednesday 28 1926

Such rotten weather! Nothing but cold. Ernie phoned at noon saying he wouldn't be here at night but could hardly hear him, the phone was so bad.

Thursday 29

Was up at a quarter to six and had the milk-ing done when papa showed up. Drove Lou and Mother to Brantford in the morning and caught a glimpse of Ernie's new milk wagon as we went through town. Were home at dinner -time. Finished reading "To Him That Hath" by Ralph Connor at night.

Friday 30

When we had finished our work late in the afternoon, Lou and I went for a walk to the river the first this year and got just a few hepaticas. Ernie took me for a drive when he went up home at night and we were there a little while {had?} a feed of maple syrup. Jack was here when I came home.

May Saturday 1 1926

One perfect first of May. Helped wash the car before dinner and had the dusting, etc. to do in the afternoon. Our other sheep had a lamb, making 3 for Lou and I this year. Went to town at night, even papa went with us and had a good time even if Eleanor didn't go down. Ernie was here, though. Home in bed at 11.35.

Sunday 2

Another lovely day and real warm. Aunt Clara, Uncle Tom and Jess. The folks left right after supper and when Ernie came we heard the Atwater-Kent artists then the two of us drove Melbourne home. Jack left as soon as I got in so we were to bed at 11.30

Monday 3

Cold again. Did some house-cleaning in our bed-room to-day. Mr and Mrs Webster were here for a few minutes in the afternoon. They had their new car.

May Tuesday 4 1926

Helped do some more cleaning and in the afternoon got all ready to drive papa to Mr. Patton's sale, when the man came to fix the spray-pump. Heard a dandy Radio concert at night. The Gold Dust Twins sang "Oh Boy Jingo" and the Ever Ready Hour was a Golden Wedding celebration and they sang all the old pieces.

Wednesday 5

Lou and I were to town in the morning and were late getting gome as we had to have the oil in the car changed. cousin Andy, Donny and Lloyd were out in the after-noon. Donny stayed with us while the other {two?} were fishing and they all had supper here.

Thursday 6

It was a wonderful warm day. Went to town in the afternoon after setting of eggs. At night, Mr. and Mrs. Birley, the two boys and Ernie were here, then about 9, Jack arrived. Spent the evening listening to the Radio and talking. Thwe two boys were real quiet {tonight?}

May Friday 7 1926

Another lovely day and the buds have begun to swell. Lou and I had some fun getting boxes ready as we attended out first box social at the Plain's school. Marjorie McCrow went with us and we left mother and papa at Telfer's. Ernie had to act as chairman and sure made a good one. I had to eat my box with some {Jaris?} fellow.

Saturday 8

Helped do some baking in the morning, went for the mail and did some cleaning up in the afternoon. Dan drove the car when we went to town at night. Eleanor went down with us. Ernie was down, too and he treated me to my first milkshake and Roscoe and Ernie Cockrane were with us. Home and to bed at 11.10.

Sunday 9

Free lecture at the breakfast table delivered by Lou. To Church in the morning, It was Mother's Day. Ernie took {me?} up home right after dinner, then Roscoe, Carl and the two of us went to their Uncle Art's for supper. A holiday for me with no milking to do and I had on grand time, also a {illegible} ride home, part way in the Ford, then behind "Jean."

May Monday 10 1926

It was rather cold again today but Lou and I {cleaned?} out the pantary in the afternoon and moved {all?} the junk and old silverware for another {illegible}, I hope. Had some sun after on of {illegible} at milking-time then failed to find her, papa went and she was over in Mr. Bond's. Was in bed soon after nine for a change.

Tuesday 11

Did some more house-cleaning, have up-stairs curtains all down now. While I did the milking, Dan drove papa {to?} town in the car. A nice change for me not to have to go all the time. Mrs. L. Kelly {phoned?} at night, wanting me to go in the debate {next?} week, but I refused.

Wednesday 12

{Awake?} at 5 and up at 5.30. Drove Lou to town and has to  {illegible} while she was at the dentist's. Saw Ernie at  {Munn's?} was home at noon. Lou and Jack went to  {illegible} shows and Ernie came and took me for a drive. Called {illegible} his place for a few minutes and afterwards he told me about his investment, which I hope turns out alright.

May Thursday 13 1926

Was up at 6 o'clock. Washed the up-stairs windows and did the balancing stunt out-side, although mother said not to. Our old friend the oriole, firnished music while I was doing it. Cousin Melville spent the afternoon here then stayd all night. Saw the lastest dance a, "rabbit hops" when I went for the cows, done by two young rabbits. To bed at 10.

Friday 14

Was out milking when Cousin Melville got up and when to work so didn't see him. Lou and I got the back-room cleaned to-day. About 9 o'clock we heard a car coming and if it wasn't Warren, Maggie, Betty and the baby so we didn't get to bed until 12.

Saturday 15

One beautiful spring day. Helped do some baking, cleaning and in the afternoon raked up the back lawns. We all went to town at night and saw Mary and George Wishart. Ernie was down too and I went with him to have another milkshake. Roscoe drove to the end of the road with us.

May Sunday 16 1926

Another wonderful day and we all started it by going to church. After dinner, Jack came and the four of us went for a long walk, didn't get back until milking-time. Just before supper, Bill drove in with Mrs. Gunn, Harry and his girl and on account of a flat tire stayed for supper. Ernie got here just as they were {illegible} washed the dishes, then took me for one of the nicest drives.

Monday 17

Thought it was two minutes to seven when I wakened but it was six only, when I looked at the clock a second time. Wash day again and Lou and I spent the afternoon running the vacuum cleaner. The cherry blossoms are out once more. Was in bed by 9.

Tuesday 18

Was house-cleaning all day and we got some of the curtains put up again. The three of us were down to Eleanor's at night. Cousin Melville was there and we played a game of "Monkey", he trying to cheat all the time. Got home before eleven o'clock.

May Wednesday 19 1926

Ip at 5:10, drove to Brantford in the rain and was there by 8 to have the car inspected. Left Lou in town, she had to go to the dentists'. Gordan drove us to Mrs. Webster's where we had our dinner and stayed until after 4. Florence was there and she looks thin and white after her operation. It was after six before we got home, then had to get to work. Went to bed early.

Thursday 20

Colder again but got some more cleaning done. Mother, papa, Dan and I went to Warren's and spent the evening there. Left Lou at home as she was expecting Jack and he was still here when we got back after twelve.

Friday 21

Didn't waken until 6.115. Did the usual morning work and in the afternoon, took down all if the electric light blubs, ets. and got washed them. We 3 kids went to the U.F.Y.P.O. meeting at night to hear the debate {and?} called for Ernie. Mildred is home so we saw her. Ernie was elected President and I had the honour of eating lunch with him.

May Saturday 22 1926

Was fooled when I went for the mail as it didn't get there until after dinner. But I didn't have to go out again as Harold brought it when he came in on the wheel. Went to town at night and had some fun with the bunch. Great excitement putting out a bon-fire past Mr. Munn's when the K.K. Klan burned a cross on the hill.

Sunday 23

Lou, Dan, Harold and I went to church in the morning and were kept awake by a bumble-bee buzzing in the window back of us. The rest of the Telfer family all came for diner, Marjorie was home too. At night Ernie brough Marjorie McCrow down with him, then he took me to his place for a little while. He had the old stand-by "Queen", as they traded "Jean" off. She was too wild.

Monday 24

Lou and I argued the point all morning about me going to Brown's dance at Galt but I decided to go when Dorothy phoned. Had a cold ride there and back in their car and didn't feel like dancing for once. Didn't get home until it was getting daylight and the birds were wakening, waited for Lou and to be at 4.30.

May Tuesday 25 1926

Up a little before seven and it was one sleepy day. Went fishing in the afternoon and found out I don't like it any more the way I used to. Did the supper dishes and to bed right after at 8.35.

Wednesday 26

Had to take papa to the station and back home, then be to the dentist at ten. Called at Cousin Bertha's on the way home but they can't come {over?} to-morrow. Washed windows in the afternoon. Did a little reading after the supper dishes were finished and went to bed about half-past {?}.

Thursday 27

Was busy baking, fixing curtains and washing floors and developed a sore eye at night. But Dan went with me to a U.F.Y.P.O {illegeble} meeting at Carr's {anyway?} it was to plan about having the play from {Be?} {next?} {illegible} home, we met Jack coming out.

May Friday 28 1926

Woke up soon after four with my eye shut tight and didn't get to sleep again before getting up time. Did the usual morning work and after dinner helped wash the car. We finished in goo time so Lou and I went to the river to pick up flowers and fern greens. Came back around by the other house to get some apple blossoms off the tree on the hill. Radio concert at night.

Saturday 29

My eye was better to-day. Mr. Gow came to shear the sheep and was here for dinner. Went to town at night and I had to attend a special meeting of the directors of the U.F.Y.P.O about having the play in Mr. Lee's barn, which lasted until 10.30. Cousin Eva and Melville came home with us and it was midnight before we got to bed.

Sunday 30

Didn't get up so very early and had an audience while I milked etc. Orville Bond came over after their cow. We all went to Aunt Josie's for dinner, leaving Cousin Eva and Melville here. {Saw?} Carl and Gertie once more. Rainy at night and both Ernie and Jack phoned but didn't come.

May Monday 31 1926

Cousin Melville walked to work and Lou and I took Cousin Eva home about mail time I got a letter from Alberta and mother and I got an invitation to an {all?} "Home" at Crombries'. The Sinclair's were out for a few minutes after supper and doon after they had gone Ernie came and took me for a drive , the first behind the grey horse. A lovely warm night with some lightning.

June Tuesday 1

Papa didn't get me up very early so I had the fun of teaching the new calf how to drink. Six cows to milk now. It rained some during the day. Mr. Lishman has cut down all the old cherry tree on the side-road, they had most of it down when I went for the mail in the morning,

Wednesday 2

Drove mother to town in the morning and she gave me a good scare in the Dominion Store when she too a faint spell. Jack came at night and took Lou for a drive and he told her that he has a job at the creamery to drive one of their trucks.

June Thursday 3 1926

An awful cold day for June. Lou and I went after fern greens as soon as we finished the dinner dishes and got a basket full although most of them are up now. Listened to Radio for a little while after supper but went to bed at 9.

Friday 4

Not quite so cold but not very hot. Phone out of order, one wire is down, which I found out when I went for the mail. Lou, Dan and I went to Mr. Lee's at night to see the play, "The Path Across the Hill", put on by the Belthel young folks. Had my first experience selling in a booth. Waited for our dishes after, got a feed and took Ernie and Andrew Telfer to the end of the Galt road.

Saturday 5

Was up early and did the usual Saturday's work. Had the pleasure of finding the perfect Luna Moth and carrying it to the house on my finger to show the rest. The whole family went to town at night. Walked up to meet Lou and Eleanor and Cousin Melville was with them. Saw Eleanor's new {illegible}.

June Sunday 6 1926

Went to Church in the morning with Dan and papa and when we came home the Cunningham's were here. They had dinner and spent the afternoon with us. Ernie arrived as I was finishing the dinner dishes and we had a quiet time as it was raining out so we couldn't go for a walk. Cleared at night so Lou took a picture even if it was late. Ernie and I went for a drive after. A cool night but one wonderful time and the first --?

Monday 7

Woke up at day-break and didn't get to sleep again on account of thinking about last night. Wash-day and in the afternoon I scrubbed a couple of floors then before milking time Lou and I went for a last lot of greens. Some excitement when Griggly killed a snake. Had some more rain towards night. To bed in good time 9.10.

Tuesday 8

Rain again at intervals. The phone is in {illegible} {once?} more, they fixed it in the afternoon. Lou, Dan and I went to Mr. Tennant's recital at night. Both Irene and Donny played, also Phyllis Simmons. Harold Wheeler and Lylla Foulds {illegible} {Phyllis'?} piece was "Where My Caravan Has Rested"

June Wednesday 9 1926

To town with Lou in the morning but back so early I had to walk out for the mail. Mr. and Mrs. Webster and Forrest came in the afternoon. Jack took Lou and I to the show where we met Ernie. The picture was the Prince's trip to south Africa so it was good but rather long. Ernie brought me home after and he gave me a dandy picture (Enlarged) of his {team?} and his diary to read, then.... to bed for me.

Thursday 10

A beautiful June day and we left for Guelph about ten, got Eleanor in town and were to the College by noon. Had lunch then walked till the rest were nearly done for. Some surprise when we all were weighed and I went only 129 lbs. Home in good time and Mr. Elmes, Dorothy with the baby called just as I was going to milk. Am still raving over the picture Ernie gave me, it's a peach.

Friday 11

Did the usual weekly dusting and cleaning in the morning, hung up my new picture, then washed the dining-room windows as I didn't have to go for the mail, Papa took the wool down. Lou and I spent the afternoon at out old job of spudding thistles and at night Webster's came in so we met Bernie's man ____ calls him. Finished Ernie's diary.

June Saturday 12 1926

It was raining when we got up but cleared up later and was real warm. I helped do the baking in the morning and after dinner cut the back lawns. Marjorie McCrow phoned while I was cutting them and she went to town with us at night. Eleanor was down but soon left for home with Bill Morrison. Had a good time in the car then in the ice cream parlour when the boys took Lou and I.

Sunday 13

Mother, Lou, Dan and I went to Church in the morning and I was terribly disappointed when I had to refuse an invitation to a picnic dinner at Bendemere because we were going to Mrs. Crombrie's after dinner. Spent a pleasant afternoon, mostly walking, with {Budg Ted?} and Mab. Home late, helped with the milking and finished the most wonderful week by going for a drive with Ernie.

Monday 14

A nasty rainy day with thunder towards night but what does weather matter when one is happy!

June Tuesday 15 1926

The phone rang "one" soon after six. Guess they were seeing if Harry Hough was up yet as he was supposed to be married to-day. Lou and I spent a lovely afternoon in the oat-field cutting down thistles, etc. and we finished the competition piece.

Wednesday 16

To town with the cream and back before ten. Lou and I were spudding thistles again in the afternoon and they were more numerous to-day. The whole family spent the evening at Elanor's. Her Aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were there besides Margaret, Jack and Ernie. Played "500", had lunch, then some nice dances with Ernie to the music of the new piano.

Thursday 17

Thistles again but it started to rain about 4 o'clock so we beat it for the house and then it stopped. Had some more rain after supper though. Lou and I went to look for a turkey's nest, found it and just nicely got in the house when the rain came down. To bed at 10 to 9.

June Friday 18 1926

Drove mother and papa to Mrs. Bauslaugh's funeral in the afternoon and didn't get home until milking-time. We kids attended the U.F.Y.P.O meeting at night and took Marjorie and Bob McCrow and Marie Taylor with us. Marjorie had to sing and Mr. Butcher gave us a talk. Had some fun coming home with the bunch. Was in bed by 11.25.

Saturday 19

Did the usual Saturday work, baking, dusting, etc. and wrote a letter to Helen Milne. Lou, mother, Dan and I went to town at night and Jack and Ernie took Lou and I to the Show to see Harold Lloyd in "For Heaven's Sake." Had several good laughs and were out by 10.15, then enjoyed a Guernsey milk shake each and home at 11.

Sunday 20

Was to Church in the morning and heard one good sermon preached by J. M. Finlay of London, also some good music as it was Sunday School Anniversary. We were down to {Peel's?} for the afternoon when we got {him?} I did the worst job I hope I ever have to do.Mr. and Mrs. {Acstea?} Buck spent the evening with us, also Jack and Ernie.

June Monday 21 1926

The first day of summer and quite warm, also the longest day of the year and it certainly was for me or so its seemed to be for "Katie" meant more to me than the rest. Picked the first wild rose when I went for the mail. In the afternoon Lou and I finished going through the oats once.

Tuesday 22

Woke up at 5.20 but went back to sleep and when mother came up I was dreaming about someone. (I wonder who?) Drove the family, except Dan to Brantford in the afternoon. Cousin Eva and Uncle Tom went with us, then we brought Uncle Tom home with us after. Heard a good radio concert so didn't go to bed until 10 o'clock.

Wednesday 23

I had company when I went for the mail, the three Pifher boys, their dog, and Vivian McCrow. It was rather stormy in the afternoon so we couldn't go to the oat-field. Picked the first lot of strawberries and had {illegible} for supper. Was to bed by 9.30.

June Thursday 24 1926

Lou and I went to town with some mushrooms just before dinner-time. In the afternoon we started through the oats again and found more thistles. Jack took Lou to the Mission Garden Party and Dan and I went along. Not much of a programme but I had a good time as Ernie was there. Came home to find Cousin Jim and Josie, Irene, Carl and Gertie all here so didn't get to bed early.

Friday 25

We did some more spudding in the afternoon but before we came up waded across the river and found some orchids, two lady slippers and some moccasins, I guess they would be. Lou, Dan and I were to a shower for Harry Hough and the new wife at night. I danced only 4 dances but that was enough, some record for me. Ernie was there until after lunch and we didn't get home till 3.10

Saturday 26

Received a phone call from Aunt Clara and she, Jess and Uncle Tom came for supper then went to town with us at night. I had to attened a committee meeting for a little while {name missing?} Brought Eleanor, Cousin Eva and Melville out so there was {just?} 12 here all night. We four girls slept in one room but soon went to sleep as we were all tired.

June Sunday 27 1926

Six of us went to Church, which was held in the Congregation Church. Had some ride home in the back seat. After dinner, Jack and Ernie came so we went for a walk and took some pictures. Aunt Clara was sick all day so they went home early. After the supper dishes were done, Ernie walked them, the 7 of us had a ride in Jack's Ford, then Dan drove the folks to town and I met them at Eleanor's after a nice ride behind "Dolly".

Monday 28

Wash day and in the afternoon, Lou and I picked strawberries. We all went over to Cousin Myrtle's for supper as Mildred starts her job in the Brantford Hospital on Thursday. Had some fun playing croquet then crokinole. To bed at midnight.

Tuesday 29

It was one lovely warn morning but stormy towards night. Picked some more strawberries and I canned a few. Was rather sleepy after the late hours we've been keeping so retired soon after nine.

June Wednesday 30 1926

Lou and I were to town in the morning with the cream then at noon I went with Dan up to Mr. Cockrane's after some buckwheat. Heard a dandy radio concert at night, the first one in ages on account of so many storms. Ernie phoned about the plans to-morrow and then I went to bed, so broke the record of seeing the months end and begin.

July Thursday 1

One perfect first of July, weather and everything. Mr. and Mrs. Elmes were out in the afternoon around 4, Ernie came. He brought me the grandest box of chocolates. We went for a long walk and got the cows, then he helped me milk. Up to his mother's for supper, which we had on the verandah and I enjoyed immensely. A wonderful ride home after, with Ernie, and memories of a year ago when he took me to the Garden Party at Shower's Corners.

Friday 2

A busy day after the holiday. The haying has started and I drove the horses which they unloaded _____. Took Marie Taylor and Elizabeth Telfer with us to the U.F.Y.P.O meeting where I acted the part of "burn pianist." After the business part they had a {illegible} match, the first one for me in years.

July Saturday 3 1926

Did the usual Saturday baking and cleaning besides picking and canning berries. Aunt Clara phoned at noon that Cousin Fred Johnson died this morning. To town at night and left Uncle Tom. Elanor and Cousin Melville went down with us but I was too sleepy to have much fun.

Sunday 4

We all went to Church and heard a new minister then I went to Depew's for dinner and spent the after-noon with Mary. Had some feed of strawberries. Arrived home after supper but in time to help milk. Ernie came at night and brought Jennie, also the dearest little kitten, "Polly". Opened July 1st box and they surely are good. To bed at 12 o'clock.

Monday 5

Drove the horses on the hay-fork several times in the morning and also drove them while papa put on a load after supper for the first time in ages. Had some fun with the new kitten, poor "Buzz" was scared of it.

July Tuesday 6 1926

Woke up when mother held "Polly" by my face as I never heard her come up the stairs. We all went to cousin Fred's funeral in the afternoon, the first {Masonis?} one I ever attended. Saw Murray, Gladys Keefer for the first time since they were here years ago. Cousin Nellie, also Margaret, Bob and Uncle Tom came up, too.

Wednesday 7

I drove mother to town in the morning and although we didn't get home till almost eleven, the mail wasn't there so I had to walk out for it. Jack came and took Lou to a Garden Party at night. I went to bed at 10.15 and slept until I heard the car at 5 to 12, when Lou got home.

Thursday 8

A real hot day at last. I had to help the men by driving the horses on the hay-fork but a lot of time wasted as the fork wasn't working right. Spent a lovely evening on the verandah, playing with "Polly" and trying to {illegible} stayed up until 10.35 to finish "The__

July Friday 9 1926

A busy day for me between driving the horses and housework. We even worked after hours at night but finished the one hay-field. Some excitement trying to rescue a baby robin from a squirrel in one of the big maple trees. Was in bed before half-past nine but a storm came up at 10.15 and woke me up. Mother was still up so brought "Polly" up to us. Some fun them.

Saturday 10

Woke up about 4 to put the windows down for it was raining again but didn't get up for a couple of hours. A wet day and colder at night when we went to town. Had a load coming up the hill, as we took Eleanor, Cousin Melville and Eva Home. Heard that Ernie went to the hospital to help out in a transfusion of blood case, instead of Melbourne last week.

Sunday 11

We all went to Cunningham's for dinner and in the afternoon went for a long walk. Had another feed of strawberries as we stayed for supper too. It was late by the time we got home and finished the work. Ernie and Roscoe spent the evening {end of the page cut off}

July Monday 12 1926

Rushed out before finishing breakfast drinks to pick strawberries before the rain. Clear again late in the day. It was Ernie's 21st birthday and I had the pleasure of spending part of it with him as we were to a reception given in the Church for Mr. Wilson and his family. Had some fun eating lunch when we were beside Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor.

Tuesday 13

A lovely day but not very warm. I had a nice walk for the mail in the morning, took Polly with me for the first time and the birds were singing all the way. I wonder if they are the same ones which used to sing last year. Lou and I went through the oat-field for barley in the afternoon and finished it for one more year.

Wednesday 14

To town in the morning with mother and saw Ernie in the yellow wagon. The mail wasn't there when we came home so I had my usual walk after it and Polly went too. Our little {baute pallet?} nearly died on account of her first egg being {shelled?} but saved her by breaking it. Some operation!

July Thursday 15 1926

A nice summer day and not very hot. I spent most of the morning canning cherries and after dinner had to help with the hay. Mrs. Crombie and Budge brought a couple of pictures taken the Sunday we were there and stayed till about 7. Jack was here in the evening for a few minutes, then he and Lou went for a drive to bed at 10.45

Friday 16

Another perfect day. Didn't have to go all the ay to the mail-box for once as Mrs. Pifher had been out and was bringing ours too. Helped with the hay in the afternoon and also after I milked.

Saturday 17

Heard the alarm-clock in Dan's room at 5.10 then promptly went to sleep again but got up at 15 minutes to 6. Finished getting in the hay that was cut at noon and a storm came up after dinner. To town at night Cousin Bertha was in the car for a while and we saw {Heather?} and Frances Munn. Brought Mary N. home with us.

July Sunday 18 1926

We all, except papa, went to Church in the morning and Dan joined. It also was the first time for Lou and I to lake Sacrament. Got a surprise when we went in and Ernie was there too. He came at night and brought Uncle Tom Birley then he took me up home for awhile. When we got back Jack and Lou had taken Mary home. When we got back Jack and Lou had taken Mary home. An attempted hold-up in front of Cochrane's on our way down but we got through alright Ernie gave me another picture, all framed, and seemly real pretty

Monday 19

Wakened at 3 by an awful thumping sound which {proved?} to be a mouse in the trap. Gave it to Polly then to bed again. {illegible} in a busy morning, for Lou and I had to go to town besides picking cherries, canning the berries, Jack brought and baking a cake. We all went to the barn-raising at Mr. Syayles' in the afternoon. I helped by cutting up potatoes for salad then had an interesting time watching.

Tuesday 20

Drove the horses on the hay-fork in the morning and after dinner, went through the other piece of oats for barley, then I helped pick cherries till milking time. Mother and papa wanted to {call?} at Seatt's in the evening time. Mr. {illegible} bull, who died Sunday night so we all drove in then {illegible} the evening at Cousin Fred Barkers!

July Wednsday 21 1926

Was to town with Lou in the morning, came home and canned nearly a basket of cherries, then went for the mail. Some hot day for Mrs. Turnbell's funeral and I drove for the first time in a funeral procession. Stopped at Burrell's a few minutes on our way home. Had the pleasure of going to the canning Garden Party with Ernie and Mr. and Mrs. Birley. A good programme and a dandy time. Home at 12.

Thursday 22

Had some showers to-day and the weather was much cooler. The Crombie family were here for supper and we went for a long walk as they wanted to se the other house where they lived for awhile.

Friday 23

Was greeted by a {skunk?} when I went to the barn to milk in the morning but it was in a trap. Drove to town with a letter for papa and took Mrs.Pifher with {marjust?} before dinner. Warren Maggie and Betty were here in the evening after {eleven?}

July Saturday 24 1926

Did the usual Saturday's work and finished my partof the haying. Cousin Melville came ou after 5 to do some shingling then went back to town with us at night. Ernie was down for the first time in a long while.

July Tuesday 27 1926

Picked cherries most of the day. Didn't go for the mail till after 12 but had company and Harold and Vivian on the way out, and Harold coming back. Went with Margaret and Jack to a barn dance at Mr. Sayle's at night and had a good time in spite of the music, thanks to Ernie.

Wednesday 28

Had some rain during the day but Lou and I got to town with out load of fruit. In the afternoon, The Sinclair's came out for cherries. Then stayed for supper, and Marcus Adeney was here after eggs and thinks married life is the only thing! Received letters from both Jess and Helen about coming up.

Thursday 29

Lou and I had to go to town about noon with some mushrooms. Phoned to all the Keglane bunch to let then know where the meeting is to be held to-morrow night. Picked cherries all afternoon and Mrs. Weber and Martin came down in the evening after {supper?}. Did the supper dishes after they left and to bed {at 12.50?}.

July Friday 30 1926

Picked cherries all morning then to town again about noon with Lou. Canned some sour cherries in the afternoon and picked a few black currants. The three of us went to the U.F.Y.P.O meeting which was held at Carr's and took Bob, Bill, Marie and Elizabeth. It was mostly contests. The boys provided lunch, ice cream and cake and the waiters were very funny.

Saturday 31

A busy day. Received a letter from Ruth saying that Bert was real sick. To Town at night and saw all the gang, Marjorie is home, then Jess and bob showed up and came home with us. After midnight before we got to bd so saw the end of July.

August Sunday 1

Jess, Lou, Bob, Dan and I went to Church and were late. Pain after but we went to the picnic at Bendemere with Mrs. Buck and the bunch. Lots of fun, especially when Ernie too Ethel, Eileen and myself for a boat ride. The second one for me. A heavy rain at night so all were to bed early. {Jokey Eishman?}.stayed all night

August Monday 2 1926

Drove Lou and Jess as far as Eleanor's where we watched the parade put on for Civic Holiday. Walked as far as the old Fair Grounds and saw it again then came on home. In the afternoon, the bunch of young folks from Mrs. Buck's called in their way home from the races, Alice Harley was with them. Melbourne took Jess to the strict dance at night and Bob went home. I have a bad cold.

Tuesday 3

Felt better to-day. Canned cherries and raspberries and picked cherries for Town to-morrow. Finished the last piece of cake for supper then had to scurry around and make another after, when Helen Depew phoned that she and Ken {Brother?} With Elais Steele, our cousin from the West, were coming. Spent rather a quiet evening and to bed at 12.45.

Wednesday 4

Jess and I went to town with the cream in the morning, then I picked some cherries and had a call from Mr. Smoke while I was doing it, asking for votes. Picked cherries all afternoon, with the help of Polly part of the time.

August Thursday 5 1926

A rainy morning but it cleared by noon, so mother, Jess, Lou and I took the fruit to town. Saw Cousin Bertha and called in there on the way home. Had to attend a meeting of the directors of the U.F.Y.P.O. at Mrs. Kelly's and Ernie came and went with me. Drew up programmes for the rest of the year. Had a nice drive home, Ernie ran the car part of the way.

Friday 6

Received word in the mail that Aunt Ruby, Eltyh and Jack are coming Sunday. Jess and I went to the river in the afternoon for a swim, the first on for me this year and I surely enjoyed it. A storm at night, so we couldn't go out to Wishart's.

Saturday 7

Put in the morning, picking and canning fruit, also baking some and did the dusting in the afternoon also cut Lou's hair. Went to town at night and saw Eleanor with Alberta and Pete. Some fun in the car with 4 in the back seat and Jess and Robert in the front {then?} the bunch went and had some {?} and ice-cream.

August Sunday 8 1926

Jess, Dan and I went to the station to meet Ethyl and Jack, then the four of us attended Church. Just {8?} for dinner {illegible} in the afternoon. Bob, Cousin Mary Johnson, Jimmy Peterson, the Sticklands, Eleanor, Alberta, Pete and Cousin Melville, Jack and Ernie came at different times making 19 for supper. Had some ride after the milking was done in Jack's car to Brantford and back to Bendemere. The {?} folks left after we got home but the driver didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Monday 9

Mr. Pifher and his father were over in the afternoon helping the men draw in the wheat so I didn't have to. Lou, Ethyl and I picked cherries instead. Went to bed in good time {illegible} at night.

Tuesday 10

Canned raspberries in the morning and went for the mail with Jack. After dinner, I had the fun of dyeing a dress, also I made out the entries for Fronts Exhibition. We kids got Eleanor and Cousin Melville and spent the evening with the {illigeble} Raced a storm home and though bed at {illegible}

August Wednesday 11 1926

A flat tire when I went to the barn in the morning but had it fixed when we took the {illegible} down. The Webster's came in the afternoon but Lou and I left about 4 with Jack and Ernie, had supper at Ernie's Uncle Art's then the 6 of us went to the Garden Party at Zenda. A ball game, first and a wonderful programme after {girn?} by a band, Shea's Orchestra and 17 performers. A sleepy but wonderful ride home and got in at a quarter to 3.

Thursday 12

A rainy morning so there was no fruit to pick except a few raspberries. Jack walked out with me to get the mail there was a note from his mother saying she would be here on Sunday for a few hours. Had several dances with Lou and Ethyl before we started the supper dishes. Got to bed a few minutes before ten.

Friday 13

Picked cherries all morning until time to go for the mail and Ethyl and I took them to town in the afternoon. We kids all went to the U.F.Y.P.O. meeting at Mr. Buck's at night and passed an accident on the way.

Had a real nice time listening to the boys programmes. {illegible} {serving?} the mob then several swell dances with Ernie.

August Saturday 14 1926

Had the usual Saturday work to do and went for the mail alone at noon. Bob name up in the afternoon and when we went to town at night, he took Ethyl to Mohawk to dance. Eleanor left for Toronto and Marjorie came home for her holiday so saw her for a little while.

Sunday 15

We 5 kids went to Church and Aunt Ruby, also Mr. Mr. Snell and Mrs. Cooper had come when we got home. They were here until about 5 o'clock. Had supper early then did the milking. Ethyl and Bob went off for a drive so when the boys came Lou and I went with them. Ernie and I drove around "The Hoch" for the first time in a long while and I was in at 10.45.

Monday 16

Ethyl went with me to get the mail and I received a card from Alberta, also a letter from Helen, saying she would come on the 28th. Rather a stormy afternoon and spent it mending while being entertained by Jack telling me all the Temes he had at school. All sleepy at night so retired at 9 o'clock.

August Tuesday 17 1926

Awake at 5.30 but didn't get up until I heard mother. Ethyl went with me again for thr mail in the morning. A rainy afternoon so couldn't pick fruit. Mended stockings instead. After supper, Ethyl and I had several dances to photograph music, then read some and to bed in good time.

Wednesday 18

Ethyl and Jack went with me to town in the morning. Too early for the mail so I walked out for it at noon of the picking a basket of cherries. Real cold but Jack and I went in the river after dinner and Ethyl paddled. Had a nice time at night when Melbourne came down and Ernie brought Jennie, playing "I Doubt It" and dancing. Ira Elmes was supposed to be married at noon.

Thursday 19

Had to deliver a basket of cherries so Ethyl and I took them down in the morning. Saw Ernie in the milk-wagon, also Melbourne at Taylor's, his 17th birthday to-day. The Telfer's, also Scott Turnbill came over in the afternoon and were here for supper. Lou and Ethyl had gone to bed about 9 and i was going when Gordon Webster and Vera landed in with some new Radio batteries.

August Friday 20 1926

A cloudy, cold day. Dan and papa were over to Mr. Pifher's drawing in oats all day so I had the fun of doing all the milking morning and night. Picked some cherries in the afternoon. Jack C. came to take Lou to a Garden Party at night so Ethyl and I went along. Laughed all the way there, then Mr. Bowan got up and sang a laughing piece to make matters worse. Rain and pelted peanuts all the way home.

Saturday 21

Still raining when I got up but stopped later. Lou and I drove Ethyl and Jack to the station right after dinner. Eleanor came down while we were waiting for the train so we brought her home with us for supper. She helped me do some of the dusting. Went in to town at night but the weather was rather stormy so we came home early. Saw Ernie for a few minutes.

Sunday 22 A lovely day for a change. Lou wasn't feeling very good in the morning so we didn't go to church. Finished the milking at night then Ernie came for me with the bunch in Alice's car and we had a dandy supper in the lawn. Six of us went for a moonlight walk after, then a drive, had some ice cream and saw Ernie home. I got in just ahead of Lou.

August Monday 23 1926

The usual Monday morning work and in the afternoon, managed to go over the berry patch in spite of the stormy weather. Lou and I broke the record lately and went off to bed at 8.20.

Tuesday 24

Lou and I went to town in the morning and brought Aunt Marie and Cousin Bertha home with us. Made some ice-cream then spent the rest of the afternoon down by the river. Alice and the gang called for me at night then we went down for Ernie and I had a wonderful time dancing at Mohawk Park until 12 o'clock. Got home at 1.15 after a nice drive with Ernie and I in the from seat so far as {Bondemme?}.

Wednesday 25

I had the job of tying up the wool and grain for Toronto Fair and we sent it off when Lou, mother and I went down to take Aunt Marie and Cousin Bertha home. Drove to Brantford and {illegible} before we left them as they hadn't been there for {years?} they seemed to enjoy it immensely.

August Thursday 26 1926

Lou and I had to go to town again with some cows for Mr. Munn. Got home too early for the mail so had my usual walk after it. All the Munn family, Mrs. Garner and the Sinclair's came ot for the evening and Gordon Webster and "Vid" landed in too orbit a new tranformer for the radio. Danced a little an some fun when we kids ate lunch in the kitchen. Hopped into bed at 12.30.

Friday 27

Had company out to the mail-box and back when Harlod and Kenneth Pilfer, also their dog went with me. Helped mow away a loat of oats after dinner, only the seond one I have had to help with this year. The whole family attended the U.F.Y.P.O meeting at Mrs. Mcrow's when Mr. Nixon and Mr. Davidson spoke. Just 10 o'clock when we got to bed.

Saturday 28

Helped do the baking and went for thr mail in the morning and met Helen at the station about 4 o'clock. Called at Eleanor's and I had the honour of eating the first piece of her first pie. We all went to town at night, Cousin Melville too.I was out for the afternoon. Ernie treated me to a milkshake when the six of us went to the "creamery".

August Sunday 29 1926

Dan's Birthday. He is 19. Jack and the family came for Lou to go to the Fall's just before Helen, Dan, papa and I went to Church. Drove over to Mr. Vernon in the afternoon but came home in good time and as I was getting ready to milk Harvey Hunt and Lawrence Fowler called in. Some joke when the call lasted until Helen, Dan and I had been up to to Mr. Bucks for supper and got home again. Alice and Helen C. had pre-pared it as Mr. and Mrs. Buck didn't get home until we were eating.

Monday 30 Woke up at 1 o'clock when Lou arrived home after her trip. Blue Monday, water system out of order so couldn't do the washing, but the weather was perfect. The Depew's came at night, just as I was changing after milking, then we had to eat supper in front of them. Played cards after though, one game called "Truth" which was a little too much.

Tuesday 31

Helen and I were to town with the cream and some corn in the morning. Saw Ernie working hard and at noon he phoned about going to the show to-morrow night. We girls went for a walk in the afternoon. {Finished ?} getting stung to swipe some supper.

September Wednesday 1 1926

Was getting ready to take Helen to the station when her aunt phoned and said she could stay until to-morrow. I had to help get the chickens coops ready to go to Toronto, in the afternoon Carl and Melbourne called for me at night, then Ernie met us in town and we saw the musical show pu on by the Eckardts I enjoyed it immensely, also the drive home after with Ernie as far as Bendemere. {Deans?} Cockran's wedding.

Thursday 2

Lou and I took Helen to the station and saw her off then had the car looked over, tires pumped up etc. {cut-off} we go to Toronto next week. Saw "somebody" driving Dolly on the milk wagon. Jack came and took Lou for a drive at night and I went to be as soon as I finished the supper dishes but that was 9 o'clock.

Friday 3

Was awake when "Polly" came up the stairs with mother to call me. Did the usual work and at night, Ernie called with Jimmy and they went with Dan and I to a corn roast at Mrs. Buck's. A cold night for games outside but I had a good time, also good feed and night drive home {illegible and cutoff}

September Saturday 4 1926

A nasty, wet day so we didn't wait until night to go to town. Called for Eleanor and she went with me to take Lou to Mary's to stay the week-end. Came back and I accompanied Eleanor while she did some shopping, then I met mother and we had to hurry home. Dan was threshing at McCrow's so there was only 3 of us for supper.

Sunday 5

Some more rain so none of us went to Church. Ernie phoned in the afternoon to see if I would go up home with him for supper as Ethyl Lackey, her sister and Mr Goft were there. He came for me in the Ford with Bob and the two girls. Spent a nice evening with them all and had a never-to-be-forgotten ride home behind Dolly, which turned out to have an unexpected but Oh! a happy ending.

Monday 6

I didn't get so very much sleep, was too happy, I guess. Up in good time for Lou and I had to get the apples ready for Toronto and take them to the Express office. Spent the afternoon getting things ready for the trip to-morrow.

September Tuesday 7 1926

Up at 3.30 and the work done so we were able to leave soon after five. Warren drove all the way and we certainly had one fine day, the weather was perfect. Got a nice lot of prizes on the pultry and 2 seconds and a third on the apples. Jack was with Lou most of the time, then she stayed with him to see the night performance and we left at 5 and were home at 8. Lou didn't arrive until after 3.

Wednesday 8

Lou and I went to the station with the cream in the morning. Received a letter from Jess in the mail saying that she, her mother and Margaret are sailing for England on the 24th. Had a phone call from Ernie at noon and he expects he will be able to go to London with us next week. Was feeling too good I guess, for I had to twist my ankle when I went for the cows.

Thursday 9

A rainy day, clearing at night but cold. Spent the day, hopping around, Dan went for the mail at noon and brough Lou and I invitations to Mary App's on the 17th to a dance. To bed at 9.

September Friday 10 1926

Lou and I shipped the grain and wool to London in the morning. Mr and Mrs Webster were here for a few minutes in the afternoon and she was telling us all about the plans for Florence's wedding. We three kids went to a dance at Mr. Cockrane's at night given in honour of the newly-married pair. Had a good time in spite of my foot but missed Ernie.

Saturday 11

Lou's 23rd birthday and the weather was perfect. Had callers in the afternoon, Bob and Dorothy McCrow and their grandfather. Lou, mother and I went to Brantford after supper to a shower for Florence Webster who is to be married on Monday and had a good laugh when Burnice started being funny, some experience on the road home with a {dreemke?} and his car.

Sunday 12

Lou and I represented the family at Church in the morning and heard a splendid sermon on "Prayer". The Websters called in the afternoon but were not here long. Ernie came at night and we had the most wonderful drive yet, up to his place for clothes then around "the block" once more, A perfect evening after on long time without him.

September Monday 13 1926

Received a letter from Jess saying she would be up on Friday night. In the afternoon Lou and I took some plums down and had the bumps taken out of the fender of the car.

Tuesday 14

One perfect day for our trip to London Fair. Ernie went with us and we all stopped at the school to vote, Ernie's first one. Had lunch first of all when we got to London, Ernie and I hunted up the things we had shown. Walked through the cattle and horse stables and Ernie took me on the Scenic Railway-some joke- on The Sea Play which was thrilling for me. Saw the afternoon performance on the grand-stand then home. Ernie helped milk and we listened to catcher returns while eating supper.

Wednesday 15

Lou and I went to town with the cream in the morning and it started to rain before we got home. I wrote a letter to Helen after dinner. According to the paper, the Liberal Government got in but Smoke won over Davidson here.

September Thursday 16 1926

Some more rain again but it cleared in the afternoon so I could pick some plums. Made out the entries for Paris Fair and there was just 81. Went for the cows at night for the first time in ages.

Friday 17

Three men were here from Stratford to buy some sheep and stayed for dinner. Then the Numan boys came in the afternon and brought some more. At night, Dan went to the corn-roast and Jack came for Lou and I then took Ernie, Cousin Melville and Eleanor to a party at Mary App's. Not many there but I had one wonderful time and drive home in the mist afterwards. Some excietment when the other pair in the back seat thought we were lost. Got in at 2.15.

Saturday 18

Helped do the baking and did the usual cleaning and dusting. Went to town at night, saw Mildred and walked up the hill with her, and came home early as it was misty again.

September Sunday 19 1926

Went to church in the morning and had to go nearly to the front. Coming home, we met Aunt Clara, Uncle Tom, Jess and her friend Kay Stoddart on the way here. Mr. and Mrs. Buck were here in the afternoon, also the two girls and Melboune, who stayed for supper then drove up home with Ernie and I. A lovel, warm moon-light night so we went for a long drive after a got home at 11.20 just as Jack was leaving. Drove "Queen" instead of Dolly.

Monday 20

Spent a busy day getting things ready for the Fair to-morrow but for once were through in fair times at night for we were in bed by ten.

Tuesday 21

Lou and I took the load of fruit, grain, etc. To the Show and had things placed early for once, then had to go down to the Express offices after the grain from London. Lou stayed home at night to entertain Jack but the rest of us went to the show and took Marjorie McCrow with us. Got a nice lot of prizes. To bed about 12.

September Wednesday 22 1926

Lou and I took the cream to the station in the morning, once home and had an early dinner, then we all went to the show. Ernie was helping then shows the Guernseys and we watched a couple of classes shown. Gathered the staff up and were home in good time so I did all the milking while Dan and papa made their second trip. Jack was here for supper. Lou, Dan, Eleanor and I ended the day at Mary looking at all her treasure. Were home at 11.10.

Thursday 23

A misty wet day and a dull afternoon to look over fruit for the show at Galt to-morrow. Finished in goof time and got to bed real early.

Friday 24

Went to Galt with our load and had things placed in good time. Some fun trying to put up an artistic collection of fruit standing in a chair. Dan and papa came home with Lou and I in the Dodge. Rain all afternoon and I did some baking. Aunt Clara, Jess and Margaret were supposed to sail for England to-day.

September Saturday 25 1926

A rainy day for Galt Fair. We all went though and got a fine lot of prizes, even a first on our "artistic collection". Jack came up in the afternoon and helped us load up, then drove the car home for me while I played "gooseberry" in the front seat and watched one of the prettiest sunsets as the rain stopped when it was time to come home.

Sunday 26

A nice bright day but real cold, a frost last night. Mother, Lou, Dan and I went to church in the morning and heard a fine sermon on "three things we ought to know". Was there at night again with Ernie, Carl drove us down and back in the car. Rev. Simon Edwards preached. Got "Queen", then Ernie and I drove "around the block" and he came in for a few minutes when we arrived home. Gave me a letter from Karen to read {with?) with a couple of good pictures in it.

Monday 27

Finished the morning's work then Lou and I had to take a couple of pies to the booth at the School Fair. Delivered some pears at Eleanor's and Mrs. Edwards gave us our dinner. Spent the afternoon getting fruit ready for Drumbo Show.

September Tuesday 28 1926

Made two trips to Drumbo Show, had to take papa back with a pair of chicken's he forgot the second time. Had the honour of meeting Mr. Cosby from Smithville, who was to judge the poultry. In the afternoon, Lou and I had to go down with the car, as, mother phoned Mr. Bosworth about it in the morning, nothing much wrong but it takes the hills better now.

Wednesday 29

Lou and I took the cream to the station, then came home and got a bunch ready for Show and were at Drumbo by noon. Stuck in the mud for a few minutes so parked our car in another place. Some surprise when we saw Ernie back of us in Mr. Birley's truck, with a load of sheep on, so the afternoon wasn't a bit slow as I expected it was going to be. Mrs. Cunningham came so far as their place with us on the way home.

Thursday 30

A perfect autumn day. I picked and canned plums in the morning, also went for the mail and after I helped with the dinner dishes, picked 4 baskets of plums, then went at my old job of picking apples. Jack came at night so it was after midnight when we got to bed. In the Paris paper Effie Howard is married.

October Friday 1 1926

Never thought until I was doing the milking that we were awake again at the end of another month and the start of a new one. Heard some more news when Eleanor phoned, Wade Walter is married. Lou and I were to town in the morning with a load of plums and apples. Did some baking and dusting after dinner.

Saturday 2 Rather dull and rainy looking in the morning but it cleared in the afternoon, so that it was perfect for Mary 's wedding at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Wishart phoned afterwards, wanting us to go out and see the flower, which we did and Eleanor went with us. Tasted the wedding-cake and had some ice-cream. Came back to town and saw Ernie for a few minutes.

Sunday 3

The whole family attended church in the morning as it was Communion service. Cousin Mrtyle and Will, Bessie, Harold and Uncle Tom had dinner with us and stayed until milking time. Lou went to the Presbyterian Church with Jack and Ernie came for me later with "Dolly" and we had one long, lovely drive and didn't get back until twelve.

October Monday 4 1926

Blue-birds for happiness and one was singing when I went out to milk first thing in the morning. A nice warm day but we got a storm before the day was over. Papa had trouble with his truck coming from town and Jack {came?} home with him to {fix?} it and on account of the rain he stayed all night.

Tuesday 5

For the first time in years I didn't go to Burford Fair with any fruit. Dan and papa took the grain and poultry over and managed to get there with it, although they were stopped on the road for a while. Had the pleasure of Polly's company to the mail-box and back. Sweet memories of a month ago.

Wednesday 6

Papa drove to town with me when I took the cream down and shipped some chickens to Bramp-ton. We all went over to Burford about dinner- time saw Ernie in town as we went through, and had a punk time all afternoon at the Fair. Late getting home at night and Mr. Churchill with his two {messages?} waiting for supper.

October Thursday 7 1926

Lou and I had a wild-goose chase to the station after Mr. J. Short as he didn't come to the train. Saw Ernie busy delivering milk, on Banfield Street. Just 16 men for dinner but the silo was filled in record time, as they were all in for supper again soon after four. Some rush in the afternoon getting things ready.

Friday 8

A nice clear day but cold. Lou and I delivered some fruit in town about noon then I did the weekly cleaning up in the house and finished the afternoon picking apples. Mr. Wilson and his wife were here for supper Lou, Dan and I left right after for the U.F.Y.P.O. meeting which was held at Cousin {Myrtle's?}, Marie and Elizabeth went with us. A nice time and a couple of dances after, or should I say one, with Ernie.

Saturday 9

Read some more of Ernie's diary which he let me have last night. Cousin Melville came out at noon so helped pick apples in the afternoon. Mr. Kent and the youngsters were but after came {Snowe?} and later the man came from Kitchener who brought some apples 2 years ago so papa is going to let him have them this year. To town at night but came home early.

October Sunday 10 1926

Made a grand rush and went to Church before we went to Princeton for dinner at Mr. Hewitt's. Mr. and Mrs. Heas and their. little girl, Grace were there, also Tom Hewitt's little girl. Beatrice, Jack came after Lou to take her to Church at Richwood and Ernie drove up for his clothes then once more spent a most enjoyable evening, coming home to find the Ford parked.

Monday 11

A certain song kept going through my head all the time I was doing my work in the morning and it was "I Love You Truly." Lou and I had another trip to town after dinner when we shipped some Bantams to Norwich. Was going to bed in good time but didn't get there until after eleven as Mr. Prime and some fellow selling baskets landed in.

Tuesday 12

A real nice day and I spent the afternoon in the orchard. At night Jack came for the three of us and we went to Eleanor's to celebrate Cousin Melville's and my birthday, which is coming. Ernie arrived about 9.30 after practicing the play. {Illegible} time opening up parcels. Mice was on {atomic few?}

October Wednesday 13 1926

Nearly gave "something" all away when Lou surprised me by asking if I knew what Ernie was going to give me for my birthday and I had the misfortune to blush. Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Forrest and Dorothy May. Edith's little girl, called at night after Lou and Dan were in bed.

Thursday 14

Mother went to town with me in the morning to see about Dan having an operation. Saw Ernie for a few minutes to talk to while mother was at the doctor's. Once more on Thursday, Oct. 14, I said Good-bye but this time it was to Dan when we left him at the hospital at 6.30. Did the milking when I came home and then listened to the Radio until 10.00 wondered if Dan were sleeping.

Friday 15

Mr. Munroe phoned as soon as the operation was over to say that Dan had come through it alright. Picked up potatoes after dinner, then mother, Lou and I went down to see him. Only stayed a few minutes as he was quite "dopey" yet. Jack came in the evening to see Lou.

October Saturday 16 1926

A nasty, wet day. Mother received a card from Aunt Clara, which was posted in Liverpool. Paid Dan a visit in the afternoon, then Lou and I got Eleanor and did the Saturday shopping while mother stayed at the hospital. Eleanor told us about another wedding, Edith Martin is going to marry Wilfred {Gurney?} this month.

Sunday 17

Took Marjorie McCrow to church with us and left mother at the hospital while we were there. Jack came in the afternoon and was here for supper, then he and Lou took another drive to see Dan again. Ernie was in {with?} him in the afternoon and came for me at night and we spent the evening at his place. Saw a certain birthday present coming home {illegible...} nice as the {given?}.

Monday 18

Rain again. Went for the mail about noon and there was a letter from Helen, also one for Dan from her. Mother, Lou and I spent part of the afternoon with him and he seemed a lot better, perhaps the letter had something to do with it.

October Tuesday 19 1926

Was down to see Dan in the afternoon and he was some pretty carnations to look at that Mrs. Webster brought him last night. Had the Websters and Warren, Maggie and Aunt Josie here in the evening after they visited Dan. Was more than pleased when Ernie phoned to let me know how he made out in the Brant County Plowing Match. He fot first and he also invited me to the feed {they?} are giving the actors after the play to-morrow.

Wednesday 20

Rain at frist then the forst snow-storm of the season. A {softer?} day and Harry Munn and {Marie?} Walter were supposed to be married in the afternoon. Lou and I had two trips to the Express Office in the morning, the second one, after Mr Nison who was here for dinner. I was terribly disappointed when we couldn't go at night to see the play Ernie was in so spent the evening burning up a certain bunch of letters.

Thursday 21 We managed to get down to see Dan in the afternoon and he' begininng to want to come home. Dan, Lou and I recived letters from Jess, also some pictures of England. Ernie called up and he had come first in to-days match and was first for thr best crown, for the first time.

October Friday 22 1926

Rain, nothing but Rain! Didn't get down to see Dan, did some baking and dusting, etc. instead.

Saturday 23

A better day than we've had lately and we went to town in the afternoon. Lou and i did the shopping while mother was wirh Dan, then Eleanor and Lou and I spent some time with him before we had to go afte Cousin Melville. He and Elanor came out with us. Ernie phoned after supper and I had a chat with him while the rest were in the kitchen.

Sunday 24

Another dark, wet day as far as the weather was concerned but Ernie came for me early in the afternoon and we went with his folks up to Uncle Art's. Wore my birthday present but no one noticed it until we got home at night and Lou spied it when Ernie came in for a few minutes, One wonderful day for me.

October Monday 25 1926

Just 25 years ago at 8 o'clock in the morning I appeared on the scene, only it was a Thursday. Lou and mother had to have another look at "the ring" and mother never said a thing only asked what Ernie intended to do for a living. While I did the milking at night, I was composing a letter to Ernie but lost nerve when it came to writing it.

Tuesday 26

Drove papa up to Mr. Well's about noon to see the thresher there so didn't have to walk out for the mail. Managed to get down to see Dan in the afternoon and wore my ring for the second time but didn't have Ernie to put it on. Dan looked a lot better than he has for a long while.

Wednesday 27

Mrs. Adeney was in after eggs so I had a ride out to the mail-box. A lovely day for a change. Some run when I went for the cows at night after old "Nigger" and a heifer but with the help of Mr. Taylor and his father got them back in the pasture. Jack was here and spent the evening with {illegible}.

October Thursday 28 1926

Dan phoned from the hospital in morning. He was out in a chair. Went down to see him after dinner and took Mrs. Elmes and Cousin Bertha wit us. While there, Mr. Webster came in, then she came out home with us and Mr. Webster came after her at night with Bernice and Forrest. He mad the Radio work once more, and didn't it sound fine.

Friday 29

A real nice day and spent some of it getting ready for the Masquerade dance of the U.F.Y.P.O Club, held at Cochrane's. Ernie and Roscoe came after Lou and I and Ernie got 2nd at the N. Dumfries {Playing?} match. Some rare costumes at the dance and as it was my first masquerade party, I surely enjoyed it, especially the dances with Ernie. Also my first ride in the truck {illegible} in the front seat.

Saturday 30

More rain but mother and I managed to get down for Dan in the morning and brought him home once more. Duated in the afternoon with the aid ? of Polly. Have to use lamps at night but they are not so bad, especially when the Radio is working good as it was to night.

October Sunday 31 1926

Lou and I went to Church in the morning and heard a great sermon on "How God works in a round about way". Called at Eleanor's on the way home. Lou spent the afternoon at the Cunningham's and after she left, the Telfer family, Cousin Eva and Uncle Tom called. Ernie came later so I had company while I milked, Listened to Radio a little while after the dishes were done, Ernie helped me wipe them, then he took me for a drive, up home and "around the block". One wonderful ride with and perfect ending.

November Monday 1

Milked old "Nigger" for the last time in the morning, as she and the younger cattle went right after dinner, then Lou and I had a trip down to the Junction after papa. His 63rd birthday and a nasty wet day. A lonesome job milking at night after last night.

Tuesday 2

Mr. Webster and two Hydro men were here in the afternoon to see about us getting Hydro. Started making some Christmas gift and amused Dan by the way I was doing things.

November Wednesday 3 1926

Lou and I were to town in the morning with the cream and had the November interest put on our {Back books?}. Saw the Golden Guernsey milk wagon but better still, saw Ernie himself at night, when he and Roco spent the evening with us. Jack was here too and {Aeshie Will?} who is going to {Illegible?} to-morrow. Some {illegible} candy, then dancing with Ernie, although Lou was trying to tell one how rude I was.


The Threashers were here all day so we were busy getting meals ready most of the time.

Friday 5

The threshing was done by noon and we had only 8 extra men for dinner. I helped pick over some peas for the "Royal" then Lou and I took them and the oats to the Express Office. Mr. Pifher went down town with us. Most wonderful 2 months of my life have just passed.

November Saturday 6 1926

Cousin Melville came out at dinner-time and Lou and I helped him pick up potatoes until time to go to town. Took Eleanor down with us while we did our shopping. Marjorie Telfer phoned at night. She is home for the week-end.

Sunday 7

Went to the reopening of our Church in the morning and it certainly is beautiful now. Some crowd there Uncle Tom Van Berklin and his sister were here when we came home and the Webster family all landed in the afternoon. To church at night again with Lou and Jack but didn't come home with them. {Illegible} I had another wonderful drive with Ernie after having pie at the Galt road Fridge.

Monday 8

A nice sunny day and Marjorie, Bessie, Harold and Cousin Eve came over for dinner. Had a good laugh when Marjorie asked about my ring. Thanksgiving Day again and a real one for me with so much to be thankful for, but most of all, Ernie and all the thrilling times we've had.

November Tuesday 9 1926

A mild wet day with a thunderstorm at night. I had the job of helping papa get the chicken ready for the Winter Fair at Toronto and that took up most of the day.

Wednesday 10

Washed some more chickens feet in the afternoon and as the weather was much colder, it wasn't much fun. Jack came in on his way home from work so was here for supper and the evening.

Thursday 11

Papa shipped the poultry to Toronto so took the cream down with him and Lou and I didn't have to go. Ernie came at night and we spent a quiet evening listening to an Armistice Day programme from New york, of such pieces {illegible} "K. Katie", "Till We Meet Again" and "There's a Long Long {Rail?}"

November Friday 12 1926

Mr. and Mrs. Burrill drove out in the morning with some cabbages, carrots, etc. for us and stayed for dinner. Lou and I received a letter from Jess in the mail, written before she received mine.

Saturday 13

Mother, Lou, Dan and I went to town in the afternoon and took Marjorie McCrow with us, also Mrs. Elmes and Eleanor. Some Load! Lou drove as far as the corner with Jack in the truck coming home.

Sunday 14

We all were over to Aunt Josie's for dinner and the afternoon I {reve?} had to play at church so we had a quite time. Came home rather early so finished the work in good time. Ernie and I had one more wonderful dive "around the block" then stopped at his place on the way back {illegible} awhile and Roscoe.

November 15 1926

A beautiful morning but showers after dinner. Mr. Buck and Melbourne were down pulling turnips for us so we got them all in. I helped load one load and got a soaking doing it.

Tuesday 16

A rainy night, so didn't decide to go to Toronto until Warren phoned. One mad rush but we were off a little before 9. Had the good-luck to see Ernie on Banfield St on our way. Ate our lunch before we went into the Show, then spent the afternoon seeing things. I learned something about canning fruit, I didn't know before. Left for home soon after it and when we got back Jack had finished the milking. U.F.Y.P.O meeting but we were too late to go.

Wednesday 17

A nice day once again. Had lots of odd jobs to do. Received an invitation at noon from Mrs. Crombie to a dance on Friday night.

November Thursday 18 1926

Rain all day then snow at night. Drove papa to the station in the morning as he went to Toronto again to buy back his grain. Helped Dan clean some grain by turning the fanning milk. Jack, Lou and Dan and I started down to the station for papa but I got out when I met Ernie coming in and came home with him. Told him something I thought of during the week.

Friday 19

A year or two ago it would have taken a lot to have kept me from going to the dance at Crombrie's but things have changed some since then and stayed home, even after papa said we ought to go if the roads weren't too bad. I wonder why?

Saturday 20

Mother and I went to town in the morning so had to do the Saturday's baking after dinner. Had "anti freeze" put in the car as the weather is colder again. Called Ernie up at night to see if he had to work to-morrow night or not.

November Sunday 21 1926

The whole family managed to get to Church in the morning, Marjorie McCrow went down with us, then we had dinner at Cousin Myrtle's. Ernie came after one there and we had a nice snowy drive home. He helped us milk after we had a good laugh at his costume. When the supper dishes were all done, he took me up to his mother's and we spent the evening sitting around the stove then an enjoyable drive home.

Monday 22

The usual Monday's work then in the afternoon I helped Lou pick over some of the Show Oats. Mrs. Kelly phoned at noon to find out if I could go with the bunch to Guelph on Friday to a Conference.

Tuesday 23

Baked some pies for mother in the morning then put in another afternoon hand picking oats. Heard some good radio while we were doing it, which helped some.

November Wednesday 24 1926

Spent another day doing the grain for Guelph. Had a phone-call from Ernie at night about going on Friday. Just one month ago, I wore my ring for the first time.

Thursday 25 Lou, Mother, Dan and I went to town in the afternoon and sent off the grain to Guelph besides doing some shopping Ernie phoned and said he was going home for the night.

Friday 26

Awake at 6 but didn't get up until 20 after as it was raining. Ernie came for me and we left his car at Mrs. Kelly's and went with Harold Wilma to Guelph. An {illegible} day for me listening to speeches, etc. Had dinner and supper with the boys in the Cafeteria. Joe Skys came home with us. One wonderful ride, even if there was a flat tire and it was raining. Finished the day by attending the dance at William's were I had some swell dances with Ernie. Home at 3.45 after a cold drove in Jack's care and {Illegible}.

November Saturday 27 1926

Spent the day, picking chickens and turkeys for Guelph. Rain and it was one cold job. Went to bed early at night, was there by 8.30.

Sunday 28

We all had dinner and spent the afternoon at Warren's, Betty's birthday, she is 3 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Webster called in the evening but I went with Ernie when he came for a ride "around the block" then called for Roscoe and brought him down with us. The boys came in for a little while before going home. Some argument in the kitchen on speeches, etc.

Monday 29

Up rather early to get the dressed poultry packed, then I did the milking and separating while Dan and papa did the other work and they went to the Express Office. Received, or at least papa did, his bronze medal for best collection of {illegible} at the C.N.E.

November Tuesday 30 1926

Drove mother to town in the afternoon since we didn't get down on Saturday. Sat up and listened to a good Radio concert until 10 o'clock.

December Wednesday 1

Election day, so the four of us went to the school after dinner to vote. Listened to the returnes over the Radio at night and Mr. Nixson got in here as we didn't lose our votes. However the rest of Ontario went for Governemnrt control of liquors and Mr. Ferguson or rather Connservatives won by a big majority.

Thursday 2

A cold day for our trip to Guelph. Mother stayed home but Jack and Ernie came and went with us - after the car started and Ernie had blistered his hand cranking it. Saw most of the show before lunch and sat in the ring for a while after with Ernie and talked about several {things?} a nice ride home, sepecially when they let me get in the middle, ate chocolate most the way. A nice warm horse {rauppu?} when did the milking, danced and took Ernie home, aslo {illegible}, it was the end of a perfect day.

December Friday 3 1926

Found out a few things from papa while we were milking in the morning. Had company at night, Mr. and Mrs. Cocharne, Isabel, Scott and Donald were all here. Kept wishing it were last night again.

Saturday 4

Recived an early phone call from Eleanor saying "Mickey" had disappeared- she was quite worried about him. A cold day and I didn't even have to go for the mail ad Dan and papa madetwo trips, one to town and one to Telfer's. They put in the cattle and horse for winter and I had the fun of helping them tie up the cattle after I finished milking.

Sunday 5

A real winter day and we didn't get out to Church. Ernie came about 4 o'clock, stayed till {I?} helped with the milking, then he took me up to his mother's for supper. Had one pleasant evening, even if we did have a serious talk after Mrs. Buck go the rest off to bed. Memories of 3 months ago. Home at 11.20 {Lou?} home fun helping Jack get his car out of a snow drift.

December Monday 6 1926

Helped papa get some chickens ready for Galt Show in the morning and he hired Taylor's truck to take them up in the afternoon.

Tuesday 7

Lou, Dan and I went to town in the afternoon and had some fun getting up the fast hill. Eleanor phoned and the boys found her cat so she was feeling quite gay again.

Wednesday 8

Received our 1925 Income Tax papers as will have to make them out now, started them in the afternoon. Jack was here at night and Ernie brought Roscoe and Jeremy to help clip the {cows?} for us. They were late finishing up so didn't see much of Ernie.

December Thursday 9 1926

They certainly made a big improvement in the cows. Warren, Maggie and his sister called in the morning, just as I was mixing up the Christmas cake so I had to finish my job. Papa went to the Galt Poultry Show in the afternoon and arrived home about 10.30 with one cup and some special prizes.

Friday 10

Had to make two trips to the mail-box as there was nothing there when I went out at noon. Jack came and took the three of us to the U.F.Y.P.O Box Social. Some social, as there were two boys to every girl. Ward Kelly and Nelson Hamilton helped me eat mine. A swell ride home afterwards as Jack drove Ernie down to "Bendemere"

Sunday 11

Did the usual baking and cleaning up and also finished making out the Income papers. Went to bed early at night.

December Sunday 12 1926

Lou, Dan and I went to Church in the morning and took Marjorie with us. Called in at Eleanor's on the way home to get the pictures of Mary's wedding, and saw Alberta and Pete who were there for the day. Ernie came for me about 9 o'clock and took me up home to get Roscoe. Had another talk about our plans for next year.

Monday 13

A damp, misty day, a real "blue Monday". Had a call from the Watkin's agent just as I was doing the breakfast dishes. Spent the afternoon hem-stitching curtains for the parlour and also talking over different things.

Tuesday 14

Had the job of icing the Christmas cake in the morning and after dinner, finished another curtain besides doing my usual work. Went to bed early at night then Lou and I talked till late.

December Wednesday 15 1926

I might have lost Polly, as she fell in the tank of water while she was hunting in the attic but she was smart enough to hop out. Was to town with Dan in the afternoon drove the pony down and we had a nice cold ride. Jack was here at night to see Lou.

Thursday 16

Lou and I spent the afternoon getting parcels done up for Christmas, then at night I wrote a letter to Helen and addressed the {Illegible} I have to mend. Mother received a phone call from {Chachain} saying that her brother Harry is dead.

Friday 17

A cold walk to the mail-box at noon then didn't get anything so had to go in the afternoon again but got a ride out with Mr. Holmes. He came with one of the tail-less kittens for papa. Lou named it "Sonny". Hung the new parlour curtains with Lou's help.

December Saturday 18 1926

One endless week_ but to-morrow's Sunday. Mother went to town with Dan in the afternoon. Eleanor phoned to let us know what she received for her birthday. It was roses and they arrived a trifle early.

Sunday 19

Ernie came early in the afternoon and we went down to have a look at the other house it was just a look so we couldn't go inside. A wonderful afternoon for me, also evening. Ernie helped milk and after supper about 9.30 we drove up to his mother's after {some?} at Bendemere soon, now. Some excitement when his car {Illegible} so it was 1.30 when we got to bed.

Monday 20

From 10 until 4.30 we packed 17 geese, 3 turkeys and {illegible} chickens. Eleanor's 26th birthday and she phoned in the afternoon.

December Tuesday 21 1926

Supposed to be the shortest day but it was more like the longest as we were up real early to get the poultry off to town. Did the wash-ing, had an early dinner, went out with Dan to the mail-box, {got?} a parcel from England than Dan brought one home from Hamilton. I put up a few decorations and Mr. and Mrs. Webster came in some more parcels for us and some fun when mother told her about Lou and I and our plans.

Wednesday 22

Busy getting ready for Christmas Day. Mother cooked the cranberries and I made the pudding sauce. Lou went to a concert at Richwood at night and came to bed about 1 o'clock.

Thursday 23

Drove mother and Dan to town with the car and had it washed while we did the last of our christmas {shopping? Saw?} Ernie {who gave?} us a calendar. We came at night {illegible} time helped me with {illegible} after supper, then took Lou and I to the {illegible} canning. Had a wonderful {illegible] I guess. Just see what happens. It must have been the {illegible} for christmas.

December Friday 24 1926

A real busy day so didn't have much chance to get excited over parcels. Nearly had a fit when I got one from Bill but there was something for Lou and Dan also inside so I wasn't quite so mad. Received invitations to Marjorie McCrow's next Tuesday night.

Saturday 25

Did the milking before we opened any parcels. I got one big surprise when I thought Ernie had given me a diary and Lou came down with another great big package from him which turned out to be the swellest set of white ivory in a case of grey and blue. Just 17 for dinner- I {illegible} had a diagonal. The Telfer's left early, then Jack took Cousin Melville down for Eleanor and after the chores were done, we young folks went up to Mrs. Buck's for supper and made 25 there. Helped with the dishes after and spent the evening dancing. Had some wonderful ones with Ernie and so ended the happiest Christmas Day I have ever had.

Sunday 26

Cousin Eva and Uncle Tom stayed yesterday and are going to be here for a while. Spent a quite afternoon sitting around the fire-place. Ernie was here in time to help milk and Jack came for supper. Had a good laugh when Eleanor was kissed under the mistletoe. One wonderful {Illegible} when for the first time I had somebody's head on my lab in front of the {glate?}. Ernie when home early and took Eleanor and Cousin Melville in.

December Monday 27 1926

Slept in some so we had to make up for lost time to get the washing, etc. done by dinner-time. Had some fun in the afternoon, looking through "Hope Chests" and planning. Was in bed by 9 o'clock to get some sleep for to-morrow night.

Tuesday 28

Cousin Eva and I spent the afternoon cutting out some of the goods Mother gave me for Christmas. Jack came for us at night to go to Mrs. McCrow's. Would have had one slow time, as there was such a crowd there if it hadn't been for Ernie. He brought me home so we left rather early and had one perfect tide down the road, planning different things and then the worst part od all, he had to go.

Wednesday 29

Didn't go for the mail until the afternoon. Got several letters written and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Pifher came over to let papa know about the price of the farm etc.{So?} didn't get to bed until 11.15.

December Tuesday 30 1926

Mr. and Mrs. Buck came down in the afternoon and he went with papa to look over Mr. Pifher's farm while we women folks sewed and mended etc. and talked over different matters. They seemed to be trying to prepare me for the worst but... I'm afraid it fell on death ears. We kids drove the car into Eleanor's at night and spent a nice evening playing cards. I {illegible Wishbart?} family and Jack and Ernie were there too and I was lucky enough to get Ernie as a partner to start anyway.

Friday 31

Drove the car to town once more in the morning and got one glimpse of Ernie on his milk sleigh. Was home by noon and Lou had dinner already. Ernie came in the evening and Jack didn't get here until late but we spent the last of 1926 the most wonderful year yet, in front of the fire-place and I had the pleasure of having the head of the dearest boy I know, on my lap. Yes 1926 was even more wonderful then 1920 and that is saying something.


Saw January in and out, February in and out and March in and also out then the beginning of April and the end of it. We were singing "Everything's Gonna Be Alright" as May started. Jack was here- but Ernie was here to see it go and June come in.

Broke the record at the end of June but saw the beginning of August and October. Some year!.


Duty makes us do thing well but love makes us do them beautifully.

Transmutation A grain of sand in an oyster's shell That it couldn't eject, so it covered it well With a precious coast which we call a gem, and deem it fit for a diadem

A bit of care that the heart lends space- That love cannot escape, but can outwardly grace With such royal beauty till all the world May see how a care can be impearled

No longer doubt, nor fear, nor, grieve, Nor on uncertain evils dwell; Past, present, future calmly leave To them who doeth all things well

Imperishable Alone in power, supreme in grace, With the wings of an eagle, the voice of a dove; Outlasting death and time and space- love.

Weather Records

Date Remarks Therm

The Human Touch

High thoughts and noble in all lands Help me, my soul is fed by such. But, ah, the touch of lips and hands- The human touch! Warm, vital, close, life's eye {bols?} dear- There need I most, and now and here.

March 3, 1927

Wedding picture of Jean Barker and Ernest Buck at Hazel Grove Farm Picture given to me (L.B.) by Maggie Barker June 19/86

Transcription Progress



Jean Barker Diary 1926 Part 1.pdf
Jean Barker Diary 1926 Part 2.pdf
Jean Barker 1926 Diary Transcripts.pdf


Jean Barker, “Jean Barker Diary & Transcription, 1926,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 12, 2025,
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